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Relaxation in spin-glasses far above the transition point


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1986

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Relaxation in spin-glasses far above the transition point

M.V. Feigel’Man, L.B. Ioffe

To cite this version:

M.V. Feigel’Man, L.B. Ioffe. Relaxation in spin-glasses far above the transition point. Journal de

Physique, 1986, 47 (3), pp.363-366. �10.1051/jphys:01986004703036300�. �jpa-00210213�





Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu Ze 12 juillet 1985, accepté le 20 dgcembre 1985)

Résumé.- Nous considérons deux modèles réa- listes de verres de spin : le modèle d’Edwards-Anderson avec interactions à lon- gue portée et le système de spins classi-

ques avec l’interaction RKKY. Nous montrons que, dans les deux modèles, une relaxation non-exponentielle existe bien au-dessus du

point de transition et même dans la région critique. Nous obtenons la forme de la re- laxation q(t) = S1 (0) S1 (t)> pour les

temps longs, dans ces deux modèles.

Abstract.- We consider two realistic models of spin glasses : the Edwards-Anderson mo- del with long-range interaction and the system of classical vector spins with RKKY interaction, and show that in the both mo- dels non-exponential relaxation occurs far above the transition point and even in the critical region. We obtain the form of the relaxation q(t) = S1 (0) S1 (t) > for long

times, in these models.

J. Physique 47 (1986) 363-366 MARS 1986,


Physics Abstracts


Recently Randeria, Sethna and Palmer [1] have published a very interest- ing paper on low-frequency relaxation in Ising spin glasses. They have shown that the Gaussian distribution of bond strength (J) in the Edwards-Anderson model of spin glasses leads to non-exponential relaxation of the magnetic moment at any temperature.

They have also shown that a more realistic distribution of J (such that J cannot ex-

ceed Jazz) ) leads to non-exponential relaxa- tion in a wide temperature range above the transition point. Unfortunately the rough estimates of [1] produce only a lower bound for relaxation :

where d is the space dimension.

We have discovered that a slight modification of estimates [1] gives an ex-

act form of the q(t) relaxation at large times in at least two realistic models of

spin glasses. First we consider a modified Edwards-Anderson model with large - (but finite) - range interaction in the case of the Ising spins and formulate the analogous results for the vector case, then we consi- der a vector spin glass with RKKY-interac- tion.

The modified Edwards-Anderson model consists of variables U (Ising or n-com-

ponent vector) on the sites of a lattice, which interact with each other according to the Hamiltonian

where K(r) obeys K(r) d3r = 1 this norm-

alization provides a critical temperature

Tc ~ the n-1 number and of Z - interacting neighbours K(r) rZd3r 3/2 >> 1 i.e. is

large. In the vicinity of the transition point the model (2) has been studied in [2-4]. We consider only the pure relaxatio- nal dynamics of Ut’ governed by the Lange- vin equations for the vector spin :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01986004703036300



and by the anomalous Glauber equations for

the dynamics of the Ising spin :

where pfal is the probability of a Icr ii


The averaging over fast t - F-’ fluctua-

tions of a i yields a Langevin equation of motion for the average magnetization

where the effective energy HTAP coincides

[2-4] with the well-known result [5] :

The variables mi can be regarded as

a sum over eigenfunctions i of the 2 is

matrix :

Far above the transition tempera- ture the interaction between different ax

can be neglected therefore their dynamics is governed by the independent equations

(below we consider the Ising case) :

The states with Ea T2 have a

small Fl- 0 I -r- 2) relaxation time, whereas only states with E ;k > -U2 can relax exponent-

tially slowly, but their number is small, since the density of states of the J1j-ma-

trix decreases exponentially with energy :

p (E) N exp (-a(f-/,Eo ) 3 / 4 ) , Eo = Z - 4 I 3, a - 1

These are states replace in our work the

rare highly correlated ferromagnetic re-- gions of ref [1].

In the case of the Ising spins the

free energy H (a,,) has two minima separated

by the energy barrier ð E = 2 ) 2/8T

I(W§) , hence the relaxation rate of a


given state N (with e ;k > -V2 can be estima-- ted with exponential accuracy :

eigenstates N (e > Z-4 13 can be determi- ned from a saddle point approximation analogously to p (e) [4) ] : £(W(A) 4 ~



z- 1 al x 1 4. An eigenstate N gives a contribu- tion to the relaxation of q(t) proportion- tional to exp(-t/t,) which produces an es-

timate of q(t) :

The integral in equation [9] can be evaluated by means of the saddle point asp-

proximation yielding :

Formula (10) is valid at times t such that



k(r)). Note, that the relaxation (10) is slower than the relaxation governed by the power law (q(t) - t’ °‘ ) .

We formulate the analogous result

for the case of the vector spins :


Now we consider the problem of RKKY-interaction of vector spins, namely, a system of randomly distributed classical vector spins cri (Iul 1=1) interacting with

each other according to the potential

Vij - V(r -r ) } aicr il V(r) = Vo cosp0rxr - 3

It is well-known (see e.g. [6]) that the transition temperature of this system is proportional to the concentration (c) of spins :

We remark here that our results hold irrespective of the fact whether T c is

a point of a phase transition or only a point of crucial slowing down of relaxation.

