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Dynamic evolution of the averaged distribution function


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Dynamic evolution of the averaged distribution function

H.I. Abdel-Gawad

To cite this version:

H.I. Abdel-Gawad. Dynamic evolution of the averaged distribution function. Journal de Physique,

1982, 43 (6), pp.883-891. �10.1051/jphys:01982004306088300�. �jpa-00209466�


Dynamic evolution of the averaged distribution function

H. I. Abdel-Gawad

Laboratoire de Physique des Gaz et des Plasmas (*), Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France (Reçu le 8 décembre 1981, accepté le 22 fevrier 1982)



Dans cet article nous décrivons une alternative à la méthode quasi linéaire classique pour décrire l’évolution de la fonction de distribution moyenne, évitant les difficultés associées à la résolution d’une équation

de diffusion à trois dimensions. Nous considérons explicitement le cas des électrons en présence de la turbulence

acoustique-ionique générée par un courant de dérive. Notre formulation apporte une confirmation aux arguments développés par Balescu dans un travail récent, selon lesquels un état auto-similaire qui se comporte comme exp 2014 (w5/03BD50) n’est pas compatible avec l’hypothèse de stabilité marginale imposée dans le modèle de Vekstein, Ryutov et Sagdeev.



In this article we derive an alternative to the classical quasi-linear method to describe the evolution of the averaged distribution function avoiding the difficulties associated to the resolution of a three dimensional diffusion equation. We consider explicitly the case of the electron species in presence of a current-driven ion-acoustic turbulence. Our formulation aims to confirm the arguments developed by Balescu in a recent work, where it has been pointed out that a self-similar state which behaves as exp 2014 (w5/03BD50) is not consistent with the marginal sta- bility hypothesis imposed in the model of Vekstein, Ryutov and Sagdeev.

Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.


In the frame of the QL-approxi-

mation of weak turbulence theory, it has been pointed

out that in a one dimensional plasma the averaged

distribution function (adf) can have asymptotically

a self-similar solution (sss). Such a sss was found to

be of the form of a plateau [1, 2, 3]. In a recent publi-

cation [4], it has been demonstrated that many other sss rather than the flattened form are possible.

These non-plateau solutions have been observed in

computational experiments [5]. In a three dimen- sional plasma, the situation is more complicated

because a self-similar state of a turbulent plasma requires that all its components must behave self-


For the problem of simultaneous evolution of the adf and plasma instability, many studies have revealed the important dynamical aspects produced by the

reconstitution of the adf. Experimental [6, 7] and

numerical [8] studies of current-driven ion-acoustic

instability showed that an energetic ion tail is pro- duced before the instability reaches its maximum.

The reduction of wave energy by these energetic particles may constitute an efficient stabilization mechanism.

Many analytical studies have been devoted to the

(*) Laboratoire associ6 au C.N.R.S.

dynamics of production of energetic ions, first by Choi

and Horton [9], using the non local Green propa- gator for deriving the solution of the QL-diffusion

like equation for the adf of ions. It has been shown that fi behaves asymptotically as exp( - V4/3/VÓ/3).

In a recent publication, Tu Khiet [10] improved

the results of the production rate of ion-tail, employing

the method which will be developed later.

For the evolution of the electron adf and electron

heating, numerical simulations, carried out by Bis- kamp et al. [11] and Dum, Chodura and Biskamp [12],

showed that a self-similar state of the adf is attained

rapidly. These numerical results are also corroborated

by analytical studies, due to Vedenov and Ryutov [3], Vekstein, Ryutov and Sagdeev (VRS) [13], and more recently to Dum [14] and Galeev and Sagdeev [15].

In the above publications, pertaining to the ion-

acoustic instability, the electron adf behaves self-

similarly as exp( - w’lv’) where the system is basi- cally assumed to be at marginal stability. But this hypothesis is so restrictive that it makes the des-

cription of many physical aspects of plasma turbu-

lence far from the dynamical formulation of the

problem. For, it may be expected that, as pointed

out by Balescu [16], the obtained sss for the adf is not consistent with the starting hypothesis of the

literature referred to above.

On the other hand, Horton, Choi and Koch [17]

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004306088300



claimed that the time scale required by the adf of the electrons to behave as exp(- w’lv’) is not fully


To clarify this question, we develop in section 2

a method describing the evolution of the adf of electrons starting from the Liouville theorem. We shall prove (in the frame of the QL-approximation)

that the proposed sss of the isotropic part of the adf is not attainable. Further, an asymptotic state

will be found. In section 3 we describe the evolution of the anisotropic part of the adf and show how our

adf tends to be isotropized.

