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Building maintenance data: sources and deficiencies


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Building Research Note, 1985-01



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Building maintenance data: sources and deficiencies










Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada





by F. S t e e l




by F. S t e e l

Without better records about the c o s t s of maintenance, operation and use


buildings, the proper mix af input resources t h a t will give the b e s t

long-term vafuc for money spent cannot be determined. This report

identifies sources of e x i s t h g information and p o t e n t i a l sources of needed inf armation.


Information on how t o organize and carry out the maintenance of

buildings and b u i l d i n g sy s tems is p l e n t i f u l . Typical expenditures incurred in operating and maintaining bufldings, which would be u s e f u l fox comparison purposes, are not so well documented. Very l i t t l e fnfommtion e x i s t s about

the effectiveness of building maintenance or the consequences of a lack of

maintenance. Results of studies by the D i v i s i o n of Building Research (DBR) i n these areas -are presented,

A literature search revealed that many sources and types of information an building maintenance are available.

Residential Buildings

As might be expected, the repair and maintenance of houses is w e l l

covered in books (1,2,3), popular magazines and manufacturers' promotional literature. Technical information on restoration or rehabilitation i s often applicable. Other sources (4,5) cover technical as well as manage-nt,

social and economic aspects of rehabilitating r e s i d e n t i a l buildings. Maintenance Management:

There is a greater need among owners, operators and managers of larger or commercial b u i l d i n g s f o r recommendations about technical, administrative and management aspects of building maintenance and operation ( 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 ) .

D e t a i l e d information on methods and requirements of maintaining specific equipment can be obtained from manufacturers. Designers and contractors

o f t e n provide instructions about the expected performance and correct

operation of building systems. Owners and managers also rely on trade magazines (10,ll) for product information, technical articles, management


Industrial Maintenance

Information intended for maintenance and engineering personnel of

manufacturing and industrial p l a n t s may a l s o be useful t o those who manage and operate buildings (6,7,12,13,14,15). These sources often d i s c u s s such subjects as service life; service frequency; cost effectiveness of

mafntenance programs for manufacturing equipment; and effective use of resources.

Service Life

Results of a survey about the service life expected from mechanical equfpment aad components used in buildlag system is given 14 an ASHRAE

handbook (161, but no range or cause of var3ation in the service l i f e is

given. These reported s e r v i c e lives usually differ from those used fn calculating capital c o s t allowances for taxation purposes. Service life

values based on experience are needed for lonrrange budgeting or for

calculating life cycle costs when comparing different systems. The subject

of life cycle c o s t s is covered by ASHRAE (16) and others (17). Two of ASEIRAE's technical committees,


1.7 Maintenance, Maintainability and Reliability, and TC 1.8 Owning and Operating Costs, conduct research into

these areas and update the ASERAE handbooks as new fafarmatton becomes available.

Overseas Actfvlty

Reports and periodicals from a number of sources i n Europe provide information about procedures, costs, administration and management

techniques related to operating, maintaining and repairing buildings. In

t h e United Kingdom where the building stock i s much older than that of North America and annual expenditures for maintenance and repair exceed

expenditures for new construction, there is a large data base a v a i l a b l e t o meet the demand for techn3ca1, financial (18) and management information.

Sources include a series of Building Research Establishment Notes published by the Department of the Environment, numerous articles published by the Maintenance fnformation Service of the Chartered Institute of Building, R&D

Bulletins and Papers by the Ministry of Public Building and Works, Technical

Notes by Building Servlces Research and Information Association, periodicals (19,20,21) and books ( 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4 ) .


the International Council of Building

Re~earch, Studies and Documentation, has established Working Commission W70,

Maintenance and Modernizatfon


Buildings, t o collect and exchange inforlaation on research i n t o , and experience with, maintaining and

modernizing buildings fn different countries. Meetings and seminars are held regularly and proceedings (5) are published.



There are f e w data about the costs of building maintenance and the

effects of maintenance on the costs of operation and use of buildings. University B u i l d i n g s

The' Couitcil of Ontarfo Universities has a standard recordfng and


a r e collected, analyzed and shared. Studies ( 2 5 ) in the United States about

the repair, rehabilitation, renewal or renovation of university b u i l d i n g s

estimate t h a t 1-2% of t h e i r replacement c o s t s should be budgeted annually to k e e p those assets in s u i t a b l e condition t o meet current needs and changing

s a f e t y standards.

Research Buildings

DBR has studied the c o s t s of operating the b u i l d i n g s an the NRC campus. A broad overview of t h e s e c o s t s is available (26). A more d e t a i l e d analysis

( 2 7 ) of s i x years of work order records provided this summary of results:

The average annual expenditure f o r b u i l d i n g maintenance is $5.79 /m2, o r

0 . 4 6 % of t h e estimated replacement c o s t of the b u i l d i n g s .

The annual labour requirement for maintenance, alterations and miscellaneous but e x c l u d i n g contract cleaning is 6 d n u t e s / a 2 .

The average of 25 breakdowns that occur each year represent about 2% of

all j o b s .

