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Page 1/2 Third Term English Exam Time:1h30 Level : 2AM June :2015


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I love grandpa. His name is Hamid. I always spend my holidays with him. We walk, do some shopping and go fishing. Grandpa is 88 years old and he has had a happy healthy life.

He has travelled a lot. He has seen the Statue of Liberty in New York and has visited the pyramids in Egypt. He has met a lot stars.

Grandpa has never been ill in his life. He has always been strong. The secret, according to him, is exercising. He walks 30 minutes every day and he goes swimming.

Section one : Reading compréhension

A- Read the text carefully and answer the following questions : (2pts) 1- What has Hamid done in Egypt?


2- Does he practise sport ?


B- Write true, false or not mentioned. (3pts)

1- Hamid has never travelled. ……….

2- He lives in a big house by the sea. ………..

3- He is old . ………

C- Find in the text words or phrases that are closest in meaning to the following.


Buy = ……… Sick = ………

Find in the text words or phrases that are opposite in the meaning to the following Sad ≠ ……….. always ≠ ……….

June :2015 Level : 2AM

Third Term English Exam Time:1h30

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Web site : www.ets-salim.com / - Tel-Fax : :

Section two : Mastery of language

A- Write the right punctuation and capital letters. (1.5pt)

we are going to visit london next holidays


B- Pick out from the text verbs in the present simple and the present perfect. (2pts)

Present simple Present perfect

1- ...

2- ...

1- ...

2- ...

C- Reorder these words to get correct questions. (1.5pt) - you / abroad / Have / ever / travelled / ?

- they / to / fish / going / Are / ?

- grandpa / time / get up / What / does / your / ?

D- Classify these words according to the pronunciation of their vowel sounds:( 2pts) Name – Life – Exercise – Always

/ ei / (plane) / ai /(time)

Part two: Situation of integration.( 6pts)

You are a journalist and you want to write an article about Hamid.

Write the interview .(6 questions/6 Answers).

Here are some cues. You ask him about his

age/career/holidays/children/likes/dislikes/preferences ...

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