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Integrability properties and Limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of planar Brownian motion


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Integrability properties and Limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of planar Brownian motion

Stavros Vakeroudis, Marc Yor

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Stavros Vakeroudis, Marc Yor. Integrability properties and Limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of planar Brownian motion. 2011. �hal-00654695�


Integrability properties and Limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of planar Brownian motion

S. Vakeroudis ∗† M. Yor ∗‡

December 22, 2011


We obtain some integrability properties and some limit Theorems for the exit time from a cone of a planar Brownian motion, and we check that our computations are correct via Bougerol’s identity.

Key words: Bougerol’s identity, planar Brownian motion, skew-product representation, exit time from a cone.

MSC Classification (2010): 60J65, 60F05.

1 Introduction

We consider a standard planar Brownian motion§ (Zt = Xt+iYt, t 0), starting from x0 +i0, x0 > 0, where (Xt, t 0) and (Yt, t 0) are two independent linear Brownian motions, starting respectively from x0 and 0.

As is well known [ItMK65], since x0 6= 0, (Zt, t 0) does not visit a.s. the point 0 but keeps winding around 0 infinitely often. In particular, the continuous winding process θt = Im(Rt

0 dZs

Zs ), t 0 is well defined. A scaling argument shows that we may assume x0 = 1, without loss of generality, since, with obvious notation:

Zt(x0), t0(law)


x0Z(t/x(1) 2

0), t0

. (1)

Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires (LPMA) CNRS : UMR7599, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, Université Paris-Diderot - Paris VII, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France. E-mail: stavros.vakeroudis@etu.upmc.fr

Probability and Statistics Group, School of Mathematics, University of Manchester, Alan Turing Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, United Kingdom.

Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France. E-mail: yormarc@aol.com

§When we simply write: Brownian motion, we always mean real-valued Brownian motion, starting from 0. For 2-dimensional Brownian motion, we indicate planar or complex BM.


Thus, from now on, we shall take x0 = 1.

Furthermore, there is the skew product representation:

log|Zt|+t Z t


dZs Zs

= (βu+u)

u=Ht=Rt 0



, (2)

where u+u, u0) is another planar Brownian motion starting from log 1 +i0 = 0.

Thus, the Bessel clock H plays a key role in many aspects of the study of the winding number process t, t 0) (see e.g. [Yor80]).

Rewriting (2) as:

log|Zt|=βHt; θt =γHt, (3) we easily obtain that the two σ-fields σ{|Zt|, t 0} and σ{βu, u 0} are identical, whereas u, u0) is independent from(|Zt|, t 0).

We shall also use Bougerol’s celebrated identity in law [Bou83, ADY97] and [Yor01] (p.

200), which may be written as:

for fixed t, sinh(βt)(law)= ˆβAt(β) (4) where u, u 0) is 1-dimensional BM, Au(β) = Ru

0 dsexp(2βs) and ( ˆβv, v 0) is another BM, independent of u, u 0). For the random times Tc|θ| inf{t : |θt| = c}, and Tc|γ| inf{t : |γt| = c}, (c > 0) by using the skew-product representation (3) of planar Brownian motion [ReY99], we obtain:

Tc|θ| =AT|γ|

c (β) Z Tc|γ|


dsexp(2βs) = Hu−1 u=Tc|γ|

. (5)

Moreover, it has been recently shown that, Bougerol’s identity applied with the random time Tc|θ| instead oft in (4) yields the following [Vak11]:

Proposition 1.1 The distribution of Tc|θ| is characterized by its Gauss-Laplace trans- form:


"s 2c2 πTc|θ|


x 2Tc|θ|


= 1

1 +xϕm(x), (6) for every x0, with m= 2cπ, and:

ϕm(x) = 2

(G+(x))m+ (G(x))m, G±(x) =

1 +x±

x. (7)

The remainder of this article is organized as follows: in Section 2 we study some inte- grability properties for the exit times from a cone; more precisely we obtain some new results concerning the negative moments of Tc|θ| and of Tcθ inf{t:θt=c}. In Section 3 we state and prove some limit Theorems for these random times forc0and for c→ ∞ followed by several generalizations (for extensions of these works to more general planar processes, see e.g. [DoV12]). We use these results in order to obtain (see Remark 3.4) a


new simple non-computational proof of Spitzer’s celebrated asymptotic Theorem [Spi58], which states that:

2 logt θt


t→∞−→C1 , (8)

with C1 denoting a standard Cauchy variable (for other proofs, see also e.g. [Wil74, Dur82, MeY82, BeW94, Yor97, Vak11]). Finally, in Section 4 we use the Gauss-Laplace transform (6) which is equivalent to Bougerol’s identity (4) in order to check our results.

