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Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in south China


Academic year: 2021

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HAL Id: tel-01128073


Wenbin Ji

To cite this version:

Wenbin Ji. Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in south China. Earth Sciences. Université d’Orléans; Institute of geology and geophysics, Chinese academy of sciences, 2014. Chinese. �NNT : 2014ORLE2037�. �tel-01128073�




Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orleans (ISTO) Institut des Géologie et Géophysique (IGGCAS)


Wenbin Ji

soutenue le : 17 Octobre 2014 pour obtenir le grade de :

Docteur de l’université d’Orléans

et de l’Institut des Géologie et Géophysique

Discipline :

Sciences de la Terre et de l’Univers

THÈSE dirigée par :

Michel FAURE Professeur, Université d’Orléans

Wei LIN Professeur, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS


Yunpeng Dong Professeur, Northwest University (Xi’an)

Guang ZHU Professeur, Hefei University of Technology

______________________________________________________ _______


Michel FAURE Professeur, Université d’Orléans

Wei LIN Professeur, Institute of Geology and Geophysics, CAS

Yan CHEN Professeur, Université d’Orléans

Bruno SCAILLET Professeur, Université d’Orléans

Bei XU Professeur, Peking University

Junlai LIU Professeur, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Shihong ZHANG Professeur, China University of Geosciences (Beijing)

Tao WANG Professeur, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in South China



⅗ӊབྷ䱶ь㕈ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐ਁ㛢ॱ࠶ᱮ㪇, 㺘⧠Ѫབྷ䟿Ⲵըኅォ䲶(ਈ䍘 Ṩᵲዙ, ዙ⍶ォ䲶ᡆ਼ᶴ䙐ዙ⍶ዙ, ԕ৺⴨ᓄⲴ᣶⿫ᯝቲᡆ丗ᙗ↓ᯝቲ)઼ᯝ䲧⳶ ൠ. ᵜ䇪᮷䘹ਆॾইᶯඇйњн਼ᶴ䙐䜘սਁ㛢Ⲵᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐: (1)ॾইᶯ ඇे㕈儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖѝⲴẀ᷿ኡ઼བྷ࡛ኡ, ԕ৺㓒ᆹൠඇ㾯ই䜘Ⲵৼጠቆ઼ བྷ⻺ኡ; (2)⊏ই䙐ኡᑖѝ⇥ⲴབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡ༽ᔿዙփ; (3)ᢜᆀݻ᣹䙊ѻкⲴ哴䲥 㛼 ᯌ, 䘋 㹼 Ҷ 䈖 㓶 Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 ൠ 䍘 ᆖ ǃ ⻱ ॆ ⦷ ਴ ੁ ᔲ ᙗ(AMS)઼ ᒤ ԓ ᆖ(䬶 ⸣ ઼ ᾽ ⸣ U-Pb, ⤜ት⸣U-Th-Pb, 䀂䰚⸣ǃӁ⇽઼䫮䮯⸣ 40 Ar/39Ar)⹄ウ. ⹄ウ㺘᰾н਼ᶴ䙐䜘սⲴըኅᶴ䙐㺘⧠ᒦнᆼޘа㠤. Ẁ᷿ኡṨ䜘ⲴẀ᷿ᵲ ዙ઼བྷ࡛ኡѝ䜘Ⲵѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙᶴᡀҶєњਐ࣐൘йਐ㓚儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖѻкⲴ ⲭ ෙ 㓚 ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐, ൘ ᶴ 䙐 ṧ ᔿ к ࠶ ࡛ 㺘 ⧠ Ѫ ᐘ ර ⲴAර ը ኅ 㛼 ᖒ ઼ 䙐 ኡ ᑖ 㿴 ⁑ Ⲵ ਈ 䍘 Ṩ ᵲ ዙ. ᣶ ⿫ ᯝ ቲ ത 㔅 Ҿ ᵲ ዙ Ⲵ ઘ 㕈, ᵲ ዙ о ᣶ ⿫ ᯝ ቲ Ⲵ ѫ ᵏ ਈ ᖒ ԕNW-SE ੁⲴⸯ⢙᣹ը㓯⨶઼к䜘ੁNWⲴ䘀ࣘᆖѪ⢩⛩. դ䲿਼ᰦᵏⲴ␧ਸዙॆ֌⭘઼਼ ᶴ䙐Ⲵץޕփ, 䘉аըኅ֌⭘ਟ㜭ᔰ࿻Ҿ㓖145 Ma, 㠣130 Maԕ䙐ኡᑖኡṩⲴෞ ๼Ѫḷᘇ䗮ࡠጠᵏ. ↔ཆ, Ẁ᷿ኡǃৼጠቆǃབྷ⻺ኡ઼བྷ࡛ኡ䘈ޡ਼䇠ᖅҶ〽ᲊа ᵏ(110-90 Ma)ըኅᶴ䙐. བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙส⭡ᲊֿ㖇ц(150 Maᐖਣ)઼ᰙⲭෙц (132 Maᐖਣ)єᵏץޕփ㓴ᡀ, ަѝᲊᵏץޕփᱟ൘NW-SEੁըኅ֌⭘л਼ᶴ䙐 ץսⲴ, ԕ ዙ փ 㾯 䜘 䗩 㕈 ਁ 㛢 অ ੁ ᣶ ⿫ ᯝ ቲ Ѫ ⢩ ⛩, ሩ ᓄ Ҿ ᰙ ⲭ ෙ ц Ⲵ ൠ ༣ ߿ 㮴 䗷〻; 㘼ᰙᵏץޕփࡉ䇠ᖅҶNE-SWੁᓄ࣋൪, ᧘⍻ަਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷᲊֿ㖇цᥔ঻ ֌⭘лൠ༣Ⲵ࣐৊䗷〻. 哴䲥㛼ᯌ㺘⧠Ѫਁ㛢Ҿⴆቲѝ䘁N-SੁⲴнሩ〠ォ⣦ᶴ䙐, є 㘬 㾯 䲑 ь 㕃, ⴨ ᓄ Ⲵ ዙ ⸣ ਈ ᖒ ԕ ⴨ 㛼 Ⲵ 䟽 ࣋ ━ 㝡 ઼ ቲ ━ ⢩ ⛩, ᶴ 䙐 ਐ ࣐ ޣ ㌫ ઼ ߧতਢ൷а㠤ᤷ⽪ަᖒᡀҾᲊֿ㖇-ᰙⲭෙ㓚ѻ䰤. 䘉а㌫ࡇ⭡␡㠣⍵Ⲵⲭෙ㓚ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐(ާ ᶱ ᕪ ը ኅ ᕪ ᓖ Ⲵ ѝ л ൠ ༣ ᣈ 䘄, ާ ᴹ 䲀 ը ኅ ᑵ ᓖ Ⲵ ਼ ᶴ 䙐 㣡 ዇ ዙ ץ ս, ⊹〟ⴆቲ䇠ᖅⲴᶱᕡըኅਈᖒ)㺘᰾ॾইൠ४਼ṧ㓿শҶоॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ䗷〻ѝ ⴨ሩᓄⲴ४ฏըኅ֌⭘.


䙊 䗷 ४ ฏ к Ⲵ ሩ ∄ ⹄ ウ, 䇔 Ѫ ⅗ ӊ བྷ 䱶 ь 㕈 ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓ ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐 ੸ བྷ 㤳 ത“䶒 ⣦”ਁ㛢(Ӿ״㖇ᯟ⌋䍍࣐ቄаⴤ㠣ᡁഭॾই޵䱶ൠ४൷ᴹ࠶ᐳ), ᶴᡀҶޘ⨳ᴰབྷ Ⲵൠ༣ըኅ४, ަ䇠ᖅҶབྷ४ฏкⲴ NW-SE ੁըኅ֌⭘, ᒦф䘉аըኅ֌⭘լѾ ާᴹੁॾই޵䱶߿ᕡⲴ䎻࣯. 䘉Ӌըኅᶴ䙐֯ൠ༣н਼ቲ⅑Ⲵዙ⸣⋯᣶⿫ᯝቲᣈ 䘄 㠣 ൠ 㺘, Ӿ 㘼 ֯ ѝ л ൠ ༣ 㔃 ᶴ ਁ ⭏ Ҷ ᕪ ⛸ Ⲵ ᭩ 䙐. ਴ њ ⹄ ウ ४ ᡰ ⎹ ৺ Ⲵ ը ኅ ォ 䲶৺ަ⴨ޣⲴ᣶⿫ᯝቲᡰ㺘⧠Ⲵըኅጠᵏᰦ䰤൷൘ᰙⲭෙц, 䳶ѝҾ 130-126 Ma ѻ䰤. 㔍བྷཊᮠⲴըኅォ䲶ਁ 㛢൘ዙ⸣സ㮴ᕡᑖս㖞(ᡆਐ࣐൘ݸᆈ䙐ኡᑖѻк), ዙ⸣സṩ䜘н਼㿴⁑Ⲵ᣶⊹ᱟ䘉њᐘරըኅ४ᖒᡀⲴѫሬᵪࡦ. ᵜ䇪᮷Ѫ᧒䇘⅗ ӊབྷ䱶ь㕈ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐ਁ㛢ⲴᰦオṬᷦ৺ަࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟᨀ׋Ҷⴤ᧕Ⲵᶴ䙐 䇱ᦞ. ޣ䭞䇽: ॾইᶯඇ, ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐, ਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ, ਼ᶴ䙐㣡዇ዙ, ॾेݻ᣹䙊 ⹤ൿ


Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in South China


Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics is widespread in the eastern Eurasia, as manifested by extensional domes (metamorphic core complexes (MCC), syn-tectonic plutons and related ductile normal faults or detachments) and rift basins. This thesis selected Late Mesozoic extensional structures developed in three different tectonic locations of the South China block: (1) the Tongbai-Dabie HP/UHP orogenic belt along the northern edge of the South China block; (2) the Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith in the middle segment of the Jiangnan orogen; (3) the Huangling anticline within the Yangtze craton. Detailed studies by structural geology, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and geochronology (zircon and titanite U-Pb dating, monazite U-Th-Pb dating, amphiboleǃmica and K-feldspar


Ar/39Ar dating) were conducted.

The expression of these extensional structures is not same. The Tongbaishan complex and the Central Dabieshan complexes constitute two extensional structures superimposed on the Triassic Tongbai-Dabie orogen. They behaved respectively as a huge A-type extensional antiform and an orogen-scale metamorphic core complex. Detachment faults developed at periphery of these two complexes. The deformation is characterized by a NW-SE trending mineral and stretching lineation and top-to-the-NW kinematics. Coeval with migmatization and syn-tectonic magmatism, the extensional regime started at ca. 145 Ma, and approached its climax at ca. 130 Ma that was signaled by removal of the pre-eixsting orogen root. Additionally, the Tongbaishan and Dabieshan, together with the Shuangfengjian and Daleishan in the Hong’an area also recorded a late (110-90 Ma) extensional event. The Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith is composed of two phases of granitic intrusions with Late Jurassic (ca. 150) and Early Cretaceous (ca. 132 Ma) ages, respectively. The late pluton emplaced under a NW-SE extensional setting corresponding to the Early Cretaceous crustal thinning process, with a single detachment fault developed along its western margin; while the early pluton recorded a NE-SW stress, which might represent a crustal thickening process by Late Jurassic compression. The Huangling anticline is a nearly N-S striking asymmetric dome, with a steep western flank and a gentle eastern flank. The sedimentary cover on


the two flanks was involved in a series of oppositely directed gravitational décollement and layer-parallel slipping that accommodated to its uplifting. According to the structural superposition relationships, the Huangling anticline formed between the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, which is consistent with the obvious cooling process revealed by thermochronology. Above series of Cretaceous extensional structures in different tectonic levels (exhumation of middle-lower crust by strong stretching, syn-tectonic emplacement of granitic pluton with limited stretching amount, deformation of sedimentary cover under a weak extension) indicates that the South China was involved in the regional extensional regime responsible for the destruction of the North China craton.

Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in eastern Eurasia (from the Transbaikalia region in Russia to inland of the South China) constitutes the largest crustal extensional province in the world. A general Cretaceous NW-SE stretching has been documented, which seems to become weak toward the South China inland. Deep crustal rocks were exhumed from different levels by detachment faults in these extensional structures that induced intensive reworking of the middle-lower crustal structure. Studies on the extensional domes and related detachment faults reveal that peak of exhumation occurred at 130-126 Ma. Most the extensional domes developed in the lithospheric weak zones (or overprinted on pre-existing orogens), delamination of thickened lithospheric keel in different sizes could be considered as the leading mechanism of the extensional province. This work provides fist-hand structural evidence for further discussing the temporal-spatial framework and geodynamic setting of the Cretaceous extensional tectonic in the eastern Eurasia.

Key word: South China block, Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics, Metamorphic core



ޝᒤ⺅ঊ⹄ウ⭏Ⲵ㔃ᶏᰐ⯁ᱟሩᆖ⭏ᰦԓࡂкҶањਕਧ. ᝏ䉒ሬᐸ᷇Տ⹄ウઈ൘䘉ޝᒤᰦ䰤޵ѪᡁԈࠪⲴа࠷. Ӿ䇪᮷Ⲵ䘹仈ǃ䟾ཆ઼ ᇔ޵ᐕ֌ǃᆖᵟᣕ੺Ⲵ䇢╄ǃᆖᵟ䇪᮷Ⲵਁ㺘ǃᴰ㓸∅ъ䇪᮷Ⲵ߉֌, ⇿а↕䜭ቁ нҶ᷇㘱ᐸⲴᚹᗳᤷሬ઼ᗳ㹰. ᷇㘱ᐸ儈ᓖⲴ䍓ԫᝏǃѕ䉘Ⲵᆖᵟᘱᓖ઼ᒯঊⲴу ъ⸕䇶, 䘉а࠷䜭൘ᮉሬ⵰ᡁྲօڊӪǃڊһ઼ڊᆖ䰞.

ᝏ䉒⌅ᯩሬᐸྕቄ㢟བྷᆖൠ⨳、ᆖ⹄ウᡰ(ISTO)Ⲵ䱸ዙᮉᦸ઼ Michel Faure

ᮉ ᦸ ሩ ᡁ Ⲵ ᤷ ሬ. 䱸 ዙ ᮉ ᦸ а ࠷ Ѫ ᆖ ⭏ Ⲵ ጷ 儈 Ӫ Ṭ 兵 ࣋ 䇙 ᡁ ᖸ ਇ ᝏ ࣘ, н ӵ ൘ у ък䇙ᡁਇᮉ, ൘⭏⍫кⲴᑞࣙҏ䇙ᡁ亪࡙ൠᓖ䗷Ҷ൘⌅ഭⲴᰦݹ. Michel Faure ᮉᦸ␡৊Ⲵᆖᵟ䙐䈓ԕ৺ⵏ䈊ⲴᙗṬ䇙ᡁਇ⳺ग़⍵. ᝏ䉒ᆖ、㓴⦻␵Ი⹄ウઈ઼ᵾᘐ⹄ウઈ൘⹄ウ⭏ᵏ䰤ሩᡁⲴޣᘰ. ᝏ䉒ਸ㛕 ᐕ ъ བྷ ᆖ ⸣ ≨ 㓒 ᮉ ᦸ ሩ ᡁ Ⲵ ᑞ ࣙ, ⣩ 䇠 ᗇ ⸣ 㘱 ᐸ ᑖ ᡁ ㅜ а ⅑ ᥪ 䘋 བྷ ࡛ ኡ. ᝏ 䉒 㾯 ेབྷᆖ㪓Ӂ呿ᮉᦸ㠚ᡁӾᵜ、ࡠ⹄ウ⭏ᵏ䰤аⴤሩᡁⲴ啃࣡. ᝏ䉒ਨᵪᐸڵᵾ䠁䳱൘ཊ⅑䟾ཆᐕ֌ѝн䗎䗋㤖Ⲵᑞࣙ, ԆⲴ䉱䗮ᔰᵇ㔉⇿ ⅑䟾ཆ䜭໎␫Ҷᰐ䲀Ⲵ⅒Ҁ. ઼ᐸݴᕏ䱸、ǃ㽊ᶘǃ⦻ߋǃ䱸⌭䎵ǃ⦻䭷䘌ǃࡈ伎ǃ㯋ᥟॾǃз࣐Ӟǃ䱣 ᆍ⌅ǃ䲦䖹伎ǃ䛡ᥟǃဌ⩣ǃছᏽㅹ൘а䎧ᘛҀ⭏⍫઼ࣚ࣋ᆖҐⲴᰦݹሶᡀѪᡁ 㖾ྭⲴ䇠ᗶ, ᝏ䉒ԆԜݴᕏ㡜Ⲵᛵ䈺. ᝏ䉒ᇔ৻侦ᶮޝᒤⲴ䲚դ. ᝏ䉒਼⨝਼ᆖሩ ᡁⲴޣᗳ઼ᑞࣙ. ᝏ䉒ᡰᮉ㛢༴઼മҖ侶Ⲵ㘱ᐸѪᡁԜᨀ׋Ҷ㢟ྭⲴ⭏⍫ᶑԦ઼ᆖҐ⧟ຳ. ൘⌅⮉ᆖᵏ䰤, ᴹᒨ৲࣐Ҷ ISTO Ⲵ䱯ቄঁᯟ઼⡡⩤⎧ൠ४䟾ཆᮉᆖᇎҐ, ᝏ

