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Single crystal neutron diffraction studies of antiferromagnets at low temperatures in applied magnetic fields


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1959

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Single crystal neutron diffraction studies of antiferromagnets at low temperatures in applied

magnetic fields

W.C. Koehler, M. K. Wilkinson, J.W. Cable, E.O. Wollan

To cite this version:

W.C. Koehler, M. K. Wilkinson, J.W. Cable, E.O. Wollan. Single crystal neutron diffraction studies

of antiferromagnets at low temperatures in applied magnetic fields. J. Phys. Radium, 1959, 20 (2-3),

pp.180-184. �10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-3018000�. �jpa-00236013�




Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U. S. A.

Résumé. 2014 Les propriétés magnétiques de divers cristaux formés de couches hexagonales superposées ont été étudiées par les méthodes de la diffraction neutronique


basses tempé-

ratures jusqu’à 1,35 °K, et


des champs magnétiques jusqu’à 16,3 kOe appliqués



tillons. D’une part la structure antiferromagnétique de MnBr2 (TN


2,16 °K) et les propriétés

des domaines qui s’y rapportent, d’autre part l’effet du champ appliqué


la structure antiferro- magnétique de FeCl2 (TN


23 °K) sont décrits


détail pour illustrer les techniques utilisées.

Les résultats pour les bromures, et les chlorures de Mn, de Fe, et de Co, sont brièvement résumés.



The magnetic properties of


number of hexagonal layer-type compounds have

been investigated by single crystal neutron diffraction methods at temperatures down to 1.35 °K and with magnetic fields up to 16.3 kOe applied to the sample. The antiferromagnetic structure

of MnBr2 (TN = 2.16 °K) and its related domain transformation properties, and the effect of


applied magnetic field


the antiferromagnetic structure of FeCl2 (TN


23 °K)


described in




illustrations of the techniques. Results for the anhydrous dibromides and dichlo- rides of Mn, Fe, and Co


summarized briefly.


In the last few years a number of low transition

temperature antiferromagnetic materials has been under investigation at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Among these are the chlorides, and

bromides of Mn, Fe and Co, and more recently MnI2.

The anhydrous dibromides, and also Mn,2, crys-

tallize in the hexagonal Cdl2 structure, the anhy-

drous dichlorides in the rhombohedral CdBr2 struc-

ture. These structures are both layer type struc-

tures in which the metal atoms are arranged on hexagonal nets, and these nets are separated by

two intervenirig nets of halogen atoms. The dif-

ference in the two cases arises from the différent sequence of stacking of the MX2 aggregates.

For most of the compounds listed above, thermal and/or magnetic measurements have been made,

and low temperature anomalies, suggestive of magnetic ordering transitions have been observed,

at temperatures ranging from about 25 OK to

1. 81 OK. Representative measurements are given

in the second column of Table I.

In each case neutron diffraction measurements with polycrystalline samples have revealed the existence of an antiferromagnetic ordering tran-

sition at, or near, the temperature of the anomaly.

For the compounds of Fe and Co the powder dif-

fraction data led to simple layer type antiferro- magnetic structures in which the ions in a given

metal layer are coupled ferromagnetically, and adjacent layers have moments With opposite orien-

tation. From these data also the moment direc- tions were approximately established ; in the Fe compounds the moments are perpendicular, or nearly so, to the plane of the hexagonal layer, and

for the Co compounds, the moments are parallel or approximately so, to the layers. In addition,

small angle scattering measurements at tempe-

ratures near the Néel temperatures for FeCl2 and CoCI2 have established that the ferromagnetic

interaction between ions within a layer is much stronger than the antiferromagnetic interaction between ions in adjacent layers.

For the compounds of Mn, however, the powder

data were either ambiguous or uninterpretable.

To carry the investigations further a single crystal goniometer suitable for operation in the pumped liquid helium temperature range was developed and

used in conjunction with an improved version of

the magnet-diffractometer which has already been

described [1].

The goniometer, which is described in detail

elsewhere [2], consists essentially of a circular gear,

to which the crystal is attached, which is immersed in the liquid helium bath. This gear, and hence the crystal can be rotated about a horizontal axis

by means of a second gear which is attached by a

thin wall tube to a knob at the top of the cryostat.

The whole assembly can be rotated about a vertical axis, the torque being transmitted by a second thin

wall tube concentric with the horizontal axis drive and attached at the top of the cryostat to a scale

with a worm drive. The shafts for transmitting the

motions pass through o-ring seals at the top of the cryostat so that the pressure above the liquid

helium can be reduced by means of a suitable pump.

With this equipment temperatures down to

1.35 OK are routinely achieved.

Single crystals of MnBr2 and MnCl2 were studied

first and subsequently a number of single crystals

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphysrad:01959002002-3018000


181 of the higher transition temperature materials were

reinvestigated to check the conclusions reached from the powder data and to investigate in detail

the behavior of these substances in applied

magnetic fields. A selection from the experi-

mental results for MnBr2 and for FeCl2 is given

below and the structural results are summarized in the last columns of Table I.