About 50% o f a l l jobs are completed i n 12 weeks or less and 95% in

5 0 weeks o r l e s s .

Work breakdom by type, amount of expendfture and labour Content is:

Building maintenance

Building construction Alterations for tenants Maintenance for tenants

O t h e r

Expenditure per u n i t area could not be proven t o increase with the s i z e

or age of the buildings. Office Buildings

Maintenance and other operating c o s t s for private and government o f f i c e buildings in North America are reported by BOMA ( 2 8 ) . Operating c o s t s ,

excluding financing and taxes, are about $34/m2 per year, These c o s t s

consist of maintenance and repairs, $ 6 . 00/m2; u t i l i t i e s , $ 9 . 50/m2 ; cleaning, $8.50/m2; administration and miscellaneous, $10.00/m2, The present value of the series of these operating c o s t s that would be fncurred during the

60 years o r more of service life expected from a building will be about

$ 7001m2.

This compares with the design and construction c o s t s of high-rise o f f i c e buildings, currently about $700/m2. I n comparison, the p a y r o l l burden is about $800!m2 per year and the present value of the series of payroll c o s t s during the e x p e c t e d 60-year life of the building is about

$16 000/m2, far in excess of the construction or operating c o s t s . Thus it

would appear t o be potentially rewarding to search for and t o exploit any improvements or changes i n the design, construction, maintenance, operation or use of b u i l d i n g s that would increase employee p r o d u c t i v i t y or lead to a better f i n a n c i a l return on payroll expenditure, More information is needed


about the interaction between d e s i g n , operation and use


buildings in

order t o rainimtze total expenditures and t o maximize over the long term the

va,Iue fox those expenditures, Studies into these types of interaction are progressing in various organizations.

Cost Control

S t u d i e s by the ArchLtectute and Building Sciences Dfvision of P u b l i c

Works Canada (PWC) found that cammissioning of building systems following construction or alteration is often inadequate, resulting i n systems that do not perform as intended, that are more expensive than necessary t o operate, or that do not perform to meet the loads imposed by the use of the space. PWC found that system in a five-year-old building consumed 20% more energy

than if they had been c o d s s i a n e d as designed and had been operated as intended. This represents more than a 5% ($2/m2 per year) premium in

operating costs. Quality control during construction, commissioning of t h e

buflding after construction and t r a i n i n g of those who operate the buildsng would amount t o less than 1% ($7/m2) of construction costs and would seem t o

offer a reasonable financial payback.

The operation of a building on startup cannot always be as economical as in later years. For instance, it has been found that extra ventifation to cope with the initially higher r a t e s of outgassing 6f new materials, while more expensive, may be beneficial especially i f it helps prevent ' s i c k

building syndrome'.

After construction, additional costs of perhaps 1 to 2% ($1Wrn2) could rectify designs that d i d not accommodate the loads impoeed by t h e actual method of use of the building, Potential savlngs of $1 .50/m2 per year resulting from implementation of such 'hindsight d e s i g n s ' have been i d e n t i f i e d by PWC. Thfs gives a longer but still reasonable payback


The multi- and trans-disciplinary study of the overall performance of b u i l d i n g s may provide one method t o determine functional and operational

improvements that could be w d e so that buildings cwld better s a t i s f y user needs. PWC is currently developing such procedures and has conducted

building perfomance studies in office bvildfngs


Edmonton and Wfnoipeg.

ASTM has recently formed a new committee E 06.25, Overall Perforirtance of Buildings, t o develop standard procedures to evaluate the performance of

existing buildings and to evaluate the integrated performance o f two or more

building subsystems. Uork was recently undertaken in New Zealand and

Australia to establish techniques for the post-occupancy evaluation of

butldings (29,301. These types of activities ehould identify b e n e f i t s t o be derived from improving the design, operation and use of buildings. They can

identify changes or improvements t o be made in standards f o r an a f f i c e environment and their implementation should lead to better working conditions, thereby increasing productivity.


Recently the replacement value, in constant dollars, of the existing

building stock in Canada was increasing by about 3% per year owing t o new construction- In comparison, the annual expenditure for building


maintenance amounts to an estiaated 0,5% of the replacement value of

e x i s t f n g b u i l d i n g s , representing about 15% of the economic activity of new construction. A s s a n g an estimated replacement value of $700 billion for the existing stock of Canadian b u i l d i n g s , annual expesdi ture on maintenance would be about $3 billion.

The rate of loss of Canadian b u i l d f n g s is not known but could be d e t e r d n e d (31) p e r i o d i c a l l y from changes in property assessment records. Whether better building maintenance would reduce the rate of loss and reduce overall costs is not known because of a lack of Information. However, the

present ecmomk climate with Z t s attendant reduction in new construction

has l e d t o an increasing emphasis on renewal, rehabilitation and conversion

of buildings. This shows that there must be adme economic advantage to

owners in prolonging the l i f e of a building and reducing the loss rate. The extra expenditure for maintenance that can be justified economtcally t o prolong the life of a building can be determined only as more iafoxmation is gathered about the relative costs of maintaining buildings in good condition versus reducing maintenance but having t o demolish and rebuild sooner.

