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Magnetic properties of normal spinels with only a-a interactions


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1964

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Magnetic properties of normal spinels with only a-a interactions

W.L. Roth

To cite this version:

W.L. Roth. Magnetic properties of normal spinels with only a-a interactions. Journal de Physique,

1964, 25 (5), pp.507-515. �10.1051/jphys:01964002505050700�. �jpa-00205818�



By W. L. ROTH,

General Electric Research Laboratory, Schenectady, New York.



La theorie du ferrimagnétisme tient compte des propriétés magnétiques des ferrites

en admettant des interactions antiferromagnétiques fortes A-B et faibles A-A et B-B. Récemment, l’interaction A-A dans Co3O4 a été trouvée être de beaucoup plus forte que prévue. Pour s’assurer si cette interaction anormalement forte était due à la présence de Co3+ sur les sites octaédriques,

l’étude de l’interaction A-A a été étendue aux substances CoAl2O4, FeAl2O4 et MnAl2O4.

La diffraction neutronique et les mesures de susceptibilité magnétique ont montre que MnAl2O4

et probablement CoAl2O4 donnent lieu à la même structure antiferromagnétique que Co3O4 à basse température. Aucun ordre magnétique à longue distance ne se développe en FeAl2O4, fait que l’on attribue à des interactions A-B compétitives, dues à l’inversion. L’interaction A-A dans les alumi- nates est d’un ordre de grandeur plus faible que dans Co3O4. Il semble donc que l’interaction anor-

malement forte dans Co3O4 est due au couplage d’échange indirect à travers le complexe octa- édrique Co3+.



The theory of ferrimagnetism accounts for the magnetic properties of the ferrites

by strong antiferromagnetic A-B interactions and weak antiferromagnetic A-A and B-B inter- actions. It was recently discovered that the A-A interaction in Co3O4 was much stronger than anticipated. To ascertain whether the anomalous strong interaction was uniquely a property

of Co+3 in an octahedral environment, the study of the A-A interaction has been extended to

CoAl2O4, FeAl2O4 and MnAl2O4.

Neutron diffraction and magnetic susceptibility measurements have shown that MnAl2O4, and probably CoAl2O4, develop the same antiferromagnetic structure as Co3O4 at low temperature.

FeAl2O4 does not develop long range magnetic order, and the difference is attributed to competing

A-B interactions due to inversion. The A-A interaction in the aluminates is an order of magni-

tude weaker than that observed in Co3O4. It now appears that the anomalous strong interaction in Co3O4 is due to indirect exchange coupling through the octahedral Co+3 complex.




The magnetic behavior of the ferrimagnetic spinels are in general explained by

the theory of Néel [1]. The dominant interaction is negative exchange between ions in the A (tetra- hedral) and B (octahedral) sites. The A-A and B-B interactions are negative and weak relative to

the A-B interaction.

The A-A interaction in Co,O, is unexpectedly large [2]. Co,O, is a normal spinel with Co+ 2 in

tetrahedral sites and Co + 3 in B sites [3]. The 3d

levels are split into an upper eg doublet and a

lower tz, triplet by the octahedral cubic field, and

in the ground state the 3d6 electrons of Co + 3 occupy only the levels (in antiparallel pairs) and

thus give no net magnetic moment. The moments

on the Co + 2 order at 40 OK to form an antiferro-

magnetic structure in which the spins on the A

sites are surrounded by four nearest A neighbors

with opposite spins. For z


4 neighbors with spin S


3/2, and a Néel temperature


40 OK, the strength of each A-A interaction based on the molecular field approximation [4] is

Further information about the A-A interaction in related spinels is needed to determine whether the A-A interaction is larger than has been antici-

pated, or whether the interaction in Co304 is

anomalous and specifically related to the presence of Co ~- 3 in the octahedral sites. Since the strong

A-B coupling usually dominates the magnetic inter- actions, it would be desirable to study systems in

which only diamagnetic ions occupy B sites. This is approximately true for the aluminates of Fe+2 and Co+2.

