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On the influence of an orienting field on the static twist-splay periodic distortions of nematic liquid crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1987

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On the influence of an orienting field on the static twist-splay periodic distortions of nematic liquid crystals

H.M. Zenginoglou

To cite this version:

H.M. Zenginoglou. On the influence of an orienting field on the static twist-splay peri- odic distortions of nematic liquid crystals. Journal de Physique, 1987, 48 (10), pp.1599-1603.

�10.1051/jphys:0198700480100159900�. �jpa-00210595�


On the influence of an orienting field on the static twist-splay periodic distortions of nematic

liquid crystals

H.M. Zenginoglou

University of Patras, Physics Department, Patras, Greece

(Reçu Ie 26 mai 1987, accepti le 21 juillet 1987)

Résumé.- On considère un film nématique d’anisotropie diélectrique positive, soumis à un champ électrique normal à

sa direction initiale d’orientation et à un champ magnétique parallèle à cette direction. On suppose que le rapport des

constantes élastiques pour les déformations en torsion et en éventail est assez faible pour permettre, au dessus d’un

seuil, l’apparition d’une déformation périodique torsion-éventail. On décrit la variation avec le champ magnétique

du seuil de champ électrique et de la longueur d’onde de la distortion. On prédit également l’existence d’une valeur limite.

Abstract.- A homogeneously aligned nematic liquid crystal layer with positive dielectric anisotropy is considered to

be acted upon by an electric field normal to and a magnetic field parallel to its initial orientation direction. The ratio of the twist to splay elastic constants of the nematic is supposed sufficiently small so that static twist-splay periodic

distortion is exhibited by it as a threshold effect. The dependence of the threshold values of the electric field and the spatial wavenumber of the distortion on the orienting magnetic field is described. Also the existence of a limiting

value of the orienting field, beyond which no periodic distortion has to be expected, is predicted. The dependence

of this limiting field on the twist to splay elastic constants ratio is given in the two cases of the boundary conditions


Classification Physics Abstracts


1. Introduction.

A homogeneously aligned non-conducting nema-

tic liquid crystal layer with positive dielectric aniso- tropy (PNLC), may exhibit a static twist-splay peri-

odic distortion (TSP) as a threshold effect when ex-

cited with an electric field normal to the layer, pro- vided the ratio of its twist elastic constant to the splay

one (TSR) is smaller than some critical value. This

effect, which was discovered experimentally and jus-

tified theoretically by Lonberg and Meyer [1] for the

case where the excitation is by a magnetic field, has

been analysed further by several authors for a vari- ety of field geometries and boundary conditions [2-6].

The analyses have shown, particularly, that for the effect to be observed, the TSR should be less than

0.30325056..., for a nematic phase rigidly oriented at

the boundaries [2,3], and less than 0.5 when the condi- tions are such that the director in immediate contact to the boundaries is, simply, parallel to them [3].

In this article a PNLC layer is considered to be under the action of a reorienting electric field, normal

to the layer, and an orienting magnetic field, parallel

to the original orientation direction of the layer and

the influence of the orienting field on the threshold

values of the reorienting field and the wavenumber

characterizing the TSP is examined in the two cases

of boundary conditions mentioned above.

2. Theory.

The PNLC sample is considered to be confined between two planes, parallel to zy-plane, at z=0 and z=L, the thickness L of the sample being much small-

er than its other dimensions (Fig.1). The sample,

with its original alignement parallel to x-axis, is sub- jected to an orienting magnetic field H along the z-

axis and a reorienting electric field E parallel to +axis.

The dielectric anisotropy ea = ep - en of the sample

is supposed sufficiently small so that for the small dis- tortions to be considered here, the electric field inside

the layer is nearly uniform.

As the aim of the foregoing is the calculation of threshold quantities, it is sufficient to use the well- known formulae of nematostatics [7] in their linear- ized form. The results for the y and z components of the director field, which are considered as functions of y and z, are as follows :

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198700480100159900




where the following definitions are used

ilL : the TSP wavenumber. In what follows ç will

be referred, loosely, as the TSP wavenumber.

