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The low frequency Raman spectrum in relation to the phase transition of KH3(SeO3)2


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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The low frequency Raman spectrum in relation to the phase transition of KH3(SeO3)2

M. Krauzman, R.M. Pick

To cite this version:

M. Krauzman, R.M. Pick. The low frequency Raman spectrum in relation to the phase transition of KH3(SeO3)2. Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (12), pp.1441-1446.

�10.1051/jphys:0198000410120144100�. �jpa-00208970�


The low frequency Raman spectrum in relation to the phase transition

of KH3(SeO3)2

M. Krauzman and R. M. Pick

Département de Recherches Physiques (*), Tour 22, Université P.-et-M.-Curie, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France

(Reçu le 28 mai 1980, accepté le 22 août 1980)



Le spectre Raman de basse fréquence de KTS a été mesuré et analysé au-dessus de Tc à 1 bar et 8 kbars,

dans la géométrie B3g correspondant à la déformation statique de basse température. Les spectres montrent claire-

ment l’existence d’un mode de proton au-dessous de 50 cm-1 1 et l’analyse établit que les effets quantiques et le couplage des protons avec un mode optique vers 40 cm-1 ne jouent guère de rôle dans le mécanisme de la transi-

tion. En revanche, il s’avère que l’interaction entre les protons est de type classique, que ces derniers ont une

dynamique relaxationnelle (avec un temps de relaxation 03C4


(27 cm-1)-1) et que leur couplage avec la déformation

B3g est très important : toutes ces propriétés soulignent la grande différence entre KH2PO4 et KTS malgré la grande sensibilité, à la deutération, de leurs températures critiques Tc.

Abstract. 2014 The low frequency Raman spectrum of KTS has been recorded and analysed above Tc at 1 bar and

8 kbars, in the B3g geometry which corresponds to the low temperature static deformation. The spectra clearly

show the existence of a proton mode below 50 cm-1; the analysis shows that quantum effects and the proton coupling with an optic mode around 40 cm-1 play minor roles in the transition mechanism. On the contrary, the interaction between the protons turns out to be classical in nature, their dynamics is of the relaxation type

(with a relaxation time 03C4


(27 cm-1)-1) and their coupling with the B3g deformation is very important : all those

effects stress the large difference between KH2PO4 and KTS in spite of the large sensitivity, to deuteration, of their critical temperature Tc.

Classification Physics Abstracts





61.50K - 63.20H

1. Introduction.


Potassium trihydrogen selenite

(KTS) belongs to the large class of crystals where an hydrogen bond is essential in a phase transition (a survey is given in [1]).

This is evidenced by two observations :

- first, the phase transition occurs at a tempera-

ture Tr (213 K for KTS) which is very sensitive to deuteration (Tc


287 K for the deuterated KTS) ; - secondly the importance of the hydrogen is

understood from structural considerations : at a tem-

perature T above T,,, KTS belongs to the space

group Dà: (Pbcn) [2] with Z


4 formula units.

The point group D2h is of order 8 so that the 12 pro- tons and the 24 oxygens are displayed into two types of hydrogen bonds [2, 3] (Fig. 1). In one type contain- ing 8 bonds (01H1O3;


2.60 À), the hydrogen is in a simple general position close to oxygen 03 while

in the other type (02H202


2.567 Â), the large length of the 4 remaining bonds requiring also a double

well potential [4] conflicts with the space group requir-

(*) L.A. 71.

Fig. 1.


Projection on the ac plane of the T> Tc’ D2b structure

of KH3(Se03)2 (from Ref. [3]). The K atoms are not represented.

They are located on the twofold b axis passing through the middle

of the 0 2 H 2 0 2 bonds. The disordered H2 atoms are also omitted.

ing the hydrogen to be in the middle of the bond. As a

result, the proton is disordered and statistically

distributed between two symmetrically related posi-

tions along the bond. Below Tc, all the H2 protons order [5]. The corresponding lowering of the sym-

metry (C2’h, P21/b’ Z


4) [5] allows a distortion belonging to the B31 (q


0) symmetry representation

of the D2h group. The growing (for decreasing tem-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198000410120144100



peratures) of a spontaneous shear strain s, [6] and the vanishing (at T


T) of the related C44 elastic

constant are observed [7, 8]. Other published investi- gations on dielectric [9, 101, birefringence [10], thermal expansion [11, 12], specific heat [11], sound atte-

nuation [13] properties are consistent with the above arguments.

