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The Borsuk-Ulam property for homotopy classes of maps between the torus and the Klein bottle


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The Borsuk-Ulam property for homotopy classes of maps between the torus and the Klein bottle

Daciberg Lima Gonçalves, John Guaschi, Vinicius Casteluber Laass

To cite this version:

Daciberg Lima Gonçalves, John Guaschi, Vinicius Casteluber Laass. The Borsuk-Ulam property for homotopy classes of maps between the torus and the Klein bottle. Topological Methods in Nonlin- ear Analysis, Juliusz Schauder University Centre for Nonlinear Studies, 2020, 56 (2), pp.529–558.

�10.12775/TMNA.2020.003�. �hal-02404504�


The Borsuk-Ulam property for homotopy classes of maps between the torus and the Klein bottle




17th November 2019


LetM be a topological space that admits a free involutionτ, and let N be a topological space. A homotopy class β [M, N]is said to havethe Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ if for every representative map f : M N of β, there exists a point x M such that f(τ(x)) =f(x). In this paper, we determine the homotopy classes of maps from the 2-torus T2 to the Klein bottleK2 that possess the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to a free involution τ1 of T2 for which the orbit space is T2. Our results are given in terms of a certain family of homomorphisms involving the fundamental groups of T2 and K2.

1 Introduction

In the early twentieth century, St. Ulam conjectured that if f : Sn Rn is a continuous map, there exists x Sn such that f(A(x)) = f(x), where A : Sn Sn is the antipodal map. The confirmation of this result by K. Borsuk in 1933 [1], known as the Borsuk-Ulam theorem, was the beginning of what it now referred to as Borsuk-Ulam type theorems or theBorsuk-Ulam property.

More information about the history and some applications of the Borsuk-Ulam theorem may be found in [9], for example.

One possible generalisation of the classical Borsuk-Ulam theorem is to substitute Sn and Rn by other spaces, and to replace the antipodal map by a free involution. A natural question is the following: does every continuous map collapse an orbit of the involution? More precisely, given topological spaces M and N such that M admits a free involution τ, we say that the triple (M, τ;N) has the Borsuk-Ulam property if for every continuous map f : M N, there exists a point x M such that f(τ(x)) = f(x). For the cases where M is a compact surface without boundary admitting a free involutionτ andN is eitherR2 or a compact surface without boundary, the triples (M, τ;N) that have the Borsuk-Ulam property have been classified (see [3] and [4]).

One generalisation of this property is to consider a local Borsuk-Ulam problem in the sense of the following definition: a homotopy class β [M, N]has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ if for every representative f :M →N of β, there exists a point x∈M such thatf(τ(x)) =f(x).

Departamento de Matemática, IME, Universidade de São Paulo, Caixa Postal 66281, Ag. Cidade de São Paulo, CEP: 05314-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. e-mail: dlgoncal@ime.usp.br

Normandie Univ., UNICAEN, CNRS, Laboratoire de Mathématiques Nicolas Oresme UMR CNRS 6139, 14000 Caen, France. e-mail: john.guaschi@unicaen.fr

Departamento de Matemática, IME, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Av. Adhemar de Barros, S/N Ondina CEP: 40170-110, Salvador, BA, Brazil. e-mail: vinicius.laass@ufba.br


In [5], the Borsuk-Ulam problem for homotopy classes of maps between compact surfaces without boundary was studied, and the sets [T2,T2] and [K2,K2] whose elements possess the Borsuk-Ulam property were characterised. By [4, Theorem 12], for any involution τ : T2 T2, the triple(T2, τ;K2)does not have the Borsuk-Ulam property. Using this information, in this paper we classify the homotopy classes of maps from T2 to K2 that have the Borsuk-Ulam property for the orientation-preserving free involutionτ1 ofT2. Our approach, which we now describe, is similar to that used in [5]. First, as in [5, Theorems 12 and 19], we identify π1(T2,∗) and π1(K2,∗)with the free Abelian group ZZand the (non-trivial) semi-direct product Z ⋊ Z respectively. These identifications will be helpful in formulating the results and in making explicit computations.