Methods have k e n developed to- determine cost-effective maintenance p o l i c i e s and procedures ia industry, where the economic motive has been strong. Similar procedures can be applied in developing technical,

financial and management solutions for problems of maintaining buildings and

building se:rvices. As building owners come to realize the economic benefits of better mafntafned and b e t t e r operated buildings, more data will be made available so that the most cost-effective procedures can be determined.

Information is available about how t o maintain buildings and b u i l d i n g

systems. But now, information ts needed about how much exp.endfture is reasonable, and how t o determine whether it would be a good Investment to

spend more on maintenance.


1. Bright, J.L., The Home Repair Book, J . G . Ferguson Publishing Co.,

Chicago, IL, 1977, 372 p.

2. Schwarrz, R. and Cobb, H.H., The Complete Homeowner, HacmiZlan Co., New Pork, 1966, 434 p.

3. Seaquist, E.O., Diagnosing and Repairing House Structure Problems, McGraw-Eill, Mew York, 1980, 255 p.


Second. Canadian Building Congress, " k h a b i l i t a t i o n of Buildings", Proceedings, National Research Cwncil of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., 1980,

185 p .

5 . The 9th CIB Congress, Stockholm, "To Buf ld and Take Care of What We Bave B u f l t With L i d t e d Resources", Volume la, "Renewal, Rehabilitation and Maintenance", The National Swedish Institute for Building Research,


6 . Morrow, L.C., Maintenance Engineering Handbook, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1977, 1650 p.

7 . Sack,


A Complete Guide to Building and P l a n t Maintenance, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1965, 512 p.

8, March, C.A., Building Operation and Maintenance, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1950, 384 p.

9 . Shear, Me1 A., Handbook of B u i l d i n g Maintenance Management, Reston Fublishing Co. Inc., Reston, VA, 1983, 612 p.

10. Building Operating Management, Milwaukee, WI, Trade Press Publishing Co.



1 1. Buildings (The Facilities Construction and Management Magazine


Stamats Commnications Inc., Cedar Rapids, I A , periodical.

12. Plant Management and Engineering, Maclean-Hunter, Toronto, p e r i o d i c a l ,

13. Plant Engineering, Technical Publishing Co., Barrington, iL,



Petroleum Mechanical Engineering Workshop and Conference, Proceedings,

New York, ASPIE, annual conference.

15. AIPE International Plant Engineering Conference, Proceedings, Cincinnati, OH, American Institute o f Plant Engineers, 1976.

16. ASHRAE Handbook, 1980 System Volume, American Society of Heating,

Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, G A ,

p. 4 5 . 1 - 4 5 . 6 .

17, Value Engineering, Journal of t h e Society of American Value Engineers, Beverly Hills, CA.

18. B u i l d i n g Maintenance Cost Information Service, BMCIS B u i l d i n g

Maintenance Price Book, 2nd ed., Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, U.K., 1981, 160 p .

19. B u i l d i n g S e r v i c e s , Journal of the Chartered Institution of Building Services, Building Services Publications, London.

20. Building Technology and Hanagement, Journal of the Chartered Institute

of B u i l d i n g , Hartley Publishing Co., London.

21. Maintenance Management International (formerly Terotechnlca), Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam, periodical.

2 2 . Seeley, I . H . , B u i l d i n g Maintenance, Macmillan Press, London, 1976,

362 p .

23. The National Building Maintenance Conference, "The Management of t h e Building", Dept. of the Environment, London, 1980.



Lee, R.


Building Maintenance Management, 2nd ed.


Granada (London, Toronto), 1981, 360 p,

2 5 . "Buflding Renewal and Formula Funding", Journal of the Council of Educational Facilities Planners, International, Vol. 22, k. 1,

Jan-Feb., 1984.

26. S t e e l , F,, "Building Maintenance P r o f i l e for National Research Council, Montreal Road Campus, Ottawa", National Research Councfl of Canada,

D i v i s i o n of Building Research, Building Practice Note No. 45, Ottawa,

Ont., 1983, 8 p.

27. s t e e l , F., "Expenditure for the Operation and Maintenance of

Bufldings". National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building

Research, B u i l d i n g Research Note No. 224, Ottawa, Ont., 1985, 1s p.

28. 30HA Experience Exchange Report, Building Owners and Managers

Association Int., annual, Washington, DC,

2 9 . Daish, J . , et al., Bibliography on Post-Occupancy Evaluation of

Buildings, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, N.Z., 1980, 31 p.

30. Hsrnsby, C.P., A Post-Occupancy Kvaluat&on of the Pew Auditorium

Reception B u i l d i n g a t EBS, Experimental Building Station, Department o f

Transport and Construction, Chatswood, Aust., 1982, 42 p.

31. S t e e l , F., "An Inventory of Canadian Building Stock, 1980". National

Research Council of Canada, D i v i s i o n of Building Research, Building


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