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The right adjoint of the parabolic induction


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The right adjoint of the parabolic induction

January 10, 2014


We extend the results of Emerton on the ordinary part functor to the category of the smooth representations over a general commutative ring R, of a general reductivep-adic group G (F-points of a reductive connected F-group over a local non archimedean field of residual characteristic p). In Emerton’s work,F =Qp, R is a complete artinian local Zp-algebra having a finite residual field, and the representations are admissible. We show:

The (smooth) parabolic induction functor admits a right adjoint. The center-locally finite part of the (smooth) right adjoint is equal to the (admissible) right adjoint of the admissible parabolic induction functor whenRis noetherian. The (smooth or admissible) parabolic induction functor is fully faithful when 0 is the only infinitelyp-divisible element in R.


1 Introduction 1

2 Review on adjunction between grothendieck abelian categories 3

3 The category ModR(G) 6

3.1 ModR(G) is grothendieck . . . 6 3.2 Admissibility andz-finiteness . . . 6 4 The right adjoint RGP of IndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G) 7 5 IndGP is fully faithful if Rp−ord={0}. 9 6 The z-locally finite parts ofRGP and ofRP PP are equal 10 7 The Hecke description of RP P

P : ModR(P)→ModR(M) 12

8 The right adjoint OrdP of IndGP : ModadmR (M)→ModadmR (G) 14

1 Introduction

LetRbe a commutative ring, letF be a local non archimedean field of finite residual field of characteristic p, let G be a reductive connected F-group. Let P,P be two opposite parabolicF-subgroups of unipotent radicalN,Nand Levi subgroupM=P∩Pof center Z(M). The groups of F-points are denoted by the same letter but not in bold. The parabolic induction functor IndGP : ModR(M) → ModR(G) between the categories of


smoothR-representations ofM and ofGis the right adjoint of theN-coinvariant functor, and respects admissibility.

For any (R, F, G), we show that IndGP admits a right adjointRGP.

WhenRis noetherian, we show that theZ(M)-locally finite part ofRGP respects admis- sibility, hence is the right adjoint of the functor IndGP between admissibleR-representations.

Ifpis invertible inRwe show that theN-coinvariant functor respects admissibility, hence is the left adjoint of the functor IndGP between admissibleR-representations.

When 0 is the only infinitelyp-divisible element inR, we show that the counit of the adjoint pair (−N,IndGP), is an isomorphism, hence IndGP is fully faithful and the unit of the adjoint pair (IndGP, RPG) is an isomorphism.

The results of this paper have already be used [HV] in the comparison between parabolic and compact induction for smooth representations over an algebraically closed field of characteristicpforany(F,G), following the arguments of Herzig when the char- acteristic of F is 0 and Gis split. The comparison is a basic step in the classification of the non-supersingular admissible irreducible representations ofG(work in progress with Abe, Henniart, and Herzig, see also Ly’s work [Ly] for GL(n, D) where D/F is finite dimensional division algebra).

When pis invertible in R, it was known that IndGP has a right adjoint. When R is the field of complex numbers, Casselman for admissible representations and Bernstein in general proved that the right adjoint is equal to theN-coinvariant functor multiplied by the modulus of P (“the Bernstein second adjointness”), and stressed in his unpublished notes the incredible power of this innocent statement. A proof was published by Bushnell.

Both proofs rely on the property that the category ModC(G) is noetherian. Conversely, Dat [Dat] proved that the Bernstein second adjointess implies the noeheriannity of ModR(G) and prove it assuming the existence of certain idempotents (that he constructed using the theory of types for linear groups, classical groups ifp6= 2, and groups of semi-simple rank 1). Under the same hypothesis onG, Dat proved also thatN-coinvariant functor respects admissibility. See [Dat].

When F = Qp and R is a complete artinian local Zp-algebra having finite residual field, Emerton [Emerton] showed that IndGP restricted to admissible representations has a right adjoint equal to the ordinary part functor OrdP. Studying its derived functors he showed that theN-coinvariant functor respects admissibility [Emerton2].

In section 2 we give precise definitions and references to the litterature on adjoint functors and on grothendieck abelian locally small categories.

The existence of a right adjoint of IndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G) is proved using that ModR(G) is a grothendieck abelian locally small category and that IndGP is an exact func- tor commuting with small direct sums, in sections 3 and 4. When the ringRis noetherian, this method cannot be applied to the functor IndGP : ModadmR (M)→ModadmR (G) because the category of smooth admissible R-representations is not grothendieck. It is not even known if it is an abelian category when the characteristic ofF ispandpis not invertible in R.

In section 5, we assume that 0 is the only infinitelyp-divisible element inR; we show the vanishing of the N-coinvariants of indP gPP whenP gP 6=P and that the counit of the adjunction (−N,IndGP) is an isomorphism; the general arguments of section 2 imply that the unit of the adjunction (IndGP, RGP) is an isomorphism and that IndGP is fully faithful.

WhenRis noetherian, IndGP : ModadmR (M)→ModadmR (G) is also obviously fully faithful.

