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Model-based calibration of a range camera


Academic year: 2021

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Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp.

163-167, 1992



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Model-based calibration of a range camera

Beraldin, Jean-Angelo; Rioux, Marc; Blais, François; Godin, Guy; Baribeau,



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3 0 Abstract 1 Introduction

Auto-synchronizedscanning geometry.

Model-based Calibration of a Range Camera


163-J.-A. Beraldin,M. Rioux,F.Blais and G.Go din R.Barib eau

Institutefor Information Technology Canadian Conservation Institute

National ResearchCouncilCanada Departmentof Communications

Ottawa,Ontario, Canada K1A 0R6 Ottawa,Ontario, Canada K1A 0C8


calibra-tion of arange camerabased on activetriangulation.

The technique is based on a model derived from the

geometry of the synchronized scanner. From known


t-ted with values of spot positions read from a linear

position detector at anumber of angularpositions of

ascanningmirror. Furthermore,withanapproximate

form of the general equations describing the

geome-try, aseriesof designguidelinesarederivedtohelpa

designer conduct a preliminary study of a particular

rangecamera. Experimentalresultsdemonstratingthe





Among the many techniques prop osed to extract


tri-angulation is used in applications such as automatic

welding, measurement and repro duction of objects,

and insp ection of printed circuit b oards [1]{[2]. An

innovative approach, based on triangulation using a

synchronizedscanningscheme,wasintro ducedby

Ri-oux [3] to allow very large elds of view with small

triangulation angles without compromising on

reso-lution. With smaller triangulation angles, a

reduc-tion of shadowe ects is inherently achieved.




triangulation metho ds. A 3-D pro le of a surface is

captured by scanning a laser b eam onto a scene by

wayof an oscillatingmirror, collectingthelightthat

isscattered bythesceneinsynchronismwiththe

pro-jection mirror,and, nally,fo cusing this lightonto a

linearp ositiondetector. Figure1depictsthe

synchro-nization e ect pro duced by the double-sided mirror.

This measurement pro cess yields two quantities p er

sampling interval: one is for the angular p osition of

themirrorandoneforthep ositionofthelasersp oton

thep ositiondetector. Owingtotheshap eoftheco


the resultantimagesarenot compatiblewiththe

co-ordinate systems used by mostgeometric image

pro-cessingalgorithms. Are-mappingofthesevariablesto


amorecommonco ordinatesystemlikearectangular

systemistherefore required.

In[4],Bumbaca presentametho dtocalibrate

arange nderwithoutassuminganyre-mapping

func-tionforthegeometric distortions. Theauthorsusea

calibrationbarcomp osedoftwosections: onehavinga

uniformre ectance andonemadeofequidistant

du-cial markings of lower re ectance , painted onto the

surface. By constructing two tables fromknown p

o-sitions of this calibration bar in space, they correct

range and longitudinal distortions. The calibration

barismovedso asto de nearectangularco ordinate

systemas depicted inFig.2b. Withoutknowledgeof

the distortion laws, any attempt to reduce the

ran-dom noise present in the raw data to reveal the

re-mappingfunctioninherentin therange nder

geom-etryb ecomes anart. Archibald [5] prop ose



It isthe goalof this articleto extend the metho d

presented in [4]{[5]and to intro duce anovel metho d

and pro cedure for the calibration of a range

cam-era based up on the synchronization principle.



constant p

constant azimuth


constant azimuth

constant range


constant range

longitudinal contours


-γ / 2





























P ro jectio n


D etectio n




Len s

p lan e

p p p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 1 A OAC OED OBC OFD D E F DE DF

2 Range camera equations

01 01 1 1 01 1 1 01 01 01 01 1 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1 01 1   p X Z  p R  R  R  R  P P p p  R  R p R  R  p P P f f f f f X ;Z ~ ~ X  X  X  X  Z  Z  Z  Z  P P p xp; X  P X  X  P p z p; Z  P Z  Z  P p R R p p P R

Ane representations: (a) constant p and

azimuth contours, (b) rectangular, (c) constant range

and azimuth.

Un-folded geometry.

