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Commutativity of <span class="mathjax-formula">$\ast $</span>-prime rings with generalized derivations


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Commutativity of -Prime Rings with Generalized Derivations


ABSTRACT- LetRbe a 2-torsion free -prime ring andF be a generalized deri- vation ofRwith associated derivationd. IfUis a Lie ideal ofRthen in the presentpaper, we shall show thatUZ(R) ifRadmits a generalized deri- vation F(with associated derivation d) satisfying any one of the properties:

(i)F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]; (ii)F(uv)ˆF(u)v;(iii)F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]‡[d(v);u];

(iv)F(uv)ˆF(u)v‡d(v)u;(v)F(uv)uvˆ0and (vi)d(u)F(v)uvˆ0 for allu;v2U

1. Introduction.

LetRbe an associative ring with centreZ(R).Ris said to be 2-torsion free if 2xˆ0 impliesxˆ0 for allx2R. For anyx;y2R; [x;y]ˆxy yx and xyˆxy‡yx will denote the Lie product and the Jordan product respectively. A ringRis prime ifaRbˆ f0gimplies thataˆ0 orbˆ0. An additive mappingx7!xon a ringRis called an involution if (xy)ˆyx and (x)ˆxhold for all x;y2R. A ring equipped with an involution is called a ring with involution or-ring. A ring with an involution `0is said to -prime ifaRbˆaRbˆ0 oraRbˆaRbˆ0 implies that eitheraˆ0 or bˆ0. Every prime ring with an involution is -prime butthe converse need not hold in general. An example due to Oukhtite [8] justifies the above statement that is, letRbe a prime ring. ConsiderSˆRRo, whereRois the opposite ring of R. Define involution onSas (x;y)ˆ(y;x). Since (0;x)S(x;0)ˆ0, itfollows thatSis notprime. Further, itcan be easily seen that if (a;b)S(c;d)ˆ(a;b)S(c;d)ˆ0, then either (a;b)ˆ0 or (c;d)ˆ0.

HenceS is-prime butnotprime. The setof symmetric and skew-sym-

Indirizzo degli A.: Department of Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh-202002, India

E-mail: mashraf80@hotmail.com almasleo@gmail.com


metric elements of a -ring will be denoted by S(R) i.e., S(R)ˆ

ˆ fx2Rjxˆ xg. An additive subgroupUofRis said to be a Lie ideal ofRif [U;R]U. A Lie ideal is said to a-Lie ideal ifUˆU. An additive mappingd:R!Ris said to be a derivation ofRifd(xy)ˆd(x)y‡xd(y) holds for all x;y2R: An additive mapping F:R!R is called a gen- eralized inner derivation ifF(x)ˆax‡xb for fixeda;b2R. For such a mappingF, it is easy to see that

F(xy)ˆF(x)y‡x[y;b]ˆF(x)y‡xIb(y) for allx;y2R:

This observation leads to the following definition, given in [5]; an additive mapping F:R !R is called a generalized derivation with associated derivationdif

F(xy)ˆF(x)y‡xd(y) holds for allx;y2R:

Familiar examples of generalized derivations are derivations and generalized inner derivations and the later includes left multiplier i.e., an additive map F:R !R satisfying F(xy)ˆF(x)y for allx;y2R. Since the sum of two generalized derivations is a generalized derivation, every map of the formF(x)ˆcx‡d(x), wherec is fixed elementofRandd a derivation ofRis a generalized derivation and ifRhas 1, all generalized derivations have this form.

Recently a number of authors have studied commutativity of rings satisfying certain differential identities (see [1], [2], [4] etc. where further refrences can be found). In the present paper our objective is to extend some earlier results for Lie ideals in-prime rings involving generalized derivations. Infact, we shall show that a-Lie idealUis central ifRadmits a generalized derivationFwith associated derivationdsatisfying any one of the following properties (i)F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]; (ii)F(uv)ˆF(u)v;

(iii)F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]‡[d(v);u];(iv)F(uv)ˆF(u)v‡d(v)u;(v)F(uv) uvˆ0;and (vi)d(u)F(v)uvˆ0 for allu;v2U:

2. Preliminary Results.

We shall be frequently using the following identities without any spe- cific mention,

[xy;z]ˆx[y;z]‡[x;z]y [x;yz]ˆ[x;y]z‡y[x;z]

xo(yz)ˆ(xoy)z y[x;z]ˆy(xoz)‡[x;y]z (xy)ozˆx(yoz) [x;z]yˆ(xoz)y‡x[y;z]


We begin with the following known results which shall be used throughout to prove our theorems:

LEMMA2.1 ([11], Lemma 4). If U6Z(R)is a-Lie ideal of a2-torsion free-prime ring and a;b2R such that aUbˆ0ˆaUb then either aˆ0 or bˆ0.

