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Formal functions on arithmetic surfaces A generalization of the criterion of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias


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Formal functions on arithmetic surfaces

A generalization of the criterion of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

Antoine Chambert-Loir

Institut de recherche mathématique de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1 Joint work with Jean-Benoît Bost

Département de mathématiques, Université de Paris-Sud Orsay

Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry :

Diophantine approximation and Arakelov theory Toronto, October 20–24, 2008

. p. 1



1 The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

2 Capacity theory on algebraic curves

3 Algebraicity

4 Rationality

5 An application to modular forms

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 2


Rationality of formal power series

Let a formal power seriesf =



anxnbe given.

How to decide if it is the Taylor expansion of a rational function ?

We search for a criterion of an arithmetic nature :

1 we assume that the coefficientsanlie in a number field ;

2 we impose arithmetic conditions on the coefficients (e.g., that they are algebraic integers) ;

3 geometric conditions on the analytic behaviour (radius of convergence, of meromorphy), possibly at all places of the number field.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 3


The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias


Let F be a number field, let fF[[x1]].

Assumptions :

1 the coefficients of f are S-integral for a finite set S of finite primes in F ;

2 for any place vS, f defines a meromorphic function on the complement of a bounded subset Kv ofCv.

3 the product of thetransfinite diametersof the Kv is smaller than1.

Then f is a rational function.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 4


Transfinite diameter

Thetransfinite diameterof a bounded metric space(X,d)is the limit tdiam(X)of the decreasing sequence(dn)defined by

dn =









diskin a valued field : tdiam=radius ;

lemniscate: {|P(z)|61}in a valued field,P =adzd+. . . : tdiam=|ad|1/d;

segment in C: tdiam=length/4;

compact subset in C: tdiam=capacity with respect to the point at infinity.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 5


The theorem of BDPB

History and applications

1 É. Borel, 1894,Sur une application d’un théorème de M. Hadamard. fZ[[1/x]],Kv =D(0,r),r <1.

2 G. Pólya, 1928,Über notwendige Determinantenkriterien für die Fortsetzbarkeit einer Potenzreihe.

3 B. Dwork, 1960,On the rationality of the zeta function of an algebraic variety.

⇒IfV is an algebraic variety over a finite fieldFq, then its zeta functionζV(t) =exp



#V(Fqn)tn n

is a rational function.

4 F. Bertrandias, 1963, see Y. Amice’s bookLes nombres p-adiques.

5 D. Cantor, 1980, R. Rumely, 1989.

6 J-P. Bézivin, P. Robba, 1989 : New proof of the theorem of Lindemann-Weierstrass.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 6


The theorem of BDPW


1 Iff is holomorphic, this is easy. For example consider fZ[[x]], holomorphic onD(0,r), withr >1.

Writef =Panxn.

By Cauchy inequalities,|an|6M/rngoes to 0.

SinceanZ,an =0 forn0 : f is a polynomial.

2 In some cases, one can prove thatf is rational when Qtdiam(Kv) =1, if one assumes moreover thatf is algebraic.

D. Harbater : Kv =D(0,rv).

3 However : f =p1−4/xZ[[x]]. Two ramification points, in 0 and 4, one can extendsf to a holomorphic function outside the intervalK = [0,4]. One has tdiam(K) =1 butf is not rational.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 7


The theorem of BDPB


1 Original proof : establish the vanishing of appropriate Hankel/Kronecker determinants.

Using analytical properties off, show that they satisfy Q

v|D|v <1.

By the product formula,D=0.

2 In his bookG-functions and geometry (1989), Y. André gives a similar criterion for algebraicity/rationality, based on classicaldiophantine approximationtechniques.

3 Small variation : In myBourbaki Seminar (2001) about the work of Chudnovsky, André and Bost, proof of those criteria using the formalism of Arakelov geometry and Bost’sslope inequality.

