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A Generalized Minimal Residual Acceleration of the Charge Iteration Procedure


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A Generalized Minimal Residual Acceleration of the Charge Iteration Procedure

G. Aiello, S. Alfonzetti, G. Borzì

To cite this version:

G. Aiello, S. Alfonzetti, G. Borzì. A Generalized Minimal Residual Acceleration of the Charge Iteration Procedure. Journal de Physique III, EDP Sciences, 1997, 7 (10), pp.1955-1966. �10.1051/jp3:1997234�.



A Generalized Minimal Residual Acceleration of the Charge

Iteration Procedure (*)

G. Aiello, S. Alfonzetti (**) and G. Borzi

Dipartimento Elettrico, Elettronico


Sistemistico, Universith di Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italia

(Received 20 March 1997, revised 19 June 1997, accepted 7 July 1997)

PACS 02.70.Dh Finite-element and Galerkin methods

PACS.41.20.Cv Electrostatics; Poisson and Laplace equations, boundary-value problems

Abstract. Charge iteration is


procedure for the computation of unbounded electrostatic fields induced by voltaged conductors It is based


the iterative improvement of




on a

fictitious boundary enclosing all the conductors. In this paper the improvement

is shown to be equivalent to the


of Richardson's method

on a

reduced system. A conspic-


reduction in computational and memory requirements is achieved by





this reduced system

Rdsumd. L'it6ration de charge est


proc4dure pour le calcul de champs dlectrostatiques produits par des conducteurs


tension Elle est fondde


l'amdhoration itdrative de la

condition de Dirichlet

sur une

hmite fictive qui renferme tous les conducteurs Darts



il est ddmontrd que l'amdlioration est dquivalente h l'usage de la m#thode de Richardson pour


systAme r4duit. Une grande r4duction de la demande de temps de calcul et de m6moire est obtenue


moyen de l'acc61dration GMRES

sur ce

systAme rdduit

1. Introduction

A wide variety of techniques have been developed to give the Finite Element Method (FEM)

the capability of dealing with electromagnetic problems in unbounded domains. For the case of static and quasi-static problems the major techniqiies are ballooning ill, asymptotic boundary

conditions [2], infinite elements [3j, hybrid FEM/BEM [4j and co-ordinate transformations [5,6].

In previous works the authors devised


FEM procedure, named charge iteration, to deal with unbounded electrical field problems created by voltaged conductors ii, 8j. The proce- dure makes use of


fictitious boundary enclosing all the conductors and the possibly non- homogeneous dielectrics. On this boundary a Dirichlet condition is initially guessed by and the resulting bounded problem is solved by the FEM method. The field calculated is used to

improve the Dirichlet condition on the fictitious boundary and the procedure is iterated. If the fictitious boundary is placed at an appropriate distance, convergence takes place whatever

(*) This paper


presented at NUMELEC'97

(** Author for correspondence (e-mail. alfotldees.unict.it)

@ Les Editions de Physique 1997


the first guess for the Dirichlet condition on it iii. A remarkable improvement is obtained by introducing overrelaxing in the iterative procedure [9]. It dramatically reduces the number of iterations and minimizes the distance between the fictitious boundary and the conductors, reducing the size of the FEM problem. The critical point of overrelaxed charge iteration lies in the choice of the optimal relaxation parameter. Although some heuristic rules have been

given it is not completely satisfactory.

A generalization of the procedure was introduced by the authors in [10], employing a more general non-homogeneous Robin boundary condition on the fictitious boundary, resembling an

asymptotic one. By this approach the number of iterations are reduced, but the increased num- ber of unknowns in the FEM system counter-balances this reduction: the minimum computing

time required for the solution of the system is almost the same as that needed by overrelaxed

charge iteration with an optimal relaxation parameter. Generalized charge iteration is less sensitive to the choice of the coefficient of the Robin condition, but on the other hand it seems to be less accurate and requires more computing time to set up the system.

In this paper the basic charge iteration procedure is modified with the introduction of a

more robust approach based on the Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) algorithm [11].

