• Aucun résultat trouvé



Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral



Photos non contractuelles




Modèle Rav4 hybride my21

Version 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT Mise en circulation 14 juin 2021

Couleur GRIS ATLAS / TOIT NOIR Disponibilité Disponible

Garantie Garantie constructeur

Référence 36351

N° de dossier 36351


Carburant Hybrid essence Boite à vitesse Automatique Puissance fiscale 9 ch

Emission CO2 131 g/km Kilométrage 20 Km

47 500 €


Warning (2): array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array [/var/www/cakephp/croogo/automobile-dev/Autoweb/View/Website/fichepdf.ctp, line 122]Code Context

if (count($repartition['gauche']['cat']) == 1 && $repartition['gauche']['nb'] >

$repartition['droite']['nb']) { $i = ($repartition['gauche']['nb'] - $repartition[

'droite']['nb']) / 2; $repartition['droite']['cat'] = array_merge($repartition[

'gauche']['cat'], $repartition['droite']['cat']);

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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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'Type' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]),


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[maximum depth reached]

) ),

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'Menu' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]

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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]

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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]

) ),

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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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[maximum depth reached]


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'prix_loyer_ttc' => '660 €/mois', 'prix_ht' => '39 583 €',

'prix_constructeur' => '51 000 €', 'prix_marchand' => '',

'prix_marchand_ht' => '', 'marge' => '',

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[maximum depth reached]

) )


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(int) 9 => array(

'nom' => 'Equipements', 'equips' => array(

[maximum depth reached]

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'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

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'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

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'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

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'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' )


'title_for_layout' => 'Vente véhicule Neuf - TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT', 'metaForLayout' => array(

'description' => 'Doral spécialiste de la vente d'automobiles neuves et occasion basé à Avignon vous propose ce véhicule Neuf : TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT au prix de 47 500 € TTC', 'keywords' => 'vente, voiture, avignon, vaucluse, utilitaires, neufs, occasions'


'metaogForLayout' => array(

'title' => 'TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT',

'description' => 'Prix TTC : 47 500 € au lieu de 51 000 € soit une économie de 3 500 €. Mensualité à partir de 660 €/mois sans apport', 'url' => 'https://doral-automobiles.com/autoweb/website/detail/336351/voiture-neuve-toyota-rav4-hybride-my21',

'image' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/1.jpg' ),

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(int) 0 => '336351',

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'nb_equipements' => (int) 0, 'headerdossiers' => array(

(int) 0 => 'N°dossier', (int) 1 => 'Couleur',

(int) 2 => 'Immatriculation', (int) 3 => 'Fin de garantie', (int) 4 => 'Disponibilité' ),

'listedossiers' => array(

(int) 336351 => array(

'dossier' => '36351',

'couleur' => 'GRIS ATLAS / TOIT NOIR', 'immatriculation' => '',

'garantie' => '',

'disponibilite' => 'disponible' )


'detailcfg' => array(

'captcha' => array(

(int) 0 => 'ami' )


'loyerscetelem' => array(), 'cetelem' => true,

'cetelemcfg' => array(

'version' => (int) 1,

'vend_code' => (int) 700648712, 'nbmonths' => (int) 72,

'nbdayscalcul' => '-15 day',

'lastvehiculeupdate' => (int) 1653348003 ),

'isMobile' => false,

'facteurTva' => (float) 1.2, 'locawebconfig' => array(

'web_classe_tarif_id' => (int) 1,

'index_datas' => '{"datas" :{"tarifs":false, "categories":true, "etablissements":false}, "showreservation" : false, "agenceretour" : true}' ),


'locaweb' => true, 'config' => array(

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'achat_relationetabtier' => '9:146,15:6704',

'reception_accessoires' => 'Double des clés,Notice d'utilisation en français,Carte SD', 'commande_frais' => '',

'commande_accompte' => 'Chèque:1000', 'etiquette_marges' => '7,7,7,0',

'etiquette_dimensions' => '47.7,66.2', 'etiquette_nombre' => '3,6',

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'compta_racinelocation' => (int) 9,

