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Draft programme of work and priorities 1974 to 1976, with projections to 1979


Academic year: 2022

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1974 to 1976,









TRADE ----__..




















8 16

20 28



38 41

43 44

51 55

61 66 71

83 89 93

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AAASA Association for the Advance ment of Agricultural Sciences in Africa

AAFRa Association of African Air lines

AAU Association of African Univer sities

ADB African Development Bank

AFCAC African Civil Aviation Commission

ASWEA Association of Social tfoifc Education in Africa

CAFRAD Centre Africain de formation et de recherche administratives pour le developpement

CCC Customs Co-operation Council

CEC Centre for Economic Co operation

CESD Centre europeen de formation des statisticiens economistes des pays en voie de developpe ment

CIEF Comite Irltreafrloain d1 etudes hydrauliques

CDPPP Centre for Development Planning, Projections and Policies

DANIDA Danish International Develop ment Agency

EGA Economio Commission for Africa

BCAFE Sconomic Commission for Asia and Far East













Economic and Social Council

European economic Community

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Friedrich njbert Stiftung

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

International Atomic btoergy Agency

International Association of Schools of Social tfork

International Air Trans port Association

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

International Civil Aviation Organization

International Co-opera tive Housing Development Association

International Council of 3ocial elfare

African Institute for Economic Development and Planning

Institut international d1administration

publique (Paris)




USA Institut international des sciences administratives


ILO International Labour Organi zation








Institute of The Hague


International Union

Monetary Fund

Social Studies,

Trade Centre


IULA . International Union of Local Authorities

IUOTO International Union of Official Travel Organizations

OAU Organization of African Unity

OCAM Common Organization of African and flfelagasy States

ODA Overseas Development Adminis tration

ODTa Organization for the Development of Tourism in Africa

OiiCD Organization for ficonomic Co operation and Development

OTC Office of Technical Co-operation

SDD Social Development Division

STRC Scientific, Technical and Research Commission

TFMD Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Division












Union international des chemins de fer

United Nations Advisory Committee on the appli cation of Science and Technology

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

United Nations Develop ment Programme

United Nations educa tional, Scientific and Cultural Organization

United Nations High Com missioner for Refugees

United Nations Children's Fund

United Nations Industrial Development Organization United Nations Institute for Training and Research

United Nations Public Administration Division

United Nations Resources and Transport Division

United States Agency for International Development

tforld Health Organization

World Meteorological Organization

- iv -



The programme of work and priorities for 1974-1976, with projec tions to 1979* has been prepared in consultation with the Executive ' Committee and the Technical Committee of Experts of the Economic Commission f-or Africa, and in the light of the recommendations of other relevant bodies of the United Natior ',

Basic directives

2. In the preparation of the programme of work and priorities, the Executive Secretary, the Executive Committee and the Technical Committee of Expert's have taken into account the basic directives and decisions of the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly with regard to: planning and programming in the economic and social fields, decentralization, control and limitation of documentation, as well as the recent relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and of the economic and Social Council, and, in particular, the inter national development strategy for the United Nations Second Develop ment Decade.

Account has also been taken of the recommendations contained in the report of the United Nations Administrative Management Service

(Review of management and manpower utilization in the Economic Commi ssion for Africa - September 1970), set up by the Secretary-General

in response to: the first report of the Advisory Committee on

Administrative and Budgetary Questions of the General Assembly at ita

twenty-third session (a/72O7)s the report of the Commission on the Reorganization of the Secretariat (a/7359)» and the report of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly (a/7476).

4. Particular attention has been given to the recommendations of the United Nations Administrative Management Service regarding plan ning and implementing the work programme and, specifically, to the recommendation that the Commission should relate the high priorities within its work programmes to available resources, as well as advance its current programming exercise by one year, so that the Commission's programming cycles could be rationally adjusted to the budgeting

cycles of the United Nations system.

5. As a result of the findings of the manpower utilization survey undertaken in the Secretariat of the Commission by the Administrative Management Service, recommendations xrere made for the provision of staff resources in 1971 for the Commission's secretariat. The Pro gramme of Work and Priorities has been prepared, therefore, on the basis of the resources requested by the United Nations Secretary-

General, in the revised budget estimates for 1971 (a/C.5/1322), which

reflect the outcome of the manpower utilization survey. For the

implementation of the work programmes envisaged for 1975 and 1976,

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and the projections for subsequent years up to 1979, estimates have been provided (within reasonable limits) of the additional resources required, including those which may be needed for new projects or expansion of the Commission's activities.

Concerted action and co-ordination

6. In recent years, the Commission has emphasized at its sessions the need to accord importance to regional co-operation and have also stressed the role of the Commission in the field of national, sub- regional, regional and other multinational efforts at economic co operation. Furthermore, the Conference of Heads of State and Govern ment of Eastern and Central Africa held in Lusaka (1969) gave added support to this question. The crucial role of the tfconomic Commi ssion for Africa, in attaining the objectives of the United Nations Development Decade, was also endorsed by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1442(XLVIl) and by the General Assembly in its resolution 2563(XXIV).

7. The Commission's work programme for 1974-1979 aims at the practical accomplishment of the objectives set out under individual projects and within the framework of a development strategy for

Africa during the United Itfations Second Development Decade. fimphasis is to be placed on certain areas of activities which require special attention during the 1970s, namelyt research, surveys and planning, trade, industry, agriculture, rural transformation, human resources development, including manpower development and training, and economic co-operation. The detailed particulars of the individual projects involved are provided in the work programme.

8. With regard to the content of the programme, special attention is to be given to more action-oriented projects of multinational significance in economic co-operation, such as: establishment of an African Trade Promotion Association; expansion of the activities of

the Association of African Central Banks; establishment of Shippers' Councils; establishment of natural resources research institutes in Africa 5 establishment of common centres for specialized services in surveying, establishment of multinational water resources develop ment institutes for research, planning and training purposes; African livestock development; development of the Trans-African Highway

project, including follow-up action in respect of the Trans-s'est African Highway and Trans-Saharan and Chad Basin Commission road


9. An attempt has been made in the work programme to strike a balance between multinational activities of economic co-operation and those at the national level requiring urgent attention. jith regard to activities at the national level, the programme makes provision for concentrated efforts in such key areas as: the African social situation covers such problems as the African peasant; the urban

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administration; and, several others as evidenced by the specific individual sub-projects in the work programme.

