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Induction of mucosal immunity through systemic immunization: phantom or reality?


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Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 12, 4, pp. 1070-1079, 2016-01-11



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Induction of mucosal immunity through systemic immunization: phantom or reality?

Su, Fei; Patel, Girishchandra B; Hu, Songhua; Chen, Wangxue


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Induction of mucosal immunity through systemic

immunization: phantom or reality?

Fei Su, Girishchandra B Patel, Songhua Hu & Wangxue Chen

To cite this article: Fei Su, Girishchandra B Patel, Songhua Hu & Wangxue Chen (2016):

Induction of mucosal immunity through systemic immunization: phantom or reality?, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2015.1114195

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Induci ng mucosal im munit y b y s ystemic i mmunization

Induct ion of mucosal immuni t y t hrough systemic immunizat ion: phantom or

realit y?

Fei Sua , b, Gi rishchandra B P at ela, Songhua Hub, and Wangxue Chena , c , *


Hum an Heal th Therapeuti cs, Nat ional R esearch C ouncil C anada, 100 Sussex

Dri ve, Ott awa, Ontario K1A 0R6, C anada


Departm ent of Vet erinar y Medici ne, C ol lege of Animal S ciences, Zheji ang

Universit y, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310029, PR China


Departm ent of Biol ogy, Brock Universit y, St. C athari nes, Ontario, Canada


Corresponding author at Hum an Health Therapeuti cs, Nati onal R esearch Council

Canada, 100 Sussex Dri ve, Room 3100, Ott awa, Ont ario K1A 0R6, Canada. Tel:

+1 613 991 0924. f ax: +1 613 9 52 9092. E-m ail: wangxue.chen@nrc.gc.ca (W.


Abstra ct

Generation of prot ective immunit y at mucosal surfaces can greatl y assist the host

defense against pat hogens whi ch either caus e disease at the m ucosal epitheli al

barri ers or ent er the host through t hese surfaces. Although m ucosal rout es of

immuniz ation , such as i nt ranasal and oral, are bei ng int ensel y explored and

appear promi sing for eli citi ng prot ect ive mucosal imm unit y in mamm al s, t hei r

applicati on i n clinical practi ce has been li mited due to t echnical and safet y



rel at ed challenges. Most of the currentl y approved hum an vaccines are

admi nist ered vi a s yst emi c (such as intram uscular and subcut aneous ) rout es.

Whereas these rout es are acknowl edged as bein g capable to el icit

anti gen-speci fi c s yst emi c humoral and cell -m edi at ed immune responses, the y are

generall y perceived as i ncapable of generating IgA responses or protecti ve

mucosal i mmunit y. Nevertheless , currentl y li censed s yst emi c vacci nes do provide

effective protecti on against mucosal pathogens such as influenza viruses and

Strept ococcus pneumoniae . However, whether s ystemic immunization induces

prot ective mucosal i mmunit y remai ns a controversi al t opi c. Here we revi ewed t he

current lit erat ure and discussed the pot ent ial of s ystem ic rout es of imm uniz ation

for the induct ion of mucosal imm unit y.

Ke ywords

Mucosal imm unit y, IgA, s ystemi c immuni zation , adj uvant



Introdu cti on

The vast mucosal surfaces coveri ng t he gastroi nt estinal , urogenital and

respi rator y t racts, as well as the conjunct iva, inner ear and duct s of the exocrine

gl ands, are endowed with powerful mechanical and ph ysi cochemical m echanisms

that ei ther prevent t he ent r y of forei gn bodies (includi ng microorganisms) or

facili tat e their degradati on .1, 2 Hi ghl y speci alized innate and adaptive mucosal

immune responses at these surfaces are of maj or import ance t o modulat e the

col onization of com mensal and pathogen ic mi croorganisms , and to defend t he

host agai nst t he extravasation of t he pathogens t hrough t he epithel iu m t o cause

diseases at ot her tissue s .3 Extensive research has demonst rat ed that secret or y IgA is

the mai n im munoglobulin isot ype m edi ati ng humoral imm unit y at mucosal

surfaces , but som e st udi es have shown that l ocall y produced Ig M and IgG al so

contri but e t o the mucosal immune defense.4-10 Therefore, vaccines that generat e

prot ective antibod y (and cell -m edi at ed) responses at mucosal sites would greatl y

advance t he fiel d of vaccinol ogy .

