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Adiabatic calorimetry measurements in the vicinity of the nematic-smectic A-smectic C multicritical point


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Adiabatic calorimetry measurements in the vicinity of the nematic-smectic A-smectic C multicritical point

M.A. Anisimov, V.P. Voronov, A.O. Kulkov, F. Kholmurodov

To cite this version:

M.A. Anisimov, V.P. Voronov, A.O. Kulkov, F. Kholmurodov. Adiabatic calorimetry measurements

in the vicinity of the nematic-smectic A-smectic C multicritical point. Journal de Physique, 1985, 46

(12), pp.2137-2143. �10.1051/jphys:0198500460120213700�. �jpa-00210162�


Adiabatic calorimetry measurements in the vicinity

of the nematic-smectic A-smectic C multicritical point

M. A. Anisimov, V. P. Voronov, A. O. Kulkov and F. Kholmurodov (*)

Institute of Petrochemical and Gas Industry Moscow, 117917, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu le 24 mai 1985, accepté le 24 juillet 1985)



La calorimétrie haute résolution a été utilisée pour étudier la nature du point multicritique des phases nématique-smectique A-smectique C (NAC) dans un_mélange de 4-n-hexyloxyphényl-4’-n-octyloxy-benzoate (608) et de 4-n-hexyloxyphényl-4’-n-décyloxybenzoate (6010). Les transitions nématique-smectique C sont faible-

ment du premier ordre, cependant l’entropie de transition disparaît au point NAC. La forme des anomalies des chaleurs spécifiques au voisinage du point NAC est plus compliquée que celle prédite par la théorie de champ

moyen. Ce résultat ainsi que la topologie du diagramme de phase révèlent la pertinence des fluctuations au point




High-resolution adiabatic calorimetry has been used for the study of the nature of the NAC (nematic-

smectic A-smectic C) multicritical point in the mixture of 4-n-hexyloxyphenyl-4’-n-octyloxybenzoate (608) and 4-n-hexyloxyphenyl-4’-n-decyloxybenzoate (6010). The N-C transitions are weak first order however the transition entropy disappears at the NAC point. The forms of the heat capacity anomalies in the vicinity of the NAC point are

more complicated then those predicted by the simple mean-field theory. This result as well as the phase diagram topology manifest the fluctuation nature of the NAC point.


Physics Abstracts

b1.30 - 64.70E

1. Introductioa

Since the NAC (nematic-smectic A-smectic C) multi-

critical point was discovered experimentally [1, 2]

significant efforts both of the theorists [3-5] and experimentalists [6-8] were made for understanding the

nature of this phenomenon. The description of the

NAC point as a Lifshitz point [9] implies the first order character of the N-C transition as a result of the tilt fluctuations in the nematic phase; furthermore the N-C latent heat has to disappear at the NAC point [3]. This prediction has been supported by experiment [6, 7]. However there were important disagreements

between the observed experimentally phase diagrams topologies [6-8].

In any model with the director tilt depending on the

existence of the smectic ordering [5, 9] the N-A and N-C lines are continuous at the NAC point while

the A-C line is coming in obliquely. The previously

observed phase diagrams [6, 7] seemed to have an opposite behaviour : the A-C and N-C lines were

continuous, while the N-A line approached the NAC point obliquely. Therefore the simple mean-field

model by Benguigui [4], who proposed the tilt to be

an independent order parameter coupled with the

smectic density wave, seemed to be preferable [6, 7].

Recently Brisbin et al. [8] have studied accurately the phase diagrams of four liquid crystals mixtures near

NAC points and obtained a universal behaviour which is in evident contradiction with any mean-field

theory. In view of this important result it was

interesting to investigate the vicinity of a NAC point by high-resolution adiabatic calorymetry (see also

Ref. [10]). Previously only DSC and AC calorymetric techniques were used in the study of NAC points [1, 6, 7].

2. Experimental procedure.

We have carried out enthalpy and heat capacity

measurements on the mixture 4-n-hexyloxyphenyl-4’- n-octyloxybenzoate (608) and 4-n-hexyloxyphenyl-4’-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198500460120213700



n-decyloxybenzoate (6010) ( 1). The precise adiabatic technique reported elsewhere [11] has been improved especially for measurements on small samples of liquid crystals [12]. The sample (0.2 gram approximately)

was contained into a titanium alloy calorimetric cell.

The microcalorimeter was surrounded with two thermal screens. This system was placed in a vacuum

bulb. A thermocouple battery with a sensitivity of

200 gV/K was used for measuring the temperature difference between the cell and the internal screen.