1. Magnetic structure and magnet domain struc- -

ture of MnBr2.


The single crystal data obtained

for IVInBr2 in the absence of applied fields did

indeed resolve some of the indexing ambiguities

which had been present in the powder data and

several groups of reflections could be identified.

One group in particular, indexed as (hOl) on the hexagonal chemical cell, was observed to occur

with three fold symmetry about the c-axis, that is,

every 1200 about the horizontal or g axis of rota-

tion and with approximately equal intensity in the

three positions. Attempts to fit the observed

spacing values, interplanar angles, and symmetry

with any structural model led to failure, the most

difficult datum to reconcile being the symmetry.

It was then observed that if a relatively weak magnetic field were applied along the scattering

vector for one of the reflections, the (101), say, that particular reflection increased in intensity by nearly a factor of three. This is illustrated in

figure 1. It was also observed that after the field

had béen turned off, most of this increase in inten-

sity was retained, and that simultaneously the

intensities of the other two reflections had been reduced nearly to zero.

The interpretation of these observations is indi- cated in thé sketches inserted in the figure. In

zero field there are antiferromagnetic domains more

or less equally well developed along three equi-

valent crystal directions. When a magnetic field

is applied parallel to one of these directions, that

domain growth direction is preferred over the other

two, and retains its preference after the field has been removed. It is’therefore possible, with this

compound, to prepare a single domain single crystal by means of an external field, and to leave the

domain structure locked-in after the field is turned

Fie. 1. - Field dependence of (101) magnetic reflection

from MnBr2 domain transformations




off. This fàct, when recognized, simplified the interpretation of the data, and the magnetic struc-

ture for MnBr2 which is shown in figure 2 was


The orthorhombic unit cell which has been chosen has a = ao, b = 2 v3ao and c = 4co

where ao and co are the hexagonal chemical cell

dimensions. In the figure only two layers of

metals atoms are shown hence only one-half of the

magnetic unit cell is depicted. The moment direc-

tion, as shown in the figure is parallel to the short



edge of the cell which corresponds to one of the

three equivalent hexagonal directions. In the lower half of figure 2 is shown the disposition of

the bromine ions relative to the manganèse ions,

and this suggests a possible coupling mechanism.

FIG. 2.


Magnetic structure of MnBr2. Upper half of figure shows half of the orthorhombic antiferromagnetic

unit cell. The radial lines indicate antiferromagnetic coupling along lines of bromine atoms as shown in the lower part of the figure.

Each Mn ion, such as that labeled A, has neigh-

bors in adjacent layers which are separated by an

almost linear configuration of the intervening bro-

mine ions. These, and there are six of them, are

indicated by the dashed lines in the upper part of

the figure. In five of the six cases thé moments so separated are antiparallel, and in only one case they are parallel.

The structure may be envisaged as consisting of

sheets of like spin parallel to (011) planes and arranged in the sequencé + + -


Two such sheets are indicated by the shaded circles in the


Returning now to the observations shown in

figure 1, it will first be noted that in each of the three domains present in the absence of magnetic

fields the moment direction is parallel to the hexa-

gonal layers, but the directions in different domains make angles of 1200 with respect to each other.

When the field is applied as at (c), the moments

in (a) and (b) tend to reorient themselves perpen- dicular to the direction of the applied field. It

must be emphasized however that a simple change

in angle of all the spin directions is not sufficient to carry out the transformation. There must be in addition a rearrangement of the spin configuration.

These domain structures are thus different from those usually associated with the term in that they

involve a direction of growth, or of propagation of

the configuration instead of a simple change in

moment orientation. This type of domain has been termed a structure domain.

The interpretations which have been given in

these sketches have been quantitatively substan-

tiated from intensity measurements and also by a

series of experiments on the domain transformation


For example, if one prepares the crystal in a

state as indicated in insert (3) of figure 1, one may then test the effect of a field of say, four kilo-

oersteds, applied in various directions in thé basal

plane. It is found that configuration c is retained

until the direction of application of the field moves past one of the corners of the hexagon shown, at

which point a different domain is preferred,

and it is always that domain which is preferred

whicb has its moment direction most nearly nor-

mal to the direction of the applied field.

One may also test the efficiency of the field in producing domain transformation as a function of the angle it makes with the c-axis. Results of such experiments are summarized in figure 3

FIG. 3.


Curves showing effect of magnetic field as a function of the angle of inclination with the hexagonal layers.

Field effective in flipping domains Heff





where it may be seen that the field is most effective when it is applied in the basal plane. The effec-

tive field Heff is quantitatively found to be equal

to H cos y where y, measures the direction of the



field with respect to the basal plane and-H is the magnitude of the applied field.

2. E ff ects of magnetic fjeld on the magnetic

structure of FeCl2. - In a magnetic material such

as FeCl2 where the axis of antiferromagnetism is parallel to a unique crystalline axis, effects on the

diffracted neûtron intensities due to domain for- mation would not be anticipated nor were they

observed. Indeed no increase in the intensity of

any of the antiferromagnetic reflections was observ- ed with applied field. This behavior is illustrated for low field values in figure 4. The effects dis-

FIG. 4.