Mucosal route of im munizat ion el ici ts im mune responses at t he l ocal and dist al

mucosal sit es, as wel l as s ystemic immune responses. Therefore, most current

efforts attem pting t o eli cit prot ective m ucosal immunit y have focused on the

mucosal (such as oral and i ntranasal ) rout es of vacci nat ion . Al though li ve,

att enuat ed oral vacci nes are generall y im munogenic and induce excell ent



prot ective immunit y against the target ed pat hogen , the production of such

vaccines are compl ex and need to grow l arge amounts of the pat hogen prior to

thei r att enuat ion . The use of nonpat hogenic m utants is relativel y safer, but

suffers from t he pot ential risk of reversi on to vi rul ence. In contrast ,

non-repl ic ati ng m ucosal vacci nes , based on subunit or acellul ar anti gens, would

be preferabl e from safet y perspectives. However, s ubunit oral vaccines requi re

admi nist ration of rel ativel y l arge amount s of anti gen s t o com pensat e for anti gen

degradation i n the gastroi nt estinal tract, t he co-admi nist ration of pot ent

adj uvants and/or deli ver y s yst em to facili tat e anti gen upt ake by the anti gen

presenti ng cells (AP C), and t he need for neutraliz ation of st omach acids prior t o

vaccine admi nist rati on .11 In contrast , t he intranasal (i .n.) rout e of i mmunizati on

requi res l esser amou nts of anti gens than t he oral admini strati on , but t he s afet y

and effi cac y of i .n. vacci nes rem ai n to be est abli shed .12-14 For example, the

currentl y l icensed influenz a vaccine , Fl uMist, is not recomm ended for chil dren

aged <2 yr or children aged <5 yr with a histor y of recurrent wheezi ng, or for

asthmat ic children and adults of an y age .15 Although great advances have been

made t owards the devel opm ent of s afe and effect ive subunit m ucosal vacci nes,

there has been a renewed interest i n i nvesti gat ing the pot enti al of s ystem ic

immuniz ation for eli citing m ucosal imm unit y.

S ystemic immunizat i on has generall y been consi dered as incapable of g enerat ing



prot ective mucosal i mmune responses for a longtim e now, however, cumul ati ve

dat a from recent st udies suggest t hat som e s yst emi call y admini stered vaccines

are capabl e of eliciti ng mucosal imm une responses, including secreti ng IgA

anti bodi es . Such s yst emi c vaccines m a y offer potenti al m anufacturing and

regul ator y advant ages over the mucosal vacci nes. Here, we reviewed t he current

literature and discuss ed the pot enti al of systemic rout es of im munizat ion wit h

non-repl icati ng vacci nes for inducing mucosal immunit y i n mammali an host s . We

have also incl uded some references to t ranscutaneous immuni zation (TC I) i n this

revi ew, since m an y of the s e studies invol ve the use of mi cro-needl es or ot her

means to penetrat e past the intact skin surface to deliver the vacci ne to the

epi dermis.

Intrap eri ton ea l i mmunizati on

Int raperit one al (i.p.) administ ration of vaccines has long been used and st udi ed

as an experim ent al i mmunization rout e for t he induction of systemic immunit y in

anim al models of vaccination . However, the i.p. rout e , in cert ain

anti gen-adjuvant combinations , has also been reported to induce m ucosal immune

responses, parti cularl y gast roi ntestinal IgA responses . For example, i.p.

immuniz ation of an i nactivat ed pol iovi rus vaccine with 1,25-Dih ydrox yvit ami n

D3 as an adjuvant si gnifi cantl y prom ot ed not onl y serum IgG but also salivar y

IgA responses i n mi ce.16 Robust anti gen-speci fic serum IgG and pul monar y IgA



responses were generat ed i n pi gs upon i .p. immuniz ati on with a Mycopl asma

hyopneumoni ae antigen co-administered with an oil emulsion.17 The i.p.

admi nist ration of Bacillus thuri ngi ensi s Cr y1Ac prot oxin in mice generated hi gh

levels of IgG and IgM, and low but detectabl e level s of IgA in sera and the lavage

flui ds from various mucosal sit es ( vagina, respi rator y tract, small and l arge

intestine).18 The magnitude of individual Ig i sot ype responses induced appears t o

be depended on the mucosal sit e anal yz ed, with IgA being the hi ghest in sm all

intestine and both IgG and IgM being the strongest i n respirator y t ract . Alt hough

the prot ective effi caci es of the induced mucosal imm une responses were not

evaluat ed in t his stud y, a subsequent stud y b y this group has shown t hat the

mucosal imm une responses el icit ed b y i.p. imm uniz ation wit h the C r y1Ac

prot oxin and am oebal l ysat es enhances the prot ec ti on against l ethal i nt ranasal

chall enges wi th N aegleria f owl eri i n mi ce.19 Similarl y, i.p. administ ration of an

inactivat ed S ARS Coronavi rus (SARS -CoV) vacci ne adj uvant ed with a Pol y ( I: C)

derivative induced anti gen -specific IgG and IgA response s at multipl e m ucosal

sites in mi ce , with the hi ghest levels i n the i ntestine and l ess signi ficant but

robust responses in vagi nal washes and lowest responses i n the mout h/saliva,

whil e onl y st rong IgG but no IgA responses were observed in sera and lungs.20

Moreover, those s yst emi c and mucosal antibodi es were effecti ve in virus

neutraliz ation acti vit y.20 In contrast , i.p. i mmunization of mi ce with



m ycobact erium PstS -1 anti gen fail ed to induce an y speci fi c IgA responses i n

bronchoalveol ar l avage (BAL) or sal iva, nor did it i nduce c yt okine responses