Figure 2:

try from which amo del is de ned. These equations

areused asdesignto olstocharacterizethevolumeof

measurement and the spatial resolution, and to give

some guidelines for a precise calibration of a range

camera. Some exp erimental results obtainedfrom a

range nder intended for space applications are

pre-sented. Finally,adiscussionofseveraladvantagesand

limitationsoftheanalysisandtheprop osedtechnique


Figure 3showsthegeometry usedforthe

triangu-lation where the projection and collection axes have

b een unfolded. Thedotted lines depictthe static

ge-ometry,i.e.,for( =0). Here, thescanningangle is

measuredfromthesedottedlines. Most

triangulation-basedrange nderstakeadvantageoftheScheimp ug

optical arrangement [6]. The equations relating the

sp ot p osition to thelo cationof ap ointonthe

pro-jection axis can b e found from Fig. 3 in the

follow-ingmanner. Here,thescanningmirrorhasb een

tem-p orarilyremovedandapinholemo delforthelenshas

b een assumed. A rectangular co ordinate system ha

b een lo cated onthe axisjoining the equivalentp

osi-tionof theresp ective pivotoftheprojectionand

col-lection axes. These twop ositions are represe nted by

largecirclesonthe axis. The axisextendsfroma

p ointmidwayb etween them towards in nity. Sup

er-imp osedonthe gureistheequivalentgeometryfora


axesbyanangle .

Thesynchronized geometryimpliesthat,forasp ot

p osition = 0 (p oint on Fig.3), the acute angle

b etween the projection and collection paths is equal

to aconstant . From this, all the other angles can

b einferred. Twosetsofsimilartriangles {

and, { can b e identi ed. From these, the

followingrelation isextracted,

( ) ( )

( ) ( )

= (1)

where is the sp ot p osition on the detector

(detec-tionaxis),e.g.,CCD,andforagivenscannerangle ,

( ) is the distance ( ) along the projection axis

corresp ondingto , ( )isthelo cationofthe

van-ishing p ointon the projection axis,and ( ) is the

lo cation corresp onding to = 0. is the lo cation

Figure3: detectionaxis: = sin( ) cos( ) = ( ) sin( ) (2)

where isthefo callengthofthelens, isthee ective

distanceof thep ositiondetector to theimaginglens,

isthetiltangleofthep ositiondetector,and isthe


Thetransformationof eq. (1) to an( )

repre-sentationiscomputedfromthefactthattwop oints

and andathirdp oint b elongtothesamestraight

lineifthevectors and arelinearlydep endent.

Hence, ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) = (3)

Theab ove equationsaredecomp osableinb oth


( )= ( )+ ( ) ( ) (4) ( )= ( )+ ( ) ( ) (5)

These linear fractional equations, also known

as logistic equations, emphasize the nature of the

Scheimp ug geometry, that is, the limitingresp onse

( = ) for as it approaches (collection

pathparallelto thep osition detector) and ( = )


01 01          x z x p  z p  p  0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' p ' ' 0 0 o o p 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

3 Proposed calibration method

x z p 2 x p z p x z p 3.3.1 Table construction: 3.1 Volume of view 3.2 Spatial resolution

3.3 Improvedcalibrati on metho d

X  T  S =  Z  T  S =  X  T  Z  T  S T  ; ; g ; h ;  : p p   f D  D p x g p; z h p; p  x;z  ; p   @g @p  @g @   @h @p  @h @  g h p p     p  p  p  u v u v p  ( ) =

cos( 2 )+ cos( )sin( 2 )

cos ( ) (6) ( ) = (sin( 2 )+sin( )) cos ( ) cos( )cos ( 2 ) cos( ) (7) ( ) = sin(2 ) sin( ) (8) ( ) = cos(2 )+cos( ) sin( ) (9)

where is the distanceb etween thelens and the

ef-fective p osition of the collectionaxis pivot and is

halfthedistanceb etweentheprojectionandcollection

pivots. These equations constitute the basis for the

derivationofthedesignto olsandcalibrationmetho d


Once the equations describing the geometry are

known,one canestimatesomeofthemostimp ortant


Usually one b egins with agiven eld of view and

resolution for a particular application and uses the

static geometry ( = 0) to evaluate those numb ers.

At this p oint, laser b eam propagation must also b e

considered. Then, eqs. (4)-(9) are computed for a

particularscanwidthandp ositiondetectorsize. This

pro cessisrep eateduntilthesystemsp eci cationshave

b een met.

Twometho ds can b e used to estimate the

resolu-tion. The rst, given b elow, is the result of the

ap-plicationto ( )ofthe lawof propagation oferrors

due to the measurement of ( ) through eqs. (4)

and (5). The second metho d is the actual

calcula-tion of thejointdensity functionof = ( 2) and

= ( 2). This metho d allows for a full

charac-terization ofthetworandomvariables and taken

jointly. Thisresult willb erep orted separately.