Even if all rationality proofs rely on proving the vanishing of the KN(a)[Kronecker determinants] , the form of the criteria may well disguise that fact.” A. van der Poorten

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 8


Our main theorem

Consider an algebraic curveC over a number fieldF, a point oC(F)and a formal functionf ∈O[C,oat the pointo. Assume that at all placesv ofF,f is induced by an

meromorphic function on av-adic open subsetΩv ofCFv. Conclusion :if theglobal capacityof the family(Ωv)is at most 1, thenf comes from a meromorphic function onC. The measure of the size of theΩv relies oncapacity theoryfor algebraic curves — generalization of the product of the transfinite diameters.

Proof in two steps :

1 f is algebraic. This part uses diophantine approximation (in the dialect of Arakelov geometry and slopes).

2 f is rational. This part uses the Hodge index theorem in Arakelov geometry.

The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias. p. 9



1 The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

2 Capacity theory on algebraic curves

3 Algebraicity

4 Rationality

5 An application to modular forms

Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 10


The complex case

LetM be a Riemann surface, compact, connected KM a compact subset,Ω ={K,P∈Ω.

There is a uniquepotentialgK: Ω→Rsuch that

1 gK is harmonic onΩ\ {P};

2 for nearly everyx∂K, limz→xgK(z) =0;

3 ift is a local coordinate aroundP, then gK =−log(cK|t−t(P)|) +o(1).

The real numbercK is thecapacityofK with respect toP; it depends on the choice oft.

On the complex lineTPM, the hermitian norm defined by



does not depend on any choice :capacitary normonTPM.

Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 11


The p-adic case (after Rumely)

LetM be a projective smooth connected curve over a p-adic fieldF,KMan affinoid,Ω ={K,P ∈Ω.

There is a fullpotential theoryonM (R. Rumely, A. Thuillier).

Easier definition(inspired by Rumely’s theory and a theorem of Fresnel/Matignon) relying on the following Theorem : Theorem

Ifis connected, there is a rational function fF(M)regular outside P such that K ={x,|f(x)|61}.

Letd be the order off at the pointP;

thengK := d1max(log|f|,0)is the analogue of thepotential.

Iftis a local coordinate aroundP, define thecapacitycK such that

gK =−log(cK|t−t(P)|) +o(1) and thecapacitary normonTPMby



Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 12


Global capacity

LetM be an algebraic curve over a number fieldF,PM(F). For all placesv choose a compact/affinoid subsetKv of the analytic curve overFv such thatP6∈Kv.

Assume that there is a rational function onM definingKv for almost all finite placesv.


The global capacity is the real number defined by

log cap((Kv);P) = 1 [F :Q]




∂t v


(The product formula implies that it does not depend on a chosen local parametert∈ OM,P onM.)

Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 13


Statement of the main rationality theorem

KeepM,P,(Kv)as above.


Let f ∈O[M,P be aformal functionaround P.


1 “the denominators of the coefficients of the Taylor expansion of f are divisible by only finitely many prime numbers”;

2 for any place v, f defines a v-adic meromorphic function outside Kv;

3 cap((Kv);P)<1.

Then f comes from a rational function on M.

Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 14



The simplest example is that of theprojective line.Our theorem generalizes the classical results of


Borel-Dwork: F =Q,M =P1,P=0,t=usual coordinate.

TakeKv =D(0,Rv), withRv =1 for almost allv. Then cKv =1/Rv and cap((Kv);P) = (QRv)1.

Pólya-Bertrandias:M =P1(say overQ),P =∞, t =1/usual coordinate.

LetKv be an compact/affinoid subset ofP1(Cv), thencKv is its transfinite diameter.

The theorem extends readily to more general subsets than affinoid provided that the product of their “outer capacities”

is less than 1.

Capacity theory on algebraic curves. p. 15



1 The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

2 Capacity theory on algebraic curves

3 Algebraicity

4 Rationality

5 An application to modular forms

Algebraicity. p. 16


Diophantine approximation vs. Slope inequalities

We prove thatf is algebraic usingdiophantine

approximation. In principle, we find a “small” polynomialPin two variables such thatP(x,f(x))vanishes with so high order atPthat it must vanish everywhere.