The structure of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 the charge iteration procedure is briefly

recalled. In Section 3 a brief survey of conjugate gradient-like solvers is provided. In Section 4 the utilization of GMRES to accelerate charge iteration is illustrated. In Section 5 some

numerical examples are provided. The authors' conclusions follow in Section 6.

2. The Charge Iteration Procedure

Let us consider a system of NC conductors with given potentials Vk, k




NC, embedded in an unbounded dielectric medium with possibly localized non-homogeneities. The electric

potential u satisfies the Laplace equation:

V 6VUlr)


° li)

where c is the electrical permittivity and r is the generic point vector, with the appropriate Dirichlet boundary conditions on the conductor surfaces Bk, k


1,..., Nci



Vk r E Bk (2)

whereas it vanishes at infinity.

In order to reduce the unbounded problem to a bounded one, the unbounded domain is

truncated with a fictitious boundary BF enclosing all the conductors and the dielectric non-

homogeneities (see Fig. 1). The problem now is the imposition of a proper boundary condition

on BF. This can be achieved by means of the second Green's formula:



/~ G(rF> r)~j)~ ~(~)~~jl'~~ld~ ~F E ~F, r E ~M (3)


where EM is a surface between the system and BF, n is the normal to this surface pointing

outward and G is the free-space Green's function. Note that since EM and BF do not intersect the integrand in (3) is not singular. Applying the FE discretization to ii and (3) the following

algebraic equations are obtained iii



Bo AFVF (4)



VFO + HV (5)


Fig. 1. Conductor system and fictitious boundary.

where A is the global Dirichlet matrix (symmetric and positive definite), V and VF are the vectors of the unknown potential values at the nodes inside the domain and


BF, respectively, Bo is the known-term vector due to the conductor potentials, whereas -AFVF is due to the

boundary conditions on BF. In (5) VF is given by two terms: the first one, VFD, is due to the conductor potentials, whereas the second one, HV, is due to the unknown nodal potential

values of the elements whose sides lie on EM

The system formed by (4) and IS) is suitable for iterative solution. Starting from a first guess Vf~ for VF, equation (4) is solved for V(°); then equation IS) is used to improve the guess for VF. At the generic step p:



Bo AFV)~~ (6)



VFO + HV(P). (7)

In order to study this iterative procedure, we formally solve (6) for V(P) and substitute in (7)

to get:

v(P+1) ~ ~ p~(p) j~)




v~o + HA-IBO j9)



-HA~~AF. (lo)

Then, if the spectral radius of matrix P is lower than one, the procedure converges to the solution of the unbounded problem whatever the first guess Vf~. By experimental [7] and theoretical [8] studies it has been shown that this condition is satisfied if the mean distance between the conductors and the fictitious boundary is greater than the mean radius of the conductor system.

If overrelaxation is employed, equation (8) changes into:



>vo + Ill >)I + >Pjv)~~. ill

With a proper choice for the relaxation parameter I, the procedure converges even when the

basic procedure does not [9]. Unfortunately only heuristic rules for choosing J exist, and the

procedure seems to be very sensitive to the value selected.


There is another way of looking at the iterative algorithm used to solve the system (4)-(5).

In fact equations (8) and (11) can be interpreted as the iterative relations employed to solve the reduced algebraic systems:



Vo (12)


Iii P)VF


JVO (13)

respectively, by means of Richardson's method [12]. Since it is well known that this method is a

very weak (possibly non-converging) solver, one can think of finding a more robust substitute.

In the next Section a brief survey of conjugate gradient (CG)-like solvers is given, so as to better illustrate the reasons why GMRES has been selected.

3. A Brief Survey of CG-Like Algorithms

We start by noting that the non-symmetric matrix I P is not directly available. However,

it is still possible to perform matrix-vector multiplications with such a matrix, their main computational cost being given by the solution of the linear system (4). The substitute must be a solver which uses the coefficient matrix only to perform matrix-vector multiplications and

so iterative solvers such as some of the classical stationary iterative methods (Gauss-Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR and SSOR) [12] are not applicable.