(e.g., IL-4, IL-5 and IFN - ) in the lungs, although strong serum IgG responses were observed .21 In another st ud y, littl e prot ection was observed agai nst

pulmonar y infecti on in mi ce aft er i.p. vaccinatio n with a chol era toxin

(CT)-adjuvant edMycoplasma pul monisvaccine.22 In a cli nical stud y, i .p.

immuniz ation of pati ents on conti nuous ambul ator y perit oneal di al ysi s with

tet anus toxoi d eli cit ed si gnificant speci fic IgG and IgA responses in sera and

peritoneal fl uids, and salivar y IgG but failed to induce secret or y IgA responses .23

The ineffi ci enc y of i .p. i mmunizati on i n generating mucosal i mmune responses

was also observed in several other studi es.24, 25

However, vi rus -like parti cles (V LPs) deli vered b y i .p. rout e have shown good

pot enti al i n generati ng both s yst emi c and mucosal i mmune responses . For

exampl e, i.p. adm ini st ration of m ice with CpG -adjuvant ed S ARS-CoV V LPs

increased anti gen-specifi c IFN - and IL-4 producing cell populations in the spleen , and IgA anti bodi es in l ungs, i nt estine, feces, and vagi nal washes .26

Int erestingl y, i.p. im munizat ion of mi ce with rotavirus 2/6 VLP s was shown t o be

more effective t han oral im muniz ation in the induction of m ucosal IgG and IgA

in the feces and ut eri ne fluids , and serum IgG responses.27 Furt hermore, it is

interesting t o note that i .p. immunizati on with H IV -1 V LP s could i nduce



si gni fi cant cross -cl ad neut ralizing antibodies against both aut ologous and

het erologous prim ary isolat es in sera and vaginal washes, and eli cit st ronger

c yt otoxic T l ym phocyt e (C TL) responsest han i.n.immunizati on .28

Intra mu scu la r i mmuniza tion

Int ramuscul ar (i.m .) admi nist ration is the most predominant vacci ne deliver y

method for hum ans , and it enable s rel ati vel y larger volum es to be inj ect ed.29 In

addition, i .m. i mmunization has been widel y used in t he imm unoge ni cit y and

effi cac y studi es of experim ent al DNA vaccines. Those studi es have demonst rate d

that i.m . vaccination can promot e bot h s ystemi c and m ucosal i mmune responses ,

and prot ect against mucosal pathogen chall enge.30-34 For exam ple , i.m .

immuniz ation wit h anti-cari es DNA vacci ne encoding S. mutans anti gens fused t o

c yt otoxic T l ym phocyt e anti gen -4 (C TLA -4) eli cit ed strong serum IgG and

sali var y IgA responses i n both rabbits and monke ys.35 Moreover, i.m.

immuniz ation of t wo -week -old cal ves wit h a bovine respi ratory s ync yt i al virus

(BRSV) DNA vacci ne induced anti gen -specifi c IgG and IgA responses i n sera and

BAL fl uids, and accorded prot ecti on agai nst i .n. BRS V chall enges .36 More

importantl y, i.m. im munizat ion of a bovi ne rot avirus VP6 DNA vaccine

effectivel y prot ected mice agai nst oral chall enge s wit h a m uri ne rot avirus strain

b y reducing vi rus shedding in feces , suggesti ng t hat het erologous protecti on can

be obt ained b y i.m . i mmunization of VP6 DNA vaccine .37 Het erologous



prot ection was also observed against i.n. H5N1 chall enge in ferrets i.m.

immuniz ed with H1N1 V LPs .38 However, i n mi ce onl y homol ogous protecti on

was observed . In a human t rial invol ving 6 health y fem al e vol unt ee rs, i.m .

immuniz ation with an alum -adjuvanted human papil lom a virus (HPV) vaccine

increased the num bers of circulat ing IgG - and IgA -secreti ng cells (ASCs) and

generated HPV-speci fic IgG and neut ral izing anti bodies in sera, and cervical and

vaginal wash flui ds,39 in consistence wit h the previous work where women i .m,

immuniz ed with HP V16 V LPs i n m enstrual c ycl e developed anti gen -speci fi c IgG

in cervi cal secret ions . 40 Furthermore , it was found t hat i.m . vacci nat ion wit h an

inactivat ed influenz a virus eli cit ed wi de dispersi on of IgG memor y B cells to

secondar y l ym phoi d tissues includi ng Peyer’s patches (PP) and the

nasal -associ at ed l ym phoid tissues , which woul d ensure prompt activati on i n t he

event of influenz a i nfecti on .41 In additi on, i.m . vaccination of hum ans wit h the

licensed inactivat ed hepatit is A and B vaccines i nduced hi gh l evels of speci fic

anti bod y responses i n sera and protecti on agai nst hepatitis A and B infecti o n,42-45

