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W O R L D H E A L T H O R G A N I Z A T I O N EB73/Conf. Paper N o , 3 R e v . 18 January 1984


Agenda item 16

Seventy-third Session

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME O N CHEMICAL SAFETY (Draft resolution, including amendment s) The Executive Board,

Recalling resolutions W H A 3 0 . 4 7 , WHA31.28 and EB63.R19 on the evaluation of the effects of chemicals on health;

Having considered the report of the Director-General^ on the International Programme on Chemical Safety;

Stressing the importance of using chemicals in a n environmentally sound manner;

Recognizing that the international trade in chemicals is worldwide and increasingly involves developing countries;

Aware that the use of chemicals and the resulting pollution of the environment do not recognize national boundaries and that it is essential to protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of chemicals;

Noting the progress already made in achieving the goals set for the Programme by the Executive Board in resolution EB63.R19;

Noting further that the Programme is now established as a collaborative activity with the active participation of 17 Member States and that memoranda of understanding have been signed on the one hand with 17 Member States for their active participation in the Programme and on the other hand between the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Labour Organization and W H O , to make this Programme a broad international effort enabling it to address both human health and environmental aspects;

Noting also that collaboration has been established with the Commission of the European Communities, the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;

Recognizing the need for increased extrabudgetary resources, to allow flexible long-term programme development in the light of internationally agreed priorities and ensure

continuity of staffing for effective implementation of the Programme;

1. RECOMMENDS that Member States:

(1) consider establishing national focal points for the Programme in the light of their health priorities, if they have not y e t done s o , as well as appropriate mechanisms for coordinating work related to chemical safety; and that those in a position to do so identify national institutions to collaborate with the Programme and provide them with the necessary resources for this purpose;

1 Document EB73/20.


E B 7 3 / C o n f . Paper N o , 3 R e v . l page 2

(2) ensure to the best of their e c o n o m i c ability the a v a i l a b i l i t y of institutional capacity to implement chemical safety m e a s u r e s such as those recommended by the Programme;

(3) cooperate with WHO in c o n d u c t i n g e p i d e m i o l o g i c a l studies with a view to identifying those c h e m i c a l s , acting singly or in c o m b i n a t i o n , or combinations of chemicals and

physical and biological factors, which m a y be d e t r i m e n t a l to health and the environment;

(4) c o n s i d e r , where the necessary scientific and other facilities e x i s t , d e v e l o p i n g n a t i o n a l toxicological programmes as a m e a n s of promoting c o m p r e h e n s i v e e v a l u a t i o n s of the risk of chemicals to health and the e n v i r o n m e n t ;

(5) c o n s i d e r , if they are in a p o s i t i o n to do s o , increasing their v o l u n t a r y c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the Programme from all relevant s o u r c e s , in a m a n n e r which allows flexible and long-term programme d e v e l o p m e n t ;

2 . REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to develop the Programme further along the lines proposed in his report;

(2) to further encourage the active p a r t i c i p a t i o n of developing countries in the Programme;

(3) to give particular attention to:

(a) short- and long-term priorities on the basis of the needs of all M e m b e r States;

(b) m e a s u r e s to cooperate with M e m b e r States in implementing the P r o g r a m m e , including the development of m a n p o w e r and institutional capacity;

(c) ensuring close c o o r d i n a t i o n w i t h i n the Programme and b e t w e e n it and other W H O programmes concerned at n a t i o n a l , r e g i o n a l and global levels, including the

application by those programmes of the evaluated information arising from the Programme;

(4) to encourage the increasingly active involvement in the Programme of a l l the W H O regional offices with a view to strengthening the technical c o o p e r a t i o n with M e m b e r States wtih respect to chemical safety;

(5) to give priority to c o n t i n u i n g , together with UNEP and ILO, n e g o t i a t i o n s with FAO with a view to its joining this cooperative Programme;

(6) to e x p l o r e , with U N E P , ILO and the donors, w h a t efforts c a n be made to place funding for the Programme on a continuous long-term basis;