䉒Laurent JolivetᮉᦸⲴ㓴㓷઼䇢䀓ԕ৺൘䟾ཆሩᡁⲴᑞࣙ, ਼ᰦ䘈ᴹ൘ISTOо

ᡁӔ⍱䖳ཊⲴ⌅ഭ㘱ᐸ৺⹄ウ⭏. ᝏ䉒䇨ཊ਼൘ྕቄ㢟⮉ᆖⲴഭ޵਼ᆖሩᡁ⭏⍫ кⲴᑞࣙ. ᴰਾ, ⢩࡛ᝏ䉒ᡁⲴ⡦⇽৺ᇦӪ. Ҽॱ։ᒤ≲ᆖ⭏⏟, ⡦⇽Ⲵ䗋㤖઼䍏ᣵᡁᰐ ⌅᧿䘠. ֐Ԝᰐ⿱Ⲵ⡡ԕ৺ሩᡁ唈唈Ⲵ᭟ᤱ, 㔉Ҷᡁа䐟ੁࡽⲴࣷ≄઼࣋䟿. 䉘ԕ↔䇪᮷⥞㔉ᡁᡰᴹⲴӢӪǃᐸ䮯ǃᴻ৻઼਼ᆖ! ֌㘵: ް᮷ᮼ 2014ᒤ10ᴸ


ㅜаㄐ ࡽ䀰...1 1 ⹄ウ㛼Ჟ৺、ᆖ䰞仈...1 2 ⹄ウ޵ᇩоᯩ⌅...4 3 䇪᮷ᐕ֌䟿ǃѫ㾱⹄ウᡀ઼᷌ࡋᯠ⛩...6 ㅜҼㄐ ॾইᶯඇѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐╄ॆⲴสᵜ⢩ᖱ...12 1 ᰙѝ⭏ԓཊੁ䙐ኡ֌⭘...13 2 ᲊѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐-ዙ⍶һԦ...14 3 ᲊѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐╄ॆⲴн਼⁑ᔿ...15 ㅜйㄐ ॾইᶯඇे㕈儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖ䙐ኡਾըኅෞ๼䗷〻——ԕẀ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐 ኡᑖѪֻ...21 1 ᕅ䀰...23 2 ४ฏൠ䍘ᾲߥ...25 3 Ẁ᷿ኡⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐...27 3.1 Ẁ᷿ኡѫ㾱ዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳ৺ަ⢩ᖱ...27 3.2 Ẁ᷿ᵲዙⲴᶴ䙐䀓᷀...30 3.3 Ẁ᷿ᵲዙⲴᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ...34 3.3.1 ࡽӪⲴᒤԓᆖᐕ֌...34 3.3.2 䬶⸣઼᾽⸣U-Pbᇊᒤ...35 3.4 Ẁ᷿ᵲዙⲴ䲶ॷ䗷〻...38 4 㓒ᆹൠփѝ䇠ᖅⲴⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐...40 4.1 ৼጠቆըኅᶴ䙐...40 4.2 བྷ⻺ኡըኅᶴ䙐...44 5 བྷ࡛ኡⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐...46 5.1 བྷ࡛ኡѫ㾱ዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳ৺ަ⢩ᖱ...46 5.2 བྷ࡛ኡⲭෙ㓚ਈ䍘ṨᵲዙⲴৈᇊ...49 5.2.1 ѝབྷ࡛ォ䲶Ⲵᶴ䙐⢩ᖱ...51 5.2.2 ᣶⿫ᯝቲⲴࠐօᆖ઼䘀ࣘᆖ...53 5.3 ᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ...60 5.3.1 ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙⲴ৏ዙǃਈ䍘֌⭘઼␧ਸዙॆ֌⭘ᰦԓ...60 5.3.2 ըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ...63 5.4 ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙⲴᶴ䙐኎ᙗ...67 5.5 བྷ࡛ኡਈ䍘ṨᵲዙⲴє䱦⇥ᣈ䘄䗷〻...68 6 䙐ኡਾըኅෞ๼ሩᰙᵏ儈঻/䎵儈䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖⲴ᭩䙐...71 7 䙐ኡਾըኅෞ๼Ⲵࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟ઼ᵪࡦ᧒䇘...72


8 ሿ㔃...73 ㅜഋㄐ ⊏ই䙐ኡᑖѝ⇥ᲊѝ⭏ԓབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสⲴץս䗷〻...75 1 ᕅ䀰...76 2 ൠ䍘㛼Ჟ...77 3 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสⲴᶴ䙐ࠐօᆖ⢩ᖱ...80 3.1 ዙփⲴ㓴ᡀ...80 3.2 തዙ৺᧕䀖ਈ䍘ᑖ...83 4 ⻱ॆ⦷਴ੁᔲᙗ(AMS)⹄ウሩዙփᶴ䙐ࠐօᆖⲴ䍑⥞...86 4.1 ዙ⸣⻱㓴ᶴㆰӻ...86 4.2 ṧ૱䟷䳶઼⍻䈅...88 4.3 䖭⻱ⸯ⢙...90 4.4 ⻱㓴ᶴ࠶᷀...93 5 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสєᵏਈᖒⲴ䘀ࣘᆖ⢩⛩...100 5.1 ᰙᵏD1һԦⲴᶴ䙐㺘⧠о䘀ࣘᆖ...100 5.2 ᲊᵏD2һԦⲴᶴ䙐㺘⧠о䘀ࣘᆖ...101 6 ᐳṬ䟽࣋ᔲᑨⲴ੟⽪...104 7 ᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ...106 7.1 䬶⸣U-Pbᇊᒤ...106 7.2 ⤜ት⸣U-Th-Pbᇊᒤ...110 8 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสⲴץս䗷〻৺ަᶴ䙐ਜ਼ѹ...112 9 ሿ㔃………...113 ㅜӄㄐ ᢜᆀݻ᣹䙊ѻк哴䲥㛼ᯌᡀഐ䀓᷀...115 1 ᕅ䀰...115 2 ൠ䍘ᾲߥ...118 3 哴䲥㛼ᯌⲴᶴ䙐ࠐօᆖᖒᘱ઼ዙ⸣ਈᖒ⢩ᖱ...121 3.1 অݳࡂ࠶৺ަࠐօᆖ...121 3.2 о哴䲥㛼ᯌ䲶ॷ⴨ޣⲴਈᖒ...124 4 哴䲥㛼ᯌⲴᶴ䙐-✝╄ॆ...127


 3 㔃䇪...145 ৲㘳᮷⥞...147 䱴ᖅ ֌㘵ㆰӻ...170 䱴㺘3-1 Ẁ᷿ᵲዙ䬶⸣U-Pbᒤԓᆖᮠᦞ...172 䱴㺘3-2 Ẁ᷿ᵲዙ᾽⸣U-Pbᒤԓᆖᮠᦞ...174 䱴㺘3-3 Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖᶴ䙐ዙAr-Arᒤԓᆖᮠᦞ...175 䱴㺘4-1 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสAMSᮠᦞ...178 䱴㺘4-2 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙส䬶⸣U-Pbᒤԓᆖᮠᦞ...183 䱴㺘4-3 བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡ⤜ት⸣U-Th-Pbᇊᒤᮠᦞ...188 䱴㺘5-1 哴䲥㛼ᯌṨ䜘ዙ⸣䫮䮯⸣Ar-Ar࠶᷀ᮠᦞ...201



Chapter 1 Introduction...1

1 Study background and scientific questions...1

2 Scope and methods...4

3 Workload, main results and innovative points...6

Chapter 2 Principal features of Mesozic tectonic envolution in South China...12

1 Early Mesozoic multi-directional orogeny...13

2 Late Mesozoic tectono-magmatic events...14

3 Diverse models of the Late Mesozoic tectonic evolution in South China...15

Chapter 3 Extensional collapse of the HP/UHP orogenic belt in northern margin of the South China block: The case of the Tongbai-Dabie orogen...21

1 Introduction...23

2 Overview of the regional geology...25

3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbaishan...27

3.1 Main litho-tectonic uints and their characteristics...27

3.2 Structural analysis of the Tongbaishan complex...30

3.3 Geochronological studies...34

3.3.1 Previous geochronological data...34

3.3.2 Zircon and titanite U-Pb dating...35

3.4 Uplift process of the Tongbaishan complex...38

4 Cretaceous extension recorded in the Hong’an massif...40

4.1 Shufengjian dome...40

4.2 Daleishan dome...44

5 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Dabieshan...46

5.1 Main litho-tectonic uints and their characteristics...46

5.2 Recognition of the Dabieshan MCC...49

5.2.1 Structure of the central Dabieshan dome...51

5.2.2 Geometry and kinematics of the detachment faults...53

5.3 Geochronological studies...60

5.3.1 Protolith ages and timing of metamorphism and migmatization of the central Dabieshan complex...60


1 Intruduction...76

2 Geological setting...77

3 Structural geometry of theDayunshan-Mufushan batholith...…...80

3.1 Bulk architecture of the batholith...80

3.2 Country rocks and contact metamorphic aureole...83

4 Contribution of AMS in understanding geometry of the batholith...86

4.1 Brief introduction of AMS...86

4.2 Sampling and measurement...88

4.3 Magnetic mineralogy...90

4.4 Magnetic fabrics...93

5 Kinematics of two-phase deformation of the Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith...100

5.1 Early (D1) event...100

5.2 Late (D2) event...101

6 Revelation of the Bouguer gravity data…...104

7 Geochronological studies...106

7.1 Zircon U-Pb dating...106

7.2 Monazite U-Th-Pb dating...110

8 Emplacement process and tectonic signficance of the Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith...112

9 Summary...113

Chapter 5 Origin of the Huangling massif within the Yangtze craton…...115

1 Intruduction...115

2 Geological outline...118

3 Structral geometry and deformation styles...121

3.1 Bulk architecture and litho-tectonic units...121

3.2 Uplift-related deformation of the Huangling massif……...124

4 Tectono-thermal evolution...127

4.1 Previous geochronological data...127

4.2 K-feldspar MDD modeling…...129

4.3 Cooling history……...131

5 Formation time and mechanism of the anticline...134

6 Summary...137

Chapter 6 Discussion and conclutions...138

1 Features of the Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in South China...138

2 Overview of the Late Mesozoic extensional tectonics in the eastern margin of Eurasian continent...142

3 Conclutions...145


Appendix About the author...170


Table 3-1 Zircon U-Pb data of the Tongbaishan complex…...172

Table 3-2 Titanite U-Pb data of the Tongbaishan complex...174

Table 3-3 Ar-Ar data of tectonites from the Tongbai-Dabie orogen...175

Table 4-1 AMS data of the Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith...178

Table 4-2 Zircon U-Pb data of Dayunshan-Mufushan batholith...183

Table 4-3 Monazite U-Th-Pb data of Dayunshan-Mufushan area...188

Table 5-1 Ar-Ar analytical data of K-feldspars from the Huangling massif...201 Article: Origin and tectonic significance of the Huangling massif within the Yangtze craton, South China


Chapter 1 Introduction


Chapter 1 Introduction


⹄ ウ 㛼 Ჟ ৺ 、 ᆖ 䰞 仈

Study background and scientific


ॾेݻ᣹䙊ᱟⴞࡽц⭼кୟаᗇࡠ⺞䇱Ⲵ৏ᴹᐘ৊ཚਔᇉዙ⸣സൠᒄ䚝ਇᕪ ⛸⹤ൿⲴൠ४. ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ⹄ウᐢ㓿ᡀѪᖃӺഭ䱵ൠ⨳、ᆖ亶ฏⲴࡽ⋯઼✝ ⛩䰞仈ѻа(Carlson et al., 2005; ઘᯠॾ, 2009). 㠚кц㓚90ᒤԓᰙᵏ, ѝཆᆖ㘵ᨀ ࠪॾेዙ⸣സ߿㮴ᡆݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ䘉аભ仈ԕᶕ, བྷ䟿Ⲵ⹄ウᐕ֌䳶ѝҾሩ䘉а䰞 仈Ⲵ⹄ウ. ቔަᱟԕ“ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ”䟽བྷ⹄ウ䇑ࡂⲴᔰኅѪཱྀᵪ, ᦰ䎧Ҷᯠа䖞 ⹄ウ✝▞. ቭ㇑ⴞࡽᆖᵟ⭼ཊᮠ䇔਼ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ䘉аสᵜһᇎ, նޣҾॾेݻ᣹䙊 ⹤ൿⲴаӋ䟽བྷ䰞仈ᆈ൘◰⛸Ⲵҹ䇪(Menzies et al., 2007; ੤⾿ݳㅹ, 2008; ᵡᰕ ⾕ㅹ, 2011). (1)ᰦ䰤: 㔍བྷ䜘࠶ᆖ㘵䇔Ѫѝഭь䜘ዙ⸣സ߿㮴ਁ⭏൘ᲊѝ⭏ԓ, ն ሩ߿㮴ਁ⭏Ⲵ䎧࿻ᰦ䰤઼儈ጠᵏᆈ൘йਐ㓚ǃֿ㖇㓚ǃᰙⲭෙцᡆᯠ⭏ԓㅹн਼ 䇔䇶(ᗀѹࡊㅹ, 2009; R.X. Zhu et al., 2012). (2)オ䰤㤳ത: ѫ㾱䳶ѝ൘ཚ㹼ኡԕь ४ฏ, ѝ䜘઼㾯䜘ਚᱟተ䜘߿㮴, ণԕইे䟽࣋ởᓖᑖѪ⭼, ⴨ᓄⲴዙ⸣സ৊ᓖ⭡ 㾯䜘䜲ቄཊᯟ⳶ൠ㓖200 km, 㠣ь䜘ॾे㻲䉧⳶ൠਚᴹ㓖80 km (䱸 ߼ ㅹ, 2010; Chen, 2010); նӵ䲀Ҿॾेݻ᣹䙊ᵜ䓛, 䘈ᱟवᤜьे઼ॾইൠ४൘޵Ⲵᮤњѝ ഭь䜘ҏ㓿শ䗷਼ṧⲴ䗷〻? ⹤ൿࠪ⧠൘ॾेݻ᣹䙊޵䜘䘈ᱟ䗩㕈ᡆ㘵ᱟ൘⻠ᫎ 䙐ኡᑖⲴṩ䜘? ൘␡ᓖк, ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿਁ⭏൘ዙ⸣സൠᒄⲴ޵䜘䘈ᱟ⎹৺ࡠ ൠ༣? (3)ᵪࡦ: ⴞࡽᨀࠪⲴ⁑රѫ㾱ᱟ✝-ॆᆖץ㲰(Xu, 2001)઼᣶⊹֌⭘(Gao et al., 2002)є㊫, ࠶࡛ሩᓄዙ⸣സ߿㮴Ⲵॆᆖ䗷〻(㠚л㘼к)઼⢙⨶䗷〻(㠚к㘼л); ↔ཆ䘈ᴹ⁴ᾴዙ-⟄փ৽ᓄ(Zhang, 2005)ǃ؟ߢ㝡≤⁑ර઼ዙ⸣സ᣹ᕐㅹ. (4)ࣘ࣋ᆖ

㛼Ჟ: ཊٮੁҾоਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ؟ߢᇶ࠷⴨ޣ(Ren et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2005; G. Zhu et al., 2012), ҏᨀࠪҶ㾯՟࡙ӊ-㫉ਔᶯඇоॾेᶯඇⲴ᤬ਸ(ণо㫉ਔ-䜲䴽⅑

ݻ⌻Ⲵ䰝ਸ⴨ޣ)(Zorin, 1999; Meng, 2003)ǃॾेоॾইᶯඇⲴ᤬ਸ(ᶘ䘋䖹઼੤⾿

ݳ, 2009)ǃঠᓖ-⅗ӊབྷ䱶Ⲵ⻠઼ᫎൠᒄḡㅹ⁑ᔿ, ᣁᡆཊᶯඇ⴨ӂ֌⭘(㪓ṁ᮷ㅹ,


Chapter 1 Introduction ⢙⨶ᡀ࣐᷌␡Ҷሩॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿⲴ、ᆖ䇔䇶, ཊᆖ、Ⲵ㔬ਸ⹄ウᖒᡀҶӾ⍵ቲ ⅑ൠ༣ᶴ䙐-ዙ⍶-⊹〟֌⭘ࡠ␡䜘ዙ⸣സ-䖟⍱സ㔃ᶴ৺༣ᒄ⴨ӂ֌⭘ㅹᆼᮤⲴ⹄ ウփ㌫. ަѝ␡ޕⲴᶴ䙐ൠ䍘ᆖᐕ֌Ѫ䲀ᇊݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿⲴጠᵏᰦ䰤઼オ䰤㤳തڊ ࠪҶ䟽㾱Ⲵ䍑⥞(᷇Տㅹ, 2013a৺ަ৲㘳᮷⥞). ᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ৺ዙ⍶ォ䲶 ֌Ѫըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵިර㺘⧠ᖒᔿᒯ⌋࠶ᐳҾॾेݻ᣹䙊৺ަ䛫४, ᶴᡀҶޘ⨳ᴰབྷ Ⲵ ൠ ༣ ը ኅ ४(മ1-1), ֻ ྲ ״ 㖇 ᯟ ⌋ 䍍 ࣐ ቄ ઼ 㫉 ਔ ഭ े 䜘 ൠ ४ ⲴButeel-Burgutoy ਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(Mazukabzov et al., 2006; Donskaya et al., 2008)ǃZaganਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ (Sklyarov et al., 1994; Donskaya et al., 2008)ǃEreendavaaਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(Daoudene et al., 2009, 2011)ㅹ; ॾ े 㾯 䜘 ઼ ь 䜘 ൠ ४ Ⲵ ӊ ᒢ(䜁 ӊ ь ઼ ᕐ 䶂, 1993; Webb et al., 1999a)ǃબ઼⎙⢩ਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(Darby et al., 2001; Davis et al., 2002; Davis, and Darby, 2010; Guo et al., 2012)ǃரஷ⊱ዙ⍶ォ䲶(䛥⍾ᆹㅹ, 2001; Han et al., 2001; ⦻ᯠ⽮઼ 䜁ӊь, 2005)ǃ५ᐛ䰤ኡਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(傜ᇵ⭏ㅹ, 1999; Darby et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2012; Lin et al., 2013a, 2013b)ǃ㾯ኡዙ⍶ォ䲶(ᆻ呯᷇, 1996; He et al., 2009; Yan et al., 2006, 2010; Y. Wang et al., 2011)ǃӁ㫉ኡਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(Davis et al., 1996, 2001)ǃ

䗭ьॺዋըኅ४वᤜ䗭ইਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ৺аӋ਼ᶴ䙐㣡዇ዙ઼᣶⿫ᯝቲ(Liu et al.,

2005; Lin et al., 2007a, 2008a, 2011; ᷇Տㅹ, 2011a; ࡈ׺ᶕㅹ, 2011; Charles et al., 2012; Liu et al., 2013)ǃ㜦ьॺዋըኅ४वᤜ⧢⨁-䜝ᇦዝᵲዙփ(Charles et al., 2011) ઼㜦ই᣶⿫ᯝቲᑖ(Hacker et al., 2009); ॾेই㕈Ⲵሿ〖ዝਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ(Zhang and Zheng, 1999).