On the contrary, non-stationary iterative methods, such as conjugate gradient-type solvers,

are good candidates owing to the fact that they require only matrix-vector multiplications, if used without preconditioning. It is well known that the classical conjugate gradient algorithm

is not applicable to systems having non-symmetric coefficient matrices, like system (12), but


wide variety of extensions of the original algorithm have been proposed in literature to deal with non-symmetric matrices. The most well-known are Biconjugate Gradient (BiCG)

[13], Quasi Minimal Residual (QMR) [14], GMRES [11], Conjugate Gradient Squared (CGS)

[15j and Biconjugate Gradient Stabilized (BicGstab) [16j. All these solvers are polynomial

accelerations of the basic Richardson method. They find an approximate solution of the generic linear system:



b (14)

with an initial guess xo in the Krylov subspace generated by the starting residual ro


b Axo Km(A, ro)


A (ro, Aro;.., A~~~ro) (15)

where A (vi, .,vm) denotes the subspace spanned by vi, ,vm and m depends on the

number of iterations performed.

BiCG and QMR need m steps in order to build (implicitly) Km(A,ro) and each step re- quires two matrix-vector multiplications, one of which with the transpose of the coefficient

matrix. GMRES builds (and stores) Km IA, ro) in m steps, requiring only one matrix-vector multiplication for each step. CGS and BicGstab require two matrix-vector multiplications (not with the transpose) at each step, but after m steps they have built K2m(A, ro), so their speed, measured as the ratio between the dimension of the Krylov subspace and the number of matrix-vector multiplications performed, is the same as that of GMRES and is twice that

of BiCG and QMR

Another dilserence between them is the way they find the approximate solution. BiCG finds

an xm such that its residual is orthogonal to Km(AT, so) where so is the so-called shadow residual, in general a randomly chosen vector QMR determines xm by performing a pseudo-

minimization of the residual. GMRES finds an xm which minimizes the residual at the cost


of explicitly forming and storing an orthonormal base for Km(A,ro). CGS and BicGstab

are hybrid methods which combine an orthogonalization with a pseudo-minimization of the residual. BiCG and QMR are slower than the other algorithms and require a transpose matrix-

vector multiplication which, although possible, requires more programming effort. Moreover

BiCG can be very unstable and can show a very irregular convergence On the other hand, CGS and BicGstab incorporate all the possible instabilities of BiCG; CGS converges more irregularly than BiCG and BicGstab behaves poorly with real matrices having complex eigenvalues.

4. Accelerating Charge Iteration by GMRES

GMRES performs


true minimization of the residual and is thus the optimal method for

accelerating the charge iteration procedure as it minimizes the number of matrix-vector mul-

tiplications (without taking into account the other operations required). Because the matrix-

vector multiplications in the charge iteration algebraic system are much more expensive than

in a problem where the coefficient matrix is directly available, the GMRES algorithm has been chosen GMRES is well documented in literature, however a brief outline is given in the

Appendix for the reader's convenience.

Implementation of the GMRES is quite simple. Most of the available codes, such as the codes given in the Templates book ii?], are written using the reverse communication scheme.

With this scheme the subprogram which executes the algorithm does not perform the needed matrix-vector multiplication directly, but sets some flags indicating the current status and the operation needed ii. e. which vector must be multiplied), and then returns to the caller. The caller executes the multiplication and calls back the subprogram, passing it the multiplied


In our implementation the only difference lies


the computation of the residual when a restart is performed. The residual can be computed directly with the approximate solution, thus requiring a matrix-vector multiplication, as suggested in ii ii for large values of the restart-

ing parameter m. Otherwise the residual can be computed using the orthonormal basis of the

Krylov subspace, as explained in the appendix. We have used the latter option because, as

pointed out above, matrix-vector multiplications are much more expensive than in a problem

where the coefficient matrix is directly available

The major drawbacks of GMRES are the computing time and memory required to compute

and store the orthonormal base, which increase linearly with the number of iterations. So

restarting procedures are often used. In our case the computing time and memory required by GMRES for the orthonormal base are only


small fraction of the total ones, because it works



reduced algebraic system, the number of unknowns being the potential values on the nodes of the fictitious boundary. Most of the computing time and memory is spent on solving (4), 1.e.

