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Magnetic properties of CeAl2 at low temperature


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1979

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Magnetic properties of CeAl2 at low temperature

B. Barbara, M. Cyrot, C. Lacroix-Lyon-Caen, M. Rossignol

To cite this version:

B. Barbara, M. Cyrot, C. Lacroix-Lyon-Caen, M. Rossignol. Magnetic properties of CeAl2 at low temperature. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1979, 40 (C5), pp.C5-340-C5-341.

�10.1051/jphyscol:19795117�. �jpa-00218901�


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Colloque C5, supplément au n° 5, Tome 40, Mai 1979, page C5-340

Magnetic properties of CeAl 2 at low temperature

B. Barbara, M. Cyrot, C. Lacroix-Lyon-Caen and M. F. Rossignol

Laboratoire Louis-Neel, C.N.R.S., 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

Résumé. — Un simple modèle s-f permet d'obtenir les principales caractéristiques d'un réseau Kondo. En parti- culier la diminution de la température d'ordre, due à l'effet Kondo, a été évaluée en fonction de la pression et comparée à des mesures de susceptibilités effectuées jusqu'à 6 kbar.

Abstract. — A simple s-f model allows one to obtain the main characteristics of a Kondo lattice. In particular the lowering of the ordering temperature, due to the Kondo effect, has been evaluated as a function of pressure and compared with the susceptibility measured up to 6 kbar.

1. Introduction. — There have been many studies T


is not a free parameter but results of the calculation of CeAl


(for a review, see ref. [10]). Recently, various itself.

experiments have been carried out in Grenoble [1-4,81 In the case of CeAl


, we use the expression (1) at in order to clarify the magnetic behaviour of CeAl


each site i, replacing the applied field by an internal in its low temperature phase. A magnetic ordering was field H., which is related to the others spins S


through found which corresponds to a sinusoidally modulated the R.K.K.Y. interaction :

antiferromagnetic structure [3]. The incommensurate

modulation remains stable down to 0.4 K, which H, = — $<*,- = J Z Xy Sj

implies a non magnetic level as ground state [4].


However the crystal field ground state is a T



w i t h % i s t h e s u s c e p t i b

i i i

t y o f

the conduction band.

This contradiction can be removed by a consideration

A s t h e a n i s o t r o p y i s

relatively large [1, 3] we assume of the Kondo effect [4]. Therefore, m this paper, we

t h a t a l l s p i n s g a r e p a r a l l e l I f


t h e F o u r i e r

apply to CeAl


a standard calculation describing the

t r a n s f o r m o f Zy> i s m a x


m U

m for q = q


# 0 and Kondo properties.

% ( 3

^ ^



e t c a r e m u c h s m a



r than



? 0

) , then

only the q


component of M


is large and the magne- 2. Calculation method and results. — The s-f tization obtained is modulated, with the incommen- coupling is responsible for the Kondo effect and for

the ordering through R.K.K.Y. (Ruderman-Kittel- I

Kasuya-Yosida) interactions. At each site of the

% 10

— ^ _ _ ^ ^ / lattice, cerium ions interact with the conduction ^ d(LnT)/dP ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ' electrons through the s-f coupling, which can be ^ ^ v /

written — JS; <s


(7f is the negative coupling cons- \ 0.75 ^ \ /

tant [4, 5], S


and <T


are respectively the spins of the if / \

ion and of the conduction electron on the site i). ** 0.01 - ^ ^ / \ The density of states at the Fermi level, p, characte- \ i i ' \

rizes the conduction band. ' 0 ^ — ^ \ t


— I P ^ I / \

We start from the method of Schlottmann [6], \ / \ which describes the single impurity Kondo properties. "


' \ / \ The interest of this method is that the magnetization

0 2 5



\ / \

M is obtained as a function of the applied field H, / \ at any temperature : y \

Fig. 1. — Variations of the normalized Kondo and ordering tem- Q, function of H and T, is denned in ref. [61. At low pe«ture






- - -) and (T




), with the product of . . , , c 1 j ii_- ,.- j x ^i the density of states at the Fermi energy and the s-f exchange temperature and low field this equation reduces to the

c o n s t a n t

^ ,

I n s e r t : r d a t i v e pressu


y i n d u c e d modificatio8n

well known result M = H/kT


where T


is propor-

o f t h e orde

ring temperature (in kbar"


) as a function of | p^ |.

tional to |p3'|

1 / | p 3

'- It may be remarked that, here, The arrow indicates the measured value of d(Ln 7"



Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19795117



surate period I/q,, in agreement with the experimental neutron result.

Equation (1) can be expanded in powers of Hi.

