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Metrics of Constant Curvature on a Riemann Surface With Two Corners on the Boundary


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Metrics of Constant Curvature on a Riemann Surface With Two Corners on the Boundary"


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Metrics of constant curvature on a Riemann surface with two corners on the boundary

Jürgen Jost


, Guofang Wang


, Chunqin Zhou


aMax Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Inselstr. 22, D-04013, Germany bUniversity of Magdeburg, Faculty of Mathematics, P.O. Box 4120, D-39016 Magdeburg, Germany

cDepartment of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200240, China Received 8 March 2007; accepted 22 November 2007

Available online 24 January 2008


In this paper we classify all solutions of




−u= |x|eu, inR2+,


∂t =c1|x|αeu2, on∂R2+∩ {s >0},


∂t =c2|x|αeu2, on∂R2+∩ {s <0}

with the finite energy condition


|x|eudx <∞,


|x|αeu2ds <∞.

Herec1,c2are constants andα >−1.

©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Liouville equation; Gauss curvature; Geodesic curvature; Conner

1. Introduction

On a Riemann surface, one of the interesting geometric problems is to determine which functions can be realized as the Gaussian curvature of some pointwise conformal metric. The classical uniformization theorem tell us that every smooth Riemannian metric on a two-dimensional surface is pointwise conformal to one with constant curvature. This question is by now well understood from many different perspectives, and successfully approached by many different methods.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:jost@mis.mpg.de (J. Jost), guofang.wang@math.uni-magdeburg.de (G. Wang), cqzhou@sjtu.edu.cn (C. Zhou).

1 The third named author supported partially by NSFC of China (No. 10301020).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



On this basis, research can move on to surfaces with singularities. This, however, is by no means a straightforward generalization of the smooth case. Results for smooth surfaces might not be true for surfaces with singularities.

For instance, there exist many surfaces with conical singularities that do not admit a conformal metric of constant Gauss curvature. In fact, a closed surface with two conical singularities admits a conformal metric of constant Gauss curvature if and only if its singularities have the same angle and are in antipodal positions – thus, such a surface necessarily has the shape of an American football; this was proved by Troyanov [18]. Therefore a surface with exactly one singularity (the teardrop) does not carry a conformal metric of constant Gauss curvature.

This result was obtained by methods from complex analysis. It is known, however, that the existence question for conformal metrics is intimately linked to the Liouville equation. In recent years, very powerful PDE methods have been developed to precisely determine the asymptotic behavior of solutions of this equation near singularities.

The purpose of the present paper then is to bring to bear the full force of those methods on the existence problem for conformal metrics with prescribed singularities. In fact, we shall investigate the more general situation of surfaces with boundary. When we have a boundary, the natural curvature condition there, the analogue of the constant Gauss curvature condition in the interior, is the one of constant geodesic curvature.

To continue the discussion about surfaces with singularities, let us first recall their definition, following [18].

A conformal metricds2on a Riemannian surfaceΣ (possibly with boundary) has a conical singularity of orderα(a real number withα >−1) at a pointpΣ∂Σ if in some neighborhood ofp


wherezis a coordinate ofΣ defined in this neighborhood anduis smooth away fromp and continuous atp. The pointpis then said to be a conical singularity ofangleθ=2π(α+1)ifp /∂Σand acornerof angleθ=π(α+1) if p∂Σ. For example, a football has two singularities of equal angle, while a teardrop has only one singularity.

Both these examples correspond to the case −1< α <0; in caseα >0, the angle is larger than 2π, leading to a different geometric picture. Such singularities also appear in orbifolds and branched coverings. They can also describe the ends of complete Riemannian surfaces with finite total curvature. If(Σ, ds2)has conical singularities of order α1, α2, . . . , αnatp1, p2, . . . , pn, thends2is said to represent the divisorA:=n


For a closed surface with more than two conical singularities, the existence problem of constant Gauss curvature already becomes subtle. When all singularities have order α(−1,0), Luo and Tian [14] gave a necessary and sufficient condition. For the case of generalα, a necessary and sufficient condition was given by [20] recently for a closed surface with 3 conical singularities. See also [8] for a simpler proof.

As already mentioned, the objective of this paper is to consider surfaces (with boundary) with corners on their boundary and to study the existence problem of conformal metrics with constant Gauss curvature and constant geodesic curvature on their boundary. Our first result shows that a disk with two corners admits a conformal met- ric with constant Gauss curvature and constant geodesic curvature on its boundary if and only if the two corners have the same angle. This is analogous to the result of [19]. The disk is conformally equivalent toR2+∪ {∞}. Note that the case of a metric with zero geodesic curvature on its boundary can be reduced to Troyanov’s result.

