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Atiyah Classes and Closed Forms on Moduli Spaces of Sheaves


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Atiyah Classes and Closed Forms on Moduli Spaces of Sheaves


ABSTRACT- Let X be a smoothn-dimensional projective variety, and let Y b e a moduli space of stable sheaves onX. By using the local Atiyah class of a universal family of sheaves onY, which is well defined even when such a universal family does not exist, we are able to construct natural maps

f :Hi(X;VXj) !Hk‡i n(Y;VYk‡j n);

for anyi;jˆ1;. . .;nand anykmaxfn i;n jg. In particular, forkˆn i, the mapf associates a closed differential form of degreej i on the moduli spaceY to any element ofHi(X;VXj). This method provides a natural way to construct closed differential forms on moduli spaces of sheaves. We remark that no smoothness hypothesis is made on the moduli spaceY. As an application, we describe the construction of closed differential forms on the Hilbert schemes of points ofX.


Let X be a smooth projective variety, defined over an algebraically closed field k of characteristic 0, and let Y be a moduli space of stable sheaves onX. UsuallyYwill be a singular quasi-projective variety, whose points parametrize isomorphism classes of stable coherent sheaves ofOX- modules with a fixed Hilbert polynomial.

It is by now well known that many geometric properties of the moduli spaceY are determined by similar properties of the varietyX. One of the first examples was discovered by S. Mukai in [Mu1], where he proved that

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Dipartimento di Matematica Pura e Applicata, UniversitaÁ di Padova, Via Trieste, 63 - 35121 Padova.

E-mail: bottacin@math.unipd.it

2000Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 14J60, Secondary: 14D20, 58A10.


ifXis a symplectic algebraic surface (i.e., an abelian or K3 surface), one can construct, in a natural way, a non-degenerate 2-form on the moduli spaceY of stable sheaves onX. The closedness of this 2-form was later proved by the same author in [Mu2], but only for stable vector bundles. A proof of the closedness of Mukai's 2-form valid in general was finally given in [HL].

Mukai's result was later generalized by S. Kobayashi [K] to the case of the moduli space of simple vector bundles over a compact KaÈhler manifold Xendowed with a holomorphic symplectic structure.

A different proof of the closedness of these so-called ``trace forms'' can be found in [R]. In this case too, the proof is given only for locally free sheaves.

Tyurin [Ty] gave another example of the relations between geometric properties of the moduli spaceYand those of the spaceX, by proving that the choice of a Poisson structure on an algebraic Poisson surface X de- termines a Poisson structure on the moduli spaceY of stable vector bun- dles on X. Actually Tyurin did not prove that the Poisson bracket con- structed onYsatisfies the Jacobi identity; this is nevertheless true, as we proved later in [B1].

In the present paper we shall prove the following result:

THEOREM. Let nˆdimX. For any i;jˆ1;. . .;n and any k maxfn i;n jg, there is a natural map

f :Hi(X;VXj) !Hk‡i n(Y;VYk‡j n):

Moreover, for anys2Hi(X;VXj), the element f(s)is d-closed.

As a corollary, we obtain, forkˆn iand anyij, a natural map f :Hi(X;VXj) !H0(Y;VYj i);

i.e., we can construct closed differential forms of degreej ion the moduli spaceYstarting from elements inHi(X;VXj). In particular, ifXhas trivial canonical bundle, we obtain a (natural) closedn-formf(1)2H0(Y;VnY) on any moduli space of stable sheaves onX. This result may be considered as a higher dimensional generalization of Mukai's result.

After a first version of this paper was completed, we came across the paper [KM], where the authors construct closed 2-forms on the smooth locus of some moduli spaces of sheaves via the Atiyah class of a universal family, using a construction that is essentially a specialization of our con- struction of closedn-forms to the casenˆ2. In some cases they are also


able to prove that the resulting 2-forms are non-degenerate, hence they define a symplectic structure on the moduli spaceY.