LEMMA2.2 ([10], Lemma 2.3 ). Let U be a non zero -Lie ideal of a 2-torsion free -prime ring R. If [U;U]ˆ0,then UZ(R):

LEMMA2.3 ([11], Lemma 3 ). Let U be a non zero -Lie ideal of a 2-torsion free-prime ring R. If[U;U]6ˆ0,then there exist a non zero -ideal M of R such that[M;R]U and[M;R]6Z(R).

LEMMA2.4 ([10], Theorem 1.1 ). Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring, U a non zero Lie ideal of R and d a non zero derivation of R which com- mutes with. If d2(U)ˆ0,then U Z(R):

LEMMA2.5 ([10], Lemma 2.4 ). Let U be a -Lie ideal of a 2-torsion free-prime ring R and d(6ˆ0)be derivation of R which commutes with . If d(U)Z(R);then UZ(R):

LEMMA2.6 ([10], Lemma 2.5 ). Let d(6ˆ0)be derivation of a2-torsion free-prime ring R which commutes with. Let U6Z(R)be a-Lie ideal of R. If t2R satisfies td(U)ˆ0or d(U)tˆ0then tˆ0.

We shall now prove the following :

LEMMA2.7. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and U be a -Lie ideal of R. If a2S(R)\R such that[a;U]Z(R)then either UZ(R) or a2Z(R).

PROOF. Let U6Z(R). The given hypothesis can be written as Ia(U)Z(R) where Ia is the inner derivation determined by a. Hence using Lemma 2.5,Iaˆ0 and this gives thata2Z(R).

LEMMA2.8. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and d be a non-zero derivation of R which commutes with. If U 6Z(R)is a-Lie ideal of R such that[a;d(U)]ˆ0for some a2S(R)\R,then a2Z(R).


PROOF. Replacing u by [a;u] in [a;d(U)]ˆ0 we have, 0ˆ

ˆ[a;d[a;u]]ˆ[a;[a;d(u)]]‡[a;[d(a);u]]ˆ[a;[d(a);u]] for all u2U:

Hence, 0ˆd[a;[d(a);u]]ˆ[d(a);[d(a);u]]‡[a;d[d(a);u]] for all u2U, Now using the hypothesis 0ˆ[d(a);[d(a);u]] for allu2U, by Lemma 2.4, d(a)2Z(R). Therefore,d[a;u]ˆ[d(a);u]‡[a;d(u)]ˆ0. Replacingu by [a2;u] in [a;d(U)]ˆ0 we obtain,

0 ˆ[a;d[a2;u]]ˆ[a;d(a[a;u]‡[a;u]a)]






SinceRis 2-torsion free,d(a)[a;[a;u]]ˆ0 for allu2U. Hence 0ˆd(a)[a;[a;u]]ˆd(a)U[a;[a;u]] for allu2U:

Since, a2S(R)\R so, d(a)2S(R)\R. Thus, 0ˆd(a)U[a;[a;u]]ˆ

ˆ(d(a))U[a;[a;u]] for allu2U. Therefore, either [a;[a;u]]ˆ0 for all u2Uord(a)ˆ0. If [a;[a;u]]ˆ0 for allu2Uthena2Z(R):Ifd(a)ˆ0, using Lemma 2.3 there exists an -ideal M of R, let[va;u]2U where v2[M;R], hence 0ˆ[a;d[va;u]]ˆ[a;d(v)[a;u]‡vd[a;u]‡d[v;u]a‡


‡[v;u][a;d(a)]‡[a;[v;u]]d(a)ˆd(v)[a;[a;u]] for all v2[M;R], u2U:

Therefore, 0 ˆd[M;R][a;[a;u]] for all u 2U: Using Lemma 2.6, 0ˆ[a;[a;u]] for allu2U. Thus,a2Z(R).

3. Main Results.

We facilitate our discussion by proving the following theorem

THEOREM3.1. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and F:R!R be a generalized derivation with associated non zero derivation d which commutes with. If U is a-Lie ideal of R such that F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]

for all u;v2U then UZ(R).

