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On the problem of the phase diagram of new superconductors


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On the problem of the phase diagram of new superconductors

L.P. Gor’Kov, A.V. Sokol

To cite this version:

L.P. Gor’Kov, A.V. Sokol. On the problem of the phase diagram of new superconductors. Journal de

Physique, 1989, 50 (18), pp.2823-2832. �10.1051/jphys:0198900500180282300�. �jpa-00211105�



On the problem of the phase diagram of new superconductors

L. P. Gor’kov and A. V. Sokol

L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 142432

Chernogolovka, Moscow Region, U.S.S.R.

(Reçu le 13 mars 1989, accepté le 12 mai 1989)



Nous présentons un modèle de spectre électronique avec une large bande de trous

délocalisés et faiblement hybridée avec un réseau de niveaux localisés. Nous en dérivons un

hamiltonien effectif incluant les interactions spin-spin, spin-trou et trou-trou. Avec quelques hypothèses, l’intégrale d’échange peut être à longue portée. Nous montrons que, à faible concentration de dopant, les porteurs de la bande de conduction forment de grands polarons.

Nous donnons la susceptibilité magnétique du système entier et sa dépendance en concentration et température (dans la limite des grandes concentrations). Nous montrons que, à cause que la contribution compensatrice de l’interaction de type RKKY, le système antiferromagnétique peut présenter une instabilité ferromagnétique avec une énergie caractéristique de l’ordre de la

température de Néel. L’importance des effets quantiques est soulignée.



We present a model of the electron spectrum with one delocalized hole-like broad band weakly hybridized with the array of localized levels. Effective Hamiltonian including the spin-spin interaction, spin-hole interaction and hole-hole interaction is derived. At some

assumptions the exchange integral proves to be a long-range one. It is shown that at small dopant

concentrations carriers in the conduction band form the large size polarons. The magnetic susceptibility of the whole system and its dependence on concentration and temperature (in the

range of large concentrations) are found. It is shown that, due to the compensating contribution from the RKKY-interaction, an antiferromagnetic system may tend to a ferromagnetic instability

with the characteristic energy of the order of the Neel temperature. The importance of the quantum effects is emphasized.

J. Phys. France 50 (1989) 2823-2832 15 SEPTEMBRE 1989,


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

In this article within the framework of the model proposed previously [1, 2] an attempt is

made to interpret peculiarities of the phase diagram of new superconductors under doping.

For definiteness below we shall have in mind the properties of La2 - ,Sr,,CU04. The latter have been extensively discussed in the literature (see, e.g., [3]). Of the highest interest is naturally

the sharp dependence of the nature of the ground state on doping, e.g., transformation of the

antiferromagnetic (apparently, dielectric) state at small x into a metallic behavior at high

strontium concentrations. Although in the experimental picture there are still many obscure

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198900500180282300


problems, a number of qualitative considerations was given, which we think may have to do with the problem. We mean, for instance, the comment made in [4] that the exchange

interaction between the oxygen hole and the moment on Cu 2, is large in comparison with the exchange integrals between the localized spins of copper ions. We aim at transferring this

discussion to a more microscopic level of the band structure of the compounds under study.

The fact that all the diversity of the properties of the new superconductors cannot be

described in terms of the Hubbard model of only Cu ions, as, for instance, has been assumed in [5], entailed already from the numerical calculations (see, e.g., [6]) which revealed that the

overlapping of d-copper shells and p-oxygen orbitals is not small. At the same time the presence of localized moments on Cu2+ is already an established fact [7, 8] and the role of interelectron correlations is undoubtful. Now there are two models whose major difference

lies in the physical nature of how a localized state of the hole on Cu ion is formed.

The model [9] is based on the picture of atomic copper d-orbitals and oxygen p-orbitals.