10. In addition to action-oriented programmes, attention trill also be focussed, on a limited scale, on conferences, seminars, and training courses designed to disseminate ideas, set the necessary standards and provide training opportunities for key personnel in crucial areas of development within member States.

11. Uith regard to its co-ordinating role within the region, the secretariat will continue to give active support to, as well as identify areas for co-ordination in, the activities of inter-govern mental organizations for economic co-operation in the Africa region.

12. rfithin the area of operational activities undertaken by the various regional structures of the United Nations system, the secre

tariat will continue its efforts in ensuring that more rational arrangements and procedures are adopted for effective co-ordination of all United Nations development activities within the region, as well as within the framework of the overall targets and objectives

established in the development strategy for Africa during the United Nations Second Development Decade, The secretariat will actively co

operate in the activities of the multinational interdisciplinary development advisory teams recently established by the Department of economic and Social Affairs and, where necessary, will also co

operate in the planning and programming activities of the United Nations Development Programme as well as those of the specialized and

other agencies of the United Nations and bilateral organizations operating at the national, inter-governmental and regional levels.

13. The rate of progress in securing the necessary staff and financial resources for the implementation of the Commission's work programme has been slow. Although efforts have been made to adjust the work programme to available resources, a lot of work will need to continue to be done by the secretariat in enlisting the support of bilateral assistance from the more developed countries, in order to augment the resources required to implement projects of equally high priority for which resources cannot be provided within United Nations budgetary allocations. Wherever appropriate, the Commission will continue to make use of the services of consultants and such bodies as universities and other private or public institutions for carrying out part of its programme of work.

- vn -


14. While every effort has beer, made to relate the Commission's programme of work to available and anticipated resources as much'as possibles there is no certainty that all the projects within the work programme will.be implemented within the timetable fixed for their executions due to inadequate provision of the necessary staff and other rasouroe^. ?hia is why in the past the Commission has entrusted

the Executive Secretary with the appropriate authority to modify or postpone tho implementation of certain projects In the work programme,

or to establish a different order or priorities, within the framework

of the present integrated system of long-term planning, programming

and budgeting.

15- The Commission's programme of work and priorities (together with thy rslevairc budgetary requirements) has been prepared for the biennial period 1974 and 1975? with projections to 1979. This arrange

ment would enable the General Assembly to consider precise and

definitive programme proposals up to the end of 1974 before the close of its twenty-eighth session in 1973. In effect, the resource

requirements of the Commission's programme of work and priorities, . up .to the and of 1974 would have been considered by ECOSOC and the General Assambly in advance during 1973.

Deoegtralizatiott and strengthening of the secretariat ■ •

16. Pending decision on the question of decentralization from UN

Headquarters to the regional economic commissions and provision of the necessary resources, the secretariat has been endeavouring to provide some backstoppir.g for the secretariat's activities at the sub-regional

level by the recently established multinational inter-disciplinary development advisory teams set up b\ the Department of Economic and

Social Affairs, in keeping with the spirit of General Assembly reso-

lution 2563(X::v)

17. Co-ordination of bilateral technical assistance provided by the more developed countries is being undertaken to augment the present inadequate resources of the Commission secretariat.

18. A fiscal advisory service has been created within the Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs Division and also Natural Resources and Transport Division. Furthermore, a special unit called the African

Associations/European. Community affairs Unit has been established to

provide a link with the fiuropean Community and with member States, and to make, available to them the services required in respect of their


19. The Population Programme Centre has been strengthened by the provision of additional resources made available by the United Nations

Fund for Population Activities.

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number of new posts requested from the United Nations in SCA's budget estimates in order to expand the work: programme of tha Commission in various sectors. Allowance has also been made for activities of

equally high priority for which resources might be sycursd from bi

lateral technical assistance sources,

21. In spite of assistance from these sources, experience has amply demonstrated that not all listed projects can be completed within the period set for various reasons, among which are inadequacy of staff and financial resources, including bilateral technical assistance;

delays in recruitment; inadequate response from some member States;

and, emergencies resulting in ad hoc commitments.

22. Inasmuch as there will probably be changes in the implementa tion of the work programme and priorities due bo unforeseen circum stances, the Commission reaffirms its policy of entrusting the Executive Secretary with the authority to modify or postpone imple mentation of certain projects in the work programme, or to establish a different order of priorities within the framework of the present

integrated system of long-term planning, programming and budgeting.

Explanatory Notes

23. The work programme is presented in sectoral groupings 1 to 20.

In keeping with the request of the Economic and Social Council 1/

to indicate the functional classification of activities, the relevant broad Council classifications are indicated under each division or

section as follows:-

A. Broad issues and techniques relating to development;

B. Development and utilization of human resources;

C. Development and conservation of physical resources;

D. development of essential services.

24. Project listing within the work programme of each Division or Section is in numerical order and, where necessary, the work content of the projects is listed under two priority categories "A" and "B".

1/ See document a/3928 '\jork Programme in the economic, Social and

Humen Rights Fields. Report, by the Secretary-General11, submitted

to the thirty-seventh session of the Council, summer 1964.


Furthermore, the work programme under each project is sub-divided under

four headings l/ - listed as a, b, c, d - the main fields of activity.

However, the provision of assistance to projects of a multinational nature, is an area in which the Commission has continued to direct its efforts within the limits of its resources. The sub-divisions ares

(a) Field technical assistance to countries and territories;

(b) economic and social research studies;

(c) Collection and dissemination of information either through publications or studies; and (d) Organization of conferences, seminars, training

courses and expert working groups.

l/ It does not follow that there will always be four headings

under every main project.

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1 Development trends, requirements and possibilities


Commission terras of reference, first session report9 tenth session report.