Romeijn [5] prepared CoAl.04 by heating in air, MnAl2O4 by heating in a N2-H2 atmosphere (ratio

2 : 1), and FeAIO by heating in

(ratio 2:1:2). All samples were heated at

1200 °C and slowly cooled. From X-ray analysis Romeijn concluded these spinels were normal, i.e.,

the Al + 3 ions occupied the B sites. However,

Greenwald et al. [6] found that CoA’204 and MnA1204 were partially inverse. Their samples

were heated at 1 400 °C for 1-2 hours, then either

quenched or slowly cooled at a rate of 1° jmin. In CoA1204, the fraction of A sites occupied by Co was

0.69 in the quenched sample and increased to 0.81

when the sample was slowly cooled. In MnÅl2Ü4,

the fraction of A sites occupied by iVln was 0.71 -~- 0.04 and 0.66 ~ 0.04 in quenched and slowly cooled specimens, respectively.

The temperature dependence of the suscepti-

bilities of the aluminates is given by Curie-Weiss terms with negative Curie temperatures showing

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01964002505050700



there are antiferromagnetic exchange interactions in the paramagnetic state [7, 8]. Lotgering [8]

comments that the exchange interactions between

magnetic ions at tetrahedral sites are expected to

be very weak and suggests that in FeAl104 the

low Curie temperature (0

= -

150 OK) is due to

interactions between Fe ions in tetrahedral and octahedral sites.

Although these previous studies show that nega- tive exchange interactions are present in the para-

magnetic state, the measurements were not made to sufficiently low temperatures to demonstrate the presence of antiferromagnetic order. Recently

G. A. Slack (private communication) has observed

an anomaly in the thermal conductivity of an FeA’204 crystal at about 10 OK, and J. S. Kouvel has observed a maximum in the magnetic suscepti- bility of this same crystal at 8 OK which may be associated with antiferromagnetic ordering.

The present paper describes an investigation of magnetic ordering in Co, Fe and Mn aluminates by magnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction.

A minimum of inversion was desired and samples

were prepared at relatively low temperatures.

The degree of inversion was measured by either X-ray or neutron diff raction.





CoAl 20 4 was prepared from reagent grade" Co203"

and Linde A A1203, Stoichiometric quantities

were mixed, isostatically pressed at 10,000 psi,

then broken into


60 mesh powder. The powder

was fired in air at 1200 °C for four hours, then

furnace cooled.

MnA’2041 prepared in the same way from Mno2

and A’2031 was fired at 1 000 °C for twenty hours

in a N 2 : H 2 atmosphere (ratio 2 : 1). A portion

of the sample was heated in an 0 2 partial pressure at equilibrium with MnO. MnA’204 and Mn

metal chips, sealed in a silica tube which had been evacuated and backfilled with 7.6 cm argon, were fired at 1 000 °C f or 60 hours. At the end of the

firing, the Mn metal was coated with a thin film

of MnO.

FeAl204 was prepared in similar fashion from Fe203 and A’203 by firing in a N~ : H2 : CO~

atmosphere (2 : 1 : 2) at 1 200 °C for four hours.



A portion was heated in an atmosphere in equi-

librium with FeO by sealing FeAl2O4 and Fe wire in silica tubes containing 7.6 cm argon and firing

at i 200 oQ for 48 hours. After firing, the iron

wire had partially oxidized to FeO.

X-ray patterns showed the specimens were single phase except for traces of A’20, and an

unidentified impurity in the lVInA1204.



The susceptibi-

lities were measured by J. S. Kouvel and C. C. Har- telius in an apparatus described previously [9].

The susceptibility per gram, Z, was, computed

from the measurement of s at H = 10,000 Oe.



X-ray patterns were obtained from powder specimens

with CoK« radiation, using a G. E. X-ray spectro-

meter and a proportional counter detector.

Neutron diffraction patterns were made with the G. E. neutron spectrometer located at the Brook-

haven National Laboratory. The neutron wave- length was 1 010 A and all samples were in the

form of fine powders loosely packed into 1~ dia.

aluminum cylinders. Room temperature data

were measured in a vanadium cylinder to avoid impurity peaks from the specimen holder.

