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New sharp inequalities related to classical trigonometric inequalities


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New sharp inequalities related to classical trigonometric inequalities

Abd Chouikha

To cite this version:

Abd Chouikha. New sharp inequalities related to classical trigonometric inequalities. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 2021, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas, volume 115, (2021) (Article number:

143). �hal-02514447v2�


New sharp inequalities related to classical trigonometric inequalities

Abd Raouf Chouikha



In this paper, we establish sharp inequalities for trigonometric func- tions. We prove for 0< x < π2

cos(x) +x3 (

1−x2 63

)sin(x) 15 <

(sin(x) x


< cos(x) + x3sin(x) 15 . This improves some bounds framing the function sin(x)x and generalizes some inequalities chains.

Key Words and phrases: Trigonometric functions; Inequalities.1

1 A wellknown inequalities

For 0 < x < π/2 the following inequalities are wellknown in the literature that

(cos(x))1/3 < sin(x)

x < 2 + cos(x)

3 (1)

The left-hand side is known as Adamovic-Mitrinovic inequality (see [1- 2]), while the right-hand side is known as Cusa inequality. The latter one which was proved by Huygens was used to estimate the number π, [3]. The inequalities (1) have been attracted by many people and have inspired a lot

*chouikha@math.univ-paris13.fr. 4, Cour des Quesblais 35430 Saint-Pere

12010 Mathematics Subject Classication : 26D07, 33B10, 33B20, 26D15


of interesting papers, see for example [4] and the references therein.

By using inequalities involving several means, Neuman [4] presented the fol- lowing inequality chain generalizing the Adamovic-Mitrinovic inequality. For x∈(0,π2) we have

(cos(x))1/3 <


cos(x)sin(x) x



( sin(x) arctan(sin(x))





2(cos(x) + sin(x) 2x )



[1 + 2 cos(x) 3



[1 + cos(x) 2


< sin(x)

x .

Thus the left inequality of (1.1) is improved.

Yang [6] proved that for 0< x < π2, sin(x)

x <

(2 3cos(x

2) + 1 3



3))3 < 2 + cos(x)

3 (3)

which improves the right inequality of (1).

Motivated by (1) and the dierent sharp bounds, in Sections 2 and 3 we establish nest inequalities than those known before for trigonometric functions

1 + x4

15 <1 +x3


1 x2 63


15 < 1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x


<1 + x3tan(x) 15 . By using certain estimates, we complete inequality chains (2) and (3), im- proving therefore inequality (1). In Section 4 we examine the incidence of these results on the Wilker type inequalities.

More precisely we establish the following inequality chain for 0< x < π/2 1


(sin(x) x



2x > 1 + x3tan(x)

15 > 1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x


> 1 +x3


1 x2 63

)tan(x) 15 > 2


(sin(x) x


+ tan(x) 3x


2 The Adamovic-Mitrinovic inequality

The rst inequality in (1.1) is equivalent to x

tan(x) <

(sin(x) x


; 0 < x < π 2 as well as equivalent to

1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x



The following result gives a lower estimate of Adamovic-Mitrinovic inequality better than those known. This allows in particular to slightly improve the chain (2)

Theorem 2-1 For0< x < π/2 the following inequalities hold cos(x) <


cos(x)sin(x) x


< cos(x) + x4cos(x) 15

< cos(x) +x3


1 x2 63

)sin(x) 15 <

(sin(x) x


(4) Moreover, there exists 0 < x0 < π/2 such that for 0 < x < x0 < π/2 the following inequalities hold

[1 + cos(x) 2



15 < cos(x)+x3


1 x2 63

)sin(x) 15 <

(sin(x) x


. (5) Proof Indeed, Let us consider the following trigonometric functions with power series. We will use the Taylor expansions of sin(x), and cos(x)

cos(x) = 1 x2 2! + x4

4! x6

6! +....+ (1)kx2k

2k! + (1)k+1 cosθx

(2k+ 2)!x2k+2

sin(x) = x−x3 3! + x5

5! −x7

7! +....+ (1)k1 x2k1

(2k1)! + (1)k sinθx

(2k+ 1)!x2k+1


where 0< θ <1.

