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H. Baltes

To cite this version:

H. Baltes.


SMALL PARTICLES. Journal de Physique Colloques,


38 (C2),







Zentrale Forschung und Entwicklung LGZ Landis & Gyr Zug AG

CH-6301 Zug, Switzerland



Nous pr6sentons une revue des theories et experiences des phonons dans les petits cristaux. En premier lieu, nous consid6rons les modes acoustiques et la capacite calorifique correspondante. Nous discutons aussi brikvement les vibrations optiques ainsi que l'absorption et 1'6mission dans l'infrarouge lointain.



Theories and experiments on phonons in small solid particles are reviewed. Acoustical modes and the corresponding vibrational specific heat are emphasized. Optical modes and the pertinent far-infrared properties are presented as well.

1. Introduction.


Apart from a few important early contributions [I-81, the physical properties of small solid particles have been investigated in detail only during the past fifteen years. The more general field of the physics of finite systems includes aspects of not only solid state physics, but also general thermodynamics and statistical physics, quantum electrodynamics, and nuclear physics. Some current investigations are listed below. The items indicated by


are presented in the subse- quent sections in more detail.



(i) Non-relativistic perfect quantum- gases.


Thermodynamic equation of state [9-111.

Bose-Einstein condensation [12, 131. PoincarC- cyles [14].

(ii) Quantum-electrodynamics.


Spectral and total energy of thermal radiation in lossless small cavities [IS-191. Coherence [14, 20, 211 and related radiation corrections [22] and material effects [23].

Radiative heat transfer between closely spaced bodies [24] and the three-dimensional Casimir- effect [25, 261.

(iii) Heavy nuclei.


Level statistics [27-291.

Surface and shape energy [30-321. Shell correction and fission barrier [33-351.

(iv) Solid particles : electrons. - Specific heat and paramagnetism [ S , 36-38]. Electric polarizabi- lity and optical absorption [ I , 2, 39-45]. Spin resonance [46-491.

(v) Solid particles : acoustical phonons



Refined mode density and specific heat [6, 50-551.

Lattice dynamics of surface modes [56-621 and

(*) Adapted from an invited paper presented at the Internatio- nal Meeting on the Small Particles and Inorganic Clusters,

September 13- 17, 1976, Universitk Claude Bernard, Lyon,


edge modes [63, 641. Quantum size effects [3, 4 , 65-68].

(vi) Solid particles : optical phonons



Opti- cal properties of spherical [7, 69-74] and cube- shaped [75-771 microcrystals. Lattice dynamics of surface modes [55-621.

(vii) Phase transitions.


Heisenberg [78-801 and Ising [81,82] spin systems. Superconductivity [83- 891.



(i) Photons.


Fluorescence lifetime [90]. Radiative transfer [91]. Casimir effect [92].

(ii) Heavy nuclei.


Data on nuclear masses [30, 931 and fission barrier [35, 941.

(iii) Solid particles : electronic e f f e c t s .


Magnetic susceptibility [ 9 5 , 961.. Electrical polarization [ 9 7 , 981. O p t i c a l a n d U . V . absorption [99- 1021. Far-infrared absorption [103, 1041. Spin resonance [96, 105-1 101. Tunelling [ I 1 11.

(iv) Solid particles : acoustical phonons



Specific heat of metals [112, 1131 and dielectrics [6, 1 141. Mossbauer-spectroscopy [115]. Neutron scattering [116].

(v) Solid particles : optical phonons



Far- i n f r a r e d t r a n s m i s s i o n [ 7 5 , 117-1251 a n d emission [126, 1271.

(vi) Solid particles : thermodynamics.


Vapour pressure [I281 and melting temperature [I291 of metal grains.

The case of heavy nuclei is included in the above list since concepts of nuclear theory [27-351 have been applied to solid particles [36, 37, 39, 661. The photon gas in a small enclosure is the only non-interacting finite system and henceforth allows the study of pure size-effects. The case of the bounded photon gas was reviewed recently [130, 1311. A comprehensive report on the underlying


C2-152 H. P. BALTES

mathematical problem of the distribution of the eigenvalues of the wave equation in finite domains is available as well [132].

2. Acoustical phonons.


Debye's p-law [I331 for the low-temperature vibrational specific heat was the first classical law of bulk solid state physics that was called in question by a quantum size effect : Planck [3] and Schaefer [4] predicted that the p-law would break down at least for tempera- tures so low and particles so small that only the fundamental mode of frequency w l is appreciably e'xcited a s compared t o the higher modes w,






0 2


0 1 . Thus not only the condition T 4 8 with 8 denoting the (bulk) Debye tempera- ture, but also the restriction


S 80 = hwz/k = 8/(3 N)'13 (1) with N denoting the number of atoms is required for the validity of Debye's law. The vibrational specific heat is henceforth subject to the following three regimes :

(i) Single-mode regime 8


T 4 80 with the Planck-Schaefer specific heat proprotional to


exp(- hol/kr).