Experimental results.







The susceptibility and

at 10 kOe of CoA’204 from room tempe-

rature to 1.8 oK is shown in figure 1. The magne-

FIG. ~1.


Magnetic susceptibility and 6 (emu/g)

for CoA’204. a is measured at 10 kOe.


tization is linear with field and x was computed

from 6 measured at 10 kOe. Above 10 ~K there is a slight deviation from Curie-Weiss behavior due to temperature independent contribution.

These x agree within 2 % with those of Cossee and van Arkel [7] at room temperature where the

two sets of data overlap. Below 10 OK, x deviates from the Curie-Weiss law and there is a poorly

defined maximum in Z at about 4 °K. A sample

of COAIO was annealed at 600°C for 7 days and

the susceptibilities were nearly identical with those shown in figure 1 for the furnace cooled

specimen. A second sample was heated for 3 days

at 1300 °C. The susceptibility between 50 oK and 300 °K was essentially unchanged, but at

lower temperatures X-I decreased more rapidly

than previously and the maximum in suceptibility,

which still occured at 4 OK, was much sharper and

increased to a larger peak value. The suscepti- bility above 50 OK is given by

xm = a + Cm (T - 0).

The constants Cm, 0 and nB(gS) in Table 2 were

calculated using Lotgering’s value [8] for the tem- perature independent term.



The results for the equilibrated specimen are shown in figure 2. The behavior of

FIG. 2.


Magnetic susceptibility and a (emu/g)

for FeA’204’ a is measured at 10 kOe.

the non-equilibrated sample was qualitatively

similar : both showed a sharp maximum in Z at



8 OK. The stoichiometry was probably impro-

ved by equilibration with Fe + FeO because a

non-linearity of the magnetization with field which

was observed with the original sample disappeared

after equilibration.

6mag (measured at 10 kOe) decreased from 3.5

to 2.4 emu/g after equilibration. The Curie-Weiss constants in Table 2 were computed by adopting Lotgering’s estimate [8] for the temperature inde- pendent term. Lotgering reports Cm = 3.80 and

0 = -144 oK for FeAl204 [8]. Since both speci-

mens were prepared at 1 200 OC, the reason for the

different values observed for the Curie constants is not understood.

The variation of Z-1 and a with temperature for MnAl2O4 is shown in figure 3. In

the vicinity of room temperature, where the two sets of measurements overlap, the susceptibilities

observed in the present work agree with those measured previously [6].


FIG. 3.


Magnetic susceptibility and 6 (emu/g)

for MnA’204’ « is measured at 10 kOe.

The magnetization is linear with field and z-1 is

linear with T between 40 °K and 300 OK. At lower temperatures, Z-1 decreases rapidly with decreasing temperature, but a maximum in x was

not observed and 7,-’ was still decreasing at 1.8 °K.



The data shown are for the original saniple. The

results from the equilibrated specimen were quali- tatively similar except the increase in o below 20 OK was even more marked and the magneti-

zation versus field was non-linear. The original specimen is probably more representative 01 stoi-

chiometric MnA1201 with a normal distribution of cations. Since the ground state of Mn+2 is 6~S512

there is no temperature independent parama-

gnetism. The Curie-Weiss constants derived from the linear region are given in Table 2.



The degree of inver-

sion of cations in the spinel structure is defined by

the parameter À [10]

The square brackets enclose ions occupying octa-

hedral sites, the remaining cations are in tetra-

hedral sites, and M + 2


Co + 2, Fe +2, or Mn+ 2.

The u parameter defining the oxygen positions

and X were determined from x-ray data for

and neutron diffraction was used for FeA120, and MnA120,. Neutron diffraction minimizes errors

caused by the angular variation of the form factors and dispersion. However, the diff erence in nuclear

scattering amplitudes of Co and Al is small and for this case x-ray were preferred.

