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wheel of the week


Academic year: 2022

Partager "wheel of the week"


Texte intégral



yesterday tom

orrow tom

orrow today


wheel of the week

A couper au cutter après plastification



monday Monday


n su ay d

nd Su ay

nd Su

ay id fr

ay da Fri y da Fri y

thu rsd

ay Th

ursd ay Th

ursd ay wedynesda

Wednesday Wednesday tuesday

Tuesday Tuesday

saturd ay

Satur day

Satur day

Roue à plastifier et découper

(semaine de 4 jours)



monday Monday


n su ay d

nd Su ay

nd Su

ay id fr

ay id FR ay da Fri y

thu rsd

ay Th

ursd ay Th

ursd ay wedynesda

Wednesday Wednesday tuesday

Tuesday Tuesday

saturd ay

Satur day

Satur day

Roue à plastifier et découper

(semaine de 4,5 jours)



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With 'The KiteRunner'opening this week,the principals talk about the chal- lenges of fllmingthe real Mghanistan with a truly global cast and crew.Page62. THE ISSUE World Affoirs 22

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