The set P P is open dense in G. The partial compact induction functor indP PP : ModR(M)→ModR(P) admits a right adjointRP PP by the general method of section 2.

Letzbe an arbitrary element of the center Z(M) ofM strictly contractingN. We prove


that thez-locally finite parts ofRGP(V) and ofRP PP (V) forV ∈ModR(G), are isomorphic in section 6.

The right adjointRP P

P : ModR(P)→ModR(M) of the functor indP PP is explicit. It is the smooth part of the functor HomR[N](Cc(N, R),−). In section 7, following Casselman and Emerton, we give another description ofRP P

P . Choosing an arbitrary open compact subgroupN0ofN, the submonoidM+of elements ofM contractingN0acts onVN0by the Hecke action. We have the smooth induction functor IndMM+: ModR(M+)→ModR(M).

We show that RP P

P : ModR P →ModR(M) is equal to the functorV 7→ IndMM+(VN0).

TheZ(M)-locally finite part of this functor is the Emerton’s ordinary part functor OrdP : ModR P →ModR(M).

In section 8 we assume thatRis noetherian and we show that OrdP(V) is admissible whenV is an admissibleR-representation ofG. Therefore the parabolic induction functor IndGP : ModadmR M → ModadmR G admits a right adjoint equal to the functor OrdP : ModadmR G → ModadmR M. If pis invertible in R, we prove that VN is admissible when V is an admissible R-representation ofG. Therefore the admissible parabolic induction functor IndGP admits a left adjoint equal to the admissible N-coinvariant functor.

I thank Guy Henniart for his comments on the preceeding version of this article cor- recting some inaccuracies.

2 Review on adjunction between grothendieck abelian categories

In a small category, the collection of objects and the morphisms Hom(A, B) between two objects A and B form sets. In a locally small category only the morphisms Hom(A, B) between two objects AandB must form a set. The categorySetis locally small but not small. A category which is not locally small is big.

LetI be a small category,C,Dlocally small categories, Cop the locally small opposite category ofC andDC the category of functorsC → D. The categoriesSetCop,SetC are big ([KS] Def. 1.4.2). A contravariant functorC → Dis a functor Cop→ D.

Proposition 2.1. ([KS] Def. 1.2.11, Cor. 1.4.4)

The covariant Yoneda functor : C 7→Hom(−, C) :C →SetCop and the contravariant Yoneda functor : C7→Hom(C,−) :C →SetC are fully faithful.

A functor F ∈ SetC is called representable when there exists C ∈ C such that F ' Hom(C,−). A functorF∈SetCopis called representable when there existsC∈ Csuch that F 'Hom(−, C). In both cases, the objectCwhich is unique modulo unique isomorphism is called a representative of the functorF.

A functorF :I → C defines functors lim−→F :C →Set C7→HomCI(F, ctC), lim

←−F :Cop→Set C7→HomCI(ctC, F), where ctC :I → C is the constant functor defined byC∈ C.

When the functor lim

−→F ∈ SetC is representable, a representative is called the injec- tive limit (or colimit or direct limit) of F and denoted also by lim

−→F. We have natural isomorphisms ([ML] III.4 (2), (3)), for C∈ C,

HomCI(F, ctC)'HomC(lim

−→F, C).

When the functor lim

←−F ∈ SetCop is representable, a representative is called the projec- tive limit (or inverse limit or limit ) of F and denoted also by lim

←−F. We have natural


isomorphisms, for C∈ C,

HomCI(ctC, F)'HomC(C,lim


One says that (F(i))i∈I is an inductive (resp. projective) system inC indexed byI(resp.

Iop)) and one writes lim

−→(F(i))i∈I or lim

←−(F(i))i∈Iop for the object lim

−→F or lim

←−F. Example 2.2. 1) A set of objects (Ci)i∈I of C indexed by a set I can be viewed as a functor F : I → C where I is identified with a discrete category (the only morphisms are the identities). When they exist, lim

−→F =⊕i∈ICi is the direct sum, or coproduct, or disjoint unionti∈ICi, and lim


i∈ICi is the direct product.

2) WhenI has two objects with two parallel morphisms other than the identities,F is nothing but two parallels arrowsC1



C2inC. When they exist, lim−→F is the cokernel of (f, g) and lim

←−F is the kernel of (f, g) ([KS] D´ef. 2.2.2).

3) When they exist, it is possible to construct the inductive (resp. projective) limit of a functor F :I 7→ C, using only coproduct and cokernels (resp. products and kernels) ([KS] Prop. 2.2.9). If Ob(I) and Hom(I) denote the set of objects and of morphisms of the small categoryI, and ifs:σ(s)→τ(s) withσ(s), τ(s)∈Ob(I) fors∈Hom(I), then

lim−→F is the cokernel off, g:⊕s∈Hom(I)F(σ(s))−→−→g


i∈Ob(I)F(i), (1)

where f, gcorrespond respectively to the two morphisms idF(σ(s), F(s), fors∈Hom(I), lim←−F is the kernel of Y







wheref, g are deduced from the morphisms idF(τ(s), F(s) :F(τ(s))×F(σ(s))−→−→g


F(τ(s) fors∈Hom(I).

