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Modulated smectic C*-uniform smectic C* phase transition in an electric field


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1983

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Modulated smectic C*-uniform smectic C* phase transition in an electric field

O. Hudák

To cite this version:

O. Hudák. Modulated smectic C*-uniform smectic C* phase transition in an electric field. Journal de

Physique, 1983, 44 (1), pp.57-66. �10.1051/jphys:0198300440105700�. �jpa-00209574�



Modulated smectic C*-uniform smectic C* phase transition

in an electric field

O. Hudák

Institute of Physics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Na Slovance 2, Prague 8, 180 40, Czechoslovakia (Reçu le 24 août 1981, révisé le 20 juillet 1982, accepté le 23 septembre 1982)



La transition de phase entre le smectique C chiral uniforme et le smectique C chiral modulé est étudiée analytiquement en prenant en compte le couplage ferroélectrique et diélectrique pour un smectique caractérisé par une anisotropie négative. Dans le cadre de la théorie de Landau on a trouvé les distorsions de la structure

hélicoïdale, la dépendance du pas de l’hélice par rapport au champ électrique, ainsi que les domaines d’existence des différentes phases dans le diagramme E-T. La transition considérée est continue. On décrit l’évolution avec

le champ de la polarisation et de la susceptibilité de même que celle des parois dans la phase uniforme. Dans le spectre des fluctuations on a trouvé non seulement les branches du phason et du phonon, mais aussi une nouvelle branche d’oscillations. Pour décrire la disparition des parois on a proposé soit le mécanisme de déroulement de la structure hélicoïdale, soit un processus de disparition à l’aide de défauts linéaires.



A detailed analytic description of the phase transition in an electric field between the modulated smectic C chiral phase and the uniform smectic C chiral phase is given taking into account both ferroelectric and dielectric coupling to the field in the case of negative anisotropy. Within the Landau theory of phase transitions we

find helix distortions, and establish the field dependence of the pitch and the phase boundaries in the E-T phase diagram. The transition considered here is continuous. The evolution of the polarization and susceptibility with the

field is described as well as domain walls in the uniform phase. The fluctuation spectrum for some values of the field also contains, besides the usual phason and phonon branches, a new oscillatory branch. The disappearance of the

walls occurs through unwinding in our model but we also suggest a possible mechanism through line defects.

J. Physique 44 (1983)57::66 JANVIER 1983, 1


Physics Abstracts

61. 30G

1. Introduction.


Ferroelectric liquid crystalline phases are interesting physical systems which have been intensively studied [ 1 -3] during the few last years.

In a smectic C liquid crystal rod-like molecules are

arranged in parallel layers, within which they have

the character of a two-dimensional liquid. The macro- scopic local symmetry corresponding to the mono-

clinic surroundings consists of symmetry operations belonging to the C2h point group. A tilt angle 0

between the molecular director and the layer normal

is nonzero and is the same within all layers.

If the molecules are chiral, the mirror plane and the

inversion centre are absent, the axis C2 is the only symmetry operation. In this case the smectic C phase

is called the chiral smectic C phase (SmC*). The

essential property of the ground state of the SmC*

phase is that it is modulated in the layer normal

direction in the form of a helix [2]. This fact corres- ponds with the presence of the Lifshitz invariant in the Landau free energy expansion in the case of the SmA*(0 = 0)-SmC* phase transition [3].

Symmetry arguments lead to the conclusion [2, 4],

that liquid crystals composed of chiral molecules have a spontaneous polarization in the SmC* phase

as experimentally observed in [2, 5-7]. The dielectric

behaviour of these materials possesses a number of

properties specific to ferroelectrics [3, 8]. The macro- scopic polarization in the SmC* phase is zero. This

is due to rotation of the nonzero in-layer polarization

vector in the direction normal to the layers. A nonzero

bulk polarization may be induced by applying an

external electric field parallel to the layers. The mole-

cular tilt direction becomes uniform in space and the modulated structure disappears in strong enough

fields [2, 5].