Moreover, a recent m et a-anal ysis of clini cal studi es indicat e t hat i .m.

immuniz ation of >10 -wk-old i nfants with two ful l or 1/5 doses of inactivat ed

poliovirus vaccine result ed in >80% seroconver sion and is li kel y to prot ect >80%

of vaccinees agai nst poliom yel itis .46

In addition t o prom oting robust antibod y responses, i.m. immunization has been



shown t o induce cel l -medi at ed im mune (CMI) responses at m ucosal sit es . For

inst ance, i.m. im munization of mi ce with a DNA vacci ne co -delivered with

CC L25 chem oki ne enhanced anti gen -specific IFN - secretion by CD3+C D8+ and CD3+CD4+ T cells in mesenteri c l ym ph nodes (MLNs), and conferred compl et e

prot ection against a l ethal i .n. influenz a chall enge .47 Similarl y, i.m.

admi nist ration of ret inoi c acid t o mi ce im munized with a repli cation -defecti ve

adenovi rus vect or increased bot h effector and m emor y T cel l numbers in the

intestinal m ucosal ti ssue and prot ected m ice from an i nt ravagi nal vaccinia vi rus

chall enge.48 Moreover, i.m . immunizat ion of 7 -da y-ol d pi gs wit h an i nacti vated M.

hyopneumoni ae vaccine significantl y increased the number of IL-12 and IL-10

secreti ng cells in t he lungs and bronchial l ym ph nodes, and generated

anti gen-speci fi c IgG, IgM and IgA anti bodies in BA L flui d s as well.49 In Indi an

rhesus m acaques , a plasmi d DNA vaccine expressi ng several S IV anti gens

deli vered b y i.m. el ectroporation i ncreased anti gen -speci fi c IF N- -secreting, but

not IL-2-secreting,T cells i n blood and BAL fl uids, with a great er proporti on of

speci fi c C D8+ T cell s in BA L flui ds t han that in the bl ood .50 Furthermore, a

fourth i.m . imm uniz ation adm inist ered 90 weeks aft er t he thi rd one, rapi dl y

boost ed anti gen -specifi c humoral and cell ular responses with higher popul ation

of speci fi c IFN - + m emor y T cell s in the BAL fl uid than in t he blood. On the

other hand , some vaccines admini stered by i.m . rout e were less effecti ve or



inefficient in induc ing m ucosal immune responses .51, 52 For example , in the herpes

simpl ex virus t ype 2 ( HS V-2) vaccine tri als , i.m. vaccinati on of subunit vaccines

such as gl ycoprotei n B i n oil-in-wat er adj uvant and gl ycoprot ein D in al um and

3-O-deac yl at ed m onophosphor yl li pid A , fail ed t o protect against genit al HSV-2

infection despite the good immunogenici t y.53, 54 Moreover, i.m . vaccinati on of the

nursing hom e resi dents (aged 60–82 years) with an inactivated commercial infl uenza vaccine fai led to eli cit IgA responses i n na sal washes, although st rong

haem aggl utinati on i nhibition (H I) tit ers were detect ed in t he sera.55 It is possibl e

that the age or sex of the vacci ne es or t he t ype of vaccine adm inist ered was a

contri buti ng fact or t o these observations .

Subcutaneous i mmu niza tion

Subcut aneous (s.c.) rout e of im muniz ation is another conventi onal vacci nation

rout e wi del y used for various hum an vaccines and experim ent al vaccines in

anim al models . R ecent st udi es suggest that s.c. im muniz ation of non -repli cat ing

vaccines could induce both s yst emi c and mucosal anti gen-specific antibod y

responses, and protect t he vacci nat ed ani mals agai nst infecti ous chall enge.56-58 In

a m acaque st ud y, s.c. immunizat ion wit h HIV gp140 with recombinant macaque

major histocompatibi lit y com plex (MHC) cl ass I and II elicited serum and

mucosal (rect a and vagi na) ant i gen -specific IgG and IgA responses to bot h HIV

gp120 and MHC cl ass I all el es , and conferred si gni fi cant reduction i n the pl asm a



viral l oad after a rectal chall enge wi th si mian H IV .59 In additi on to mucosal

humoral imm une responses, s.c. vaccinat ion can pot enti all y e nhance mucosal

CMI responses. In t his regard , s.c. immunization of t hree- to eight -week -old

calves with a BRSV immunostimul ati ng compl ex (BRS V- ISCOM) vaccine

induced pot ent l ymphoc yt e proli ferati on responses concomit ant wi th hi gh l evels

of IFN - and IL-4 production in P BMCs as well as hi gher anti gen -speci fi c IgA

and IgG in sera, nasal passages, and BAL flui ds .60 More si gn ifi cantl y, in spite of

the presence of vari able levels of BRSV -speci fic m aternall y derived antibodi es ,

