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On the anomalous viscosity of monodisperse latex in the disordered state


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1980

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On the anomalous viscosity of monodisperse latex in the disordered state

K. Okano, S. Mitaku

To cite this version:

K. Okano, S. Mitaku. On the anomalous viscosity of monodisperse latex in the disordered state.

Journal de Physique, 1980, 41 (6), pp.585-589. �10.1051/jphys:01980004106058500�. �jpa-00209283�


On the anomalous viscosity of monodisperse latex in the disordered state

K. Okano and S. Mitaku

Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113, Japan (Reçu le 8 octobre 1979, révisé le 12 février, åccepté le 21 fevrier 1980)



On trouve que la viscosité du latex monodispersé de polystyrène croit anormalement au voisinage

du point de transition ordre-désordre lorsqu’on approche dans la phase desordonnee. On analyse le comportement anormal en utilisaut la théorie de Cohen-Turnbull pour la diffusion moléculaire du liquide.



It is found that the viscosity of a monodisperse polystyrene latex in the disordered state increases

anomalously when the disorder-order transition point is approached. This anomalous behaviour is analysed

based on the Cohen-Turnbull theory of molecular diffusion in a liquid.


Physics Abstracts




1. Introduction.


Monodisperse polymer latexes

can exist in ordered lattice structure and%or disor-

dered structure depending on the concentration of added salt as well as on the volume fraction of latex

particles. In the previous papers [1, 2] we have reported

the dynamic mechanical measurements of charged polystyrene latexes over the different states from the

ordered state to the disordered state through the phase transition region by changing the amqunt of

added salt. We have found that a latex in the ordered state is nothing but a real crystal having a finite shear rigidity as well as a well defined yield stress for a steady shear flow.

In the disordered state the latex showed no yield

stress and the flow behaviour was essentially Newto- nian, but the steady state viscosity increases sharply

in the vicinity of the transition point from the disor-

dered to the ordered state when the concentration of added salt is decreased [2]. Upon further reduction of the concentration of salt there appears eventually

a finite yield stress and the latex transforms into the ordered state. In the previous paper we have analysed

the anomalous viscosity of the disordered latex by

use of Brinkman’s equation on the assumption that

the hydrodynamic volume of a sphere is equal to

the effective thermodynamic volume including the

effect of the electrostatic repulsive potential [2].

However, this assumption seems to be logically improper because the solvent can flow within the electric double layer. In the present work, we have carefully measured the anomalous salt concentration

dependence of the viscosity of monodisperse latex in

the disordered state and will present an alternative

explanation for this anomaly based on the free volume

theory of molecular transport in liquids due to Cohen

and Turnbull [3].

2. Experimental.


Monodisperse polystyrene spheres were polymerized by the emulsion polyme-

rization and deionized by ion exchange resin. The diameter of polystyrene spheres was 125 nm with

the dispersion of 5 nm as measured by electron microscopy. The surface charge density was deter-

mined by the conductometric titration with NaOH

as 1240 elementary charges per a sphere. The deio-

nized monodisperse latex of 11.7 % showed a distinct

iridescence which indicates the ordered lattice struc- ture of polystyrene spheres.

The measurement of the steady flow behaviour

was performed by a concentric cylinder viscometer

at 30 °C. In this apparatus a constant torque was

applied to the rotor by the eddy current induced in

an aluminum plummet in the rotor by the rotating magnetic field. The rotor was suspended in a sample liquid by the buoyancy as well as the surface tension,

and the rate of shear was determined from the angular speed of the rotor. The shear stress was scanned

from 10-3 to 2 dyn./cm2, and the shear rate as low

as 5 x 10-5 s-1 was detected with the aid of a radiate pattern in the rotor [4].

When KCI was added to the suspension of 11.7 %

in the volume fraction, the iridescence associated with the ordered structure disappeared at the salt

concentration of 160 gM. Figure 1 shows the flow

curves of the polystyrene latex in the disordered state above 160 yM KCI. In order to analyse quantitati-

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01980004106058500



Fig. 1.


Flow curves of the disordered latex of 11.7 % at various

salt concentration (o : 160 yM ; 0 : 180 IlM; . : 200 IlM; ð. : 300 pM; Q : 500 pM; 0 : 1 mM; 0 : 2 mM ; broken line, water).

vely the anomalous behaviour of the steady state viscosity, we have changed the salt concentration with the step of 20 yM KCI in the vicinity of the

transition point. The flow curves indicate that the

Fig. 2.