There are two mechanisms in the influence of the electric field on the SmC* phase [9], namely the linear

ferroelectric coupling between the molecular dipole

moments and the field, and the dielectric coupling

which is quadratic in the field. Neglecting one of these

two coupling mechanisms then the other one can be described and treated in a similar way as in the case

of the influence of the magnetic field on the cholesteric

phase [10]. Thus, the case of ferroelectric coupling is

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198300440105700


studied in [2, 11-13] and the case of the dielectric coupling in [1, 14, 15]. The first attempts to take into

account both types of coupling simultaneously were

made in [16, 17]. The basic equation describing the

structure of the SmC* phase in an applied field is numerically integrated in [16]. It is found that the

pitch of the helix increases its value with the increasing

value of the field. Above some critical value of the

field, E, ,, the helix disappears. The explicit analytic

calculations of E, can be found in both papers [ 16, 17].

For special values of the material constants it is possible to find also an explicit analytic description

of the helix pitch dependence on the field [16]. In the

case of positive dielectric anisotropy it was shown

in [ 161 that domains with two different spatial orienta-

tions of the molecular tilt directions occur in the smectic C* phase with the unwinded helical texture.

It is interesting that these domains can be joined by

domain walls of two different types [16].

Due to lack of the complete explicit analytical description of the helix structure for fields near the critical value Ec we decided to perform such a study.

We chose the case of the negative dielectric aniso- tropy, because the case of the positive dielectric

anisotropy was partially treated analytically in [16].

Our calculations thus complement those in [16] and [1 7].

The paper is organized in the following way. The basic equations and formulas for description of the

transition are in the section 2. Our main results are in sections 3, 4 and 5. The domain wall state in the uni- form SmC* as well as in the modulated SmC* phase is

described in section 3. The static characteristics of the transition are found in section 4. The dynamics of the

modulated SmC* phase is described in section 5.

In the last section a discussion of the various aspects of the transition treated here may be found.

2. Basic equations.


The Landau free energy

expansion describing the phase transition between the modulated SmC* phase (this phase we denote by SmC* following the notation introduced in [3]) and

the uniform SmC* phase (denoted by SmC* in the

following, as in [3]) is exactly that expansion which

is used in the description of the transition SmA*-

SmC* in [11, 18]. The free energy density expansion

has the form :

where fA is that part of the free energy density which

is not connected with the transition, ç 1 = nz nx,

Ç2 = nz ny are two components of the primary two-

dimensional order parameter describing the transi-

tion SmA*-SmC*, n = (n.,, ny, nz) is the director

vector (n)2 = l, k 3 3 is an elastic constant, a =

(T - To). ao is the usual temperature dependent

constant, ao > 0, To > 0, b > 0, xo > 0 are tempe-

rature independent constants,, pf > 0 and yp > 0

are flexoelectric and piezoelectric coupling constants,

E,, >, 0 is the x-component of the external electric field vector E = (Ex, 0, 0), z is a coordinate in the direction normal to the layers, x and y are two coordi-

nates within the plane parallel to layers, the coordi- nate system (x, y, z) is orthogonal, Px and Py are two

components of the secondary order parameter : the

in-layer electric polarization vector P = (Px, Py, 0),

ea is the dielectric anisotropy constant, Ba = (8j) jj I


8 1 ) (see [1]), this constant is assumed to be only negative

in the following.

We assume that the order parameters Çl’ Ç2’ Px

and Py depend only on the coordinate z. This assump- tion follows from the fact that the modulation in the

z-direction is preferred by the Lifshitz term

SI dz - e;2 -UZ-) dl in (1). It is convenient to eliminate

( 1 dZ 2 z )

the polarization vector components Px and Py from (1) using the Lagrange-Euler equations for them :

Moreover it is convenient to use spherical coordinates in the director vector space :

where the tilt angle 0 takes values from the interval

( 0, n > and the tilt angle direction within the layers is

determined by the phase angle lp.



It is also convenient to use the constant tilt angle 0 approximation, 0 = constant. This approximation is asymptotically correct at the transition point E



because the crucial term in the free energy that favours

a modulated ordering, the Lifshitz term, involves the derivative of the phase angle (fJ. In analogy to the

similar problems in incommensurate-commensurate transitions (see in [19]), this form of the Lifshitz term

suggests that close to the transition to the uniform

phase, the ground state of the modulated phase will

differ from that of the uniform phase principally through modulation of the phase angle (p. Thus the

value of the constant tilt 0


constant near the tran- sition point is in the following assumed to be identical

with that corresponding to the uniform SmC* phase :

where a = & - xo. p§ = ao(T - To), To = To +

Xo. J.lp . The dependence (4) of the tilt angle 0 on the


electric field Ex is restricted to those fields and tempe-

ratures for which :

The final result for the Landau free energy density expansion (1) is :

where f’ is that part of f which is not related to the

transition at E = E. and where :

The Landau free energy density expansion (6) may be transformed to the form_used in [16, 17] using (7).