Project ainu

To present an analysis and a review of economic trends and development and an annual appraisal of progress during the Second Development Decade, in the context of implementing

"both the international and the regional development strategies

Priority &

work contents

(a) assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)*

(i) Providing- advisory services and undertaking advisory

missions to member States, on request9 in the field of economic


(ii) Giving assistance to, and maintaining liaison with

universities, economic and social research institutes and

national organizations responsiole for national economic surveys

(iii),:idvising on, and. assisting in the training of personnel

and organization of a regular programme for the conduct of economic surveys.

(b) Studies*

Review and appraisal of the objectives and policies of development during the Second Development Decade.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information*

(i) Survey of Economic Conditions in Africa - Part I - an

annual publication reviewing economic trends and developments in the regional context with emphasis on the progress of growth and transformation9 multinational co-operation and the behaviour of external sectors

(ii) Report on review and appraisal of progress during the

Second Development Decade - a biennial exercise which will replace the Purvey of economic Conditions in Africa in the

years of review, namely 1975* 1977 and 1979$


— 2 —

(iii) Survey of ulccnomic Conditions in Africa ~ Fart II - an

annual publication dealing with specific development problems on a comparative basis with countries of the region being made

case studies (1974-1979).

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with CDPPP and all ffiCA Divisions and

Sections. Economic Bulletin for Africa (annual). Execution of (a)(i) will require close collaboration with fiCA's Centre

for Economic Co-operation-

1A:2 Planning ?nd programming


&COSCC resolutions 9J.6(XXXIV), 924(XXXIV), 979(XXXVl), 1O35(XXXVII), 1O79(^LI) and 1175(XLI); Commission terms of reference, first doe;3ion raport, Commission resolutions 15(ll), 18(11), 37(IH); 48(IV), 49(IV), 80(V), 1O5(VI), lll(Vl), 117 (vi)»

145(VII)3 197(IX) and 2l8(x); Planners' Conference reports.

Project aim:

To assist governments to improve their planning machinery and techniques, and thereby uiiianoe the overall performance of their economies.

Priority A

V.'ork content s

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) Providing1 advisory serviGeo tc meribei countries, on

request, in the field of development planning and projections;

(ii) Giving assistance to and maintaining liaison with central

planning organs, universities and other planning institutions and organizations;

(iii) Studying the requirements of SCA member States for

specialized staff for projections, planning and economic sur veys, and the training and other resources required to meet these needs;

(iv) Assisting feoyerntaents to organize, at the national and

sub-regional levels, courses on projections, planning and in establishing,, as required; regional training centres.


(b) Studies:

(i) Studying the results of economic projections prepared by

national and international organizations for African countries and analysing the results, regionally and internationally, of the long-term projections for the African economies; preparing

projections for African countries for the period I976-I98O and

the period 1981-1990 respectively (1974-1979);

(ii) evaluating the possibilities for long-term economic

growth and co-operation of the countries of the region, and

determining the basic elements for economic co-operation and

policy development;

(iii) Collecting and analysing th« development plans of the African countries, studying the obstacles to their implementa tion, and considering measures to be adopted to improve

development plan preparation and implementation?

(iv) Sectoral planning in African development programmes (1974-1975);

(v) Study into the theoretical viability and applicability

of the idea of "Poles de developpement" as instrument for the integration of national economies (1975-1976);

(vi) Study into the methclology of data collection, storage

and retrieval for comprehensive regional planning (1978-1979);

(vii) Development of overall planning techniques and models suitable for African conditions in the light of country practices


(viii) Co-operating with the Centre for Devplopment Planning, Projections and Folicies, to improve world economic projection

models bearing in mind needs and circumstances of the Africa region.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

economic Bulletin for Africa, Planning Newsletter, and Planning Manual for Africa (1979) - Studies (iv), (vi) and

(vii) above will be treated in the Manual.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979)*

(i) Training workshop on techniques of Cost-Benefit Analysis

of projects (1979);


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(ii) Conference of African Planners (1974, 1976, 1978);

(iii) Training courses in the techniques of planning (1977-79)

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with specialized agencies, CDPPP, IDSP, Planners Conference, all h:Ca Divisions and Sections. Review of current economic trends and developments, Planning Newsletter, tiiconomic Bulletin for Africa.

1a:3 Development prospects and the special problems of the least developed African countries and the measures to promote their

development (1974-1979).


General Assembly resolution 2564(XXIV) and 2803(XXVl), UHCTAD resolution 24(ll); Commission report of the Tenth Session;

Commission resolutions 21O(IX), 2l3(x), 222(X), and 232(x).

Project aim:

Study and evaluate possible ways and m^ans of assisting the least developed countries in Africa to overcome the hindrance to their development and thereby to accelerate their rate of growth.

Priority A

Work content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)*

(i) Conduct missions designed to identify the special problems of least developed African countries and provide advisory services?

(ii) Formulate proposals and recommendations on measures for overcoming specific impediments to their socio-economic


(b) Studiest

Studies of the socio-economic characteristics of the least developed African countries, their specific needs and recommen dation of measures for the improvement of their development

opportunities (1974-1979).

Related programmes: Close collaboration with UNOTAD, CDPPP, OAU, multinational African groupings, specialized agencies and all

blCA Divisions.




2Ail Identification and promotion of economic co-operation opportunities (1974-1979)


General Assembly resolution 2563(XXIV)* SC030C resolution H42(XLVll); UNCTAD resolution 23(11); Commission terms ot reference; Commission resolutions 19(m) and 211(IX).

Project aim:

To apprise governments of the widest possible range of options that'may be adopted in the promotion of economic co-operation schemes in various economic sectors, and to promote arrange ments for appropriate multinational action.

Priority a

Jork content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) Technical assistance to inter-governir^ntal groupings in connexion with meetings, conferences, seminars, etc.;

(ii) In the harmonization of work programmes in economic co operation among inter-governmental groupings, and with ^Aj

(iii) In the establishment of United Nations multinational inter-disciplinary development advisory teams (OTjaTs) for rendering technical assistance to governments individually and

strengthening 8CA Sub-regional Offices;

(iv) Identification, formulation and implementation of

economic co-operation schemes in agriculture, industry, training,

research, transport, trade, etc. ',

(v) Negotiation for and implementation of benefit-sharing schemes among inter-governmental groupings.