'commande_accessoires' => 'Frais de formalité:350', 'commande_fraisinterne' => '',

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'homepage_datas' => '{"nodes":"","offresmois":{"conditions": {"Vehicule.etat":"N"}},"categories":""}', 'dossier' => 'Doral',

'etablissement_principal_vente' => (int) 1, 'detail_optins' => '{"captcha":["ami"]}', 'detail_options' => '{"captcha":["ami"]}', 'index_options' => '',

'commande_template' => '{"remarque" : [{"code":"venfin", "libelle":"Vente à la banque", "template":"FOURNISSEUR :\n{Achat.0.Tier.nom}\n{Achat.0.Tier.adresse}\n{Achat.0.Tier.code_postal} {Achat.0.Tier.ville}\n\nNous certifions par la présente que ce matériel n'est pas inscrit dans nos comptes d'immobilisation."}]}', 'next_numvo' => '',

'achat_idfraistransport' => (int) 1 ),

'modelClass' => 'Vehicule', 'etablissement_id' => null, 'username' => null


$is_mobile = false

$etats = array(

'N' => 'Neuf', 'O' => 'Occasion' )

$tauxTva = (int) 20

$socname = 'Doral'

$role_id = null

$vocabularies_for_layout = array()

$types_for_layout = array(

'page' => array(

'Type' => array(

'id' => '1',

'title' => 'Page', 'alias' => 'page',

'description' => 'A page is a simple method for creating and displaying information that rarely changes, such as an "About us" section of a website. By default, a page entry does not allow visitor comments.', 'format_show_author' => false,

'format_show_date' => false, 'comment_status' => '0', 'comment_approve' => true,

'comment_spam_protection' => false, 'comment_captcha' => false,

'params' => '', 'plugin' => '',

'updated' => '2009-09-09 00:23:24', 'created' => '2009-09-02 18:06:27' ),

'Vocabulary' => array(), 'Params' => array() ),

'blog' => array(


'Type' => array(

'id' => '2',

'title' => 'Blog', 'alias' => 'blog',

'description' => 'A blog entry is a single post to an online journal, or blog.', 'format_show_author' => true,

'format_show_date' => true, 'comment_status' => '2', 'comment_approve' => true,

'comment_spam_protection' => false, 'comment_captcha' => false,

'params' => '', 'plugin' => '',

'updated' => '2009-09-15 12:15:43', 'created' => '2009-09-02 18:20:44' ),

'Vocabulary' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

'Params' => array() ),

'node' => array(

'Type' => array(

'id' => '4',

'title' => 'Node', 'alias' => 'node',

'description' => 'Default content type.', 'format_show_author' => true,

'format_show_date' => true, 'comment_status' => '2', 'comment_approve' => true,

'comment_spam_protection' => false, 'comment_captcha' => false,

'params' => '', 'plugin' => '',

'updated' => '2009-10-06 21:53:15', 'created' => '2009-09-05 23:51:56' ),

'Vocabulary' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

'Params' => array() ),

'faq' => array(

'Type' => array(

'id' => '5', 'title' => 'Faq', 'alias' => 'faq', 'description' => '',

'format_show_author' => false, 'format_show_date' => false, 'comment_status' => '0', 'comment_approve' => false,

'comment_spam_protection' => false, 'comment_captcha' => false,

'params' => 'routes=1', 'plugin' => null,

'updated' => '2015-12-04 09:58:17', 'created' => '2014-05-21 14:54:35' ),

'Vocabulary' => array(), 'Params' => array(

'routes' => '1' )



'agence' => array(

'Type' => array(

'id' => '6',

'title' => 'Agence', 'alias' => 'agence',

'description' => 'Contenus du slider agence', 'format_show_author' => false,

'format_show_date' => false, 'comment_status' => '0', 'comment_approve' => false,