It is easy to remark that 1 x2

2! +x4 4! x6

6! <cosx <1 x2 2! +x4

4! x6 6! +x8


1 x2 3! +x4

5! x6

7! < sinx

x <1 x2 3! +x4

5! x6 7! + x8


for 0< x < π2.

Moreover we may assert the following 11

2x2+ 13

120x4 41 3024x6 <

(sinx x



2x2+ 13

120x4 41

3024x6+ 671 604800x8 On the other hand, thanks to Maple a calculation gives

(1−x2 2!+x4




15)<(1−x2 2!+x4

4!−x6 6!+x8

8!)(1+x4 15)


2 + 13x4

120 5x6

144 +113x8

40320 <1 x2

2 +13x4

120 41x6 3024 <

(sinx x




144 +113x8

40320 + 41x6

3024 = 4x6

189 + 113x8

40320 = x6 120960

(2560 + 339x2)<0 for 0< x < π/2.

Then, we have proved the right inequality of (4).

For the middle inequality it suces to write the dierence cos(x)+x3


1 x2 63


15 (cos(x)+x4cos(x) 15 ) = x3



(1 x2


x )cos(x)


Then we remark that (1 x2


x )cos(x)>(1 x2

63)(1 x2

6 )(1 x2 2 + x4


= 20

63x2 59

1512x4 = 1


Thus we prove for 0< x < π/2 cos(x) +x3


1 x2 63


15 >cos(x) + x4cos(x) 15


For the left inequality, notice that we have seen above that 1 1

2x2 + 13

120x4 5

144x6 <cos(x)(1 + x4 15).

On the other hand a calculation yields

(cos(x) sin(x) x


< 11

2x2+ 7 120x4. Now

1 1

2x2+ 13

120x4 5

144x6(1 1

2x2+ 7

120x4) = 1

20x4 5

144x6 >0 for 0< x < π/2. So, (4) is proved.

To prove (5) it suces to notice that from the frame ofcos(x)we deduce 11

2x2+ 5

48x4 17 1440x6 <

[1 + cos(x) 2


<1 1

2x2+ 5 48x4. Now we have


2x2+ 5

48x4 <1 1

2x2+ 13

120x4 5

144x6 <cos(x) + x4cos(x) 15 . as soon as x < x0 = 0.346410< π2.

This means for 0< x < x0 one has

[1 + cos(x) 2


<cos(x) + x4cos(x) 15 .

Remark 2-2 We may assert that the following inequality chain holds at least for 0< x < x0 = 0.346410< π2



cos(x)sin(x) x



( sin(x) arctan(sin(x))




2(cos(x) + sin(x) 2x )



[1 + 2 cos(x) 3



[1 + cos(x) 2


< cos(x) + x4cos(x) 15 <

(sin(x) x


. Thus, we enrich slightly the chain (2).


3 The Cusa-Huygens inequality

The following result gives another estimate of this inequality better than those known. This allows us in particular to extend and complete the chain (2).

Theorem 3-1 For0< x < π/2 the following inequality holds

(sin(x) x


< cos(x) + cos(x)x3(tan(x))

15 = cos(x) + x3sin(x)

15 (6)

Moreover there exists for 0< x < π/2 the following inequalities hold

(sin(x) x


< cos(x) + x3sin(x) 15 <

(2 3cos(x

2) + 1 3



Proof Indeed, take again the Taylor expansions ofsin(x) and cos(x) cos(x) = 1 x2

2! + x4 4! x6

6! +....+ (1)kx2k

2k! + (1)k+1 cosθx

(2k+ 2)!x2k+2

sin(x) = x−x3 3! + x5

5! −x7

7! +....+ (1)k1 x2k1

(2k1)! + (1)k sinθx

(2k+ 1)!x2k+1 where 0< θ <1. We easily remark that

cosx <1 x2 2! +x4

4! x6 6! +x8

8! x10 10! + x12


= 1 1

2x2+ 1

24x4 1

720x6+ 1

40320x8 1

3628800x10+ 1

479001600x12 1−x2

3!+x4 5!−x6

7!+x8 9!+x10

11! = 1−x2 6 + x4

120 x6

5040+ x8

362880 x10

39916800 < sinx x for 0< x < π2.