LetF :C 7→ Dbe a functor. For U ∈ D, we have the category CU whose objects are the pairs (X, u) withX ∈ C, u:F(X)→U. We say thatF is right exact if the category CU is filtrant for any U ∈ D, and that F is left exact if the functor Fop : Dop → Cop is right exact ([KS] 3.1.1, 3.3.1).

Proposition 2.3. Let a functorF :C 7→ D.

1) WhenCadmits finite projective limits, F is left exact if and only it commutes with finite projective limits. In this case, F commutes with the kernel of parallel arrows.

2) When C admits small projective limits, F is left exact and commutes with small direct products, if and only if F commutes with small projective limits.

3) The similar statements hold true for right exact functors, inductive limits, small direct sums, and cokernels.

Proof. 1) ([KS] Prop. 3.3.3, Cor. 3.3.4).

2) If F preserves small projective limits, F is left exact and preserves small direct products (Example 2.2 1)). Conversely, from (??), a left exact functor which commutes wit small direct products preserves small projective limits because it commutes with the kernel of the parallel arrows by 1).

3) ReplaceC byCop.

Let F : C → D and G : D → C be the functors. Then (F, G) is a pair of adjoint functors, or F is the left adjoint of G, or G is the right adjoint if F, if their exists an isomorphism of bifunctors fromCop× C toSet

HomD(F(.), .)'HomC(., G(.)),


called the adjunction isomorphism ([KS] Def. 1.5.2). The functorF determines the func- tor Gup to unique isomorphism and Gdetermines F up to unique isomorphism ([KS]

Thm. 1.5.3). For X ∈ C, the image of the identity idF(X) in HomD(F(X), F(X)) by the adjunction isomorphism is a morphismX 7→G◦F(X). Similarly, for Y ∈ D, the image of idG(Y) is a morphismF◦G(Y)→Y. The morphisms are functorial inX and Y. We have constructed morphisms of functors, called the unit and the counit :

: 1C →G◦F, η:F◦G→1D. Proposition 2.4. Let(F, G)be a pair of adjoint functors.

F is fully faithful iff the unit: 1→G◦F is an isomorphism.

Gis fully faithful iff the counit η:F◦G→1 is an isomorphism.

FandGare fully faithful iffF is an equivalence (fully faithful and essentially surjective ([KS] Def. 1.2.11,1.3.13)) iff Gis an equivalence. In this caseF andGare quasi-inverse one to each other.

Proof. ([KS] Prop. 1.5.6).

Proposition 2.5. Let (F, G)be a pair of adjoint functors. Then F is right exact andG is left exact.

Proof. ([KS] Prop. 3.3.6)

LetAbe a locally small abelian category. A generator ofAis an objectE ofAsuch that the functor Hom(E,−) :A →Set is faithful (i.e. any object ofA is a quotient of a small direct sum ⊕iE).

IfAadmits small inductive limits, the functor between abelian categories F 7→lim

−→F:AI→ A is additive and right exact.

The category I is filtrant when it is not empty, for any objects i, j of I there exist morphisms i → k, j → k, and for any parallel morphisms f, g : i → j there exists a morphismh→ksuch thath◦f =h◦g([KS] Def. 3.1.1).

Definition 2.6. ([KS] D´ef. 8.3.24)The locally small abelian categoryAis called grothendieck if it admits a generator, small inductive limits, and the small filtered inductive limits are exact.

Example 2.7. The locally small abelian category of left modules over a ring is grothendieck.

Proof. ([KS] Ex. 8.3.25).

Proposition 2.8. A grothendieck abelian locally small category admits small projective limits.

Proof. ([KS] Prop. 8.3.27).

Proposition 2.9. Let a functor F : A → C where A is a grothendieck abelian locally small category. The following properties are equivalent:

1)F admits a right adjoint,

2)F commutes with small inductive limits,

3)F is right exact and commutes with small direct sums.

Proof. This is a combination of Prop. 2.3 with ([KS] Thm. 5.2.6, Prop. 5.2.8, Prop. 5.2.9).


3 The category Mod



Let R be a commutative ring, let G be a secound countable locally profinite group (for instance, for a parabolic subgroup of a reductive group), and let (Kn)n∈N be a strictly decreasing sequence (Kn)n∈Nof pro-p-open subgroups ofG, with trivial intersection. We suppose Rn normal inR0for alln.

The category ModR(G) ofR-representations ofGis the grothendieck abelian locally small category of leftR[G]-modules (Ex. 3).

LetV ∈ModR(G). A vector inV is called smooth when it is fixed by an open subgroup ofG. The set of smooth vectors ofV is aR[G]-submodule ofV, equal toV=∪n∈NVKn where VKn is the submodule of the vectors v ∈ V fixed by Rn. When V = V, V is called smooth.