PROOF. Replacinguby [u;ru] inF[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v] for allu;v2Uwe have

F[[u;r]u;v]ˆ[F([u;r]u);v] for all u;v2U;r2R:


This implies that F([u;r][u;v]‡[[u;r];v]u)ˆ[F[u;r]u‡[u;r]d(u);v]

for all u;v2U;r2R: Using the hypothesis we obtain [u;r]d[u;v]ˆ

ˆ[u;r][d(u);v] for all u;v2U;r2R:

This gives us [u;r][u;d(v)]ˆ0 for all u;v2U;r2R: Replacing r byrsfor somesinRwe get

[u;R]R[u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U:


If u2S(R)\U, then [u;R]R[u;d(U)]ˆ[u;R]R[u;d(U)]. Thus, for some u2S(R)\U either [u;R]ˆ0 or [u;d(U)]ˆ0. Butfor any u2U, u u;u‡u2S(R)\U. Therefore, for some u2U either [u u;R]ˆ0 or [u u;d(U)]ˆ0. If [u u;R]ˆ0 then from equation (3.1) we obtain that [u;R]R[u;d(U)]ˆ[u;R]R[u;d(U)]ˆ0 for allu2U hence either [u;R]ˆ0 or [u;d(U)]ˆ0. LetLˆ fu2Uj[u;R]ˆ0gand Kˆ fu2Uj[u;d(U)]ˆ0g. Then itcan be seen thatLandKare two ad- ditive subgroups ofUwhose union isU. Using Brauer's trick we have either LˆUorKˆU. IfLˆU, then [u;R]ˆ0 for allu2Uthat isUZ(R) and ifKˆU, then [u;d(U)]ˆ0 for allu2U, which implies thatUZ(R) by Lemma 2.8. If [u u;d(U)]ˆ0, then again by (3.1) we obtain that [u;R]R[u;d(U)]ˆ[u;R]R[u;d(U)]ˆ0 for allu2U. This gives us either [u;R]ˆ0 or [u;d(U)]ˆ0. If [u;d(U)]ˆ0 then using Lemma 2.7 we obtain UZ(R):Hence in any case we obtain thatUZ(R):

THEOREM3.2. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and F:R!R be a generalized derivation with associated non zero derivation d which commutes with. If U is a-Lie ideal of R such that F(uv)ˆF(u)v for all u;v2U then UZ(R).

PROOF. Replacingu by [u;ru] inF(uv)ˆF(u)v for all u;v2U, r2Rwe have

F([u;r]uv)ˆF([u;r]u)v for allu;v2U;r2R:

This yeilds that,

F(([u;r]v)u‡[u;r][u;v])ˆF[u;r]uv‡[u;r]d(u)vfor allu;v2U;r2R:

Thus we obtain,



‡[u;r][d(u);v] for allu;v2U;r2R:


Using our hypothesis we find that [u;r]d[u;v]ˆ[u;r][d(u);v] for all u;v2U;r2R:Hence, we obtain, [u;r][u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U;r2R:

Replacingrbyrsfor somesinRwe get[u;R]R[u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U:

This leads to equation (3.1). Hence, proceeding on the same way as above, we obtain thatUZ(R):

THEOREM3.3. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and F:R!R be a generalized derivation with associated non zero derivation d which commutes with . If U is a -Lie ideal of R such that F[u;v]ˆ

ˆ[F(u);v]‡[d(v);u]for all u;v2U then U Z(R).

PROOF. We have F[u;v]ˆ[F(u);v]‡[d(v);u] for all u;v2U. Now replacinguby [u;ru] we get

F[[u;r]u;v]ˆ[F([u;r]u);v]‡[d(v);[u;r]u] for allu;v2U;r2R:

This gives us


for allu;v2U;r2R:




‡[u;r][d(v);u]‡[d(v);[u;r]]ufor allu;v2U;r2R:

Using the hypothesis we obtain, [u;r]d[u;v]ˆ[u;r][d(v);u]‡[u;r][d(u);v]

for allu;v2U;r2R:This gives us [u;r][u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U;r2R:

This is same as equation (3.1) hence, continuing in the same manner as above we obtain thatUZ(R):

THEOREM3.4. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and F:R!R be a generalized derivation with associated non zero derivation d which commutes with . If U is a -Lie ideal of R such that F(uv)ˆ

ˆF(u)v‡d(v)u for all u;v2U then U Z(R).