ॾইᶯඇ઼ॾेᶯඇ㠚йਐ㓚᤬ਸԕᶕ, ޡ਼֌Ѫ⅗ӊབྷ䱶Ⲵа䜘࠶䖜ޕਔ

ཚᒣ⌻؟ߢᶴ䙐փ㌫ѻѝ. ᲊѝ⭏ԓॾইᶯඇ਼ṧਁ㛢བྷ㿴⁑Ⲵዙ⍶ዙԕ৺Շཊ

Ⲵⲭෙ-ㅜй㓚ൠแ-ॺൠแ⳶ൠ, 䘉аൠ䍘䶒䊼㻛䂹Ѫ“ॾই⳶ዝⴱ”(Glider et al., 1996; Li, 2000; 㡂㢟ṁㅹ, 2004; 㡂㢟ṁ઼⦻ᗧ⓻, 2006; Shu et al., 2009). ਖཆ, ॾ

ই㾯䜘ഋᐍ⳶ൠⲴዙ⸣സ৊ᓖоь䜘ॾ༿ൠ४ҏᆈ൘⵰᰾ᱮⲴь㾯ᐞᔲ(Zhang et al., 2011). 䘉Ӌ䜭㺘᰾ॾইᶯඇ൘ᲊѝ⭏ԓਟ㜭ҏ㓿শҶ㊫լҾॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ Ⲵ ዙ ⸣ സ ߿ 㮴 ᡆ ൠ ༣ ը ኅ 䗷 〻. о ॾ े ݻ ᣹ 䙊 ⴨ ∄ 䖳 㘼 䀰, ᴹ ޣ ॾ ই ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓ ᶴ 䙐╄ॆⲴ⹄ウࡉѫ㾱ԕབྷ㿴⁑࠶ᐳⲴዙ⍶ዙѪ䟽ᗳ, ᔰኅҶབྷ䟿Ⲵዙ⸣ᆖǃൠ⨳ॆ ᆖ઼ᒤԓᆖᐕ֌, ᒦ⭡↔᧒䇘Ҷਔཚᒣ⌻؟ߢ֌⭘оዙ⍶⍫ࣘѻ䰤ਟ㜭Ⲵࣘ࣋ᆖ 㚄㌫, ⎹৺⍫ࣘབྷ䱶䗩㕈ǃᕗਾᢙᕐǃ؟ߢਾ᫔ǃᒣᶯ؟ߢǃ⌻㜺؟ߢᡆᶯ⡷᫅㻲


ㅹ(Zhou and Li, 2000; Zhou et al., 2006; Li and Li, 2007; Ling et al., 2009; Jiang et al., 2009, 2011; Wu et al., 2012; X.H. Li et al., 2013). նᱟ䘉Ӌ⹄ウᒦ⋑ᴹᖒᡀॾইᲊ ѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐╄ॆⲴᆼᮤࣘ࣋ᆖ⁑ᔿ, ウަ৏ഐᱟ㕪ቁҶ⍵㺘ᶴ䙐⹄ウⲴ㓖ᶏ(㡂㢟 ṁ઼ઘᯠ≁, 2002; ⊸ᲃ᰾ㅹ, 2008; ᕐዣẕㅹ, 2012). ↔ཆ, ইे䟽࣋ởᓖᑖ֌Ѫ ѝഭབྷ䱶ൠ༣઼ዙ⸣സ৊ᓖਈॆⲴь㾯⭼㓯, ᆳ൘ॾইᱟ੖ҏԓ㺘⵰ዙ⸣സ߿㮴 Ⲵ 㾯 䜘 䗩 ⭼ ٬ ᗇ ␡ ޕ ᧒ ウ. ഐ ↔, ᔰ ኅ 䈖 㓶 Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 ൠ 䍘 ᆖ ᐕ ֌ ሩ Ҿ ⹄ ウ ॾ ই ᶯ ඇ ᲊѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐╄ॆሶՊ䎧ࡠॱ࠶䟽㾱Ⲵ᧘ࣘ֌⭘. ॾইᶯඇे䜘ᰐ䇪ᱟᶯඇ䗩㕈оབྷ䱶␡؟ߢ⴨ޣⲴẀ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖ, 䘈ᱟ䘁 ޵䱶ൠ४ⲴབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙส઼哴䲥㛼ᯌ, ൘ᲊѝ⭏ԓ൷ਁ㛢Ҷ᰾ᱮⲴըኅᶴ䙐. ᴰᯠⲴᒤԓᆖ㔃᷌ᤷ⽪Ẁ᷿ኡṨ䜘ⲴẀ᷿ᵲዙਟ㜭ᱟањᰙⲭෙцⲴ㣡዇ᵲዙփ, 㘼䶎ࡽሂ↖㓚ൠ䍘փ(ࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ, 2011). ࡍ↕⹄ウ㺘᰾བྷ࡛ኡާᴹިරਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ ⢩⛩, ަਇⲭෙ㓚ᶴ䙐-✝һԦᖡ૽ᴰѪ᰾ᱮ——བྷ㿴⁑Ⲵዙ⍶⍫ࣘ, 䙐ኡᑖѝ䜘 ᕪ⛸Ⲵ␧ਸዙॆ֌⭘৺ォ䲶ઘ㕈ਁ㛢᰾ᱮⲴ᣶⿫ᯝቲ(ް᮷ᮼㅹ, 2011). սҾ⊏ই 䙐ኡᑖѝ⇥ⲴབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙส㾯䜘བྷӁኡൠ४ዙփоⴆቲѻ䰤ਁ㛢ॺ⧟⣦丗ᙗ ࢚࠷ᑖ, 㻛䇔Ѫާਈ䍘ṨᵲዙⲴ⢩⛩(௫⡡ইㅹ, 1998). 䟾ཆ䈳ḕᱮ⽪哴䲥㛼ᯌє 㘬⊹〟ⴆቲԕ⴨㛼Ⲵ━㝡઼ቲ━ਈᖒѪ⢩⛩, ⲭෙ㓚⼘᣹⸣⳶ൠਐ㾶Ҿধޕਈᖒ Ⲵൠቲѻк(⦻ߋㅹ, 2010; Ji et al., 2014). ᵜ䇪᮷ԕॾইᶯඇे䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐ਁ㛢Ⲵިරൠ४˖Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖǃ བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡ઼哴䲥㛼ᯌѪ⹄ウ䶦४, ሶ、ᆖ䰞仈・䏣Ҿ“ॾ ই ި ර ൠ ४ ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵਁ㛢⢩ᖱ৺ަሩॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿᰦオкⲴ૽ᓄ”, 䙊䗷䪸ሩᙗⲴ⹄ウ, 㓖ᶏॾইൠ४ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐ਁ㛢Ⲵ㋮⺞ᰦ䲀઼オ䰤ኅᐳ㤳ത, ᒦоॾे䘋а ↕ሩ∄᧒䇘ަᡀഐ, Ѫᡁഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⸣സ߿㮴Ⲵ⴨ޣ䰞仈ᨀ׋ᯠⲴᙍ䐟.


Chapter 1 Introduction





(1)Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵৈᇊ Ẁ᷿ኡṨ䜘Ⲵըኅ㛼ᖒ઼བྷ࡛ኡѝ䜘Ⲵォ䲶ǃ㓒ᆹൠփ㾯ই䜘Ⲵৼጠቆ઼བྷ ⻺ኡൠ४൷ᱮ⽪ࠪⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵਐ࣐֌⭘. ሩ䘉Ӌըኅᶴ䙐䘋㹼䈖㓶Ⲵᶴ䙐 䀓᷀, म⭫ަࠐօᆖ઼䘀ࣘᆖ⢩ᖱ; 䘹ਆᶴ䙐ዙ䘋㹼 40 Ar/39Arਈᖒᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ, ⺞ ᇊըኅᶴ䙐ਁ⭏Ⲵ㋮⺞ᰦ䲀; ᧒䇘䘉а䙐ኡਾըኅෞ๼䗷〻ሩᡁഭь䜘儈঻/䎵儈 ঻䙐ኡᑖⲴ᭩䙐֌⭘৺ަࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟ. (2)བྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙสⲴᶴ䙐ץս䗷〻⹄ウ Ӿ㣡዇ዙ઼തዙ৺ަ᧕䀖ᑖⲴᶴ䙐ࠐօᆖ઼䘀ࣘᆖޕ᡻, ሩоዙփץս⴨ޣ Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 ਈ ᖒ 䘋 㹼 ࠶ ᷀; Ѫ Ҷ ޘ 䶒 Ⲵ Ҷ 䀓 ዙ փ Ⲵ ޵ 䜘 ᶴ 䙐 ⢩ ᖱ, ᵜ ⅑ ⹄ ウ ሩ ዙ փ 䘋 㹼 Ҷ ㌫ 㔏 Ⲵ ⻱ ॆ ⦷ ਴ ੁ ᔲ ᙗ(AMS)⹄ ウ, ԕ 㧧 ᗇ ዙ ⸣ Ⲵ ⻱ 㓴 ᶴ; ࡙ ⭘ 䬶 ⸣U-Pb৺ ⤜ት⸣⭥ᆀ᧒䪸ᇊᒤ⺞ᇊዙփⲴץսᰦԓ৺⴨ޣⲴਈ䍘ਈᖒᰦԓ; 㔬ਸ᧒䇘ዙփ Ⲵᶴ䙐ץս䗷〻৺ަᶴ䙐ਜ਼ѹ. (3)哴䲥㛼ᯌᶴ䙐䀓᷀৺ަ✝╄ॆশਢ⹄ウ 哴 䲥 㛼 ᯌ Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 ࠐ օ ᆖ ᖒ ᘱ, Ṩ 䜘 ਈ 䍘 ส ᓅ ઼ ཆ ത ⊹ 〟 ⴆ ቲ Ⲵ ਈ ᖒ ⢩ ᖱ; 䘹 ਆ哴䲥㛼ᯌṨ䜘н਼㊫රዙ⸣(㣡዇ዙǃ⡷哫ዙ઼␧ਸዙ)ѝⲴ䫮䮯⸣䘋㹼ཊ䟽ᢙᮓ ฏ(MDD)✝⁑ᤏ⹄ウ, 㔃ਸᐢᴹU-Pb, 40

Ar/39Ar, Rb-Sr઼FTо(U-Th)/Heཊ㌫㔏ᒤԓ

ᆖᮠᦞᶴᔪ哴䲥㛼ᯌ㠚ᯠݳਔԓԕᶕⲴ✝╄ॆশਢ; ᒦ㔃ਸ४ฏᶴ䙐઼哴䲥ൠ४ ⊹〟ਁኅਢ, ᧒䇘哴䲥㛼ᯌⲴ䲶ॷ䗷〻৺ަᡀഐᵪࡦ. (4)ॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵ╄ॆ⢩⛩ 㔬 ਸ ᐢ ᴹ ⹄ ウ, ࠶ ᷀ ॾ ই ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓ ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐 Ⲵ ᰦ オ ⢩ ⛩, ᒦ о ॾ े ݻ ᣹ 䙊 ⹤ ൿ⹄ウ⴨ሩ∄, ԕᵏѪᮤњѝഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⸣സ߿㮴Ⲵᰦ䰤ǃ㤳തǃᯩᔿ৺ަ ࣘ࣋ᆖᵪࡦ䰞仈ᨀ׋ࡦ㓖.



Research methods

(1)䍴ᯉ䈳⹄: ޘ䶒᭦䳶઼䇴ՠо䇪᮷⴨ޣⲴൠ䍘ǃൠ⨳ॆᆖǃൠ⨳⢙⨶䍴ᯉ; ൘৺ᰦҶ䀓઼ᦼᨑ⹄ウ亶ฏⲴഭ޵ཆࡽ⋯ࣘᘱ઼⹄ウ४⹄ウ䘋ኅⲴส⹰к, ᖂ㓣


ᐢᴹⲴ⹄ウᡀ઼᷌ᆈ൘䰞仈, Ѫਾ㔝Ⲵ䟾ཆ઼ᇔ޵⹄ウᨀ׋ᤷሬ઼׍ᦞ. (2)䟾ཆൠ䍘䈳ḕ઼ᶴ䙐ൠ䍘ᆖ⹄ウ: ԕ1: 20з४ฏൠ䍘䍴ᯉѪส⹰਼ᰦ㔃ਸ ተ䜘ൠ४1: 5з४ฏൠ䍘䍴ᯉ, ԕޣ䭞ࢆ䶒Ѫ䟽⛩ᒦ㔃ਸ䶒кⲴ㿲⍻⛩, ᔰኅ䈖㓶 Ⲵ 䟾 ཆ ൠ 䍘 䈳 ḕ, ሩ ⹄ ウ ४ 䘋 㹼 ዙ ⸣ ᶴ 䙐 অ ݳ Ⲵ ࡂ ࠶, ᒦ ㌫ 㔏 䟷 䳶 ዙ ⸣ ᆖ ઼ ᶴ 䙐 ⹄ウᡰ䴰ṧ૱. ሶ䟾ཆ䵢ཤ-᡻ḷᵜ-㮴⡷н਼ቪᓖⲴᶴ䙐ਈᖒ⢩ᖱᴹᵪൠ㔃ਸ൘а 䎧, ㋮ 㓶 ࡫ ⭫ н ਼ ዙ ⸣ ᶴ 䙐 অ ݳ Ⲵ ࠐ օ ᆖ ઼ 䘀 ࣘ ᆖ; ᚒ ༽ н ਼ ㊫ ර ਈ ᖒ ਁ 㛢 Ⲵ オ 䰤 ኅ ᐳ 㤳 ത ৺ ަ ᶴ 䙐 䝽 㖞 ઼ ਐ ࣐ ޣ ㌫, 䘋 㘼 䘋 㹼 ਈ ᖒ ᵏ ⅑ Ⲵ ࡂ ࠶; ᧒ 䇘 н ਼ ᵏ ⅑ ᶴ䙐һԦਁ⭏Ⲵ४ฏᶴ䙐㛼Ჟ, 㔃ਸᐢᴹⲴൠ⨳ॆᆖ઼ൠ⨳⢙⨶䍴ᯉሩᶴ䙐䀓䟺 䘋㹼ր䇱. (3)⻱ॆ⦷਴ੁᔲᙗ(AMS)⹄ウ: ሩབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡዙส৺བྷ⻺ኡ㣡዇⡷哫ዙൠ փ䘋㹼Ҷ⻱㓴ᶴ⹄ウ. 俆ݸሩ⹄ウ४Ӕ䙊ᛵߥ઼䟾ཆ䵢ཤ䘋㹼䈳⹄, ѪAMSⲴ䟷 ṧ ᐕ ֌ ڊ ߶ ༷, ❦ ਾ ֯ ⭘ 䫫 ᵪ ൘ 䟾 ཆ ㌫ 㔏 䟷 䳶 ᇊ ੁ ṧ ૱. 䙊 䗷 ⻱ 㓴 ᶴ Ⲵ ⍻ 䟿 㧧 ᗇ ዙ⸣Ⲵ⻱䶒⨶઼⻱㓯⨶, 䘋㘼㔃ਸᶴ䙐Ӿᮤփк࠶᷀ൠ䍘փⲴᶴ䙐ࠐօᆖ৺ަਇ ࡠⲴ४ฏᓄ࣋൪⢩ᖱ. (4)ᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ: ࡙⭘ዙ䬶⸣઼᾽⸣U-Pbᇊᒤԕ৺⤜ት⸣⭥ᆀ᧒䪸ᇊᒤ⽪䑚ਈ 䍘 ዙ Ⲵ ৏ ዙ ઼ ਈ 䍘 ᰦ ԓ, ዙ ⍶ ዙ Ⲵ ץ ս ᰦ ԓ. ൘ ᶴ 䙐 䀓 ᷀ ઼ ⸯ ⢙ ਈ ᖒ ⢩ ᖱ 㿲 ሏ Ⲵ ส⹰к, 䘹ᤙ⹄ウ४޵Ⲵ丗ᙗ࢚࠷ᑖᡆᕪᓄਈᑖѝᶴ䙐ዙⲴ਼ਈᖒⸯ⢙(䀂䰚⸣ǃ ⲭӁ⇽ǃ唁Ӂ⇽ǃ䫮䮯⸣ㅹ)ᔰኅ 40 Ar/39Arᒤԓᆖ࠶᷀, 䲀ᇊਈᖒਁ⭏Ⲵᰦԓ



