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قياس أمثلة المحفظة الاستثمارية باستخدام الخوارزميات الجينية حالة أسهم بورصة الجزائر


Academic year: 2021

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                      habib.zouaoui@gmail.com Nadjat_meriem@outlook.fr

Measuring of Optimal Investment Portfolio Using Genetic Algorithm

Case of Algeria Stock Exchange

Habib ZOUAOUI 1& Meriem-Nadjet NAAS 2 1. University of TAHAR Moulay SAIDA –Algeria

2. University Center of Relizane –Algeria

Received:04 Aug 2014 Accepted: 26 Dec 2014 Published: 30 June 2015

 :         ) GA (             2010/01/31 -2010/12/31        .  .           jel  G11 Abstract:

This study aims to address the problems of risk management portfolio of bank loans based on the diversification strategy sector, and seeks primarily to the application of genetic algorithms (GA) to improve the Markowitz model (return - risk), The problem of portfolio optimization is a multi-objective problem that aims at simultaneously maximizing the expected return of the portfolio and minimizing portfolio risk. Present study is a heuristic approach to portfolio optimization problem using genetic algorithms technique.

The present study data on a sample of stocks price between 31/01/2010 -31/12/2010 in the Algerian stock Exchange. Further more in an attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of genetic algorithms to improve the level of risk optimization.

Keywords : Optimal portfolio, Diversification, Artificial intelligence, Genetic Algorithm, Return & Risk . (JEL) Classification : G11


                          

Modern Portfolio Theory

    1990                          1952                         1      (Métaheuristic)                       2 1          2             


                          3              Efficient portfolio                 4                    2010/01/31 -2010/12/31             1990      Diversification                    H. Markowitz,1952  .                                                          .                                     Static Model    Dynamic Model  .  


1    1.1       1952                   3                           Covariance)        4   2.1   Static Model                                 5  (2.1)…. ....   

 

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Regime Switching Models

6                  ,1969  P.A.Samuelson     N.H.Hakansson ,1971      ,1997  S.R.Pliska         Optimal Dynamic Strategies      H.Richardson, 1991 & D.Duffie     M.Schweizer ,1996      2000  ,  Zhou & Li    

Stochastic Linear Quadratic

  7     1999 

J.Yong & X.Y.Chou

            Stochastic Differential Equations                *   Markov Chain   Brownian Motion 8    ,1995 

R. Korn & S. Trautmann

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ij n n n n V e R R R R R R w w w        1 1 1 1 ) 1 ,...., 1 ( ) ,...., ( ) ,...., ( ) ,...., (



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Engle & Ferstenberg , 2007

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             Transaction Costs         10   (2.4)  (2.5) (2.6)       (2.7)    (2.8)      :     t :  t    Xt :    t     ft :   t     :     G :     pt :  t .                     Artificial Intelligence                                


                                 –                   1970                MichiganUniversity of        Johon Holland

                                                 Optimization Problem                           11              1993      Franklin    Risto Karijalainen                   1998    Herbert Dawid   Michael Kope            Sylvie Geisendorf  2000                 Alfons Balmann   Katrin Happe    2003   Pmar Keskinocak  Feryal Erhun    2012    12   146    M. Garkaz    2011    

S.Sefiane & M. Benbouziane

    2012   


1.2                                             13      Start                    Fitness Function   .         New Population                     Selection   Parents Chromosomes     (2.9)   fi      i   n            r   ] 0 ، 1 [   r<p1                  : r<pi < pi-1    Crossover  Offspring        Mutation                       Replacement                


 Test        Stopping Creteria                                     :                                 R+

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                 31 / 01 / 2010   31 / 12 / 2010   w1 :   SONELGAZ/14

w2 :   Air Algériew3 :   Alg Telecomw4 :   EGH EL AURASSI w5 :    SAIDAL 1                      



                      2   Fitness function                                      (2.10)                  3   Population The                    50     50      4          .   5     Stopping Creteria                                100                           Current portfolio 


                 Inputs    R+   Arithmetic Crossover     13    4       Chromosome   

Objective function value

   Variance of Portfolio  Mean Return of Portfolio      Computing time 1 0,90612% 2,984% 0,3610% 3,5840 2 0,146695% 3,238% 0,4750% 3,2580 3 0,153187% 3,734% 0,5720% 3,1950 5 0,157452% 4,522% 0,7120% 2,7560 11 0,176732% 4,934% 0,872 % 2,5480   R+  5   W5 W4 W3 W2 W1 0,1699% 0,1182% 0,1788% 0,4102% 0,1229%    R+            GA     fitness function               Maximization      0 10     4  5                         W1 = 12,29% :   SONELGAZ/14    W2 = 41,02% :   Air-Algérie      W3 = 17,88% :   Alg-Telecom     W4 = 11,82% :    EGH EL AURASSI    W5 = 16,99% :  SAIDAL    4,934%  0,872 %   


    Markowitz                                         


     1      01 / 2010 -12 / 2010       http://www.sgbv.dz     2   Portfolio weights         Excel   R+    01  2010   SAIDAL EGH EL AURASSI Alg Telecom Air Algérie SONELGAZ/14 0,00067 0,0224 0,00016 0,00025 -0,00197  Mean 2,706 0,00068 0,000315 5,2 1,1454  Variance   http://www.sgbv.dz     02                   Var-Cov Matrix SAIDAL EGH EL AURASSI Alg Telecom Air Algérie SONELGAZ/14 1,146 1,036 -2,145 8,983 1,1454 SONELGAZ/14 1,146 1,036 -3,938 5,2 8,982 Air Alegrie -1,0489 0,00016 0,000315 -3,94 -2,145 Alg Telecom -1,852 0,00068 0,00016 1,097 0,00068 EGH EL AURASSI 2,7062 -1,852 -1,0489 -2,51 1,1464 SAIDAL


      http://www.sgbv.dz     03       http://www.sgbv.dz            1 .      »   «      2008    

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