PROOF. Replacing u by [u;ru] in F(uv)ˆF(u)v‡d(v)u for all u;v2U; we obtain, F([u;r]uv)ˆF([u;r]u)v‡d(v)[u;r]u for all u;v2U;r2R: This gives us, F(([u;r]v)u‡[u;r][u;v])ˆ


ˆF[u;r]uv‡[u;r]d(u)v‡d(v)[u;r]ufor allu;v2U;r2R:Thus, F([u;r]v)u‡([u;r]v)d(u)‡F[u;r][u;v]‡[u;r]d[u;v]


‡(d(v)[u;r])u‡[u;r][d(v);u] for allu;v2U;r2R:

Using our hypothesis [u;r]d[u;v]ˆ[u;r][d(u);v]‡[u;r][d(v);u] for all u;v2U;r2R:This gives us [u;r][u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U;r2R:Re- placingrbyrsfor somesinRwe get[u;R]R[u;d(v)]ˆ0 for allu;v2U which is equation (3.1). Therefore, proceeding in the same way as above we obtain thatUZ(R):

THEOREM3.5. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and U a-Lie ideal of R. If d and g are any two derivations such that both of them are non-zero which commute with. If[g(U);d(U)]ˆ0then UZ(R).

PROOF. In view of Lemma 2.8 the proof is clear.

THEOREM3.6. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and U a-Lie ideal of R. If F is a generalized derivation with associated non zero deri- vation d which commutes withsuch that F(uv)uvˆ0for all u;v2U then UZ(R).

PROOF. Let U6R. We have F(uv)uvˆ0 for all u;v2U. This can be rewritten as

F(u)v‡ud(v)uvˆ0 for allu;v2U:


Replacinguby [u;ru] in (3.2) and using (3.2) we get [u;r]ud(v)ˆ0 for allu;v2U;r2R:


Substitutingrsin place ofrfor somes2Rin (3.3) we get[u;R]Rud(U)ˆ0 for allu2U:Ifu2S(R)\U, then either [u;R]ˆ0 orud(U)ˆ0 for each fixed u2S(R)\U. For any v2U we have v v2S(R)\U and v‡v2S(R)\U, thus 2v2S(R)\U. Thus for some fixedv2U, either [2v;R]ˆ0 or 2vd(U)ˆ0. AsR is 2-torsion free we have for some fixed v2U, either [v;R]ˆ0 or vd(U)ˆ0: Let Aˆ fv2Uj[v;R]ˆ0g and Bˆ fv2Ujvd(U)ˆ0g. Itcan be easily seen thatAandBare two ad- ditive subgroups ofUwhose union isU thus using Brauer's trick we get


AˆUorBˆU. IfAˆU, thenUZ(R):IfBˆU, then using Lemma 2.6 we obtain thatUZ(R) orUˆ0. Thus in every case we obtain that UZ(R).

THEOREM3.7. Let R be a2-torsion free-prime ring and U a-Lie ideal of R. If F is a generalized derivation with associated non zero deri- vation d which commutes with such that d(u)F(v)uvˆ0 for all u;v2U then U Z(R).

PROOF. We have d(u)F(v)uvˆ0 for all u;v2U. Replacing v by [v;rv],r2Rwe obtain

d(u)[v;r]d(v)ˆ0 for allu;v2U;r2R:


Using Lemma 2.6 we find that, [v;r]d(v)ˆ0 for all v2U;r2R. Sub- stitutingrsforrwheres2Rwe have

[v;R]Rd(v)ˆ0 for allv2U:


If v2S(R)\U, then either [v;R]ˆ0 or d(v)ˆ0. For any u2U, u u2S(R)\U. Thus from above [u u;R]ˆ0 ord(u u)ˆ0 that is either [u;R]ˆ[u;R]ord(u)ˆ(d(u)). If [u;R]ˆ[u;R]then from (3.5) we have [u;R]Rd(u)ˆ[u;R]Rd(u)ˆ0 for all u2U. Thus either [u;R]ˆ0 or d(u)ˆ0. Now if d(u)ˆ(d(u)), then again equation (3.5) yields that [u;R]ˆ0 ord(u)ˆ0. In both cases, by using Brauer's trick and sinced6ˆ0, we conclude thatUZ(R).


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 9 luglio 2010.



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