The dependence of the steady state viscosity in the

disordered latex


the concentration of added salt (KCI). The

volume fraction of latex is 11.7 %.

disordered latex is a Newtonian fluid whose viscosity considerably depends on the salt concentration. On the other hand, the ordered latex showed the well defined yield stress, which is reported in a separate paper [5].

The steady state viscosity calculated from the slope

of the flow curves in figure 1 are shown in figure 2

as a function of the salt concentration. The viscosity

is 1.3 cP at sufficiently high salt concentration above 1 mM and increases with the decrease of the salt concentration. Divergent increase of the viscosity is

observed in the vicinity of the transition point at

160 yM. Figure 2 appears to show the details of the salt concentration dependence of the viscosity more clearly than the previous result [2].

3. Theoretical.




In the previous paper [2] we have analysed this

anomalous increase of the steady state viscosity of

the disordered latex near the transition point in terms

of Brinkman’s equation [6] for the concentrated sus-

pension of rigid spheres with the modification that the effective volume fraction T* defined below is

substituted for the volume fraction in the original equation. Modified Brinkman’s equation reads


In the above equation, ns is the viscosity of solvent,

qJ is the true volume fraction of suspended spheres, K-1 is the Debye screening length of the added salt and a is a constant of the order of unity. In figure 3

the steady state viscosity is replotted against the effec-

tive volume fraction T* with a


1.71 ± 0.07 toge- ther with the theoretical curve of eq. (1).

The idea of regarding a latex as the suspension of

effective rigid spheres each consisting of the latex particle surrounded by its electrical double layer,

which adds an amount a/K to the particle radius, has

been quite successful in explaining the phase diagram

of the order-disorder transition of latexes [7-9] except for the low salt concentration region where the repul-

sive potential energy between particles is rather

soft [10, 11]. However, on the logical ground we are

not satisfied by eq. (1) in conjunction with eq. (2)

for the anomalous viscosity of disordered latex, even though eq. (1) reproduces rather well the observed behaviour of the viscosity as shown in figure 3. The

volume of the spheres contained in Brinkman’s

equation is, as in the Einstein formula, the hydro- dynamic volume that is the excluded volume for the solvent, whereas the effective volume fraction defined

by eq. (2) is related to the thermodynamic excluded

volume between spheres.

Therefore, we would like to present an alternative


Fig. 3.


Viscosity of disordered latex is plotted

as a

function of effective volume fraction (p*. Full




modified Brink- man’s formula. The diameter of


polystyrene sphere is 125


and the constant


in eq. (2) is taken as 1.71 ± 0.07 which gives

the best fit of the phase diagram in the high’ salt region.

explanation of the anomalous viscosity of the disor- dered latex based on the free volume theory of mole-

cular transport in liquids by Cohen and Turnbull [3].

The present theory is still tentative but, we believe, it

is physically more sound.



Let us review briefly

the Cohen-Turnbull theory of transport process in a

liquid of hard spheres [3]. Consider the system of N rigid spheres of radius a contained in the vessel of volume V. Let us define the average free volume per

particule u f as,

where 9


N/ Y.4 na3/3 is the volume fraction of

spheres. If the volume fraction is not small, particles

are most of time confined to a cage or cell surrounded

by their immediate neighbours. Occasionally there is

a fluctuation in density which opens up a hole within the cell large enough to permit a considerable dis-

placement of the particle in the cell. Such a displace-

ment followed by the jump of another particle into

the hole gives rise to the diffusive motion. Thus the diffusion constant is considered to be proportional directly to the probability of finding a hole of volume vt just large enough to permit another particle jump

into the hole after the displacement of the centre

particles. The diffusion is considered to occur as a result of the statistical redistribution of free volume within the system.

A simple statistical consideration [3] shows that

the diffusion constant D of a rigid sphere liquid is given by



Do in eqs. (4) and (5) is the diffusion constant of the centre particle within a cell, and y is a constant between 1/2 and 1 introduced to correct for overlap

of the free volume. Note that w that appears in eq. (5)

is related to the thermodynamic excluded volume between rigid spheres.

We consider that the Cohen-Tumbull theory,

eq. (5), would describe the transport process in a concentrated suspension of spherical particles, because

a concentrated suspension with random distribution of spheres may be regarded as a liquid as the ordered

suspension is a real crystal [5]. In particular, the dif-

fusion constant of a charged latex particle will be given by eq. (5), if w is replaced by the effective volume

fraction (p* defined by eq. (2).

