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Contract Reference Form (CRF)


Academic year: 2022

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BSGEE – 2021 - 007 Annex 2.5

Contract Reference Form (CRF)

The Contract Reference Form shall be used to provide details about relevant contracts the tenderer wants to present as proof of technical and professional capability.

The Contract Reference Form consists of two pages:

- Front page;

- Description page.

Both pages must be used to form a complete Contract Reference Form.

A separate Contract Reference Form must be completed for each Contract.

Contact persons may be contacted by the OSGES in the scope of the call for tenders.

It is mandatory to use the Contract Reference Form - only contracts submitted in this form will be considered.



BSGEE – 2021 - 007 Annex 2.5

Contract Reference Form

Contract reference n°

Contract Reference Front Page

Contract Identification

Object of the contract:

Value of the contract: ………..

Start date (mm/yyyy): Finish date (mm/yyyy):

Client name: Contact person:

Phone: email:

Evidence of Contract Execution

If it deems necessary, the contracting authority may ask evidence of the contract existence or execution. In the absence of such evidence, the contract reference shall not be accepted.

Such evidence can be provided in any of the following ways:

A declaration supplied by the contracted (i.e. the beneficiary of the services), adequately describing the services, and specifying that such services have been carried out.


Other material evidence, such as copy of the contract, press articles, previous letters to shareholders or registered external auditor’s statement(s), provided it reasonably establishes the facts. Unsubstantiated claims by the tenderer shall not be accepted.



BSGEE – 2021 - 007 Annex 2.5

Contract Reference Form

Contract reference n°

Contract Reference Description Page:

Provide your contract description here

Signature: Date:

Name: Function: Email:



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