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An a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Discrete Duality Finite Volume Discretization of the Stokes Equations


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Duality Finite Volume Discretization of the Stokes Equations

Anh Ha Le, Pascal Omnes

To cite this version:

Anh Ha Le, Pascal Omnes. An a Posteriori Error Estimation for the Discrete Duality Finite Volume Discretization of the Stokes Equations. ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, EDP Sciences, 2015, 49 (3), pp.663 - 693. �10.1051/m2an/2014057�. �cea-00726531v2�



Anh Ha LE1,2 and Pascal OMNES1,2

Abstract. We derive an a posteriori error estimation for the discrete duality finite volume (DDFV) discretization of the stationary Stokes equations on very general twodimensional meshes, when a penalty term is added in the incompressibility equation to stabilize the variational formulation. Two different estimators are provided: one for the error on the velocity and one for the error on the pressure.

They both include a contribution related to the error due to the stabilization of the scheme, and a contribution due to the discretization itself. The estimators are globally upper as well as locally lower bounds for the errors of the DDFV discretization. They are fully computable as soon as a lower bound for the inf-sup constant is available. Numerical experiments illustrate the theoretical results and we especially consider the influence of the penalty parameter on the error for a fixed mesh and also of the mesh size for a fixed value of the penalty parameter. A global error reducing strategy that mixes the decrease of the penalty parameter and adaptive mesh refinement is described.

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 65N08, 65N15, 76D07.



Let Ω be a two-dimensional simply connected polygonal domain with boundary Γ. We consider the Stokes equations

bu+∇bp=f in Ω, (1)

∇ ·ub= 0 in Ω, (2)


u=gon Γ, (3)


bp(x)dx= 0, (4)

where ub is the fluid velocity, pb the pressure, f the body forces per unit mass, and the function g satisfies R

Γg(σ)·ndσ= 0. Withf H−1(Ω) andgH1/2(Γ), this problem is well-posed (see [18]) due to the so-called

Keywords and phrases:finite volumes, discrete duality, a posteriori error estimation, Stokes equations, stabilization

1CEA, DEN, DM2S-STMF, F-91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. e-mail: anhha.le84@gmail.com & pascal.omnes@cea.fr

2 Universit´e Paris 13, Sorbonne Paris Cit´e, LAGA, CNRS, UMR 7539, 99, Avenue J.-B. Cl´ement F-93430 Villetaneuse Cedex, France.


inf-sup condition: there exists β >0 such that:

β= inf

q∈L20(Ω) sup



q∇ ·v(x)dx

kvk(H01(Ω))2kqkL2(Ω), (5) in whichL20(Ω) is the set ofL2 functions over Ω verifying (4).

Our purpose in this work is to compute an a posteriori error estimation between the exact solution u,b pb of (1)–(4) and its numerical approximation by the penalized discrete duality finite volume scheme (DDFV) as presented in [23]. Originally developed for linear diffusion equations [17, 20, 21], the DDFV method has been extended to nonlinear diffusion [2, 4, 10], convection-diffusion [11], electro-cardiology [1, 12], drift-diffusion and energy-transport models [6], electro- and magnetostatics [15], electromagnetism [22], and Stokes flows [14,16,23].

The originality of the DDFV method is that it is able to treat very general meshes, including very distorted, degenerating, or highly non-conforming meshes (see the numerical tests in [17]). The name of the method comes from the definition of discrete gradient and divergence operators which verify a discrete Green formula.

Like for other equations, the development of a posteriori error estimations for the Stokes problem has fol- lowed the a priori investigation of numerical methods. As far as finite elements methods are concerned, R.

Verf¨urth [29] made one the very first contributions by getting two a posteriori error estimations for the mini- element discretization: one is based on a suitable evaluation of the residual, the other is based on the solution of local Stokes problems. Later on, R. Verf¨urth [30] generalized the first estimator developed in [29] to the non- conforming Crouzeix–Raviart finite element method, neglecting however the consistency error in the estimator.

It was shown however in E. Dari et al. [13] that this consistency error may not always be neglected, and, in order to properly take it into account, the authors of [13] use a Helmholtz-Hodge like decomposition (adapted to the Stokes problem) of the velocity error. In the resulting error estimator, this gives rise to terms related to the jumps of the tangential velocity components from one cell to another, in addition to the usual jumps of the normal components of the stress tensor. The case of the non-conforming Fortin–Soulie quadratic elements is also treated in [13].