However, the results concerning the existence of closed holomorphic 2- forms contained in [KM] are stated and proved only for the smooth locus of the moduli spaces of stable sheaves. This is, in general, a very strong lim- itation; in fact, moduli spaces of stable sheaves on an algebraic varietyXof dimension greater than 2 are almost always singular. Moreover, the use of the Atiyah class of a universal family of sheaves is problematic, since usually there does not exist such a universal family of sheaves. As we shall prove in the sequel, these difficulties can be overcome by using a local version of the Atiyah class of some (locally defined) universal family of sheaves.

Let us briefly describe now the organization of the paper. In Section 1 we start by recalling some basic results about cup-products and trace maps for coherent sheaves. Then we recall the definition of the Atiyah class of a co- herent sheaf and we introduce the notion of the local Atiyah class of a flat family of coherent sheaves. In a relative setting, the local Atiyah class turns out to be the natural object to consider. In fact, we shall prove that, when we consider a moduli spaceYof stable sheaves on a smooth projective varietyX, the local Atiyah class of a universal family of sheaves onYis well defined even when such a universal family does not exist (which is usually the case).

Finally, we introduce some cohomology classes, called Newton poly- nomials, constructed by taking the trace of repeated compositions of the Atiyah class with itself. In this case too, in a relative setting, there exists a local versionoftheNewton polynomials, constructed byusingthe localAtiyahclass.

In Section 2 we use the local Newton polynomials of a universal family of sheaves to define the map

f :Hi(X;VXj) !Hk‡i n(Y;VYk‡j n):

Then we prove that the elements in the image off ared-closed.

As an application, we show how these results can be applied in order to construct closed differential forms on Hilbert schemes of points of a smooth projective variety.

1. Preliminaries.

1.1 ±Cup-product and trace maps.

In this section we shall briefly recall some standard results about trace maps and cup-products. For more details (and proofs) we refer to [A] or [HL].


LetXbe a scheme of finite type over a fieldkof characteristic 0. In the sequel, whenever we speak of a sheaf onXwe shall always mean a sheaf of OX-modules. LetEbe a locally free sheaf of finite rank onX. The usual trace map

tr:End(E)! OX induces natural maps


for anyi0. More generally, for any coherent sheafFonX, we can define a trace map

tr:Hom(E;E F)! F: In this case the induced maps on cohomology are

tr:Exti(E;E F)!Hi(X;F):

IfE,FandGare three locally free sheaves onX, there is a cup-product (or Yoneda composition) map

Exti(F;G)Extj(E;F) ! Exti‡j(E;G):

In the special case EˆFˆG, we find that the composition of the cup- product and trace maps is graded commutative in the following sense: if a2Exti(E;E) andb2Extj(E;E), then

tr(ab)ˆ( 1)ijtr(ba) (1:1)

as an element ofHi‡j(X;OX).

Analogous maps can be easily defined when the locally free sheavesE, F and G are replaced by finite complexes E, F and G of locally free sheaves of finite rank onX. This fact can be used to define cup-products and trace maps also for coherent sheavesE,F andGonX, provided that these sheaves admit finite resolutions by locally free sheaves. This is the case, for instance, ifXis a smooth projective variety.

There is also a relative version of the preceding constructions.

LetXandYbe two schemes of finite type overkandE,F andGbeY- flat families of coherent sheaves onX, i.e., coherent sheaves onXY, flat overY. We shall always assume that all these sheaves admit finite locally free resolutions. We shall denote byp:XY!Xandq:XY!Ythe canonical projections and byExtqi(E;F) thei-th relative Ext-sheaf, i.e., the i-th derived funtor ofqHomOXY(E;F).


In this situation there is a relative trace map tr:Extqi(E;E F)!RiqF and a relative cup-product

Extqi(F;G) Extqj(E;F) ! Extqi‡j(E;G);

satisfying the analogue of (1.1) whenE ˆ F ˆ G.

1.2 ±The Atiyah class.

LetXbe a scheme of finite type overkandEbe a coherent sheaf onX which admits a finite locally free resolution. Let us denote by P1X(E) the sheaf of principal parts of order 1 of sections ofE(cf. [EGA4, 4]). There is a natural exact sequence

0! E V1X ! P1X(E)! E !0;


henceP1X(E) can be regarded as an extension ofEbyE V1X. DEFINITION1.1. The Atiyah class ofEis the class

a(E)2Ext1(E;E V1X) corresponding to the extension (1.2).