A platinum resistor thermometer was placed on the

internal screen. Heat losses in the calorimeter did not exceed 5 x 10-’ W. Far from the phase transition points the heat capacity of the empty calorimetric cell

was about a half of the total heat capacity. We carried

out measurements in the puls-heat (the minimum step

was 0.01 °C) and scanning regimes. The rate of heating

could be changed in the range of 2 x 10-30C/h to

20 °C/h. The scanning regime was used for determining

the temperatures and enthalpies of the phase tran-


_ _ _ _

Both the 6010 and 608 were chemically stable and

rather pure (2). The two-phase region for the isotropic-

nem atic phase transitions was less than 0.06 °C. The calorimetric cell was being filled carefully in a dry nitrogen atmosphere. In the mixtures especially near

the NAC point, the equilibration time was much larger than it was in the pure liquid crystals. Therefore

after filling, the calorimetric cell was heated to 130 OC, shaked and left a day at this temperature.

The phase diagram of the 608-6010 mixture is shown

on figure 1. The NAC point is located somewhere between 32.5 and 32.7 % mol. 6010. Furthermore one can note the peculiarity on the nematic-isotropic line

at the concentration corresponding to the NAC point.

3. Results and discussion



The N-C transitions

are first order however their latent heat is drastically decreasing upon approaching the NAC point (Figs. 2

and 3). Whereas the N-C transition entropy in the pure 608 is about 0.1 R (R is a gas constant), it is only

4 x 10-1 R in the 32.5 % 6010 mixture ! Such a

paltry latent heat becomes noticeable only when the

slowest scanning rate is used (Fig. 3b). Otherwise the transition looks as a second order one (Fig. 3a). The change of the concentration only in 0.1 % leads to the

second order transition within the limits of our

(1) Other conventional abbreviations are HOPOOB and

HOPDOB. The structural formula for 6010 is

and for 608 is

(~) The liguid crystals were made and kindly given to us by

D. Demus (6010) and B. M. Bolotin (608).

- -- -

Fig. 1.


Phase diagram of the 608-6010 mixture.

Fig. 2.


Temperature dependence of the enthalpy near the

N-C transition in the 30.6 % 6010 mixture. The rate of

scanning is 1.4 x 10- 5 °C/s.

accuracy (Fig. 4). The extrapolation with a square root law of the transition entropy depression gives the

NAC point position between 32.5 and 32.6 % 6010

(Fig. 5). Of course, the non obvious assumption that the point of the latent heat disappearence and the NAC point are identical has to be made.

The results of the heat capacity measurements near

the N-C transitions on two samples (pure 608 and the closest to the NAC point) are presented on figure 6.

The heat capacity anomalies can be qualitatively explained in the framework of the mean-field Landau

theory [13] with a negative fourth-order term in the


Fig. 3.


Temperature dependence of the enthalpy near the

N-C transition in the 32.5 % 6010 mixture : a) the rate of

scanning is 1.4 x 10- 5 °C/s ; b) 2.2 x 10- 6 oC/S.

Fig. 4. = Temperature dependence of the enthalpy in the

32.6 % 6010 mixture. The rate of scanning is 1.4

free energy expansion :

where Fo is the background molar free energy, TNc

is the N-C transition temperature, T* is the absolute

stability limit of the nematic phase, ~ is the smectic C

Fig. 5.


N-C transition entropy and heat capacity jumps

near the NAC point.



Heat capacity near the N-C transition in the pure 608 (crosses) and 32.5 % 6010 mixture (dots).

order parameter, a and c are positive constants, b is a

negative one. From the expansion (1) one can obtain

the expressions for the anormalous part of the heat

capacity in the ordered phase :





and for the transition entropy :

According to the prediction of the Landau theory

we approximated the results of the heat capacity

measurements in the smectic C phase with the for- mula :

and obtained for the pure 608 a good fit in interval

t = 5 x 10- 2-4 x 10 - 5 when the value of a = 0.5

was fixed and to was taken as ajustable parameter.

Assuming a - 1 we obtained reasonable estimates for the coefficients b, c and the shift to of the pure 608 :

b rr - 0.05, c ~ 0.25 and to ~ 8 x 10-4. One can see

howevt!’r from figure 6 that fluctuation corrections to

the heat capacity in the nematic phase of the pure 608

are noticeable. Therefore a more attentive analysis is probably necessary.