To prove our results, we will make use of the following algebraic description given in [6, Corollary 2.1] of the set [T2,K2] in terms of pointed homotopy classes and the corresponding fundamental groups.

Proposition 1.1. The set [T2,K2] is in bijection with the subset of Hom(ZZ,Z ⋊ Z) whose elements are described as follows:

Type 1:


(1,0)7→(i,2s1+ 1) (0,1)7→(0,2s2) Type 2:


(1,0)7→(i,2s1+ 1) (0,1)7→(i,2s2+ 1)

Type 3:


(1,0)7→(0,2s1) (0,1)7→(i,2s2+ 1) Type 4:


(1,0)7→(r1,2s1) (0,1)7→(r2,2s2),

where i∈ {0,1} and s1, s2 Z for Types 1,2 and 3, and r1, r2, s1, s2 Z and r1 0 for Type 4.

Remark 1.2. The bijection of Proposition 1.1 may be obtained using standard arguments in homotopy theory that are described in detail in [11, Chapter V, Corollary 4.4], and more briefly in [5, Theorem 4]. In our specific case, the bijection is defined as follows: given a homotopy class β [T2,K2], there exists a pointed map f: (T2,∗)(K2,∗) that gives rise to a representative of β if we omit the basepoints. The induced homomorphism f#: π1(T2,∗)→π1(K2,∗)is conjugate to exactly one of the elements ofHom(ZZ,Z⋊Z)described in Proposition1.1, which we denote by β#. Note that β# does not depend on the choice of f.

In order to solve the Borsuk-Ulam problem for homotopy classes, we now describe the relevant involution of T2. Consider the following short exact sequence:

1→π1(T2) =ZZ−→i1 π1(T2) =ZZ−→θ1 Z2 1 (1) where:

i1 : (

(1,0)7−→(2,0) (0,1)7−→(0,1) θ1 :


(1,0)7−→1 (0,1)7−→0.

By standard results in covering space theory, there exists a double covering c1 : T2 T2 whose induced homomorphism on the level of fundamental groups is i1. If τ1 : T2 T2 is the non- trivial deck transformation associated with c1, then τ1 is a free involution. Further, τ1 lifts to a homeomorphism bτ1 : R2 R2, where τb1(x, y) = (x+ 12, y) for all (x, y) R2. In this paper, we classify the elements of the set[T2,K2]that possess the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ1. This is achieved in the following theorem, which is the main result of this paper.

Theorem 1.3. Given a non-zero integer t, let e(t) be its 2-adic evaluation. With the notation of Proposition 1.1, let β [T2,K2] and β# Hom(ZZ,Z ⋊ Z). Then β has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ1 if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:


(a) β# is a homomorphism of Type 3.

(b) β# is a homomorphism of Type 4, where s1 is odd and r2 6= 0, and additionally e(r1)> e(r2) if r1 6= 0.

Besides the introduction and an Appendix, this paper consists of three sections. In Section 2, we show how to reduce the number of homotopy classes to be studied with respect to the Borsuk- Ulam property. In Section 3, we study the normal closure of σ2 in P2(K2), which is a free group of infinite rank. A convenient basis for this subgroup is obtained in the Appendix. In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.3.

The study of the free involution τ2 ofT2 for which the associated orbit space is the Klein bottle is the subject of work in progress.

2 Some preliminary results

The following results will enable us to reduce the number of cases to be analysed in the proof of Theorems 1.3.

Lemma 2.1. Let M and N be topological spaces, let τ: M M be a free involution, and let H: N →N be a homeomorphism. Then the mapH: [M, N][M, N]defined by H([f]) = [H◦f] for all maps f: M →N is a bijection. Further, if β [M, N]is a homotopy class, thenβ has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ if and only if H(β) has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ.