By a calculation we deduce the following (sinx

x )3 <1 x2

2 +13x4

120 41x6

3024 + 671x8

604800 73x10

1140480 + 597871x12 217945728000 On the other hand, thanks to Maple a calculation yields

cos (x) + 1

15x3sin (x)(sin (x))3 x3

>1−x2 2 + x4

24 x6

720 + x8

40320 x10

3628800 + x12

479001600 x14 87178291200 + 1




6x3+ 1

120x5 1

5040x7+ 1

362880x9 1




1 x2

2 +13x4

120 41x6

3024 + 671x8

604800 73x10

1140480 + 597871x12 217945728000


= 1

945x6 1

1890x8+ 1

19800x10 2903

1135134000x12 733

435891456000x14 Moreover, we verify by Maple that the polynomial


945 1

1890x2+ 1

19800x4 2903

1135134000x6 733

435891456000x8 is non negative because it has no zeros in the interval 0< x < π/2

Then, for0< x < π/2we have cos (x) + 1

15x3sin (x) (sin (x))3 x3 >0 So we proved Inequality (6).

Turn now to inequality (7). Notice that by the same way of calculation and thanks to Maple we obtain the following

(2 3 cos(x

2) + 1 3


> 11


96x4 553

34560x6+ 11833

7741440x8 98851 928972800x10 Moreover, a calculation yields

cos (x) + 1

15x3sin (x) < 11

2x2+ 1

24x4 1

720x6+ 1

40320x8 1

3628800 x10


+ 1

479001600x12+ x3 15



6x3+ 1

120x5 1

5040x7+ 1 362880x9


= 11

2x2+ 13

120 x4 1

80x6+ 13

22400x8 7

518400x10+ 89

479001600x12 Therefore

cos (x)+ 1

15x3sin (x)(2 3 cos(x

2) + 1 3


< 11

2x2+ 13

120x4 1

80x6+ 13 22400x8


518400x10+ 89


2 +11x4

96 553x6


7741440 98851x10 928972800)

= 1

160x4+ 121

34560x6 5243

5529600x8+ 28769

309657600x10+ 89

479001600x12 We verify by Maple that the polynomial


160 + 121

34560x2 5243

5529600x4+ 28769

309657600x6+ 89

479001600x8 is non negative because it has no zeros in the interval 0< x < π/2 .

This means for0< x < π2 one has cos(x) + x3sin(x)

15 <

(2 3cos(x

2) + 1 3



So inequality (7) is then proved.

Remark 3-2 (i) We were forced to consider a polynomial at least of order 12 in order to estimate trigonometric functions. Indeed, for a lower order estimate we would have an increasing polynomial which changes sign since it admits a root in the interval [0, π/2].

(ii) We may assert that the following inequality chain holds at least for 0< x < π2

(sin(x) x


< cos(x) + cos(x)(tan(x))4 15 <

(2 3cos(x

2) + 1 3




cos(x 3)



(2 + cos(x) 3


. Thus, we expand the chain (3).


4 A wilker type inequalities

The Wilker inequality asserts that for 0< x < π/2

(sin(x) x


+ tan(x)

x >2 (8)

This inequality has been proved by [7].

The Wilker-type inequalities have been attracted by many people and have motivated a large number of research papers involving various generalizations and improvements, see [8] for example.

A related inequality no less interesting is Huygens inequality asserts that for 0<|x|< π/2


x + tan(x)

x >3 (9)

Chen and Sandor [4] proved the following inequality chain for 0<|x|< π/2

1 2

(sin(x) x



2x > 1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x


> 2 3

(sin(x) x


+ tan(x) 3x >

(sin(x) x


3 (

tan(x) x



> 1 2

( x sin(x)


+ x

2 tan(x) > 2 3

( x sin(x)


+ x

3 tan(x) >1 (10) We propose the following

Theorem 4-1 For0< x < π/2 the following inequalities holds 1


(sin(x) x



2x > 1 +x3(tan(x))

15 > 1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x



Proof Consider the left inequality and we write dierence after mul- tiplying by cos(x) one gets

1 2

cos (x) (sin (x))2

x2 +1


sin (x)

x cos (x) 1

15x3sin (x)