Close to the NAC point the transition latent heat becomes extremely small. In 32.4 % 6010 it is about 10- 3 RTNC. According to formulae (3) and (4) it means

that b ~ - 5 x 10-4 and t £r 8 x 10-8. So one

would think the heat capacity had to manifest a tricriti-

cal behaviour. On the contrary we could not obtain a good fit with fixed a = 0.5 anywhere close to the NAC point. If one used a as an ajustable parameter and

fixed to = 0, an unexpected very small value of the effective exponent a was obtained The better fit was

obtained with the help of the crossover formula :

however the ajustable value of to appeared to be too

large (Table I). One can notice that the good fit with

the ajustable value of a £r 0.4 in the asymptotic region

of t 10-3 is identical with that in t = 5 x 10-2- 3.6 x 10 - If t 10- 3 the term + t0)-0.5 - 1] plays the role of a background which is much larger

than the real background of the heat capacity. Unfor- tunately we have not yet been able to study in detail

the heat capacity behaviour in the disordered phase

near the NAC point. In spite of the smallness of the

anomaly a large scattering of the date is observed there.

Most probably it is because of the N-A transition

neighbourhood and further study is necessary.

Another peculiarity of the N-C transition near the NAC point is a non-linear concentration dependence

of the transition entropy (see Fig. 5). This fact can be explained with an account of the nonlinear shape of

the transition line in the vicinity of the NAC point (Fig. 7). According to the Landau theory [13] the

coefficient b and hence the transition entropy AS

are proportional to TNAC. However

- -- -

Fig. 7.


Phase diagram of the 608-6010 mixture near the NAC point.

Table I.


Fit with formula (6) of the smectic C heat capacity. Data obtained on the 32.4 % 6010 mixture.


T Nc(x) - TNAC is proportional to (XNAC - x)", where

n most probably is between 0.5 and 0.6 [8]. Therefore

AS is also proportional to (XNAC - x)~.



The results of the heat capacity measurements near the A-C transitions

are shown on figure 8. Only two curves are presented

as examples. Like in the case of the N-C transition we

could not obtain a good fit by the formula (5) with the

fixed value a = 0.5 (see Table II). A small but positive

effective exponent a was obtained for the 32.6 % 6010 mixture; for the 32.66 % mixture the exponent a is negative but also small (Table III).

One can see that the crossover approximation provides a good fit. The results for the 32.6 % mixture (A-C transition) are very close to those for 32.4 % (N-C transition) (see Table I). In the asymptotic region (t 10- 3) a fit involving a = 0.5 only, cannot be

ruled out (see Table III), however it involves an

anomalously large background.

The most striking result of our heat capacity mea-

surements is a failure of the mean-field description

at the A-C transition even for those samples which are

not close to the NAC point. We could not obtain a good

fit with the formula (5) for the A-C transitions even for 70 % 6010 mixture, whereas the crossover formula (6)

was adequate everywhere.

The Landau theory [ 13] predicts for a second order transition close to a tricritical point (the coefficient b in the expansion (1) is positive but small) the same heat capacity behaviour as for a weak first order one (see

formula (2)). However the temperature shift to is four

times less :

Indeed we could describe only the background part of the heat capacity by formula (2) using reasonable

values of a, b and c. The existence of the heat capacity sharp cusp in addition to the mean-field background

is clearly seen if one compares the pure 608 (Fig. 6) and

the 48 % 6010 mixture (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8.


Heat capacity near the A-C transition in 32.6 % (dots) and 48 % 6010 mixtures (crosses).

We are not able to report the exact value of the critical exponent a in the immediate vicinity of the A-C

transition. Even the mean-field value a = 0.5 is not excluded At present further measurements and fitting

are in progress. Nevertheless the results presented here

show that the mean-field interpretation of A-C transi- tions [14,15] should be revised at least in the vicinity

of the NAC point.

3.3 N-A TRANSITIONS LINE. - In the 608-b010

mixtures as well as in the pure 6010 the N-A transitions

are second order. Furthermore there is a drastic decrease of the heat capacity anormalies upon appro-

Table II.


Fit with formula (6) of the smectic C heat capacity. Data obtained on the 32.6 % 6016 mixture.



Table III.


Fit with formula (6) of the smectic C heat capacity. Data obtained on the 32.66 % 6010 mixture.

ching the NAC point (Fig. 9). Therefore it is difficult to know the exact shape of the N-A line in the imme- diate vicinity of this point. Nevertheless our results

are in qualitative agreement with the phase diagrams topology found by Brisbin et al. [8]. The results of the heat capacity data analysis near the N-A transition in 48 % 6010 mixture are presented in table IV. For

this mixture the value of the exponent a is close to the renormalization group result 03B1 ~ - 0.03 for two-

component order parameter universality class. For

the pure 6010 we obtained a = 0.24 ± 0.01 in the interval t = 5 x 10- 3-2 x 10- 5. Our results can

be explained by a crossover from the critical (a ~-- 0)

to the tricritical behaviour (a = 0.5) [16-18]; indeed

the N-A tricritical point is expected if the N-A and N-I transitions are sufficiently close to each other.

