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Smectic a - smectic c transition : nearly tricritical mean-field or Ginzburg crossover ?


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HAL Id: jpa-00210015


Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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Smectic a - smectic c transition : nearly tricritical mean-field or Ginzburg crossover ?

Y. Galerne

To cite this version:

Y. Galerne. Smectic a - smectic c transition : nearly tricritical mean-field or Ginzburg crossover ?.

Journal de Physique, 1985, 46 (5), pp.733-742. �10.1051/jphys:01985004605073300�. �jpa-00210015�



Smectic A - smectic C transition : nearly tricritical mean-field

or Ginzburg crossover ?

Y. Galerne

Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Bât 510, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France (Reçu le 3 octobre 1984, accepté le 3 janvier 1985)

Résumé. 2014 Une analyse détaillée, successivement classique et critique, est développée sur toutes les mesures dis- ponibles à la transition smectique A-smectique C de l’azoxy-di(03B1-méthylcinnamate de undécyl)-4,4’, c’est-à-dire sur

les variations en température du paramètre d’ordre, de la susceptibilité d’inclinaison, et de la chaleur spécifique. On

montre que la transition est critique dans l’intervalle de température réduite 4 x 10-5 03C4 2 x 10-3, et devient

de champ moyen après le crossover de Ginzburg, évalué à environ 1 K de la transition. Par conséquent, le modèle

de crossover entre les comportements de champ moyen tricritiques puis classiques doit être écarté.

Abstract. 2014 A detailed re-analysis, alternatively mean-field and critical, is presented on all the measurements available to-date at the smectic A-smectic C transition in azoxy-4, 4’-di-undecyl-03B1-methylcinnamate (AMC-11),

i.e. on the order parameter, tilt susceptibility, and specific-heat variations with temperature. It is shown that the transitional behaviour is critical over the reduced temperature range 4 x 10-5 03C4 2 x 10-3, and becomes

mean-field after the Ginzburg crossover, estimated in the range of 1 K from the transition. Consequently, the mean-

field model of a crossover from a tricritical to a classical behaviour has to be discarded.

J. Physique 46 (1985) 733-742 mAi 1985,


Physics Abstracts


During the last few years, there has been considera- ble interest in studying the second-order phase tran- sitions, and a lot of results have been published on the subject. But the problem is difficult from both the theoretical and experimental points of view, resulting

in diverging conclusions about the nature of particu-

lar phase transitions, giving rise to controversy and shedding some shadow on the subject of phase tran-

sitions. The case of the smectic A-smectic C phase

transition in liquid crystals is typical : the AC-tran- sition is equally reported in literature as classical [1- 7], and critical [8-13]. We think that the situation

can be made clearer provided that the analyses of the experimental data are driven more rigorously. This

is what we try to do in this paper by presenting a re- analysis of a set of measurements performed at the

AC-transition of azoxy-4,4’-di-undecyl-a-methylcin-

namate (AMC-11). We have chosen AMC-11 because

complete and accurate measurements are available for this compound - order parameter, tilt suscep-

tibility, and specific heat have been measured with temperature - which contrast with particularly

controversial analyses [6]. One of these antagonistic analyses concludes that the critical behaviour is

experimentally accessible in the AC-transition, while

the other gives a fully mean-field interpretation of the data, using the possibility of a crossover from a

tricritical to a classical behaviour [14]. In order to get really unbiased conclusions, a complete re-analysis

of the experimental data is developed in this paper,

as symmetrically as possible between both models.

1. Theoretical background.

The smectic A and smectic C liquid crystals are layered phases, in which the molecules are, statisti-

cally speaking, packed perpendicularly to the layers

and respectively tilted through an angle 0. This angle t/J, together with the azimuthal angle 0 (Fig. 1),

defines the tilt direction of the C-phase, leading to the

choice of 0 eif/> as the order-parameter of the AC- transition [15]. The AC-transition, controlled by a

two-dimensional order parameter, may therefore be

predicted to belong to the same universality class

as the 3D-X Y model of superfluid helium [16], pro- vided however that one can neglect the effects of the

anisotropies, and of the Landau-Peierls instability

of the layers [17]. A critical behaviour should thus be observed in a temperature range AT close enough

to the transition to agree with the Ginzburg crite-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01985004605073300


Fig. 1. - (Right) : ýJ is the angle defined by the normal to

the layers z and the director a The azimuthal angle 0

measured from the zH plane specifies the direction of the


(Left) : the laser-light, initially polarized (P) to 450 with respect to the incident plane, comes out of the sample with

an elliptical polarization. The ellipticity of the out-coming polarization is measured and, from it, the tilt angle ýJ is

deduced [12].

rion [18] :

where ACp is the mean-field heat capacity jump, Ço

is the bare correlation length, and ATG is the Ginz-

burg temperature. Farther from this limit, the tran-

sitional behaviour should become classical, and may then be described by a simple mean-field model. Let

us first recall the main features of these theories.