As for ut we may put


because in a closed packed regular structure of spheres

or radius a* the centre particle can just-escape the cell [ 12] if

Thus we have for the diffusion constant of a particle

in a latex suspension the following equation

where Do is the diffusion constant of a suspended particle in a cell. In the first approximation, Do is given by

where k is the Boltzmann constant and T is the abso-

lute temperature.



The viscosity of a latex suspension is given by

In eq. (12), L is the lifetime of a cell or the relaxation time of the short range order in a disordered latex and is given by

where d is a length of the order of the interparticle

distance and D is given by eq. (10). G in eq. (12) is

the high frequency (glass like) shear modulus of disordered latex which would be observable for a

measurement at frequencies higher than 1/r. In a

time interval much shorter than 1:, the distribution of

particles is frozen and the suspension will behave as a glass with the shear rigidity G. On the other hand, particles can move according to the external stress at frequencies much lower than 1/r, giving a Newto-

nian liquid whose viscosity is expressed by eq. (12).

Thus, we have

At present we do not know how to calculate precisely

the shear modulus of frozen disordered latex. However,

we have already measured the high frequency shear

modulus of various disordered latexes and the values from 0 to 102 dyn./cm2 have been obtained [1, 2, 4].

Therefore, we assume here the shear modulus as an

adjustable parameter and compare it to the above values after fitting eq. (14) to experimental results

in figure 2.

The experimental results are replotted in figure 4

in which the ordinate is ln n and the abscissa is

cp*(1 - cp*) - 1. The full line represents the equation


which fits fairly well the experimental values. These

equations are quite consistent with the theoretical

formula, eq. (14). The factor 1.87 in the exponential

of eq. (15’) corresponds to y


0.66, which is in the range between 1/2 and 1. Furthermore, the preexpo- nential factor of 7.82 x 10-3 together with d 2-- 230 nanometer, 2 a


125 nanometer and qs


0.008 poise give the value of about 1 dyn./cm2 as the glass-like rigidity of the disordered latex. This value of the

rigidity is consistent with the experimental values

between almost zero and 102 dyn./cm2 at 40 kHz, although the experimental error is fairly large [1,2,4].

At low values of cp*/(1 - 9*) the experimental points

Fig. 4.


A replot of figure 3; In q is plotted against qJ* /0 - (p*).

Full line represents the eq. (15) in the text. Open circles


the previous results [2] and square corresponds to water.

seem to become apart from the theoretical curve.

However, since the concept of the diffusion due to.

the redistribution of the free volume is considered to be applicable only to the concentrated particle

systems, this discrepancy at low effective volume

fraction is reasonable.

4. Conclusion.


The anomalous increase of the

steady flow viscosity of a disordered monodisperse polystyrene latex in the vicinity of the order-disorder transition point has been analysed successfully by invoking the Cohen-Tumbull theory of molecular transport in liquids. We may conclude that the pro-

cess of flow (or diffusion) in a concentrated latex

dispersion is quite the same as that of a molecular liquid in which the free volume plays an essential

role in the elementary process of transport. If we could increase T* without occurrence of crystalline lattice, we would have a glass transition in a latex

suspension as the Cohen-Turnbull theory predicts.

In order to substantiate this conclusion we are now

planning to measure more extensively the steady

state viscosity of latexes of different amount of sur-

face charges together with the direct measurement of the high frequency glass like shear modulus of disor- dered latexes.



We would like to thank Drs.

Y. Wada and T. Ohtsuki for their interest and dis- cussion. This work was partly supported by the

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 446046.




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[2] MITAKU, S., OHTSUKI, T. and OKANO, K., J. Physique Colloq.

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[3] COHEN, M. H. and TURNBULL, D., J. Chem. Phys. 31 (1959)


[4] MITAKU, S., OHTSUKI, T., HIRAKAWA, K., HANDA, H. and OKANO, K., J. Fac. Eng. Univ. Tokyo (B) XXXIV (1978)


[5] MITAKU, S., OHTSUKI, T. and OKANO, K., Japan. J. Appl.

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[6] BRINKMAN, H. C., J. Chem. Phys. 20 (1952) 571.

[7] WADATI, M. and TODA, M., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 32 (1972) 1147.

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