Workload, main results and

innovative points


Chapter 1 Introduction 2 䟾ཆ㿲⍻⛩ 963 њ 3 䟾ཆ➗⡷ > 1000 ᕐ 4 ᇎ⍻ࢆ䶒 20 ᶑ 5 ṧ૱䟷䳶 275 ඇ 6 㔈ࡦമԦ 60 ᑵ 7 ዙ⸣㮴⡷㿲ሏ 350 ⡷ 8 AMS䟷ṧ⛩ 128 њ 9 AMSṧ૱⍻䈅 901 њ 10 ዙ⸣⻱ᆖᇎ傼 18 Ԧ 11 䬶⸣઼᾽⸣U-Pbᇊᒤ 9 Ԧ 12 ⤜ት⸣⭥ᆀ᧒䪸ᇊᒤ 3 Ԧ 13 40Ar/39Arᒤԓᆖ 12 Ԧ



Main results

1)ཊᮠ⹄ウ㘵䇔ѪẀ᷿ኡṨ䜘ⲴẀ᷿ᵲዙᱟ൘䎠━֌⭘лਁ⭏ੁইьⲴחੁᥔࠪ 㘼 䲶 ॷ Ⲵ, ᵜ 䇪 ᮷ Ⲵ ⹄ ウ 㔃 ᷌ ᒦ н ᭟ ᤱ 䘉 а 䇔 䇶. ᶴ 䙐 䀓 ᷀ 㺘 ᰾ Ẁ ᷿ ᵲ ዙ ᙫ փ кᱟ൘NW-SE䘁≤ᒣըኅ֌⭘лᖒᡀⲴާᴹAර㽦ⳡ⢩⛩Ⲵըኅ㛼ᖒᡆਈ䍘Ṩ ᵲዙ. 㲭❦Ẁ᷿ᵲዙইेඑⲴ䶒⨶ٮੁ⴨৽, ф䶐䘁䗩⭼࢚࠷ᑖ䶒⨶ᰦᑨ䖳䲑, նⸯ⢙᣹ը㓯⨶っᇊ൘NW-SEੁ, 䘀ࣘᆖа㠤ᱮ⽪Ѫк䜘ੁNWⲴ࢚࠷ਈᖒ. ҏ ቡᱟ䈤, Ӿᵲዙ޵䜘ࡠ䗩⭼࢚࠷ᑖ, ަࠐօᆖ઼䘀ࣘᆖާᴹॿ䈳а㠤Ⲵ⢩⛩. 䘉 㺘᰾Ẁ᷿ᵲዙইे䗩⭼ᒦнᱟިරⲴ䎠━࢚࠷ᑖ, ⧠Ӻ㺘䶒к㿲ሏࡠⲴ䎠━⧠ 䊑ᇎ䱵кᱟᰙᵏⲴ᣶⿫䶒ਁ⭏ᕟᴢⲴ㺘⧠. བྷ࡛ኡѝ䜘Ⲵѝབྷ࡛ォ䲶֌Ѫањབྷ㿴⁑Ⲵըኅᶴ䙐ᐢ㻛ӪԜᒯ⌋᧕ਇ, ❦㘼 ⎹৺ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙ৺ަ䗩⭼࢚࠷ᑖᡆᯝ㻲ᑖⲴᶴ䙐䀓઼᷀ォ䲶Ⲵᖒᡀᵪࡦӽᆈ൘ 䖳 བྷ Ⲵ ҹ 䇞. 㔃 ਸ ࡽ Ӫ Ⲵ ᐕ ֌ ৺ ᡁ Ԝ 䈖 㓶 Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 䀓 ᷀, 䇔 Ѫ ѝ བྷ ࡛ ォ 䲶 Ѫ ᖒ ᡀ ҾNW-SEੁըኅփࡦлⲴާ䙐ኡᑖ㿴⁑Ⲵਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ. ⧠Ӻབྷ࡛ኡⲴࠐօᖒᘱ ࠐѾᆼޘ⭡ѝབྷ࡛ォ䲶ᡰ᧗ࡦ. ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙ(␧ਸ⡷哫ዙԕ৺↻ᆈⲴ䎵儈঻ਈ䍘 ዙ)ԓ㺘Ҷਈ䍘ṨᵲዙⲴлⴈ. े䜘䗩⭼ᲃཙ-⼘ᆀ▝ᯝ㻲о㾯䜘䗩⭼୶哫ᯝ㻲ᶴ


ᡀҶォ䲶㾯े㘬Ⲵањ㔏аⲴᕗᖒ᣶⿫ᯝቲ. 㘼ই䜘䗩⭼≤੬-ӄ⋣࢚࠷઼⎐≤ ࢚࠷ᑖ(㺘⧠Ѫ傜ቮ⣦, वᤜᰙᵏⲴXSF-N઼ᲊᵏⲴXSF-Sєᶑ࢚࠷ᑖ)ࡉᶴᡀҶ ォ䲶ьই㘬Ⲵཊ䟽᣶⿫ᯝቲ㓴ਸ. ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙо᣶⿫ᯝቲਁ㛢а㠤ⲴNW-SEੁ ⸯ⢙᣹ը㓯⨶઼к䜘ᤷੁNW䘀ࣘᆖ. а㡜䇔ѪཀྵᤱҾẀ᷿ኡ઼བྷ࡛ኡѻ䰤Ⲵ㓒ᆹൠփਇⲭෙ㓚ᶴ䙐-✝һԦᖡ૽䖳ሿ, ᵜ⅑⹄ウ൘㓒ᆹൠփ㾯ই䜘Ⲵৼጠቆ઼བྷ⻺ኡൠ४䇶࡛ࠪҶⲭෙ㓚Ⲵըኅᶴ䙐. ৼጠቆⲴࠐօᖒᘱоẀ᷿ᵲዙ㊫լ㺘⧠ѪAරըኅ㛼ᖒ, བྷ⻺ኡ(ᡆབྷᛏォ䲶)ࡉ ᱮ⽪Ѫॺ⧟⣦অᯌᶴ䙐. ৼጠቆըኅ㛼ᖒⲴਈᖒ⢩ᖱԕNW-SEੁⸯ⢙᣹ը㓯⨶ ઼к䜘ᤷੁNW䘀ࣘᆖѪ⢩⛩. བྷ⻺ኡォ䲶Ṩ䜘㣡዇䍘⡷哫ዙ㓯ᙗᶴ䙐ਁ㛢н᰾ ᱮ,⻱ ॆ ⦷ ਴ ੁ ᔲ ᙗ(AMS)⹄ ウ 㺘 ᰾ ⻱ 㓯 ⨶ ԕNW-SEੁ Ѫ ѫ ሬ. ൘ ᶴ 䙐 ቲ ⅑ к, 䘉єњըኅᶴ䙐᰾ᱮսҾẀ᷿ᵲዙ઼ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙѻк, ԓ㺘Ҷൠ༣⍵ቲ⅑Ⲵ᣶ ⿫. ൘ᶴ䙐䀓᷀Ⲵส⹰к, ᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ᨝⽪Ẁ᷿ኡ઼བྷ࡛ኡըኅ֌⭘ᔰ࿻ᰦ䰤ਟ㜭 ൘145 Ma, ᒦ൘130 Maᐖਣ䗮ࡠҶጠᵏ, ԕ䙐ኡᑖṩ䜘Ⲵབྷ㿴⁑ෞ๼ᡆ᣶⊹Ѫ ḷ ᘇ. ↔ཆ, Ẁ ᷿ ኡ ǃ བྷ ࡛ ኡ ǃ ৼ ጠ ቆ ઼བྷ ⻺ ኡ 䘈 ޡ ਼ 䇠 ᖅ Ҷ 〽 ᲊ а ᵏ བྷ 㠤 㓖 110-90 MaⲴըኅᶴ䙐. ৼጠቆ઼བྷ⻺ኡѫ㾱ᱮ⽪↔ᲊᵏըኅⲴ䇠ᖅ, ᲊᵏըኅ ᶴ䙐൘Ẁ᷿ኡᆼޘԕᰙᵏ৏ᴹⲴ᣶⿫ᯝቲѪส⹰ᤱ㔝ਁ㛢; ൘བྷ࡛ኡࡉޡ⭘Ҷ 䜘 ࠶ ᰙ ᵏ ᣶ ⿫ ᯝ ቲ, ᒦ ᴹ ᯠ ⭏ ᣶ ⿫ ᯝ ቲ Ⲵ ᖒ ᡀ. Ӿ ࠐ օ ᆖ ઼ 䘀 ࣘ ᆖ Ⲵ ३ 䝽 ޣ ㌫ ᶕⴻ, ᧘⍻Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛ኡ䙐ኡᑖѝਁ㛢Ⲵⲭෙ㓚᣶⿫ᯝቲ൘ᰙᵏަ৏࿻ਁ㛢⣦ᘱ Ѫ༴Ҿѝൠ༣Ⲵ䘁≤ᒣ᣶⿫䶒, ਟ㜭ሩᓄҾѝлൠ༣⢙䍘൘ᰙⲭෙцਁ⭏䜘࠶ ⟄ 㶽 㘼 ກ ᙗ ⍱ ࣘ Ⲵ 亦 䶒 о к 㾶 儈 ঻/䎵 儈 ঻ ਈ 䍘 ዙ ⡷ ѻ 䰤 Ⲵ 䀓 㙖 䶒. ᰙ ᵏ (145-130 Ma)ԕ儈⑙ᶑԦлⲴ䘁≤ᒣ᣶⿫Ѫѫ, ԓ㺘Ҷ⹄ウ४Ⲵѫᵏਈᖒ. ѻਾ


Chapter 1 Introduction 儈঻ዙ⡷ǃᇯᶮ㗔઼ᕐޛዝ㗔)ࡉ㺘⧠Ѫ㻛᣶⿫ᯝቲ㛒䀓Ⲵᶴ䙐ዙ⡷. Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛ 䙐ኡᑖըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵᖒᡀփ⧠Ҷዙ⸣സн਼ቲ⅑ൠ䍘䗷〻Ⲵ㔬ਸ᭸ᓄ, ާփ㺘⧠ Ѫ Ṩ 䜘 ᵲ ዙ փ к 㾶 ዙ ⡷ Ⲵ ᣶ ⿫ ઼ ࢕ 㲰 ৫ 亦, ѝ л ൠ ༣ ਟ 㜭 ᆈ ൘ ੁSEⲴ 䙊 䚃 ⍱, 䙐 ኡ ᑖ ṩ 䜘 Ⲵ ෞ ๼ ᡆ ᣶ ⊹ ֌ ⭘. ሩ ∄ Ҿ ѝ ഭ ь 䜘 ᒯ ⌋ ਁ 㛢 Ⲵ ⲭ ෙ 㓚 ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐, 䇔Ѫަоॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿާᴹ⴨਼Ⲵࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟ, ᱟѝഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⸣സ ߿㮴Ⲵ૽ᓄ, ਚн䗷ਐ࣐൘儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖѻк. 2)ॾই࠶ᐳᴹབྷ䶒〟ᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴ㣡዇ዙ㊫, նޣҾ㣡዇ዙⲴᶴ䙐⹄ウॱ࠶㮴ᕡ. བྷ Ӂኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡ༽ᔿዙփᱟॾই޵䱶⊏ই䙐ኡᑖѝ⇥䖳བྷⲴᲊѝ⭏ԓ㣡዇ዙสѻа. ᵜ䇪᮷ᓄ⭘ᶴ䙐ǃ⻱ॆ⦷਴ੁᔲᙗ઼ᒤԓᆖ⴨㔃ਸⲴᯩ⌅ሩ䈕ዙփⲴᶴ䙐ץս 䗷〻䘋㹼Ҷ䈖㓶Ⲵ⹄ウ, ৈᇊࠪҶᰙᲊєᵏ਼ᶴ䙐Ⲵץޕփ৺ަ⴨ᓄⲴєᵏᶴ 䙐ਈᖒ. D1һԦ൘ᰙᵏץޕփ(唁Ӂ⇽Ҽ䮯㣡዇ዙ઼唁Ӂ⇽㣡዇䰚䮯ዙ)ই䜘䗩㕈 Ⲵ⡷哫⣦㣡዇ዙ৺ަതዙ᧕䀖ਈ䍘ᑖѝ㺘⧠䖳Ѫ᰾ᱮ, ਟ㿱 NE-SW ੁⸯ⢙᣹ը 㓯⨶৺к䜘ੁSW Ⲵ࢚࠷ਈᖒ. D2һԦԕᲊᵏץޕփ(ҼӁ⇽Ҽ䮯㣡዇ዙ)㾯䜘㠼 ⣦䗩㕈བྷӁኡ᣶⿫ᯝቲⲴਁ㛢Ѫ勌᰾⢩㢢, ধޕ丗ᙗਈᖒⲴ㣡዇ዙ৺ަതዙ᧕ 䀖ਈ䍘ዙѝਁ㛢NW-SE ੁⲴⸯ⢙᣹ը㓯⨶৺к䜘ੁ NW Ⲵ࢚࠷ਈᖒ. AMS 㔃᷌ ᨝⽪ᰙᲊєᵏץޕփⲴ޵䜘㓴ᶴ൷ԕዙ⍶⍱ࣘ㓴ᶴѪѫ, ਼ṧ࠶䗘ࠪҶє㓴㓯 ⨶, о䟾ཆ㿲ሏࡠⲴєᵏᶴ䙐ॱ࠶੫ਸ. 䟽࣋䍴ᯉⲴࡍ↕࠶᷀ҏ㺘᰾ᰙᲊєᵏ ץޕփⲴṩ䜘ᡆ䟽ᗳ࠶࡛սҾዙփⲴे䜘઼ѝ䜘ٿьս㖞, 䘉Ӿח䶒ঠ䇱Ҷᶴ 䙐઼AMS Ⲵ⹄ウ㔃᷌. SIMS 䬶⸣ U-Pb ᇊᒤ઼⤜ት⸣⭥ᆀ᧒䪸ᇊᒤ㔃᷌㺘᰾ᰙᵏץޕփⲴץսᒤ喴൘ 150 Maᐖਣ, ҏণD1һԦਁ⭏൘ᲊֿ㖇ц, 㘼ᲊᵏץޕփⲴץսᒤ喴৺ަ⴨ޣ Ⲵਈ䍘ਈᖒᰦԓ൘132 Ma ᐖਣ, ҏণD2һԦਁ⭏൘ᰙⲭෙц. 㔬ਸ࠶᷀, ٮੁ Ҿ䇔Ѫ D1һԦਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷ䘁 N-S ੁⲴൠ༣ᥔ঻࣐৊䗷〻, 㘼D2һԦоẀ᷿-བྷ ࡛䙐ኡᑖѝਁ㛢Ⲵⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐ᆼޘਟԕሩ∄, փ⧠Ҷѝഭь䜘ᰙⲭෙц४ ฏNW-SEੁⲴըኅ֌⭘ᰐ⯁. 3)ᢜᆀݻ᣹䙊ѻкⲴ哴䲥㛼ᯌᱟ⹄ウॾইᶴ䙐╄ॆⲴањ䟽㾱デਓ, նަᡀഐ䰞 仈 а ⴤ ᛜ 㘼 ᵚ ߣ. 䈖 㓶 Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 䀓 ᷀ 㺘 ᰾, 哴 䲥 㛼 ᯌ Ⲵ ࠐ օ ᖒ ᘱ 㺘 ⧠ Ѫ а њ 㾯 㘬 䲑 ь 㘬 㕃 Ⲵ н ሩ 〠 ォ ⣦ 㛼 ᯌ ᶴ 䙐. ૽ ᓄ Ҿ ォ 䲶 ֌ ⭘, 哴 䲥 㛼 ᯌ є 㘬 ⊹ 〟 ⴆ ቲ ԕ