Relatad programmes:

Close collaboration with WTiO), ITNIBO, CBPPP, ITC, other. United Nations agencies, A3B, OaU, African inter-governmental organi

zations and ti£A Divisions.


- 6 -

2*:2 Institutional, legal and other problems of African economic co operation.


General assembly resolution 2563(XXXff) j hjCOSOC resolution 1442(ZLVIl); Commission resolutions 19(-H) and 211 (IX).

Project aims

To assist governments in making adequate institutional and legal provisions for economic co-operation, and adopting appropriate policies and measures for overcoming both internal and external hindrances to multinational co-operative actions,.

Priority a .

rfork content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)*

(i) Introducing required reforms in the structure, work methods, administrative procedures etc. of inter-governmental institutions and establishing new institutions where appropriate to provide adequate framework for negotiation, decision-making and implementation of economic integration projects;

(ii) Expansion and rationalization of existing inter

governmental groupings;

(iii) Reviewing legal implications and making appropriate

proposals in connexion with such multinational co-operation schemes as joint production enterprises, trade liberalization

and transit trade;

(iv) By serving as a clearing house to all African multi

national economic co-operation groupings on information

relevant to the general African economic co-operation movement.

(b) Studies:

detailed analysis of some major obstacles to.African econo

mic co-operation and the proposal of measures to cope with them.

The topics for analysis listed below have been derived from the

special Study of African Economic Co-operation, efforts and

the Significance of the enlarged European Economic Community

for African Economies.


(i) Evaluation of specific aspects of the institutional

framework for various types of economic co-operation ventures

among African countries (1974-1975);

(ii) The harmonization of certain aspects of national economic

and social policies e.g. labour and capital movement in Africa as a means of improving the environment for economic co

operation; .jest Africa (1974-1975); Bast Africa (1975-1976);

Central Africa (1976-1977); and North Africa (1977-1978)


(iii) Legal mechanisms for the facilitation operation,

harmonization and maintenance of economic co-operation schemes

(1976, 1977, 1979)5

(iv) The use of economic co-operation groupings as a vehicle

for implementing practical measures for coping with the pro

blems of the least developed and land-locked countries (1976-77);

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

Updating of the Directory of African Inter-governmental

organizations (l975» 1977, 1979).

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979):

ad hoc technical working groups of selected multinational groupings to examine methods for implementing schemes for over

coming the obstacles analysed in (b) above (1974-1979).


- 8 -




3a:1 Restructuring of Africa's internal and external trade (1974-79)


General Assembly resolutions 1352(XLV"), 257O(XXIV) and 2571 (XXIV); HJCOSOC resolution 1556(XLIX) ; General Principle Five of UNCT:iD I; Report of the fira fc session of the Standing Commi ttee on Trade; hICa resolutions 98(Vl), 199(lX), 2l8(x) and

???(x); Report of the African Ministerial Meeting Preparatory


Project aim:

Assist in restructuring Africa's trade within the context of a new international division of labour with a view, in particular, to promoting intra-regional trade in a broad range of products and ensuring that trade assumes a. dynamic role to influence the structure of production and integration of the various sectors of the economy; provide member countries with up-to-date infor mation on issues related, inter alia, to internal and external


Priority A

ifiork. content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) .advisory missions at the request of governments on

matters related to structural changes in their trade;

(ii) Conduct of surveys and preparation of studies and documents on structural changes in the trade of African count ries, to provide member countries tfith up-to-date information

on African trade and related trade issues, (b) Studies:

To study ways and means of introducing structural changes in the domestic, inter-regional and external trade of African

countries with a view to trade expansion with other developing

countries and with the centrally planned economies so as to

enhance their contribution to economic development


- 9 -

(c) Collection and dissemination of informations

Reports on the above projects will be submitted to the aCA/OAU Joint Meeting on Trade and Development and other bodies

where appropriate 3

Foreign Trade Newsletter.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working croups (1974-1979)=

SiCA courses on commercial policy and trade promotion for English- and French-speaking African countries.

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with GaTT, ONCT&D, UNIDO, ITC, multi national African groupings and BCa Divisions.

Development and expansion of intra-African trade


General Assembly resolution 2%9(XXIV); UNCTaD Declaration 53(11); UNCTaD resolution ll(ll) and Trade and Development Boara resolution 69(x)5 uCi terms of reference and resolutions

86(V), 100(17), 176(7111), 199(U), 2l6(x) and 222(X); recommen

dation 6 of the sub-regional meeting on economic co-operation in central Africa; resolution D of the sixth Conference of Heads of

■Jtate and Government of eastern and Central Africa and recommen dation of the fifth and sixth PsCa/OaU Joint Meetings on Trade and Development, and report of the African Ministerial Meetin*

Preparatory to UNCTAD III.

Project aims

To foster intra-African trade, and thus promote mutual economic


Priority A -Jork content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) Providing advisory services on policies concerning

development and expansion of intra-African trade;



- 10 -

(ii) Formulating proposals and recommendations on development and expansion of intra-iifrican trade as well as on ways and means of solving problems arising in trade policy;

(b) Studies;

(i) Consider practical ways and means of expanding intra-

African trade, both on a sub-regional ^V^T^TSnpSts- bais with due regard to the equitable distribution of benefits, (ii) To assist member States to overcome difficulties

associated with transit trade and the special problems of land

locked members.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

Reports on the above projects will be submitted to the aCA/CUU Joint Meeting on Trade and Development as well as other

bodies wh=re appropriate.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979):

Non-committal and confidential talks among African countries in conjunction with the biennial sessions of the Conference of Ministers of fflCA with a view to facilitating bilateral contacts between exporters and importers (1975-1977).

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with UNCM), CDPPP, C&TT, UNIDO, Customs Co operation Council, Centre for economic Co-operation, Industry and Housing Division, hXA/FAC Joint AgriculturejDivisxon, Transport, Communications and Tourism Section, statistics


3A:3 Commodity problems and policies


General Assembly resolutions 257O(KIV) and 2571(HI?) I BCOSOC resolutions 1352(XLV) and 1556 Xi.IX) j OTCTaD resolution 16 II) and Trade Development Board resolution 73(IX); SOA «»«>1»*«»B 2l8(X) and 222(x); fourth, fifth and sixth -JCa/OaU Joint Meet

ings on Trade and Development and report of the African

Ministerial Meeting Preparatory to UHCTAD III.