Kl’ K2 : 1 the splay and twist elastic constants, re- spectively.

a = K21K, : Twist to Splay Ratio (TSR).

X a : : the anisotropy of the magnetic susceptibility which, as usual, is supposed positive.

- -

which are real, provided a1 [8], and are taken al-

ways in the order ri > r2.

Fig.l.- The geometry of the problem.

Furthermore, using the above definitions, one may show that

and that in any case, rl is an increasing and r2 is a decreasing function of QE-

The solution described by equations (2) and (3)

is obtained by imposing two conditions to nx : : it is zero at the two boundaries and it is a symmetric

function of t7 with respect to the q=1/2 plane. This

last condition comes from the physical demand that

when ç tends to zero, equation (3) has to describe

the director field in the one dimensional case of the Freedericsz effect.

Two extremes cases of boundary condition for ny will be considered : the rigid boundary condition

(RBC) where ny vanishes at the two boundaries, and

the degenerate boundary condition (DBC) where all

orientations of the director parallel to the boundary planes are equally permissible.

1) In the RBC case the demand for zero ny at the two boundaries and equation (2) give

The already stated properties of rl and r2 suggest that the equation (4) has a solution only for imagi-

nary A2, that is A2 = jl2, (j2 = -1) , and, so, QE >

u. Thus equation (4) becomes

which is the condition for the distortion to persist.

Equation (5) establishes an implicit relation between QE and with QH and a as parameters. The min- imum of QE and the corresponding value of ç give

the threshold voltage and TSP wavenumber, respec-

tively, for the used values of QH and a. Expanding QE in powers of ç and retaining the leading term one




A sufficient condition for the threshold TSP wave-

number to be non-zero is my0. When QH tends to

zero this condition leads to the result [2,3]

On the other hand for values of a smaller than aR the condition 10 gives the limiting values QHR of QH beyond which no TSP is observed. Assuming a 1

and using equation (6), one finds that QHR is given approximately by

As a calculation would show, the difference between

the values of QHR obtained using equation (7) and


those obtained numerically using equation (6) is

smaller than three percent of the exact value for val-

ues of a up to 0.285. On the other hand for values of a

close to aR, the condition y0 can be approximated

with the formula

which, for a>0.285, gives an agreement with the ex-

act values better than five percent.

2) In the DBC case, the condition for the dis- tortion to persist is that the difference between the free energy of the system in the distorted state and that in the undistorted one, with the external fields

unchanged, is lesser than zero. Using the formulae of

the nematic state, this difference is found to be, aside

from a positive proportionality constant, equal to

and, using once again the properties of rl and r2, one

easily deduces that for G to be negative, A 2 must be imaginary. So, equation (9) becomes

Now, as equation (10) suggests, the smallest value of

d2 for which G is non-positive is l2 = 7r. d2, on the

other hand, is an increasing function of Q E. Thus,

the threshold value of QE is given by the solution of equation 12 = 7r. The result is

From (11), QE takes on its minimum value


For the TSP to be the threshold effect we must have

Çmin > 0, and consequently, from equation (13)

where QHD is the limiting value of QH, beyond of

which no TSP is observed. From (14), it is seen that

the necessary condition for TSP in the DBC case is

a1/2 [3].

3. Results.

The results of the calculations based on the pre- sented theory are shown in the plots of figures 2-4.

The limiting value of QH, is plotted, in figure 2, as

a function of a for the RBC (R) and the DBC (D)

cases, using formula (6) for the condition ’10 and formula (14), respectively. As the figure shows, for

values of a much smaller than unity the two curves

tend to coincide, a fact which is expected from a com- parison of equations (7) and (14). The limiting QH

becomes zero, of course, at a = aR and a=1/2 for

the (R) and (D) curves, respectively.

Fig.2.- The dependence of the limiting value of QH on the TSR

in the RBC(R) and DBC(D) cases.

In figures 3 and 4 the dependences of threshold values for the reorienting field and the corresponding

wavenumber are given as functions of the orienting

field for the RBC case, using equation (5), and for

the DBC case using equations (12) and (13).