Notice that by simple calculations 1(1

2)x2+ ( 1

24)x4( 1

720)x6 <cos(x) x−(1

6)x3+ ( 1

120)x5( 1

5040)x7 <sin(x) cos(x)(sin(x))2

2x2 > 1 2 5

12x2+ 91

720x4 41

2016x6+ 7381 3628800x8 Therefore

1 2

cos (x) (sin (x))2

x2 +1


sin (x)

x cos (x) 1

15x3sin (x)> 1 25x2

12 +91x4

720 41x6 2016 + 7381x8

3628800 + 1 2 x2

12+ x4

240 x6

10080+ x8

7257601 + x2 2 x4

24+ x6 720

−x3 15


x− x3 6 + x5

120 x7 5040


= 4x4

45 2x6

105 + 1231x8 604800 x3



x− x3 6 + x5

120 x7 5040


= x4 45 x6

126 + 179x8

120960 + x10 75600 We verify by Maple that the polynomial

x4 45 x6

126 + 179x8

120960+ x10

75600 = x4(134404800x2+ 895x4+ 8x6) 604800

is non negative because it has no zeros in the interval 0< x < π/2 . This means for0< x < π2 one has

1 2

(sin(x) x



2x > 1 +x3(tan(x)) 15 . So the left inequality (11) is then proved.

The right inequality has been already proved by Theorem 3-1.

Concerning the Huygens inequality we propose to prove the following


Theorem 4-2 For0< x < π/2 the following inequalities holds 1


(sin(x) x


> 1+x3


1 x2 63

)tan(x) 15 > 2


(sin(x) x


+tan(x) 3x . (12) Proof Consider the right inequality we multiply the dierence bycos(x). Then we have

cos(x) +x3


1 x2 63

)sin(x) 15 > 2


(sin(x) cos(x) x


+sin(x) 3x . Note as we saw above the framing of trigonometric functions, then we get

cos(x)>1 1

2x2+ 1

24x4 1 720x6 sin(x)> x− 1

6x3+ 1

120x5 1 5040x7 Therefore after simplication

cos(x) +x3


1 x2 63


15 > 1 1

2x2+ 13

120x4 41 3024x6 A simple calculation yields

2 3

sin (x) cos (x)

x + sin (x)

3x < 11

2x2+ 11

120x4 43 5040x6 Finally for 0< x < π/2 one has

cos(x) +x3


1 x2 63

)sin(x) 15 2


(sin(x) cos(x) x


+sin(x) 3x > x4

60 19x6 3780

= 1


The left inequality has been already proved by Theorem 3-2.

Remark (4-3) We may deduce from Theorems 4-1 and 4-2 the fol- lowing inequality chain for 0< x < π/2

1 2

(sin(x) x


+ tan(x)

2x > 1 +x3(tan(x))

15 > 1 cos(x)

(sin(x) x



> 1 +x3


1 x2 63

)tan(x) 15 > 2


(sin(x) x


+ tan(x) . 3x

Thus, we have completed the inequality chain (10).


[1] D.S. Mitrinovic and D.D. Adamovic, Sur une inegalite elementaire ou interviennent des fonc- tions trigonometriques, Univ u Beogradu. Publik.

Elektr. Fakulteta. S. Matematika i Fizika 149 (1965), 2334.

[2] D. S. Mitrinovic, Analytic inequalities, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1970.

[3] J. Sandor and M. Bencze, On Huygens' trigonometric inequality, RGMIA Res. Rep. Collection 8 (2005), no. 3, Article 14.

[4] C.-P. Chen and J. Sandor, Inequality chains for Wilker, Huygens and Lazarevic type inequalities, J. Math. Inequal. 8 (2014), no. 1, 5567.

[5] E. Neuman, Renements and generalizations of certain inequalities involving trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Adv. Inequal. Appl. 1 (2012), no. 1, 1-11.

[6] Z.-H. Yang, Three families of two-parameter means constructed by trigonometric functions, J. Inequal. Appl. 2013 (2013). Article 541.

[7] J.S. Sumner, A.A. Jagers, M. Vowe and J. Anglesio, Inequalities in- volving trigonometric functions, Amer. Math. Monthly 98 (1991), 264-267.

[8] C.-P. Chen and W.-S. Cheung, Sharpness of Wilker and Huygens type inequalities, J. Inequal. Appl. 2012 (2012), 72.


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