We use however the method ofslopes inequalitiesin Arakelov geometry due to J.-B. Bost.

The general idea consists in proving thealgebraicity of a suitable formal subscheme:

in (Bost, 2001) : formal leaf of a foliation

here: formal graph off inX =×P1at the point(P,f(P)).

Algebraicity. p. 17


Slope inequality

We need toalgebraize the formal graph( ˆV,o)off inX =M×P1ato= (P,f(P)).

LetLbe an ample line bundle onX with an adelic metric.

Spaces of sectionsED = Γ(X,L⊗D)with L2/sup norms.

Algebraicity ofVˆ means non-injectivity of the restriction map ED →Γ( ˆV,LD).Assume injectivity.

The filtration ofΓ( ˆV,LD)byΓ( ˆV,mioLD)induces a filtration ofED by subspacesEDi .

Theith jet is a morphism

ϕiD:EDi →Γ(o,mioLD) =Si(Ω1oVˆ)⊗L⊗D|o with kernelEDi+1.

Slope inequality : deg[ED6X


rkϕiDdeg[(SiTPM) +Ddeg[(L|o) +h(ϕiD)

Algebraicity. p. 18



Slope inequality deg[ED6X


rkϕiDdeg[(SiTPM) +Ddeg[(L|o) +h(ϕiD) The contradiction is obtained by inserting in this inequality generalestimates in Arakelov Geometry :

(rough)arithmetic Hilbert-Samuel formula: deg[ED >−c1D3 arithmetic degrees of symmetric powers:

deg[(SiTPM) =ideg[TPM

height of evaluation morphisms(Schwarz lemma) : h(ϕiD) +ideg[TPM 6ilog cap((Kv);P)

Algebraicity. p. 19


The Schwarz lemma

The height of the evaluation morphisms are estimated using theSchwarz lemma,a central analytic tool in classical diophantine approximation.

Here, it goes as follows :AssumeKv ={x,|f(x)|v 61},f having a pole of orderd atP,Ωv ={Kv,ta local parameter atP. Letϕbe holomorphic and bounded onΩ, vanishing at orderi atP; writeϕ=aiti +. . . aroundP.

The functionθ(x) =f(x)iϕ(x)d is regular onΩv\ {P}, atP, and bounded bykϕkdat the “boundary” ofΩ.

By themaximum principle:

|θ(P)|v =cK−di|ai|d 6kϕkd, hence |ai|v 6ciKkϕk.

Algebraicity. p. 20


A general algebraization criterion

General result of algebraization of a formal smooth

curve( ˆV,o)in a quasi-projective variety over a number field.


IfV is A-analytic andˆ deg[(ToVˆ,(k·kcanv ))>0, thenV isˆ algebraic.

Key concepts :

1 canonicalv-adic semi-normsonToVˆ defined using the norms of the mapsϕiD. Namely, foruToVˆ, one sets

kukcanv =lim sup

i D→∞


s∈EDi kskv61


| {z }




2 generalized Arakelov degreedeg[(ToVˆ,(k·kcanv ))

3 global notion ofA-analyticitybased on thev-adicsizes ofVˆ

Algebraicity. p. 21



1 The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

2 Capacity theory on algebraic curves

3 Algebraicity

4 Rationality

5 An application to modular forms

Rationality. p. 22


The picture

We know thatf is algebraic.

LetM0 be the normalization the Zariski closure of its graph inM×P1. It is an algebraic curve with a morphismπ:M0M andsections defined onΩv.

Under the assumption that the global

capacity cap((Kv);P)<1, we need to prove thatπ is an isomorphism.

The pointPcorresponds to a line bundleO(P), which one endows with the metrics defined by the potentialsgKv

v-adic Green functions”.