All the above-cited finite element methods satisfy a uniform discrete inf-sup condition. However, it is often found useful in practice to consider discretizations (especially low-order ones) that do not verify such a uniform discrete inf-sup condition. In this context, C. Bernardi et al. [3] consider the finite element approximation of the Stokes equations when a penalty term is added to stabilize the variational formulation. The a posteriori error estimation they obtain includes two contributions: one related to the discretization on a given mesh, the other related to the penalty term. Based on these two contributions, the mesh refinement and the decrease of the penalty term are linked within an adaptive process.

A very recent contribution by A. Hannukainen et al. [19] sets a general framework for obtaining a posteriori error estimations for the discretization of the Stokes equations. The method is based on the reconstruction of postprocessedH01conforming velocity andHdiv conforming stress tensor fields deduced from the numerical approximation, and it may be applied to various conforming and conforming stabilized finite element methods, the discontinuous Galerkin method, the Crouzeix–Raviart non-conforming finite element method, the mixed finite element method, and a general class of finite volume methods.

However, as far as finite volume methods are concerned, the use of arbitrary meshes in [19] requires first to solve local Stokes problems on a conforming subtriangulation of each control volume, and then to apply the above-cited reconstruction on this subtriangulation. Instead, we would like to obtain error estimates for the solution of the DDFV scheme presented in [23] without having to solve any local problem or to compute any reconstruction. To do this, we shall adapt to the Stokes problem the a posteriori error estimation investigated in [25] for the DDFV discretization of the Laplace equation, using the discrete variational formulation verified by this scheme. The non-conformity of the method is dealt with using the Helmholtz-Hodge like decomposition introduced in [13]. Our estimator also includes a contribution related to the stabilization term in the incom- pressibility equation, which allows to monitor the amplitude of the penalization coefficient with respect to the mesh refinement process.


Although a DDFV scheme for the Stokes equations was constructed and analyzed in the three dimensional case [24], we limit the discussion in the present article to two space dimensions, because, as emphasized in [24], the 3-D scheme is not a simple extension to three spatial dimensions of the 2-D scheme originally developed in [23], because it is based on a construction for the dual meshes and the diamond mesh that is very specific to 3-D.

This article is organized as follows. Section 1 sets some notations and definitions related to the meshes, to discrete differential operators, and to discrete functions. In section 2, we present the DDFV scheme, and its equivalent variational formula is recalled. In section 3, representations of the errors are elaborated. This is used in section 4 to find a computable upper bound of these errors, provided a lower bound for the inf-sup constant in (5) is known. Such estimations are available in [7–9]. In section 5, the local efficiency of the error estimators is verified. Numerical experiments are presented in section 6.

1. Notations and Definitions

Let Ω be covered by a primal mesh with polygonal cells denoted by Ti,i[1, I]. We associate with eachTi

a pointGi located in the interior ofTi. With any vertex Sk of the primal mesh, withk[1, K], we associate a dual cellPk by joining pointsGi associated with the primal cells surroundingSk to the midpoints of the edges of whichSk is a node. The notations are summarized in Fig. 1 and 2.

With any primal edge Aj withj [1, J], we associate a so-called diamond-cell Dj obtained by joining the verticesSk1(j)andSk2(j)ofAj to the points Gi1(j)andGi2(j)associated with the primal cells that shareAj as a part of their boundaries. WhenAj is a boundary edge (there areJΓ such edges), the associated diamond-cell is a flat quadrilateral (i.e. a triangle) and we denote by Gi2(j) the midpoint of Aj (thus, there are JΓ such additional pointsGi). The unit normal vector toAj isnj and points fromGi1(j)to Gi2(j). We denote by Aj1 (resp. Aj2) the segment joiningGi1(j)(resp. Gi2(j)) and the midpoint ofAj. Its associated unit normal vector, pointing from Sk1(j) to Sk2(j), is denoted by nj1 (resp. nj2). In the case of a boundary diamond-cell, Aj2 reduces to{Gi2(j)}and does not play any role. Finally, for any diamond-cellDj, we shall denote byMiαkβ the midpoint of [Giα(j)Skβ(j)], with (α, β)∈ {1; 2}2. Withnj, nj1 and nj2, we associate orthogonal unit vectors τj,τj1andτj2, such that the corresponding orthonormal bases are positively oriented. For any primal cellTi

such that Aj ∂Ti, we shall define nji :=nj ifi = i1(j) and nji :=nj if i =i2(j), so thatnji is always exterior to Ti. With nji, we associate τji such that (nji,τji) is positively oriented. Similarly, whenAj1 and Aj2belong to∂Pk, we define (njk1,τ

jk1) and (njk2,τ

jk2) so thatnjk1andnjk2are orthogonal toAj1andAj2 and exterior toPk.