The same definition applies whenGis a locally profinite monoid (its maximal subgroup is open and locally profinite).

3.1 Mod


(G) is grothendieck

The moduleCc(G, R) of functionsf :G→kwith compact support is aR[G×G]-module for the left and right translations. For n∈ N, the submodule Cc(Kn\G, R) of functions left invariant by Kn, is a smooth representation of G for the right translation. They form a strictly increasing sequence of union Cc(G, R), equal to the smooth part of the R[G×G]-moduleCc(G, R).

The subcategory ModR(G) ⊂ ModR(G) of smooth R-representations of G, is an abelian locally small full subcategory.

Lemma 3.1. ModR(G)is a grothendieck abelian locally small category.

Proof. A direct sum of smooth representations is smooth, the cokernel of two parallel arrows in ModR(G) is smooth hence ModR(G) admits small inductive limits (1). Small filtered inductive limits are exact because they are already exact in ModR(G). A generator is⊕n∈NCc(Kn\G, R).

ForW ∈ModR(G), V ∈ModR(G) we have HomR[G](W, V) = HomR[G](W, V). The smoothification

V 7→V: ModR(G)→ModR(G)

has a left adjoint: the inclusion ModR(G)→ModR(G) hence is left exact (Prop. 2.5). The smoothification is never right exact ([Viglivre] I.4.3) hence does not have a right adjoint (Prop. 2.5).

3.2 Admissibility and z-finiteness

A smooth R-representationV ofGis called admissible when for any compact open sub- group H of G, the R-module VH of H-fixed elements of V is finitely generated. The category ModadmR (G) does not have a generator or small inductive limits. Worse, it is not known if the quotient of an admissible representation remains admissible.

Letzbe an element in the centerZ(G) ofG.

Definition 3.2. Let V ∈ModR(G). An elementv∈V is called z-finite if the R-module R[z]v is contained in a finitely generatedR-submodule of V.

The subset Vz−lf of z-finite elements is a R-subrepresentation of V, called the z- locally finite part of V. WhenV =Vz−lf, the representationV is calledz-locally finite.


The category Modz−lfR (G) ofz-locally finite smoothR-representations ofGis a full abelian subcategory of ModR(G). Thez-locally finite functor

V 7→Vz−lf : ModR(G)→Modz−lfR (G) (2)

is the right adjoint of the inclusion Modz−lfR (G)→ModR(G).

Thez-locally finite part is contained in thez±1-locally finite partVz±1−lf =Vz−lf∩ Vz−1−lf, and in the Z(G)-locally finite part VZ(G)−lf = ∩z∈Z(G)Vz−lf (this is a finite intersection when Z(G) is a finitely generated monoid).

Lemma 3.3. An admissibleR-representation of GisZ(G)-locally finite.

Proof. Ifv∈V there existsn∈Nsuch thatv∈VKn, andVKn is aZ(G)-stable finitely generated R-module.

4 The right adjoint R


of Ind


: Mod


(M ) → Mod



let F be a local non archimedean field of residual characteristicp, let Gbe a reductive connectedF-group. We fix a maximalF-split subtorusSofG, and a minimal parabolic F-subgroupBofGcontainingS. LetUbe the unipotent radical ofB. TheG-centralizer ZofSis a Levi subgroup of B. We choose a parabolicF-subgroupPofGcontainingB of unipotent radicalNand LeviMcontainingZ. We denote byXthe group ofF-rational points of an algebraic group X over F, with the exception that we writeNG(S) for the group ofF-rational points of theG-normalizerNG(S) of S. LetZbe the G- centralizer ofSandW0=NG(S)/Z the finite Weyl group.

Let (Kn)n∈N be a strictly decreasing sequence of pro-p-open subgroups of G with trivial intersection, with Rn normal in R0 for all n. We write Mn = Kn ∩M, Nn = Kn∩N, Nn =Kn∩N. We suppose, as we may, that Rn =NnMnNn =NnMnNn has an Iwahori decomposition.

Lemma 4.1. The quotient spaceP\Gis compact and the quotient mapG→P\Gadmits a continuous section ϕ:P\G→G.

Proof. This is well known: G is a finite disjoint union th∈XnP Nnh for a finite subset Xn ⊂Gfor n large enough ([SVZ] Prop. 5.3), and ϕ(P xh) =xh, x ∈ Nn, h ∈Xn is a section.

The smooth parabolic induction

IndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G)

sendsW ∈ModR(M) to the smooth representation IndGP(W) ofGacting by right trans- lations on the module of functions g : G → W such that f(mnxgx) = mf(x) for m ∈ M, n ∈ N, x ∈ G, x ∈ Kn where n ∈ N depends on f. We write C(P\G, W) for the locally constant functions on the compact setP\Gwith values inW. The smooth parabolic induction

IndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G) is the right adjoint of the N-coinvariant functor

V 7→VN : ModR(G)→ModR(M)

([Viglivre] I.5.7 (i), I.A.3 Proposition). TheN-coinvariant functor ModR(P)→ModR(N) is the right adjoint of the inflation functor InflPM : ModR(M) → ModR(P) sending a representation ofM =P/N to the natural representation ofP trivial onN.