However an additional effect must be taken into account if one analyses critical phenomena in mixtures.

It is the effect of renormalization of the critical expo- nents if measurements are carried out at constant concentration. The heat capacity Cp at constant concentration does not diverge at the N-A transition point in a mixture and its critical exponent renorma- lizes from a to - a/(I - a) (for a > 0). The range of

the temperature where a is already renormalized Fig. 9.


Heat capacity near the N-A transitions.

Table IV.


Fit with formula (5) of the heat capacity. Data obtained in the vicinity of the N-A transition (*).

(*) 1) index (1) marks the parameters in the smectic A phase;

2) in all runs = 0 ;

3) x = 0.48 mf. 6010.


(t ~ to) can be estimated by formula [19] :

r (8)

N Ac x{ 1 x) (1/T c dx

where Ac is a critical amplitude of a non-renormalized heat capacity (in units of R), T~ is a critical tempe- rature, x is a concentration. The slope of the N-A

line becomes large near the NAC point For the 33 % 6010 6010 mixture the value mixture the value TNA i - d 2013dTNA/dx ~ 0.15. TNA dx 0.15.

If one imagines [5] that the NAC point is Gaussian for the N-A line (a = 0.5) one can obtain, assuming Ac ~ 1 [16], that to ~ 10- 3 ; i.e. the renormalization must be taken into account.


We thank E. Gorodetskii and V. Podnek for comments related to the nature of the NAC point in their mo-

del [5]. One of us (M. Anisimov) is greatful to J. Prost

for helpful and stimulating discussions at the Centre de Recherche Paul Pascal in Bordeaux.



B 16 (1977) 470.

[2] SIGAUD, G., HARDOUIN, F. and ACHARD, M. F., Solid State Commun. 23 (1977) 35.

[3] SWIFT, J., J. Chem. Phys. 72 (1980) 3430.

[4] BENGUIGUI, L., J. Physique 40 (1979) 419.

[5] GORODETSKII, E. and PODNEK, V. E., JETP Letters 39

(1984) 624; see also Kristallografiya (Sov. Phys.

Crystallography) 29 (1984) 1054.

[6] DEHOFF, R., BIGGERS, R., BRISBIN, D. and JOHNSON, D. L., Phys. Rev. A 25 (1982) 472.

[7] HUANG, C. C. and LIEN, S. C., Phys. Rev. Lett. 47

(1981) 1917.


BERT, M. E., Phys.Rev. Lett. 50 (1983) 178.

[9] CHEN, J. and LUBENSKY, T., Phys. Rev. A 14 (1976) 1202.


and KHOLMURODOV, F., JETP Lett. 41 (6) (1985).

We argued in this article that the A-C line appears

as the natural prolongation of the N-C one across

the NAC point. This interpretation does not seem

to be corroborated by more accurate analysis;

nevertheless the observed curving of the A-C line is very small for the 608-6010 mixture (see Fig. 7).


L., J. Eng. Phys. (USSR) 39 (1981) 1385; see also Liquid Crystals, Proc. Int. Conference in

Bangalore, Heyden, 1980, p. 347.

[12] ANISIMOV, M. A. and VORONOV, V. P., in « Forschun- gen über flüssige Kristalle », Wissenschaftliche

Beiträge, 41 (12), Halle, 1983, p. 1-6.

[13] LANDAU, L. D. and LIFSHITZ, E. M., Statistical Physics,

Part 1 (Nauka, Moscow) 1976.

[14] HUANG, C. C. and VINER, J. M., Phys. Rev. A 25 (1982) 3385.

[15] BIRGENEAU, R. J., GARLAND, C. W., KORTAN, A. R., LISTER, J. D., MEICHLE, M., OCKO, B. M., ROSEN- BALTT, C., Yu, L. J., GOODBY, J., Phys. Rev. A 27 (1983) 1251.

[16] BRISBIN, D., DEHOFF, R., LOCKHART, T. E. and JOHN- SON, D. L., Phys. Rev. Lett. 43 (1979) 1171.

[17] THOEN, J., MARYNISSEN, H. and VAN DAEL, W., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 204.

[18] OCKO, B. M., BIRGENEAU, R. J., LITSTER, J. D. and NEUBERT, M. E., Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 208.


JETP 33 (1971) 605.


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