⴨㛼Ⲵ━㝡઼ቲ━ਈᖒѪ⢩⛩. 䲿ਾⲴ㜶ᙗ↓ᯝ֌⭘䘈᧗ࡦҶ㛼ᯌєחൠแ-ॺ ൠแ⳶ൠⲴਁ㛢. 㛼ᯌ㾯㘬ᲊֿ㖇цൠቲⲴধޕ઼є㘬ѻкᰙⲭෙц⹮ዙⲴн ᮤਸ㾶ⴆ, ሶ哴䲥㛼ᯌⲴᖒᡀᰦ䰤㓖ᶏ൘ᲊֿ㖇-ᰙⲭෙцѻ䰤. Ӿ㛼ᯌṨ䜘н ਼㊫රዙ⸣ѝ࠶࡛䘹ਆ䫮䮯⸣䘋㹼MDD⁑ᤏ⹄ウ, ᒦ㔃ਸᐢᴹⲴ✝ᒤԓᆖᮠᦞ, ਟԕ㔉ࠪаᶑ㓖ᶏ䖳ྭⲴߧতᴢ㓯. ✝╄ॆশਢ᨝⽪哴䲥㛼ᯌ㠚䴷ᰖ㓚ԕᶕਟ 㜭Ѫᢜᆀݻ᣹䙊кⲴ㔗᢯ᙗਔ䲶䎧, ॾইᰙਔ⭏ԓ઼ᰙѝ⭏ԓⲴᶴ䙐һԦሩަ ᖡ૽ᗞᕡ. ⴤ㠣ᲊֿ㖇ц-ᰙⲭෙц(160 Ma-110 Ma)ᵏ䰤㓿শҶ᰾ᱮնᇎ䱵кॱ ࠶㕃ធ(2-3 °C/Ma)Ⲵߧত䲶ॷ䗷〻, ሩᓄҾ㛼ᯌⲴᖒᡀ. Ӿᮤњѝഭь䜘㘳㲁, 䇔Ѫ哴䲥㛼ᯌᡰ䇠ᖅⲴᗞᕡըኅ֌⭘փ⧠Ҷѝഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⸣സ߿㮴൘っ ᇊݻ᣹䙊кⲴ㺘⧠. 4)㔃ਸ⍚䭷ǃᓀኡǃ↖࣏ኡ઼㺑ኡㅹൠ४ਁ㛢Ⲵᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐,ॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓ ըኅᶴ䙐བྷ㠤⋯ᶯඇे㕈Ⲵ儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖ઼ѝ䜘Ⲵ⊏ই䙐ኡᑖєњᶴ䙐㓯 ᯩੁኅᐳ. े㕈Ⲵ儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖփ⧠Ҷ᰾ᱮⲴᐘ䟿ըኅ-A රըኅ㛼ᖒᡆਈ 䍘Ṩᵲዙᶴ䙐, 㘼൘䶐䘁޵䱶ൠ४Ⲵըኅᶴ䙐ཊ㺘⧠Ѫዙ⍶ォ䲶ᡆ਼ᶴ䙐㣡዇ ዙ৺ተ䜘ਁ㛢Ⲵ᣶⿫ᯝቲ (⍚䭷ǃᓀኡǃ↖࣏ኡǃབྷӁኡ઼㺑ኡ). ↔ཆ, սҾࡊ ᙗॾই(ᢜᆀݻ᣹䙊)สᓅѻкⲴ哴䲥㛼ᯌӵӵ㺘⧠Ѫ㕃ធⲴߧত৺ᣜॷ৫亦䗷 〻㘼ᐢ, 㲭❦ަҏ㺘⧠ࠪҶаᇊⲴዙ⸣ਈᖒ. оॾे⴨∄, ॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴըኅ ᶴ 䙐 㺘 ⧠ ࠪ ᰾ ᱮ Ⲵ н ൷ а ᙗ, ն ᙫ փ к ը ኅ ᯩ ੁ ઼ ਁ 㛢 ጠ ᵏ ᰦ 䰤 о ॾ े а 㠤. ᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐Ӿ״㖇ᯟ⌋䍍࣐ቄൠ४㠣ᡁഭॾই޵䱶൷ॱ࠶ਁ㛢, ަ䇠ᖅ Ҷབྷ४ฏкNW-SEੁⲴըኅ֌⭘, ᒦфн਼ൠ४ըኅォ䲶৺ަ⴨ޣⲴ᣶⿫ᯝቲ ᡰ㺘⧠Ⲵᣈ䘄ጠᵏᰦ䰤䳶ѝ൘130-126 Maѻ䰤. ᰾ᱮн਼Ҿ㖾ഭ㾯䜘Ⲵ⳶ዝⴱ Ⲵᕗਾըኅᢙᕐᵪࡦ, ⅗ӊབྷ䱶ь㕈Ⲵըኅᶴ䙐൘ᡀഐᵪࡦᖸབྷ〻ᓖкਇ␡䜘 .


Chapter 1 Introduction 1)ሶ Ẁ ᷿-བྷ ࡛ 䙐 ኡ ᑖ ѝ ਐ ࣐ Ⲵ ⲭ ෙ 㓚 ը ኅ ᶴ 䙐 Ӿ ᰙ ᵏ Ⲵ 儈 ঻/䎵 儈 ঻ 䙐 ኡ ᑖ ѝ ᴹ ᭸ൠ࠶⿫ࠪᶕ, ᒦሶ䘉а䙐ኡਾըኅෞ๼䗷〻оѝഭь䜘Ⲵዙ⸣സ߿㮴⴨ޣ㚄. 2)Ӿᯩ⌅ᆖкሶᶴ䙐ൠ䍘ᆖǃ⻱ॆ⦷਴ੁᔲᙗ(AMS)઼ᒤԓᆖᴹ᭸㔃ਸሩ㣡዇ዙⲴ ᶴ䙐ץս䗷〻䘋㹼ཊᆖ、⹄ウ, 䇶࡛ࠪབྷӁኡ-ᒅ䱌ኡ༽ᔿዙփᡰ䇠ᖅⲴєᵏᶴ 䙐һԦ, 䘉ሩҶ䀓ॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴᶴ䙐╄ॆާᴹケࠪⲴ᜿ѹ. 3)ᨀࠪҶըኅ䲶ॷ⁑ᔿᶕ䀓䟺哴䲥㛼ᯌⲴᡀഐᵪࡦ, 䇔Ѫ哴䲥㛼ᯌਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷѝ ഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⸣സ߿㮴Ⲵ㾯䜘䗩⭼. 4)ӾॾইⲴ㿶䀂ᇑ㿶ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿ, ॾইᶯඇа㌫ࡇᲊѝ⭏ԓըኅᶴ䙐Ⲵਁ㛢 㺘᰾ॾेݻ᣹䙊⹤ൿᒦнᱟ“ᆔ⤜”Ⲵ, ަӾ኎Ҿ⅗ӊབྷ䱶ь㕈ᐘབྷⲴൠ༣ըኅ ४.




Chapter 2 Principal features of the Mesozic tectonic

envolution in South China

ॾ ই ᶯ ඇ ѫ 㾱 ⭡ ᢜ ᆀ ݻ ᣹ 䙊 ઼ ॾ ༿ 䱶 ඇ 㓴 ᡀ, ઘ 㕈 㻛 а ㌫ ࡇ 䙐 ኡ ᑖ ᡰ ത 䲀,

ަे㕈Ѫ〖ዝ-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖǃ㾯े㕈Ѫ嗉䰘ኡ㽦ⳡߢᯝᑖ, 㾯ই㕈䙊䗷㓒⋣ᯝ㻲о


Chapter 2 Principal features of the Mesozic tectonic envolution in South China

⭘(Guo et al., 1989; Charvet et al., 1996, 2013; ⦻␵Ი઼㭑・ഭ, 2007; Faure et al., 2008; Lin et al., 2008b; X.H. Li et al., 2009a; Z.X. Li et al., 2010). ॾই൘ѝ⭏ԓ㓿শ

ҶӾ⢩ᨀᯟᶴ䙐ฏੁ┘ཚᒣ⌻ᶴ䙐ฏⲴ䖜ᦒ, ᰙѝ⭏ԓཊੁ䙐ኡ֌⭘઼ᲊѝ⭏ԓ




Early Mesozoic multi-directional orogeny

ᰙѝ⭏ԓॾইⲴᶴ䙐╄ॆਟ䉃ཊ⚮ཊ䳮, ॾইᶯඇઘ㕈Ⲵ䙐ኡᑖสᵜ൷ᱟ൘ 䘉 њ ᰦ ᵏ ᖒ ᡀ Ⲵ. ь ӊ ൠ ४ Ⲵ ь ਔ ⢩ ᨀ ᯟ ⌻ ਁ ⭏ Ҷ 䰝 ਸ, ॾ ই ᶯ ඇ ਇ ࡠ ઘ ത ᶯ ඇ Ⲵཊੁᥔ঻䙐ኡ֌⭘. ॾইे㕈Ⲵ〖ዝ-བྷ࡛-㣿励䙐ኡᑖԕࠪ䵢བྷ㿴⁑йਐ㓚儈঻ /䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ዙ㘼䰫਽, ԓ㺘Ҷॾইᶯඇੁेਁ⭏བྷ䱶␡؟ߢⲴӗ⢙(Hacker et al., 2004; Faure et al., 2008; 䜁≨伎, 2008). ൘〖ዝ-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖⲴই㕈ࡽ䱶ᖒᡀҶањ 㔏аⲴࡽ䱶⳶ൠփ㌫, 㠚ьੁ㾯वᤜ⧠ӺⲴ䜲ьই⳶ൠǃᖃ䱣⳶ൠǃ〝ᖂ⳶ൠǃഋ ᐍ⳶ൠे䜘઼ᶮ█-⭈ᆌ⳶ൠ(S.F. Liu et al., 2005; ⦻␵Ი઼㭑・ഭ, 2007). ॾইᶯ ඇ㾯े㕈Ⲵ嗉䰘ኡ㽦ⳡߢᯝᑖ䇠ᖅҶަ㾯חᶮ█-⭈ᆌൠඇ൘ᲊйਐцੁഋᐍ⳶ൠ Ⲵ 䘶 ߢ ֌ ⭘, ਼ ᰦ ൘ ᶮ █-⭈ ᆌ ൠ ඇ ޵ ਁ 㛢 Ҷ བྷ 䟿 Ⲵ ਼ ᵏ ዙ ⍶ ዙ(Burchfiel et al., 1995; Chen and Wilson, 1996; Roger et al., 2008, 2010; Yan et al., 2011). ൘ॾইᶯඇ

Ⲵ㾯ই㕈, ᆈ൘аᶑӾӁইаⴤᔦըࡠ䎺ইຳ޵Ⲵ㻛㓒⋣ᯝ㻲㛒䀓Ⲵᰙѝ⭏ԓ㕍

ਸ㓯(वᤜ䠁⋉⊏㕍ਸ㓯ǃSong Ma㕍ਸ㓯-Song Chay㕍ਸ㓯), ԓ㺘Ҷঠ᭟ᶯඇо

ॾইᶯඇⲴ䗩⭼, ሩᓄҾ㪇਽Ⲵঠ᭟䘀ࣘ(Carter et al., 2001; Lepvrier et al., 2008, 2011; Carter and Clift, 2008). 䘁ᒤⲴ⹄ウ㺘᰾ਇঠ᭟ᶯඇⲴᥔ঻֌⭘, ᒯ㾯ⲴӁᔰ

ൠփ઼䎺ইьे䜘ⲴSong Chayൠփ൷䇠ᖅҶঠ᭟䙐ኡᑖࡽ䱶ൠ४к䜘ੁNEⲴ䘶

ߢ᧘㾶֌⭘(Lin et al., 2008b; ᷇Տㅹ, 2011b; 䱸⌭䎵ㅹ, 2013; Faure et al., 2014). ❦㘼, Y.J. Wang et al. (2007)ࡉ䇔ѪӁᔰབྷኡⲴйਐ㓚ਈᖒԕ䎠━Ѫѫ, ᱟॾইᶯඇ

ਇࡠঠ᭟઼ॾेᶯඇⲴ㚄ਸᥔ঻㘼ӗ⭏Ⲵ䎠━ኡ㌫. ↔ཆ, Xu et al. (2011)ሩ↖ཧ ኡൠ४ཊᶑ丗ᙗ࢚࠷ᑖⲴ⹄ウ㺘᰾ަ൘239-230 Maᵏ䰤㓿শҶਣ᯻䎠━࢚࠷֌⭘, 䇔Ѫަࣘ࣋ᆖᵪࡦ઼ঠ᭟оॾইⲴ⻠ᫎᴹޣ. ॾইᶯඇ޵䜘ਁ㛢Ҷᇭ㓖1300 kmⲴNE-NNE ੁ㽦ⳡ䙐ኡᑖ, 䘉а䱶޵ᶴ䙐 ⧠䊑ᕅ䎧ҶՇཊᆖ㘵Ⲵޣ⌘. ѪҶ䀓䟺ॾই༽ᵲⲴᶴ䙐ਈᖒṧᔿ, Hsü et al. (1988, 1990)ᴮᨀࠪᢜᆀоॾ༿൘ѝ⭏ԓਁ⭏⻠ᫎ䙐ኡⲴ⁑ර. ն⧠Ӻॾইнᆈ൘ѝ⭏ԓ


⻠ᫎ䙐ኡᑖ, 㘼ԕ䱶޵ਈᖒѪѫᐢ㓿ᡀѪޡ䇶. 㔬ਸᶴ䙐ǃዙ⍶઼⊹〟ㅹཊᯩ䶒䇱 ᦞ, Li and Li (2007) ᨀࠪҶਔཚᒣ⌻Ⲵᒣᶯ؟ߢ⁑ᔿᶕ㔏а䀓䟺ॾই250-190 Ma

ᵏ䰤Ⲵ䱶޵䙐ኡ৺ѝ⭏ԓዙ⍶ዙⲴ╄ॆ䗷〻, 䇔Ѫਔཚᒣ⌻ੁॾইᶯඇѻлⲴ؟

ߢ֌⭘ਟ㜭㠚ᲊҼਐцቡᐢ㓿ᔰ࿻. н਼ҾWang et al.˄2005a˅ޣҾॾইѝ䜘Ⲵ

䴚ጠኡѪᖒᡀҾ217-195 Maᵏ䰤Ⲵ㊫լ䎠━ᯝቲ᧗ࡦⲴ䘶㣡⣦ᶴ䙐Ⲵ䇔䇶, Chu et

al. (2012a, 2012b)䇔Ѫ䴚ጠኡᱟԕਁ㛢丗ᙗสᓅ━㝡ᑖ઼ཊᵏਈᖒ(वᤜᰙᵏк䜘

ੁNWⲴѫ䘶ߢ࢚࠷, ѝᵏк䜘ੁSEⲴ৽ߢ઼ᲊᵏ䘁≤ᒣⲴޡ䖤ᥔ঻)Ѫ⢩⛩Ⲵި

ර䱶޵䙐ኡᑖ, ަᖒᡀᰦ䰤൘ 245-225 Ma ᵏ䰤, ࣘ࣋ᆖᵪࡦਟ㜭оਔཚᒣ⌻؟ߢ

Ⲵ䘌〻᭸ᓄᴹޣ. ❦㘼, ӪԜሩҾਔཚᒣ⌻ᔰ࿻؟ߢⲴᰦ䰤ҏᴹн਼䇔䇶, нቁ⹄

ウ㘵䇔Ѫ䘉а؟ߢ֌⭘࿻Ҿֿ㖇㓚(Zhou and Li, 2000; Zhou et al., 2006; ᕐዣẕㅹ,

2009). ֻྲ, ᕐዣẕㅹ(2009)䙊䗷ᶴ䙐㕆മ઼ਐ࣐㽦ⳡ࠶᷀, 䇔Ѫॾইᰙѝ⭏ԓᆈ

൘єњцԓ㽦ⳡⲴ⁚䐘ਐ࣐, ᰙᵏ䘁ь㾯ੁ㽦ⳡᱟሩйਐ㓚ॾইᶯඇইे䗩㕈䙐

ኡһԦⲴ䘌〻૽ᓄ, 㘼ᲊᵏ NE-NNE ੁ㽦ⳡࡉ䎧ⓀҾѝֿ㖇цਔཚᒣ⌻ੁॾইབྷ






Late Mesozoic tectonic-magamatic events

ᰙֿ㖇цᱟॾইᶴ䙐-ዙ⍶⍫ࣘⲴ⴨ሩᒣ䶉ᵏ, ḷᘇ⵰ᰙѝ⭏ԓ䙐ኡ֌⭘Ⲵ㔃

ᶏ. 䲿⵰ਔ⢩ᨀᯟ⌻Ⲵޣ䰝, ਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇⲴ؟ߢᔰ࿻䎧ѫሬ֌⭘. ᲊѝ⭏ԓ, ॾ

ই ᶯ ඇ Ⲵ ᶴ 䙐 ᙫ փ ԕ ը ኅ փ ࡦ л ⳶-ዝ ᶴ 䙐 Ⲵ ਁ 㛢 Ѫ ⢩ ⛩(Glider et al., 1996; Li,

2000; 㡂㢟ṁ઼⦻ᗧ⓻, 2006). ᴰᕅӪ⌘ⴞⲴൠ䍘䶒䊼ᱟՇཊѝ-ሿරᯝ䲧⳶ൠ઼

བྷ䟿ዙ⍶ዙⲴӗࠪ, ⴨䛫Ⲵ⳶ൠо਼ᵏᡆ〽ᰙⲴ㣡዇ዙѻ䰤㓿ᑨԕ↓ᯝቲⲴޣ㌫

㙖ਸ൘а䎧. 䘉Ӌ⳶ൠཊ⭡NE-SW䎠ੁⲴ↓ᯝቲᡰ᧗ࡦ, ቁᮠਟ㜭Ѫ䎠━䗩⭼(㡂


Chapter 2 Principal features of the Mesozic tectonic envolution in South China

ዙ ⍶ ⍫ ࣘ ҏ བྷ ᑵ ᓖ 䭀 ߿. ⴞࡽ, བྷ ཊ ᮠ ᆖ 㘵 ٮ ੁ 䇔 Ѫ ॾ ই ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓ བྷ 㿴 ⁑ Ⲵ ዙ ⍶

⍫ࣘоਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇⲴ؟ߢ䗷〻⴨ޣ, նሩҾਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ(ཚᒣ⌻Pacificᶯඇᡆ

Ժ⌭ླྀጾ Izanagi ᶯඇ)؟ߢⲴᔰ࿻ᰦ䰤઼ᯩᔿ৺ަྲօᖡ૽ॾইབྷ䱶তᆈ൘䖳བྷ

Ⲵҹ䇪(Zhou and Li, 2000; Zhou et al., 2006; Li and Li, 2007; Ling et al., 2009; X.H. Li et al., 2010, 2013; Wu et al., 2012).