Remark 4.2. The N-coinvariants of the inflation functor InflPM is the identity functor of ModRM (the unit1ModRM 7→ −N◦InflPM of the adjunction(InflPM,−N)is an isomor- phism).

Proposition 4.3. The smooth parabolic induction functorIndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G) IndGP is exact, commutes with small direct sums, and admits a right adjoint

RGP : ModR(G)→ModR(M).

Proof. By Lemma 4.1, theR-linear map

(3) f 7→f ◦ϕ:C(P\G, W)→IndGP(W) is an isomorphism. We have a natural isomorphism

(4) C(P\G, W)'C(P\G, k)⊗RW 'C(P\G,Z)⊗ZW.

The Z-module C(P\G,Z) is free, because it is the union of the increasing sequence of the Z-modules (C(P\G/Kn,Z)n∈N which are free of finite rank. Hence the tensor product byC(P\G,Z) is exact, and the smooth parabolic induction functor is exact.

The smooth parabolic induction commutes with small direct sums⊕i∈IWi because a functionf ∈C(P\G, W) takes only finitely many values.

Applying Prop. 2.9 and Lemma 3.1, the parabolic induction admits a right adjoint.

Remark 4.4. When pis invertible in R, Dat ([Dat] between Cor. 3.7 and Prop. 3.8) showed that

RGP(V) = ([HomR[G](Cc(G, R), V)]N) (V ∈ModR(G)).

In this case, the modulusδP ofP is well defined, and RGP(V)'δPVN

whenRis the field of complex numbers (Bernstein) or whenGis a linear group, a classical group when p6= 2, or of semi-simple rank 1 [Dat].

Letg∈GandQ=PorQ=Pthe parabolic subgroup ofGopposite toP,P∩P =M. The partial compact parabolic induction functor

indP gQP : ModR(M)→ModR(Q)

associates toW ∈ Mk (M) the smooth representation indP gQP (W) ofQby right transla- tion on the submodule of functions with support contained inP gQ,, with compact support modulo left multiplication by P (P gQis generally not closed in the compact setP\G).

Proposition 4.5. The partial compact parabolic induction functorindP gQP is exact, com- mutes with small direct sums, and admits a right adjoint

RP gQP : ModR(Q)→ModR(M).

Proof. Same proof as for the functor IndGP (Prop. 4.3).

Remark 4.6. When P gP =P, the partial compact parabolic induction functor indPP is the inflation functor InflPM.

Lemma 4.7. W ∈ ModR(M) is admissible if and only if IndGP(W) ∈ ModR(G) is admissible.


Proof. This is well known and follows from the decomposition ([Viglivre] I.5.6, II.2.1):

(IndGPW)Kn' ⊕P gKn(IndP gKP nW)Kn' ⊕P gKnWM∩gKng−1 (n∈N, g∈G), where the sum is finite and IndP gKP nW ⊂IndGPW is theR-submodule of functions with support contained in P gKn.

Corollary 4.8. The smooth parabolic induction restricts to a functor IndGP : ModadmR (M)→ModadmR (G).

We will later show that this functor admits also a right adjoint when the ring is noetherian.

5 Ind


is fully faithful if R


= {0}.

Definition 5.1. Thep-ordinary partRp−ordofRis the subset ofx∈kwhich are infinitely p-divisible.

WhenR is a field,Rp−ord={0} if and only if the characteristic ofRisp.

Let ΦG be the set of roots ofSin G. Letα∈ΦG. We writeUαfor the root subgroup ofGassociated toα. We haveRp−ord6={0}if and only if there exists a Haar measure on Uαwith values inR if and only if

Cc(Uα, R)Uα6= 0 (5)

([Viglivre] I (2.3.1)).

Proposition 5.2. We supposeRp−ord={0}. TheN-coinvariants of the partial compact induction functor indP gPP is 0if P gP 6=P.

Proof. LetW ∈ModRM. The action ofN on

indP gPP (W) =Cc(P\P gP, R)⊗RW

is trivial onW and the right translation onCc(P\P gP, R). By the Bruhat decomposition, P gP =P nP for an elementn∈NG(S) of non trivial imagew∈W0. There exists a root α∈ΦG such thatUα⊂N andUw(α)is not contained in N, and the multiplication map P gM Nα×Uα →P gP is an homeomorphism, whereNα is a subgroup of N normalized byUα. We deduce

Cc(P\P gM NαUα, R)UαNα= (Cc(P\P gM Nα)⊗RCc(Uα, R)Uα)Nα. Applying (5), we obtainCc(P\P gP, R)N = 0.

Theorem 5.3. We supposeRp−ord={0}. Then

1. The parabolic inductionIndGP : ModR(M)→ModR(G)is fully faithful, 2. The unitidMod

R(M)→RGP◦IndGP of the adjoint pair(IndGP, RGP)is an isomorphism.

