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Field-entropy phase diagram of a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Field-entropy phase diagram of a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet

C. Urbina, J.F. Jacquinot, M. Goldman

To cite this version:

C. Urbina, J.F. Jacquinot, M. Goldman. Field-entropy phase diagram of a nuclear dipolar antifer- romagnet. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (10), pp.1461-1467. �10.1051/jphys:0198200430100146100�.



Field-entropy phase diagram of a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet

C. Urbina, J. F. Jacquinot and M. Goldman

SPSRM, Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France (Reçu le 16 mars 1982, accepté le 2 juin 1982)

Résumé. 2014 Ce travail est une étude théorique et expérimentale du diagramme de phase champ-entropie d’un antiferromagnétique dipolaire nucléaire dans CaF2. Dans une grande région du plan champ-entropie l’état du système est une structure « mixte » dans laquelle des domaines paramagnétiques et antiferromagnétiques coexistent

en des proportions bien définies. Les prédictions théoriques, basées sur le modèle de la « trace restreinte », sont en très bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux obtenus par des mesures de R.M.N.



This work is a theoretical and experimental study of the field-entropy phase diagram of a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet in CaF2. There is a large region in this plane where the state of the system is a « mixed »

structure in which paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic domains coexist in well defined proportions. The theore- tical predictions, based on the « restricted trace » model, are in very good agreement with the experimental results

obtained by N.M.R. measurements.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.


The production of nuclear

dipolar magnetic ordering in diamagnetic crystals

and its study by nuclear magnetic resonance or neu-

tron diffraction techniques, have been extensively

described in a number of publications [1-4]. Their

essential aspects are briefly reviewed below.

1) Because of the weakness of the nuclear magnetic

moments, the critical temperature of the ordering, Tc,

is in the microkelvin range.

2) It is only the nuclear spins that are cooled

whereas the other degrees of freedom in the crystal ( the lattice ») remain at a relatively high temperature.

This is achieved by a two-step process : dynamic

nuclear polarization in a high field Ho, followed by

an adiabatic demagnetization in the same d.c. field

by means of an appropriate radiofrequency field (A.D.R.F.).

In high field, the Hamiltonian of a system of N

spins I subjected to dipolar interactions is :

where coo

= -

y, Ho is the Larmor frequency and

Ki is the secular part of the dipole-dipole interaction :


where rij is the distance between spins i and j, and °ij

is the angle between the applied field Ho and rij- After the dynamic polarization the spin tempera-

ture is in the mK range. To perform the second cool-

ing step we introduce an r.f. field, H1, rotating around Ho at the frequency cv. The Hamiltonian in the rotat-

ing frame is :

where A


(wo - w) is the longitudinal effective

field in frequency units, and w, = - yl H 1. This

irradiation has two effects; it cools down the Zeeman term by a factor 4 /cvo, and it establishes a thermal

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198200430100146100



contact between Zeeman and dipolar energies when ,J H’ L (where HL is the local field in the rotating frame). The A.D.R.F. is performed by a familiar

fast passage stopped at resonance, i.e. by adiaba- tically sweeping the frequency cv up to a)o.

If the nuclear polarization reached in the first step is high enough, this process will lead to a dipolar

ordered state. The ordered structure so obtained, depends on the orientation of Ho with respect to the crystalline axes and on the sign of the nuclear spin temperature.

Nearly all of the studies of nuclear A.F. published

up to now have been performed in zero effective

field. They were devoted to an understanding of the properties of the dipolar ordered states without

attention to the various steps in the ordering process

as the effective field is decreased. This article is a

theoretical and experimental study of the field- entropy phase diagram in the rotating frame, of the 19F spin system in CaF2, at T 0 and with HO,11[100].

2. Theory.


The main features of nuclear dipolar magnetic ordering are correctly described by a

model based on a mean field approach. The «local

Weiss field » approximation, as well as its simplest improvement, namely the « restricted trace » approxi- mation, have been extensively described elsewhere [1-4]

and we will use here their results without further


According to the local Weiss field approximation,

which neglects the short-range correlations, the pola- lization li >/2 of a spin is related to the total field it experiences through

where roT is the Larmor frequency corresponding

to the total field. The frequency roT is the sum of

contributions from the external effective field and the Weiss field :

Fig. 1.


Antiferromagnetic structure in zero effective field in CaF2 for T 0 and Ho/ 100].