о ॾ े ⴨ ∄, ᲊ ѝ ⭏ ԓ Ⲵ ਈ 䍘 Ṩ ᵲ ዙ ൘ ॾ ই ޵ 䱶 ਁ 㛢 н ᱮ 㪇, ӵ ᴹ ቁ ᮠ ࠐ њ ⋯⊏ই䙐ኡᑖኅᐳⲴըኅォ䲶㻛ᣕ䚃, ྲ⍚䭷(ᵡݹㅹ, 2007; Zhu et al., 2010)ǃᓀኡ (Lin et al., 2000)ǃབྷӁኡ(؎⡡ইㅹ, 1998)ǃ↖࣏ኡ(Faure et al., 1996)઼㺑ኡ(J.H. Li et al., 2013a)ㅹ. ٬ᗇ⌘᜿Ⲵᱟ, սҾഋᐍ⳶ൠे㕈Ⲵབྷᐤኡ઼ь㕈Ⲵᐍь-⒈䜲㾯

㽦ⳡᑖ൘ᲊֿ㖇㠣ᰙⲭෙцᵏ䰤࠶࡛㓿শҶੁSW઼NWⲴ䘶ߢᢙኅ֌⭘, 䘉䈤᰾

ॾইᶯඇ㾯䜘൘ᲊѝ⭏ԓӽᆈ൘⵰ᥔ঻ᓄ࣋൪(Yan et al., 2003, 2009; Hu et al., 2012; Shi et al., 2012; S.Z. Li et al., 2012b; J.H. Li et al., 2013b).



Diverse models of the Late

Mesozoic tectonic evolution in South China

ޣҾॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐-ዙ⍶һԦⲴࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟ䇔䇶ӽᴹᖸབྷⲴ࠶↗. ᐢᨀࠪ Ⲵ⁑ᔿवᤜ: 䎠━ᡆ㻲䀓ǃ؟ߢ䀂ᓖਈ䲑৺ਾ᫔ǃᒣᶯ؟ߢǃ᣶⊹ᡆ儈৏ෞ๼ǃ⌻ 㜺؟ߢ઼ൠᒄḡㅹ. 䎠━ᡆ㻲䀓⁑ᔿStrike-sliping or rifting Xu et al. (1987)ᴮᨀࠪѝഭь䜘ᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴᶴ䙐㛼Ჟ༴Ҿԕ䜟ᓀᯝ㻲Ѫԓ㺘Ⲵ ᐖ㹼䎠━փ㌫᧗ࡦѻл, 䇔Ѫᲊⲭෙцѻࡽਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇⲴ؟ߢᯩੁоབྷ䱶䗩㕈 ᯌӔ(മ 2-2)ˊаӋ⹄ウ㘵ሶ⒈ь-䎓㾯ൠ४Ⲵ NNE ੁᯝ㻲փ㌫ⴻ֌ᱟ䜟ᓀᯝ㻲Ⲵ ইᔦ䜘࠶(മ2-2; Li et al., 2001). ↔ཆ, ьই⋯⎧Ⲵ䮯Ҁ-ই◣ᯝ㻲ҏ䙊ᑨ㻛䇔Ѫᱟ ਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇᯌੁ؟ߢᕅ䎧Ⲵިරᐖ㹼䎠━࢚࠷ᑖ(Tong and Tobisch, 1996; Wang

and Lu, 1997). ❦㘼, ӵ׍䶐䘉Ӌ䎠━ᯝ㻲Ⲵ⍫ࣘᖸ䳮䈡ਁॾইབྷ䶒〟ᲊѝ⭏ԓ㣡

዇ዙⲴࠪ䵢, ߥфབྷ䜘࠶㣡዇ዙᰒ⋑ᴹਈᖒҏоᯝ㻲ᰐޣˊ


⭘ሩॾইབྷ䱶ѝ⭏ԓᶴ䙐╄ॆⲴᖡ૽(മ2-2). 䘉а⁑ᔿਟԕ䀓䟺ॾইNEੁኅᐳ Ⲵᯝ㻲оըኅ⳶ൠԕ৺ዙ⍶ዙⲴᖒᡀ, նᖸ䳮䀓䟺ዙ⍶⍫ࣘⲴᰦオ䗱〫㿴ᖻ. Li (2000)ᤷࠪॾইⲭෙ㓚ዙ⍶ዙᑖⲴᇭᓖ(䎵䗷1000 km)䘌བྷҾа㡜ᶯඇ؟ߢ֌⭘ᖒ ᡀⲴዙ⍶ᕗᇭᓖ(300-400 km), ᒦ䇔Ѫⲭෙ㓚ᒅᔿⲴዙ⍶⍫ࣘоዙ⸣സⲴըኅ֌⭘ ᴹޣ, 㘼оਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇⲴ؟ߢ֌⭘ਟ㜭ᰐޣ. മ2-2 ѝഭь䜘ֿ㖇㓚-ᰙⲭෙц䎠━ᯝ㻲փ㌫(ᐖᕅ㠚Xu et al., 1987); 䜟ᓀᯝ㻲Ⲵইᔦ(ѝᕅ

㠚Li et al., 2001); 䎠━࣐㻲䀓⁑ᔿ(ਣᕅ㠚Gilder et al., 1996)

Figure 2-3 Strike-slip fault system of eastern China in Jurssic-Early Cretaceous (left, modified after Xu et al., 1987); Southward extension of the Tan-Lu fault in South China (middle, modified after Li et al., 2001); strike-slip plus rifting model (right, modified after Gilder et al., 1996)

؟ߢ䀂ᓖਈॆ৺ਾ᫔⁑ᔿChange of subduction angle and slab roll-back

Zhou and Li (2000)⌘᜿ࡠॾইᲊѝ⭏ԓዙ⍶ዙӾ޵䱶ੁ⋯⎧ᯩੁᆈ൘ᱮ㪇ᶱ

ᙗਈॆ㿴ᖻ, ণዙ⍶ዙ䙀⑀ਈᒤ䖫, фዙ⸣ѝൠᒄ㓴࠶䙀⑀໎ཊ, ᨀࠪਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯ


Chapter 2 Principal features of the Mesozic tectonic envolution in South China

മ2-3ਔཚᒣ⌻؟ߢ䀂ᓖਈ䲑৺ਾ᫔⁑ᔿ(ᕅ㠚Zhou and Li, 2000)

Figure 2-3 Change of subduction angle of the paleo-Pacific plate from flat to steep, and slab roll-back of the paleo-Pacific plate (modified after Zhou and Li, 2000)

❦㘼, Sun et al. (2007)Ⲵᙫ㔃⹄ウᱮ⽪ཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇⲴ؟ߢᯩੁ൘ѝ⭏ԓਁ⭏䗷

ཊ⅑᭩ਈ, ᒦнᱟঅаൠ㾯ੁ؟ߢ. ׍ᦞཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ൘ 125 Ma ѻࡽਟ㜭Ѫੁ SW

؟ߢ, фॾই180-125 Maᵏ䰤Ⲵዙ⍶ዙҏབྷփкੁNEᯩੁᒤ䖫ॆ, F.Y. Wang et al.

(2011)ᨀࠪҶཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇੁSW؟ߢ㘼⴨ᓄੁNEਾ᫔Ⲵ⁑ᔿ. ᒣᶯ؟ߢ⁑ᔿSlab subduction ൘Li and Li (2007)ᨀࠪⲴᒣᶯ؟ߢ⁑ᔿѝ, 䇔Ѫਔཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇੁॾইབྷ䱶䮯 䐍⿫Ⲵᒣᶯ؟ߢ䎧࿻ҾᲊҼਐцᵛ, ሬ㠤Ҷॾই250-190 Maᵏ䰤㓖1300 kmᇭⲴ 㽦ⳡ䙐ኡᑖⲴᖒᡀ, ᒦѫሬҶѝ⭏ԓዙ⍶ዙⲴ╄ॆ. 㘼ਾ൘190-150 Maᵏ䰤, ᒣ؟ ߢᶯ⡷ਁ⭏Ҷᯝ⿫, ѝ䜘л⊹, ᕅਁབྷ㿴⁑ᰙᵏᶯ޵ዙ⍶⍫ࣘ; 150 Maԕਾ, ؟ߢ ᶯ⡷ਁ⭏ਾ᫔, ዙ⍶֌⭘ੁ⋯⎧ᯩੁ䗱〫. ᴰ䘁X.H. Li et al. (2013)䘋а↕ᆼழҶ 䘉а⁑ᔿ, 䇔Ѫަҏਟԕ⭘Ҿ䀓䟺䮯⊏ѝл⑨ൠ४ෳ䗮ݻ䍘ዙⲴᡀഐ(മ2-4).


മ2-4 ᒣᶯ؟ߢ⁑ᔿ(ᕅ㠚X.H. Li et al., 2013)

Figure 2-4 Slab subduction model (modified after X.H. Li et al., 2013)

᣶⊹ᡆ儈৏ෞ๼⁑ᔿDelamination or plateau collapse

བྷ䟿Ⲵ⹄ウ㺘᰾བྷ࡛ኡᰙⲭෙцⲴዙ⍶⍫ࣘਟ࠶Ѫєᵏ, ᰙᵏ(143-130 Ma)Ⲵ

㣡዇ዙཊѪෳ䗮ݻ䍘ዙ⸣, ᤷ⽪Ҷ࣐৊лൠ༣Ⲵ䜘࠶⟄㶽, 㘼ᲊᵏ(130-120 Ma)Ⲵ

㣡዇ዙнާෳ䗮ݻ䍘ൠ⨳ॆᆖ⢩ᖱ, Ѫ↓ᑨൠ༣䜘࠶⟄㶽ӗ⢙. ഐ↔, བྷ࡛ኡ䙐ኡ

ᑖṩ䜘൘130 Maᐖਣਁ⭏Ҷෞ๼, ԕ࣐৊лൠ༣᣶⊹Ѫ⢩⛩(Q. Wang et al., 2007a; Xu et al., 2007, 2012; He et al., 2011, 2013; ᵾᴉݹㅹ, 2013). 䮯⊏ѝл⑨ൠ४ᱟᡁ ഭ䟽㾱Ⲵዙ⍶-ᡀⸯᑖ, ަዙ⍶-ᡀⸯᰦԓӻҾ150-120 Maѻ䰤. оCu-Auᡀⸯ⴨ޣ

Ⲵዙ⍶ዙཊާᴹෳ䗮ݻ䍘ዙⲴൠ⨳ॆᆖ኎ᙗ, аӋ⹄ウ㘵䇔Ѫ䮯⊏ѝл⑨ൠ४ਟ


Chapter 2 Principal features of the Mesozic tectonic envolution in South China ⌻㜺؟ߢ⁑ᔿRige subduction 㘳㲁ࡠ㓖൘140-125 Ma ѻ䰤, ཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇੁ SW ؟ߢ, 㘼Ժ⌭ླྀጾᶯඇࡉੁ NNW؟ߢ, є㘵ѻ䰤Ⲵ⌻㜺ਟ㜭↓ሩ䮯⊏ѝл⑨ൠ४(Sun et al., 2007). ⭡Ҿєњ ᶯ ඇ 䜭 ᴹ ੁ 㾯 Ⲵ 䘀 ࣘ ࠶ 䟿, ഐ ↔ ਟ ԕ ሬ 㠤 ⌻ 㜺 ؟ ߢ(Ling et al., 2009; ᆉ ছ ь ㅹ, 2010). ⌻㜺؟ߢ⁑ᔿਟԕᖸྭൠ䀓䟺䮯⊏ѝл⑨ൠ४ෳ䗮ݻዙǃ䫉⻡ᙗዙǃᇼ䫼 ዋᕗዙ⸣ǃ˝ර㣡዇ዙԕ৺⴨ޣⸯᒺⲴᰦオ࠶ᐳ(മ2-5). മ2-5 ⌻㜺؟ߢ⁑ᔿ(ᕅ㠚Ling et al., 2009)

Figure 2-5 Rige subduction model (modified after Ling et al., 2009)

٬ ᗇ ⌘ ᜿ Ⲵ ᱟ, 䮯 ⊏ ѝ л ⑨ ዙ ⍶ ዙ ᑖ Ⲵ 䎠 ੁ ඲ ⴤ Ҿ བྷ 䱶 䗩 㕈, ᒦ ф ੁ ޵ 䱶 ᔦ ը䖳䘌, 䜲ьൠ४䐍⧠Ӻབྷ䱶䗩㕈䎵䗷1200 km. ٷ䇮䜲ьൠ४Ⲵෳ䗮ݻዙᖒᡀҾ 25-90 km Ⲵ␡ᓖ, 䴰㾱؟ߢ䀂ᓖሿҾ 5°Ⲵᒣ؟ߢ, 䘉ᱮᗇ⌻㜺؟ߢլѾ䳮ԕᇎ⧠ (X.H. Li et al., 2010). ਖཆ, ⌻㜺؟ߢа㡜Պሬ㠤ዙ⍶ዙⲴᰦԓੁ޵䱶ਈᒤ䖫, 㘼 䮯⊏ѝл⑨তᱮ⽪ࠪ⴨৽Ⲵᶱᙗ. ਼ṧ䜭ਟԕᖒᡀᶯ⡷デ, Wu et al. (2012)䇔Ѫԕ ᶯ⡷᫅㻲ᶕᴯԓ⌻㜺؟ߢਟ㜭ᴤѪਸ⨶. ൠᒄḡ⁑ᔿMantle plume ⹄ウ㺘᰾བྷ࡛-㣿励䙐ኡᑖᒯ⌋ࠪ䵢Ⲵᰙⲭෙцዙ⍶ዙᱟ䙐ኡᑖṩ䜘ਁ⭏ᶴ䙐 ෞ๼Ⲵӗ⢙, ൘⢙䍘ᶕⓀкާᴹ“ቡൠਆᶀ”Ⲵ⢩⛩, Ⓚ४ᱟ؟ߢ࣐৊Ⲵॾই䱶ඇे


