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Structure of D1.65MoO3 by neutron diffraction


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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Structure of D1.65MoO3 by neutron diffraction

M. Anne, Daniel Fruchart, S. Derdour, D. Tinet

To cite this version:

M. Anne, Daniel Fruchart, S. Derdour, D. Tinet. Structure of D1.65MoO3 by neutron diffraction.

Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (3), pp.505-509. �10.1051/jphys:01988004903050500�. �jpa-00210723�


Structure of D1.65MoO3 by neutron diffraction

M. Anne, D. Fruchart, S. Derdour and D. Tinet (*)

Laboratoire de Cristallographie du CNRS associé à l’USTMG, 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France (*) CRSOCI-CNRS, 1B


de la Férollerie, 45071 Orléans Cedex 2, France

(Requ le 17 decembre 1985, révisé le 30 novembre 1987, accepté le 3 decembre 1987)



La structure de D1.65MoO3


été affinée dans le groupe d’espace C2/m. L’étude par diffraction des neutrons de D1,65MoO3


forme polycristalline,


permis de localiser la moitié du deutérium dans la structure, l’autre moitié étant dispersée


de nombreux sites cristallographiques. L’insertion de deutérium dans le réseau MoO3 n’introduit que de faibles modifications structurales.



The structure of D1.65MoO3 has been refined in the space group C2/m. Half of the deuterium in

D1.65MoO3 has been localized using powder neutron diffraction, the other half being dispersed



sites throughout the structure. Insertion of deuterium in the MoO3 network produces only weak structural modifications.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.

The Hl,6sMo03 bronze is a phase of the hydrogen molybdenum bronze (HxMo03, 0 x 2 ) series, which has been characterized by its X-ray analysis [1], by its electronic properties [2] and by ’H and 2D NMR [3-7].

The crystallographic structure of Do,36Mo03, de-

termined by neutron diffraction by Dickens et al. [8],

shows that the introduction of 0.36 deuterium atom per unit formula produces only slight modifications of the structure of the Mo03 network.

The insertion of hydrogen in molybdenum trioxide, up to a H/Mo ratio of 1.65 defines a phase clearly identified by X-ray diffraction [1]. The struc-

tural modifications are still weak. There is however a

lowering of the symmetry from an orthorhombic to a

monoclinic lattice.

Furthermore, from NMR measurements, hydro-

gen in Hl,6sMo03 is not static. Some authors [3, 4, 6]

have split the hydrogen motion into a diffusion process and a rotation of OH2 entities around the oxygen atom. These results are now still under discussion and it is important to have a better knowledge of hydrogen localization by neutron


Samples were prepared by the hydrogen spillover technique [9]. The amount of absorbed hydrogen

was determined by volumetric measurement. Dif- fraction studies were performed on a deuterated

sample since deuterium has a very low incoherent

scattering cross section and a higher coherent cross

section than hydrogen.

2. Experimental method.

The powder diffractograms were obtained using a position sensitive detector at the Institut Laue-

Langevin (D1B) and at the Nuclear Research Center

(Siloe) in Grenoble, at room temperature and 4.2 K.

The wavelength was A


1.2818 A (D1B) with an angular range 8° 2 0 88° in steps of 0.1°. The coherent scattering lengths used were :

The results were analysed by the least squares method of profile refinement given by Rietveld [10],

modified so that the optimized results could further be treated by Fourier synthesis [11].

The optimization process is based on the weighted

value of the count at each point of the profile, leading to the minimization of a weighted reliability

factor. In order to compare these results with those obtained by integrating the intensities, the observed and calculated profiles were separated into individual intensities, thus defining an agreement factor :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01988004903050500



where C is a scaling factor.

3. Results.

The diffraction diagrams show no significant differ-

ence between 300 K and 4.2 K but only the results at

low temperature will be considered here, as smaller thermal vibrations are favourable to a better locali- zation of atoms.

The precise indexation of the diffraction peaks

corroborates the monoclinic lattice given by X-ray

diffraction [1]. The model is first composed of the

Mo and 0 atoms of Mo03 and its parameters refined in the monoclinic unit cell (the atomic positions and

widths at half height of the peaks). The optimized

unit cell parameters are :

An examination of all indexed peaks in the diffractogram shows that all the reflexions with non- zero intensities are compatible with a monoclinic C- face centred lattice. This gives a choice between the space group C2/m and the two subgroups C2 and Cm

which have the same extinction rule h + k


2 n + 1, as found experimentally.