In this approximation the total energy is

where the factor 1/2 before on accounts for the fact that it is a self energy.

The particular antiferromagnetic structure consi-

dered here is defined by a vector Ko


[0, 0, 7r/a]

(where a is the lattice parameter of the s.c. fluorine lattice) and consists of two sublattices A and B with spin polarizations pA and pB respectively (Fig. 1).

In this case, the Weiss frequencies turn out to be,

for a spherical sample

where A(Ko) is the Fourier transform of the dipolar coupling constants Aij over the lattice :

The entropy is fixed by the polarization p before

A.D.R.F. by the expression

where N is the number of spins.



The behaviour of a nuclear antiferromagnet in

non-zero effective field is best understood by compa- rison with that of an electronic antiferromagnet.

We begin therefore by recalling briefly the well-

known properties of the latter and in particular the

appearance in a finite field of the so called « spin- flop » phase.

One should remember that by contrast to nuclear

spins, the electronic spins are always at a positive

temperature and the stable structures are those of lowest energy.

The interactions responsible for electronic anti-

ferromagnetism are usually Heisenberg interactions,

which are isotropic and short-range. In addition

there is usually a much weaker anisotropy energy which lifts the degeneracy associated with the iso- tropy of the Heisenberg interactions, by selecting

a preferential orientation for the sublattice pola-


The appearance of the spin-flop phase can be

understood as follows; at very low temperature,


the parallel susceptibility of the antiferromagnet

is vanishingly small, so that a moderate field applied parallel to the anisotropy axis would not affect the

antiferromagnetic structure. Its bulk magnetization

remains zero and there is no Zeeman contribution to the energy of the system. On the other hand, let us

consider an antiferromagnetic structure differing from

the previous one by just a 900 rotation of spin pola- rizations, so as to bring them into the plane perpen- dicular to the anisotropy axis; there is no change

in the isotropic Heisenberg interaction energy, but the anisotropy energy vanishes, and the new structure is, in zero field, less stable than the initial longitudinal antiferromagnet. However, this structure has a large

transverse susceptibility with respect to a field parallel

to the anisotropy axis : the spin polarizations can

rotate so as to become parallel to the total field

they experience. This is the spin-flop phase; the

increase in anisotropy energy is compensated by

a decrease of Zeeman energy. Above a threshold external field H(’) the energy of the spin-flop phase (including the Zeeman contribution) is lower than that of the longitudinal phase, and the system under-

goes a first-order transition to the spin-flop phase.

At exactly the critical field H(’), which depends only on the temperature, both phases can coexist

in any proportion. This is a characteristic property of first-order transitions in systems with short-range interactions, where the two phases do not influence

each other. Slightly above H(’) the whole system is in the spin-flop phase. When H increases, the angle

between the sublattice polarizations decreases until it vanishes at a critical field H(’), where the system undergoes a second-order transition to the para-

magnetic state in which the polarizations of all spins are equal and parallel to the external field.

Keeping in mind the fact that in the dipolar nuclear

case the interactions are long-ranged and anisotropic

we can apply a procedure similar to the one used

above for the electronic case : in an applied external

field we stabilize the system by allowing it to include,

besides the low susceptibility phase which is stable in zero field, regions corresponding to a different

structure, with a comparable spin-spin energy but

a larger susceptibility. From now on, we consider

nuclear spin systems at a negative temperature so that the stablest structures are those of highest energy.

First, we should point out that we cannot use,

as in the electronic case, the same antiferromagnetic

structure rotated by 900, because for the anisotropic dipolar interactions this would cause such an enor- mous change in the spin-spin energy that no concei- vable change in Zeeman energy would be sufficient to balance it. In fact, a simple inspection of the trun-

cated dipolar Hamiltonian (2) shows that such a

rotation changes the dipolar energy by a factor - 1/2.

We must then look for another ordered structure with large transverse susceptibility but whose spin-

spin energy is close to that of the antiferromagnetic

structure. In CaF2, when T 0 there is just one

such structure : it is a ferromagnetic state with thin

domains perpendicular to Ho [2] (Fig. 2). Its energy in the Weiss field approximation, EF, is independent

of the orientation of the external field


This should be compared with the antiferromagnetic

energy as given by equation (7) for L1 = 0

We construct then a « mixed state » as a compro- mise between the original antiferromagnetic struc-

ture and this ferromagnetic state. It consists in an

alternation of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic domains, spread uniformly through the sample,

whose shapes and orientations are the same as in the above mentioned ferromagnet (Fig. 3). As a conse-

quence of their large longitudinal susceptibility,

the paramagnetic slices stabilize the whole structure in an applied field. In fact, it will appear below that

they hinder to a certain extent the penetration of the

field into the A.F. domains. This is analogous to the

case of type II superconductors in the region between

the two critical fields, where there is partial pene- tration of flux and the microscopic structure is a

« mixed state » consisting of both normal and super-

conducting regions [5].