(ii) Debye regime 80


T 4 8.

(iii) Dulong-Petit regime 8 4 T


Tmeltlng point.

The regime (i) is observed at reasonably high temperatures T 4 80 for not too small 80, say

80 2 8/5 or N 5 SO, i.e. for microclusters.

Intermediate between (i) and (ii) is the case of small particles with 10' 5 N lo6 at sufficiently

low temperatures 6,s T 4 8. Two different approaches are, in principle, possible here : The quantum-size approach that leads to the specific heat proportional to

and the quasi-continuum approach feasible for not too small particles leading to

(iii) Elastic problem [I341 ( A * + 0 2 ) u = 0 , A * = A graddiv+ B V2,

- B 'I2

t -


vl = (A




relevant for the acoustical phonons in the elastic continuum model. Only Weyl's non-physical boun- dary-condition div u = 0 allows the separation into transverse modes with velocity vt and longitudinal modes with velocity vl in a finite domain. Clamped boundaries with u = 0 as well as stress-free bounda- ries with

and the intermediate case of contact boundaries lead to the scrambling of t- and 1-bulk modes as well as to the Raleigh-modes that are localized near the surface. Only in the limit of large volume Vare the boundary conditions immaterial : Weyl 's theo-

rem asserts that

as V-03 irrespective of the shape of the domain. 2 . 2 REFINEMENTS OF WEYL'S THEOREM.


Since the days of Weyl, much effort has been spent on establishing asymptotic expansions for the mode density where Weyl's theorem provides the leading term. The problem in question is largely solved for the scalar and electromagnetic problems (see Ref. [I321 for a review), but only the first-order correction or surface-term is known for the elastic problem (see Section 2.3). As an illustrative exam- ple we present here the most simple case of the scalar problem for the cube-shaped domain (edge length L ) with Dirichlet (u = 0) or Neumann (au/an = 0) boundary conditions, where the complete expansion is known [34]

, d

with D(w) denoting the improved mode density that

accounts for size-, surface-, and shape-effects. 3 +"



8 ( k - $ l n , 1 ) 8 ,,=-,



By Weyl's problem we 1 understand the problem of calculating the eigenva-

e 8

S(k) lue distribution for the wave equation [132]. Weyl's

considered three different types of boundary value - -- L 3 k 2 L 3 k 2 ~f sin(ZkL(n:+n:+n:)'/')

problems : 2 97' +

T - 7


r,n3 2 It%(n:





(i) Scalar problem (



k2) u = 0 related to the 2-2

-perfect quantum gas by virtue of k , l & . E T= v 3 L 2 k 3 L 2 k ~ f ~ & k ~ ( n : + n : ) 1 3 4 7-r 4 .rr ,,,,, . -

E = energy, and to acoustic resonators by virtue of

k = o/ v, v = sound velocity.


- 3 L 3 L




cos (2 kLn ,) (ii) Electrodynamic problem ( V2


k2) E = 0, 4%- 4 r . ,


PHONONS I N SMALL PARTICLES C2-153 Here, the primes indicate that the terms corres-

ponding to Ni = 0 for all occuring i are omitted in the summation. The negative signs apply in the case of clamped surface (Dirichlet) and the positive signs in the case of free surface (Neu- mann)


The monotonic volume-, surface-, edge-, and corner-correction terms are sufficient in the quasi-continuum regime, whereas the oscillatory terms (sums


are required in addition in the quantum-size regime. We point out that the above corrections of Weyl's asymptotic limit L 3 k2/2 r2 are due to the refined counting of bulk modes and not to localized physical surface modes.

2.3 F R E E PARTICLES. - From the above scalar result, we would suppose that particles with free surfaces in the quasi-continuum regime show an enhancement of the acoustical mode density and low-temperature specific heat together with the corresponding decrease of the Debye-temperature. This is indeed observed in neutron scattering [I161 as well as calorimetric [6, 1 141 and Mossbauer [I151 measurements. The relative decrease of the Debye- temperature is proportional to SN-'I3, where S

denotes the surface area of the grains [135]. Results of the type (7) suggested the following

scalar model [8] mode density for not too small particles,

with the effective sound velocities [8]

and some effective length A accounting for edge- and curvature-effects. Only vj3 = 2 vy3


v73 is phy-

sically correct in the sense of the full elastic problem. The correct value of vj2 was determined in terms of elastic continuum [SO, 511 theory accounting for the correct boundary condition (5) and lattice dynamics [52-541. It reads

a result that reflects the mode scrambling effect due to the finite size. The low-temperature heat capa- city thus reads

Iosilevskii [53] points out that the above surface- term stems from the correct thermodynamic density of states of the bulk modes rather than from the

localized surface-modes. A behaviour of the type C- C ~ e= bconst ~ ~ T2 is indeed observed [114, 1161, but the measured constant is often a f e y times larger than expected from theory.

Unfortunately, the correct value of the parameter,



in the elastic model (4, 5) is unknown hitherto.