The calculations were made with the least squares program devised for the IBM 704 by Busing and Levy [11], utilizing the powder patch

for overlapping data written by P. R. Kennicott

[12] (1963). Refinement was based on F2 with a

single isotropic temperature factor.



FIG. 4.


Neutron diffraction patterns

at 298 °Ii and 4.2 °K for FeA’204’

CoAl20 4.


A series of samples were heat

treated in air at temperatures ranging from 600 °C

to 1 300 ~C f or 3 to 8 days and the trend of the

degree of inversion determination by measuring the

ratio of the intensities ot the (224) and (400) peaks.

This ratio is sensitive to À and a decrease in ratio

signifies increasing inversion. The samples be-

came more inverse when annealed at higher tempe-

ratures and the original preparation had the smal-

lest degree of inversion. Since cation diffusion at

temperatures below 600 °C is slow, further norma-

lization by this method seems impractical and the

furnace cooled material was used for study.

Least square refinement was based on ~2 com-

puted from the atomic form factors [13] for Co + 2,

and 0-2 after correcting fco for disper-

sion [14]. The ratios I224/I400 and 122011440 indi-

cated that x = 0.025. An attempt to refine

further by calculating the discrepancy factor R as

a function of gave a broad minimum value for R at X



The final parameters are summarized in Table 3.

Observed and calculated intensities based on these

values for the parameters are given in Table 4.




(3) X-ray.

(4) Neutron.


The degree of inversion was deter- mined from the room temperature diffraction

pattern (fig. 4 and Table 4). Refinement was

based on the scale factor S, bA, bB, u and 2B,

where bA and bB are the average nuclear ampli-

tudes at the A and B sites. (Note that bB is for

two atoms.) The results of the least suquares refinement are given in Table 3. Assuming the

concentration of cation vacancies is negligible, the

inversion parameter is given by

The weighted average value for the degree of

inversion is A


0.077 ± 0.005.

jJ1nAl20 4’


The degree of inversion in MnAl2O4

was determined according to the same procedure.

The room temperature diffraction pattern is shown

in figure 5 and the results of the least squares

analysis of the neutron intensities are summarized in Table 3 and 4. The weighted average for the

degree of inversion is )"


0 . 042 ~ 0. 022.



Neutron diffraction patterns were obtained from MnAl2O4, FeAl104 and CoA’204 at 4.2 oR

FIG. 5. - Neutron diffraction patterns

at 298 OK and 4.2 oK for MnA1204*

(fig. 4, 5, 6). The pattern of MnAl2O4 gave clear evidence for the development of an ordered ma- gnetic state. The magnetic structure is the same

as that of Co304 [2].

FIG. 6.


Neutron diffraction patterns

at 298 OK and 4.2 oK for

The structure of MnAl204 in the paramagnetic

state is described by the space group Oh - [13] 8(1-2 x) JB¡In + 2 and 16 x Al+ 3 ions occupy the 8(a) positions, 16(2-2 x) Al+3 and

ions occupy the 16(d) positions, and 32 oxygen



ions are in 32(e) with x = rz = 0.3907. The origin is at 43ni. The antiferromagnetic structure

can be described by T d 2 - F 43m. The eight

tetrahedral sites are split into two sublattices, 4(a) occupied by ions with positive spin and 4(c) occu- pied by ions with negative spin. The

16(2-2 + 32 x Mn+ 2

are in the octahedral sites 16(e) with x = 5/8, and

there are two sets of oxygen positions, 16(e) with



u and 16(e) with x





Nuclear intensities were computed from the

room temperature parameters. Magnetic inten-

sities were calculated using the Mn +2 f orm fac-

tor [15] and q2 > = sin2 «


2/3. The average value of sin2 a («


angle between spin axis and scattering vector) for all members of the form

~ hkl is 2/3 regardless of spin direction. The spin

on the tetrahedral site is S = 1.79, corresponding

to a moment of 3.58 tlB. The calculated and observed nuclear and magnetic intensities are com-

pared in Table 5. The antiferromagnetic struc-


ture of MnAl20 4 is shown in figure 7 : the spin on

each A site is surrounded by four nearest neighbor

A sites with antiparallel spin.