Theorem 1.1.It is possible to construct a metricgwith constant Gauss curvature on the unit diskDand constant geodesic curvature onΓ±:=∂D∩ {(x, y)∈R2| ±y >0}admitting two cornersp1=(1,0)with orderα1>−1and p2=(−1,0)with orderα2>−1if and only if


In Theorem 1.1, the constant geodesic curvatures onΓ+andΓmay be different. All solutions can be explicitly written down, see Theorem 1.2. Theorem 1.1 is not difficult to prove. But it is a good starting point for our research.

What we do in fact is more general than this generalization of Troyanov’s result. Let us denoteR2+= {(s, t )|t >0}.

We consider



u= |x|eu, inR2+,


∂t =c1|x|αeu2, onR2+∩ {s >0},


∂t =c2|x|αeu2, onR2+∩ {s <0}



with the energy conditions


|x|eudx <,


|x|αeu2ds <. (2)

Herec1,c2are constants andα >−1.

We calluHloc1 (R2+)a weak solution of (1)–(2) if it satisfies


u· ∇ϕ dx+c1


|x|αeu2ϕ ds+c2


|x|αeu2ϕ ds=


|x|euϕ dx

for any smooth functionϕ(x)onR2+with compact support. SinceuHloc1 (R2+)implieseuLploc(R2+)for allp >1, by standard elliptic regularity we conclude that any weak solutionuof (1) is a classical solution whenα0 while u is smooth away from the origin anduW2,q near the origin for 1< q <1α when −1< α <0. In particular, u is continuous at the origin in any case. In the sequel, we assume that a solution u of (1)–(2) always satisfies uC2(R2+)C1(R2+\ {0})and thatuis continuous at the origin.

Geometrically, a solutionuof (1)–(2) determines a metricds2= |z|eu|dz|2with constant scalar curvature 1 on R2+ and with geodesic curvature−c1 onR2+∩ {s >0}and geodesic curvature−c2 onR2+∩ {s <0}. Moreover ds2= |z|eu|dz|2has a conical singularity atz=0. Let 1 and−1 be two points on the boundary of the unit diskD.

We take a conformal transformationφmappingDtoR2+and∂DtoR2+withφ(1)=0 andφ(−1)= ∞. With such a conformal transformation, the metrics studied in Theorem 1.1 are solutions of (1)–(2). Our main result in this paper is to show the converse, namely, any solution of (1)–(2) is in fact obtained from a metric in Theorem 1.1.

Theorem 1.2.Letube a solution of (1)–(2). Thends2=eu|z||dz|2comes from a conformal metric as in Theo- rem1.1. More precisely, there existsλ >0such that:

(1) Whenα=2k,k=0,1,2, . . ., thenc1=c2. And whenα=2k+1,k=0,1,2, . . ., thenc1= −c2. In this case the metric is

ds2=8(α+1)2λ+2|z||dz|2 +2+ |zα+1z0|2)2

for somez0=(s0, t0)withs0∈Randt0=c1λα2+1.

(2) Whenα =k,k=0,1,2, . . ., then for anyc1andc2, the metric is ds2=8(α+1)2λ+2|z||dz|2

+2+ |zα+1z0|2)2

for somez0=(s0, t0)withs0=λα+1(c1cos(π α)c2)

2 sin(π α) andt0=c1λα+1

2 .

This result is a natural generalization of the classification result of Chen and Li [4] for the Liouville equation

u=eu inR2 (3)

with finite area R2eu<∞and the classification result of Li and Zhu [13] for solutions of −u=eu inR2+,


∂t =ceu2 onR2+. (4)

Geometrically, the result of Chen–Li covers the case of the standard sphere. In fact, their classification result tells us that any solution of the Liouville equation (3) with finite area can be compactified as a metric on the standard sphere with constant curvature. Similarly, the result of Li–Zhu deals with a portion of the standard sphere cut by a 2-plane. Namely, from their result we know that any solution of (4) can be compactified as a metric on such a portion


of the standard sphere with constant Gauss curvature and constant geodesic curvature on the boundary. In this spirit, our result (for−1< α <1) then deals with a portion of the standard sphere cut by two 2-planes with angleπ(α+1).