the immunized cal ves were si gnifi cant l y prot ect ed agai nst an aerosol BRSV

chall enge wit h si gni ficant reducti on i n virus tit ers i n the upp er and l ower

respi rator y t ract s.60

Ham merschmi dt et al.61 demonstrated that s.c. administration of retinoic acid to

mice upregul at ed gut -hom ing m olecules on activat ed C D4+ and CD8+ T cel ls, and

tri ggered t he generat ion of gut -t ropi c IgA+ ASCs i n the skin -draini ng i nguinal

l ym ph nodes . Furt hermore, s.c. imm uniz ation with reti noi c aci d plus C T or

inactivat ed Salmonel la t yphi murium eli cit ed robust anti gen -specifi c anti-C T and

anti -Salmonella mucosal immune responses i n t he sm all i nt est ine , and prot ected

mice from cholera-relat ed di arrhea and oral Sal monella chall enge . It is i mport ant

to note that som e vaccines, such as inacti vat ed influenz a H5N1 vacci ne ,

admi nist ered b y s.c. rout e successfull y protect ed mice agai nst het erosubt ypic



chall enge with pot ent cross -reactive anti bod y responses in sera and m ucosal sit es

(such as vagi na) .62, 63 Int erestingl y, alt hough i.m. i mmuniz ation of mi ce with the

B subunits of Shi ga t oxin t ype 1 and 2 as a fusion prot ein fail ed to i ndu ce an y

fecal ant ibod y responses , t he vacci nation effi ci ent l y reduced fecal bacteri al

shedding after oral chall enge wi th E. col i O157: H7.64 On the other hand , s.c.

immuniz ation with Tir prot eins and t ype III secret ed prot ei ns IpaB and IpaD from

E. coli O157:H7 failed to elicit protective mucosal immunit y against subsequent

pat hogen chal lenges, alt hough strong s yst emi c imm une responses were

det ected.65-67 By usi ng a combi ned s.c. and i.m . imm uniz ation strat egy, rhesus

macaques vaccinat ed with a vacci ne comprising of C hlamydia trachomatis

serover F nat ive m aj or out er m embrane prot ein (MOMP ) with CpG -2395 and

Mont ani de IS A 720 VG as adjuvant s developed potent s yst em ic and mucosal

humoral and CM I responses wit h hi gh levels of anti gen -speci fi c IgG and IgA in

plasma and m ucosal secreti ons (vaginal washes, tears, saliva and stools ),as well

as enhanced l ym phocyt e proli feration responses and IFN - , TNF-α and IL-6 production b y P BMC s.68

Intrad ermal i mmun iza tion

Int raderm al (i .d. ) vaccination , devel oped for t he ori gi nal sm al lpox vaccin e and

referred as scari fi cat ion at t he tim e, was report ed to i nduce bot h s ystem ic and

mucosal imm une responses.69, 70 In pi gs, i .d. i mmunizati on wit h a comm erci al



inactivat ed M. hyopneumoni ae whol e-cell vaccine eli cit ed robust M.

hyopneumoni ae-specific serum IgG and pulmonar y IgA responses , significantl y

increased l evel of IL -10, but not IL-6, TNF- or IFN- in the BAL fluids, although the num ber of ant i gen -specific IFN - producing cel ls in P BMC s was

si gni fi cantl y hi gher i n the i .d. immunized pi gs .71 Mice int radermall y immunized

with a HP V DNA vaccine together wit h a CTB plasmid vect or generat ed hi gh

anti gen-speci fi c IgA and IgG tit er s in cervical secretions and fec es, and showed

enhanced C TL acti vi t y and Th1 ( IL-2 and IFN - ) c yt oki ne expression in spl een.72

Int erestingl y, i.d. administ ration of a sperm-DNA vacci ne t o fem ale mi ce eli cit ed

mainl y IgG response s in sera and l argel y IgM and IgA responses i n t he vaginal

wash flui d.73 Pi gs i .d. immunized with a DNA vaccine showed si gnificant

reduction of gross pathological lesions and bacteri al sheddi ng in urogenital t ract

aft er a vaginal C . Trachomatis chall enge.74 It has been recent l y shown that i.d.

vaccination of mi ce with inact ivat ed i nfl uenz a virus using mi croneedl es i nduced

more robust serum and lung IgG responses, increased expression of IL -4 and

IFN- in spl een and IL -12 in lung, and provided bett er prot ect ion against i .n.

viral chall enge than i.m. vaccinati on . 75 Moreover, i.d. imm unization (usi ng

microneedl es) of m ice with IpaB and IpaD adj uvant ed wit h double mut ant E. coli

heat l abil e toxin (dm LT ) resul ted in the local recruitm ent of APCs (m acrophages,

CD11c+ dendriti c cel ls and Langerhans cells), serum IgG responses, and



secreti on of vari ous c yt okines from T cel ls. The vacci nated m ice were prot ect ed

against l ethal pulm onar y chall enges with S. f lexneri (70% survival) or S. sonnei