By taking the trace, we get an element tr(a(E))2H1(X;V1X): this is just the opposite of the first Chern classc1(E).

IfY is another scheme of finite type overkandEis aY-flat family of coherent sheaves onX, admitting a finite locally free resolution, we have a global Atiyah class

a(E)2Ext1XY(E;E V1XY);

defined as above. However, in this relative situation we are more inter- ested in a ``local'' version of the Atiyah class ofE, which we shall denote by a(E).~

DEFINITION1.2. The local Atiyah class ofEis the section


a(E)2H0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY))


defined as the image ofa(E) under the natural map

Ext1XY(E;E V1XY)!H0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY)) (1:3)

coming from the local-to-global spectral sequenceHi(Y;Extqj))Exti‡jXY. We shall now explain why, in a relative setting, the ``correct'' object to consider is not the global Atiyah classa(E) but the local one~a(E).

First of all, let us recall that twoY-flat familiesE andF of coherent sheaves on X are said to be equivalent ifF  E OXYqL, for some in- vertible sheafLonY. Since the Atiyah class of a tensor product of sheaves is given by

a(E1 E2)ˆa(E1)idE2‡idE1a(E2);

it follows that a(F)ˆa(E OXYqL)6ˆa(E), in general. However, if we consider the local Atiyah classes, we have:

LEMMA1.3. LetEandFbe two Y-flat families of coherent sheaves on X.

IfEandFare equivalent, then the local Atiyah classesa(E)~ anda(F~ )are identified under the natural isomorphism

H0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY))H0(Y;Ext1q(F;F V1XY)):


PROOF. IfEandFare equivalent we can writeF  E qL, for some invertible sheafLonY. SinceLis locally free of rank one, there is a natural isomorphism of sheaves

Ext1q(E;E V1XY) Ext1q(F;F V1XY);


hence, from now on, we shall identify these two sheaves.

By taking the global Atiyah class ofF, we have a(F)ˆa(E)idqL‡idEa(qL):

The difference betweena(F) anda(E), under the natural identification (1.4) induced by (1.5), is then given by idE a(qL)ˆidE q(a(L)), where


The standard exact sequence associated to the local-to-global spectral se- quence for the Ext groups is

H1(Y;qHom(E;E V1XY))!Ext1(E;E V1XY)!H0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY)):


Now it can be checked that idEa(qL) b elongs to H1(Y;qHom(E;E V1XY)), hence its image inH0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY)) is zero. It follows that

a(F~ )ˆ~a(E) as stated. p

1.3 ±The Newton polynomials.

LetXbe a scheme of finite type overkandEbe a coherent sheaf onX that admits a finite resolution by locally free sheaves. By repeatedly composing the Atiyah class a(E)2Ext1(E;E V1X) with itself, we obtain classes in Exti(E;E (V1X)i), for anyi1. Then, by composing with the map induced by the natural map (V1X)i!ViX, we get classes a(E)i2 2Exti(E;E ViX).

We now give the following definition:

DEFINITION 1.4. The i-th Newton polynomial of E is the cohomology class


The Newton polynomials ofE coincide, up to a scalar factor, with the components of the Chern character ofEand, as the Chern classes, they are d-closed. More precisely:

LEMMA1.5. Let d:Hi(X;ViX)!Hi(X;Vi‡1X )be the map induced by the exterior differential d:ViX !Vi‡1X . Then dgi(E)ˆ0.

For the proof of this result we refer the reader to [HL, Sect. 10.1.6].

In a relative situation, whereEis aY-flat family of coherent sheaves on X, we have the global Newton polynomials gi(E)2Hi(XY;ViXY) and also their local versions, constructed by using the local Atiyah class ofE,


We note that~gi(E) is the image ofgi(E) under the natural map Hi(XY;ViXY)!H0(Y;Riq(ViXY))

sending a global section of a presheaf to a global section of the associated sheaf.