1.1 MEAN-FIELD THEORY. - In the mean-field theory [19], the fluctuations of the order parameter are neglected (i.e. in particular : 0 = const.), and the free energy can be expanded in power terms of the order parameter. Every choice of 0 being equivalent (for instance, 0 = 0 and 0 = n), it results that the free- energy expansion contains only even-power terms

of if :

where a = a’ i, and a’ and b are constants, and

T - r

T = T c is the reduced temperature. Standard

T p

calculations yield the value of the order parameter :

of the heat capacity jump :

and of the bare correlation length (see for instance

Kadanoff et ale [18]) :

where K is the mean value of the Frank elastic cons- tants K - 5 x 10-’ dyne [15].

If the smectic phase is submitted to a local torque r, the free energy expansion (2) has to be complemented

with the term-r.p. In the experiments (see below),

this torque r is currently produced by a magnetic

field applied to 450 to the smectic layers. The external torque is then, expressed as r =

4 Xa H2,

and the

state function .p(T, H) is given by :

1.2 CRITICAL THEORY. - The critical theory results

in scaling laws which predict that 4/, i and F obey the

universal function [20] :

the function f depending on the dimensionalities of the order-parameter and of the physical space, and on the sign of ’tao The exact form of the function f being unknown, expansions of it are used to make equation (7) more tractable in the analysis of the experimental data. Two different expansions of f

are possible in the weak-field limit. One is obtained around 0, i.e. for t/J t/J 0 I i Ill, and this is the case

of a smectic A phase submitted to a weak external torque r :

where fl - 0.35 and y - 1.3 in the 3D-X Y model.

Another possibility, which corresponds to the

smectic C, is to expand f around 1. To first order,

it becomes :

For r = 0, this expression reduces to the usual power

law :

I I ..17 "",

Note that both expansions (8) and (9) are valid in the weak-field limit only, and that in this approximation, they can be assembled in the same isothermal for- mula :



This expression is similar to the mean-field isothermal series (6), but with the coefficients a and b now being

power functions of T with the exponents y and y - 2 fl, respectively. This means that the shape of the iso- therms i.e. their H-variations, is the same in the weak- field limit in both mean-field and critical theories,

and therefore that no separation can be made between the two theories by just analysing the H-variations of the isotherms around the AC-transition. In other

words, if one wants to determine the critical exponent 6 directly, strong field measurements are needed.

The heat-capacity variations due to the degree

of freedom of the order parameter, ACp(T), may also

be expressed in the scaling-laws approach. When neglecting the corrections-to-scaling, ACp(T) is just

written as :

where a = - 0.026 and

A -

l.11 in the 3D-X Y A’

model [7], and C is a constant


The crossover between the classical and critical behaviours may not be a good interpretation of the experimental data. Recently, Huang and Viner [14],

arguing that the Ginzburg crossover could occur so

close to the transition that the critical regime would

be invisible, suggested that the data could be described in a mean-field model developed in the vicinity of a

tricritical point, i.e. as a crossover from a tricritical mean-field to a classical behaviour. This case corres-

ponds to an abnormally small value of the coefficient b in the free energy expansion (2), which then has to be complemented by a following term in 1/16 :

Minimizing F gives :

where to 3 b2 where to

4 a’c

4 a c.

In the limit I T I to, this algebraic form reduces to the classical expression (4/ = o I T B1/2) whereas

in the opposite limit r I >> to, 4/ behaves like r B1/4.

to is therefore the crossover temperature between the tricritical and classical, mean-field regimes.

From equation (13), one also derives the heat-

capacity variations :

In summary, as soon as a pure regime, classical or critical, is excluded from satisfactorily explaining all

the experimental data, two kinds of crossovers can

be considered. One is the usual Ginzburg crossover

between the classical and the critical behaviours,

and another, completely mean-field, goes from a

tricritical to a classical regime.

2. *(T, H)-measurements.


of experimental means have been used to measure the tilt angle 0 as a function of temperature T and exter- nal field H, in a smectic (A or C) liquid crystal :

electronic resonance [21], NMR [8], neutron [22]

and X-ray diffraction [23], and optical interferometry [12]. Probably, only the last two measurements are

accurate enough to allow for a discussion about the nature of the AC phase-transition. In principle, they

are not equivalent but complementary, since X-rays

are sensitive to the smectic layers whereas light is

sensitive to the average molecular direction.