(50% survival ) although l ittl e mucosal im mune responses (m ucosal IgA or

mucosal and s yst emi c IgA -ASCs) were detected.76 However, some vaccines (such

as a -gal actosidase and a rot avi rus DNA vaccine ) admi nist ered b y i.d. rout e

fai led to induce suffi ci ent m ucosal ant ibodies or t o prot ect against m ucosal

chall enge.77-79 The observation of adverse local reacti ons caused b y i.d. i njecti on

or scarificati on i n some studi es shoul d be consi dered i n t he fut ure applicati ons of

i.d. vaccin ati on to protect agai nst m ucosal pathogens .69

Trans cu tan eous i mmunizati on

Transcutaneous imm unizati on (TC I) i s an approach of deli veri ng the vaccine

through the skin la ye r. Si nce this method requi res som e ph ysi cal/ chemi cal m eans

to breach the i ntact skin so as t o deli ver t he anti gen/ adj uvant i nto t he epidermal

la yer, it is discusse d in thi s review in t he context of pot enti al t o elici t mucosal

immunit y although it is debat able whet her TC I is truel y a s yst emic i mmunizati on

or not. Vaccination by TC I woul d be more acceptabl e b y the patient s as opposed

to b y t raditional i.m ., i.d., or s.c. m ethods, and TC I has been dem onst rated t o

induce robust s yst em ic and mucosal imm une responses that protect the host

against mucosal infection.80-84 For exampl e, C T - or C pG -adjuvant ed chlam ydi al

MOMP appli ed to t he shaved skin on the back regi on of mi ce enhanced



MOMP -specific IgG and IgA responses in sera, vaginal and ut erine l avage fl uids,

and increased IFN - (but not IL-4) mR NA expression in the m ononuclear cells

from t he reproductive t ract -draini ng caudal and lum bar l ymph nodes , and

prot ect ed the mi ce agai nst an int ravaginal C. muri darum chal l enge.85 Moreover,

an adjuvant -free, powdered, inactivat ed i nfluenz a vaccine placed on t he shaved

abdominal ski n of mi ce elicited speci fi c IgG and IgA responses in serum and at

several mucosal sit es (e.g, sm all int est ine, saliva, vagina , and nasal passages ),

and effecti vel y i ncreas ed t he surviv al rat e of m ice agai nst an i.n. chall enge with

the influenz a vi rus.86.Furt herm ore, based on the presence of anti gen -specific IgA

secreti ng ASCs in l amina propri a of sm al l int esti ne and t he secreti on of specific

IgA from in vitro cul tured tracheal and small int esti nal sampl es, it was suggest ed

that the anti gen-specifi c anti bodi es were locall y produced at t he rel evant

mucosal sit es, rather than diffusing from sera .86 Speci fic IgG and IgA to bot h

tet anus toxoi d ( TT) and CT were det ected in sera, saliva, vagi nal l avage s and

fecal extracts of mi ce t ranscut aneousl y i mmunized with TT admixed with CT,

with com parativel y higher tit ers in sera , saliva and vaginal l avage as compared to

in fecal pellets .87 In another st ud y, i t was shown t hat TC I wit h CT or its B subunit

(CTB)elicited m ore pot ent ant i-C TB serum IgG responses and comparabl e

speci fi c IgA responses i n serum , feces and bil e , when compared to oral

immuniz ation with l i ve vaccine strai n of Vibri o chol erae expressi ng C TB.88



The imm une responses eli cit ed b y s.c., i.d. and TC I im muniz ation of an HIV

nanoparticle vaccine were compared i n mi ce .89 The popul ation of anti gen -speci fi c

c yt okine ( IL-2 or IF N- or TNF-α) producing CD4+ T cells in the spl een from i .d. or s.c. i mmuniz ed mi ce were si gni ficantl y hi gher t han those from TC I mi ce.

However, the population of pol y functi onal T cel ls whi ch produce all three

c yt okines ( IL-2, IFN - and TNF-α) was highest in TCI group, and lowest in i.d. immuniz ed group. Si gnificant l y i nc reased anti gen -specific CD8+ T cells were

found i n blood aft er i.d. and TC I immuni zation whil e absent after s.c.

immuniz ation , consistent wit h hi gher populati on of CD3+CD8+ T cells i n vaginal

mucosa of TC I and i .d. vaccination when com pared t o s.c. vaccination . These

results suggest that TC I and i .d. immuni zation redirected homing of

anti gen-speci fi c effector/m emor y CD8+ T cells to the vagi nal mucosa .