Note that the uniform SmC* phase is characterized by :

The modulated SmC* phase is described by a stable

modulated solution of the Lagrange-Euler equation

for the variable 11 :

The same equation enables us to describe a state with

domain walls in the uniform SmC* phase.

3. The domain wall states in the SmC* phase.


The order parameter ’1, describing the state of the

system, is a phase variable. Thus, in accordance with the topological theory of defects in ordered media [20],

we expect that domain walls exist in the uniform

SmC* phase. They are described as solutions of the

double sine-Gordon equation (9) satisfying the boun-.

dary conditions :

Such solutions were found in [21, 22] :

11 = 2 arctg [exp((2 + À)I/2. (r - ro) + 4)] +

+ 2 arctg exp((2 + À)I/2.-(r - ro) " A)] (11) where ro . is an arbitrary number and the quantity A

is defined by the equation :

The configuration (11) is stable against small pertur- bations, see [22]. The free energy of this configuration

may be easily found using the results of [22] and

equations (11), (7) and (6) :


Here F’ is the free energy of the uniform SmC* phase.

It is evident from (13) that the modulated configura- tion_(ll) becomes more favourable than the uniform SmC* state q = 0 (mod. 2 yc) for those values of the field Ex, of temperature T and of the material cons-

tants, for which 6 > ðe(Å). In fact the equality

6 = 6c(A) defines the phase boundaries between the uniform SmC* phase and the modulated SmC*

phase. It is easy to show that the critical field value Ee,

i.e. that value Ex for which 6 = ðe(Å), is exactly that

found in [ 16, 17].

Let us now discuss the form of the configuration (11).

As we already discussed elsewhere [23], there are two

different interpretations of the form of (11). For those

values of the electric field Ex for which 0 A 2, i.e. for E,,o Ex, there is a domain around the point

ro at which the state (11) is almost constant, r N n.

For smaller fields Ex Exo this domain disappears.

Thus for Ex > Exo there are three domains (0, n, 2 n).

Neighbouring domains are separated by the n-kinks.

There are two n-kinks in the state (11) in this case.

On the other hand for smaller fields Ex Exo there

are only two domains (0 and 2 7r) separated by a single

2 n-kink. The origin of this phenomenon (two n-walls

become coupled into a single 2 n-wall) is in the exis- tence of a local minimum of the nonlinear potential

in (6) for Ex > Exo at q = n. This minimum disappear

for smaller fields, Ex Exo, In this later case the ferro- electric coupling term - Å(1 - cos q) prevails in (6).

For higher fields, Ex > Exo, the dielectric coupling

becomes comparable with the ferroelectric coupling.

Mutual competition of both types of coupling now

leads to decomposition of the 2 n-wall into a pair of n-walls, see figure 1.

Note that the domains q


0 (mod. 2 n) correspond

to the tilt angle direction q = - (7r/2). Because the electric field is oriented in the direction of positive

values of the coordinate x, the molecular directors are

Fig. 1.


Two forms of the 2 n-kink solution (11) : a) for

fields Ex below the value Exo this solution represents a single 2 n-domain-wall; b) for fields Ex above Exo this

solution represents a pair of two Tc-domain-walls bounded into one 2 n-kink.

oriented perpendicular to the field E, see figure 2.

On the other hand domains il = a (mod. 2 7c) corres- pond to the phase angle qJ


+ (Tr/2) and the orien- tation of the director changes by the angle A(p



with respect to the previous case.

The polarization vector P, see (2), has, in the uniform SmC* phase, the components :

The state (11) has in the case Ex > Exo within the domain I = n different from (14) the polarization

components :

Dynamic properties of the state(ll) may be obtained from the Landau-Khalatnikov equation for the order parameter [24]. From the free energy density expan- sion (6) and from (11) we obtain with q = (i i) + ð r

and linearizing in 6 il :

Assuming that the solution of (16) has the form


6 q(r). exp( - tIT) we obtain the eigenvalue pro- blem :

Fig. 2.