The latter, as is assumed, in terms of energy lies higher than the one hole-filled orbitals

Cu 2+ (configuration d9). Cu2 + ions are Hubbard centers. Doping is responsible for the

emergence of holes on 02 - ions and transport properties (the band) originate from the overlapping (hybridization) between d- and p-orbitals.

In the model [1] a sufficiently broad band for holes is introduced from the very beginning.

Such a band could, for instance, be a result of numerical calculations performed in the assumption that the self-consistent potential corresponds to a configuration d10 for all

Cu+ ions. Let the same calculation yield a level £’ for one Cu+ ion. In [1] an interaction of the hole on this level, V Q Q, with any phonon degree of freedom, Q, is assumed to be strong. As

a result of this interaction, the level goes down :

where Mil 2 is the appropriate rigidity of the lattice. The strong polaron effect (1) for the state Cu2 + originates from the Jahn-Teller instability of the octahedric configuration in perovskites.

Localization of the states CU2 + and their orthogonality to the band states is, thus, ensured

and enhanced by the inclusion of slow lattice degrees of freedom. If the lattice times of relaxation are smaller than the lifetime of the state Cu2 + ,


these states can, of course, be treated as Hubbard centers.

The position of the level (1) relative to the bottom of the conduction band determines the carrier population. Since, for instance, the rigidity of the system Mf2 2, no doubt, depends on doping and on other lattice parameters, the motion of the level £o with respect to the delocalized band could in principle describe the transition from the dielectric regime to the

metallic regime at strong doping. It is this aspect of the problem that has been discussed in [1].

Probably it has something to do with the problem in view of the discovery of two phases in La2Cu04.13 [10] or of metallization in La2-xSrxCu04 at x


0.17 [11,12]. In this article however we study only the region of relatively low concentrations. It is our assumption that

the ground state is magnetic and dielectric. Correspondingly, the relative position of local

levels and of the conduction band (for holes !) is chosen as is given in figure 1. With all this

taken into account, we can describe this case by the periodic Anderson Hamiltonian



where V is weak hybridization ; repulsion on the Hubbard centers is assumed to be infinitely strong. The conduction band close to its bottom is quadratic, £(p)


p 2/2 mB. The width of the band, D, can arbitrarily be related to the position of level £0

= -



0. Henceforth we

shall hold that the dispersion law 8. is close to a 2D law reflecting the layered character of new

superconducting materials. It is convenient to introduce the following set of parameters, characterizing the band and magnitude of hybridization :

where a is a lattice parameter, mT is the effective mass of the hole near the top of the band, at

p = Qo


(7r la, 7r la ). In general, 17 and v are not equal to unity. Below it will be assumed that the parameter À is small and the value q - v - 1 for the band of an arbitrary form. Note

that in what follows only one conduction band is taken into account for the purposes of a


2. Effective Hamiltonian.

The Hamiltonian (2) despite its seeming simplicity describes a most complicated problem in general conditions. Yet, under the constraints formulated above, it permits this problem to be

reduced to the problem of Heisenberg spins. Some main parameters of the spin Hamiltonian have already been obtained in [2]. In this section we shall describe a regular method of deriving the effective Hamiltonian, H,,ff , which is equivalent to (2) at T « A In contrast to the derivation in [2], this method makes it possible not only to obtain higher order terms with respect to spin-spin interactions but also consistently to take into account the interaction between spins and carriers (holes) in the conduction band and carrier-carrier interaction.

Treating the term with hybridization in (2) as a perturbation, we can standardly rewrite the

grand partition function as


The problem is to reduce expressions (3, 3’) to the form

employing à > T, i.e. the fact that transitions from local levels into the conduction band are

absent at low temperatures. The Hamiltonian Beff will, as a result, be defined on the manifold of wave functions CPh Et) CPs, where 0,


are wave functions of 2N-fold degenerate states of

Hubbard centers and oh are wave functions of holes, added to the band under the condition that filling of the conduction band is not large (EF «’:,à)- (The derivation allows for

generalizations which we shall not dwell upon here.)