3. The counit η :−N ◦IndGP →idModR(M) of the adjoint pair (−N,IndGP) is an iso- morphism.


Proof. By Prop. 2.4 the 3 properties are equivalent. The counit η of the adjoint pair (−N,IndGP) is an isomorphism, because the N-coinvariant of IndGP is isomorphic to the N-coinvariants of InflGP. This follows from Prop. 5.2 and Remarks 4.2, 4.6.

a) Beeing a right adjoint, theN-coinvariant functor ModR(P)→ModR(M) is right exact.

b) The representationW inflated toMis a quotient of the restriction toPof IndGP(W).

The Bruhat decomposition implies that the kernel of the quotient map IndGP(W)→ W admits a finite filtration F1 ⊂ F2 ⊂ . . . ⊂ Fr of quotients indP gPP for all double cosets P gP 6=P ofG.

6 The z-locally finite parts of R


and of R


are equal

We compare the right adjoint RGP : ModR(G) → ModR(M) of the smoooth parabolic induction IndGP and the right adjointRP PP : ModR P →ModR M of the partial compact parabolic induction indP PP .

Let Z(M) ⊂ S be the split center of M and let z ∈ Z(M) be an element strictly contractingN : for any open compact subgroupN0⊂N, the sequence (znN0z−n)n∈Nis strictly decreasing of trivial intersection. We denote by

RG,z−lfP : ModR G→Modz−lfR M, resp.RP P ,z−lfP : ModR P →Modz−lfR M, thez-locally finite part ofRGP, resp.RP PP . The restriction toP is a faithful functor

ResGP : ModR(G)→ModR P .

Theorem 6.1. The functorsRG,z−lfP andRPP P ,z−lf◦ResGP are isomorphic.

Proof. We want to prove that there exists a functorial isomorphism (6) HomR[M](W, RG,z−lfP (V))→HomR[M](W, RP P ,z−lfP (V))

in (W, V) ∈ Modz−lfR (M)×ModR(G). The image of W by a R[M]-homomorphism in RGP(V), resp.RP PP (V) is contained inRG,z−lfP (V), resp.RP P ,z−lfP (V). Also, we can replace in (6) RPG,z−lf by RGP and RP P ,z−lfP byRP PP . Then we use the adjunctions (IndGP, RGP) and (indP PP , RP PP ). We are reduced to find a functorial isomorphism

(7) J : HomR[G](IndGPW, V)→HomR[P](indP PP W, V)

in (W, V) ∈ Modz−lfR (M)×ModR(G). There is an obvious candidate: the restriction of a R[G]-homomorphism ϕ : IndGPW → V to the submodule indP PP W ⊂ IndGPW is a R[P]-homomorphismJ(ϕ) : indP PP W →V. This is functorial. TwoR[G]-homomorphisms IndGP(W) →V equal on IndP PP (W) are equal because an arbitrary open subset ofP\G is a finite disjoint union of G-translates of compact open subsets ofP\P P ([SVZ] Prop.


To study the image ofJwe introduce more notations. Forr∈N, n∈N and a non-zero elementw∈WMr, letfr,n,w∈indP PP (W) be the function of supportP Nrnand equal to w onNrn. Forg ∈G, the support of the function gfr,n,w ∈IndGP(W) is P Nrng−1. We say that (g, r, n, w) is admissible when

P Nrg=P Nrn (r∈N, g∈G, n∈N , w∈WMr).

Let Φ∈HomR[P](indP PP W, V). We will prove:


1) Φ belongs to the image ofJwhen Φ(gfr,n,w) =gΦ(fr,n,w) for all admissible (g, r, n, w).

2) Φ(gfr,n,w) =gΦ(fr,n,w) for all admissible (g, r, n, w) (it is only here that we use that W isz-locally finite).

The proof of 1), resp. 2), follows ([Emerton] 4.4.6, resp. 4.4.3).

Proof of 1). Φ belongs to the image ofJ if and only ifP

igiΦ(fi) = 0 for allg1, . . . , gn in Gandf1, . . . , fn in indP PP (W) such thatP

igifi= 0.

Letg1, . . . , gn, f1, . . . , fn satisfying this property. We chooser∈Nlarge enough, such that thefiseen as elements of Cc(N , W) are leftNr-invariant with values inWMr. Let Yi⊂Xr∩N such that the support offi istn∈YiP Nrn. We have fi|P N

rn=fr,n,fi(n). Leth∈Xr. We have P

i(gifi)|P N

rh= 0. In the sum, the non-zero elements (gifi)|P N

rh=gi(fi|P N


are those such thatP Nrhgi=P Nrnfor somen∈Yi. We have alsoP

ihgi(fi|P N

rhgi) = 0.

This implies



hgiΦ(fi|P N

rhgi) = 0, under the hypothesis of the proposition. We have also P

igiΦ(fi|P N

rhgi) = 0.