The « field-entropy » region where this mixed state

can exist during the remagnetization (or the dema- gnetization) of the antiferromagnetic structure, is determined by a variational calculation outlined below.

Fig. 2.


Ferromagnetic with domains structure at T 0 in CaF2. When HO,11[100] its energy is slightly below that

of the fundamental antiferromagnetic structure, but it has

the largest longitudinal susceptibility.



Fig. 3. - o Mixed state » arising when a non-zero effec- tive field is applied on the A.F. structure of figure 1.

Let x be the relative volume of the paramagnetic

domains and pc their spin polarization. The relative volume of the antiferromagnetic domains is (1 - x)

and their sublattice polarizations are PA and PB-

The calculation of the total frequencies WT expe- rienced by the various spins is based on a standard magnetostatic method : the dipolar frequency for spin Ii is computed by considering first the contri- bution from the other spins in the same domain (the so-called «internal frequency >> Win,), and then treating the rest of the sample (which we recall is spherical) as if it has a homogeneous polarization p

The contribution of the spins out of the domain is not zero because of the long-range character of the dipolar interactions. It combines with the applied

field A to form the so-called « external frequency »



The results are

where q is the Weiss field factor (12) associated with the bulk polarization of a thin domain perpendicular

to the external field.

The total frequencies are

In zero effective field, when the state is purely antiferromagnetic, one has x


0 and the antiferro-

magnetic frequencies are

The expressions for the energy and the entropy per spin in the Weiss field approximation are

where s( p) is defined by equation (10).

We now consider fixed values of the applied held d

and the inverse temperature and determine the

equilibrium values of pA, pB, pc and x by imposing

the condition that they maximize - #F = S - BE.

The four equilibrium equations obtained in this way are


and must be solved numerically to yield the values P;. ({3, L1) and x({3, L1). The first three conditions yield

the Weiss equations :

The value of (- PF) in the mixed state, calculated with the equilibrium values of P;.(P, .1) and x(P, .1)

obtained above, is larger than in a purely parama-

gnetic or purely antiferromagnetic state in a certain region of A and j8. In this region, the mixed state is then the stable one.

A remarkable result of this theory is that at constant

temperature pA, PB and pc are independent of d, and so are the total frequencies according to (21)

and the external and internal frequencies according

to (14). This means, after (15), that the proportion

of paramagnetic domains x depends linearly on the applied field .1

where the critical fields A c (’) and A c (2) correspond to



0 and x


1 respectively. According to (15) they are related through

In the range of coexistence of the two phases,

,j c (1) j j c (2), the total frequencies in the anti-

ferromagnetic domains are, after carrying (22) and

(23) into (15)


The second term in the right hand side of equa- tion (24) is just the antiferromagnetic contribution (16).

The first term is the resultant of all other contribu- tions arising from the applied field d and the others domains. As J(’) J, it appears that the para-

magnetic regions screen to a certain extent the A.F.

domains from the applied field.

As the experimental quantities x, pa are measured during an adiabatic demagnetization, i.e. while varying

d at constant entropy rather than at constant tempe- rature, it is more convenient to express them as functions of S and J rather than f3 and J. This is

achieved directly by calculating S (f3, J), using in (18) the equilibrium values x(fl, J) and p;.,(f3, J) and extracting from it f3 (8, J ).

The theoretical transition fields J(l) and j (2)

are plotted against the initial polarization (which is

a well-defined function of entropy) in figure 4. The

first remark about the phase diagram obtained by

the Weiss field approximation is that it is obviously

a poor approximation at low initial polarization.

The theory predicts incorrectly that, however small the initial polarization of the spins, adiabatic dema-

gnetization will produce antiferromagnetism. This is

related to the basic simplifying idea of the Weiss field approximation which is to neglect completely

the short-range correlations. The simplest way to take into account, at least partially, the short-range

correlations between spins is to use the « restricted

trace » approximation [6], which predicts the phase diagram also plotted in figure 4. The calculation

procedure is very similar to the previous one, the

only difference being that the restricted-trace expres- sions are used for the energy and the entropy instead of the Weiss field expressions (17) and (18).