Localized edge modes, however, are studied currently [63, 641.

A result analogous to (10) is known for clamped

surfaces [SO-521, but not for the physically more interesting case of contact surfaces (e.g. small particles in contact with matrix material). In the spirit of the scalar model, the contact-problem would lead to the surface term proportional to

with the sound velocities v,, v , and the elastic constants p ~ , p g of the two materials A and B.



The quasi-continuum

approach leads to the mode density

with v3 and vz as given in (9) and (lo), respectively, and to the corresponding specific heat of the type (11). The quantum size approach [66, 681 in the spirit of Montroll's model [8] starts from

~ ( w ) =


- or,), wl, = va:,R-' (14)


with al, denoting the zeros of the derivative of the spherical Bessel function jl with weight ( 2 1


1) and

v denoting some effective sound velocity (adjustable parameter). The corresponding specific heat is of the type (2) with summation over the Bessel zeros until the total number 3(N- 1) of vibrational degrees of freedom is exhausted. Such an exponen- tial sum over discrete resonances is able to account for the non-quadratic specific heat enhancement observed for ultra-fine particles [112, 1131 at low temperatures (see Fig. 1).

F I G . 1 . - M e a s u r e d s p e c i f i c h e a t e n h a n c e m e n t A C = C,,,,,,C~ - Cbu,k as a function of TL for lead particles of 22 A and 37


average diameter (adapted from Ref. [1131). The

non-quadratic behaviour for T s 5 K < T, = 7 K is adscribed to the acoustical phonon quantum size effect [66, 681.

3. Optical phonons. - Since excellent

- reviews 173, 74, 125, 1271 are available, only a brief account of optical vibrational modes in small dielectric particles is given here. Neutron scattering experiments [I161 reveal not only changes in the optical mode density, but also the existence of


C2-154 H. P. BALTES acoustical and those of the optical bulk bands. The 1

infrared absorption [117-1251 and emission [126, 1271 of small ionic crystal particles has been measured extensively. The theory of the corresponding polariton modes was likewise studied

in detail [69-77, 136, 1371.


The theoretical methods are similar to those used by Mie [I] and Debye [2] for the plasma modes and 3


optical properties of metal spheres. Frohlich 171


The case 1 = I corresponds to a uniform mode of


the type predicted by Frijhlich, whereas the cases


1 2 2 correspond to modes that are localized near


the surface. The frequency (15) is obtained in the


limit 1 - t m. The theory for diatomic spheres of

arbitrary size (i.e. accounting for the retardation of Coulomb forces) is due to Fuchs and Kliewer [71].

They find the following spectrum : 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

for small spheres (radius


4 A, = 2 ?rc /oTo) of


3 0 0 K - n ~ ~ iHns


(i) The longitudinal mode with w = w ~ o as in bulk n = w/w,,


material. FIG. 2. - Infrared emittance of alkalihalide crystals as a


frequency a uniform optical c vibrational mode of the


0 0


TO 1 1-ns 2 -nLo 3




3 0 0 K


diatomic ionic crystal material. Here, E O and E , I:

denote the static , and high frequency dielectric




constants, and WTO and WLO stand for the trans- verse-optical and longitudinal-optical bulk frequen- cies. Englman and Ruppin [69, 701 developed the correct theory of long-wave optical phonons in

small spheres (R 4 ATO). Besides wTo and WLO, they 0

(ii) High-frequency (w


wLO) transverse modes function of the reduced frequency O = o/oro. A layer of

with for R .g hTO and wLO for R hTO. cube-shaped particles (below, adapted from Ref. [1261) is compared with a thin slab (middle) and a bulk (above) crystal.

(iii) Low-frequenc~ (w


transverse Materials. tem~eratures. and average angles as well as OTO = 1,

I F 40' I I I 1 I .


with w+ OTO for R 4 hTO and w+ 0 for R S ATO. 01.0 = OLO/WTO, and &S = [1/2


f i ~ 0 / 2 7 ' ~ are indicated- he

I I I 1 1 I I I I

find a set of modes with frequencies 0 1 2 3


(iv) ~ ~transverse modes wia ~ ~w--, ws, bulk and slab surves are adapted from reflectance measurements ~ ~ ~ d i ~ ~ ~

of the type described in Ref. [I381 and [139].

as given by (15) for R 4 ATo and w+ 0 for R




The same authors calculate the infrared absor-

ption cross section and predict that only the mode T h i s k i n d of b e h a v i o u r w a s o b s e r v e d recently [I 271.

should be observed as an absorption (or emission) peak in the case R 4 ATO.

A dominant gap mode (between TO and LO) is indeed observed for small (diameter d = 1-3 pm) crystals (see Fig. 2). The secondary peak near TO is adscribed to clustering effects [127]. The more involved theory of the optical properties of layers of crystal cubes has been studied as well [75-77, 1271 and predicts secondary absorption peaks above the (slightly shifted) dominant gap mode frequency





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