For alli,P\Gis the finite disjoint union∪h∈XrP Nrhgi hencefi=P

h∈Xrfi|P N

rhgi. We deduce



giΦ(fi) = X




giΦ(fi|P N

rhgi) = 0.

Proof of 2). We haven−1fr,n,w=fr,1,w, andfr,1,w is fixed byRr. First we reduce ton= 1 by replacing (g, n) by (gn−1,1).

We choose three integersr0 ∈Z, r00 ≥r, a∈N as follows. The subsetNrg−1 ⊂P Nr

beeing compact, its projection onto the first factor of the isomorphismN×M×N →P N is compact and contained in Nr0, hence Nrg−1⊂Nr0P. TheR-submodule generated by Φ(1r,1,w0) forw0 ∈R[z]wis contained in a finitely generatedR-submodule ofV, contained in VKr00. We havezaNr0z−a⊂Nr00⊂Nr.

The function fr,1,w is the sum of its restrictions to P z−aNrzav = P Nrzav for the cosets z−aNrzav contained inNr,

fr,1,w = X



By R[P]-linearity of Φ, we are reduced to prove, forv∈Nr,

Φ(gv−1z−afr,1,za(w)) =gΦ(v−1z−afr,1,za(w)) =gv−1z−aΦ(fr,1,za(w)).

We may write gv−1=pnr0 withnr0 ∈Nr0, p∈P. We have to prove that Φ(nr0z−afr,1,za(w)) =nr0z−aΦ(fr,1,za(w)).

Applyingza, it is equivalent to prove

Φ(zanr0z−afr,1,za(w)) =zanr0z−aΦ(fr,1,za(w)).

Asfr,1,za(w) and Φ(fr,1,za(w)) are fixed byzanr0z−a, the equality is obvious.


7 The Hecke description of R



: Mod


(P ) → Mod


(M )

We choose a compact open subgroup N0 of N. The submonoid M+ ⊂ M contracting N0 is the set ofm∈M such thatmN0m−1 ⊂N0. The inverse monoid M ⊂M is the submonoid ofM dilatingN0. The groupM+∩M is open inM. We recall the element z∈Z(M) strictly contracting N. We have the induction functor

IMM+: ModR(M+)→ModR(M)

sendingW ∈ModR(M+) to the representation ofM by right translations on the module of R-linear maps ψ: M →W such that ψ(mx) =mψ(x) for all m∈ M+, x∈M. The smooth induction functor

IndMM+: ModR(M+)→ModR(M) is the smoothification of the induction functorIMM+.

Definition 7.1. Let V ∈ ModR(P). The submonoid M+ ⊂M contracting N0 acts on VN0 by the Hecke action(m, v)7→hN0,m(v),

(8) hN0,m(v) = X


nmv (m∈M+, v∈VN0).

The Hecke action ofM+ onVN0 is smooth because it extends the natural action of the open subgroupM+∩M.

Theorem 7.2. The functor

(9) V 7→IndMM+(VN0) : ModR(P)→ModR(M) is isomorphic to RP P

P .

The theorem implies that the functor RP P,z−lf

P : ModR(P)→Modz−lfR (M)

is isomorphic to thez-locally finite part of the functor (9). The Emerton’s ordinary functor is theZ(M)-locally finite part of the functor (9):

OrdP =RP P,Z(MP )−lf : ModR(P)→ModZ(M)−lfR (M) is isomorphic to OrdP. Applying Thm. 6.1, we obtain:

Corollary 7.3. The functor

V 7→(IndMM+(VN0))z−lf : ModR(G)→Modz−lfR (M) is isomorphic to RG,z−lfP . The functor

V 7→OrdP(V) = (IndMM+(VN0))Z(M)−lf : ModR(G)→Modz−lfR (M) is isomorphic to RG,Z(M)−lfP .

The functorRP P

P is the right adjoint of

indP PP = indP NP 'Cc(N, R)⊗R−: ModR(M)→ModR(P)


Lemma 7.4. The functor RP P

P : ModR(P) →ModR(M) is the smoothification of the functor HomR[N](Cc(N, R),−).

Thm. 7.2 follows from:

Proposition 7.5. LetV ∈ModR(P). The map:

(10) Φ : HomR[N](Cc(N, R), V)→IMM+(VN0) f 7→Φ(f)(m) = (mf)(1N0) (m∈M), is an isomorphism ofR[M]-modules.

Proof. ForV ∈ModR(P),m∈M andn∈N act onf ∈Homk(Cc(N, R), V) by mf =m◦f ◦m−1:x7→mf(m−1xm), nf :x7→f(xn).

The map (10) isR[M]-linear by adjunction because the map

ϕ: HomR[N](Cc(N, R), V)→VN0 , f 7→f(1N0).

isR[M+]-linear: Form∈M+, f ∈Homk(Cc(N, R), V), we compute (mf)(1N0) =m◦f◦m−1(1N0) =m◦f(1m−1N0m) =m X



=m X


nf(1N0) = X


nmϕ(1N0) =hN0,m(f(1N0)).