A second remark concerns an important diffe-

rence between a dipolar nuclear antiferromagnet

and usual electronic antiferromagnets with short- range interactions. In the nuclear case the external

frequency Wext in a given domain, given by the last equation (14), is not simply the applied field J, because

of the long-range dipolar contribution from the spins

outside this domain. This dipolar contribution to the external field depends on the relative volume x of the two phases. When the applied field is varied

this relative volume varies so as to keep Wext constant;

at constant temperature, what was a single transition

field in an electronic Heisenberg antiferromagnet

is replaced in a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet by

a transition field interval, between J c (’) and j c (2).

3. Experimental methods and results [7].


All the

measurements have been performed on a spherical sample of calcium fluoride, 1.3 mm in diameter, doped with TM21 ions at concentration Tm2 + /F -

of 1.6 x 10- 5. The fluorine spins are dynamically polarized through the Solid Effect with the Tm2 + in a field of 27 kG, with a microwave irradiation

frequency of 130 GHz. The maximum fluorine pola-

Fig. 4. - Field polarization phase diagram of the A.F.

structure of figure 1. Broken curve : Weiss field approxima-

tion predictions. Solid curve : lst-order restricted trace

approximation predictions. Solid circles : experimental

results from fast-passage measurements. Open circles : experimental results from 43Ca signal. The « initial » polarization used in the abscissa is the average of the polari-

zations measured before and after a « demagnetization- remagnetization » cycle in order to account for the non

adiabaticity of the complete sequence.

rization obtained in this sample was of the order

of 80 %. The sample is cooled down to 0.270 K

by pumping over the liquid ’He bath in which it is

immersed, and the adiabatic demagnetization in the rotating frame is performed by applying an r.f. field H, t


30 mG, and sweeping the frequency at a rate

of 4 kHz/s. The 19F N.M.R. absorption signal is

detected with a Q-meter (107 MHz) and the 43Ca signal by means of an hybrid junction. The two signals

are recorded in a multichannel analyser during linear

sweeps of the magnetic field and then stored in a cal- culator where their areas and moments can be com-


The first reported experimental results were obtained

many years ago [1], when the existence of a mixed state was not suspected. They were derived from observations of the fast-passage signal which suffers

a qualitative change in shape and amplitude at a

well-defined transition effective field L1 o. Later on

it appeared, by considering the existence of the mixed state, that this transition field 4 0 corresponds exactly

to the upper critical field A(2) introduced above.

This method gives then a measure of ’A c (2) but reveals

nothing about the structure or even the existence of the mixed state. The results of this method are

plotted as solid circles in figure 4.



More recent experimental results have been obtain- ed by a completely different method, which consists in observing the absorption signal of nuclear probe spins (43Ca) during the demagnetization of the fluo-

rine spins.

Calcium fluorine contains, besides fluorine, calcium

atoms which form an f.c.c. lattice and are located at the centres of cubes of the fluorine lattice. A small fraction of the calcium nuclei (0.13 % ) occurs as

the magnetic isotope 43Ca, of spin 7/2, whereas most

nuclei are the spinless isotope 4°Ca. Because of their

low concentration, the influence of the 43Ca spins

on the bulk properties of the 19F spin system is

negligibly small, but they can be used as local magne- tic probes since they sense the different dipolar fields

in the sample. However, they need to be highly polarized for their resonance signal to be observed with a sufficient signal-to-noise ratio. The solid effect used for polarizing the 19F spin is ineffective for polarizing the 43Ca. The latter are polarized by

thermal contact in the rotating frame [8] with the

cold dipolar reservoir of 19F spins. 43Ca polariza-

tions as high as 90 % can be achieved in this way in

a few seconds. A small r.f. field is then used to observe the 43Ca resonance signal during slightly saturating (9 %) linear sweeps of the external field (325 G/s).

The strongest experimental evidence for the actual existence of a mixed state is given by the following experiment. The system of highly polarized 19F spins is demagnetized, the A.D.R.F. being stopped

at about 3 G from resonance; the polarized 43Ca signal is then observed to consist of two lines of unequal intensities (Fig. 5). This observation is incon-

Fig. 5.