Field dependence of magnetic reflections from FeCl,. Lower half of figure shows intensity as


function of applied field : upper half shows intensity as


function of the component of H parallel to the c-axis.

played in the figure for high field values are asso-

ciated with the onset of a net magnetization in the crystal in the presence of strong fields. This effect has been previously observed by Starr, Bitter

and Kaufman [3], and by Bizette, Terrier and Tsaï[4].

In the lower part of the figure are represented

the data obtained for three antiferromagnetic

reflections taken with the field applied parallel or nearly parallel to the scattering vectors of the reflecting planes. The top part of the figure shows

the same data plotted against the component of the magnetic field which is parallel to the unique axis

of the crystal. These results confirm the single crystal susceptibility measurements [4] which

showed that external fields applied in this direc- tion produced large magnetizations at relatively

low field values.

Néel [5] has suggested two possible mechanisms

for the parallel alignment of the ionic magnetic

moments when a magnetic field is applied along

the axis of antiferromagnetism. In one case small

fields first flip the axis of antiferromagnetism per-

pendicular to the field after which the moments

are rotated into the field direction when the field is increased. Alternatively it is suggested that the

moments which are antiparallel to the field flip

over into the field direction when the field exceeds a

certain critical value. If the first mechanism

were operative in FeCl2, strong antiferromagnetic

reflections of the (001) type would be observed

at the first indication of a net ferromagnetization.

The position corresponding to the (003) antiferro- magnetic reflection was carefully scanned as the magnetic field was applied parallel to the c-axis and

no intensity was observed for fields up to 17 kilo-

oersteds. It is therefore indicated that the parallel alignment of the moments in FeCl2 is produced by

the reversal in direction of those magnetic moments

which are antiparallel to the direction of the

applied field.


[1] WOLLAN (E. O.) and KOEHLER (W. C.), Phys. Rev., 1955, 100, 545.


(M. K.), Phys. Rev., 1958, 110, 638.

[3] STARR, BITTER and KAUFMAN, Phys. Rev., 1940, 58, 977, [4] BIZETTE, TERRIER and TSAÏ, C. R. Acad. Sc., 1956,

243, 895.

[5] NÉEL L.), Report to the 10th Solway Congress.


Mr. Van Vleck.


Can the absolute values of the

magnetic moments of the cations be deduced from your measurements on neutron diffraction ?

Mr. Koehler.


Yes. Moment values of

4.2 ± 0.4 PB and 3.15 - E 0.3 p iB for Fe+ 2 and

Co+ 2 in FeCl2 and CoCl2 have been obtained from.

both single crystal and powder data. The uncer-

tainties are still somewhat large, however, and we hope to get more accurate values in the near future.

Mr. Jacobs. - Were there not some results by

Bizette and coworkers that gave considerably higher values of the moment for FeCl2.

Mr. Koehler.


There were. As I recall, the

saturation magnetization data of Bizette and his

collaborators yielded moment value of the order of

6 Bohr magnetons per atom. Perhaps Prof. Bizette

will comment on this.


Mr. Bizette.


There has not been any error of calibration. The saturation value is even higher

than 6 Bohr magnetons per atom.

Mr. Nagamiya. -The theory of FeCl2 of which

I spoke yesterday would predict approxi- mately 5 uo for Fe++.


Mr. Foner (Remark). -’W’e have attempted to

observe high field antiferromagnetic resonance at

35 and 70 GHz in a single crystal fo FeCI2. Neither paramagnetic resonance above TN nor antiferro- magnetic resonance below TN was observed. If the g-value were near 2, the applied field (along

the c axis) would have been sufficient to rotate the

spin systems until they were parallel before reso-

nance would have been observed at 70 GHz.

Although these negative results are preliminary, they suggest that a large orbital contribution is

present in FeC12 in agreement with the magnetic

data of Bizette and Tsaï. Generally we have been

unable to observe resonance in those materials in which large orbital contributions are expected (see

our contribution nD 32 to this Colloque). We wish

to thank Dr. Wilkinson for pointing out the discre-

pancies between the magnetic and neutron dif-

fraction measurements to us, and for furnishing the single crystal of FeC’2 for our measurements.

Mr. Van Vleck. - I would like to inquire from

Prof. Sucksmith whether it would be possible to

make measurements on the gyromagnetic ratio

of COC’2. His experiments shown that g’ is

about 1.5 for CoS04, and it would be interesting

to see whether g’ also has about the same valùe

in COC’2. It is unfortunate for the theorists that the neutron diffraction and gyromagnetic measu-

rements have been made on different cobalt com-


Mr. Sucksmith.


It would certainly be possible

to make measurements of the gyromagnetic ratio

of COC’2- Whilst the accuracy of the original

méthod that 1 used would only give about 10 % precision, the improved techniques of the last twenty years ought to be able to reduce the error.

I hope that some of the research workers on the

gyromagnetic effect will consider this problem.


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