Project aims

To provide African countries with expert assistance on inter national commodity problems and policies, including those related to international commodity negotiations, consultations among African producing countries and between African and other developing producing countries $ assist African countries in harmonizing th^ir positions with regard to these problems and policies; help them to promote measures aimed at ensuring remunerative and stable prices for their commodities and at facilitating the access of the latter to markets, including African ones.

Priority A

fork content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)s

Providing advisory services, on request, on matters related to commodity problems and policies.

(b) Studies:-

(i) Undertake studies on selected commodities as a basis for international commodity negotiations and consultations among African producing countries as well as between African and other producing countries;

(ii) Study possibilities and procedures for reaching agree ments between African producers and consumers of certain proce ssed and primary commodities, especially foodstuffs,

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

Reports on the above projects will be submitted to the SCa/0AU Joint Meetings on Trade and Development, and other interested bodies.

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with UUCTaD, KaO9 African multinational

groupings, kjCA/FAO Joint agriculture Division, Centre for

economic Co-operation, Statistics Division, Natural Resources and other interested Divisions.


3A:4 BCa/OAU Joint Meetings on Trade and Development


resolutions 132(VIl), 175(VIIl), 199(IX), 222(X) and the

report of the tenth session of the Commission.

Project aimi

To assist African countries in harmonizing their vie^s and positions on trade and development issues? including those which come up for discussion at United Rations Conference on Trade and Development and other international bodies and at meetings of the Group of "77".

Priority A

Work contents

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)°

(i) Preparation of studies, surveys and documents regarding

trade and development issues:

(ii) Formulation of recommendations aimed at assisting in

the harmonization of African positions $

(b) Studies:

Studies designed to assist member States in their discussions on trade and development issues.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information;

Eeports on the above studies will be submitted to the U Joint Meetings on Trade and Development, and others which African governments may convene for similar purposes.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979):

(i) The tiJCA/uAU Joint Meetings on Trade and Development

which are held regularly prior to the Trade and Development Board sessions;

(ii) African ministerial meetings preparatory to meetings of

the "77" and UTTCTAD

Related programmes: Close collaboration with OAU.


3A»5 Trade promotion \ V ■'■' ■'


BCOSOC resolutions 1358(XLV), 1362(XLV) and U52<XiiVIl)j UUCTaD resolution l(ll) and Trade development Board resolutions 59(IX) and 72(X); recommendations of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth eCh/OAU Joint Meetings on Trade and. development j «JCA resolutions 199(lX-), 2l8(X> and 22200; resolution D of the

sixth Conference of Heads of State and Government of Eastern ' and Central Africa; recommendations of the Second Technical Committee of the sixth FAO Hegional Conference for Africa,, recommendation of the African Ministerial 'Meeting Preparatory to racMj in.

Project aims . ■ . ... *

To assist African countries in developing their foreign trade through trade promotion activities and co-ordinated trade promo tion programmes, with special reference to intra^-African trade.

Priority a . - '.

7ork contents . ' . . ■

(ft) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

Trade development advisory services.

(i) Improve communications and contacts among African

countries with a view to promoting intra-African trade by, inter alia, the establishment of an Africa Trade Promotion. . ■

association; . ■ , - '•"'•"'-.

(ii) Advise governments on- the establishment of..trade promo

tion machinery, field research and identification of products

and markets; - . ■ .

(iii) .assist governments in introducing simplified and co

ordinated documentation and procedures for external trade;

(iv) Co-operate with governments in the identification of

trade incentives and disincentives, and advise on appropriate

measures for trade expansion (including export credit insurance and direct promotional activities);

, (y) Facilitate trade promotion activities by providing an

efficient documentation and publication programme related to African trade;


- 14-

(vi) Assist in personnel development by creating appropriate training programmes, offering appropriate courses in trade pro

motion, marketing and export techniques;

(vii) Assist in organizing multinational supply and market studies, trade missions, product exhibitions and other export

promotion activities.

(b) Studies:

(i) Prepare market studies, including an inventory of exist

ing enterprises and products in countries of the region;

national trade promotion organizations and programmes and market

profiles of .African countries;

(ii) Study barriers to intra-African trade and developed marketing policies taking account of fiscal, financial and

transport constraints;

(iii) Undertake field research on selected products and markets in intra-African trade.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

Trade information and publications (1974-1979) - (co

ordinated with the work of the Africa Trade Promotion associa


Publish "The African Trader" - a semi-monthly newsletter to

promote intra-African trade.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups


Personnel development programmes will be carried out on an intensive scale as followst

(i) Annual SCa/ITC national training courses in international

marketing for young business and trade promotion executives^

(ii) hXA/ITC training courses for African executives in

marketing selected products to African countries 5

(iii) Local training courses for young executives in trade,

marketing and export promotion;

(iv) In-service training of junior trade promotion officers to be attached to the Africa Trade Centre for periods from six

months to one year each;


(v) Trade symposium on practical aspects of intra-African

trade, trade policy, and the organization of trade promotion

machinery (1974);

(vi) Conference of buyers and sellers in Africa to consider

modern contracts and General Conditions of Sale on selected

products (1974);

(vii) [forking parties of experts representing sellers and

buyers to draw up General Conditions of Sale on the basis of the results of the Conference of Sellers and Buyers in Africa


Related programmes!

Intensive and extensive collaboration with ITC, UNCTAD,

IBRD, ILO, aDB, Association of African Central Banks and



- 16 -


A. BROAD IS3UKJS AND TuXHNIQUuS RELATING TO DblV&LOPMfT 4Asl Budgetary management, taxation, policies and measures


General Assembly resolution 2562(XXIV); 6C0S0C resolutions

127l(XLIIl), 136O(XLV) and 154l(XLIX); e)CA resolutions l68(VIIl), 207(IX) and 2l8(x); recommendations of the Seminar on Current Problems and Training Needs in Tax administration (&/CN.14/FISC/l) Recommendation of the Sixth tfCA/OAU Joint Meeting on Trade and

Development. Recommendation of the African Ministerial Meeting Preparatory to UNCTaD III.