It would then be interesting to consider portions of the standard sphere cut by 3 or more 2-planes. This is related to the result of Umehara and Yamada [20], see also [8]. We will return to this issue later. In another direction, our result is a generalization of Prajapat and Tarantello [17], who classify solutions of the Liouville equation with one singularity.

For the casec1=c2=0, Theorem 1.2 can be reduced to their result. For other classication results, or different proofs, see [3,5–7,10,9,12,16], and [22].

Our method to deal with (1)–(2) can be viewed as a combination of the methods developed for those previous results. We shall make particular use of [11] and [13]. The main issue is the determination of

d:= − lim


u(x) ln|x|.

Note that Eqs. (1) are no longer translation invariant and a solution of (1)–(2) will no longer be radially symmetric if one of ci =0 for i=1,2. The methods used in [13] and [17] can therefore not be directly utilized to prove Theorem 1.2. However, after we have shown that the metricds2=eu˜|dz|2= |z|eu|dz|2has two conical singularities atz=0 andz= ∞, we can define

η(z)= 2u˜

∂z2 −1 2


∂z 2

|dz|2, zinR2+,

which can be extended to a projective connection onS2=C∪ {∞}as defined in [19]. Then the problem is reduced to a linear partial differential system, see (31) and (32). Finally we solve this boundary problem and demonstrate Theorem 1.2.

2. Projective connections

In this section, we will state the definition and the properties of the projective connection discussed in the papers of Troyanov [19] and Mandelbaum [15]. In the last section, we will demonstrate our main result in the sense of a projective connection onC∪ {∞}.

Assume thatΣis a Riemann surface. Letηbe a quadratic differential. If

(1) η(z)=φ(z)|dz|2is a meromorphic quadratic differential in each local coordinate(U, z)onΣ, (2) η(w)=η(z)+ {z, w}|dw|2in the overlap of two local coordinates(U, z),(V , w),

thenηis called aprojective connectiononΣ. Here{,}denotes the Schwarzian derivative:

{z, w} =z z −3

2 z

z 2

a functionzofw.

A pointpΣis called a regular point of the projective connectionηifηis holomorphic at this point. We say that ηhas aregular singularityof weightρatpif

η(z)= ρ


z +φ1(z)


whereφ1(z)is holomorphic, andzis a local coordinate atpwithz(p)=0.

The projective connection is said to be compatible with the divisor A:=n

i=1αipi if it is regular in Σ− {p1, . . . , pn} and has, for each i, a regular singularity of weight ρi = −12αii +2)atpi. The next two lemmas are examples about some results for the projective connection from [19].

Lemma 2.1.The definition of the weight for a singular point is independent of the choice of local coordinate.

Lemma 2.2.Ifds2=eu|dz|2is a conformal metric of constant curvature onΣrepresenting the divisorAthen η(z)=


∂z2 −1 2


∂z 2


defines a projective connection compatible with the divisorA.


3. Asymptotic behavior

We will first rewrite Eq. (1). Setu˜=u+2αln|x|. Thenu˜satisfies




u˜=eu˜, inR2+,


∂t =c1eu2˜, onR2+∩ {s >0},


∂t =c2eu2˜, onR2+∩ {s <0}


with the energy conditions


eu˜dx <, (6)


eu2˜ds <. (7)

Proposition 3.1.Any solutionu˜ of (5)with(6)and(7)is bounded from above in the regionR2+\Bε+(0), for each ε >0.

To prove Proposition 3.1, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 3.2.Assume thatuis a solution of



u=0, inBR+,


∂t =f (x), on{t=0} ∩∂BR+, u=0, on∂BR+B+R

withfL1({t=0} ∩∂BR+)for anyR >0. Then for everyδ1(0,4π )we have



(4πδ1)|u(x)| f1

dx16π2R2 δ1

and for everyδ2(0,2π )



(2πδ2)|u(x)| f1

ds4π R δ2

wheref1= {t=0}∩∂B+ R|f|ds.

Proof. Set

Γ1= {t=0} ∩B+R, Γ2= {t >0} ∩∂BR+. Let

φ(y)= 1 2π


log 2R

|xy|+log 2R


f (x)dx

wherey is the reflection point ofy about{t=0}.

A direct computation yields −φ=0, inBR+,


∂t = −|f|, onΓ1.


Note thatφ0 forxBR+since |x2Ry| 1 for anyx, yBR+. We have



(uφ)=0, inBR+,


∂t =f+ |f|, onΓ1, uφ0, onΓ2.