Macroscopic orientations of molecules (=)

within domains of 2 n-kink configurations : a) domains

with this position are realized in both cases Ex > Exo and Ex Exo ; b) a domain with this position is realized only

in the cases Ex > Exo,



This problem was discussed in [23]. The potential

Acos ?1(11) + 2 cos 2 ’1(11) seen by the excitation bil

is too complicated and the problem (17) probably

cannot be solved explicitly. Nevertheless some pro-

perties of solutions of (17) are known [23]. It is easy to find the Goldstone mode :

This mode corresponds to the broken translational symmetry of the system by the presence of the loca- lized state (11). The relaxation time for phonon-like

excitations with the asymptotic behaviour

where k is given in the reduced units (7). From (19)

it follows that the relaxation time is finite for long- wavelength excitations of the phonon type. It was established by various methods see [23], that there exist another mode besides the Goldstone mode and phonon-like modes. The relaxation time T, of this mode is, from the discrete part of the frequency spec- trum :

The whole range of Df(À.) dependence has the form

qualitatively shown on figure 3. The interpretation of

the excitation with relaxation time T, is based on the

fact that the configuration (11) represents two n-walls bounded together. When the centres of these two

n-walls are symmetrically shifted from their equili-

i positions (given by (11)) then a restoring force

les active, the walls are forced to return back


The relaxation frequency 1/(T,) dependence on


see (20).

to the starting equilibrium positions. The relaxation

time T1 corresponds exactly to this motion.

4. The SmC*-SmC* transition.


The transition bet-

ween the uniform SmC* phase and the modulated

SmC* phase was numerically described in [16].

Unfortunately numerical results give an uncomplete description of the transition within the region of the

critical behaviour of the system. It is always conve-

nient to investigate an analytical description of the phase transformation. The aim of this section is to find the critical dependences of the various quantities

’ characterizing our system.

We start our analysis with the free energy density expansion (6). The ground state describing the SmC*

or SmC* phase is that solution of the double sine- Gordon equation (9) which minimizes absolutely the

free energy. Any solution q of the equation (9), which monotonously increases its value with increasing r, has the form :

where ro is an arbitrary constant, a is an integration

constant such that

am is the amplitude elliptic function, see in [25], with

the modulus q2 = 1


(B2/A 2) where the constants

A and B are defined by :


The form of the solution (21) for q near the value 1 and for two different cases is shown on the figure 4.

Fig. 4.


Two different forms of the SmC* phase ground

state : a) for Ex > Exp and b) for Ex E.,,,. The second

case is realized only if Ee > Exo, see section 6.


We see that in both cases, Ex Exo and Exo Ex,

the state (21) is a periodic array of domain walls (11).

In fact, for q


1 we obtain from (21) the state (11) exactly. The periodicity length L of the modulated state (21) is that length which equals to the distance between the centres of two neighbouring domains 0 (mod. 2 n) and 2 n (mod. 2 n) :

Here K(q) is the complete elliptic integral of the first

kind, see in [25]. The second equation in (23) repre- sents a one-to-one relation between the length L and

the integration constant a for all a !! 0. The value of the constant a indexes all possible states (21).

From the condition of the thermodynamic stability

of the Landau free energy we obtain which of all the

possible states (21) is realized for a given temperature and field. The equilibrium value of the constant a is that which minimizes the averaged free energy den-

sity f defined by the equation (6) and the relation :

Finding the equilibrium value a we can then find the

equilibrium value L of the periodicity length L

from (23). In fact, the equilibrium value L is identical

with the pitch of the modulated structure.

The averaged free energy density 7 of the modulated state (21) with a >_ 0, an arbitrary number, has the

form :

where E(q) is the complete elliptic integral of the

second kind, Z(s, q) is the Jacobian Zeta-function

with sin2 E --_ ( 1 - B 2). q- 2. The ground state ’of

the uniform SmC* phase has its averaged free energy

density exactly equal to the value f ’ in (25).