(7) to seek support for the Programme from other sources in a m a n n e r which guarantees its international character and independence;

(8) to m o d i f y the o r g a n i z a t i o n a l structure of the Programme as proposed in section 4 of his report;

(9) to report to the Board at [a future] / [the Seventy-seventh] session on progress m a d e in implementing the Programme•


W O R L D H E A L T H O R G A N I Z A T I O N E B 7 3 / C o n f . Paper N o . 3 O R G A N I S A T I O N M O N D I A L E D E L A S A N T É 16 January 1984


Seventy-third Session Agenda item 16

INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME ON CHEMICAL SAFETY (A draft resolution proposed by the Rapporteur) The Executive B o a r d ,

Recalling resolutions W H A 3 0 . 4 7 , WHA31.28 and EB63.R19 on the evaluation of the effects of chemicals on health ;


Having considered the report of the Director-General on the International Programme on Chemical Safety ;

Stressing the importance of using chemicals in an environmentally sound manner ; Recognizing that the international trade in chemicals is worldwide and increasingly

involves developing c o u n t r i e s , that chemical pollution does not recognize n a t i o n a l b o u n d a r i e s , and that it is essential to protect human health arid the environment from the adverse effects

of chemicals ;

Noting the progress already made in achieving the goals set for the Programme by the Executive Board in resolution EB63.R19;

Noting farther that the Programme is n o w established as a collaborative activity and that memoranda of understanding have been signed in which the United Nations Environment P r o g r a m m e ,

the International Labour Organisation and W H O have agreed to cooperate ;

Noting also that collaboration h a s been established with the Commission of the European Communities, the Council for M u t u a l Economic A s s i s t a n c e and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;

Recognizing the need for increased extrabudgetary r e s o u r c e s , to allow flexible long-term programme development in the light of internationally agreed priorities and ensure continuity of staffing for effective implementation of the Programme ;

1. RECOMMENDS that Member States:

(1) consider establishing national focal points for the Programme in the light of their health p r i o r i t i e s , if they have n o t y e t done s o , as well as appropriate mechanisms for coordinating work related to chemical safety ; and that those in a position to do so identify national institutions to collaborate with the Programme and provide them with the necessary resources for this purpose ;

(2) ensure to the best of their economic ability the availability of institutional

capacity to implement chemical safety measures such as those recommended b y the Programme ; (3) cooperate with WHO in conducting epidemiological studies with a view to identifying those c h e m i c a l s , acting single or in combination, or combinations of chemicals a n d

physical and biological factors, which m a y be detrimental to health and the environment ;

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Document F.B73/20.


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e x p l o r e , with U N E P , ILO and the d o n o r s , what efforts can be made to place funding Programme on a continuous long-term basis ;

(5) to seek support for the Programme from the private sector in a manner which guarantees its international character arid independence ;

(6) to modify the organizational structure of the Programme as proposed in section 4 of this report;

(7) to report to the Board at a future session on progress made in implementing the P r o g r a m m e .

(4) c o n s i d e r , where the necessary scientific and other facilities e x i s t , developing national toxicological programmes as a means of promoting comprehensive evaluations of the risk of chemicals to health and the environment ;

(5) c o n s i d e r , if they are in a position to do s o , increasing their voluntary contribution to the Programme from a l l relevant s o u r c e s , in a manner which allows flexible and long- term programme development ;

2o REQUESTS the Director-General:

(1) to develop the Programme further along the lines proposed in his report ; (2) to give particular attention to:

(a) short- and long-term priorities on the basis of the needs of all Member States ; (b) measures to cooperate with M e m b e r States in implementing the P r o g r a m m e ,

including the development of manpower and institutional capacity ;

(c) ensuring close coordination within the Programme and between it and other W H O programmes concerned at n a t i o n a l , regional and global levels, including the

application by those programmes of the evaluated information arising from the Programme;

(3) to c o n t i n u e , together with UNEP and I L O , negotiations with F A O with a view to its joining this cooperative Programme;


r 4 о




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