Int erestingl y, TC I of mice at di fferent anatomi c ski n sit es (back, abdomen, and

ear) i nduce di fferent magnitude of s yst emic (spleen) and m ucosal (PPs) C TL

responses, wit h the strongest C TL responses in both mucosal and s ystemic sit es

eli cit ed b y TC I on the back .87 In cont rast, TC I immunizat i on of mi ce with a

s yntheti c hex asaccharide-prot ein conjugat e vaccine failed t o induce detect abl e

mucosal imm une responses or provide any prot ection against oral V. cholera

chall enges despite the presence of robust serum IgG and IgA responses .90 In a

doubl e-bli nd, pl acebo -cont rolled clinical tri al wherein 59 randomized adult s



were t ranscutaneousl y imm uniz ed wit h eit her t he LT from ent erotoxi geni c E. col i

(ETEC ) or placebo, hi gh er serum IgG and IgA as well as fecal IgA responses

were det ected i n vaccine es com pared to t h e pl acebo controls.91 However, t he

vaccination onl y mit igat ed, but did not prevent , the infecti on after an oral

chall enge wit h a vi rulent ETEC strain .

Poten tial mechanis ms of sys temic va ccinati on -indu ced mu cos al i mmun ity

Although s yst emic i mmunization (s.c., i.m., i .d., i.p. and TC I) can i nduce

mucosal imm une responses under cert ai n anti gen and adjuvant combinati ons , the

mechanism of t his i nduction rem ains poorl y understood, S o far , s everal

mechanism s have been proposed to explain the i nducti on of m ucosal antibodi es

aft er s yst emi c im munization . Based on the relati vel y l ow num ber of APCs in

some of t he s ystem ic tissues, it was h ypot hesiz ed that an anti gen fi rst di ffuses

from a s.c., i.m. or i.p. imm uniz ation sit e to the regional draini ng l ym ph nodes ,

and from there is taken up b y the local APCs (such as DCs, B cells, and

macrophages ). These APC cells then m i grat e to the m ucosa -associ at ed l ym phoi d

tissue (MA LT), such as PPs and nasophar ynx -associated l ymphoid tissue (NA LT),

where t he y activat e CD4+ T cell s and B cells .92, 93 On the other hand, anti gen

admi nist ered b y i.d. or TC I can act ivate APCs, mai nl y the Langerhans cells and

DCs, in t he epidermi s and dermi s of t he skin. These cells mi grat e to MALT and

present the anti gen t o naï ve T cells for the generati on of anti gen -specific T cells,



incl uding Th1, Th2, Th17, and c ytot oxic T cell s.94, 95 Alternati vel y, soluble or

phagoc yt osed ant i gens m a y mi grate to t he MALT directl y.3

The imm unostimul at or y mol ecul es (such as t hose provi ded b y adjuvant s) in the

vaccines i ncrease the local recruitm ent , anti gen processing and present ation

effi ci enc y of the AP Cs at the sit e of vaccinati on , prom ote the prol iferat ion of

anti gen-speci fi c T cells a nd antibod y-secreting B cells, which t hen m i grat e to t he

dist ant effector sites, such as lamina propria ( LP) of t he gut and sali var y gl ands

96,95, 97 Under the influence of the specialized mucosal homing and imprinting

mechanism s, antibody-secreti ng B cells finally differentiate into plasma cells and produce speci fic anti bodi es whereas a subpopul ati on of the ant igen -activat ed T

cells expressed di fferent adhesion mol ecules, depending on the anat omi c location

of t he l ym ph nodes and di fferenti at ed as t issue-resident m emor y T cells (TR M).

Recent st udi es indi cat e that these TR M cells persist in the tissue long aft er

vaccination or t he cl ear ance of t he infect ion for m aximal and effi ci ent cont rol of

locall y invaded pat hogens .98, 99, 1 0 0 In addi tion , mucosal antibod y r esponses can

also be i nduced through exudation, transc yt osis, or production b y the l ocal

plasma cell s.

Con clusion

Based on the publ ished li terature to dat e, i t is well recognized that the prot ective

effi cac y of a vaccine delivered b y var yi ng rout es of immunization i s affected b y



the choi ce of t he anti gen, t he anti gen ca rrier /deliver y vehi cle , and the adj uvant ,

amongst m an y other fact ors. It is also generall y acknowledged that imm uniz ation

via mucosal rout es, using subuni t anti gens, can eli cit robust mucosal (and

s yst emi c) immune responses that accord prot ection aga inst specifi c mucosal

pat hogens. Increasi ng evidence from experi ment al vaccine and anim al m odel

studi es suggest t hat under som e ci rcumst ances (anti gen, adj uvant , deliver y

vehicl e) s yst emi c routes of imm uniz ation have the pot enti al to induc e im mune

responses i n both the s yst emi c and m ultiple m ucosal com partm ents . However, it

is currentl y unknown as to under what specific ci rcum stances woul d a s yst emi c

immuniz ation eli cit a prot ecti ve mucosal immune response i n an animal model,

or i f the observat ion s in animal models would be t ransl at ed t o hum an subj ects ?