It follows from the maximum principle and the Hopf lemma thatinB+R. By a similar argument we also have


(u+φ)=0, inBR+,


∂t =f− |f|, onΓ1, u+φ0, onΓ2

which implies thatuφinB+R. Therefore we have|u|φinB+Rand thus we have



(4πδ1)|u(x)| f1




(4πδ1 f1





(2πδ2)|u(x)| f1




(2πδ2 f1


At this point, using Jensen’s inequality, we can follow the argument of [1], proof of Theorem 1, to conclude the result. 2

Proof of Proposition 3.1. We first fixε >0, and assume thatu˜is a solution of (5) with (6) and (7). From Theorem 2 of [1] it suffices to show that, for any x0R2+\B+ε(0), u˜ is bounded from above on B+R(x0) for some small numberR >0, with a bound that is independent of the pointx0. In the following, we denote byCvarious constants independent ofx0.

Writeg=eu˜,f =c(x)eu2˜ wherec(x)is a function onR2+\ {0}withc(x)=c1whens >0 andc(x)=c2when s <0, where we writex=(s, t ). Thenu˜satisfies

u˜=g, inBR+(x0),


∂t =f, onΓ1.

It is clear thatfL1(∂R2+). Setf =f1+f2withf1L1(∂R2+)π andf2L(∂R2+). Let Γ1andΓ2be as Lemma 3.2. Defineu˜1,u˜2andu˜3by



u˜1=eu˜, inBR+(x0),


∂t =0, onΓ1,


u1=0, onΓ2.



u˜2=0, inBR+(x0),


∂t =f1, onΓ1,


u2=0, onΓ2.



u˜3=0, inBR+(x0),


∂t =f2, onΓ1,


u3=0, onΓ2. Extendingu˜1evenly we have

u˜1=eu˜, inBR(x0),


u1=0, on∂BR(x0).


By using Theorem 2 in [1] and (6) we have ˜u1L(B+R(x0))C.

Foru˜2, by Lemma 3.2, we have


exp 2| ˜u2|




| ˜u2| dsC

and in particular ˜u2Lq(B+

R(x0))Cand ˜u2Lq1)Cfor anyq >1.

Foru˜3, it is obvious that ˜u3L(B+R



Letu˜4= ˜u− ˜u1u2− ˜u3. Then we have −u˜4=0, inBR+(x0),


∂t =0, onΓ1.

Extendingu˜4evenly,u˜4becomes a harmonic function onBR(x0). Then the mean value theorem for harmonic func- tions implies that





L1(BR+(x0)). Notice that


u+4 u˜++ | ˜u1| + | ˜u2| + | ˜u3|,



˜ u+dx


eu˜+dx <.

We get u˜+4




Finally, we write

u˜=eu˜=g, inBR+(x0),


∂t =c(x)eu2˜ =f, onΓ1. The standard elliptic estimates imply that



(x0))C, sincegLq(B+R




(x0)∩{t=0})Cfor anyq >1. 2

As in the proof of Proposition 3.1, in the sequel we always letc(x)be a function onR2+\ {0}withc(x)=c1when s >0 andc(x)=c2whens <0, wherex=(s, t ). In virtue of Proposition 3.1, we obtain the asymptotic behavior of the solution of (1)–(2). More precisely, we have the following

Proposition 3.3.Letube a solution of(1)–(2). Let d= 1



|x|eudx− 1 π




Then we have


u(x) ln|x| = −d.

Proof. Let w(x)= 1


log|xy| +log|xy| −2 log|y|


− 1 2π


log|xy| +log|xy| −2 log|y|

c(y)|y|αeu(y)2 dy

wherex¯is the reflection point ofyabout{t=0}. It is easy to check thatw(x)satisfies w= |x|eu, inR2+,


∂t = −c(x)|x|αeu2, onR2+\ {0}



w(x) ln|x| =d.

Considerv(x)=u+w. Thenv(x)satisfies v=0, inR2+,


∂t =0, onR2+\ {0}.

We extendv(x)toR2by even reflection such thatv(x)is harmonic inR2. From Proposition 3.1 we knowv(x) C(1+ln(|x| +1))for some positive constantC. Thusv(x)is a constant. This completes the proof. 2

Remark 3.4.From (2), it is easy to check thatd2+2α.