Proof. Clearly the map H is a bijection whose inverse is given by H1([g]) = [H1◦g]. To prove the second part of the statement, let β [M, N] be a homotopy class that has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ, and let g ∈ H(β). Thus H1 ◦g β, and hence there exists x M such that H1◦g(x) = H1◦g(τ(x)). Therefore g(x) =g(τ(x)), and we conclude that H(β)has the Borsuk-Ulam property. The converse follows in a similar manner using H1.

Proposition 2.2. Let τ :T2 T2 be a free involution, and let β, β [T2;K2] such that β#, β# are both of Type 1, 2 or 3. Suppose that the second coordinates of β#(ω) and β# (ω) are equal for all ω ∈π1(T2,∗) and the integer i that defines the homomorphism β# (resp. β# ) is equal to 0 (resp. 1). Then β has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ if and only if β does.

Proof. Let h : Z ⋊ Z Z ⋊ Z be the homomorphism defined on the generators of Z ⋊ Z by h(1,0) = (1,0) and h(0,1) = (1,1). Then h is well defined, and it is an isomorphism whose inverse h1 : Z ⋊ Z Z ⋊ Z is given by h1(1,0) = (1,0) and h1(0,1) = (1,1). By [12, Theorem 5.6.2], there exists a homeomorphism H : (K2,∗) (K2,∗) such that H# = h and H#1 = h1. Suppose that β# and β# are both of Type 1, and that they satisfy the hypothesis of the statement, and let f: (T2,∗) (K2,∗) be a representative map of β. Without loss of generality, we may suppose that f# = β#. Assume that β has the Borsuk-Ulam property with respect to τ. Then:

(H◦f)#(1,0) = h(β#(1,0)) =h(0,2s1+ 1) =h(0,1)2s1+1

= ((1,1)(1,1))s1(1,1) = (0,2)s1(1,1) = (1,2s1+ 1),and

(H◦f)#(0,1) = h(β#(0,1)) =h(0,2s2) =h(0,1)2s2 = ((1,1)(1,1))s2 = (0,2)s2 = (0,2s2).

Then H◦f is a representative of β, and the conclusion follows from Lemma 2.1. The converse follows in a similar way using H1 insteadH. The arguments for the cases of homomorphisms of Types 2 and 3 are analogous, and the details are left to the reader.

Remark 2.3. Using Lemma 2.1, one may show that Proposition 2.2 holds in more generality.

However the above statement will be sufficient for our purposes.


3 The normal closure of σ


in P


( K



Let S be a compact, connected surface without boundary. The ordered 2-point configuration space of S is defined by F2(S) = {(x, y) S×S | x 6=y}, D2(S) is the orbit space of F2(S) by the free involution τS : F2(S) F2(S) defined by τS(x, y) = (y, x), and P2(S) = π1(F2(S)) and B2(S) = π1(D2(S)) are the pure and full 2-string braid groups of S respectively [2]. We have a short exact sequence:

1→P2(S)→B2(S)π Z2 1, (2)

where π :B2(S)Z2 is the homomorphism that to an element of B2(S) associates its permuta- tion. If p1 :F2(S)→S is the projection onto the first coordinate, the map(p1)#:P2(S)→π1(S) may be interpreted geometrically as the surjective homomorphism that forgets the second string.

Letσ ∈B2(S)\P2(S)be the Artin generator ofB2(S)that geometrically swaps the two basepoints.

Then σ2 P2(S), and the normal closure of σ2 in P2(S), which we denote by 2i, is also the normal closure of σ2 in B2(S) by (2). In this section, we shall take S to be the Klein bottle, and we will show that 2i is a free group of countably-infinite rank for which we shall exhibit a basis.

We will also express certain elements of 2i in this basis.

The following proposition summarises some results of [5, Section 4] regarding the structure of P2(K2)and the action by conjugation by σ on this group.