'comment_spam_protection' => false, 'comment_captcha' => false,

'params' => '', 'plugin' => null,

'updated' => '2016-01-27 19:26:47', 'created' => '2016-01-27 19:26:47' ),

'Vocabulary' => array(), 'Params' => array() )


$menus_for_layout = array(

'main-desktop' => array(

'Menu' => array(

'id' => '8',

'title' => 'Principal desktop', 'alias' => 'main-desktop', 'class' => '',

'description' => '', 'status' => true, 'weight' => null, 'link_count' => '7', 'params' => '',

'updated' => '2015-11-25 11:07:13', 'created' => '2015-11-25 11:03:42' ),

'Params' => array(), 'threaded' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 4 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 5 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 6 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )


'main-mobile' => array(

'Menu' => array(

'id' => '9',

'title' => 'Principal mobile', 'alias' => 'main-mobile', 'class' => '',

'description' => '', 'status' => true, 'weight' => null, 'link_count' => '8', 'params' => '',

'updated' => '2015-11-25 11:07:26', 'created' => '2015-11-25 11:04:27' ),


'Params' => array(), 'threaded' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 4 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 5 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 6 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 7 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )


'top-desktop' => array(

'Menu' => array(

'id' => '10',

'title' => 'Top desktop', 'alias' => 'top-desktop', 'class' => '',

'description' => '', 'status' => true, 'weight' => null, 'link_count' => '3', 'params' => '',

'updated' => '2015-11-25 11:06:41', 'created' => '2015-11-25 11:06:41' ),

'Params' => array(), 'threaded' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )


'services' => array(

'Menu' => array(

'id' => '7',

'title' => 'services', 'alias' => 'services', 'class' => '',

'description' => '', 'status' => true, 'weight' => null, 'link_count' => '4', 'params' => '',

'updated' => '2013-07-11 14:04:11', 'created' => '2013-07-11 14:04:11' ),

'Params' => array(), 'threaded' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(


[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )

) )

$nodes_for_layout = array()

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(int) 0 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) )


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(int) 0 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) ),

(int) 1 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) )


'bottom' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) ),

(int) 1 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) ),

(int) 2 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) ),

(int) 3 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


'Params' => array([maximum depth reached]) )


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(int) 0 => array(

'Block' => array(

[maximum depth reached]


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'ville' => 'Avignon',

'gps' => '43.938281,4.849581', 'ville_id' => '0',

'telephone' => '04 90 89 33 21', 'fax' => '04 90 89 81 98',

'email' => 'contact@doral-automobiles.com', 'forme_juridique' => 'SARL',

'numero_siret' => '392 645 966 000012 - RCS AVIGNON', 'code_ape' => '4511Z',

'numero_tva' => 'FR77392645966',

'nom_domaine' => 'www.doral-automobiles.com', 'statut_unique' => '',

'logo' => '',

'fermeture_hebdo' => '', 'ouverture' => '',

'location' => '0',

'showinsellerwebsite' => true, 'parent_id' => '1',

'config_id' => '1',

'defaultbanque_id' => null, 'compta_general' => '411130', 'created' => null,

'modified' => '2013-08-06 10:25:25' )

$general = array(

'id' => '336351', 'statut' => 'ok', 'marque' => 'TOYOTA',

'modele' => 'Rav4 hybride my21',

'version' => '2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT', 'prix_ttc' => '47 500 €',

'prix_loyer_ttc' => '660 €/mois', 'prix_ht' => '39 583 €',

'prix_constructeur' => '51 000 €', 'prix_marchand' => '',

'prix_marchand_ht' => '', 'marge' => '',

'marge_ht' => '', 'economie' => array(

'montant' => '-3 500 €', 'pourcentage' => '6%' ),

'description_web' => null, 'etat' => 'N',

'libetat' => 'Neuf', 'type' => '1',

'libtype' => 'Tourisme', 'etatprix' => 'N47500', 'loyers' => array(

'cetelem' => array(

'veh_price' => (int) 47500, 'is_new_veh' => (int) 1, 'veh_category' => 'AUTO', 'circdate' => '14062021' )