NB: by a slight abuse of notations, we shall write i Γ (respectively j Γ and k Γ) to mean Gi Γ, (resp. Aj Γ andSkΓ). The same convention will be used for any set of points other than Γ; e.g. for∂Ti. We shall writej∂Pk to mean thatAj1 and andAj2 are subsets of∂Pk.

Forv(H2(Ω))2 withv= (v1, v2)t, we define


µ ∂v1/∂x ∂v1/∂y

∂v2/∂x ∂v2/∂y

, ∇ ×v=

µ ∂v1/∂y ∂v1/∂x

∂v2/∂y ∂v2/∂x


∆v= µ ∆v1



IfAandB are two matrices with dimensionM, we define the inner product

A:B= XM i,j=1



For future use, we recall Green’s formulae Z

∆v·wdx= Z

v:w+ Z


(v n)·wds, (6)


v:∇ ×wdx= Z


(vτ)·wds, (7)

for any v (H2(Ω))2 and w (H1(Ω))2. Here, nis the outward normal to ∂Ω andτ is the tangent vector to∂Ω such that (n,τ) is positively oriented.

Ti Sk Pk


D j

Figure 1. A non-conforming primal mesh (solid lines) and its associated dual mesh (left, dashed lines) and diamond mesh (right, dotted lines).








Aj A’j


Aj nj


1 n’j1





G A’j





i2 k1




i2 k2



M k





Figure 2. Notations for an inner diamond-cell (left) and a boundary diamond cell (right).

In the definition of the DDFV scheme, we shall associate the velocity unknowns to the points Gi and Sk

and the pressure unknowns to the diamond-cells. Moreover the gradient and divergence of the velocity will be defined on the diamond-cells. This leads us to the following definitions.


Definition 1.1. Letu= (uTi,uPk), andv= (viT,vPk) be in (R2)I×(R2)K. Let Φ = (Φj) and Ψ = (Ψj) be in (R2×2)J. Letp= (pj) andq= (qj) be inRJ. We define the following scalar products

(u,v)T,P := 1 2



|Ti|uTi ·vTi + X


|Pk|uPk ·vkP

, (8)

(Φ,Ψ)D:= X


|Dj|Φj: Ψj and (p, q)D= X


|Dj|pjqj. (9)

Definition 1.2. Letu= (uTi,uPk) be in (R2)I+JΓ×(R2)K. For any boundary edgeAj, with the notations of Fig. 2 (right), we define ˜uj as the trace ofuoverAj by

˜ uj =1


³ uPk

1(j)+ 2uTi




. (10)

Let u = (uTi,uPk) be in (R2)I+JΓ ×(R2)K and let w = (wj) be defined on the boundary Γ. We define the following boundary scalar product

(w,u˜)Γh :=X


|Aj|wj·u˜j. (11)

Definition 1.3. Let Φ = (Φj) be in (R2×2)J. We define divergences and curls of the tensor field Φ on the primal and dual cells by

(Th·Φ)i:= 1

|Ti| X



(Ph ·Φ)k:= 1




(|Aj1|Φjnj1+|Aj2|Φjnj2) + X


|Aj| 2 Φjnj


(Th ×Φ)i:= 1

|Ti| X



(Ph ×Φ)k:= 1






j2) + X


|Aj| 2 Φjτj


Definition 1.4. Let u1 = ((u1)Ti,(u1)Pk) be in RI+JΓ ×RK and u2 = ((u2)Ti,(u2)Pk) be in RI+JΓ ×RK, and u= (u1, u2); the discrete gradient Dhu and the discrete curl Dh ×u are defined by their values in the diamond-cellsDj by


µ (Dhu1)tj (Dhu2)tj

, (Dh ×u)j=

µ (Dh ×u1)tj (Dh ×u2)tj


where, forφRI+JΓ×RK, we define (Dhφ)j:= 1

2|Dj| n

Pk2(j)φPk1(j)](|Aj1|nj1+|Aj2|nj2) + [φTi2(j)φTi1(j)]|Aj|njo , (Dh ×φ)j:= 1

2|Dj| n



j2) + [φTi2(j)φTi1(j)]|Aj|τj o



I (k)1 K (k) 1 K (k)2

I (k)2


Figure 3. Notation for a boundary dual cell in formula (19).