performing matrix-vector multiplications. It is therefore convenient to use long restarts which generally result in a full GMRES due to the quick convergence characteristic of the charge

iteration procedure. The fact that the overrelaxed charge iteration converges with a suitable choice of


positive relaxation parameter indicates that the eigenvalues of the matrix I P have positive real parts. This fact, known as the half-plane condition [15j, is a very welcome

property, because it assures that GMRES converges to the true solution even with very short restarts (m



5. Numerical Results

The aim of this section is to show by means of some examples the effectiveness of the algorithm

proposed and to compare it with other methods: overrelaxed charge iteration (OCI) with an




< >< >< >


Fig. 2. Two-wire transmission line

Table I. Comparison between different methods.

Method iteration computing normalized

number time capacitance



lo) 7 1 5.04831



3) lo 1.316 5.04811



1) 23 2 868 5.04811



o.2) 19 1.579 5.04298

optimal relaxation parameter and co-ordinate transformations (CT). For the solution of the FEM algebraic system (4)


standard conjugate gradient with diagonal scaling [17] has been used in all cases.

The first example concerns a two-wire transmission line constituted by two infinite par- allel conducting circular cylinders of radius R whose centers are separated by a distance of D


2.4R, voltaged with opposite unitary potentials (see Fig. 2). For this system an ana-

lytical solution is available and the exact capacitance per unit length is C


5.04785 co (18],

so that the accuracy of the method can be tested. Owing to the symmetry of the system, the analysis can be restricted to the first quadrant only, by imposing homogeneous Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions on the z- and y-axis, respectively. The fictitious boundary

was selected as constituted by two circumferences of radius 1.14R centered at the cylinder centers, so the gap between the conductors and the fictitious boundary is o.14 R, and is filled with two layers of elements (the mesh was formed by 162 second-order triangular elements with 409 nodes). The problem was solved with OCI and GMRES-accerelated charge iteration with different restarting parameters m (m


1, 3, lo). Table I shows the number of iterations

performed (with an end-iteration tolerance of 0.02$lo), the normalized computing times for the solution of the system (the normalizing value being the minimum one), and the normalized capacitance per unit length C/co (calculated by integrating the normal derivative of the po- tential on the conductor surface). Note that the case



lo results in a full GMRES and the

computing time is approximately 2 /3 of that required by OCI Moreover, independently of m,

the accuracy of the method is very good and a little bit better than OCI.



~. R



,R~ r



Fig. 3. Two toroidal conductors of circular



The second example concerns two identical toroidal conductors sharing the same axisymme- try axis, say the z-axis, and having circular cross-sections (see Fig. 3). The radius of the tori is Rt


o.4 m; the radius of their section is R




and their median planes have


distance D


o.8 m. The conductors are voltaged with opposite unitary potentials. For symmetry

reasons the problem can be studied in the first quadrant only of the


plane, by imposing

homogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the


and z-axis, respectively.

The fictitious boundary is placed at a distance of o.02


from the conductor surface with two layers of elements between them, a total of 194 second-order triangular elements with 484 nodes. This problem was solved first by GMRES-accelerated charge iteration with



parameter m


10, which results in a full GMRES because the solution is achieved in six iterations. The calculated capacitance is C


33.72 pF.

The same problem was also solved by means of co-ordinate transfomations [6]. The un-

bounded exterior region outside the circle of radius a


1 m centered at the origin is mapped

onto a bounded one by means of the transformations r'


a~/r and z'


a~/z. The interior and exterior regions are discretized with much more elements than in the previous case: in fact the mesh is formed by 1616 second-order triangular elements with 3356 nodes. Figures 4 and

5 show the contours of the potential (for the values Vk


k/20, k


0,..., 20) in the interior and exterior regions, respectively. The calculated capacitance is C


33.39 pF, showing a

good agreement with the previous result, but the computing time was much higher than that

required by GMRES-accelerated charge iteration: on a DEC Alpha workstation it is of128 ms, against 35 ms.