2.1.1 X-ray diffraction. - Though not yet available

in AMC-11 (or not accurate enough [24]), let us

first recall the X-ray experiments. X-rays have been

used in two manners to measure the tilt angle at the

AC-transition. The most usual method is rather indi- rect. It consists of measuring the thickness of the smectic layers and then calculating § under the assumption that the layer thickness varies propor-

tionally to cos 0 [23, 4]. This method has the advan- tage of not needing a magnetic field to orient the molecules but, because the cos 0-law is quadratic

in the small values of t/J, the measurement is parti- cularly unaccurate close to the AC-transition. The other X-ray method does not suffer this drawback since the angle 0 is directly measured by the Bragg

reflections on the smectic planes, the molecules being supposedly perfectly oriented in a strong magnetic

field [4]. But now problems arise from the unperfect alignment of the molecules, due to the remanent

anchoring of the smectic layers to the solid surfaces

or to focal conics formed in the sample. Another diffi- culty of this measurement is that it requires a high magnetic field making the zero-field extrapolations

in the transitional range hasardous.


2.1.2 Optical interferometry. - An accurate optical

method for measuring the tilt angle 0 uses the inter-

ference between two rays of orthogonal polarizations (ordinary and extraordinary rays) passing through

the sample at an angle of 450 to the normal to the

sample (Fig. 1). In this manner, if the optical indices

and the sample thickness are known, it is possible

to get a direct and accurate measurement of 0. This method, which has been used, in particular, in AMC-

11 [12], needs transparent samples, i.e. very homo-

genously oriented samples. This difficulty, however,

is widely compensated by the possibility of making

measurements on a well defined system. As shown in figure 1, the sample is homeotropically aligned

in smectic A, with the layers parallel to the plates of

the cell. In the C-phase, a small magnetic field H is

sufficient to suppress the director tilt degeneracy.

The director n lies then in the plane H, z (z normal to

the layers), its azimuthal angle 0 being equal to

zero. As discussed elsewhere [25], this oriented confi-

guration is not completely free of defects. Because the sample thickness is quantized in terms of number

of layers, the defects produce a constraint field in the

sample, which may have large effects at the transition.

However, the thicker the sample, the smaller, this

undesirable field becomes and may therefore be

neglected in well-oriented samples thicker than

- 300 ym. Naturally, in disoriented samples where

the effective distance is the typical size of focal conics,

much smaller than the sample thickness, the cons-

traint and its related effects may become important.



2. 2 .1 Isotherms. -The 1/1 ( T, H) measurements which constitute a 3-dimensional set of data, are easier to analyse if organized in families of 1-variable functions

as isotherms (Fig. 2).

2.2.2 Weak-field approximation. - Except in the milliKelvin scales around the transition, figure 2 shows

that the isotherms, I/1(H2) are linear. This indicates that in this experiment (H 16 kG) the magnetic

field remains small enough for the weak-field approxi-

mation to be valid. Consequently, the expansion (11)

is justified in both models, mean-field and critical,

and may be used for fitting the data. The variations of the parameters a(T) and b(T) are then deter-

mined by separate fits on each isotherm, and the

following zero-field extrapolations are deduced : 1/1 ( T) the tilt angle in absence of external influence in smectic C, and a(T) the inverse of the tilt suscepti- bility in smectic A. Each of these two zero-field mea-

surements, .p(T) and a(T), are able, through their

temperature variations, to determine the behaviour at the AC-transition. Reciprocally, they contain about

all the information which can be extracted from the

I/1(T, H) measurements (Fig. 2). It has been noticed

in § 1.2 that, in the weak-field limit, the shape of

the isotherms is unable to differentiate the classical

Fig. 2. - Network of isotherms VI(T, Io measured in a

sample of 340 J.1m thickness. The experimental data are

taken when increasing or decreasing the magnetic field,

as shown by the arrows, at a constant temperature T indi- cated in the upper scales. The full lines correspond to the least-squares fit of the data to the expansion (11) which is

valid everywhere except close to the transition (hachured part) where the mean-field approximation may be ques- tioned

from the critical behaviour. Neither were the varia- tions of the shape of the isotherms, which are describ-

ed by the variations of b(T), able to make a separation

between both behaviours, because the temperature

range in which they are measurable in the experiment

is too narrow (- 10 mK).

2.2. 3 Ginzburg crossover and analysis process of O(T)

and a(T). - As recalled above, the transitional beha- viour is theoretically critical from transition up to the Ginzburg limit, and then becomes mean-field.