4. The exact value ofd

In this section, we want to compute the value ofd. We need to distinguish two cases. Whenc10 andc20, we will employ a similar argument as in [11] when they provedγi<2 in Proposition 7.1 to show thatd >2+2α. Here c10 andc20 are crucial such thatw(x) <0 inD+, see Proposition 4.1. Once we have proved thatd >2+2α, we can obtain an extension ofu(x)near∞, see (11). Then we can use the Pohozaev identity of (1) to proved=4+4α.

Whenci >0 fori=1 ori=2, this method will not work well. We will use the moving sphere method, which was used in [13], to showd >2(1+α). Let us start with the negative case.

Proposition 4.1.Ifc10andc20in(1)–(2), we haved >2+2α.

Proof. Assume by contradiction thatd=2+2α. Letvbe the Kelvin transformation ofu, i.e.v(x)=u(|x

x|2)(4α+ 4)ln|x|. Thenvsatisfies

v= |x|ev, inR2+,


∂t =c(x)|x|αev2, onR2+\ {0} with the energy conditions


|x|evdx <




|x|αev2 dt <.

Herec(x)is a function as in the above section.

LetD+be a small half disk centered at zero. Definew(x)by w(x)= 1


log|xy| +log|xy|


− 1 2π


log|xy| +log|xy|

c(y)|y|αev(y)2 dy

and defineg(x)=v(x)+w(x). It is clear that g=0, inD+,


∂t =0, on{∂D+∩ {t=0}} \ {0}.

Therefore by extendingg(x)toD\ {0}evenly we obtain a harmonicg(x)inD\ {0}.

On the other hand, we can check that



−log|x|=0 which implies



−log|x|= lim



−log|x| =2α+2.

Sinceg(x) is harmonic inD\{0}, we haveg(x)= −(2α+2)log|x| +g0(x)with a smooth harmonic functiong0

inD. By the definition, we havew(x) <0 sincec(x)is negative. Thus, we have






|x||x|2eg0dx= ∞,

which is a contradiction with R2

+|x|evdx <∞. Hence we have shown thatd >2α+2. 2 Fromd >2α+2 we can improve the estimates foreuto

euC|x|2ε, for|x|near∞. (8)

Then by using potential analysis, we obtain

dln|x| −Cu(x)dln|x| +C

for some constantC >0 andε >0, see [4]. Furthermore following the idea for the derivation of gradient estimates in [2] and [21], we get

x,u +dC|x|ε for|x|near∞, consequently we have

ur+d r

C|x|1ε for|x|near∞. (9) In a similar way, we can also get

|uθ|C|x|ε for|x|near∞. (10)

From (9) and (10) we can also get by standard potential analysis that u(x)= −dln|x| +C+O


for|x|near∞. (11)

Here(r, θ )is the polar coordinate system onR2, andC, εare some positive constants.


Proposition 4.2.Ifd >2+2α, then we haved=4+4α.

Proof. Firstly we establish the Pohozaev identity of (1)–(2). Multiply equation (1) byx· ∇uand integrate overBR+ to obtain


(x· ∇u)u dx=


|x|eux· ∇u dx.


(x· ∇u)u=div

(x· ∇u)u


x|∇u|2 2


|x|eux· ∇u=div


−div(x)|x|eueux· ∇|x|, and

x· ∇|x|=2α|x|, we obtain

∂BR+∩{t >0}


2 −· ∇u)(x· ∇u) ds+



2 −· ∇u)(x· ∇u) ds


∂BR+∩{t >0}






whereνis the outward unit normal vector to∂BR+. Hence we have R

∂BR+∩{t >0}


2 −


∂r 2ds+



∂t(x· ∇u) ds=R

∂BR+∩{t >0}







∂t(x· ∇u) ds= R


c(x)|x|αeu2s∂su ds

=2 R


c(x)|x|αs∂seu2 ds

=2c(x)|s|αseu2|RR(2+2α) R



we get the Pohozaev identity R

∂BR+∩{t >0}

|uθ|2 2R2 −|ur|2

2 ds=R

∂B+R∩{t >0}




−2c(x)|s|αseu2|RR+(2+2α) R



In virtue of (8), (9) and (10), we letR→ ∞in the Pohozaev identity and get d=4+4α. 2


Next let us consider the caseci>0 fori=1 ori=2.

Proposition 4.3.Ifci>0fori=1ori=2, thend4+4αand consequentlyd=4+4α.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we assume that c1>0. First we haved2(1+α)from Remark 3.4. To prove d4(α+1), we will derive a contradiction from assumingd <4(1+α).

Case 1.c1>0 andc20.