Its first arithmetic Chern classcc1(O(P),k·kcap)can be defined as an object ofCHd1(M), Bost’s Arakelov-Chow group with L2

1-regularity on an adequate modelMofM.

Rationality. p. 23


Positivity of an Arakelov divisor


The Arakelov divisor classcc1(O(P),k·kcap)is nef and big.

By the very construction of potential Green functions, this class intersects nonnegatively :

vertical divisors inM(at finite or infinite places);

horizontal effective divisors inMwhose trace onMis not equal toP.

Consequently,this Arakelov divisor class is nef if and only if its self intersection is nonnegative.

In fact, under the assumptions of the theorem, one has the equality

cc1(O(P),k·kcap)2=[deg(TPM,k·kcap) =−log cap((Kv);P)>0, so thatthis class is big.

Rationality. p. 24


Construction of positive classes on M


LetPb =cc1(O(P),k·kcap).

We decomposeπO(P)asO(E1)⊗ O(E2),

whereE1=f(P)andE2is an effective divisor onM0disjoint fromE2.

Similarly, we decomposeπ1(Ωv) = Ω1,vtΩ2,v where Ω1,v =fv(Ωv).

This induces a decomposition

πPb =cE1+cE2,

in the Arakelov-Chow groupCHd1(M0)of an adequate model ofM0.

This decomposition is orthogonal reflecting the fact that the potential Green functions ofE1andE2have disjoint supports.

Moreover,πPb is big and nef.

Rationality. p. 25


Application of the Hodge index theorem

Recall :

πPb =Ec1+Ec2is big and nef cb1(cE1)cb1(Ec2) =0.

SincePb is nef andEc1is effective,

06cb1(P)b ·πcb1(cE1) =πcb1(P)b ·cb1(cE1) =cb1(Ec1)2. Similarlycb1(cE2)2>0.

Consequently, the quadratic form

q(x,y) = (xcb1(cE1) +ycb1(Ec2))2=x2cb1(Ec1)2+y2cb1(cE2)2

is nonnegative and theHodge index theoremin Arakelov geometry implies thatcb1(Ec1)andcb1(Ec2)are proportional.

Since they are orthogonal and their sum is big, one of them is zero, hencecE2=0.

This impliesπPb =Ec1, hence deg(π) =1.

Rationality. p. 26



1 The theorem of Borel-Dwork-Pólya-Bertrandias

2 Capacity theory on algebraic curves

3 Algebraicity

4 Rationality

5 An application to modular forms

An application to modular forms. p. 27


Modular forms and overcovergent modular forms

Amodular formof levelN, weightk is a rule (E/S, αN),f(E/S, αN)∈ωE⊗k/S

whereS is a scheme,E/Sis an elliptic curve,αN a levelN structure, which commutes with base change.

Anoverconvergent modular formof growth conditionris a similar rule which is only defined on thep-adic subset of the modular curve obtained by removing supersingular disks of radius|r|around singular moduli.

Using the fact that the Eisenstein seriesEp−1lifts the Hasse invariant ifp>3, N. Katz defines them inAnvers IIIas a rule

(E/S, αN,Y),f(E/S, αN,Y)∈ωE⊗k/S

whereE/Sis an elliptic curve,αN a levelN structure, and Yω1E/S−psatisfiesYEp−1(E/S) =r, which commutes with base change.

An application to modular forms. p. 28


Application to modular forms


Let F be a number field,oF its ring of integers.

Let f ∈oF[[q]]and assume :

for any embeddingσ:F ,C, the radius of convergence of fσC[[q]]is at least1;

at some finite place v, f extends to anoverconvergent modular form of level N, weight k.

Then f is algebraic.

If, moreover, the growth condition r of f satisfies

|r|p <e2π[F:Q]/N, then f is a true modular form.

The proof is an application of our general criteria, together with two computations :

injectivity radius of the uniformization map (mod.

parabolic elements) aroung the cusp at infinity;

capacity of the supersingular disks.

An application to modular forms. p. 29


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