We also need a discrete divergence of a vector, which is defined using the discrete gradient (Dh ·u)j = Trace((Dhu)j).

From basic geometrical arguments, we obtain some properties of the discrete gradient:

φPk2(j)φPk1(j)= (Dhφ)j·−−−−−−−−→Sk1(j)Sk2(j) , φTi2(j)φTi1(j)= (Dhφ)j·−−−−−−−−→Gi1(j)Gi2(j). (12) For the penalization of the scheme, we need to define the following (non-consistent) Laplacian-type operator.

Definition 1.5. Letp= (pj)RJ, we define:

(∆Dhp)j= 1

|Dj| X



d2j (pjpj), (13)

where ∂Dj is the set of indexes of diamond cells which have a common boundary segment withDj anddj = diam(Dj) anddj =diam(Dj).

Proposition 1.6. ForΦ(R2×2)J and = (uT,uP)(R2)I+JΓ×(R2)K and pRJ, the following discrete Green formula hold:

(T,Ph ·Φ,u)T,P =(Dhu,Φ)D+ (Φn,u˜)Γ,h, (14) (T,Ph ×Φ,u)T,P = (Dh ×u,Φ)D+ (Φτ,u)˜ Γ,h, (15) (T,Ph ·pI2,u)T,P =(Dh ·u, p)D+ (pn,u)˜ Γ,h, (16) whereI2is the2×2 identity matrix andT,Ph ·andT,Ph ×stand forTh·andTh×on the primal cells and for

Ph·andPh×on the dual cells.

Formula (14) is called the discrete Stokes formula and is proved in [23]; its componentwise counterpart can be found in [17]. Formulae (15) and (16) can be demonstrated in the same way. Proposition 1.7 below may be found componentwise in [15].

Proposition 1.7. For all u= (uTi ,uPk)(R2)I+JΓ×(R2)K, it holds that

(Th ×(Dhu))i= 0 , i[1, I], (17)

(Ph ×(Dhu))k = 0 , k6∈Γ. (18)


In addition, for kΓ, the following equality holds (see Fig. 3 for the notations) (Ph ×(Dhu))k = 1



(uTI2(k)uTI1(k)) +1



. (19)

The derivation of the a posteriori error estimates is based on the reformulation of the scheme under a variational form which uses functions associated to the discrete unknowns.

Definition 1.8. With anyu= (uTi ,uPk)(R2)I+JΓ×(R2)K, we associate the functionuh defined by (uh)|Dj (P1(Dj))2 , j[1, J],

uh(Miα(j)kβ(j)) = 1

2(uTiα(j)+uPkβ(j)) , j[1, J], (α, β)∈ {1,2}2.

In addition, for allp= (pj)RJ, we construct piecewise constant functions corresponding to the approximate pressure, penalty term and to the diamond-cell diameterdj:

ph(x) =pj, xDj, j[1, J], (20)

(∆Dhp)h(x) = (∆Dhp)j, xDj, j[1, J], (21) dh(x) =dj, xDj, j[1, J]. (22) The validity of the definition ofuh by its values in four different points and the proof of the fundamental properties below, which allow to reformulate the scheme under a variational form, may be found in [17].

Proposition 1.9. Let u= (uTi,uPk)(R2)I+JΓ×(R2)K and letuh be defined by Definition 1.8. It holds that (Dhu)j =uh|Dj, j[1, J], (23) (Dh ·u)j =∇ ·uh|Dj, j[1, J]. (24) Definition 1.10. Letuh be a broken affine function on the diamond mesh: (uh)|Dj (P1(Dj))2, j[1, J], and uh is not necessarily continuous over the interfaces of neighboring diamond-cells. We define its broken gradient and divergence over Ω by:

huh(x) =uh|Dj(x) andh·uh(x) =∇ ·uh|Dj(x), xDj, j[1, J]. (25)

2. The Finite Volume Scheme on General Meshes

The finite volume scheme used for the numerical approximation of equations (1)–(4) is constructed on the basis of the discrete differential operators defined in section 1. It is very similar to that studied in [23], where proofs of existence, uniqueness, stability with respect to the data and a priori error estimates can be found as soon asε >0.