In this casec(x)0, wherec(x)is a function defined as in the proof of Proposition 3.1. We assume 2(1+α) d <4(1+α)by contradiction. For anyλ >0, setEλ= {x∈R2+: |x|>1

λ}anduλ(x)=u(λx)+2(1+α)lnλ. Then uλ(x)satisfies

uλ(x)= |x|euλ, inEλ,


∂t =c(x)|x|αe2 , on∂EλR2+. (12)



=u x


+2(α+1)ln 1 λ|x|2

wherev(x)is the Kelvin transformation ofu(x), i.e.v(x)=u(|x

x|2)−4(α+1)ln|x|. So,vλ(x)is also a solution of (12).

Setwλ=uvλ. SinceEλdoes not contain the pointx=0,wλis smooth inEλ, andwλsatisfies


wλ(x)=c1(x)|x|wλ, inEλ,


∂t =c(x)c2(x)|x|αwλ, on∂EλR2+, wλ=0, on∂Eλ∩ {t >0},


wherec1(x)=eξ1(x)andc2(x)=12eξ22(x),ξi (i=1,2)are two functions betweenuandvλ. Claim 1.Forλlarge enough,wλ(x)0for allxEλ.

Step 1.R0such that for allx∈ {x∈R2+,2

λ|x|R0}, we havewλ0.

Forx∈ {x∈R2+,2

λ|x|R0}withR0small enough, we have wλ(x)=u(x)u

x λ|x|2

+2(α+1)ln λ|x|2 o(1)+2(α+1)ln 4>0.

Step 2.R1R0such that for allx∈ {x∈R2+,1

λ |x|2

λ R1}, we havewλ0.

SetAλ= {x∈R2+,1

λ|x|2λR1}andg(x)=1− |x|α+1and letwλ(x)=wg(x)λ(x). Then, by Step 1 and (13), wλ(x)satisfies



wλ(x)+2gg· ∇wλ(x)+(c1(x)|x|+gg )wλ(x)=0, inAλ,


∂t =c(x)c2(x)|x|αwλ(x), on∂Aλ∩ {t=0},

wλ0, on∂Aλ∩ {t >0}.



+uinEλ, there exists some positive constantC0such thatc1(x)C0. By a direct computation, c1(x)|x|+g

g g1


1− |x|α+1 g1|x|α1





0 }α1+1. Therefore, we chooseR1<min{{C+1)2

0 }α+11,1}small enough. Then, from (14), it follows from the maximum principle and the Hopf Lemma thatwλ0 inAλ. Here we have used the fact thatc(x)0.

Step 3.R2R1such that for√

λR12, we havewλ0 for allx∈ {x∈R2+,|x|> R0}.

Forx∈ {xR2+,|x|> R0}andd <4α+4, as|x| → ∞we have



ln|x| = −d+4(α+1) >0.

Then there exists some constantC >0 such that u(x)+4(α+1)ln|x|>C, for|x|> R0. Therefore, forλlarge enough we have

wλ(x)=u(x)+4(α+1)ln|x| −u x




R2+ u+2(α+1)lnλ0.

Thus we finish the proof of Claim 1.

Now we define λ0=inf

λ >0|wμ(x)0 inEμfor allμλ . Claim 2.λ0>0.

Assume by contradiction thatλ0=0, that is, for allλ >0, we havewλ(x)0 inEλ. Then, we have for allx∈R2+


w 1


(x)=0, w 1

|x|2(rx)0, ∀0< r <1.


wλ(x)=u(x)u x


+2(α+1)ln λ|x|2

, by a direct computation, we have

w 1

|x|2(rx)=u(rx)u x


+4(α+1)lnr. (15)

In (15), taking firstly |x| =r and then let r→0+, we get w 1

|x|2(rx)→ −∞. Thus we get a contradiction with w 1

|x|2(rx)0 for all 0< r <1 and allx∈R2+. Claim 3.wλ0(x)=0,∀x∈R2+.

Assume by contradictionwλ00 for allx∈R2+. Then from (13) we obtain firstly



wλ0(x)0, inEλ0,


∂t 0, on∂Eλ0R2+, wλ0 =0, on ∂Eλ0∩ {t >0}.

(16) Then we use the strong maximum principle and the Hopf Lemma to obtain

wλ0(x) >0, inEλ0,


∂ν >0, on∂Eλ0∩ {t >0} (17)

whereνdenotes the outward unit normal of the surface∂B1/λ

0(0)∩ {t >0}.


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