To find which of two phases is realized for a given Ex and T we must compare f and f ’ using (25).

The difference Af =- ( f - f ’) is negative for all positive values of the constant a and becomes zero

for a = 0. Thus the value a = 0 (q = 1) corresponds

to the transition point between the modulated and uniform states. We can then expand (25) in powers of the small quantity a ? 0 and find the difference åf

near the transition point in a more convenient form for the interpretation purposes. Moreover it is conve-

nient to write this expansion in terms of the periodicity length L using (23). From equation (23) we see that

for a -+ 0 (from above) the length L -+ oo. The averag- ed free energy density expansion in powers of small quantities has the form :

where the constant ðc(À.) is defined in (13). The region

of validity of the expansion (26) is confined to those values of the length L for which the inequality :

holds. This inequality can be satisfied for every value of the field Ex if L is large enough.

We can interpret the equation (26) in terms of

domain walls in a similar way as in the theory of

incommensurate-commensurate phase transitions in

improper ferroelectrics of the K2SeO 4 and (NH4)2BeF4 types, see in [26]. Noting that (2 nIL) is proportional

to the number of regions in the z-direction in which the configuration of the order parameter is almost the

same as in the state (11), we may interpret the expan- sion (26) in the following way. The coefficient of (2 n/ L)

is the energy required to create a 2 n-kink state (M).

Such kinks are distributed periodically in the z-direc-

tion, with separation L between neighbouring kinks.

The interaction of the neighbouring 2 n-kinks of the type (11) is given by the last term in (26). This term represents a repulsive interaction potential : by increas- ing the distance L between neighbouring 2 n-kinks,

this term decreases. Note that the form of 2 n-kinks was

discussed in the previous section. The term « 2 n-

kink » is equivalent to the term « 2 n-domain wall » in

the case Ex __ Exo only. In the case Ex > Exo this term

is equivalent with the term o pair of two distinguishable

n-walls ».


The equilibrium value L of the periodicity length

and the equilibrium value of the averaged free energy

density are :



where the critical value Ee is defined by the equality 6(E,) = 6,(E,) and, in fact, it was explicitly calculated

in [J6, 17]. For the fields above the critical value we

obtain the uniform SmC* phase values :

The width s of the region in the z-direction where the modulated state (21) with a(L) given by (29) and (23) appreciably changes is defined by the coefficient of z in (21) :

This width is of the order of the domain wall width (n-walls or 2 n-walls). Near the transition to the uni-

form phase it is negligible with respect to the distance

L - aJ between two neighbouring 2 n-kinks. This

fact enables us to consider the regions where the phase angle qJ appreciably changes in analogy with

domain walls and the regions where the configuration

is almost homogeneous in analogy with domains.

Far from the transition boundaries between the modulated and uniform phases the values of the width s and the periodicity length L become comparable.

In this case it is more appropriate to speak about the

helix structure instead of the domain wall structure of the modulated phase.

The polarization components Px and Py may be

calculated from (2), (7) and (21). Their averaged values

are given by (for Ex E,,) :

where the constant ç is defined by sin2 ç = (A 2 - 1).(A 2 - BZ)-1. From (32) we calculate the dielectric.sus-

ceptibility of the modulated phase. Near the transition point we obtain :

for 6 -+ 6,(A) (i.e. E.,, -+ E,,,) from above (resp. below),

where C and C’ are constants depending on the

material constants. The singular term in (33) represents the most singular part in xxx. From (33) it is clear that

as the field value Ex increases to the critical value E,,

the susceptibility xxx diverges. The divergence is of

the Curie-Weiss type with the logarithmic correction.

The susceptibility Xxx of the uniform SmC* phase

remains constant at the transition point :

For those fields and materials, for which the relation (4)

holds near the transition point, we obtain :

which is a finite number at the transition point



T. 44, No 1, JANVIER 1983

The fact that the susceptibility xxx diverges going

from the modulated phase SmC* to the uniform SmC*

phase while it remains a finite number going in the opposite direction to the transition point is connected with the peculiar character of the transition under consideration. This peculiarity is of the same type as that considered by de Gennes [1], in the case of the

cholesterics in external fields. So we will not consider further details of the transition but give only the following remarks. It is easy to show that the uniform