'photoscontract' => 'Photos non contractuelles' )

$categories = array(

(int) 0 => array(

'nom' => 'Généralités', 'champs' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(


[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 4 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 5 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 6 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 7 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 8 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )


(int) 1 => array(

'nom' => 'Moteur', 'champs' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 4 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )

) )

$equipements = array(

(int) 9 => array(

'nom' => 'Equipements', 'equips' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 2 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 3 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 4 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 5 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 6 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 7 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 8 => array(


[maximum depth reached]


(int) 9 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 10 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 11 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 12 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 13 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 14 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 15 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 16 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 17 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 18 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 19 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 20 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 21 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 22 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 23 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 24 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 25 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 26 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 27 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 28 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 29 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 30 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 31 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 32 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 33 => array(


[maximum depth reached]


(int) 34 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 35 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 36 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 37 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 38 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 39 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 40 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 41 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 42 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 43 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 44 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 45 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 46 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 47 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 48 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 49 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 50 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 51 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 52 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 53 => array(

[maximum depth reached]


(int) 54 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) )

) )

$photos = array(

(int) 0 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/1.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 1 => array(


'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/2.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 2 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/3.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 3 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/4.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 4 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/5.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 5 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/6.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 6 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/7.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 7 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/8.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 8 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/9.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 9 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/10.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 10 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/11.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 11 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/12.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 12 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/13.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 13 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/14.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 14 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/15.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 15 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/16.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 16 => array(


'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/17.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 17 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/18.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' ),

(int) 18 => array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/19.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' )


$title_for_layout = 'Vente véhicule Neuf - TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT'

$metaForLayout = array(

'description' => 'Doral spécialiste de la vente d'automobiles neuves et occasion basé à Avignon vous propose ce véhicule Neuf : TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT au prix de 47 500 € TTC', 'keywords' => 'vente, voiture, avignon, vaucluse, utilitaires, neufs, occasions'


$metaogForLayout = array(

'title' => 'TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 - 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT',

'description' => 'Prix TTC : 47 500 € au lieu de 51 000 € soit une économie de 3 500 €. Mensualité à partir de 660 €/mois sans apport', 'url' => 'https://doral-automobiles.com/autoweb/website/detail/336351/voiture-neuve-toyota-rav4-hybride-my21',

'image' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/1.jpg' )

$prevnext = array(

'current' => array(

(int) 0 => '336351',

(int) 1 => 'voiture-neuve-toyota-rav4-hybride-my21' )


$nb_equipements = (int) 0

$headerdossiers = array(

(int) 0 => 'N°dossier', (int) 1 => 'Couleur',

(int) 2 => 'Immatriculation', (int) 3 => 'Fin de garantie', (int) 4 => 'Disponibilité' )

$listedossiers = array(

(int) 336351 => array(

'dossier' => '36351',

'couleur' => 'GRIS ATLAS / TOIT NOIR', 'immatriculation' => '',

'garantie' => '',

'disponibilite' => 'disponible' )


$detailcfg = array(

'captcha' => array(

(int) 0 => 'ami' )


$loyerscetelem = array()

$cetelem = true

$cetelemcfg = array(

'version' => (int) 1,

'vend_code' => (int) 700648712, 'nbmonths' => (int) 72,

'nbdayscalcul' => '-15 day',

'lastvehiculeupdate' => (int) 1653348003 )

$isMobile = false

$facteurTva = (float) 1.2

$locawebconfig = array(

'web_classe_tarif_id' => (int) 1,

'index_datas' => '{"datas" :{"tarifs":false, "categories":true, "etablissements":false}, "showreservation" : false, "agenceretour" : true}' )

$locaweb = true

$config = array(

'achat_catalogue' => '9,15',

'starterre_email_destinataire' => 'mediaannonces@gmail.com', 'starterre_forfaitfraisttc' => (int) 228,