The first non-zero new contribution to Heff (4) comes from the second order term in the

expansion (3’) in V :


The order of operators d,,, (r2) dnu,(T1) (T2:> Tl) is fixed by the assumption of strong

repulsion on the n-th center. We rewrite the operators b (2 ) 4, ’ (1 ) in the interaction

representation as

Whereas the first term in (6) is c-number, it is possible to put -rl !-- T2 (A> T, EF) in the

second term and now it transforms into the operator of the number of particles in the secondary quantisation : the contribution to Heff is s-d » interaction)

where Sn is a localized (one-half) spin of the n-th center and the first term corresponds to the

renormalization of the energy of the localized level.

We now calculated S4({3) (the fourth order term over V in (3’». Unlike (5) in S4({3) there are already two independent sums over local centers (say, m and n). Let first

n =A m. A relative order of times for the operators dm ( T4 ), dn ( T3 ), dn(7-2) and dm( Tl) (and, accordingly, for the operators 1/1 m ( T 4), 1/1 n ( T 3), 1/1:- ( T 2) and 1/1:’ ( Tl)) is again determined by

the requirement that the local center be occupied : T4::> Tl 1 and -r3 :::’ T2. The difference of

S4 (,S ) from

is in the presence in S4({3) under the integral of the terms, e.g. of the form

(at 7"4 >- T3:> ’r > T2). After commutation (i.e. reduction to independent integrals with respect to (T4’ T 1 ) and (7-3, T2)) there emerge new contributions (of the order of

V4) to the effective Hamiltonian of the form :

exchange interaction :


s-d » scattering by spins of two centers

The terms with n = m should be investigated separately. After extracting S4({3) from 54(Q ) there emerge a nontrivial local contribution

Apart from (8-10), in S4 (/3 ), like in (7), there are of course corrections which correspond to

the general shift of the ground state energy. Henceforth these corrections are dropped. The



expressions for J (R ) and t (R ) have been derived in [2] (for one conduction band). The term (10) corresponds to the contact interaction of carriers on one center. As we see, it has a rather

peculiar structure. Yet, it is comparatively small. Its estimate will be given below.

3. Antiferromagnetic state (mean field approximation).

Let doping be absent (stoechiometric composition). Then the problem is reduced to the spin

Hamiltonian (8). Here we shall give a brief description of the results of [2] which we shall

need further. The value of the exchange integral on atomic distances is of the order

At the same time we get [2] that at D » A the asymptotic behavior of J (R ) at large distances is


Thus, under these conditions the exchange interaction proves to be a long-range interaction.

This long-range behavior of the interaction gives rise to the so-called « frustrations » and therefore even if we neglect the fact that the Hamiltonian (8) describes a 2D system of Heisenberg spins, where the fluctuation contribution is large, the presence of such frustration

even more complicates the solution of the problem of the nature of the ground state. Yet, bearing in mind that in experiment La2Cu04 is an antiferromagnet, let us make certain estimates for the Neel state, making use of the mean field method. Generalized susceptibility

for the wave vector Qo, which we assume to be commensurate (Qo


(-ula, -ula», is

In conformity with [2], the magnon spectrum at small q « 11RO is described by


It is evident from these formulas that, at D > â, the slope of the linear part of the spectrum at small q is very steep. Thus the relation between the Neel temperature and the slope of the

linear part in the magnon spectrum largely differs from what we obtain in the model with only

nearest neighbor interaction. Formula (14) is of course a rough approximation. Calculation of

already second order bubble in the expansion in J for x (Qo) testifies to the presence of

significant deviations from (14) at low températures - TNf. Without giving details of the calculation we must point out that the actual temperature of the antiferromagnetic transition

may be in the range from - TNf/ln (Dlâ) to ’" TN . The lower-limit estimate results from the calculation of fluctuations in the low temperature region due to magnons. On the other hand,

the large interaction radius permits us to calculate exactly enough the static susceptibility of

the system :



In conclusion of this brief section, note that the slope of the magnon spectrum

d w Idq is estimated as 0.2-0.3 eV A [7]. This slope exceeds standard estimates (TN in La2Cu04 amounts to 250-300 K). Although, in a layered La2Cu04, 3D ordering, strictly speaking, results from coupling between separate layers, nevertheless, this large magnitude of

the slope d w Idq seems fairly unexpected. In terms of the model, adopted in this article, this result would testify in favor of the assumption D > 3.

