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EPR in Mn2+ doped betaine calcium chloride dihydrate single crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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EPR in Mn2+ doped betaine calcium chloride dihydrate single crystals

J.L. Ribeiro, J.C. Fayet, J. Emery, M. Pdzeril, J. Albers, A. Klöpperpieper, A.

Almeida, M.R. Chaves

To cite this version:

J.L. Ribeiro, J.C. Fayet, J. Emery, M. Pdzeril, J. Albers, et al.. EPR in Mn2+ doped be- taine calcium chloride dihydrate single crystals. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (5), pp.813-817.

�10.1051/jphys:01988004905081300�. �jpa-00210758�


(3) Saarlandes, Saarbrücken,

(Requ le 7 décembre 1987, accepté le 2 f6vrier 1988)









étude de RPE dans le BCCD dopé


Mn2+ . Les mesures ont été effectuées entre 10 K-300 K dans la bande de fréquences 9,45 GHz

avec un

champ magnétique qui varie de

0 à 104 G. À la température ambiante les résultats sont décrits par


hamiltonien qui explique l’anisotropie

observée. Les


magnétiques principaux des défauts sont identifiés par rapport

aux axes


du système. Les spectres


basses températures permettent l’identification des différentes phases

commensurables et incommensurables du BCCD.



In this paper


results concerning


EPR study of Mn2+ doped BCCD crystals



The measurements


done in the temperature range of 10 K-300 K using


X-band frequency of 9.45 GHz and


magnetic field in the range 0-104 G. The high temperature data


be described by


simple Hamiltonian which allows the understanding of the anisotropy of the spectra. The principal magnetic


of the defects


identified in the crystallographic coordinate system. At low temperatures the analysis of the structure of the hyperfine lines for


particular favourable direction of the applied magnetic field allows the visualisation of several phase transitions to different commensurate and incommensurate phases.


Betaine calcium chloride dihydrate- (CH3)3NCH2COO-CaCI2-2 H20- crystals, grown

by isothermal solvent evaporation [1, 2], exhibit at

room temperature an orthorhombic structure de- scribed by the space group Pnma [3]. The unit cell,

with the dimensions a = 10.97 A, b


10.15 A,

c = 10.82 A, has four molecules. The structure of this phase is shown in figure 1.

At lower temperatures the system undergoes a

sequence of structural phase transitions to different structures modulated along c [4]. The temperature

dependence of the modulation wave vector is de- scribed in reference [4]. Between 164 K and 127 K the modulation is incommensurate with the wave

vector changing continuously between 0.320 and

0.285. Below this temperature down to 125 K the modulation remains commensurate (q


2/7). For

125 > T > 116 K a second incommensurate phase

occurs in which the wave vector changes continu- ously between 0.285 and 0.25. At lower temperatures the commensurate phases q = 1/4, q = 1/5 and

q = 1/6 are observed in the temperatures ranges 116 to 73 K, 73 to 47 K and T 47 K, respectively. This

behaviour can be described as an incomplete devil’s


In this paper we report a study of Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance of Mn2 + doped BCCD crystals. Mn2 + ions replace Ca2 + in the crystalline

structure. The doped crystals were grown from a solution with a molar ratio of Mn2 + /Ca2 + of the

order of 10- 3.

In the first part the EPR spectrum of the high temperature reference phase is shortly described.

The principal magnetic axes of the defects are

identified and a simplified spin Hamiltonian allows

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01988004905081300



Fig. 1.


Molecular structure of BCCD (top) and the unit

cell of the high temperature reference phase (bottom) showing the positions of the four molecules. Mn2 + replaces Ca2 + at the center of the distorted octahedron generated by the Cl-03’, Cl’-03 and 01-02 chemical axis (from

Ref. [3]).

the description of the observed anisotropic behaviour

and the calculation of the spin energy levels as a function of the applied magnetic field. In the second part, the results concerning the lower temperature region will be reported. The detailed structure which

appears on the initial hyperfine lines is particularly

sensitive to the several phase transitions, revealing

in addition the existence of a new phase, non

modulated (q


0), at low temperatures.


The measurements were done using a Bruker spec- trometer with a double axes goniometer allowing a

fine orientation of the samples in the applied mag- netic field. A X-band frequency of 9.5 GHz was

used with a dc magnetic field in the range of

0-104 G. For the low temperature measurements a

standard Oxford-Instruments quartz cryostat adapt-

able to the resonance cavity was used. The tempera-

ture was measured with a thermocouple in the cool- gas flow, 1.5 cm away from the sample. Due to the hygroscopy of the material the samples were pro- tected with a thin varnish film.

Experimental results.

As can be seen in figure 1 the unit cell of the reference phase has four molecules forming two non


Fig. 2.