'starterre_max_id' => (int) 300000,


'starterre_min_id' => (int) 30000,

'starterre_tarifvente_default' => (int) 1, 'tarifvente_etablissements' => '9,10',

'tarifvente_seuils' => '350,500,750,1000,1250,1500,2000,2500,10000', 'taux_tva' => (int) 20,

'website_frais_admin' => (int) 199, 'achat_fraistransport' => (int) 165,

'achat_relationetabtier' => '9:146,15:6704',

'reception_accessoires' => 'Double des clés,Notice d'utilisation en français,Carte SD', 'commande_frais' => '',

'commande_accompte' => 'Chèque:1000', 'etiquette_marges' => '7,7,7,0',

'etiquette_dimensions' => '47.7,66.2', 'etiquette_nombre' => '3,6',

'etiquette_position' => (int) 11, 'etiquette_ligne' => '5.4,10',

'starterre_lastimport' => (int) 1653346839, 'compta_racinevente' => (int) 9,

'version' => (int) 1,

'compta_racinelocation' => (int) 9,

'commande_accessoires' => 'Frais de formalité:350', 'commande_fraisinterne' => '',

'etablissements_vente' => '1,9,15', 'vente_banque' => (int) 4,

'homepage_datas' => '{"nodes":"","offresmois":{"conditions": {"Vehicule.etat":"N"}},"categories":""}', 'dossier' => 'Doral',

'etablissement_principal_vente' => (int) 1, 'detail_optins' => '{"captcha":["ami"]}', 'detail_options' => '{"captcha":["ami"]}', 'index_options' => '',

'commande_template' => '{"remarque" : [{"code":"venfin", "libelle":"Vente à la banque", "template":"FOURNISSEUR :\n{Achat.0.Tier.nom}\n{Achat.0.Tier.adresse}\n{Achat.0.Tier.code_postal} {Achat.0.Tier.ville}\n\nNous certifions par la présente que ce matériel n'est pas inscrit dans nos comptes d'immobilisation."}]}', 'next_numvo' => '',

'achat_idfraistransport' => (int) 1 )

$modelClass = 'Vehicule'

$etablissement_id = null

$username = null

$p = array(

'externe' => true,

'basename' => 'https://atbauto.com/photos/26323/1.jpg',

'alt' => 'Photo véhicule 1 TOYOTA Rav4 hybride my21 2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT' )

$imgpath = ''

$caracteristiques = array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => '<div class="titre3">Généralités</div><table><tr><td class="libelle">Marque</td> <td>TOYOTA</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Modèle</td> <td>Rav4 hybride my21</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Version</td> <td>2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Mise en circulation</td> <td>14 juin 2021</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Couleur</td> <td>GRIS ATLAS / TOIT NOIR</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Disponibilité</td> <td>Disponible</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Garantie</td> <td>Garantie constructeur</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Référence</td> <td>36351</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">N° de dossier</td> <td>36351</td></tr></table>',

(int) 1 => '<div class="titre3">Moteur</div><table><tr><td class="libelle">Carburant</td> <td>Hybrid essence</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Boite à vitesse</td> <td>Automatique</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Puissance fiscale</td> <td>9 ch</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Emission CO2</td> <td>131 g/km</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Kilométrage</td> <td>20 Km</td></tr></table>' )


$flg = 'gauche'

$cat = array(

'nom' => 'Moteur', 'champs' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

'label' => 'Carburant', 'value' => 'Hybrid essence' ),

(int) 1 => array(

'label' => 'Boite à vitesse', 'value' => 'Automatique' ),

(int) 2 => array(

'label' => 'Puissance fiscale',


'value' => '9 ch' ),

(int) 3 => array(

'label' => 'Emission CO2', 'value' => '131 g/km' ),

(int) 4 => array(

'label' => 'Kilométrage', 'value' => '20 Km'

) )


$titre = '<div class="titre3">Moteur</div>'

$td = array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => 'Carburant', (int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

(int) 1 => 'Hybrid essence' ),

(int) 1 => array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => 'Boite à vitesse', (int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