㕈ዙ⸣സ(Zhao et al., 2004; 䎥ᆀ⾿઼䜁≨伎, 2009). ᇎ䱵к, ਼ᰦᵏⲴዙ⍶ዙ൘ѝ ഭь䜘བྷ䱶޵䜘ൠ४ᒯ⌋࠶ᐳ, ቭ㇑ཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ؟ߢᶴᡀҶѝഭь䜘ዙ⍶⍫ࣘⲴ ᆿ㿲ൠ⨳ࣘ࣋ᆖ㛼Ჟ, ն䘉Ӌዙ⍶ዙ൷㕪ѿᯠ⭏⌻༣䍑⥞Ⲵ䇠ᖅ. Zhao et al. (2004) 䇮 ᜣ 䘉 ㊫ བྷ 䶒 〟 ዙ ⍶ ⍫ ࣘ ਟ 㜭 ৽ ᱐ Ҷ 㾯 ই ཚ ᒣ ⌻ ൠ ᒄ 䎵 㓗 к ⎼ һ Ԧ Ⲵ 䘌 〻 ૽ ᓄ. 䜁≨伎(2008)䘋а↕ᤷࠪѝഭь䜘བྷ䱶޵䜘ᰙⲭෙцᰦᵏ䙐ኡᑖ䐘๼Ⲵᶴ䙐ᵪࡦ ⎹৺ԕл 4 њᗚᒿ⑀䘋Ⲵൠ⨳ࣘ࣋ᆖ䗷〻(മ 2-6): (a)㾯ইཚᒣ⌻䎵㓗ൠᒄк⎼৺ ަоཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ㾯ইㄟѻ䰤Ⲵ⴨ӂ֌⭘, (b)ѝഭབྷ䱶ь䜘ཚᒣ⌻ᶯඇ؟ߢᯩੁਁ ⭏ਈॆ, (c)ѝഭь䜘䱶лൠᒄሩ⍱փࡦਁ⭏᭩ਈ, (d)䙐ኡᑖṩ䜘ዙ⸣സਇࡠᢠࣘਁ ⭏䐘๼ѳ㠣䜘࠶⟄㶽. മ2-6 ѝഭь䜘ᰙⲭෙцዙ⍶⍫ࣘⲴᶴ䙐੟ࣘᵪࡦ(ᐖᕅ㠚䜁≨伎, 2008); ѝഭь䜘䮯㤡䍘བྷ ⚛ᡀዙⴱ࠶ᐳമ(ਣᕅ㠚ᕐᰇ઼ᵾ᢯ь, 2012)

Figure 2-6 Tectonic initiation of Early Cretaceous magmatism in eastern China (left, modified after

䜁≨伎, 2008); Distribution of felsic large igneous province in eastern China (right, modified after

ᕐᰇ઼ᵾ᢯ь, 2012)


Chapter 3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen





Chapter 3 Extensional collapse of the HP/UHP orogenic

belt in northern margin of the South China block: The case

of the Tongbai-Dabie orogen

Most researchers believe that the Tongbaishan complex in the core of the Tongbai orogen was exhumed by lateral extrusion under strike-slip faulting. However, this study does not support such a model. Structural analysis shows that the Tongbaishan complex with characteristics of large A-type fold was formed by a NW-SE subhorizontal stretching. Although the foliation at north and south limbs of the Tongbaishan complex dips oppositely, sometime becomes steep near the boundary shear zone, but the mineral stretching lineation keeps NW-SE direction and the kinematics consistently shows a top-to-the-NW sense of shear. That is to say, from inside to boundary faults, the geometry and kinematics of the Tongbaishan complex are harmonious. This indicates that the north and south boundaries of the complex are not typical strike-slip shear zones. Actually, the apparent phenomenon strike-slip observed presently is a result of progressive bending of the early detachment surface.

The central Dabieshan dome has been widely accepted as a large-scale extensional structure. However, structural analysis of the central Dabieshan complex and its boundary shear zones or faults, and the formation mechanism of this domal structure are still controversial. Combined previous work with our detailed structural analysis, we defined the central Dabieshan dome as an orogen-scale metamorphic core complex (MCC) formed under NW-SE extensional regime. Nowadays, the geometry of the whole Dabieshan was almost controlled by the central Dabieshan dome. The central Dabieshan complex (migmatite-gneiss and remnants of UHP metamorphic rocks) represents the footwall of the MCC. The northern boundary Xiaotian-Mozitan fault and the western boundary Shang-Ma fault constitute an integrated and arched detachment fault in the northwest dome margin. Besides, the Shuihou-Wuhe fault and the Xishui shear zone (as a horsetail shear zone, including early XSF-N and late XSF-S) along the


southeastern dome margin constitute a multi-level detachment system. The central Dabieshan complex and the detachment faults recorded a consistent NW-SE trending mineral stretching lineation and top-to-the-NW kinematics.

The Hong’an massif located between the Tongbaishan and Dabieshan was previously considered to be less affected by the Cretaceous tectono-thermal event. This study identified Cretaceous extensional structures in southwest part of the Hong’an massif, named the Shufengjian dome and Daleishan dome (or Dawu dome). The geometry of the Shufengjian dome as an A-type extensional antiform is similar to the Tongbaishan complex, while the Daleishan dome displays as a curved monocline. The deformation of the Shufengjian dome is characterized by NW-SE trending mineral stretching lineation and top-to-the-NW kinematics. In the granitic gneiss from the core of Daleishan dome, no obvious linear structure developed. The AMS (anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility) study revealed that the magnetic lineation is dominated by NW- SE trending. These two extensional structures relatively overlaying the Tongbaishan complex and central Dabieshan complex represent crustal detachment in a shallow tectonic level.

Geochronology studies show that the Tongbai-Dabie orogen started extensional regime at ca. 145 Ma, and approached its climax at ca. 130 Ma that was signaled by removal of the pre-eixsting orogen root. Additionally, the Tongbaishan and Dabieshan, together with the Shuangfengjian and Daleishan in the Hong’an massif also recorded a late (110-90 Ma) extensional event. The Shuangfengjian and Daleishan were mainly controlled by the late extension. In the Tongbaishan, the late extension completely reused the early detachment faults, while in the Dabieshan it formed secondary detachment fault, except for partly share of the early detachment fault. Considering the compatibility between geometry and kinematics, it is inferred that the Cretaceous


Chapter 3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen

It is proposed that the Tongbaishan complex and the central Dabieshan complex are product of Early Cretaceous anatexis that expended the Yangtze basement gneiss and HP/UHP metamorphic rocks in middle-lower crust. The Cretaceous extensional tectonics intensively reworked the Early Mesozoic tectonic framework of the Tongbai- Dabie orogen. The HP unit originally overlying the Tongbaishan complex was divided into the two slices, while the Triassic metamorphic sequence (including the HP/UHP units, Susong and Zhangbaling groups) in the southern Dabieshan is dismembered into tectonic slices as the hanging wall of the detachment fault. The extensional collapse of the Tongbai-Dabie orogen is manifested by a combined effect of geological process in different lithospheric level: detachment and unroofing of the core complex, possibly SE-directed channel flow of the middle-lower crust, and removal or delamination of the orogen root. Compared with the Cretaceous extensional structures widely developed eastern China, we suggest that extensional tectonics developed in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen shares the same geodynamic setting as the destruction of the North China craton, and is also response of the Late Mesozoic lithospheric thinning, but just overprinted on the HP/UHP orogenic belt.





䰤Ⲵ᤬ਸᑖ, ԕਜ਼ᴹц⭼кᴰབྷⲴ儈঻/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ᑖ㘼䰫਽(Hacker et al., 1995;

Wang et al., 2008; Liou et al., 2009). 䈕䙐ኡᑖ㠚㾯ੁь࠶Ѫӄњѫ㾱Ⲵඇփ, ণẀ

᷿ኡǃ㓒ᆹൠփǃབྷ࡛ኡǃ㛕ь-ᕐޛዝൠփ઼㣿励ൠփ(മ 3-1).

⹄ウ㺘᰾Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛-㣿励䙐ኡᑖᱟаᶑިරⲴ༽ਸ䙐ኡᑖ, ަᖒᡀ઼╄ॆ㓿শҶӾᲊਔ⭏ԓࡠѝ

⭏ԓ༽ᵲⲴᶴ䙐䗷〻(Ratschbacher et al., 2003, 2006; Liu et al., 2013; Wu and Zheng, 2013). ⹄ウ㺘᰾Ӿ㜦ьॺዋࡠẀ᷿ኡ, ⋯儈঻/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ᑖਁ㛢བྷ䟿ᲊѝ⭏ԓⲴը ኅᶴ䙐(മ 3-1): 㜦ेⲴ⧢⨁-䜝ᇦዝਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ৺਼ᶴ䙐㣡዇ዙǃ呺ኡ਼ᶴ䙐㣡዇ ዙˈ㜦ইᾄᖒըኅᶴ䙐(ӄ㧢᣶⿫ᯝቲ), བྷ࡛ኡࡽ䱶Ⲵ⍚䭷ォ䲶ˈབྷ࡛ኡѝ䜘Ⲵ㖇 ⭠ォ䲶, Ẁ᷿ኡṨ䜘Ⲵ㛼ᖒᶴ䙐. ↓ᱟ⭡Ҿ䘉Ӌ䙐ኡਾⲴըኅᶴ䙐਼֯䙐ኡᵏᣈ 䘄ѻਾӽ❦┎⮉൘ѝൠ༣Ⲵ儈ዙ/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ዙᣈ䘄㠣ൠ㺘. ਼ᰦ, ⢩࡛ᱟѝབྷ࡛ ␧ਸዙ৺㣡዇ዙѝ䍻ᆈⲴῤ䖹ዙ઼哫㋂ዙ↻։փ(ןᥟ䖹ㅹ, 2005; ࡈ䍫⚯઼ᵾᴉ


ݹ, 2008; Lin et al.,

2007b)ˈབྷ㿴⁑⻠ᫎਾⲴዙ⍶⍫ࣘवᤜⓀҾ䖳⍵ൠᒄⓀⲴ䭱䫱-䎵䭱䫱ዙㅹ(䎥ᆀ⾿઼䜁≨伎, 2009)൷ᤷ⽪བྷ䱶␡؟ߢ䙐ኡᑖ࣐৊Ⲵዙ⸣സ൘ⲭෙ

㓚ਁ⭏Ҷᐘ䟿Ⲵዙ⸣സ߿㮴. ԕкⲴ⧠䊑㺘᰾ᡁഭь䜘Ⲵ儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖᆈ൘


Chapter 3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen



Overview of the regional geology

Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖ(Ẁ᷿ኡ઼བྷ࡛ኡ৺ަᡰཀྵ㓒ᆹൠփ)൘४ฏк੸⧠ NW-SE 䎠 ੁ, ੁ㾯䎺䗷ই䱣⳶ൠоь〖ዝᰙਔ⭏ԓ䙐ኡᑖ⴨᧕, ьㄟ㻛䜟ᓀᯝ㻲ᡰᡚ (മ 3-2). ойਐ㓚⻠ᫎ䙐ኡ⴨ޣⲴਈ䍘ዙᱟẀ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖⲴѫփ䜘࠶, 㠚ইੁे ׍ ⅑ व ᤜ 㬍 ⡷ ዙ-㔯⡷ዙ⴨অݳ(䲿৯-ᕐޛዝ㗔)ǃ㔯ᑈ-䀂䰚ዙ⴨অݳ(㓒ᆹ-ᇯᶮ 㗔)ǃ儈঻-䎵儈঻ῤ䖹ዙ⴨অݳ઼े␞䱣ᶴ䙐ᑖⲴ⍵ਈ䍘ዙ(ؑ䱣㗔઼֋ᆀዝ㗔Ⲵ ༽ ⨶ ⸣ অ ݳ, ᇊ䘌ᵲዙ઼঒䭷ޣᵲዙⲴਈ䍘⚛ኡዙ઼ץޕዙ). 䲔े␞䱣ᶴ䙐ᑖ, ਈ䍘㓗࡛ᙫփк੸⧠ࠪੁेॷ儈Ⲵ䎻࣯, 㺘᰾йਐ㓚བྷ䱶␡؟ߢާᴹੁेⲴ؟ߢ

ᶱᙗ(Okay, 1993; Carswell et aI., 1997; Eide and Liou, 2000; X.C. Liu et al., 2004; J.B. Liu et al., 2006; ⸣≨㓒ㅹ, 2013). 䘁ᒤⲴ⹄ウᐕ֌䘈൘㓒ᆹൠփे䜘Ⲵ⎂⒮儈঻

ਈ䍘ᑖѝਁ⧠Ҷާᴹ⌻༣ൠ⨳ॆᆖ኎ᙗⲴ⸣⛝㓚ῤ䖹ዙ, ަ৏ዙ㻛䇔Ѫԓ㺘Ҷਔ

⢩ᨀᯟ⌻༣Ⲵ↻⡷(੤ݳ؍, 2009; Sun et al., 2002; Cheng et al., 2009, 2010, 2013; Wu et al., 2009; Liu et al., 2011a). ਖཆ, ਔ⭏ԓⲴ䙐ኡփ㌫ਟԕ൘Ẁ᷿ኡⲴे㕈㻛䘭㍒

ࡠ, 㠚ेੁইवᤜᇭක㗔ǃҼ䛾ක㗔઼〖ዝ㗔. 䘉Ӌዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳਟоь〖ዝൠ४

⴨լⲴዙ⸣㓴ਸ⴨ሩᓄ(Ratschbacher et al., 2006; Liu et al., 2011b, 2013). ൘ᶴ䙐ս

㖞к, Ẁ᷿ኡṨ䜘ⲴẀ᷿ᵲዙ઼བྷ࡛ኡѝ䜘(Ր㔏к〠ѻѪेབྷ࡛)Ⲵѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙս Ҿ儈঻/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ൠփѻл, ԓ㺘ҶẀ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖѝࠪ䵢Ⲵѝлൠ༣ዙ⸣. є 㘵ާᴹ⴨լⲴዙ⸣㓴ᡀ(ѫփѪ↓⡷哫ዙ৺␧ਸዙ), ൘ᶴ䙐ṧᔿк࠶ᐳ㺘⧠Ѫ㛼ᖒ ᡆォ䲶ᶴ䙐(മ 3-2). ⴞ ࡽ, ⭡Ҿཊᮠ⹄ウ㘵ሶẀ᷿ᵲዙⲴ䗩⭼ᯝ㻲ⴻ֌བྷරⲴ䎠━࢚࠷ᑖ, Ӿ㘼 䇔ѪẀ᷿ኡ䘎਼㾯䜘Ⲵ㓒ᆹൠ փ઼བྷ࡛ኡ൘ѝ⭏ԓᵏ䰤(ѫ㾱ᱟⲭෙ㓚)ਁ⭏䗷ੁ

ьⲴחੁᥔࠪ䗷〻(Webb et al., 1999b, 2001; Wang et al., 2003; ፄᔪߋㅹ, 2009; 䇨 ݹ઼⦻Ҽг, 2009; ࡈ䪛ㅹ, 2010; X. Liu et al., 2011; Cheng et al., 2012; Cui et al., 2012). նᱟሩҾẀ᷿ᵲዙⲴާփ䲶ॷ䗷〻ҏᆈ൘⵰н਼Ⲵ䇔䇶, ֻྲ䇨ݹ઼⦻Ҽ

г(2009)䇔ѪẀ᷿ᵲዙ৏ᵜᱟ〖ዝⲴѝлൠ༣⢙䍘, ᆳᱟ൘ᲊⲭෙцᰙᵏ(102-85

Ma)㻛Ӿ〖ዝੁьᥔࠪ㠣⧠ӺⲴս㖞; Cui et al. (2012)ࡉ䇔ѪẀ᷿ᵲዙѫփᱟањ


മ3-2 Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖᶴ䙐ㆰമ

Figure 3-2 Tectonic map of the Tongbai-Dabie orogen

ޣҾѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙⲴᣈ䘄ᰦԓᴮ㓿ᆈ൘йਐ㓚઼ⲭෙ㓚Ⲵн਼㿲⛩. ⵰⵬Ҿ儈

঻/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ዙⲴᣈ䘄䗷〻, Faure et al. (1999, 2003)઼᷇Տㅹ(2003)ᴰࡍ䇔Ѫѝབྷ

࡛ᵲዙ䇠ᖅҶо儈঻/䎵儈঻ਈ䍘ዙᣈ䘄⴨ޣⲴѫᵏਈᖒ, ൘ᶴ䙐кԓ㺘Ҷᲊйਐ

цըኅ֌⭘ᖒᡀⲴ਼ᣈ䘄ォ䲶. ⧠Ӻѝབྷ࡛ォ䲶ᐢ㓿㻛ӪԜᒯ⌋᧕ਇѪⲭෙ㓚Ⲵ

ըኅᶴ䙐(⦻ഭ⚯઼ᶘᏽ❦, 1996, 1998; Hacker et al., 1998, 2000; Wang et al., 1998; Ratschbacher et al., 2000; 䇨䮯⎧ㅹ, 2001; ן⋹᷇ㅹ, 2007; Y.S. Wang et al., 2011).