2 Integrability Properties

Concerning the moments of Tc|θ|, we have the following (a more extended discussion is found in e.g. [MaY05]):

Theorem 2.1 For every c >0, Tc|θ| enjoys the following integrability properties:

(i) for p >0, Eh Tc|θ|


<, if and only if p < 4cπ. (ii) for any p <0, Eh




Corollary 2.2 For 0< c < d, the random times T−d,cθ inf{t : θt / (d, c)}, Tc|θ| and Tcθ satisfy the inequality:

Tcθ T−d,cθ Tc|θ|. (9)

Thus, their negative moments satisfy:

f or p >0, E 1




1 T−d,cθ p






<. (10) Proofs of Theorem 2.1 and of Corollary 2.2

(i) The original proof is given by Spitzer [Spi58], followed later by many authors [Wil74, Bur77, MeY82, Dur82, Yor85]. See also [ReY99] Ex. 2.21/page 196.

(ii) In order to obtain this result, we might use the representation Tc|θ| =AT|γ|

c together with a recurrence formula for the negative moments of At [Duf00], Theorem 4.2, p. 417 (in fact, Dufresne also considers A(µ)t = Rt

0 dsexp(2βs+ 2µs), but we only need to take µ= 0 for our purpose, and we note At A(0)t ) [Vakth11]. However, we can also obtain this result by simply remarking that the RHS of the Gauss-Laplace transform (6) in Proposition 1.1 is an infinitely differentiable function in 0 (see also [VaY11]), thus:


1 Tc|θ|


<, for every p >0. (11) Now, Corollary 2.2 follows immediately from Theorem 2.1 (ii).


3 Limit Theorems for T


3.1 Limit Theorems for Tc|θ|, as c → 0 and c → ∞

The skew-product representation of planar Brownian motion allows to prove the three following asymptotic results for Tc|θ|:

Proposition 3.1 a) Forc0, we have:


c2 Tc|θ|(law)−→c→0 T1|γ|. (12)

b) For c→ ∞, we have:


c log Tc|θ| (law)

c→∞−→2|β|T1|γ|. (13)

c) Forε0, we have:

1 ε2

Tc+ε|θ| Tc|θ|(law)

−→ε→0 exp T|γ|


T1γ, (14) whereγ stands for a real Brownian motion, independent fromγ, andT1γ = inf{t:γt = 1} Proof of Proposition 3.1:

We rely upon (5) for the three proofs. By using the scaling property of BM, we obtain:


c (β)(law)= Au(β)




c2Tc|θ|(law)= Z T1|γ|


dv exp (2cβv) . (15)

a)Forc0, the RHS of (15) converges toT1|γ|, thus we obtain part a)of the Proposition.

b) Forc→ ∞, taking logarithms on both sides of (15) and dividing by c, on the LHS we obtain 1c log


2c logcand on the RHS:

1 c log

Z T1|γ|


dv exp (2cβv)


= log

Z T1|γ|


dv exp (2cβv)



which, from the classical Laplace argument: kfkpp→∞−→kfk, converges for c → ∞, to- wards:

2 sup


v)(law)= 2|β|T1|γ|.


This proves part b) of the Proposition.


Tc+ε|θ| Tc|θ| =

Z Tc+ε|γ|


du exp (2βu) =

Z Tc+ε|γ|−Tc|γ|


dv exp T|γ|


exp 2


c βT|γ|


= exp T|γ|


Z Tc+ε|γ|−Tc|γ|


dv exp (2Bv), (16)



c βT|γ|

c , s0

is a BM independent of Tc|γ|.

We study nowT˜c,c+ε|γ| Tc+ε|γ| Tc|γ|, the first hitting time of the levelc+εfrom|γ|, starting from c. Thus, we define: ρu ≡ |γu|, starting also from c. Thus, ρu =c+δu+Lu, where s, s0) is a BM and (Ls, s0)is the local time of ρ at 0. Thus:

T˜c,c+ε|γ| = inf{u0 :ρu =c+ε} ≡inf{u0 :δu+Lu =ε}


= ε2inf

v 0 : 1

εδ2 + 1

εL2 = 1

. (17)

From Skorokhod’s Lemma [ReY99]:

Lu = sup


((cδy)0) we deduce:


εL2 = sup




= sup


cε1 εδσε2


= 0. (18)

Hence, with γ denoting a new BM independent from γ, (16) writes:

Tc+ε|θ| Tc|θ| = exp T|γ|


Z ε2T1γ 0

dv exp (2Bv). (19) Thus, dividing both sides of (19) by ε2 and making ε 0, we obtain part c) of the Proposition.

Remark 3.2 The asymptotic result c) in Proposition 3.1 may also be obtained in a straightforward manner from (16) by analytic computations. Indeed, using the Laplace transform of the first hitting time of a fixed level by the absolute value of a linear Brownian motion Eh


2 2 Tb|γ|i

= cosh(λb)1 (see e.g. Proposition 3.7, p 71 in Revuz and Yor [ReY99]), we have that for 0< c < b, and λ0:



2 2


= cosh(λc)

cosh(λb) (20)

Using now b=c+ε, for every ε >0, the latter equals:

cosh(λcε) cosh λε(c+ε)

−→ε→0 e−λ.