(int) 1 => 'Automatique' ),

(int) 2 => array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => 'Puissance fiscale', (int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

(int) 1 => '9 ch' ),

(int) 3 => array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => 'Emission CO2', (int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

(int) 1 => '131 g/km' ),

(int) 4 => array(

(int) 0 => array(

(int) 0 => 'Kilométrage', (int) 1 => array(

[maximum depth reached]

) ),

(int) 1 => '20 Km' )


$ch = array(

'label' => 'Kilométrage', 'value' => '20 Km'


$table = '<div class="titre3">Moteur</div><table><tr><td class="libelle">Carburant</td> <td>Hybrid essence</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Boite à vitesse</td> <td>Automatique</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Puissance fiscale</td> <td>9 ch</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Emission CO2</td> <td>131 g/km</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Kilométrage</td> <td>20 Km</td></tr></table>'

$gauche = '<div class="titre3">Généralités</div><table><tr><td class="libelle">Marque</td> <td>TOYOTA</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Modèle</td> <td>Rav4 hybride my21</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Version</td> <td>2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Mise en circulation</td> <td>14 juin 2021</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Couleur</td> <td>GRIS ATLAS / TOIT NOIR</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Disponibilité</td> <td>Disponible</td></tr>


<tr><td class="libelle">Garantie</td> <td>Garantie constructeur</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">Référence</td> <td>36351</td></tr>

<tr><td class="libelle">N° de dossier</td> <td>36351</td></tr></table>'

$maxligne = (int) 35

$repartition = array(

'gauche' => array(

'nb' => (int) 55, 'cat' => array(

(int) 0 => (int) 9 )


'droite' => array(

'nb' => (int) 0 )


$e = array(

'nom' => 'Equipements', 'equips' => array(

(int) 0 => array(

'libelle' => 'ABS - AFU', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 1 => array(

'libelle' => 'Accoudoir central AV', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 2 => array(

'libelle' => 'Aide au démarrage en pente', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 3 => array(

'libelle' => 'Aide au maintien dans la voie', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 4 => array(

'libelle' => 'Aide au stationnement AV-AR + Caméra de recul', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 5 => array(

'libelle' => 'Alerte de franchissement involontaire de ligne', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 6 => array(

'libelle' => 'Avertisseur d'angles morts', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 7 => array(

'libelle' => 'Banquette AR avec dossier rabattable 1/3 - 2/3', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 8 => array(

'libelle' => 'Bluetooth - USB', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 9 => array(

'libelle' => 'Caméra de recul', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 10 => array(

'libelle' => 'Capteur de pluie et de luminosité', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 11 => array(

'libelle' => 'Ciel de pavillon Noir', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 12 => array(

'libelle' => 'Choix du mode de conduite : ECO - NORMAL - SPORT - EV', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 13 => array(

'libelle' => 'Climatisation automatique bi-zone', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 14 => array(


'libelle' => 'Commutation automatique des feux de route', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 15 => array(

'libelle' => 'Coques de rétroviseurs ext Noir Brillant', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 16 => array(

'libelle' => 'Détection de sous-gonflage', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 17 => array(

'libelle' => 'Détection du trafic en marche AR avec freinage d'urgence automatique (RCTA)', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 18 => array(

'libelle' => 'Distance Alert avec détection piétons', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 19 => array(

'libelle' => 'Doubles canules d'échappements', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 20 => array(

'libelle' => 'Eclairage d'ambiance int', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 21 => array(

'libelle' => 'Feux AR à LED', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 22 => array(

'libelle' => 'Feux de jour à LED', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 23 => array(

'libelle' => 'Fixations ISOFIX x2 aux places latérales AR', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 24 => array(

'libelle' => 'Fonction DAB', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 25 => array(

'libelle' => 'Frein de stationnement électrique', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 26 => array(

'libelle' => 'Hayon motorisé ', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 27 => array(

'libelle' => 'Jantes alliage 18" Noir Brillant', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 28 => array(