Project aim:

To enhance the capacity of African countries to support expanded development programmes for achieving accelerated growth of their economies, through improvements in "budgetary and fiscal systems and streamlining of tax policies, administrative machinery and techniques with a view to achieving "budget-plan harmonization for achievement of national growth targets and also to promote inter-regional harmonization of fiscal policies and measures.

Priority A

Work contents

(a) iissistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

advisory services to governments on budgetary and fiscal policies and procedures including budget-plan harmonization and individual taxation measures.

(b) Studies;

Comparative studies of tax laws, systems and administration in selected African countries and non-African countries, with suggestions for improvements, will be carried out as follows:

(i) Import and export tax studies (1974);

(ii) Study of the burden of taxation in Africa (1975);

(iii) Taxation of small traders and self-employed persons



(iv) Sales tax and excise duties (1977);

(v) Corporate income taxation (1978);

(vi) Problems of tax evasion in African countries (1979);

(vii) Other tax and non-tax revenues.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979):

(i) Seminars on tax policy, legislation and administration (1975, 1977 and 1979);

(ii) Seminars on budget-plan harmonization (1974, 1976 and


(iii) Local (national) training courses in tax policy, legislation and administration (1974, 1976 and 1978);

(iv) Local (national) training courses in budget-plan harmonization (1975, 1977 and 1979).

Related programmes;

Close collaooration with United Nations Headquarters, ECa tiiconomic Research and Planning Division, Statistics Division, Public Administration Section.

4A:2 The role of domestic resources in development


UNCTAD resolution 28(ll); hXA resolution 98(Vl), 207(IX) and 218(IX)5 recommendation of the Sixth BCA/OAO Joint Meeting on Trade and Development, recommendation of the Second Regular Meeting of the association of African Central Banks, recommen dation of the African Ministerial Meeting Preparatory to


Project aim;

Improving mobilization of sources of domestic finance for



- 18 -

Priority A

tfork content!

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)'

Country missions on request.

(b) Studies:

(i) Preparing periodic reviews of progress in the mobiliza

tion of domestic financial resources in African countries, as a basis for advice to governments on appropriate policies and


(ii) Evaluation of the role of various domestic institutions in mobilizing domestic financial resources (1974-1979);

(iii) Country studies of savings policies, structures, sources and volume (1974-1979)5

(iv) The role of Unit Trusts in the development of African countries (1974-1976);

(v) a1 ays and means in which national and multinational

development banks, development corporations, public corporations and similar institutions may "be efficient inst uments for the promotion and direction of industrial investment.

4A:3 Monetary and financial aspects of African development


General Assembly resolutions 2O87(XX), 2415(XXIIl), 2565(XXIV), 257O(XXIV) and 257l(XXIV); riCOSOC resolutions 1286(XLIIl), .1352(XXIV), 145"l(XLVIIl); UNCTaD resolutions A.IV.12, 27(ll),

30(11), 32(11), 33(11); Commission resolutions 43(IV), 1.40(VIl), 168(VIII), 169(VIII), 201(IX), 2l8(X) and 228(X); recommenda tion of the Sixth SCA/oAU Joint Meeting on Trade and Develop

ment; recommendations of the Second Regular Meeting of the Association of African Central Banks; recommendations of the African Ministerial Meeting Preparatory to UNCTAD III;

recommendation of the Group of "77" in Lima. . ■ Project aim:

Increasing financial aid to Africa and improving its conditions, strengthening financial and monetary co-operation among African countries and evaluating the results of foreign investment to adopt appropriate measures aimed at more advantageous utiliza tion of foreign capital in Africa.


Priority A

'.fork contents

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)'

(i) Assistance to the African Group in various international

todies in formulating a common position on various international financial and monetary problems;

(ii) Formulating adequate country aid policies and foreign

investment legislation;

(iii) Supporting the expansion of activities of the Associa

tion of African Central Banks and providing secretariat services for it.

(b) Studies:

(i) Annual survey of the monetary situation in Africa?

(ii) Annual survey of international monetary problems and

their impact on Africa and financial and technical assistance to Africa;

(iii) Studies of the possibilities of creating African Monetary Unions on a sub-re ;ional basis (1970s

(iv) Study aimed at the improvement of the terms of suppliers

finance (1975)»

(v) Study of the problem of financing local expenses asso ciated with the implementation of projects (1975—1976)5

(vi) Analysis of bilateral payments agreements in Africa and

their impact on intra-African trade expansion (1977-1979);

(vii) Assessment of the benefits and costs of private foreign

investment of interested governments;

(viii) Comparative study on harmonization of investment

legislation and incentives

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with IBRD, Bill1, a£B, O.iU, ffiCA Statistics and Economic Research and Planning Divisions.


- 20


5C:1 Industrial planning, policies and programming


General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV); Commission resolution 218(X); Declaration on African industrial development adopted ."by the First Conference of Ministers of Industry in May 1971.

Project aim:

To promote effective policies and actions for accelerating

industrialization in Africa.

Priority A

Work content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) In formulating national and multinational industrial

plans, policies and programmes;

iii) In undertaking periodical appraisal- of specific cons-^

traints on industrialization and recommending suitable r^mediax

measures as required^

■ (iii) In studying all questions relating to the standardiza tion of industrial products and to tin? establishment of

national or multinational standardization structures.

("b) Studies:

(i) Case studies in selected countries on trends in indus trial efficiency and productivity growth with the object of examining whether international competitivenesses being achieved in specified African industries (1974-1979)?

(ii) Review of criteria and guidelines for the participation of the multinational corporation in developing African multi national and export industries (1977);

(iii) Review of criteria and guidelines for the implementa

tion of multinational industries (1978)-


(iv) Annual review and appraisal of industrial trends and

structures (1974-1979)..

(c) Collection and dissemination of information?

Compilation and dissemination of industrial information

and data.

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups

Biennial Conferences of Ministers of Industry (197^. 1977 and 1979).