In some respects, the situation is comparable to the

case of KH2po4 (KDP), the first crystal of this class which has been widely studied and understood.

However, the latter is actually characterized by two aspects :


First, the T > Tc paraelectric phase belongs

to the space group Dl’ (I42d) and transforms into

a ferroelectric phase of symmetry C29 (Fdd2) when

T Tc, allowing for a spontaneous electrical pola-

rization P. along the C2 axis (which was originally

the high temperature S4 axis). The large sensitivity

of Tc on deuteration (Tc


122 K to Tc


220 K)

establishes here too that the ordering of the protons is responsible for the transition, but as all the hydro-

gen bonds are almost perpendicular to the preserved C2 axis, the strength of P. and other ferroelectric

properties cannot be accounted for by the proton motion alone. An intrinsic coupling between the

proton ordering and the lattice atoms (i.e. optic phonons) does necessary exist.


Secondly, there are four 0-H-0 bonds (disor-

dered at T > Te) connected to each (P04)- - - ion.

In order to balance the electrical neutrality of each (K-P04)- - group, a jump of a proton from one site

to the other along the bond, forces the jump of other

protons. As the shortest topological closed path along hydrogen bonds connects 6 P04 ions, there

exists strong non local correlations in the proton motions.

The properties of KTS are much simpler in these

two respects :


First, none of the two phases is ferroelectric

(they possess an inversion centre) and the proton-

optic phonon coupling may be weak.


Secondly, each 02H202 disordered bond is included in a single KH3(Se03)2 group and no corre-

lation between the proton motions is needed to maintain the electrical neutrality.

On the other hand, Makita et al. [7] studying C44(T ) above Tc concluded that the primary transition parameter (that we assign to be the proton ordering)

is strongly coupled to the acoustic branch and would

induce, if uncoupled, a phase transition at a tempe-

rature To


Tc - 137 K. This - 137 value has to be taken only as a rough estimate, as they neglect all

the thermal anharmonicities arising in the vicinity

of the melting point and also because it seems to exist some internal unconsistencies in the numbers

quoted by these authors [7, 8].

2. Experiments.




We have measured the Raman bc tensor element

(the only one belonging to the B3g representation)

from T = 4 K to T


332 K at room pressure and from T


80 K to T


298 K at P


8 kbars. Deute- rated KTS Raman spectra have also been recorded from T


4 K to T


293 K at room pressure.

We used a Coderg T800 triple spectrometer with

1.5 cm-1 slit width. An argon laser 5 145 A line was

focussed on the sample with a power of 0.2 W or

unfocussed with a power of 0.4 W. The pressure cell is approximately a cube of 11.5 cm side made of

Maraging steel. The pressure fluid (helium) was sent through Maraging steel capillary pipes. The cell

was thermally insulated inside a polystiren box with plexiglass windows and cooled by liquid nitrogen flowing through two copper coils in close contact with two opposite faces of the cell. The thermocouple

remains at room pressure and measures the tempe-

rature inside an hole drilled in the cell. Four sapphire

windows were mounted, allowing a f /4.5 aperture

for a light beam of 6 mm in diameter. Assuming that

a set of a plexiglass window plus a sapphire window

acts as an elliptical polarizer, we used the following

method to get rid of this effect : birefringent mica

blades were placed out of the cryostat, producing an elliptical polarization opposite to that of the windows.

By a trial and error methpd on selecting the thick-

ness and orientation of the mica blades, the proper linear polarizations on the sample was achieved,

both for the entering laser light and for the scattered light with depolarization ratios of the order of 0.05.

This number is the depolarization ratio checked

on a few internal vibrations selected according to

their selection rules.