2. Evolution of the averaged distribution function. - The distribution function for a plasma without

external field satisfies the Vlasov equation :

Introducing the characteristic orbit functions of

plasma particle :

with initial conditions x(T=t)=x and v(T=t)=v.

In equation (2.2) the statistical averaged fluctuating

electric field is assumed to be zero I.e. ( E(x, t) > = 0.

Equation (2.1) can be written as df /dT


0, and integrated to give


where x°(t) = x(0) and v°(t) = v(0).

Averaging (2.4). one obtains


Hereafter, for simplicity, we shall write x(t) for x°(t)

and v(t) for v°(t). The distribution function fs may be

decomposed into a homogeneous part and a small inhomogeneous part :

where bf,, Fos. Owing to (2.6), equation (2.5)

reduces to


Now we prove that (2.7) insures the conservation of the number of particles. For this we rewrite it in the form :

An integration of both sides of (2.7a) over v-space

yields the required conservation law.

Hereafter we shall be interested in studying the

evolution of the adf of electrons which is initially a drifting Maxwellian :

where ve and u = I u are the thermal and drift speed respectively. For u > c.


(T e/mi) ; T e is the elec-

tron temperature and m; is the ion mass ; the ion

acoustic modes are generated with an eigen fre-

quency : : Wk


kc,(l + k2 A2 ) - D 112, where k -1 repre- sents the wavelength and AD is the Debye length.

The study is restricted to the dynamics of the ion-

acoustic instability over the electrons and we drop

the subscript o s ».

For convenience, we represent the adf of electrons in the frame where the electrons are at rest. In this

frame, the initial distribution function is isotropic

with respect to the variable w


v - u, we then have, owing to (2.7)

Here, the fluctuating electric field is responsible for

the change in the particle velocity.

Transforming Fo(w, 0) in Laplace space, then

reporting the time dependence, equation (2.8) beco-

mes (dropping the subscript O)))

where F(wo, 0) is given by (2.8).

Referring to the property that the scattering of

electrons by ion acoustic waves is a quasi-electric

process [18]; i.e. I Aw I w; we then set

where A is purely due to the turbulent field. Inserting

this into (2.11) yields

where we have singled out the stochasticity of the

turbulent field which is represented by A(t).


For evaluating exp i&A(t) >, we employ the cumu-

lant expansion, where up to second order terms (2.13)

is represented by :

where C1 and C2 are the first and second cumulants

respectively. Bearing in mind that a cumulant expan- sion can be truncated if :

i) the first cumulant (as a parameter of the expan-

sion) does not exceed the thermal width of the initial distribution function (the function about which we

expand) ;

ii) the correlation time of the stochastic electric field is much smaller than its characteristic evolution time (as A(t) depends on E) which is a basic assump- tion of the QL-theory.

We show in Appendix A that CB and C2 are given by :



where Ik(t) is the spectral distribution function in k-space.

Introducing (2.12) into (2.14), as C2 > 0 the repeated integral is absolutely convergent, and we may invert the 8-integration, then it can be carried, after replacing a by zero, and gives


It is important to notice that when comparing the last result with the method of resolution of QL-diffusion

like equation by introducing the Green function formalism : Dum [14],-

we see that the Green function is

For t


0, r¡(t




0 and whence C1 and C2 are zero, G(w, wo,breduces to 6(w - wo). Beyond t


0, the Green function is quasi-Gaussian in the variables w and 14,0.

Carrying out the wo-integration in (2.18), with F(wo, 0) given by (2.8), we obtain :




In the regime -u 1 we have C2 1 and the argument of the error function, appearing in the second term in the curly bracket, can be approximated by I then (2 . 21 ) reduces to

The last formula allows one to study the evolution of the adf. However, the complex form of the first and second cumulants makes the description of evolution of the adf difficult. One may decompose the later, given by (2.22),

into an isotropic part (independent of p) and an anisotropic part which depends on Jl.

The isotropic part can be readily obtained by setting p = 0 in (2.15), (2.16) and substituting into (2.22) yields :

where w > (u - cs/ve).

One establishes that, from (2.23), Fiso depends on the time through the dynamic quantity q(t), defined by (2.17), which contains the dynamic evolution of energy in the ion acoustic modes. We shall show, in Appen-

dix B, that q(t) increases monotonically from zero to an asymptotic value q z (U)-I. This will be done by solving the kinetic equation of waves.

It becomes clear that the isotropic part of the adf, as given by (2 . 23) does not evolve to a sss as exp( - W5/vg).

It relaxes to an asymptotic steady state which corresponds to q £ (U) - 1 and is given by :

From the last equation one finds that

in the region w (2 u-)’Il which means that the distribution function is flattened over a small region about

its initial maximum. Beyond this region it is approximately Maxwellian.