Experimental spectra for Hllb (a) and for

HII Zmag (b). In the first


all the centers in the unit cell


equivalent and the spectrum is rather simple showing


typical S


5/2, I = 5/2 structure. In the second


the four molecules form two sets of nonequivalent centers

which produce


superposition of


equivalent centers. In figure 2a the experimental spectrum fo H//b is shown. For this particular

direction of the applied magnetic field the spectrum is simple and only five fine structure lines (S


5/2) splitted into six hyperfine lines (I = 5/2) can be clearly observed. The crystallographic b axis is a principal magnetic axis common to the two sets of

resonant centers. The five spin resonances are

located at 1 717 G, 2 283 G, 3 033 G, 3 850 G and 5 548 G. The average hyperfine splitting is of the

order of 90 G. A super hyperfine structure due to

the two equivalent protons of the two water molecules can also be resolved.

With the magnetic field applied in the ac plane the

most enlarged spectrum is observed for the directions H


HO * ( ± cos (39), 0, cos (51)) (Fig. 2b). If we

consider only a reduced spin Hamiltonian

bo 2 0° + b2 02 this means that these directions corre-

spond to the principal magnetic axes of two nonequi-

valent centers [5]. The third principal directions are

therefore defined on the ac plane by the vectorssin 39, 0, sin 51).

Figure 3 shows a projection on the ac plane of two

BCCD molecules. It is clear that the principal magnetic axes of the defect are approximately de-

fined by the projections of Mn- Cl and Mn- 0 chemical axes on the ac plane and by the orthogonal

direction b.

Without considering second order effects due to the hyperfine coupling As. I it is possible to

describe reasonably well the observed behaviour by

the Hamiltonian (5) :



The curves of anisotropy generated by this Hamilto- nian agree quite well with the experimental ones and

the energy levels can be calculated as functions of the applied magnetic field allowing the identification of the several resonance lines.

For the study of some essential features of the sequence of phase transitions it was choosen the

simpler orientation H//b. The choice of any other direction for the applied magnetic field would re-

quire much more than a nearly visual examination of the lines. The analysis was focused at the tempera-

ture dependence of the structure of the hyperfine lines, which is rather sensitive to local changes of symmetry. For simplicity the description of the

results will be made by considering simple and representative resonances centered at different values of the magnetic field.

Figure 4 displays the temperature dependence of

the hyperfine structure centered at 3 850 G between

170 K and 100 K. In figure 4a a typical I


5/2 hyperfine sextuplet is observable. At 158 K the structure becomes incommensurate and each line

gives rise to two edge singularities as expected (Fig. 4b), [6]. For T 140 K this structure cannot be described assuming a pure sinusoidal modulation,

and a multisoliton regime is observed (Fig. 4c). The

P-INC phase transition (at T = 158 K) is marked by

the rise of nuclear transitions (Ami


± 1 ) which are particularly evident within the sextuplet (Ami = 0 )

centered at 3 033 G. This means that the BCCD molecules have lost the (010) mirror symmetry and

that the displacement mode is antisymmetric with respect to this mirror plane. Therefore the local lineshifts are an even function of the amplitude and a microscopic dipolar moment along b is allowed

without prejudice to the macroscopic polarization.

For 119 T 121 K the distortion wave locks into the commensurate value q


2/7. This corresponds

to figure 4d.

Fig. 4.


Sequence of hyperfine structures of the

reso- nance

centered at 3 850 G for Hllb, between 170 K and 100 K. Spectra a) to h) correspond to T


170 K (P- phase), T = 152 K, T = 135 K (INC-phase 1), T


120 K (COM-phase 2/7), T = 118 K, 116 K, 113 K (INC- phase 2) and T = 100 K (COM-phase 1/4), respectively.

The second incommensurate phase appears in the temperature range 112 T 119 K. The tempera-

ture dependence of a hyperfine sextuplet in this region is described in figure 4e, f, g. A typical lineshape corresponding to a pure sinusoidal modu- lation is never observed clearly and some additional singularities in the spectral density are observed.

This can be due to either an additional symmetry breaking or to metastable q


2/7 regions. As the temperature decreases the spectrum changes indicat- ing a multisoliton regime percursor of the commen- surate q = 1/4 phase (Fig. 4g). Figure 4h shows a typical spectrum observed for the q = 1/4 commen-

surate phase.

In this phase and at lower temperatures, this particular resonance is obscured by the overlap of adjacent hyperfine lines. The low field resonance at 1 717 G, which is less sensitive becomes suitable for the continuation of the analysis at lower tempera-

tures. Figure 5a and 5b show the equivalent spectra for the q


2/7 and q = 1/4 commensurate phases

which are identical to those already described.

Figure 5c and 5d display the hyperfine lines at



Fig. 5.


Structure of the initial hyperfine lines for the low temperature commensurate phases : a) corresponds to



120 K, b) to 100 K, c) to T


65 K and d) to 40 K for the


centered at 1 717 G. The experimental (full lines) and computer constructed


using equal components with the


intensity, shape and width (dotted lines)


shown ; in c), the last two lines belong to the adjacent hyperfine structure ; in d) the last four lines


not significant

due to the confuse overlap with the adjacent structure.

temperatures where, according to reference [4], two

different commensurate phases should be expected.