SmC* phase is a stable phase on both sides of the

transition point Ex = E,,. This statement is equivalent

with our result that the susceptibility Xxx (34) of the

uniform phase does not possess any singularity at the

critical point On the other hand the modulated phase

becomes unstable for fields Ex > E,, and the diver-

gence of the susceptibility xxx of this SmC* phase is

intimately connected with this instability. The ins-

tability follows here from the fact that the modulated

state (21) develops into an unstable state when the

integration constant a becomes negative (i.e. Ex


becomes higher than Ec) : the eigenvalue problem (17)

with q from (21 ) instead ?1(11) has negative eigenvalues Q2 0 for those fluctuations ð’1 which drive the state (21) with a 0 to the uniform state = 0

or to the state (11)..


The peculiar behaviour of the system around the transition point Ex = E,, should be experimentally

observable. In fact, it was probably observed. In experiments by Hoffmann et al. [8], it was found that

the conoscopic figure shifted as the field strength

increased to a value E,,,, the figure became that of a

biaxial crystal pointing to complete unwinding of the

helix. As the field strength decreased, the figure of the

uniaxial crystal reappeared at a field about 20 %

weaker than Ec. This observation is consistent with the above predicted peculiar character of the transi- tion at Ec’ Note that the uniform SmC* phase may

be shown to become unstable at fields below the value

Ec. This follows from two facts : 1) for fields slightly below Ec the uniform SmC* phase is stable and 2)

at the zero field Ex = 0 the uniform phase qJ = -(n/2)

is not a stable phase : there is no preferred position

of molecules for Ex = 0, their molecular tilt angles change from a layer to the following layer according

to (p = (z - zo) qo, where zo is an arbitrary constant

and qo is the zero field helix wavevector. It is then clear that the uniform phase has to lose its stability

for field values below Ec but above Ex = 0.

5. Dynamics of the SmC* phase near the transition

at Be.


To describe the dynamics of the system near the transition point we use the Landau-Khalatnikov

type of equation, as done in [27-31] in describing the

dielectric relaxation in ferroelectric liquid crystals.

The form of the dynamic equation is given by (16)

with ’1(11) replaced by q from equation (21). Using

the same procedure as the step from equation (16)

to equation (17), we obtain an eigenvalue problem.

This problem is formally identical with the eigenvalue problem treated by us [32], in connection with the incommensurate phase in K2SeO4 in electric fields.

Our calculations are of approximative nature and

follow the procedure developed in [33] for description

of the fluctuation spectrum in incommensurate phases.

Thus, translating the results of the paper [32] into

the language of purely relaxational dynamics of

ferroelectric liquid crystals we obtain the following

results. There are three branches of the relaxational

frequencies corresponding to three various types of motion of the modulated structure SmC. for fields

slightly below the critical field, Ex Ec. The modulat-

ed structure within this field region consists of a periodic array of 2 n-kinks of the type (11) separated by the distance L, see section 4. The kinks interact Due to this interaction the motion of every single

2 n-kink becomes correlated with the motion of

neighbouring kinks. Consequently, three branches of relaxation frequencies are found corresponding with

the phonon-like excitations and with two modes iso

and T, which were found in the case of the single 2 a-

kink dynamics, see section 3. The explicit form of the relaxation frequency Ti(k) dependence on the wave-

vector k of the excitation of the i-th type (i = 0.1 and phonon-like) is given by :


The figure 5 shows qualitatively the behaviour of the

relaxation frequencies.

We see that longwavelength excitations of the domain wall lattice are relaxed within very large time

intervals if they are of the i = 0 type. This fact follows from the observation that the Goldstone mode be-

longs to this branch.

While the two lowest branches on the figure 5

describe the relaxation frequencies of the excitations of the domain-wall lattice, the highest branch des- cribes the relaxation of the excitations within domains.

This fact becomes clear considering figure 5 which

shows the dependence of relaxation frequencies on the

Fig. 5.