Chapter 3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen

et al., 1998), ᕅޕ᷒㓭᯻䖜-൷㺑എᕩ(rolling hinge-isostatic rebound)⁑ᔿᶕ䀓䟺ѝ

བྷ࡛ᵲዙ൘140-120 Ma⋯ަे䜘䗩⭼ᲃཙ-⼘ᆀ▝ᯝ㻲Ⲵнሩ〠ץս; Y.S. Wang et al. (2011)ࡉ䇔Ѫѝབྷ࡛ォ䲶ᱟ൘ަইे䗩⭼ᯝ㻲(ণ≤੬-ӄ⋣ᯝ㻲઼ᲃཙ-⼘ᆀ▝ ᯝ㻲)ޡ਼֌⭘лᖒᡀⲴ, єᶑᯝ㻲൘ᰙᵏᓄѪ༴Ҿѝൠ༣≤ᒣⲴ਼а丗ᙗ࢚࠷ᑖ, 丗ᙗਈᖒਁ⭏ᰦ䰤൘143-132 Ma. ᇎ䱵к, ㍒Җ⭠ㅹ(2000, 2001)઼䫏໎⨳ㅹ(2001)ᴰᰙᨀࠪ⧠ӺẀ᷿-བྷ࡛ኡ䙐 ኡᑖⲴᮤփᶴ䙐Ṭᷦ㊫լҾਈ䍘Ṩᵲዙ, ণ⭡Ẁ᷿ᵲዙ઼ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙ৺ަк㾶ਈ 䍘ዙ⡷઼⊹〟ⴆቲ㓴ᡀ, ᒦਁ㛢ཊቲ᣶⿫━㝡ᑖ, Ѫ⻠ᫎਾ(200-170 Ma, ਟ㜭ᔦ 㔝㠣130 Ma)ըኅփࡦлⲴӗ⢙(Suo et al., 2005). ն䘉а⁑ᔿᒦ⋑ᴹᴹ᭸ൠሶⲭෙ 㓚Ⲵᶴ䙐ਐ࣐Ӿйਐ㓚儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖѝ࠶⿫ࠪᶕ. ⭡↔ਟ㿱, ሩẀ᷿ᵲዙ઼ ѝབྷ࡛ᵲዙⲴ␡ޕ⹄ウᰐ⯁ᱟ䀓᷀Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛儈঻/䎵儈঻䙐ኡᑖ䙐ኡਾෞ๼ᶴ䙐 Ⲵޣ䭞. ٬ᗇᤷࠪⲴᱟ, Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖ⧠ӺⲴൠ༣৊ᓖ㓖Ѫ 35 km, ⋑ᴹኡṩ. 㠚йਐ㓚ॾे઼ॾই⻠ᫎԕᶕ, ⴤ㠣ⲭෙ㓚ѻࡽẀ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖᵚ㿱᰾ᱮⲴዙ⍶ ⍫ࣘ. ᰙⲭෙцਁ㛢Ⲵབྷ䶒〟㣡዇ዙ㊫઼ቁ䟿䭱䫱䍘ץޕዙᡀѪ䙐ኡᑖᴰᱮ㪇Ⲵ ⢩⛩ѻа(മ 3-2). ㌫㔏Ⲵᒤԓᆖ઼ൠ⨳ॆᆖ⹄ウ㺘᰾Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖⲭෙ㓚Ⲵ㣡

዇ዙ㊫ਟԕ࠶Ѫє㊫(Zhao et al., 2004, 2007, 2011; Q. Wang et al., 2007b; Xu et al., 2007, 2012; Huang et a., 2008; He et al., 2011, 2013; Zhang et al., 2013): ᰙᵏ㣡዇ዙ

㊫Ⲵץսᒤ喴䳶ѝ൘143-130 Ma, Პ䙽ਇࡠҶਈᖒⲴᖡ૽(ਁ㛢⡷哫⨶), ާᴹෳ䗮

ݻ 䍘 ዙ Ⲵ ⢩ ⛩, ᤷ⽪Ҷ࣐৊лൠ༣Ⲵ䜘࠶⟄㶽; ᲊᵏ㣡዇ዙ㊫Ⲵץսᒤ喴䳶ѝ൘

130-117 Ma, สᵜ⋑ᴹਈᖒ, Ѫ↓ᑨൠ༣䜘࠶⟄㶽Ⲵӗ⢙. 㘼ሩᓄҾൠᒄк⎼⍫ࣘ Ⲵ䭱䫱䍘ዙ⍶ዙⲴץսᰦԓ(130-123 Ma)ࡉоᲊᵏ㣡዇ዙ㊫а㠤(Jahn et al., 1999; Zhao et al., 2005; Huang et al., 2007; Dai et al., 2011). ഐ↔, Ẁ᷿-བྷ࡛䙐ኡᑖᖸਟ

㜭൘130 Ma ᐖਣਁ⭏ҶኡṩⲴෞ๼(ᵾᴉݹㅹ, 2013).

3 Ẁ᷿ኡⲭෙ㓚ըኅᶴ䙐 Cretaceous extensional structures in

the Tongbaishan

3.1 Ẁ᷿ኡѫ㾱ዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳ৺ަ⢩ᖱ Main litho-tectonic uints

and their characteristics


ࡽ Ӫ ሩ Ẁ ᷿ ൠ ४ ᶴ 䙐 অ ݳ ࡂ ࠶ ᐢ ᴹ н ቁ ᐕ ֌, ֻྲӾᶴ䙐ᯩ䶒 Webb et al. (1999b, 2001)ǃ㍒Җ⭠ㅹ(2001)઼哴ቁ㤡ㅹ(2006) ൘Ẁ᷿ൠ४ࡂ࠶Ҷ㤕ᒢዙ⸣-ᶴ䙐 অݳ, ⺞ᇊҶоᣈ䘄䗷〻ᴹޣⲴᶴ䙐Ṭተ. 兿᱕Ჟㅹ(1999)ǃ㍒Җ⭠ㅹ(2001)઼ࡈᲃ ᱕ ㅹ(2005a)൘Ẁ᷿ൠ४ਁ⧠Ҷཊ༴ῤ䖹ዙ, ⺞・ҶẀ᷿ኡইेєᶑ儈঻ਈ䍘ᑖ. ⢩࡛ᱟࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ(ࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ, 2011; X.C. Liu et al., 2008, 2010, 2011b, 2013)䘁ࠐᒤⲴ ᐕ֌Ӿዙ⸣ᆖ઼ᒤԓᆖᯩ䶒ᖸབྷ〻ᓖൠ᧘ࣘҶẀ᷿ኡབྷቪᓖᶴ䙐অݳⲴࡂ࠶. മ3-3 Ẁ᷿ኡൠ䍘ᶴ䙐ㆰമ


Chapter 3 Cretaceous extensional structures in the Tongbai-Dabie orogen ṩᦞࡽӪⲴ⹄ウ㔃᷌ԕ৺ᡁԜⲴᇎ䱵䈳ḕ, Ẁ᷿ኡⲴѫ㾱ዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳԕẀ ᷿ᵲዙѪṨᗳ, ੁे׍⅑Ѫे䜘ਜ਼ῤ䖹ዙ儈঻অݳǃᇊ䘌ᵲዙǃই⒮㓴ǃ嗏ኡᵲዙǃ 〖ዝ㗔ǃҼ䛾ක㗔઼ᇭක㗔, ੁই׍⅑Ѫই䜘ਜ਼ῤ䖹ዙ儈঻ዙ⡷ǃ㓒ᆹ㗔(ӵᤷо ᇯᶮ㗔Ⲵሩᓄ䜘࠶)઼䲿৯㗔(മ 3-3). 䘉Ӌዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳ൘ᒣ䶒кᙫփԕ NW-SE ੁⲴᑖ⣦ኅᐳ, ൘ࢆ䶒к੸Ѫа㌫ࡇᶴ䙐ዙ⡷⴨ӂਐ㖞(മ 3-4). ⧠Ӻ਴অݳѻ䰤 ཊԕ࢚࠷ᑖᡆᯝ㻲ᑖ⴨࠶ࢢ. ᇭක㗔ǃҼ䛾ක㗔઼〖ዝ㗔ԓ㺘Ҷᰙਔ⭏ԓⲴ䙐ኡփ㌫, Ѫे〖ዝ䙐ኡᑖⲴь ᔦ. ᇭක㗔ѫ㾱⭡Ӂ⇽⡷ዙǃ⸣㤡ዙǃབྷ⨶ዙ઼ᯌ䮯䀂䰚ዙ㓴ᡀ. ৏ዙѪа྇ਈ䍘 ⚛ኡ-⊹〟ዙ, ᖒᡀҾᯠݳਔԓ. Ҽ䛾ක㗔Ѫа྇ᰙਔ⭏ԓⲴਈ䍘⚛ኡ-⊹〟ዙ, े 䜘㻛ᰙਔ⭏ԓⲴ㣡዇ዙᡰץޕ. 〖ዝ㗔⭡↓/࢟⡷哫ዙǃབྷ⨶ዙ઼哫㋂ዙ㓴ᡀ. ⴨ޣ Ⲵዙ⸣ᆖ઼ᒤԓᆖ⹄ウ㺘᰾Ẁ᷿ኡൠ४Ⲵᇭක㗔઼Ҽ䛾ක㗔Პ䙽㓿শҶ䀂䰚ዙ⴨ ਈ 䍘 ֌ ⭘, 㘼〖ዝ㗔ࡉᒯ⌋ਁ㛢哫㋂ዙ⴨ਈ䍘֌⭘, ަਈ䍘֌⭘ਁ⭏ᰦԓ൷൘

440-400 Ma ᵏ䰤(Kröner et al., 1993; Ratschbacher et al., 2006; X.C. Liu et al., 2011b, 2013; H. Wang et al., 2011; Xiang et al., 2012). ޣҾй㘵Ⲵᶴ䙐኎ᙗቊᆈҹ䇞, 䙊ᑨ

䇔Ѫᇭක㗔ԓ㺘ॾे䱶ඇই㕈㻛ࣘ䱶㕈⊹〟, Ҽ䛾ක㗔ާᴹዋᕗᡆ㘵ᕗਾ⳶ൠ኎ ᙗ, 〖ዝ㗔ࡉѪᗞ䱶ඇ৺བྷ䱶ᕗ. ই⒮㓴ѫ㾱Ѫа྇㔯⡷ዙ⴨Ⲵਈ䍘༽⨶⸣, वᤜਈ䍘⸲ዙ઼㊹⸲ዙᡆ㘵ॳ᷊ ዙ ઼ ᶯ ዙ, а㡜䇔Ѫަਟԕоབྷ࡛ኡൠ४Ⲵ֋ᆀዝ㗔઼〖ዝൠ४Ⲵࡈዝ㗔ሩ∄. ᴰ䘁ࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ(2013)ᣕ䚃Ҷই⒮㓴ਈ䍘⸲ዙѝⲭӁ⇽ 40 Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴Ѫ 261 Ma, 䘉 оབྷ࡛ኡ֋ᆀዝ㗔ᡰ䇠ᖅⲴᰙᵏਈᖒᰦԓ⴨а㠤(Faure et al., 2003; ᷇Տㅹ, 2005). 嗏ኡᵲዙѫ㾱⭡䀂䰚ዙ⴨ਈ䍘Ⲵᯌ䮯䀂䰚⡷ዙ઼Ӂ⇽⸣㤡⡷ዙ㓴ᡀ. ᵲዙѝᐢ㧧 ᗇⲴ䀂䰚⸣ 40

Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴൘ 401 Ma ઼ 316-304 Ma, ⲭӁ⇽40Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴Ѫ 268 Ma,

㺘᰾ަਟ㜭㓿শҶཊᵏⲴਈ䍘ਈᖒ֌⭘(⢋ᇍ䍥ㅹ, 1994; Zhai et al., 1995; 哴ቁ㤡 ㅹ, 2006). X.C. Liu et al. (2011b, 2013)䇔Ѫই⒮㓴ਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷॾই䱶ඇ൘ᲊਔ⭏ԓ ेੁ؟ߢ䗷〠ѝᖒᡀⲴ࣐〟ᾄ, 㘼嗏ኡᵲዙࡉᱟ⭡〖ዝ㗔઼ই⒮㓴Ⲵዙ⸣␧ᵲ㘼 ᡀ. Ẁ᷿ᵲዙѫ㾱⭡↓⡷哫ዙ৺␧ਸዙ㓴ᡀ, ᒦᴹቁ䟿Ⲵ࢟⡷哫ዙǃᯌ䮯䀂䰚ዙ઼ བྷ⨶ዙ. Ṩ䜘㤡Ӂ䰚䮯䍘⡷哫ዙ䜘࠶⟄㶽⭏ᡀⲴབྷ䟿⍵㢢㜹փ亪⡷哫⨶ਁ㛢, ቁ


䟿੸н㿴ࡉ⣦࠷ࢢ⡷哫⨶. ޣҾ㣡዇䍘⡷哫ዙⲴ৏ዙᰦԓᴹᯠݳਔԓ(776-746 Ma) ઼ᰙⲭෙц(141-139 Ma)ѻҹ(Kröner et al., 1993; ࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ, 2011). ᐢ㧧ᗇⲴẀ᷿ ᵲዙн਼ዙ⸣Ⲵ唁Ӂ⇽ǃⲭӁ⇽઼䀂䰚⸣ 40 Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴䳶ѝ࠶ᐳ൘ 135-119 Ma ઼ 100-90 Ma єњ४䰤, ᳇⽪ަ൘ⲭෙ㓚ਟ㜭㓿শҶєᵏߧত䗷〻(Webb et al., 1999b, 2001; 䇨ݹ઼⦻Ҽг, 2009; Cui et al., 2012). े䜘઼ই䜘ਜ਼ῤ䖹ዙ儈঻অݳ੸ᑖ⣦࠶ᐳҾẀ᷿ᵲዙєח. ѫ㾱㓴ᡀዙ⸣Ѫ ⲭӁ䫐䮯⡷哫ዙǃⲭӁ⸣㤡⡷ዙǃ⸣㤡ዙ઼བྷ⨶ዙ, ཀྵᴹῤ䖹ዙ৺䘰ਈῤ䖹ዙⲴഒ ඇᡆ䘿䮌փ. ῤ䖹ዙⲴ䬶⸣ U-Pb ᒤ喴઼⸣ῤ⸣-ޘዙ Lu-Hf ㅹᰦ㓯ᒤ喴䳶ѝ൘ 255

Ma ᐖਣ, 㻛䀓䟺Ѫῤ䖹ዙ⴨ጠᵏਈ䍘֌⭘ᰦԓ(X.C. Liu et al., 2008; Cheng et al., 2011). തዙ⡷哫ዙⲴⲭӁ⇽40Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴ࡉӻҾ 238-217 Ma ѻ䰤, ਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷо ␡؟ߢ䱶༣൘йਐ㓚ᣈ䘄⴨ޣⲴਈᖒ৺ߧতᰦ䰤(X.C. Liu et al., 2008). ᇊ䘌ᵲዙ኎Ҿ৏㣿ᇦ⋣㗔Ⲵа䜘࠶, ѫ㾱⭡㔯⡷ዙ⴨ਈ䍘Ⲵ⚛ኡዙ઼ץޕዙ (䖹䮯ዙ઼㣡዇ዙ)㓴ᡀ, ࡈᲃ᱕ㅹ(2011)〠ѻѪᶴ䙐␧ᵲዙᑖ. ⭡Ҿ൘㓒ᆹൠփे 䜘⴨਼ᶴ䙐অݳѝ㧧ᗇⲴ䬶⸣U-Pb ᒤԓᆖᮠᦞѫ㾱䳶ѝ൘ᯠݳਔԓ, ഐ↔а㡜䇔 Ѫ䈕ᑖԓ㺘ॾই䱶ඇ␡؟ߢࡍ࿻䱦⇥㻛᣶⿫ᣈ䘄Ⲵዙ⡷(ࡈ䍫⚯ㅹ, 2013). ᇊ䘌ᵲ ዙᲞ䙽㓿শҶᕪ⛸Ⲵ丗ᙗਈᖒ, Ӿ㘼ᖒᡀ਴⿽㌌ἡዙ. 哴ቁ㤡ㅹ(2006)൘丗ᙗ࢚࠷ ᑖѝ㧧ᗇҶ256 Ma ⲴⲭӁ⇽ 40 Ar/39Ar ᒤ喴, ਟ㜭ԓ㺘Ҷᶴ䙐ਈᖒⲴᰦ䰤. ৏㓒ᆹ㗔वᤜҶ㓒ᆹൠփই䜘Ӿ㬍⡷ዙ-㔯⡷ዙ⴨ࡠ㔯ᑈ-䀂䰚ዙ⴨޽ࡠ儈঻ ῤ䖹ዙ⴨Ⲵн਼ዙ⸣ᶴ䙐অݳ. ᵜ᮷䘉䟼ᡰ䈤Ⲵ㓒ᆹ㗔ӵᤷަѝⲴ㔯ᑈ-䀂䰚ዙ⴨ অݳ, ሩᓄҾབྷ࡛ኡൠ४ᇯᶮ㗔Ⲵਜ਼⼧ਈ䍘⊹〟ዙ(ᗀṁẀㅹ, 2002; Xu et al., 2012). 䲿৯㗔ѫ㾱Ѫа྇ਈ䍘Ⲵৼጠᔿ⚛ኡዙ઼ਈ䍘⊹〟ዙ, 㓿শҶ㬍⡷ዙ-㔯⡷ዙ⴨ਈ . ަѝਈ䍘⚛ኡዙⲴ৏ዙᒤ喴൘ 741-763 Ma, Ѫᢜᆀ䱶ඇे㕈ᯠݳਔԓ㻲


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