Although long range antiferromagnetic order did

not develop in FeA’204, there is an increase in

intensity near (111) and (200) at 4.2 oK ( fcg. 4).

The pattern shown in figure 4 was obtained from

the original FeA’201 preparation. The sample

that was equilibrated with Fe and FeO gave the

same diffuse peak at 4.2 0 K with a slight indi-

cation of structure.


The neutron diffraction pattern of C A1104 at

4.2 OK has a small increase in intensity at the (200) position where the principal peak due to A-A ordering is expected ( fcg. 6). A second trace sho-

wed the same increase in intensity at the same position, and it is believed the peak is real. Since

the susceptibility data show the Néel temperature

is close to 4 OK, a very small coherent peak is

reasonable. Although the experimental evidence

is weak, CoAl204 probably will develop below 4 ° K

the same antiferromagnetic structure observed for C0304 and MnA1204’

FIG. 7.


Magnetic structure of Only a por- tion of Vlrl ions in t’1 sites are shown. Phe spin direction

is arbitrary.





One objective in this investi-

gation was to discover whether the A-A inter- action, which had been found to produce an anti- ferromagnetic state in could lead to antifer-

romagnetism in the absence of Co+3. This can now be answered affirmatively since the same

antiferromagnetic structure has been found in MnA120,, and probably also in CoAl20 4" Atten-

tion now is directed toward understanding the

absence of antif erromagnetic order, and the rela- tionship of these results to the susceptibility obser-


The magnetic moment at an A site in MnAl2O4

observed at 4.2 OK with neutrons, is 3.58 (.LB. To compare this with the moment deduced from the Curie-Weiss behavior of the paramagnetic suscep-

tibility, it is necessary to correct for the degree of

inversion and the lack of magnetic saturation.

Since X


0.042, 1- 2X


0.916 of the A sites

are occupied by Mn +2 and the moment observed by neutrons is 3.58/0.916


3 . 91 JIB per Mn + 2 ion. Correction of the neutron diffraction data for lack of magnetic saturation cannot be made because the susceptibility failed to show a maxi-

mum which could be identified with a magnetic ordering temperature. The reverse calculation can be made to estimate the value of Tun which is consistent with the neutron diffraction data. The

ground state of Mn+ 2 is 185/2 and the moment

should be the pure spin value of the free ion, 5 tin.

At 4.2 OK, the observed magnetic saturation is


therefore I /Is


3.91/5 == 0 . 782. Assuming the

variation of magnetic moment with temperature

is given by the Brillouin expression for J


5/2, a

saturation of 0.782 corresponds to ~’N =6.4 ~K.

This temperature is consistent with the Z data

shown in figure 3, although a somewhat higher magnetic ordering temperature might have been

inferred from the observation that Z--l begins to

deviate significantly from the Curie-Weiss law at about 20 ~1~.

Despite the observation of a maximum in the

susceptibility of FeA2lO4 at 8 OK, the neutron

diff raction patterns fail to show long range anti-

terromagnetic order. However, the variation of with T indicates strong antiferromagnetic

interactions. A comparison of the paramagnetic susceptibility and neutron diffraction results tor

C03O4, FeAl204 and MnA1204 is given in

Table 6. Large values of the ratio are

observed in every case except C030 4’ Since 0




depends upon all the exchange interactions in the

system, the large negative values for 0 are probably

due to strong negative exchange interactions between ions on A and B sites which occur because the spinels are partially inverse. Lotgering pro-

posed a similar explanation for the value

0 _ -150 ° K he observed in FeAIO [8]. If

the susceptibility obeyed the molecular field theory

for a two sublattice antiferromagnet,



- _


This is nearly true for Co304, indicating A



Even assuming that the normal state is thermo-

dynamically stable at low temperature, it is diffl-

cult to prepare a normal aluminate because alte-

ring the degree of inversion requires the inter-

change of cations in tetrahedral and octahedral sites by diffusion. Electron transfer from to Co + 3 will accomplish the same result in Co304.