The map Φ (10) is injective because theR[P]-moduleCc(N, R) is generated by 1N0, and we compute:

Φ(f)(m) = (mf)(1N0) =m◦f◦m−1(1N0) =m◦f(1N0(m−m−1)) =m◦f(1m−1N0m).

If Φ(f) = 0 then f(1m−1N0m) = 0 for all m∈ M. As f is N-equivariant, we have also 0 =f(1m−1N0mn) =f(mn1N0) for allm∈M, n∈N, hencef = 0.

We show the surjectivity of Φ. An arbitrary element ofCc(N, R) is a sum X




xi1zaN0z−an−1i =X


xini1zaN0z−a =X



where xi ∈ k, ni ∈ N, a ∈ N and the open sets zaN0z−an−1i are disjoint. Let ψ ∈ IndMM+(VN0). There is aR[N]-linear map

fψ:Cc(N, R)→V such thatfψ(za1N0) =hN0,za(ψ(z−a)) (a∈N).

We have Φ(fψ) =ψ.

Remark 7.6. (IndMM+(VN0))z−1−lf = (IMM+(VN0))z−1−lf, for V ∈ModR(P).

Proof. Let ϕ ∈ (IMM+(VN0))z−1−lf. We have to prove that ϕ is smooth. Let Wϕ ⊂ IMM+(VN0) be a finitely generated R-module containing R[z−1]ϕ. The image of Wϕ by the mapf 7→f(1) is a a finitely generatedR-submodule ofVN0 containingϕ(z−a) for all a∈N. The action ofM+onVN0 is smooth. This implies that there exists a large integer n∈Nsuch thatMn =Kn∩M ⊂M+∩M fixesϕ(z−a) for alla∈N. The elementϕis fixed by Mn because M =∪a∈NM+z−a, hence two elements of IMM+(VN0) equal onz−a for alla∈Nare equal.


Remark 7.7. Let W ∈ModR(M+)and supposeMr⊂M+∩M. The map f 7→f|zZ: (IMM+W)Mr →IzzNZ(WMr)

is aR[zZ]-isomorphism.

Proof. The map f 7→ f|zZ : IMM+W → IzzNZW is a R[zZ]-isomorphism because M =

a∈NM+z−a. Let f ∈ IMM+W. For m+ ∈ M+, mr ∈Mr, a∈ Z, we have f(m+zamr) = m+f(mrza) =m+mrf(za) because Mr ⊂M+ andz∈Z(M). If f is fixed byMr, then f(za) is fixed byMrfor alla∈Zbecausef(za) = (zamr) =mrf(za). Conversely, iff(za) is fixed by Mr for alla ∈Z, then f is fixed byMr because f(m+zamr) =m+f(za) = f(m+za) andM =∪a∈ZM+z−a.

8 The right adjoint Ord


of Ind


: Mod


(M ) → Mod



Theorem 8.1. We suppose thatRis noetherian. ForV ∈ModadmR (G), the representation (IMM+(VN0))z−1−lf of M is admissible.

Proof. Let r large enough so that Mr is an open compact subgroup of M+∩M. Note that MrN0 is a group. The R-module of elements fixed by Mr in (IMM+(VN0))z−1−lf is isomorphic to

X = (IzzNN(VN0Mr))z−1−lf

by the mapf 7→f|zZ (Remark 7.7). We want to show thatX is finitely generated.

The image Y of X by f 7→ f(1) is a submodule of VN0Mr containing f(za) for all a∈Zandf ∈X. We haveX ⊂IzzNZ(Y). We have the compact open subgroupNrMrN0. We will prove (Prop. 8.2) that

Y ⊂VNrMrN0.

Admitting this, Y is a finitely generated R-module because V is admissible and R is noetherian. The action hN0,z ofz onY is surjective because, forf ∈X we have f(1) = f(zz−1) = hN0,zf(z−1). A surjective endomorphism of a finitely generated R-module is bijective (this is an application of Nakayama lemma [Matsumura] Thm. 2.4). Hence the action ofzonY is bijective. Hence Y 'IzzNZ(Y) is a finitely generatedR-module. AsRis noetherian,X is a finitely generatedR-module.

Proposition 8.2. We suppose R noetherian. If f ∈ (IzzNZ(VMrN0))z−1−lf, then f(1) ∈ VNrMrN0.

Proof. We have

VMrN0=∪t≥rVNtMrN0, (11)

where NtMrN0=KtMrN0⊂Gis a compact open subgroup asMrN0⊂K0 normalizes Rt, and the sequence (NtMrN0)t≥r is strictly decreasing of intersectionMrN0.

We supposet≥r. We writen(r, t)∈Nfor the smallest integer such thatz−nNrzn⊂ Nt⊂Nrforn≥n(r, t). We show that

1)hN0,zn(VNtMrN0)is fixed byNrMrN0whenn≥n(r, t). .

Letv∈VNtMrN0. Letnr∈Nrand (ni)i∈Ia system of representatives ofN0/znN0z−n. We compute:

nrhN0,zn(v) =X






n0iznv, (12)


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