Priority "B" Projects:

(i) Biennial workshops on specific aspects of industrialization

policies in co-operation with UNIDG (1976, 1978)5

(ii) Meetings of ad hoc working parties for decisions on the

implementation mechanisms and policies of identified multi national industries (1974-1979);

(iii) "Jxpert working group to review progress in inter- African co-operation in the field of industry and to formulate a long-term strategy for the provision of technical assistance (1976)

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with UNIDC, IMP, FaO, ILC, TJHACaST and

all bCa Divisions,

Industrial project development and pre-investment programming


General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV); Commission resolution

2l8(X); Declaration on African Industrial Development adopted

■ "by the First Conference of Ministers of Industry in May 1971.

Project aims

To ensure a constant supply of viable projects and to promote

actions aimed at sectoral programming of industrial projects.


Priority A

Work contents

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979) :

(i) In identifying investment opportunities through aectoral


(ii) In preparing, evaluating and selecting specific indus

trial projects;

(iii) In conducting reviews and appraisals of trends in

policies and programmes in specific industrial branches;

(iv) In the calculations of Industrial production costs;

(v) In the price and quality control of industrial machi

nery and equipment imported by African countries within the framework of implementing industrial projects;

(vi) In the choice of production techniques or procedures

in the manufacturing sector.

(b) Studies:

(i) Identification and evaluation (including national economic viability) of selected national and indltinational projects (1974-1979)5

(ii) Appraisal of sectoral development strategies in light

of new development related to such factors as markets, techno-

logy? flow of external resources and external policies (l974>


(iii) Review of problems of project implementation including

assessment of the effects of construction and installation

costs in the manufacturing sector (1976);

(iv) Plan of action for the development of the Pharmaceuti

cals industry in Africa in co-operation with TOO and UNIDO


(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

Publication of project profiles based on studies under

taken under 5C:2(b) above to serve as reference material for

project evaluation as a basis for co-ordinating industrial

development programmes (1975-1978).


(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (1974-1979)-

hoc technical working group meetings to examine multi

l jt l d

g gp g m

national project proposals and to formulate recommendations for their implementations (1974-1979),

Priority "B" Projects

(i) Feasibility study for the creation of regional sectoral

Committees: Forest and agriculture-based industries; con struction industry $ metallurgical industries (1977)5

(ii) Convening of the sectoral Committee on forest and

agriculture-based industries (1978);

(iii) Convening of the sectoral Committee on metallurgical

industries (1979).

Related programmes?

Close collaboration with UNIDO, UNDP, P40, WHO and all SCA


5C:3 Industrial investment promotion services


General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV); Commission resolution

2l8(x) \ Declaration on African Industrial Development adopted

by the First Conference of Ministers of Industry in May 1971.

Project aims

To encourage industrial investment by promoting the establish

ment of industrial investment centres.

Priority A

work content 1

(a) .assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) In promoting the creation and development of national

and multinational industrial promotion centres? and effective

systems of industrial information services:, '

(ii) In establishing contacts with potential investors for

the development of specific industrial projects.


- 24 -

(b) Studies:

(i) Preparation of case studies and documentation as a basis

for conducting training courses in industrial information and

investment promotion (1974-1979);

(ii) Comparative analysis of operational industrialization systems in African countries (1975-1978);

(iii) Study of the factors of the greatest importance to

investors in the evaluation of investment possibilities.

(c) Collection and dissemination of informations

(i) Up-dating the n)CA Directory of Investment Promotion Contacts in industrially advanced countries (1975-1976);

(ii) Publication of quarterly investment newsletter (1974-79)

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups


(i) Training workshops for officials responsible for

industrial information and investment promotion services

(1975, 1979);

(ii) Meeting of Government representative \ and foreign investors for stock-taking past achievements and outlining programmes of action for increasing the flow of external

capital to African industry (l975> 1979).

Priority "B11 Projects

Meeting for the promotion of specific industrial projects as

required (1974-1979).

Related programmes:

Co-operation with UNIDO, FAO, ADB, various technical assistance agencies, and all flCA Divisions.

5C:4 Development of rural and small-scale industries


General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV); Commission resolution

2l8(X); Declaration on African Industrial Development adopted by the First Conference of Ministers of Industry in May 1971.


vities and assist In the development of African entrepreneurship.

Priority A

Work contents

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) In elaborating and formulating strategies and policies

for the development of rural and small-scale industries 5

(ii) Identifying the special constraints impeding rapid and

timely entry of Africans into industrial activities and formu lating recommendations for effectively tackling the problem;

(iii) In studying the problems involved in the development of

liandicraft production.

(b) Studies;

(i) Survey and evaluation of national promotion centres with

the object of strengthening their operations and creating new

centres (1974-1979);

(ii) Identification and compilation of small-scale industrial

investment opportunities,

(iii) Study on the role of small and medium scale African

business in the process of socio-economic transformation and development.

(c) Collection and dissemination of information? on

(i) Publication of biennial bulletins on rural and small- scale industries (1974-1979);

(ii) Compilation and dissemination of information on model

schemes, technological processes and ths supply of machinery

and equipment (1974-1979).


- 26 -

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups


Conference of national associations of African industria lists for harmonizing industrial development activities (1976).

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with UNIDO, FAO, ILO, BCA Human Resources Development Divisions BOA Trade, Fiscal and Monetary Affairs


5C:5 Industrial training and technology Origin;

General Assembly resolution 2626(XXV); Commission resolution 2l8(X); Declaration on African Industrial Development adopted by the first Conference of Ministers of Industry in May 1971.

Project aims

To promote the development of industrial manpower and techno logy for accelerating the pace of industrialization.

Priority A

Work content:

(a) assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979)'

(i) In identifying shortage of skills required for indus trialization and in formulating proposals for training pro grammes and projects at the plant, supervisory and managerial


(ii) In designing and organizing training courses directed

especially to industrial extension workers.

(b) Studies:

Training manuals in selected industrial sectors and specific

industrial services (1974-1979).

(c) Collection and dissemination of information:

(i) Publication of selected case studies and training

manuals (1974-1979);


(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working- groups (1974-1979):

(i) Training courses designed to improve the competence of

officials in charge of the preparation and selection of invest

ment projects 5

(ii) Training courses on investment analysis and investment

promotion methods.