The area under a KTS mode located approximately

at 60 cm-1 was used as an internal monitor to cali- brate the intensities of all spectra. The temperature dependence of the latter (expressed in squared arbi- trary amplitude units (a.u.)2) can be determined

assuming this mode follows a (n + 1) Bose-Einstein law.



Figure 2 shows the effect of tem-

perature above Tc on the low frequency spectrum in the a(bc) b geometry at room pressure and under the highest pressure (P


8 kbars) we could reach.

This geometry involves light scattering through the only Raman tensor component (bc) showing a low frequency wing growing continously from T Tc

to reach a maximum intensity at T


Tc. This wing

interacts clearly with an optic phonon at m - 40 cm-1,

but the spectrum below 35 cm-1 is always mono- tonic, i. e. no underdamped soft mode is observed,

even at P


8 kbars. Figure 3 shows that no quali-

tative change results from deuteration.

The absence of a marked pressure effect (except

for an approximate - 5 K/kbar shift of Tc) is in

clear contrast with KDP where at P


6.5 kbars,

a low frequency soft wing (coupled to an optic mode

at co - 170 cm-1) becomes underdamped when

T > 7c + 50 K [14]. In order to go deeper into the


comparison of the properties of the two crystals,

we recall in the next section the theory of the ferro- electric properties of KDP.

3. Phase transition of KDP. - The experiments on

KDP support a series of theoretical models which

can be summarized as follows :

i) A pseudospin S is attached to each proton belonging to an 0-H--0 bond.

ii) The pseudospin part of the energy is approxi-

mated by [15]

where 2 Q is the energy splitting of the two tunnelling

states of a proton in a double well potential at site i, and Jij describes the interaction between protons at sites i and j.

iii) The interaction of the proton or pseudospin

system with the lattice (essentially via an optic phonon)

is introduced and the total hamiltonian is solved

thermodynamically and/or dynamically [16] or alter- natively, the pseudospin system described by equa- tion (1) is first solved [17] and then coupled to an optic phonon [18, 19]. Both ways give basically the

same results : for instance when equation (1) alone

is solved in a molecular field approximation [17], sz > decreases when the temperature increases and vanishes for T >, Tp. Spin fluctuations occur at a

well defined frequency (Dp which vanishes at T



and for q


0 :


This collective proton mode is then coupled directly

to a Raman active optic mode at coo [14], and directly (or undirectly through this optic mode) to an acoustic

mode [20]. This leads to two temperature dependent optic modes cô (T) and roÕ(T) and a temperature dependent sound velocity v(T). One easily shows, by solving for v(Tc)


0 and wÕ(T_)


0 that

so that the phase transition takes place at Tc, with the vanishing of an elastic constant. Tc is given, in the

R.P.A. as the solution of

J* > J being the result of the coupling of the pseudo- spin with the optic and acoustical modes.

In fact, the above model has serious drawbacks :

a) The molecular field treatment is only an approxi-

mate solution of equation (1).

b) In a Raman experiment, light is scattered only by the protons and the optic mode. As far as the former

are concerned, an anharmonic contribution to the

proton mode dynamics comes from an exact treat-



ment of (1), a second contribution arises from relaxa- tion processes, not included in (1) which would exist even in the absence of the tunnelling energy Q.

Finally, there also exists anharmonic contributions to the optic mode dynamics and those are not explicit- ly induced in the usual phonon Hamiltonian.

c) The model is physically meaningful provided

the tunnelling energy is restricted to a rather narrow

range i.e. on the one hand Q must be large enough

in order to rise out of the anharmonic part of the dynamics (underdamping) ; on the other hand, equa- tion (3) implies Q J*/4 in order for a phase transi-

tion with proton ordering to take place.

In KDP, it turns out that the latter conditions (c)

are satisfied ; the anharmonic contributions are always

added phenomenologically (following a procedure proposed in [21]) by the various authors who have discussed either the Raman spectrum (wP and rot

coupling) [14], or the Brillouin spectrum (with the

additional coupling to an acoustic branch) [20].