4. Magnetic properties in the présence of carriers.

As long as we study the bànd structure of figure 1, we believe that even at a low dopant

concentration the system has conducting properties. An important result obtained however is

that the value of the




exchange interaction between a carrier and a localized center with respect to the parameter DA/V2_-l/À >1 exceeds the exchange integral (8). This

circumstance conforms to the assumptions of [4]. Yet, in contrast to [4] where the problem

has been discussed in terms of the ferromagnet defects on the background of the antiferromagnetic ground state of Cu ions, we shall first investigate what this fact gives rise to

in the framework of the band picture given in figure 1, without making any assumptions

relevant to the ground state of the system. In essence, the qualitative picture of the phenomena is well known (see, e.g., [13]). Due to the exchange interaction local spins near

the introduced carrier have the tendency to build up parallelly forming a ferromagnetic polaron. (In essence, the well known assertion made in [14] reflects the same effect). It is

known [15] that, in the 2D case, the formation of finite radius polarons is impossible without

some extra nonlinearity. In our case this nonlinearity is the condition that spin be finite. Thus, in the presence of a mobile carrier the system has an energy gain from the polarization of

localized spins due to the




exchange term but has an energy loss from the kinetic term and from the term corresponding to the interaction of local spins because of the

antiferromagnetic character of the exchange interaction (8). It is easy to estimate the order of

magnitude of the radius of such polaron. The energy of the hole in the region of local spin

Fig. 1. - Relative position of local levels and of the conduction band. Carriers are holes. Coulomb

repulsion on local centers is assumed to be infinitely strong.



saturation decreases by the value -- - V 2/ i1. Comparing it with the energy loss due to the

antiferromagnetic character of the interaction of the order Or21, we get

It is seen that r pol:> Ro.

We have performed the calculation of the polaron energy by means of the variational

method, treating the quantum spin S = 1/2 as a classical. The equation for the polaron wave

function reads :

(in the ground state tp is axially symmetric). The value of tp at which the spin gets




amounts to

We choose the approximate variational function in the form :

Minimization of the energy functional, corresponding to equation (19), yields

The area of the intemal polaron region where the spin achieves, say, one-half of its saturation

value, is equal (1)

Taking the estimate for the carrier concentration corresponding on the phase diagram of La2 -xSrxCu04 to the boundary of the localized and delocalized phases ne


0.06 [12], we

obtain À


0.2 - 0.3. (This estimate is grounded on the assumption that a separately taken heavy polaron is practically localized). As long as the carrier concentration is growing, polarons are becoming more overlapped. If the




exchange Hamiltonian is arbitrary and sufficiently large in comparison with the exchange integral in the local spin Heisenberg Hamiltonian, one should expect emergence of the ferromagnetic ground state where carriers

are magnetized antiparallelly to local spins. In our concrete model with only one conduction

band there is an unexpected compensation : effective molecular fields acting on a local spin

from both subsystems (- 0 ) are equal and the opposite by the sign with the accuracy up to the value - TNf « 0 (remember that D » A). To illustrate the latter assertion, write out the equation of motion for a local spin

(1) Note that the aforementioned mechanism makes possible the formation of clusters of larger size

(bipolarons etc.).