43Ca N.M.R. absorption spectra as a function of 19F effective field A : a) for 4 » y HL, i.e. for a purely paramagnetic 19F state; b) for an intermediate fluorine effective field I AIT, I -- 3 G, i.e. for 19F in the mixed state.

43Ca signal is splitted into two components showing the

existence in the system of two kind of macroscopic domains;

c) for A


0, i.e. in a purely antiferromagnetic 19F state.

sistent with a structure of the 19F spins, either purely paramagnetic or purely antiferromagnetic. The average

dipolar field at the calcium sites is zero in both cases.

One observes indeed only one line when the fluorine system is either in a high field (paramagnetic) or in

zero effective field (A.F.).

By contrast, if the fluorine system is in the mixed state, the 43Ca spins experience non-zero dipolar

fields which are different in the paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic domains, thus giving rise to the

appearance of two resonance lines. These dipolar fields, hpara and hA.F., can be easily computed from the 19F dipolar frequencies (15), by noting that the

external effective field L1 concerns only the 19F spins,

and that the antiferromagnetic contributions (16)

vanish at the 43Ca sites, because of their location at the centre of the 19F cubes.

The line intensities are proportional to the relative volumes of the para and antiferromagnetic domains,

that is x and (1 - x) respectively.

According to equations (25) the centre of gravity

of the spectrum is not shifted

Experimentally, the 43Ca and 19F absorption

N.M.R. signals are recorded for different values of the 19F effective field L1 during a fluorine o dema-

gnetization-remagnetization » cycle performed by

steps. For each value of L1 we measure the relative

intensity of the two 43Ca lines as well as their shifts with respect to the single unshifted 43Ca line before 19F demagnetization. The two 19F critical fields

,A c (’) and A c (2) are obtained by extrapolation, as the

fields at which the intensity of one of the line vanishes.

The results of a typical run are shown in figure 6.

The open circles are the relative intensities of the

paramagnetic line as a function of the ’9F effective field. The crosses represent the shift of the two lines with respect to the unshifted paramagnetic line.

This set of results was obtained with an initial 19F polarization of 77 %. After the remagnetization the polarization was 60%. The losses are due to the fact that the A.D.R.F. can not be perfectly adia-

batic [9] and to spin-lattice relaxation. In our experi-

mental conditions (H - 27 kG and T - 0.27 K) 7BD 15 min. This short relaxation time turns out to be (in addition to the poor signal-to-noise ratio) one of the most important difficulties in these


By changing the initial polarization one can in

principle construct the entire field polarization phase



Fig. 6.


43Ca lineshifts and relative intensities as a func- tion of the effective field on 19F spins. The initial fluorine

polarization was 77 %. Open circles : relative intensity of

the Ca line corresponding to the 19F paramagnetic domains.

Crosses : 43Ca (A.F. and paramagnetic) lineshifts with respect to the paramagnetic line before fluorine demagne-

tization. The critical fields A c (’) and A c (2) are determined by extrapolation.

In practice, in order to determine the relative intensities of the two lines, their splitting hA,F. - hpara I

must be larger than their width, which limits the mea-

surements to low entropies ( pi > 60 % ).

The results are plotted as open circles in figure 4.

Together with the results previously obtained by

fast passage measurements they provide convincing

evidence for the actual existence of the mixed state

predicted on theoretical grounds. Within experi-

mental uncertainty the critical fields are in reasonable agreement with the predictions of the first-order restricted trace approximation.

4. Conclusion.


The occurrence of a «mixed»

state during the demagnetization of a nuclear dipolar antiferromagnet is clearly established by the experi-

ments described in this work. We have determined

a large portion of the field-entropy phase diagram :

in a large region there is a coexistence of parama-

gnetic and antiferromagnetic domains in the sample.

It must be stressed that the theoretical curves as

well as the experimental results involve no adjustable parameters.

Although this phase diagram is in some way similar to that of a spin-flop phase for a Heisenberg

electronic antiferromagnet, there are important diffe-

rences arising from the long-range nature of the dipo-

lar interactions. For example, the existence of a large

domain of coexistence of two phases in a proportion

which is a well-defined function of the external parameters is a consequence of the long-range inter-

actions between different regions of the sample.



We are very much indebted to R. Bidaux who helped us to correctly identify

the nature of the mixed phase. This work has greatly

benefited from the stimulus and interest of Professor A. Abragam.



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