We shall here follow the same procedure for des- cribing our Raman spectra.

4. Analysis.


The spectra show clearly the inter-

action of a wing-shaped mode, with a well defined

optic mode at - 40 cm - 1. In order to extract the characteristics of the proton mode, a two-coupled

mode analysis has been tried for T > Tc at P


1 bar

and P


8 kbars. Following [14], the Raman inten- sity is given by

where n is the Bose-Einstein factor

R; (i


1, 2) is the polarizability derivative related to the mode i and Gij are elements of the matrix G defined by


pp/cp and po/mÉ are the static susceptibilities of the proton mode (i


1) and the optic mode (i



A(w) is the coupling between these two modes. The results of our numerical analysis lead us to take A(co) as a constant real number. As a consequence

(cf. [21]) the resulting parameters are characteristic of the uncoupled modes, i.e. the proton and the optic mode parameters are directly labelled by the

P and 0 indices in equations (5), (6) and (7).

On the other hand, for a given mode, the pola- rizability derivative R and the strength p are redun- dant and cannot be both determined from the Raman

scattering experiment. A realistic assumption is that

the Ri do not depend on T. In order to follow the

temperature dependence of pP, we assumed Ri



in all what follows. Similarly, expecting a very small T dependence of the optic mode characteristics, we arbitrarily used po


1. (Any other choice would lead to results equivalent to ours, provided the coupling A includes the proper factor.)

Under the above assumptions, all fits of equation (4)

to our experiments give the following results : 1) The proton mode was found overdamped. This produces well-known difficulties due to strong cor- relations in the fitting procedure and leads to large

uncertainties or divergences mainly in the deter- mination of the parameters pP, cop, TP and d . Examin-

ing carefully the fit convergences when one or two of these parameters were kept fixed, we found that : 2) The fits are significantly improved when rop is given a value larger than the highest recorded frequency (50 cm - 1). Best fits are obtained for cop

taking any value above - 100 cm - 1.

As TP > rop > m, the set of equations (4) to (7)

with the ro2 term neglected in equation (6) and Ri




1 can be rewritten as


where j

In other words, fp > rop > ro implies that the proton mode dynamics is described by the relaxation term gr, a point which will be further discussed in the next section.

Equation (8) has been fitted to our Raman spectra

at several temperatures above Tc, both at 1 bar and

8 kbars (where Tc


171.7 K). There still remain strong correlations between some parameters, i.e.

very small changes in X2 result from a variation of Li up to a factor of 2 if all the other parameters are allowed to readjust. In order to follow their variation

versus T, A was assumed to be constant. The results for the five remaining fitted parameters of equa- tions (8)-(12) are listed in table I where a.u. stands for arbitrary amplitude unit and the uncertainties

are deduced from the confidence range given by the

fit routine. The r.m.s. relative error on the spectra

was typically 1 % and never above 1.4 %. These

errors do not take into account the uncertainties

on the experimental intensity determination. Let us

note that the (a.u.) is related to the scattering inten-

sity of the 60 cm-1 mode. The latter can, in prin-

ciple, vary upon deuteration : the (a.u.) may thus

have a different magnitude in the lower part of

table 1.


Table I.


Parameters taken from equations (8), (9), (10), fitted to the Raman spectra.

Upper part : P


8 kbars, T,,


171.7 K, L1

= -

10 cm-l/a.u.

Middle part : P


1 bar, Tc


213 K, L1

= -

5 cm-l/a.u.

Lower part : deuterated KTS, P


1 bar, Tc


287 K, L1

= -


Finally, inspection of table 1 shows that :

3) The optic mode is not or only weakly tempe-

rature dependent at all presures.

4) The relaxation time r is also rather stable.

5) The strength or susceptibility pr of the proton mode is the only physical quantity showing a signifi-

cant temperature dependence as is shown on figure 3.

6) The deuteration changes the value of i by a

factor of 2 but does not affect the frequency mo and the linewidth To of the optic mode.