The third example concerns a three-dimensional problem. Two identical circular cylin- ders, having radius R


0.5 m, height H




and parallel axes separated by a distance D


1.4 m, are voltaged with opposite unitary potentials (see Fig. 6). Owing to the symme- tries of this system only one eighth of the total domain needs to be discretized. The fictitious

boundary is chosen as two cylindrical surfaces with a radius of 0.6 m and a height of 0.8 m,

so that the mean distance between it and the conducting cylinders is 0.1 m. Two layers of second-order tetrahedral elements

are inserted between the two cylindrical surfaces la total of 2240 elements with 4277 nodes), as shown in Figure 7. Using GMRES-accelerated charge iter- ation with m


10, only seven iterations are required to get the final solution with a computing

time of 2.56 s. In Figure 8 the contours of the potential are drawn for the values Vk


k /20,



0,..., 20. The computed capacitance is C


46.13 pF.


Fig 4. Contours of the potential


the interior region for the second example

Fig. 5. Contours of the potential in the exterior region for the second example.

6. Conclusions

In this paper the basic charge iteration procedure has been modified with the introduction of the Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) algorithm. This procedure has been implemented in ELFIN, a large finite element code developed by the authors for electromagnetic CAD

research [19]. By virtue of this approach the overall computing time reduces to about 50% of

that required by the basic charge iteration procedure with an optimal relaxation parameter

which, among other things, is not simply determinable





< >< >< >


Fig. 6. Two conducting cylinders.

Fig. 7. Tetrahedral mesh for the third example

Fig. 8. Contours of the potential for the third example.


Of course the proposed method does not work well for electrostatic problems only, but it is

expected to be successfully applicable to other electromagnetic problems in which the global algebraic system is similar to that of charge iteration, as, for example, two-dimensional time-

harmonic skin effect [20] and wave scattering [21] problems


open boundaries.


This work was partially supported by MURST (the Italian Ministry for University and Scientific and Technological Research).


The GMRES algorithm builds an orthonormal base (vi, ..,vm) for the Krylov subspace Km(A, ro) by means of a modified Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization:



ro/ I ro I for I


1 to m do





for j


1 to i do




w(Av~; w~


wi h~,ivi


hi+1,~ =ll Wi II; v~+i




The coefficients h~,~ are stored in an upper Hessenberg matrix Hm+i,m and the orthonormal

vectors v~ are stored as the columns of a rectangular matrix Vm. The upper bound for m is

mainly determined by the computer memory available. The relation between A, Hm+i,m and Vm is



Vm+iHm+i,m. (16)

After having constructed these matrices an approximate solution xm is given by:



xo + yivi +. + Ymvm


xo + VmY~~~ Ii?)

where the vector yl'~J, containing the coefficients j,is determined in such a way as to minimize the residual norm:

I rm 11=11 b Axm 11=11 ro AVmY~~~ I l18)

Using (16) and the fact that Vm has orthonormal columns, expression (18) becomes:

ii rm ii=ii ro Vm+iHm+i,mY~~~ ii=ii i ro

ii ei Hm+i,mY~'~~ 1 l19)

The minimization problem (18) is easily solved by means of orthogonal transformations, which reduce Hm+i,m to an upper triangular form. M/hen the memory area reserved for Hm+i,m and Vm is filled,


restart is performed, i-e- an approximate solution is formed with ii?) and is

used as a new guess; the old vectors vi and the Hessenberg matrix are discarded.

Owing to the structure of GMRES the residual norm can be computed at each step I


I,..., m without actually solving the minimization problem, so ~the solution only needs to be found when the residual norm is small enough or a restart is needed. Once the approximate

solution ii?) is found, the residual can be computed in two ways. The most obvious one is a

direct computation:



b Axm (20)


which requires a further matrix-vector multiplication. Using (16) and 11 7) we obtain a cheaper

way to compute it:



ro Avmy(~)


ro Vm+iHm+i.mY~~~


Vm+i Ill ro I ei Hm+i,mY~~~). (21)

This expression can be further manipulated to achieve a less expensive version of the algorithm,

as described in [11].


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