Proposition 3.1. [5, Theorems 19 and 20] The group P2(K2) is isomorphic to the semi-direct product F(u, v)⋊θ (Z ⋊ Z), where F(u, v) is the free group of rank 2 on the set {u, v} and the action θ:Z ⋊ ZAut(F(u, v)) is defined as follows:

θ(m, n) :



u7→BmδnuεnBm+δn v 7→Bmvu2mBm+δn B 7→Bεn,

where δn = (

0 if n is even

1 if n is odd, εn = (1)n and B = uvuv1. With respect to this description, the following properties hold:

• the element σ ∈B2(K2) satisfies σ2 = (B; 0,0).

• if lσ :P2(K2) P2(K2) is the homomorphism defined by lσ(b) = σbσ1 for all b ∈P2(K2), then:

lσ(ur; 0,0) = ((Bu1)rBr;r,0) lσ(1;m,0) = (1;m,0) lσ(vs; 0,0) = ((uv)s(uB)δs; 0, s) lσ(1; 0, n) = (Bδn; 0, n) lσ(B; 0,0) = (B; 0,0)

for all m, n, r, s∈Z, where the symbol 1 denotes the trivial element of F(u, v).

• the homomorphism (p1)#:P2(K2)→π1(K2) = Z ⋊ Z satisfies (p1)#(w;r, s) = (r, s).

From now on, we identify P2(K2) with F(u, v)⋊θ(Z ⋊ Z) without further comment.

Remark 3.2. It follows from Proposition 3.1 that for all m, n Z, the automorphism θ(m, n) : F(u, v)→F(u, v) depends only on m and the parity of n, in particular θ(m, n) = θ(m, δn).


Consider the following maps:


(F(u, v)−→P2(K2)

w7−→(w; 0,0) and pF :

( P2(K2)−→F(u, v) (w;m, n)7−→w.

Note thatιis a homomorphism, but due to the actionθ,pF is not. Consider the mapρ:F(u, v) F(u, v) defined by:

ρ=pF ◦lσ ◦ι, (3)

and the homomorphism g :F(u, v)Z ⋊ Z defined on the basis {u, v} by:


g(u) = (1,0)

g(v) = (0,1). (4)

Using Proposition 3.1 and (3), we obtain the following commutative diagram:

F(u, v)

F(u, v) ι //





ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee

e P2(K2) lσ //P2(K2) =F(u, v)⋊θ(Z ⋊ Z)




Z ⋊ Z=π1(K2),


from which it follows that:

lσ(w; 0,0) = (ρ(w);g(w)) (6)

for all w∈F(u, v). Further if w, z∈F(u, v) then:

ρ(wz) = (pF ◦lσ)(wz; 0,0) =pF(lσ(w; 0,0). lσ(z; 0,0)) =pF (ρ(w);g(w)).(ρ(z);g(z))

=pF ρ(w)θ(g(w))(ρ(z));g(w)g(z)


Thus the map ρ:F(u, v)→F(u, v) is not a homomorphism, but ifw∈Ker(g)then:

ρ(wz) = ρ(w)ρ(z). (7)

In Theorem A.3of the Appendix, we prove that:

Ker(g) =

Bk,l :=vkulBulvk, k, l Z |−

. (8)

Let w F(u, v) and (m, n) Z ⋊ Z. Using Proposition 3.1, we see that B Ker(g), and then that:

θ(m, n)(wBw−1) =θ(m, n)(w)Bεnθ(m, n)(w)−1 Ker(g). (9) Further,

lσ(wBw1; 0,0) = lσ(w; 0,0)lσ(B; 0,0)lσ(w; 0,0)1 (= (ρ(w);5) g(w))(B; 0,0)(ρ(w);g(w))1

= (ρ(w)θ(g(w))(B);g(w))(θ(g(w)1)(ρ(w)1);g(w)1)

= (ρ(w)θ(g(w))(B)ρ(w)−1; 0,0). (10)