In the next section we shall investigate the modifi- cation of the anisotropic part and the mechanism of


3. Evaluation of the anisotropic part of the adf.


We derive here an approximate formula for the ani-

sotropic part by converting equation (2.22), des- cribing the time dependent adf, into the Spitzer-

Harm form [19] :

where Fi.. is given by (2.23). The function #,(W-, t)

can be derived by expanding the exponential in (2. 22)

up to first order in p. For this, we represent Ci and C2 in a more convenient form :

After substituting for C1 and C2 from (3.2) and (3.3)

into (2.22) and expanding, one obtains

From (2.23) and (3.4) one may establish the fol-

lowing arguments :

i) The second cumulant (C2) plays an efficient

role in changing the isotropic part of the adf through enlarging the thermal width.

ii) The term Cl contains the effect of the turbu- lence on the isotropization process of the adf.

The above arguments become clear when we eva-

luate the first and second velocity moments of the adf.

The drift velocity of electrons evolves as :


Substituting for F(w, t) by its approximated formula (3.1), equation (3.5) becomes

Up to lowest order in (ü)2 ’1 (3.6) gives

From the last equation, one finds that the drift velo-

city decreases during the evolution of ion acoustic

instability. One will expect, then, that when the

condition I u(t) I > Vph Cs breaks down at certain

time, the ion acoustic instability will be quenched.

This becomes evident from (3.7) and will be shown,

in Appendix « B >>,’ through a systematic derivation

to the solution of kinetic wave equation.

Further, the decreasing drift velocity shows that

the adf tends to be isotropized when u(t) -+ 0, and the rate of isotropization is

where v(t) is the turbulent collision frequency (as

introduced in the literature of Choi and Horton [20]).

Now, we evaluate the time dependent electron temperature by calculating the kinetic energy of the

particles relative to the mean :

By the same method, as above, (3.8) becomes (up to

lowest order in (u-)’ q) :

From (3.9) the rate of change of the particle energy is :

From (3. 8) and (3. 5), one concludes that the turbu- lent rate of isotropization is higher than the rate of change of the particle energy following the square of the thermal speed as compared to the wave phase


4. Conclusions.


We have developed a statistical

theory describing the dynamic evolution of the adf of electrons, in the presence of ion acoustic instability, avoiding the difficulties associated with the method of resolution of the QL-equation.

It has been shown that the isotropic part of the adf does not admit, at all, a self-similar solution of

the form exp( - w’lv’). However, an asymptotic steady state of the adf (corresponding to a steady

state of wave energy) is attainable. This asymptotic form is flattened over a small region, in the velocity space, w (UV;)1/3. Beyond this region it is approxi- mately Maxwellian.

The above conclusions confirm the arguments

developed in the work of Balescu. Our formulation is based on studying the dynamical evolution of the

instability as well as of the adf. Contrarily, the pre- vious work assumes a self-similar property of a turbulent plasma at a marginal stability and then

proves the inconsistency.

Our method can be used to describe the evolution of the adf of ions. Further, knowing the time depen-

dent adf allows us to study the anomalous transport coefficients. This will be our object in a subsequent publication.



The author would like to thank Dr. Tu Khiet for valuable suggestions and


Appendix A.


For evaluating the first and second cumulants (C1 and C2), we have to derive an explicit

form of the stochastic quantity A(t). Starting from w(t) = I w(t) I, writing w(t)


w + Aw(t),

and developing the expansion about w = I w I (as

I Aw I w) up to second order in I Aw I (or in E)

one obtains for A(t) :

The problem of calculating C1 and C2 is reduced

to the calculation of the statistical average of the deviation and square deviation in the particle velo- city, taking the lead of (A.1). One has, then,

The function 0(t’, t") represents the correlation func- tion of the electric field, which is symmetric in the

variables t’ and t". By the last property (A. 3) can be





_ n At

Now, assuming that the correlation time is small

compared to the characteristic time of evolution of the electric field, one may represent (A. 4’) (in the

frame of a QL-theory) by :

Converting the summation into integration and assuming a nearly isotropic turbulence (spectrum in k-space), one obtains :

and I is the unit dyadic. One finds


where il(t) is defined by (2.17).

By the same method we have

In (A. 8) the terms of order (-U)3 and higher will be neglected, on then finds :

we rewrite (A. 8) and (A. 9) in terms of w :

One derives further :

The direct substitution from (A. 10) (A. 12) into the appropriate formulae of C1 and C2 (C2 is approxima- tely (W.W)2 )/W2 ve) yields (2.15) (2.16).

We have to notice that, rewriting (A. 12) for Av )

in terms of v :


where v(t) is the effective (turbulent) collision fre-

quency. The last equation shows that the velocity

of the electrons decreases due to their interactions with the ion acoustic waves, whence the electrons will be transported from the region of high velocity

to that of low velocity in the v-space. This process

causes the modification of the distribution function.