In figure 3 the dependence of the difference be- tween the one dimensional Freedericsz threshold value of QE, which is equal to QH + 7r , and TSP threshold

value is plotted as a function of Off for two different

values of a, ai = 0.1 and a2 = 0.2, and for the RBC

(C) and DBC (D) cases. The difference tends rapidly



Fig.3.- The dependence of the difference between the one di- mensional Freedericsz threshold and TSP threshold values of

Qj on QH for the TSR values ai = 0.1 and a2 = 0.2 in the RBC (Ri and R2) and the DBC (Di and D2) cases.

Fig.4.- The dependence of the threshold TSP wavenumber on

QH for the same cases as in figure 3.

to zero and, except for very small values of the orient-

ing field, it is a small fraction of the threshold value

of QE.

Finally, in figure 4, the threshold value of the TSP wavenumber is plotted as function of QH for

the same values of a and cases as figure 3. As it is

evident from the plots, the distortion period 2?rL/

is of the order of the thickness L of the PNLC layer, except for values of QH very close to its limiting value.

The most-striking effect predicted by the plots of figure 4 is that the threshold wavenumber, considered

as a function of QH, exhibits maxima for sufficiently

small values of a. This fact may be understood for the DBC case immediately using the equation (13) : 2

has a maximum value equal to p2 7r2/2 when QH = 1r2

(1-2a-3a 2) / 4a, and in order for this value of QH to

be positive we must have a1/3. A similar argument

can be used for the RBC case : for the correct value of 12 which is obtained from the solution of equation (5) and corresponds to the threshold condition, the

threshold value of QE is given by the same formula as

(11) by simply replacing 1r2 by lfl. Thus, the depen-

dence of the threshold value of 2 on QH is similar to

that of the DBC case. Nevertheless, there are quan- titative differences because the threshold value of l2

is a function of both QH and a and, so, the value of

a for the maximum off to be exhibited turns out to be smaller than 1/3.

4. Conclusion.

A homogeneously aligned PLNC cell with a TSR sufficiently small for the TSP to be the threshold ef- fect when excited with an external electric field, is supposed to be acted upon by an additional orient-

ing magnetic field. The calculations show that there is an upper limit for the orienting field for the TSP

to be observed and this upper limit is a function of

both, the TSR and the boundary conditions. Fur-

thermore, the threshold value of the reorienting field

increases with the orienting field, and the relation be-

tween the two fields tends rapidly to that of the one-

dimensional Freedericsz effect. The distortion period,

on the other hand, is a sensitive function of the ori-

enting field and is of the order of the thickness of the


The experimental test of the results reported he-

re appears to present no serious difficulties, provided

one is sure that the boundary conditions fit the cases

examined. The relation between E2 and H2 tends

rapidly to a linear one, permitting the determination of the quantities e a / K 1 and xa /Ki . The experimen-

tal data on the dependence of the threshold wavenum-

ber on the orienting field may be fitted with relative

ease to a curve such as the ones plotted in figure 4,

because the calculations leading to these curves are quite rapid.

As the results show, for relatively large values of

a, the response of the PNLC layer to the reorienting

and orienting fields is largely dependent on the condi-

tions persisting on the boundaries of the layer. This

means that a more general treatment of the prob-

lem where the anchoring effects at the boundaries are

taken into account is worth.



[1] LONBERG, F. and MEYER, R.B., Phys. Rev.

Lett. 55 (1985) 718.

[2] OLDANO, C., Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 1098.

[3] ZIMMERMANN, W. and KRAMER, L., Phys.

Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 1655.

[4] KINI, U.D., J. Physique 47 (1986) 693.

[5] KINI, U.D., J. Physique 47 (1986) 1829.


Phys. Rev. A 34 (1986) 4348.

[7] DE GENNES, P.G., The Physics of Liquid Crys- tals, (Clarendon Press, Oxford) 1974.

[8] This is not a real restriction because the values of 03B1 of interest here are smaller than 1/2. Be-

sides, the occurence of a twist distortion which

demands that K2 K1/2, is hardly to be ex-

pected when K2 > K1.


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