Such a critical to mean-field crossover is therefore

implicitly included in the critical model itself, and

in other words, a critical analysis which discards the possibility of a Ginzburg crossover should not be really correct. Several methods of analysis can cor- rectly account for this difficulty. The method which is used in § 2. 3 and 2.4 consists in analysing the data

over reduced ranges of temperature, and then collect-

ing and comparing the fitted parameters into stability

tests. Such a method is able to show in which manner

the theoretical law agrees with the experimental data;

for example, it allows a crossover temperature to

occur inside the range of analysis or, as is needed,

the fitted law to be correct only asymptotically. These possibilities make the method appropriate to the problem. Another of its advantages is also that it can

be used symmetrically for different theoretical laws.

It should therefore be possible to reach unbiased

conclusions concerning the two competing models

at the AC-transition : critical with a Ginzburg cross-

over or mean-field near a tricritical point.



2.3 t/J(T) ANALYSIS. - The zero-field measurements

O(T) are analysed following the same procedure and using similar criteria in both models.

2. 3 .1 Critical analysis. - A series of interferometric measurements of the tilt angle t/J(T) is shown and

analysed in figure 3. This series of measurements has

already been discussed in reference [12], and we pre- sent it again [26], because it was obtained in our best

sample, but also because its analysis has been ques- tioned by Birgeneau et ale [6]. In figure 3a the experi-

mental data are shown with their least-squares fit

to the power law [10] :

Fig. 3. - a) Series of interferometric measurements of the tilt angle t/J versus temperature (in Kelvin), fitted to the power law [10]. The data such that T T, (crosses) are not taken into account in the least squares fit. The arrows on the dots

display the errors from the fit, multiplied by 100.

b) Fitted p-values and their standard deviations as a func- tion of Tc - T,. The arrow from figure 3a shows the result of the corresponding fit As Ft decreases towards T c’ P sta-

bilizes to its asymptotic value fl = 0.356 ± 0.0015 (see

Ref. [12] for more details).

c) Same test of stability applied to the fitted parameter T c.

performed by adjusting the three independent para- meters P, t/J 0 and T C’ In order to give a better view of the experimental data, logarithmic scales are used, and an arrow is drawn on each dot, equal to

100 times its deviation from the fit In this way, one

can see that the error in 0 is less than 2 x 10-4 rad.

One can also see that the points are randomly spread apart each side of the best fit, which is a mark of quality of the fitting. This quality has however to be

confirmed, for example, by testing the stability of the

fit. The test of stability which is performed here was originally [12] intended to extract the asymptotic

behaviour of the AC-transition from the necessary saturation of the tilt angle t/J(T). It consists (§ 2.2.3)

of a series of least-squares fits to the power law [10]

applied to a reduced number of experimental data.

Figures 3b and 3c show the values of the parameters P

and Tc found as functions of the cutoff-temperature T,

below which the data are not introduced into the fit. In this manner, we verify that the parameters of the fit stabilize near the transition. More exactly,

we find that, in the range of temperature Tc - T,

0.5 K, T c becomes stable within the uncertainty of

determination ðTc f’-I 3 x 10-4 K (or 10-’ in the

reduced temperature). The same kind of test is also applied satisfactorily when suppressing the points

from the other end, close to the transition. All these tests demonstrate the validity of the power law in the range of the reduced temperatures : 4 x 10- 5 ’t

(= T/Tc - 1) 2 x 10-3. The value of the critical exponent which is found in this analysis (fl = 0.356)

appears to be similar, though slightly different [27],

to that measured at the transition of superfluid helium (13 f’-I 0.35) as indicated by de Gennes [16].

2. 3. 2 Mean-field analysis around a tricritical point. -

In the nearly tricritical mean-field model, the order- parameter variations [28] with temperature are given by equation (14) :

This algebraic function contains an equal number (three) of independent parameters as the power law [10]

in the critical analysis. An unbiased comparison

between the two questioned behaviours is therefore

possible, provided that the same procedure as in the

critical analysis is followed. A similar display is

used (Fig. 4). As one can readily see in the logarithmic

scales of figure 4a, the result of the least squares fit of the experimental data to equation (14) is quite unsatisfactory [29]. The points are coiled in an « S- shape » around the best fit, and exhibit a standard deviation 5 times larger than in the power law ana-

lysis (Fig. 3a). The test of stability of T c’ which is presented in figure 4b, completes this first impression.

It shows that the Tc-value found in the classical

analysis systematically drifts by 10 mK per decade.


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