It must be emphasized that the transformation of the orthorhombic group Pnma of Mo03 into the

monoclinic C2/m (or its subgroups) cancels a mirror plane since 13 =A 90°.

The space group finally chosen for the structure of

Dl.65M003 is C2/m, Z


4. The description by either

of the two subgroups does not improve the agree- ment factor.

Furthermore, no indication of any superstructure

could be found since there were no extra peaks.

A Fourier difference synthesis, calculated after the refinement of the position parameters of the

molybdenum and oxygen atoms, shows that an excess of nuclear density could be attributed to a

deuterium atom. Introducing this new atom in the model, and refining its position parameters improves

the agreement factor by 6 %. The refinement of all parameters including atomic positions, temperature factors and site occupancy of deuterium, converges

to an agreement factor R,


14.8 %. The optimized parameters are reported in table I and figure 1

shows the agreement between the observed and

Table I.


Structural parameters at 4.2 K. Space Group : C2/m.

Fig. 1. - a) Comparison between the observed (+) and calculated (full line) profiles for D1.65Mo03 at 4.2 K.

b) Difference spectrum.


calculated profiles. Interatomic distances and bond

angles in the structure of D1.65Mo03 are given in

table II.

Table II. - Interatomic distances and angles in D1.6SMo03.

The 8 ( j ) site of deuterium is only 41 % occupied corresponding to 0.82 atom of deuterium per unit formula as compared to the value 1.65 found vol-


The improved model is not entirely satisfactory

since the reliability factor is still relatively high.

Further attempts to include other sites for

deuterium, corresponding to weaker density maxima

revealed by a Fourier difference map, were not conclusive. Some sites could be in the vicinity of the M006 octahedra, but they were very close to the atoms of the mean structure and the strong corre-

lations between the position parameters do not allow them to be refined accurately. Finally a refinement

of a model with the deuterium located in the site chosen by Dickens et al. [8], in the orthorhombic

phase Do,36Mo03 did not converge.

4. Discussion.

The increase of the hydrogen concentration (from



0.36 to x


1.65) leads to a partially disordered

structure which could not be completely resolved.

The disorder is due to half the deuterium atoms

statistically distributed on numerous sites inducing

local distorsions with repercussions on the other

atoms. This static disorder implies high thermal parameters. Nevertheless, the average structure of

Dl-65M003 is determined by neutron diffraction and half the deuterium atoms are localized. The structure is shown in figure 2 together with the corresponding

structure of Do.36Mo03. Both structures can be described in terms of edge and corner-shared

Mo06 octahedra more or less distorted but the D atom sites are different.

In the orthorhombic phase DO.36MOO3 the

deuterium atoms, symmetrically related by a mirror plane, are located in the y


0 and y = 1/2 planes

defined by layers of Mo and 0.

In the monoclinic phase Dl.6sMo03, the

deuterium atoms form chains perpendicular to these planes, midway between the zig-zag chains of molyb-

denum atoms. The presence of more deuterium

atoms near the oxygen atoms modifies the 0-0 distances and this is probably the cause of the

monoclinic distortion which cancels the mirror plane relating the deuterium atoms in the orthorhombic

phase. Figure 3 shows the periodic pattern of the deuterium chains. The 0---0 lines form a grid on

which the deuterium atoms are fixed occupying half

the space between the oxygen atoms.

This arrangement of the deuterium atoms in

D1.65MOO3 has been described very approximately, by Slade et al. [7], but these authors suggested that

all the sites between the oxygen atoms were avail-

able, the deuterium atoms being statistically distri-

buted among 42 % of these sites (required by stoichiometry). This symmetrical distribution of the deuterium could not explain the origin of the mono-

clinic distortion.