The neutron diffraction and paramagnetic sus- ceptibility results can be rationalized if it is reco-

gnized that the neutron scattering will be concen-

trated in sharp peaks only if the magnetic struc-

ture is periodic. Antif erromagnetic interactions

are present in all of the compounds studied, but only in C0304, MnAl2O4, and CoAl203 have they

resulted in long-range magnetic order. The dif- fuse peak observed at 4.2 oK in FeA’204 is pro-

bably due to short-range order. The maximum

intensity is closer to (111) than (200) and the short-range order probably involves ions on both A

and B sites (~). The development ol long-range

(5~ An alternative explanation for the anomalies in the thermal conductivity and susceptibility of FeAl2O4 has

been suggested by Slack. The splitting of the 5E level of Fe+ 2 by spin orbit coupling is about 8 OK - at suffit- ciently low temperature the failure to observe an ordered

antiferromagnetic state may then be due to the absence of a permanent moment in the ground state.

antif enrornagnetic order between ions on A sites should vary inversely with a, the degree of inver- sion, and directly with the ratio JAA /JAB, where JAA, JAB are the exchange integrals for inter-

actions between ions on AA, AB sites.

It is instructive to compare estimates of the values of the exchange integrals for the A-A inter-

actions in FeAl104 and MnAl2O4.

The exchange energy between spin S; is


= -

2JSi.Sj where the exchange integral J

is given by molecular field theory as



Assuming that z


4 and that the susceptibility

maximum is associated with antiferromagnetic

order in all cases, JAA can be compared for C0104

and the three aluminates (Table 7). 0.5 oK

for all the aluminates, an order of magnitude

smaller than the value


4 ° K in C03O4.

The A-A interaction is much stronger if Co+3 occupies the octahedral sites in place of Al+ 3. It

is interesting that the weak interaction in the aluminates can even be accounted for by the direct overlap of the 3d wave functions of the ions in tetrahedral sites. Assuming the calculation of direct exchange in ferromagnets by Stuart and

Marshall (1960) gives the correct order of magni-

tude for the interaction (although it predicts the

wrong sign), the spacing of 3.5 A between tetra-

hedral ions corresponds to a direct exchange energy of about 0.5 oK.

These results support the suggestion that the

octahedral site cation is involved in the indirect

exchange coupling between cations in A sites.

The geometry of alternative exchange paths linking

tetrahedral sites is shown in figure 8, Since the





Principal superexchange paths linking A sites

in the spinel structure.





A(4) angle is 770 and the A(l)



and A(1)


0 distances are about 1.93 and 3.37 A,

respectively, simple superexchange will be very weak. Interaction through the octahedral com-

plex would also appear to be weak because it involves three intervening ions in indirect exchange but the interaction is strengthened by the multi-




plicity of exchange paths coupling ions in tetra-

hedral sites. There are 12 paths (1---2 --- 3) cou- pling antiparallel spins through B where th O-B-0

angle is ~.80°. There are two sets of paths lin- king A cations where the O-B-0 angle is 90°.

One ( 1---2---4) is antiferromagnetic with a multi- plicity of 12 ; the other (1---2---5) is ferromagnetic,

with multiplicity 24. To a first approximation,

the effects of exchange through the 90° O-B-0 paths tend to cancel and the A-A interaction

depends predominantly on exchange paths

A-0-B-0-A where the A-O-B angles are approxi- mately tetrahedral and the O-B-0 angle is 180~.

The reason for the stronger exchange when Co + 3 occupies the octahedral site in place ot Al + 3 is not

known. The exchange interaction through Co + 3

may involve excitation to the empty eg orbitals

which lie 19 000 cm-1 above the filled t2g orbitals,

or electron transfer between Co-" 2 and Co+3 ions.