Appendix B.


To discuss the evolution of the

dynamic quantity 11(t), we have to solve the kinetic

equation of the spectral distribution of energy density ak(t). In the WKB approximation this equation is represented by :

where r k denotes the wave damping (or growth) rate.

As we are interested in studying the effects of modifi- cation of the electron distribution function on the

wave dynamics, we shall restrict our calculations to

r ke(t) :

where Re 6(k, w) is given by the classical result :

equation (B . 3) takes the form


In terms of w (B. 4) becomes

where Qk


k. u - Wk. For carrying out the integra-

tion in (B. 5) we have to substitute for Fe(w, t) by its explicit form, given by (2.21) or (2 . 22), bearing in mind

that (2.22) characterizing a plasma system where u 1. This will be our object for carrying the calcu-

lation of the growth rate.

An approximate form for Fe(w, t) (which is given by (3. 1)) can be used, but one must account for that (3.1) is a truncated expansion of the adf abouts its

isotropic part. Such an expansion is valid over a region w > (u ’I)

Returning to (B. 5), after carrying out the integral

over the angle between p and w, the lower bound of the w-integration will be wo = ilk = Qk/kve. This

leads one to distinguish between two limits :

i) Qk > (U- 1) 1,4 , Fe(w, t), under the w-integration,

can be replaced by (3. 1), further Fi.o will be approxi- mately Maxwellian and (B. 5) becomes

We may split rke(t) into rke(O) + F ke (’)(t), where


from (B. 6a) and (B. 6b) and the above condition,

one finds that F(’)(t) ke cannot balance F k,,(O) because

?I(t) Ek’l-u. This leads one to estimate that the modification of the adf may produce a significant

reduction to the growth rate when q(t) >, dk’/-u.

The level of energy required by the last condition

can then be estimated. As, approximately,

r nv, kyL 1 a ; a is the total energy; one finds that

This will be the case :

ii) (ü fl)1/4 Qk; we employ the formula (2.22)

for Fe(w, t).

After operating O/N onto (2.22), (B. 5) becomes

The last equation can be rewritten (up to lowest order in S2k (or ü))

where p


xl X2 + Yl Y2 COS 0, Y1,2 = (1 - xI 2)1/2 ;



k. u and F,,(-w, p, t) is given by (2. 22), (2J5)-

(2.17). One finds that the dominant term in Cip

is (U’1,u/(W)4), cf (2. 1 5), then for -W > (u- Ci p « 1

and C2 1 so that Fe can be approximated by a

Maxwellian. The 0-integral may be carried out when the w-integral is cut-off at w = (u- Then we have

The wave energy reaches its maximum value when the growth rate becomes zero; that is, when

We notice that i) r ke(t) is, approximately, linear in k

as (Ok - kcg.

ii) The growth rate (Tke) can be represented in a

more convenient form :



where we have approximated ’4 exp - (U-?1)112 by Qk, in (B. 9), in a consonance with the assumption

that (-U) 2(or (!5k )2) 1.

The effect of the modification of the adf of electrons onto the growth rate is manifested by the function

K( ). It becomes clear that the adf, during the evolu-

tion of ion-acoustic instability, changes in such a way that the net drift velocity of electrons decreases down to zero i.e. the adf tends to be isotropized. This means

that the source of energy, furnished by the electrons to the waves, is exhausted, whence the energy in the

waves is reduced so that the instability will be quench-

ed. The above arguments explain the mechanism of stabilization process of ion-acoustic instabilities

accounting for the modification of the adf of electrons.

We rewrite the kinetic wave equation

Integrating over the whole k-space, employing the

fact that the wave spectral distribution is peaked at

k = k* = À-D/,J2 and then one derives an approxi-

mate relation between the total energy a and q, by referring to the relation (2.17) :

and we obtain :

Writing T = 2j; kC,, t and integrating (B. .15) yields :

Owing to (B. 14), the total energy is represented by :

For obtaining the asymptotic value of q we repre-

sent K( r) in the limit q Z (iT4)’/-u. Furthermore

K(q) is approximately represented by

Introducing (B. 18) into (B. 16) yields

where A = (Ut)1/4. The last equation gives

This yields that q,,,, --- 0(1 I-u) which is consistent with the value of q derived from the condition of validity of the cumulant expansion; namely C1 1 gg 1

or u r,u 1 which implies that rJ 1/ J.lu and the

maximum value of q is (1-i)-’ (for J1


1). The above asymptotic value of y corresponds indeed to a steady

state of wave energy (a - 0).

For q . 1> ?I 1> (Q4)4(U, the total wave energy is

represented by :


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