As can be seen in figure 5a, 5b and 5c the change

of the modulation wave vector in the different low temperature commensurate phases is reflected on

the structure of the hyperfine lines, with the excep- tion of the q = 1/6 phase which cannot be clearly

resolved (Fig. 5d). The structure in figure 5a can be

fitted by the superposition of seven single lines, i.e.

7/2 * 2 from q


2/7. A sharp change leads to the

structure in figure 5b, which at first sight represents

a quadruplet (q = 1/4). The computer reconstruc- tion clears out extra unresolved doublets. A second

sharp modification leads to the structure in figure 5c (q =1/5 ) which is obscured by the partial overlap

between adjacent hyperfine lines. The computer reconstruction clears out a set of five doublets.

Figure 5d shows a typical hyperfine line observed in the temperature range for which the q = 1/6 com-

mensurate phase is reported to exist [4]. As can be

seen no sharp change in the structure is observed.

The computer reconstruction (dotted line) shows only five doublets, being possible that the extra one

is merged on the adjacent lines.

At about T = 15 K the spectrum changes drasti- cally as can be seen in figures 6a (full structure) and

6b (detail of the sharpest line). From figure 6a and by comparison with figure 4a, we may infer that the size of the initial cell is restored (Z


4, q


0), but

with a low symmetry. Indeed satellite lines associated to nuclear transitions (Amit


± 1 ) indicate that b is

Fig. 6.


Hyperfine structure just below T = 15 K :

a) shows the full hyperfine structure of the resonance

centered at 1717 G ; in b) the reconstruction of


intense line (Ami = 0 ) reveals


underlying quadruplet.

no longer a magnetic axis. As shown in figure 6b, the

intense lines (demi = 0 ) may represent an unresolved quadruplet which would indicate that all the four sites in the cell are unequivalent. On the other hand the superhyperfine structure of the protons is again

resolved on other lines, which is indicative of a well

ordered lattice.


system. In order to check a possible effect of the

Mn 2, impurities on the values of these temperatures

we try to confirm these shifts by other studies.

Preliminar measurements of pyroelectric coefficients and dielectric constants on samples with the same

molar rate of Mn 2+ /Ca2 + did not reveal any

appreciable changes in the critical temperatures for the higher temperature phase transitions P -+ INCl -+ q


2/7 -+ INC2. For the other tran- sitions, the values found are not quite reproducible [2] and therefore no firm conclusion can be drawn. It is possible that the observed differences may be

partially due to experimental limitations on the measurement of the absolute values of the tempera-


In the first incommensurate phase the analysis of

the hyperfine lines shows that a pure sinusoidal

regime is observed over a large temperature range

indicating that the pinning of the distortion wave by

the Mn impurities is not relevant.

The analysis of the hyperfine structure allows also the identification of several commensurate phases.

When the modulation wave vector takes a rational

value q


m/n each non-equivalent center splits in,

at most, n different centers. If the amplitude of the

therefore essential differences in agreement with the existence of small spontaneous polarizations along b for q


2/7 and along a for q = 1/4 [1, 2].

The transition from q = 1/4 to q = 1/5 can be observed by the rise of an extra doublet in the

hyperfine superstructure, which reflects the increase of the unit cell. At lower temperatures, the progress- ive overlap between the different adjacent hyperfine lines, already observed within the phase q


1/5, prevents a simple evidence of the transition to the

phase q



An additional transition to a nonmodulated phase

at low temperatures, not reported in [4], was clearly

observed. This new phase produces a sharp change

of the spectrum and each intense hyperfine line

reveals an underlying quadruplet showing the non- equivalence of the four sites in the restored unit cell.


The authors are greatly indebted to Dr. A. Leble (Lab. de Spect. du Solide, Univ. du Maine) for the

program used to simulate the spectra and to Prof.

Dr. H. E. Mfser (Univ. of Saarlandes) for stimulat-

ing discussions.


[1] ROTHER, H.J., ALBERS, J., KLÖPPERPIEPER, A., Ferroelectrics 54 (1984) 107.

[2] KLÖPPERPIEPER, A., ROTHER, H. J., ALBERS, J., MÜSER, H. E., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 24 Suppl. 24-

2 (1985) 829.

[3] BRILL, W., SCHILDKAMP, W., SPILKER, J., Z. Kris- tallgr. 172 (1985) 281.

[4] BRILL, W., EHSES, K. H., Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 24 Suppl. 24-2 (1985) 826.

[5] ABRAGHAM, A., BLEANEY, B., Electron Paramagne-

tic Resonance of Transition Ions (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 1970.

[6] BLINC, R., Phys. Rep. 79 (1981) 331.


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