(Th ·(−∇Dhu+pI2))i=fiT , i[1, I], (26) (Ph ·(−∇Dhu+pI2))k=fkP , k[1, K], (27) (Dh ·u)jεd2j(∆Dhp)j= 0, j [1, J], (28) uPk

1(j)+ 2uTi2(j)+uPk


4 =gj , jΓ, (29)

XJ j=1

|Dj|pj= 0. (30)


We suppose that g is regular enough, so that we can set gj =g(Gi2(j)) in (29), while in (26) and (27), fiT andfkP are the mean values off overTi andPk, respectively:

fiT = 1

|Ti| Z


f(x)dx and fkP = 1

|Pk| Z


f(x)dx. (31)

We can prove that the solution of the scheme verifies a discrete variational formulation:

Proposition 2.1. Let u = (uTi ,uPk) and p = (pj)j∈[1,J] be the solution of the scheme (26)-(30). Let v = (vTi ,vkP)such thatv˜j= 0 for alljΓ. Let uh andvh be the solution associated touandv by Definition 1.8.

Let us set in addition

vh(x) := 1 2



vTi θTi (x) + X



, (32)

whereθiT andθPk are respectively the characteristic function of the cellsTi andPk. Then, it holds that X








h·vhph(x)dx = Z

f·vh(x)dx. (33) Proof. Starting from Eq. (26) and (27), we have

(Th ·(Dhu)i·viT+ (Th ·(pI2)i)·vTi =fiT ·vTi , i[1, I], (34)

(Ph ·(Dhu))i·vkP+ (Ph ·(pI2))k·vPk =fkP ·vPk , k[1, K]. (35) Multiplying (34) by|Ti|and (35) by|Pk|and summing over alliand allk, we obtain

(T,Ph ·(Dhu),v)T,P + (T,Ph ·(pI2),v)T,P = (f,v)T,P. We can apply (14), (16) and ˜vj= 0 for alljΓ and we obtain

(Dhu,Dhv)D(Dh ·v, p)D= (f,v)T,P.

Using (23)–(24) and definitions (31)–(32), we obtain (33). ¤

3. A representation of the error

3.1. A representation of the velocity error The variational formulation of (1) reads:


ub:vdx Z

pb∇ ·vdx = Z

f ·v(x)dx, (36)

for all v(H01(Ω))2. We shall estimate the H1 semi norm of the error between the exact solution buand the function uh associated to the solution of the DDFV scheme. For this, we shall denote by e := ubuh and ep:=pbph the error in the velocity and pressure, respectively. We have






|∇bu− ∇huh|2(x)dx


. (37)


Since Ω is a simply connected domain and sincehe=∇bu− ∇huh belongs to (L2(Ω))2×2, we may decompose it in the following way (see Lemma 3.2 in [13]):

he=ΦbqI2+∇ ×Ψ,b (38) where q L20(Ω), Φb (H01(Ω))2 with ∇ ·Φ = 0 andb Ψb (H1(Ω))2 with R

Ψ(x)dx = 0, with the followingˆ estimations

k∇ΦbkL2(Ω)≤ k∇hekL2(Ω), kqkL2(Ω) 2

βk∇hekL2(Ω), k∇ ×ΨbkL2(Ω)(1 +2


β )k∇hekL2(Ω),


whereβ is defined by (5).

Now, we estimate the velocity error using decomposition (38). First observe that Z

he:I2q(x)dx = Z

h·eq(x)dx = Z

(∇ ·ub− ∇h·uh)q(x)dx.

From (2) and (28), we have Z

he:I2q(x)dx =ε Z

d2h(x)(∆Dhp)hq(x)dx, (40)

where we recall that the function dh is defined through (22). Multiplying the termhe(x) with (38) side by side and integrating over Ω, it holds that

k∇hek2L2(Ω)= Z

he: (Φ +b ∇ ×Ψˆ qI2)dx

=i1+i2ε Z

d2h(x)(∆Dhp)hq(x)dx, (41) where





(∇bu− ∇uh) :Φ(x)dxˆ






(∇bu− ∇uh) :∇ ×Ψ(x)dx.ˆ

In order to find a suitable representation ofi1 andi2, we shall need the following definitions

Definition 3.1. The boundary ∂Dj of any diamond-cell Dj is composed of the four segments [Giα(j)Skβ(j)] with (β, α)∈ {1,2} (see Fig. 2). Let us define by S the set of these edges when j runs over the whole set of diamond-cells andS those edges that do not lie in the boundary Γ. EachsS is thus a segment that we shall denote by [Gi(s)Sk(s)]. We shall also writesTi(resp. sPk) ifsTi (resp. sPk) ands6⊂Γ. Finally, we shall denote byns one of the two unit normal vectors tos, arbitrarily chosen among the two possible choices


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