5. Discussion. - The preceding analysis can be

looked at from two différent points of view : the

validity of a mean field treatment of (1) for the pseudo- spin dynamics, and the consistency of our light scattering results with other recent experiments.

5. 1 As far as the first point is concerned, our results show that the proton dynamics is always overdamped.

This means that the meanfield approximation of (1)

which is sufficient to explain the Raman scattering experiment in KDP, is not appropriate in our case.

Due to its success in the former case, it implies that

the intrinsic relaxation terms not included in (1) play an important role, so that the tunnelling must

not be considered as the leading term of (1) but

rather that the tunnel splitting is always small com- pared with the spin ordering energy J. This is in clear contradistinction with the KDP case, but from

a chemical point of view, is not a surprise because the 0-H-0 bond in KTS is 2.56 À compared to a 2.49 A

value in KDP. This perfectly agrees with the point

of view of Ichikawa [22] who finds that 2.47 A repre-

sents the limit between a single and a double well

potential for the proton : the tunnel splitting 2 Q

is thus expected to decrease enormously from KDP

to KTS as is actually found.

Consequently, the dynamics of (1) is close to that

of an Ising pseudospin model. No really satisfactory

treatment of such a model exists, and all the known methods are lead to assume, at some point, a pseudo- spin relaxation dynamics. This is indeed what we

find. Furthermore, these pseudospin treatments (cf.

e.g. refs. [23, 24]) show that the static susceptibility

p, should diverge in a mean field approximation as (T - Ts) - 1 where Tg is the pseudospin ordering temperature. A linear extrapolation of P; l(T) leads

to T.


85 K at 1 bar (cf. caption of Fig. 4).

Fig. 4.


Intensity Pr of the proton mode versus temperature. The lines represent fits of p,


A/(T - Ts) to the data of table 1 (full circles) : a) P


1 bar, A


756, Ts


85 K ; b) P


8 kbars,



443, 7,


65.5 K.



5. 2 The preceding result is in line with the analysis

of the soft elastic constant C44 made by Makita

et al. [7] (cf. section 1). Assuming only an interaction of this constant with a soft feature, they found that

this soft feature would freeze around 76 K, and that it was its strong coupling with the elastic constant

which pushed 7c towards 213 K. Both results agree

on this respect, and on the order of magnitude T. (1).

A recent neutron scattering study of the same coupled soft feature-acoustic phonon has also been

performed on deuterated KTS by Noda et al. [25].

This allowed to study the soft mode at higher q values.

The authors concluded that the soft mode was either real but heavily damped or relaxational. From their

experiments, one can estimate a value of r of - 1 meV

(i.e. 8 cm - l) in the vicinity of Tc’ which agrees with

our own determination (13.5 cm - l) in the deute- rated sample (see end of section 4).

6. Conclusion.


Our light scattering experiments

on KTS conducted at 0 and 8 kbars at various tem-

e) The same pseudospin treatment proposes that T would also

diverge at T.. But, as we are far from T,, and as the individual

pseudospin relaxing mechanism is certainly température dependent,’

the two effects may easily cancel in the limited température range available.

peratures above Tc indicate a classical (and not a quantum mechanical) behaviour of the proton dyna- mics, dominated by a relaxation process.

The coupling of this relaxation mode with an optic phonon of the same symmetry can be considered

as real, and is never very strong even if it affects

markedly the recorded Raman spectra.

The protons by themselves do not tend to order at Tc but at a much lower temperature as could be

already suggested by the elastic constant measure- ments [7] ; the direct proton-elastic constant coupling plays an important role in the determination of the actual transition temperature.


All these aspects are in clear contradistinction with the KDP case, where the role of tunnelling is impor-

tant, as well as the coupling with an optical pho-

non [14], while the coupling of these quantities with

the elastic constants of the same symmetry plays a

minor role.

The origin of the important influence of deute- ration on the transition temperature 7c is thus not

at all obvious and further studies are necessary to elucidate this point.



We would like to thank Pro- fessor C. T. Walker for many fruitful discussions and also David Walker for adapting a numerical fitting program to our minicomputer.


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