Priority "B" Projects

(i) Case studies of successful training programmes and pro

jects especially those designed to broaden the African manage rial and entrepreneurial base (1974-1979);

(ii) The impact of technological advance in the industriali

zed countries on African industrialization in general and on

concepts of economies of scale in particular (1976-1978);

(iii) Annual training courses in selected topics and in selected industrial sectors - organized in co-operation with UNIDO, ILO, PAC, IDtiP and other interested organizations.

Related programmes

Close collaboration with UNIDO, ILC,

Divisions. IDKP and all SCA


- 28 -



6C:1 Policies and programmes for housing, building, physical plan ning and urban development.


Commission resolutions 53(IV), 157(VIIl) and 209(lX).

Project aims

To promote the creation and strengthening of suitable physical planning machinery; encourage a greater co-ordination of the functions of organs already established for physical planning and urban development;, and organize programmes for personnel to man institutions responsible for physical planning and urban development.

Priority A

Work contents

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) Promotion of training facilities for physical planning personnel through field projects, seminars or handbooks (1974- 1979);

(ii) Establishment of administrative and executive physical

planning units and their effective co-ordination with and integration into other agencies responsible for social and

economic planning (1974-1979);

(iii) Formulation and implementation of national housing

policies and programmes (1974-1979).

(b) Studies:

(i) Personnel requirements and training facilities in physical planning (1974);

(ii) Preparation of guidelines in urban land use policies

and control measures (1975)»

(iii) Study on the approaches, techniques and methods used for promoting orderly expansion of cities and the prevention of

slums and squatter settlements (1976);


(iv) Preparation of a manual for housing administrators at

Ministry and executing agency level (1976).

(c) Collection and dissemination of informations

Preparation of a Publication entitled "Regional Physical Planning and Hew Settlements" (1975).

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups (i) Training workshop for physical planning personnel (1975);

(ii) Training workshop on improvements required in rural

housing and community facilities (1974) ;

(iii) Training courses in housing administration at Ministry

and executing agency level (1974-1977),

Related programmes:


Close collaboration with WD, United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning trill be continued. Also the idCA/FaO Joint .agriculture Division, Human Resources Development Division, Statistical Division and aiCA/tfHO Liaison Office would collaborate, the first with regard to 6C:l(a) above, and the second with regard to the provision of rural sanitary facilities.

Improving housing finance mechanisms and increasing inflow of


capital to housing.


Commission resolutions 53(IV), 157(VIIl) and 2O9(IX).

Project aim:

To promote the development of a sound financial basis for housing and associated infrastructural development and to promote the establishment of the appropriate financial insti tutions based on local conditions and needs.

Priority A Work content:

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):


- 30 -

(i) Formulation and implementation of policies (1974-1979)i

(ii) Strengthening of existing financial institutions;

developing housing credit facilities through savings and loan associations; establishing housing or mortgage tanks for co ordinating the use of and channelling funds into housing and urban development (1974-1979).

(b) Studies:

(i) The implications of the use of foreign loans in housing programmes (1974);

(ii) On rent policies and rent structure for housing and

infrastructurally equipped plots of land (1976).

(c) Collection and dissemination of informations

To collect and publish periodically information on the sources of and techniques for financing housing and urban development in Africa. Suitable information on other develop ing countries would be included as appropriate (1974-1979).

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working groups


Training workshop on improvements in housing finance mecha nisms and promotion of training courses for personnel (1974).

Related programmes:

Close collaboration with United Nations Centre for Housing, Building and Planning to improve mechanisms for housing finance.

Consultations have been under way with IBRD and ADB on methods by which they would collaborate. Close collaboration tfill also be maintained with TFMD in the resolving of problems arising from national investment policies and importation and marketing

of building materials.

6CO Promoting the efficient utilization of resources for housing

and urban development.


Commission resolutions 53(IV), 157(VIIl) and 2O9(IX).


Project aims

To promote housing development by providing field assistance to governments in setting up low-cost housing estates using site and service schemes, co-operative and aided self-help methods (1974-1979).

Priority A Work content:.

(a) Assistance to countries and territories (1974-1979):

(i) Establishment of co-operative housing projects with

special emphasis on site and service schemes (1974-1979);

(ii) Improvement of rural and peri-urban dwellings and house designs (1974-1979);

(iii) Setting up units in the appropriate ministries to

organize a system for evaluating construction costs on a continuous basis through classification, standardization, and modular, co-ordination (1974-1979) j

(iv) Standard designs for low-cost housing and comraunitv

facilities (1975).

(b) Studies:

(i)'Evaluation of pilot projects in co-operative and

aided self-help housing (1974-1976);

(ii) The phasing of investments in infrastructure in rela

tion to investment in housing (1974-1975).

(c) Collection and dissemination of information;

(i) Periodic review of trends in house-building costs.

This review will be published once in two years by the building centres now established to study house-building costs on a

permanent basis;

(ii) Annual bulletin on house-building costs (1974-1979).

(d) Conferences, meetings, seminars and expert working



Documents relatifs

DULPHT (Secretariat) said that in establishing this part of the programme the Secretariat had takfen into account both the lessons drawn from the previous year's activities and

1963-1964 tho work of the Transport Section weuld progress beyond the doscriptivo st~go and that it would be possible to ffio.kG analyses ~nd.. Cne of the general ideas behind

Similarly, the study on customs administration should be carried out in various parts of Africa3 because it happened that certain African countries refused to buy African

RDG4RABAWT (Tanganyika) proposed that the text should be altered by the addition of the following words at the end of the first sentence, &#34;specially the relationship between

Mr', ACOCK (Secretariat) said that project !21-O3 had been included in the programme &#34;because the January meeting of the ECA Working Party on Economio and Social Development

If the underlying idea was to improve public finance in order to mobilize greater resources for economic development, it would be better first to undertake a study of national

Decides to establish a Committee on Staff Reoruitment and Training to examine the recruitment and staff training diffioulties and :polioies of the Commission's Seoretariat and to

ACOCK (Secretariat) said that it vou Ld be possible for the Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division to prepare a report on land reform.. H&#34; urg6d however tha, no time limit should bo