Inserting into (23) the magnetization of local spins and of free carriers in the molecular field

approximation, we get that the precession frequency is ’" TNf. Hence the energy of the above described structure is of the same order as for antiferromagnetic ordering. This result deserves a more detailed discussion and can be illustrated somewhat differently. For this

purpose at low temperatures let us pass over to the effective exchange Hamiltonian for the localized spins :

The exchange integral (24) differs from (8) by the fact that it includes the contribution of the RKKY-interaction coming from the finite level of doping. Figure 2 schematically shows the dependencies of Jq and îq on q. It is clear from figure 2 that the RKKY interaction strongly

modifies the form of the exchange integral only at momenta q . pp - n dop 1/2 Qo. The latter

comment in particular agrees with the experimentally observed fact that the correlation length

of antiferromagnetic fluctuations decreases with concentration as 3.8 Â In "2 [16]. A straight-

forward calculation reveals that the values of -iq at q


0 and q


Qo prove to be of the same

order. It is interesting to express this result as the dependence of the static susceptibility both

on concentration (at ndop


nc) and temperature :

Here it becomes evident, in particular, that in the mean field theory approach we should have obtained a ferromagnetic transition at temperatures somewhat higher than TNf. However,

comparing the transition temperature with the expression for the characteristic spin precession frequencies from equation (23) we see that, at such temperatures, the excitation of

spin oscillations with the frequency of the order of the transition temperature will be sufficiently large. In other words, the mean field method is inapplicable due to large

fluctuations. Thus at this level it is impossible to find out the genuine nature of the ground

Fig. 2. - The q-dependence of Jq and Jq, solid and broken curve, respectively. 1. differs from

Jq only at momenta q « P F - Qo n 1/2



state in which, as we have first mentioned, quantum effects are important. In the general case,

where the compensation of the main contributions is not complete, the temperature and concent]-ation dependence of X is, nevertheless, described by the first term in 0 (T, ndop ) (25).

5. Conclusion.

We have shown that the model of the electron spectrum with localized and delocalized states has sufficiently many parameters and can account for a number of peculiarities of the phase diagram of new superconductors at doping. At the same time it is natural that in the mean

field approximation one cannot correctly take into account quantum effects associated with the small value of the spin S = 1/2. Therefore, in contrast to [4] we find it difficult to make any conclusions concerning the contribution to the mechanism of superconductivity due to the exchange of spin fluctuations. The only undoubtful fact is that delocalized carriers are

strongly magnetized at low temperatures. The magnitude of this magnetization is of the order of 0 /À > TNf. Therefore it is doubtful that the spin mechanism could be responsible for s- pairing in new superconductors. At the same time the phenomenological analysis reveals that

new superconductors belong rather to a conventional type (see, e.g. [17]). For the sake of accuracy note that at the moment it is still unclear to what degree in the above described model the Fermi liquid approach is applicable for delocalized carriers in the presence of strong magnetic fluctuations. This problem will be discussed elsewhere.

In conclusion, a few words about the term in Hamiltonian responsible for the contact

carrier interaction (10). Since the strongest Coulomb correlations on the center are taken into account by the assumption that these levels are Hubbard centers, this term does need no

corrections due to Coulomb repulsion. The dimensionless combination which enters into the characterization of the hole-hole interaction V4/~3 D is here of the form À 2 D / Li. According

to the above estimate À - 0.2-0.3, this value is not that small. If the average spin on one

center is zero, this term would correspond to the attraction of two carriers with different

spins, i.e. would give a contribution to the s-pairing with the cutoff parameter of the order of the Fermi energy. In essence this term in our model describes an




mechanism (see,

e.g. [18]) at which the virtual process corresponds to the formation of an empty local state and

one more carrier in the conduction band.


The authors appreciate the useful discussions with G. M. Eliashberg, D. E. Khmel’nitskii,

V. L. Pokrovskii and D. V. Khveshchenko. The authors are very pleased that this paper is to appear in the special issue of the Journal devoted to Professor J. Friedel. One of us (L.G.)

had benefited very much from the numerous discussions of the high- Tc problem with him.


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