Local fluctuations of the concen-

tration c result in fluctuations of local

Tc. Therefore at any temperature T above T c

(as long as there exists a concentration c

such that spin-glasses with this concentra- tion have T. Z T) there are regions of the

systems which have a local Tc>T. These re-

gions are clusters of N highly correlated spins, relaxing only due to rotation of the cluster as a whole. The relaxation rate w

of the rigid system of N spins can be ob- tained straightforwardly from the Langevin equations (3) :

where wo is the rate of free spin relaxa- tion. The system of N spins can be conside-

red as rigid if its T » T ; if, on the

contrary, T - T « T then w increases :

where T is the effective reduced tempera- ture of the cluster T


(T -


T)/T .


In the

framework of the scaling theory we get f«) - ° if T > T* so that correlation vo-

lume 13 (T) ~ T-3Y « V (V is the volume of the cluster). Below we show that at T - T


f (TT) , (-r) -

A probability to find the cluster

of N spins localized in the volume V (N >

cV) is exponentially small :

Its contribution to the relaxation of q(t) is :

where f(T) - qEA(T) - S>- is the Edwards- Anderson order parameter in the infinite


system at the reduced temperature T. (It

seems likely that f (T) - f (T) at T > T*,

but we shall not use it). Multiplying (16) by (17) we get the value of q(t) at large

(t >> w0-1 ) times :

where averaging is carried out over differ- ent volumes V. The integral (and the result of averaging) in (18) can be evaluated with

an exponential accuracy from the saddle point approximation over two variables

(V,N) :


To is the solution of the equation :

At very small effective temperatures (T >>

T) f (T) - qE A (r) thus - (af’ 1 /aT) f (T) -

a - 1 so the value of -co can be obtained

from the equation :

Again we note that for our purpose

we do not need the value of qEA (T) in the



thermodynamic sense to = Si >2 , E A -1 z


but ra-

ther its value at time larger than w-1 : :

qE A = S1 (0) Si ( t ) > t >> w- I that surely exists at low effective temperatures and is likely to be governed by the mean field solution.

In conclusion we have considered the Edwards-Anderson model of spin glass with long range interaction and shown that in the case of the Ising spins the large- time relaxation is governed by the law :

g(t) - exp(-ln 3 1 5 t) = Z- 4 / 3 (cf (10)) in the large time region (see (11)). We hope

that the Y 1 - x Er spin glass (x - 0.01) can


provide an example of a spin glass with long-range interaction [3-4] and the exam- ple of non-exponential relaxation above the real transition point (see [7] for the the view of experimental properties of Y 1 - x Er ). We have also considered the problem


of the RKKY spin-glass and shown that the non-exponential relaxation persists far above the transition point, in fact it persists up to the maximum transition tem- perature of the spin glasses of the same chemical composition (but different stoe-

chiometry). For the case of the classical

vector spins the relaxation is governed by the exp - two - law (cf.(19)) far above

the transition point T >> Tc. It seems like-

ly that this estimate holds also for a sys- tem of quantum Heisenberg spins. Certainly, non-exponential relaxation occurs also at lower (T Z Tc) temperatures, but the power of (two) in the exponent decreases if T de- creases into the critical region. The dif-

ference between the exponential and

exp two - relaxation at T far above Tic

can be observed in experiments with large frequencies w - 10’ o .

Thus it seems likely that this ef-

fect can be observed most easily by neutron spin echo (NSE) technique. The existing NSE experiments [8] show that relaxation slows down and becomes non-exponential far above

To (up to T - 3T ). The relaxation of q(t)

at largest times may be governed by

exp (-lnat) law due to the presence of ani- sotropy.

We underline that the phenomenon considered here of the non-exponential re- laxation disappears in the limit Z + ao (in the EA model) ; thus our previous results [3] describing the critical slowing down hold since Ze f f --> oo at T--+Tc.


[1] Randeria M., Sethna J.P., Palmer R.G.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 54 (1985) 1321.

[2] Feigelman M.V., Ioffe L.B. J. de Physi-

que (Lettres) 45 (1984) L-475 [3] Feigelman M.V., Ioffe L.B. J. de Physi-

que (Lettres) 46 (1985) L-695 [4] Feigelman M.V., Ioffe L.B. ZhETF 89

(1985) 654

[5] Thouless D.I., Anderson P.W., Palmer R.G., Philos. Mag. 35 (1977) 593 ; Bray A.I., Moore M.A., J. Phys. C14

(1981) 2629.

[6] Larkin A.I., Khmelnistsky P.E. ZhETF 58 (1970) 1789.

[7] Bouchiat H., Mailly D. preprint, Orsay 1984. Baberschke K., Pureur P., Fert A. et al. Phys. Rev. B29

(1984) 4999.

[8] Mezei F., J. Appl. Phys. 53 (1982) 7654

J. Magn. Magn. MAt. 31-34 (1983)



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