Relaxation frequencies of the domain wall lattice excitations (1/(il) and 1/(T,)) and of the phonon-like excita-

tions 1/(ipb.) within the extended zone scheme.



wavevector k for normal excitations of the modulated

structure. If this wavevector I k I is in the interval

(0, 1t/L) then the corresponding wavelength is in

the interval (L, oo). These normal modes describe oscillations of the centres of 2 n-kinks around their

equilibrium positions. The normal modes with their

wavelength from the interval (Lfi L) describe oscil-

lations of the centres of two n-walls bounded to single

2 n-kinks in the whole domain wall lattice. The last type of normal modes, phonon-like modes, are those

excitations which are bounded within the region of



The dynamics of the uniform SmC* phase is described by a single relaxation frequency branch.

Its form may be found using (16) and (17) with il(l 1) replaced by il = 0. We obtain :

Comparing (35) and (36) we see that three branches of the relaxational frequencies of the SmC* phase develop into a single branch of the SmC* phase.

From (35) it is clear that the branches Tõ l(k) and

’tl1(k) disappear at E, and the phonon-like branch T ’ develops into the branch (36).

6. Discussion.


The SmC* phase has a helix

texture in zero field For small fields 0 E E,

the pitch of the helix is not affected but its form is

distorted Near the transition to the uniform SmC*

phase the modulated SmC* phase consists of almost

uniform regions of molecular ordering, which are separated by domain walls. For fields with their value within the region Ex Exo these walls are of the 2 n- type and neighbouring domains differ by the rotation of the phase angle of the director by 2 n. It however,

the critical field Ec is higher than the value Exo,

i.e. if Ec > Exo, then the neighbouring domains of the uniform molecular ordering differ by the angle n

and they are separated by domain walls of the Tc-type.

It is possible to show that the length of domains

’1 = 0 (mod 2 7c) in any case always increases to infinity as the field Ex increases to E,. On the other hand the length of domains ’1 = n (mod 2 a), if they

are realized, remains always finite, even at Ex = E,.

Above the critical value of the field the uniform phase

’1 = 0 (mod 2 n) is realized as the ground state. The

character of the transition is peculiar and it was discus-

sed in previous sections. The form of the 2 n-kink (11)

in the uniform phase depends on whether Ec > Exo

or E, Exo. In the first case there are only 2 n-walls above E,. In the second case for fields Exo >__ E, > Ec

the 2 n-wall configuration may be realized but above

Exo, i.e. for Ex >__ Exo > E,, this configuration splits

into two distinguishable n-walls.

The modulated SmC* phase near the transition to the uniform SmC* phase represents an equilibrium

state between two processes, the creation of 2 n- kinks and their mutual repulsion, see (26). The tran-

sition point corresponds to the field at which it is unfavourable to create 2 n-kinks because theiiforma- tion energy becomes nonnegative and repulsive inter-

wall interactions then lead to disappearance of walls

from crystal samples. This process consists of the motion of walls out of the sample, the modulated structure unwinds. The unwinding is, however, an unphysical process in large samples as the velocity

of molecular rotation around the local z-axis may be-

come unrealistically large. Nevertheless, our theory

enables us to find another process of wall disappearan-

ce. Let us assume that closed or open line defects

lying within the layer identical with the centre of the domain wall may exist These line defects separate the configuration of molecules corresponding to the

centre of the wall from that corresponding to the

uniform phase. Let S be the total surface of the layer

enclosed by the line defect and corresponding with

the centre of the wall. The total free energy of a

single 2 n-kink with respect to the uniform phase near

the transition to the uniform phase has the form,

see (13) :

Thus the three-dimensional character of crystals was

taken here into account The repulsive inter-wall

energy is neglected in (37) assuming that we are almost

at the transition point The last term in (37) represents the contribution by the line defect with its length /

and the length density of the creation defect free energy F linedef. to the total free energy: Note that for closed line defects S = 11. Within the modulated phase we

have 6,(A) 6 and thus the maximal possible sur-

face S is realized. The term 6,r (A) - 6 changes its sign

at the transition point Thus, it becomes preferable

for the wall to disappear as a whole shrinking of its

surface S to zero with the aid of line defects.

The results of this paper are in agreement with the

experimental data from papers cited in the introduc- tion. Nevertheless further quantitative experiments

are necessary to verify explicit analytical formulae

found in this paper. We hope that our results will stimulate such quantitative measurements.



The author is indebted to

Dr. V. Janovec, Dr. M. Glogarova and to Dr. V.

Dvorak for stimulating discussions.



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