Antiferromagnetic ordering of the spins on A sites has been observed by neutron dif-

fraction in lBlnA1204, and probably in CoAI104’

The structure is the same as that previously found

for Each M+2 ion in an A site is tetra-

hedrally surrounded by four nearest neighbors

with oppositely directed spin. Although the tem- perature dependence ot the magnetic susceptibility

ot FeA1201 suggests antiferromagnetic ordering, an antif erromagnetic state was not observed by neu-

tron diffraction. There is a maximum in the

susceptibility of CoAl2O4 at 4 OK, and in FeA’204

at 8 OK. The degree of inversion oi the cations

was measured and the inversion parameter was



0.042, 0.077, and 0.025 for MA1204 with



Mn, Fe, and Co, respectively. The failure

to observe an antiferromagnetic state in FeA’204

is probably due to the destruction of long range

antiferromagnetic order by -strong A-B interactions

resulting from the partial inversion. The exchange integrals for the A-A interaction are estimated to be about 0.5 OK for the aluminates, and 4 OK for




The neutron diffraction

patterns were measured at the Brookhaven Natio- nal Laboratory with the assistance of A. N. Abra- hamsen. J. S. Kouvel and C. C. Hartelius made the magnetic susceptibility measurements, and

some of the samples were prepared by P. D. St.

Pierre. I am indebted to F. S. Ham, J. S. Kouvel and J. Owen for many stimulating discussions, and

to P. R. Kennicott for assistance with the least squares computation.




11 y a eu hier une discussion à propos des courtes distances 0-0, d’ou il apparait

que certaines d’entre elles peuvent 6tre tr6s courtes.

Les avez-vous calculées ?

Dr ROTH. - Je n’ai pas calcul6 les distances 0-0 mais on peut le faire facilement a partir du para- metre u et de la maille. J’admets qu’elles peuvent

être assez courtes. Je crois qu’elles sont correctes

car le ramnement par moindres carr6s a donne des valeurs tr6s précises pour u.

Pr RUNDLE. - Je suppose que vous vous atten- diez a ce que lVtnO . Co203 (etc...) ait un JAA plus grand du aussi a 1’effet de Co3+ .



Si MnCo2o4 était un spinelle nor- mal, et si Co3+ était dans un 6tat de spin faible, je

m’attendrais a une forte interaction A-A. Cepen- dant, la configuration 6lectronique de Co3+ sur les

sites octa6driques depend des d6talls de 1’environ- nement atomique. Par exemple, dans CoF 3, Co3+

est dans un 6tat de spin 6lev6. Si e’6talt le cas nous

aurions de fortes interactions A-B.




Savez-vous pourquoi le maxi-

mum de la suseeptibilit6 est le plus net dans le cas

de FeAl104 qui pr6sente seulement un ordre a

courte distance ?



J’ai trouv6 que la nettet6 du maxi-

mum de la susceptibilite dans CoAl104 augmente quand le degré d’inversion augmente dans une s6rie d’6ehantillons recuits a des temperatures

croissantes. Aucune variation de la temperature

de Neel n’a été observ6e. Je suppose que le

ph6nom6ne est lie a une rotation coop6rative

de spins dans un petit domaine er6e par une inter- action A-B.



Avez-vous sp6eialement tent6 de

réduire le degré d’inversion de FeAl104 ? Je me

demande si le fait que Corliss et Hastings ne

trouvent pas d’ordre dans CoA’204 a 4,2 OK n’est

pas du a une difference du degr6 d’inversion des echantillons.

Dr ROTH. n’avons pas essay6 de réduire

le degr6 d’inversion de FeAl2O4 et je crois que ceci est possible par recuit a plus basse temperature.

Les 6ehantillons de Corliss et Hastings étaient plus

invers6s que les n6tres et je crois que c’est la raison pour laquelle ils ne virent pas la raie (200). Cepen- dant, je dois pr6ciser que la reflexion due a l’ordre de CoAl104 est tr6s faible et que nous devrions

enregistrer des diagrammes a plus basse temp6-

rature pour confirmer l’interpr6tation.

Dr WOLD. - La decomposition de eompos6s du type " precurseur " (par exemple d’oxalates ou

d’autres substances organiques) peut aboutir, a des temperatures relativement basses, a la formation de spinelles qui pourraient avoir un degr6 d’inver-

sion plus taible.

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