Composing (10) by pF, it follows from (5) and (9) that:

ρ(wBw1) =ρ(w)θ(g(w))(B)ρ(w)1 Ker(g). (11) In particular, ρ(Bk,l) Ker(g) for all k, l Z, and using (7) and (8), the restriction of ρ to Ker(g) yields an endomorphism of Ker(g), which we also denote by ρ. Further, θ(m, n)(Bk,l) Ker(g) for all k, l, m, n Z using (9), and thus θ determines a homomorphism from Z ⋊ Z to Aut(Ker(g)), which we also denote by θ. Note that for all m, m Z, the endomorphism θ(m, n) : Ker(g) Ker(g) is indeed surjective. To see this, let k, l Z, and let ξ F(u, v) be such that θ(m, n)(ξ) = vkul. Then θ(m, n)(ξBεnξ1) = Bk,l, and ξBεnξ1 Ker(g) because B Ker(g). Hence the image of θ(m, n) : Ker(g) Ker(g) contains the basis {Bk,l}k,l∈Z of Ker(g), and so this homomorphism is surjective.

The following result describes the subgroup 2i.

Proposition 3.3. The injective homomorphism ι: F(u, v) →P2(K2) defined by ι(w) = (w; 0,0) for all w∈F(u, v), restricts to an isomorphism between Ker(g) andhσ2i, which we also denote by ι. In particular, 2i is a free group of infinite rank for which a basis is given by{(Bk,l; 0,0)}k,l∈Z, andlσ(2i)⊂Ker((p1)#). Up to this isomorphism, the homomorphismsθ :Z⋊ZAut(Ker(g)) and ρ:Ker(g)→Ker(g) induce homomorphisms Z ⋊ ZAut(2i) and 2i → hσ2i, which we also denote by θ and ρ respectively. Further, the following diagram is commutative:

2 _i ρ //

2 _i

P2(K2) lσ //P2(K2).

Proof. LetH =ι(Ker(g))⊂P2(K2). We start by showing that 2i =H. To see this, first note that σ2 = (B; 0,0) and ι(Bk,l)∈ hσ2i for all k, l Z, hence H ⊂ hσ2i by (8). Conversely, for all w∈F(u, v), q∈Z ⋊ Z and k, l∈Z, we have:

(w;q)(Bk,l; 0,0)(w;q)1 =(wθ(q)(Bk,l);q)(θ(q1)(w1);q1) = (wθ(q)(Bk,l)w1; 0,0). (12) Since θ(q)(Bk,l) Ker(g) and Ker(g) is normal in F(u, v), it follows that wθ(q)(Bk,l)w1 Ker(g), and so (w;q)(Bk,l; 0,0)(w;q)1 ∈ι(Ker(g)) = H by (12). Hence H is a normal subgroup of P2(K2) by (8), and since σ2 H, we conclude that 2i ⊂ H. Thus 2i = H as required.

Since ι is injective, the induced homomorphism ι : Ker(g) → hσ2i is an isomorphism, and the image of the basis {Bk,l}k,l∈Z byι yields a basis of the free group2i. The commutativity of the given diagram follows by considering the images of the elements of this basis{(Bk,l; 0,0)}k,l∈Z and using (10).

Remark 3.4. Although Ker(g) and 2i are isomorphic by Proposition 3.3, our results will be stated in terms of 2i, since we will formulate most of our equations in this group.

The following result provides a normal form for elements of F(u, v)in terms of g and 2i. Proposition 3.5. Let w F(u, v), and let g(w) = (r, s). Then there exists a unique element x∈ hσ2i such that w=urvsx.

Proof. Letw be as in the statement, and let x=vsurw. Then w=urvsx, and:

g(x) =g(vsurw) =g(v)sg(u)rg(w) = (0,−s)(−r,0)(r, s) = (0,−s)(0, s) = (0,0).

So x∈ hσ2i. Clearly x is unique.