Exactly as for the global Newton polynomials, the local ones too ared- closed, i.e., we haved~gi(E)ˆ0.


2. Closed Forms on Moduli Spaces.

From now on we shall denote byXa smooth projective variety defined overkand we take asY a moduli space of stable sheaves onX.

For the definition and the construction of moduli spaces of stable sheaves onXwe refer to [S]: what we need to know, for the moment, is that moduli spaces of stable sheaves exist and they are quasi-projective vari- eties (usually singular).

In order to apply the constructions described in the previous section we need to know that finite locally free resolutions of coherent sheaves exist:

this is indeed the case sinceXis a smooth projective variety.

Finally, there is another technical problem we have to deal with: the non- existence of universal families of sheaves. In general, on a moduli spaceYof stable sheaves onXthere does not exist a universal family of sheavesE, not even locally for the Zariski topology. However, universal families onYexist locally in the eÂtale topology (or in the usual complex topology, if the base field kis the complex field) [S, Theorem 1.21]. These local universal families are not uniquely determined, they are defined only up to tensoring with the pull- back of an invertible sheaf onY. Usually these ambiguities prevent the local universal families to glue together to a globally defined one.

Let us denote byEaa collection of local universal families, one for each open setUaof a suitable covering of the moduli spaceY(in the appropriate topology). Even if the sheavesEa do not glue to define a global universal familyE, the relative Ext-sheavesExtiq(Ea;Ea) andExtiq(Ea;EaViXYjXUa) do indeed glue to define global sheaves onY. For this reason, by abusing notation, we shall denote these sheaves byExtiq(E;E) andExtiq(E;E ViXY), even if the universal familyEdoes not exist globally onY.

Since eachEais defined only up to tensoring with the pull-back of an in- vertible sheaf onUa, the global Atiyah classa(Ea) is not well defined. How- ever, by recalling the result of Lemma 1.3, we see that the local Atiyah class

~a(Ea)2H0(Ua;Ext1q(Ea;EaV1XYjXUa))ˆH0(Ua;Ext1q(E;E V1XY)) is well defined, since it depends only on the equivalence class ofEa. Now it is easy to check that all these local sections~a(Ea) glue together to define a global section of the sheafExt1q(E;E V1XY). Again, by abuse of notation, we shall denote this global section by

~a(E)2H0(Y;Ext1q(E;E V1XY));

even if the universal familyEdoes not exist.


Analogous considerations hold also for the Newton polynomials: while the global Newton polynomialsgi(E) are not defined, there are well defined local Newton polynomials


Now, for any open subset UY we have a direct sum decomposition V1XUˆpV1XqV1U. SinceXis a smooth variety, it follows that there is a KuÈnneth decomposition



Hi(X;VXj)Hn i(U;Vn jU );

for everyn0. The sheaf onY associated to the presheaf U7!Hn(XU;VnXU)

is the higher direct image Rnq(VnXY) and, from the above KuÈnneth de- composition, we obtain an analogous decomposition of sheaves



Hi(X;VXj) Hn i(Y;Vn jY );

whereHn i(Y;Vn jY ) is the sheaf associated to the presheaf U7!Hn i(U;Vn jU )

and where, by abuse of notation, we have writtenHi(X;VXj) to denote the corresponding constant sheaf onY.

By using this direct sum decomposition, we obtain a decomposition of the local Newton polynomials:

DEFINITION2.1. For a Newton polynomial~gn(E)2H0(Y;Rnq(VnXY)), we shall write~gn(E)ˆP

i;j~gni;j(E), where~gni;j(E) is a global section of the sheaf Hi(X;VXj) Hn i(Y;Vn jY ).

We note that the restriction of~gni;j(E) to a sufficiently small open subset UY gives a section


gni;j(E)jU 2Hi(X;VXj)Hn i(U;Vn jY jU):

We are now able to prove the following result:


THEOREM 2.2. Let nˆdimX. For any i;jˆ1;. . .;n and any kmaxfn i;n jg, there is a natural map

f :Hi(X;VXj) !Hk‡i n(Y;VYk‡j n):

Moreover, for anys2Hi(X;VXj), the element f(s)is d-closed.