Assuming that only ~ ( q , ) has a non zero value, this expansion gives M(q,) as a solution of a self consistent equation, but there is a critical value of I p% ( above which M(qo) is always equal to zero. Below this value, the self consistent equation has a non zero solution M(qo) at 0 K, but it can be easily solved only when M(q,) is small, i.e. near TN. Figure 1 shows the varia- tion of the ordering temperature TN and of the Kondo temperature TK for ~(q,) = 1.2 ~ ( 0 ) . Three regions can be distinguished : (i) I p % ( < 0.2, TK is small and the ordering temperature is not much reduced by the Kondo effect; (ii) 0.2 < I p.2 I < 0.37, the Kondo temperature becomes similar in magnitude to the ordering temperature : there is a strong reduc- tion of the ordering temperature; (iii) for larger values of I p% I there is no ordering at all and the Kondo compensation occurs.

3. Effect of pressure.


The variation of TN with pressure can be easily deduced if we use the results of ref. [7] to evaluate the variation of p and 8 with pres- sure. The results are plotted on figure 1. d(Ln TN)/dp can be positive or negative depending on the value of

1 p% I. Resistivity [7] and specific heat [S] measure- ments under pressure have been performed at low temperature in CeAl,. However the observed ano- malies under pressure do not seem associated with the ordering temperature only. We have determined the pressure variation of the ordering temperature by measuring its initial susceptibility X as a function of temperature at several pressures. Such experiments have been performed at the S.N.C.I. in Grenoble in the range of temperature 1.7 K-5 K and for hydro- static pressures up to 6 kbar. The magnetic field, applied parallel to a [l l l] direction, was equal to 10 kOe. Though this field is relatively large it corres- ponds to a quasi-linear part of the magnetization curve under pressure [2]. The ordering temperature TN is defined by the inflexion point of x(T). We deduce for d(Ln TN)/dp the value - 4.4


10- kbar



which corresponds (insert of Fig. 1) to I p;i I z 0.28.

For such a value the reduction of the ordering tempe- rature TN/TN, is found equal to 0.65 (Fig. 1) and as TN = 3.9 K, TK is about 7 K. This value, much higher than that of Ce diluted in LaAl, [9], is of the order of that given by Bred1 et al. [IO]. This result can be explained by a decrease of the volume available for conduction electrons of d character (which are loca- lized in the cerium ion sphere) when La ion are replac- ed by Ce ions ; as the density of states is in the expo- nential a small change of volume can produce a large change in TK.

1 2

3 I

5 6



Temperature (K)

Fig. 2.


Thermal variation of the initial susceptibility measured on a single crystal of CeAI, parallel to a [l 1 l] direction for different hydrostatic pressures (in bar).

4. Conclusion.


Several others models [10-121 have already described the phenomenon of competi- tion between the Kondo effect and antiferromagnetic ordering. However, the above calculation, based on the simple idea that the S-f coupling is responsible of both Kondo effect and magnetic ordering through R.K.K.Y. interactions, has allowed to obtain some low temperature properties of CeAl,.

Acknowledgments. - We wish to thank Dr.

K. D. Schotte for his interest and useful remarks.


[I] BARBARA, B., ROSSIGNOL, M. F., PURWINS, H. G., WALKER, E., [8] BERTON, A., CHAUSSY, J., CHOUTEAU, G., CORNUT, B., PEY- Solid State Commun. 17 (1975) 1525. RARD, J., TOURMER, R., Proc. of the Valence instabilities [2] BARBARA, B., BARTHOLIN, H., FLORENCE, D., ROSSIGNOL, M. F., and related narrow band phenomena, Conf. Ed. by

WALKER, E., Physica 86-88B (1977) 177. R. D. Parks (Plenum Press, New Yqrk) 1977,471.

[3] BARBARA, B., BOUCHERLE, J. X., BUEVOZ, J. L., ROS- [g] BADER, S. D., PHILLIPS, N. E., MAPLE, M. B., LUENGO, C. A., SIGNOL, M. F., SCHWEIZER, J., Solid State Commun. 25 Solid State Commun. 16 (1975) 1263, and references

(1977) 481. therein.

[4] BARBARA, B., BOUCHERLE, J. X., BUEVOZ, J. L., ROS- [l01 BREDL, C. D., STEGLICH, F., SCHOTTE, K. D., 2. Phys. B 29 SIGNOL, M. F., SCHWEIZER, J., This conference, J. Physique (1978) 327.

Colloq. 40 (1979) C5. [l11 JULLIEN, R., FIELDS, J., DONIACH, S., Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 [5] COQBLIN, B., RATTO, C. F., Phys. Rev. Left. 21 (1968) 1065. (1977) 1500.

[6] SCHLOTTMANN, P., J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 7 (1978) 72. [l21 BENOR, A., FLOUQUET, J., RIBAULT, M,, FLOUQUET, F., [7] NICOLAS-FRANCILLON, M., PERCHERON, A., ACHARD, J. C., CHOUTEAU, G., TOURNIER, R., J. Physique Lett. 39 (1978)


Solid State Commun. 11 (1972) 845.

2 3


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