'libelle' => 'Lève-vitres AV-AR électriques', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 29 => array(

'libelle' => 'Marche pieds avec inscriptions RAV4', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 30 => array(

'libelle' => 'Navigation Toyota TOUCH & GO', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 31 => array(

'libelle' => 'Ordinateur de bord', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 32 => array(

'libelle' => 'Pack Confort : Hayon motorisé + Pare-brise chauffant + Rétroviseur int électrochrome + Volant chauffant', 'plusmoins' => '0'



(int) 33 => array(

'libelle' => 'Pare-brise chauffant ', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 34 => array(

'libelle' => 'Peinture métallisée Gris Atlas', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 35 => array(

'libelle' => 'Prise 12V', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 36 => array(

'libelle' => 'Projecteurs antibrouillard', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 37 => array(

'libelle' => 'Projecteurs Bi-LED', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 38 => array(

'libelle' => 'Rails de toit Noir', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 39 => array(

'libelle' => 'Recharge smartphone par induction', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 40 => array(

'libelle' => 'Régulateur de vitesse adaptatif', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 41 => array(

'libelle' => 'Rétroviseur int électrochrome ', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 42 => array(

'libelle' => 'Rétroviseurs ext électriques et dégivrants', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 43 => array(

'libelle' => 'Rétroviseurs ext rabattables électriquement', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 44 => array(

'libelle' => 'Roue de secours', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 45 => array(

'libelle' => 'Sellerie bi-matière Cuir/TEP ', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 46 => array(

'libelle' => 'Siège conducteur réglable électriquement', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 47 => array(

'libelle' => 'Sièges AV chauffants', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 48 => array(

'libelle' => 'Système de contrôle de la stabilité VSC', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 49 => array(

'libelle' => 'Toit Noir Attitude', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 50 => array(

'libelle' => 'Vitres et lunette AR surteintées', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 51 => array(

'libelle' => 'Volant chauffant', 'plusmoins' => '0'



(int) 52 => array(

'libelle' => 'Volant Cuir multifonction', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 53 => array(

'libelle' => 'Volant réglable en hauteur et en profondeur', 'plusmoins' => '0'


(int) 54 => array(

'libelle' => '- Caméra 360°- Jantes alliage 19" MOJAVE Noir- Système Hi-Fi JBL', 'plusmoins' => '2'

) )


$k = (int) 9

$i = (float) 27.5

array_merge - [internal], line ??

include - /var/www/cakephp/croogo/automobile-dev/Autoweb/View/Website/fichepdf.ctp, line 122 View::_evaluate() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 935

View::_render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 897 View::render() - CORE/Cake/View/View.php, line 466

Controller::render() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 954

CroogoAppController::render() - /var/www/cakephp/croogo/1.5.8/Plugin/Croogo/Controller/CroogoAppController.php, line 247 WebsiteController::fichepdf() - /var/www/cakephp/croogo/automobile-dev/Autoweb/Controller/WebsiteController.php, line 1263 ReflectionMethod::invokeArgs() - [internal], line ??

Controller::invokeAction() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 490 Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 185

Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 160 [main] - APP/webroot/index.php, line 97


Warning (2): array_slice() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given [/var/www/cakephp/croogo/automobile-dev/Autoweb/View/Website/fichepdf.ctp, line 136]Code Context

$offset = (array_key_exists('offset', $c)) ? $c['offset'] : 0;

$length = (array_key_exists('length', $c)) ? $c['length'] : null;

$dataequip = array_slice($equipements[$idequipe]['equips'], $offset, $length);

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'id' => '336351', 'statut' => 'ok', 'marque' => 'TOYOTA',

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'version' => '2.5 HYBRIDE 222CV E-CVT AWD-I COLLECTION + PACK CONFORT', 'prix_ttc' => '47 500 €',

'prix_loyer_ttc' => '660 €/mois', 'prix_ht' => '39 583 €',

'prix_constructeur' => '51 000 €', 'prix_marchand' => '',

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