Figure 4 gives the distances and angles between

the atoms. The distance between the A and B sites is

so short that the two sites can not simultaneously be occupied by deuterium. The maximum occupancy of the crystallographic sites will then be only 50 %, in agreement with the 41 % value obtained by diffrac-


The amplitude of the thermal vibration around the

deuterium site is very high. This is probably due to a dynamic disorder. The projection on the 0---0 line

of all nuclear density observed around the A and B sites (Fig. 5) clearly shows that the hydrogen atom in

A or B vibrates anisotropically towards the other

site. The shape of this curve of nuclear density

suggests that the deuterium atom is weakly bound to



Fig. 2. - Comparison between the structure of Do,36Mo03 given by Dickens et al. [8] and of D1.65Mo03 (this work).

Fig. 3.


Location of deuterium sites in the interlayer plane of Mo03, projected on the (b, c) plane. Crossed

oxygens are at y


0, the others at y = 1/2.

its site and can move easily from A to B and vice-


The D1.65Mo03 compound is a good protonic

conductor [3, 5], and its study by neutron diffraction has provided important facts for understanding hy- drogen motion through the lattice :


the structure is partially disordered due to numerous sites for the deuterium ;


one half of the deuterium is localized on a well defined crystallographic site, with an occupancy of



the observed nuclear density favours jumps of hydrogen atoms between two sites separated by

0.9 A (localized motion) ;


the number of hydrogen atoms is less than the

Fig. 4.


Distances and angles between deuterium and oxygen atoms, crossed oxygen is in the plane y


0, the

two others


in the planes y


± 1/2.

Fig. 5.


Nuclear density of deuterium around the A and

B sites showing the weak localization


A or B.


number of available sites, which is a necessary condition for translational diffusion ;

- the unsymmetrical arrangement of the hydro-

gen atoms around the oxygen atoms in the monoclin- ic lattice does not allow 180° reorientation of pseudo OH2 entities.

5. Conclusion.

This work shows that there are two species of protons in Hl.65M003. A first species is widely dispersed in the lattice and a second type of proton

has been localized by neutron diffraction. The latter is probably involved in a diffusional motion by hopping from site to site, through the lattice. This

dynamical aspect has been studied by quasielastic

neutron scattering and will be discussed in a forth- coming article [12].


We are grateful to Dr. J. Pannetier for helpful

discussion and his cooperation in carrying out the experiments with the multidetector D1B at the Institut Laue-Langevin.


Since the submission of this work for publication,

two new articles on the hydrogen molybdenum

bronze series have been published [13, 14]. Very recently, a second structure determination of

Dl.7MOO3 has been carried out [15] with results

similar to ours in some aspects. Nevertheless, in this study, the authors have introduced in the refined model twice as many deuterium atoms as us. Since such a model could not be fitted to our data with

enough accuracy, it had previously been rejected.


[1] BIRTILL, J. J. and DICKENS, P. G., Mat. Res. Bull. 13

(1978) 311.

[2] TINET, D., CANESSON, P., ESTRADE, H. and FRIPIAT, J. J., J. Phys. Chem. Solids 41 (1979)


[3] CIRILLO, A. and FRIPIAT, J. J., J. Phys. France 39 (1978) 247.

[4] CIRILLO, A., RYAN, L., GERSTEIN, B. C. and FRIPIAT, J. J., J. Chem. Phys. 73 (1980) 3060.

[5] SLADE, R. C. T., HALSTEAD, T. K. and DICKENS, P.

G., J. Solid State Chem. 34 (1980) 183.

[6] MARINOS, C., PLESKO, S., JONAS, J., TINET, D. and FRIPIAT, J. J., Chem. Phys. Lett. 96 (1983) 357.


and JARMAN, R. H., Solid State Commun. 45

(1983) 459.

[8] DICKENS, P. G., BIRTILL, J. J. and WRIGHT, C. J., J.

Solid State Chem. 28 (1979) 185.

[9] SERMON, P. A. and BOND, G. C., Far. Trans. I 72

(1976) 730.

[10] RIETVELD, H. M., J. Appl. Cryst. 2 (1969) 65.

[11] HEWAT, A. W., Harwell Report AERE, R.7350 (1973).

[12] TINET, D., POINSIGNON, C. etal., to be published.

[13] RITTER, C., MULLER-WARMUTH, W. and SCHOL- LHORN, R., J. Chem. Phys. 83 (1985) 6130.


M. T., Solid State Ionics 18-19 (1986) 89.


S., Solid State Ionics, to be published.


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