Blais [7] has designed a galvanometer controller

that achieves a p eak-to-p eak error of 1 part in 5000

on a uni-directionalscan for an optical angle of 30 ,

i.e., 00001 . The measurementof isin

prac-ticelimitedbythelasersp eckleimpingingontheCCD

p osition detector. Barib eau and Rioux [8] predicted

that such noise b ehaves like a Gaussian pro cess and

theestimated rms uctuationof determinedbythe

noise isapproximately = 1 2 cos ( ) (10)

where is the wavelength of thelaser source and

fect of the noise generated in the electronic circuits

andthequantizationnoiseofthep eakdetectoronthe

measurementof areswamp edbysp ecklenoise.

Assumingthefunctions = ( ) and = ( )

have nosudden jumpsinthedomainaroundamean

value and ,thenthemeans( )andthevariances

( )can b eestimated intermsofthemean,

vari-ance,andcovarianceoftherandomvariables and2.


the fact that the errors asso ciated with the physical

measurement of and are Gaussian random

pro-cesses and are not related lead one to assume that

theyareuncorrelated. Therefore,

+ (11)

+ (12)

wherethefunctions and and theirderivatives are

evaluated at = and = , and and are

the variances of the sp ot, and the angular scanning

measurement,resp ect ively.

As demonstrated in[4]

and[5],twotablescanb econstructedfromknownp

o-sitionsofacalibration barinspace. A go o d

calibra-tionpro cedure shouldthusallow and tob e

deter-minedaccuratelyforallcalibrationplaneand ducial

markings. Both metho ds require that one table b e

generatedfrommeasurementsof ducialmarkingson

acalibrationbar. Thesemarkingsmustb erecognized

by interpreting the brightness image of the bar. As

of yet, no mo delhas b een prop osed to quantify the

e ectof thelightdistributiononthemeasurementof

these ducialmarkings. For now, only the

measure-mentsof and have b eensucientlycharacterized.

Also,b ecauseamo deldescribingthesynchronized

ge-ometryintermsofthese samevariablesis now

avail-able(Section2),acalibrationtechniquethat requires

onlythemeasurementsof and along known p

osi-tionsofacalibration bar,withoutanyinterpretation

of the brightness image, would b e highly desirable.

Moreover,thedesignequations canb e used

advanta-geouslytodeterminethenumb erofcalibrationplanes

andtheirlo cationforlo ok-uptableconstruction.

One can think of an arrangement where a

cali-bration bar is moved in such a way as to de ne an

obliqueCartesian co ordinate systemas illustratedin

Fig. 4. This arrangement represents a variation of

the one prop osed in [9]. One table is created from

constant displacements of the bar in the direction

and another from constant displacements. These

displacementsare not necessarily known exactly but


Then, these two tables are transformed such that

and b ecomeafunctionof b oth and . Ina

prac-tical situation,an obliqueco ordinate systemis much














h o rizo n tal

referen ce

3 -D

C am era

0 1 X   N i i i i i i i 2 =1 2 o o o 3 3 3 u v u  p pu;   p u N v p u;v = P x  z  > 3.3.2 Mo del-based tting: a a a

ObliqueCartesianco ordinatesystem.

4 Applications

5 Discussion

6 Conclusion

Figure 4:

de ned alongsomegivenhorizoncanb ecomputedby

measuringawedgeplacedatdi erentp ositionsinthe

eld ofview. Arectangularco ordinate systemshould

yieldaconstantangleforthewedge. Theexact

spac-ingb etweenhorizontalandverticallinesarecomputed

with areference object.

Acalibrationmetho d

that triestoestablishasetoftablescanb ecomevery

cumb ersometo implementwhen the volume of

mea-surement is large. A technique based on tting a

mo del to some calibration p oints in space would b e

of considerable interest. A mo dellike theone

devel-op edinSection2,i.e.,(4)and(5)canb e ttedtothe

data measured at each sampled angle in the eld of


We prop ose using a linear fractional equation to

calibratearangecameraforlarge elds ofview. The

chi-squaredmeritfunctionisprop osed inorderto

es-timate the six parameters required for each angular

p osition;three parameters are inthe direction and

threeinthe direction. Onewillminimizethe

follow-ingmeritfunctionforthe p ositions

( ) =

( )


where is the parameter vector, is the rms error

asso ciated with each measurement of , the are

known withinsystem tolerance (e.g., accurate

trans-lation stage), and is the numb er of data p oints.