Let p, q Z. Since 2i is a normal subgroup ofF(u, v), the following homomorphism is well defined:

cp,q : 2i −→ hσ2i

x 7−→ vpuqxuqvp. (13) Lemma 3.6. Let k, l, p, q Z, and let (m, n) Z ⋊ Z. With the notation of Proposition 3.1, there exist γ, λ, η∈ hσ2i such that:

(a) θ(m, n)(Bk,l) = γBk,εεn

nlkmγ1. (b) ρ(Bk,l) = λBεkk,ε

(k+1)lλ1. (c) cp,q(Bk,l) = ηBk+p,l+εkqη1.

Proof. During the proof, we will make use freely of Proposition3.1. First, we have:

θ(m, n)(Bk,l) = θ(m, n)(vkulBulvk) = θ(m, n)(vkul)Bεnθ(m, n)(vkul)1 =γBk,εεn

nlkmγ1, where γ = θ(m, n)(vkul)uεn+1l+2δkmvk F(u, v). To complete the proof of item (a), it remains to show that γ Ker(g). Since:

γ = (Bmvu−2mB−m+δn)k(Bm−δnuεnB−m+δn)luεn+1l+2δkmv−k, and B Ker(g), it follows that:

g(γ) = ((0,1)(2m,0))knl,0)(εn+1l+ 2δkm,0)(0,−k) = (2m,1)knl+εn+1l+ 2δkm,−k)

= (2δkm, k)(2δkm,−k) = (2δkm+ 2δkεkm,0) = (0,0),

using the fact that εk = 1 if k is odd, and δk = 0 if k is even. Hence γ Ker(g). To prove item (b), first note that:

θ(g(vkul))(B) = θ((0, k)(l,0))(B) = θ(εkl, k)(B) = Bεk. (14) By (11) and (14), we have:

ρ(Bk,l) = ρ(vkulBulvk) = ρ(vkul)θ(g(vkul))(B)ρ(vkul)1 =λBεkk,ε

(k+1)lλ1, where λ=ρ(vkul)uεklvk∈F(u, v). It remains to show that λ∈Ker(g). We have:

g(λ) = g(ρ(vkul)uεklvk) =g((pF ◦lσ◦i)(vkul)).(εkl, k)

=g(pF(((uv)k(uB)δk; 0, k)((Bu1)lBl;l,0))).(εkl, k)

=g((uv)k(uB)δkθ(0, k)((Bu1)lBl)).(εkl, k)

= (1,1)kk,0). g((Bεk(BδkuεkBδk)1)lBεkl).(εkl, k)

= (δk,−k)(δk,0)(−εkl,0)(εkl, k) = (δk+εkδk,0) = (0,0),

since δk = 0 if k is even, and εk =1 if k is odd. Henceλ Ker(g). Finally we prove item (c).

We have:

cp,q(Bk,l) =vpuqBk,luqvp =vpuqvkulBulvkuqvp =ηBk+p,l+εkqη1,

where η =vpuqvkuεk+1qvkp F(u, v). It remains to show that η Ker(g). This is indeed the case because:

g(η) = (0, p)(q, k)(εk+1q,−k−p) = (0, p)(q+εkεk+1q,−p) = (0, p)(0,−p) = (0,0), which completes the proof.


Let 2iAb denote the Abelianisation of the group2i. By abuse of notation, for all k, l∈Z, we denote the image of a generator Bk,l in 2iAb byBk,l. By Proposition 3.3, 2iAb is the free Abelian group for which {Bk,l :=vkulBulvk |k, l∈Z}is a basis, namely:

2iAb = M



For all (m, n) Z ⋊ Z and p, q Z, the endomorphisms θ(m, n), ρ and (cp,q) of 2i induce endomorphisms θ(m, n)Ab, ρAb and (cp,q)Ab of 2iAb respectively, and by Lemma 3.6, for all k, l Z, they satisfy:

θ(m, n)Ab(Bk,l) =εnBk,εnlkm (15)

ρAb(Bk.l) =εkBk,ε(k+1)l, and (16)

(cp,q)Ab(Bk,l) =Bk+p,l+εkq. (17)

Let k, l Z and r ∈ {0,1}. If x and y are elements of a group, let [x, y] = xyx1y1 denote their commutator. In the rest of the paper, we will be particularly interested in the following elements of F(u, v):

(I) Tk,r =uk(Bεruεr)r. (II) Ik =vk(vB)k.