The result follows now by remarking that e−λ is the Laplace transform (for the argument λ2/2) of the first hitting time of 1 by a linear Brownian motion γ, independent from γ.


3.2 Generalizations

Obviously we can obtain several variants of Proposition 3.1, by studying T−bc,acθ , 0 <

a, b≤ ∞, for c0 orc→ ∞, anda, b fixed. We define T−d,cγ inf{t :γt/ (d, c)} and we have:

c12 T−bc,acθ (law)−→c→0 T−b,aγ .

1c log T−bc,acθ (law)

c→∞−→2|β|T−b,aγ .

In particular, we can take b=, hence:

Corollary 3.3 a) For c0, we have:


c2 Tacθ (law)−→c→0 Taγ. (21)

b)For c→ ∞, we have:


c log Tacθ(law)

c→∞−→ 2|β|Taγ


= 2|Ca|, (22)

where (Ca, a0) is a standard Cauchy process.

Remark 3.4 (Yet another proof of Spitzer’s Theorem)

Taking a = 1, from Corollary 3.3(b), we can obtain yet another proof of Spitzer’s cele- brated asymptotic Theorem stated in (8). Indeed, (22) can be equivalently stated as:

P logTcθ < cx(law)

c→∞−→ P(2|C1|< x). (23) Now, the LHS of (23) equals:

P logTcθ < cx

P Tcθ <exp(cx)

P sup


θu > c


= P |θexp(cx)|> c


|θt|> logt x

, (24)

with t = exp(cx). Thus, because |C1|(law)= |C1|−1, (23) now writes:

f or every x >0 given, P

|θt|> logt x


−→t→∞ P

|C1|> 2 x

, (25)

which yields precisely Spitzer’s Theorem (8).


3.3 Speed of convergence

We can easily improve upon Proposition 3.1 by studying the speed of convergence of the distribution of c12 Tc|θ| towards that ofT1|γ|, i.e.:

Proposition 3.5 For any function ϕ∈ C2, with compact support, 1



ϕ 1


Eh ϕ






+2 3ϕ′′


T1|γ|3 .(26)

Proof of Proposition 3.5:

We develop exp (2cβv), forc0, up to the second order term, i.e.:

e2cβv = 1 + 2cβv+ 2c2βv2+. . . .

More precisely, we develop up to the second order term, and we obtain:


ϕ 1


= E



Z T1|γ|


dv exp (2cβv)


= E


ϕ T1|γ|


T1|γ| Z T1|γ|


2cβv + 2c2βv2 dv


+1 2E




Z T1|γ|





We then remark that Eh Rt

0 βvdvi

= 0, Eh Rt


= t2/2 and E



= t3/3, thus we obtain (26).

4 Checks via Bougerol’s identity

So far, we have not made use of Bougerol’s identity (4), which helps us to characterize the distribution of Tc|θ|[Vak11]. In this Subsection, we verify that writing the Gauss-Laplace transform in (6) as:



π 1 q1



xc2 2Tc|θ|

= 1

1 +xc2ϕm(xc2), (27)

with m =π/(2c), we find asymptotically for c0 the Gauss-Laplace transform ofT1|γ|. Indeed, from (27), for c0, we obtain:



π 1 q


exp x 2T1|γ|


= lim



1 +xc2+



1 +xc2

xc2π/2c. (28)


Let us now study:

1 +xc2+


= expπ 2clogh

1 +

1 +xc21 +


exp π



x+ xc2 2

−→c→0 exp π

x 2


A similar calculation finally gives:



π 1 q


exp x 2T1|γ|


= 1 cosh π2

x , (29)

a result which is in agreement with the law of βT|γ|

1 , whose density is:


1 q


exp y2 2T1|γ|


= 1

2 cosh π2y . (30)

Indeed, the law of βT|γ|

c may be obtained from its characteristic function which is given by [ReY99], page 73:



c )i

= 1

cosh(λc) .

It is well known that [Lev80, BiY87]:



c )i

= 1

cosh(λc) = 1

cosh(πλπc) = Z


ei(λcπ)y 1

1 cosh(y2) dy





eiλx 1

π c

cosh(2c) dx= Z


eiλx 1 2c


cosh(2c) dx . (31) So, the density h−c,c of βT|γ|

c is:

h−c,c(y) = 1


1 cosh(2c) =

1 c

1 e2c +e2c , and for c= 1, we obtain (30).

We recall from Remark 3.2 that (see also [PiY03], where further results concerning the infinitely divisible distributions generated by some Lévy processes associated with the hyperbolic functionscosh, sinh and tanh can also be found):



λ2 2 Tc|γ|

= 1

cosh(λc) , (32)

thus, forc= 1 and λ= π2

x, (29) now writes:



π 1 q


exp x 2T1|γ|




2 8 T1|γ|

, (33)


a result which gives a probabilistic proof of the reciprocal relation in [BPY01] (using the notation of this article, Table 1, p.442):

fC1(x) = 2

πx 3/2


4 π2x



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