The samemeritfunctioncan b e appliedto the p

o-sitions. According to theory [8], if the measurement

errorsonthe arenormallydistributed,then(13)will

give themaximumlikeliho o destimationofthose

pa-rameters. Relevant intervals of con dence for those

parameters can also b e estimated. Once the six

pa-rameters are found for a particular angular p osition

of theprojection mirror,thensimpleinversion ofthe

fractional equation can b e done. The unwarping of

the ( )oblique co ordinate systemto arectangular

A numb erof tests, some of which are repro duced

here, werecarried outto demonstratethecalibration

techniques and were found to compare favorably to

theoreticalpredictions. Inoneof thesetests, therms

uctuationofthelogisticequation ttingfor512

an-gular p ositions was found to b e approximately 1 30

pixel. In that sametest, areference wedge was

cali-bratedandtheresultingerrorb etween trueand

mea-surededges was wellwithin systemtolerance. In

an-other test, theestimated obtained from ttinga

logisticequationandthetheoreticalmo delweretried

for a large volume on a range camera intended for

space vision applications. It features random access

of anyp osition ina eld of viewof 30 by 30 [10].

Objects lo catedwithinarangeof0.5mto100mcan

b e detecte d. Figure5 showsthe image after

calibra-tion of a quarter-scale mo del (at National Research

Council) of the cargo bay of the Space Shuttle

Or-biter. Theclosest and farthest p oints in the eld of

viewwereat2.6mand4.5m,resp ec tively. Both


twolo cations were found to b e in (along width of

cargo)125 mand1.5mmand,in (alongthedepth

ofcargo)200 mand 4mm. Thisscalemo delofthe

cargobaymeasures4.33mby1.42mby0.6 m.

Thecriticalelementsofthiscalibrationmetho dare

thevalidityofthemo delandthenumb erandlo cation

ofthe calibrationtargets. The fractionalequation of


thenatureof theimaginglens andtheplanarityand

lo cation of themirrors. The scanning mirroris

con-sidered to b e in nitely thin. Also, the galvanometer

wobbleandthedi ractionofthelaserb eamwere

ne-glected. Obviously, any distortion pro duced by the

imaginglens could b e mo deled. But considering the

factthattheangular eld ofviewoftheimaginglens

inourrangecamerasrarelyexceeds10 forvolumesof

viewvarying b etween 1cm and100m ,the pinhole

assumptionapp earsreasonable.

This pap er has intro duced a new metho d for the

calibration of a range camera based on active

trian-gulation. A mo delwhichis derivedfromtheanalysis

ofthesynchronizedgeometry providesabasisforthe

metho d. From the analysis of the optical

arrange-ment,somepartialdesignguidelinesarepresente d to

assistintheinitialstage ofdesignofarangecamera.

Parameters like the size of the volume of view and

longitudinal and range resolution can b e computed.

Twocalibrationmetho ds arediscussed. One metho d

is based on lo ok-up table construction. The second

isaimedatrange ndersthatcanscanlargevolumes,

i.e., 1m . Alogisticequationderivedfromthe

anal-ysisis ttedwithvaluesofsp otp ositionsreadfroma

linearp ositiondetector at anumb erof angular p

osi-tionsofthescanningmirror. Anexp erimentinvolving

themeasurementofaquarter-scalemo delofthecargo




Though the analysis considered only laser range

ndersbasedup onthesynchronizedscannerapproach

other triangulationgeometries with di erent

require-mentscanb e accommodatedbyasimilaranalysis.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to

L. Cournoyer for his technical assistance provided in

the course of the exp eriments. Finally, the authors

wish to thank E. Kidd for her help inpreparing the


[1] M.Rioux,\ApplicationsofDigital3-DImaging,"



[2] P.J.Besl,\RangeImagingSensors,"Machine


[3] M. Rioux,\Laser Range Finder based on

Syn-chronized Scanners," Appl. Opt., 23, 3837{3844


[4] F.Bumbaca,F.Blais,and M.Rioux,\Real-Time

Correction of Three-dimensional Non-linearities



[5] C. Archibald and S. Amid,\Calibration of a

Wrist-mountedRange Pro le Scanner",Pro c. of


[6] G.Bickel,G.Hausler,andM.Maul,

\Triangula-tion with expanded range of depth," Opt. Eng.


[7] F.Blais,\Controloflowinertiagalvanometersfor



[8] R.Barib eau andM.Rioux,\In uenceofsp eckle

on laser Range Finders," Appl. Opt., 30, 2873{


[9] R.Schmidt,\Calibration of Three-Dimensional


[10] F.Blais, M.Rioux, and S.G.Mclean, \Intelligent,

Variable Resolution LaserScanner fortheSpace


Figure 3 shows the geometry used for the triangu-
Fig. 4. This arrangement represents a variation of


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