(III) Ok,l =

v2k, ul . (IV) Jk,l =v2k(vul)2k.

As we shall now see,Tk,r,Ik,Ok,landJk,l are elements of2i, and their projections into2iAbwill be denoted by Tek,r,Iek,Oek,l andJek,l respectively. The following result describes the decomposition of these Abelianisations in terms of the basis {Bk,l}k,l. Ifl Z, let σl denote its sign,i.e σl= 1 if l > 0,σl =1 if l <0, and σl = 0 if l = 0.

Proposition 3.7. Let k, l∈Z and r ∈ {0,1}.

(a) The elements Tk,r, Ik, Ok,l and Jk,l belong to 2i.

(b) If k = 0 then Te0,r =Ie0 = 0, and if k = 0 or l = 0 then Oek,l =Jek,l = 0.

(c) For all k, l6= 0:

Tek,r =σk





Iek =−σk σkk




Jek,l =−σkσl



i=1 σll




Oek,l =σkσl



i=1 σll



Bσk(2i1),σlj+(σl1)/2−Bσk(2i1)1,σlj(1+σl)/2 .


The proof of Proposition 3.7, which is divided into the following four lemmas, consists essen- tially in manipulating each of the elements to obtain recurrence relations, and using induction to obtain expressions for Tk,r, Ik, Ok,l and Jk,l in 2i. Part (c) of Proposition 3.7 is obtained by Abelianising these expressions.

Lemma 3.8. If k Z and r ∈ {0,1} then Tk,r =






Proof. Letr∈ {0,1}. Then clearlyT0,r =1 and T1,r =u(Bεruεr)εr =B0,1−r, so the result holds for k = 1. Suppose that the formula is valid for some k≥1. Then:

Tk+1,r =uk+1(Bεruεr)(k+1)εr =u. uk(Bεruεr)r.(Bεruεr)εr

=uTk,ru1. u(Bεruεr)εr =u Yk i=1



u1. B0,1r =




and so the result holds for all k 0 by induction. Suppose that k 1. Then:

Tk,r =uk(Bεruεr)r =uk(uk(Bεruεr)r)1uk=ukTk,r1uk

= Yk




= Yk i=1


using the result for Tk,r in the case k≥1, which proves the formula for all k Z. Lemma 3.9. Let k Z. If k = 0 then Ik =1, and if k 6= 0 then:








Proof. Ifk = 0, then clearly I0 =1. If k = 1, I1 =v(vB)1 =vB1v1 =B1,01, and result holds in this case. Suppose that the formula for Ik holds for some k 1, and let us prove the formula for k+ 1. We have:

Ik+1 =vk+1(vB)k1 =vvk(vB)kv1v(vB)1 =vIkv1I1

=v Yk i=1



v1B1,01 = Yk i=1



B1,01 =






so by induction, the formula for Ik holds for all k 0. If k <0 then −k >0 and so:

Ik=vk(vB)k=vk(vB)kvkvk =vk vk(vB)k1

vk =vkIk1vk






! vk =





It follows that the formula given in the statement holds for all k 6= 0.

Lemma 3.10. Let k, l Z, let ε∈ {−1,1}, and let ω = (

0 if ε =1

1 if ε = 1. If k = 0 or l = 0, then Jk,l =1, and if k, l >0, then:

Jk,εl = Yk i=1

Yl j=1



and Jk,εl = Yk


Yl j=1

B2i+1,εjε ω




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