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Level :TCL Juin 2015 Third Term English Exam Time: 04h00


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The text:

Robinson Crusoe is the story of a man who lived on a desert island. This is how his story began.

He was travelling with other sailors to Guinea when a terrible tempest broke out. The wind was so violent and the waves so high that they all fell into the sea and the boat sank.

Robinson managed to swim to an island. He was afraid of wild animals so he spent the night on a tree.

The next day he looked for his friends but didn’t find them. They had all died. Crusoe was all alone but he was lucky because there was a lot of food and water on the island.

However, he had nobody to talk except a parrot.

One day he saw a group of cannibals who brought a prisoner for their dinner. Crusoe saved him and became his friend. He called him Friday. Do you know why? Because he met him on Friday. Unfortunately, Friday was a savage who didn’t know Crusoe’s language.

However, after a few weeks, Crusoe taught him some English and they were able to communicate.

They lived on the island for twenty years until a passing boat saved them.

Part One: A/- Reading Interpretation:

1) - Say if these sentences are true or false according to the text: (2 pts) a- Robinson Crusoe was a sailor.

b- His ship disappeared in a tempest.

c- His friends could swim to the island.

d- He lived with a parrot for twenty years.

2) - Answer the following questions according to the text: (3 pts) a- How was Robinson travelling?

b- Why did he fall into the sea?

c- How did he call the man he saved from the cannibals?

3) - Reorder the following ideas as they appear in the text: (1, 5 pts) a- His boat sank.

b- He saved a savage from the cannibals.

c- Robinson Crusoe was sailing to Guinea.

d- They lived together on the island.

Level :TCL Juin 2015

Third Term English Exam Time: 04h00

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Web site : www.ets-salim.com / : سكافلا- Tel-Fax : :

4) - What or who do the underlined words refer to in the text: (1 , 5 pts)

They (§2) =……….. Their (§4) =………..

Him (§4) =……….

B/- Text Exploration:

1) - Match each word with its definition: (1 pts)

Words Definition

1. Cannibals 2. Sailors 3. Island 4. Desert

a. a piece of land surrounded by water.

b. savage people who eat humans.

c. people who work on a boat.

d. uninhabited place.

2) - Complete the following table: (1,5 pts)

words nouns

To die


To save







Life Sailor


3) - Combine the following pairs of sentences using the link words between brackets.

Make the necessary changes. (Whom- which) (1 pts)

a- Friday is the name of a savage. Crusoe saved him.

b- Crusoe was sailing in a ship. A tempest damaged it.

4) - Ask the questions that the underlined words answer: (1 pts)

a- He was travelling to Guinea.

b- He saw a group of Cannibals.

5) - Fill in the gaps with the words in the list below: (2 pts)

Excited- ate- too- island

One day Crusoe saw a footprint in the sand. It was not his because it was………big. Was there another man on the island? He watched and waited. He was ……….and scared. Then he saw them! The people who came to his……….were “cannibals”! They brought their prisoners to his island and then……….them for lunch. Crusoe was terrified.

6) - Classify these verbs according to the pronunciation of their final “ed”(1,5 pts) Looked- started- landed- managed- lived- died.

/t/ /d/ /id/

Part Two: Written Expression: (5 pts)

Imagine you are Crusoe. Write the description of Friday the savage.

Start your composition like this: After the cannibals had returned to their boat, I looked at the savage I had just saved. He………..

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