PROOF. The mapf is defined by composing the isomorphism Hi(X;VXj) ! Hn i(X;Vn jX )

given by Serre duality, with the map

Hn i(X;Vn jX ) !Hk‡i n(Y;Vk‡j nY )

induced by multiplication by the section ~gkn i;n j(E) of the sheaf Hn i(X;Vn jX ) Hk‡i n(Y;Vk‡j nY ). It only remains to show that, for any s2Hi(X;VXj), we haved(f(s))ˆ0. The proof is an adaptation of the one given in [HL] for 2-forms.

Let us write ~gkn i;n j(E)ˆP

l albl, for some al2Hn i(X;Vn jX ) and some sections bl of Hk‡i n(Y;VYk‡j n). Then, since the Newton poly- nomials, and also their KuÈnneth components, ared-closed, we can write

0ˆd~gkn i;n j(E)ˆX


dXalbl‡aldYbl :

Now, since X is a smooth projective variety, we have dXalˆ0, hence it follows that



aldYbl ˆ0:


By recalling the definition of the mapf, we can write f(s)ˆP

l hs;alibl, where

hs;ali ˆ Z



is the Serre duality pairing. It follows, by (2.1), that d(f(s))ˆ


l hs;alidblˆ0. p

We note, in particular, that forkˆn iwe obtain a natural map f :Hi(X;VXj) !H0(Y;VYj i);


for anyij. It follows that we can construct closed holomorphicp-forms onY by starting with elements inHi(X;Vi‡pX ), for anyi0.


We remark that a similar construction is used in [KM] to define holo- morphic symplectic structures on certain moduli spaces of sheaves onX, in some cases whenXdoes not possess any non-zero holomorphic 2-forms.

A more elementary construction of closed forms on moduli spaces of stable sheaves (valid only on the smooth locus of the moduli space) was given in [B3].

As an application, we will now show how these results can be applied in order to construct closed differential forms on Hilbert schemes of points.

Let X be a smooth projective variety and let us denote by X[d] ˆ

ˆHilbd(X) the Hilbert scheme parametrizing 0-dimensional subschemes of X of length d. X[d] is a projective scheme; it is smooth if d3 or dimX2.

For any 0-dimensional subschemeZ2X[d], let us denote byIZits sheaf of ideals: we have the standard exact sequence

0! IZ! OX! OZ!0:


The Hilbert schemeX[d] can then be identified with the moduli spaceM parametrizing ideal sheavesIZof colengthd. IfZ2X[d], it is well known that the tangent spaceTZX[d]is given by


By applying the functor Hom(;OZ) to the exact sequence (2.3) and obser- ving that Ext1(OX;OZ)H1(X;OZ)ˆ0 and Hom(OX;OZ)Hom(OZ;OZ), since any OX-linear homomorphism from OX to OZ vanishes on IZ, we obtain a canonical isomorphism


The identification ofX[d] with a moduli space of sheaves onXallows us to apply, to the Hilbert scheme of points ofX, the preceding results about the construction of closed differential forms. It follows that, given a p-form s2H0(X;VpX), there is a naturally defined closedp-form~sonX[d]. At a point Z2X[d]whose support consists ofddistinct pointsP1;. . .;PdofX, the map

s(Z)~ :TZX[d] TZX[d]!k

can be easily described. First of all, note that such aZis a smooth point of X[d], and we have





For any pointPiin the support ofZwe have the map s(Pi):TPiX TPiX!k:

Then the map~s(Z) coincides (possibly up to a non-zero constant factor) with the product map Qd


Note that this explicit description allows us to define thep-form~sonly on the open subsetUofX[d]parametrizing subschemes ofXwhose support consists ofddistinct points. What our method shows is that thep-form~s thus defined on U actually extends as a closed differential form on the whole ofX[d](see also [Be] for the construction of closed 2-forms onX[d], whenXis a K3 surface).

Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the referee for some valu- able comments and suggestions.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 21 gennaio 2008.



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