However, it appears that i.p. imm uniz ation generall y i nduces non -prot ective

mucosal (part icularl y the gastroint esti nal ) IgA responses whil e i .m.

immuniz ation with DNA -based vaccines i s likel y to indu ce a prot ective m ucosal

immune response including CM I. In addit ion, TC I appears to be another

encouragi ng route of s yst emi c i mmuniz ati on to induce prot ecti ve mucosal

immunit y.

The results from many studi es on t he pot ential of s yst emi c im munizat ion to eli ci t

prot ective mucosal i mmunit y in anim al m odels are often di ffi cult to int erpret

because t here is the failure to evaluat e whether the prot ect ion (if seen) was due



to t he m ucosal immune responses el icit ed or could have been as a result of strong

s yst emi c res ponses per se? Part of the chall enge ma y be t hat t here are no

appropri at e animal m odels of disease, wherei n it is cl earl y known that onl y a

strong m ucosal i mm une response would prot ect t he vacci nated host against the

speci fi c, mucosal pat hogen challenge. Moreover, observations on t he presence of

mucosal imm une responses (such as serum and sali var y IgA) in human subj ects

that have been immunized with a s yst emi c vacci ne were oft en com plicat ed b y t he

prior exposure to t he anti gens or pathogens. In spit e of these l imitati ons, t he

ongoi ng studi es to dat e do indi cat e that t here is the pot enti al to develop s ystem ic

vaccination st rat egi es that m a y offer an alternative approach t o mucosal

immuniz ation for t he eli cit ation of both m ucosal and s yst emi c i mmune responses.

Ackn owledg emen ts

Fei Su is a visit ing researcher from Zhej i ang Universit y, Chi na t hrough a

scholarship from Chi nese S chol arship Council under a M emorandum of

Underst andi ng between NRC and Chinese Ministr y of Educati on. The m ucosal

adj uvant and vaccine res earch in the authors’ laboratory was partially supported b y the NRC Vacci ne P rogram. The views expressed in this paper are t he sol e

responsibi lit y of the aut hors and does not necessari l y represent the official vi ew s

of t he NRC or t he Zheji ang Universit y.




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Table 1. Levels of antigen-specific IgA antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites

Delive ry route

Gastrointestinal Tract Respiratory Tract Reproductive Tract Serum Saliva Intesti ne Feces Uppe r

Lower Vagina Uter

us i.p. -(21,23,24 ,26) + (16,20) ++ (18,20, 26) + (26) ++(28) +++ (27) -(18,20,21, 24,25) +(26) ++(27) +++(17) +(18,26, 28) ++(20) +++(2 7) -(27,28) +(18,23) i.m. +(33) ++(35) ++(47) +(37) ++(32,47 ) -(55) ++(34, 35) +++(38 ) -(30,38,41,50) +(36,47,49) ++(34) +(31) -(34) +(31,36,37) ++(47) +++(38) s.c. ++(68) +(59) ++(58) +++(61 ) -(64,65,6 6) +(68) ++(60) -(56,57,63,67) -(62) +(68) ++(59) -(57,62,63,6 6,67) ++(59,60,68) +++(61)


38 i.d. -(76,77,7 8) +++(72) -(79) -(76,77) ++(69,71) ++(70,7 3) +++(7 2) -(76,78) +(73,77) ++(74) TC +(86) ++(97) +(88) ++(86) -(90) +(88) ++(80,81, 97) +(86) +(83) +(85,97) ++(86) -(90) +(84,88,97) ++(80,82)

Levels were scored as none (-), slight (+), moderate (++), or strong (+++) based on the primary publication.

The numbers in the parenthesis refer to the citations in the References.



Table 2. Le


els of antigen-specific IgG antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites

Delive ry route

Gastrointestinal Tract Respiratory Tract Reproductive Tract Serum Saliv a Intesti ne Feces Uppe r

Lower Vagina Uter us i.p. +(20,2 3) ++(18) +++(20) +++(27,2 8) ++(18,20, 27) +(18,28) ++(20) ++(27 ) +(23) ++(25) +++(16-21,24-28) i.m. +(33) -(38) ++(30) +++(38) +(31) +++(39) +(40) +++(3 9) +(36)++(30,52) +++(31-35,37-39,41) s.c. ++(68) +(59) +(68) +++(6 0) ++(56,57) +++(63,67 ) +(62,68) ++(59) ++(61,62,68) +++(57,59,60,63-67) i.d. ++(72) ++(76) +++(75) +(73,76) +++(7 2) -(76,78) +(73,77) ++(74)+++(75)


40 Leve



scored as none (-), slight (+), moderate (++), or strong (+++) based on the primary publication. The numbers in

the parenthesis refer to the citations in the References.

TC ++(86) +++(9 7) +++(86) ++(97) +++(80) +++(80) ++(83) +(85) +++(86,9 7) ++(90) +++(80,81,83-85,86,8 8,97)



Table 3. Levels of antigen-specific IgM antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites

Delivery route

Gastrointestinal Tract Respiratory Tract Reproductive

Tract Serum

Saliva Intestine Feces Upper Lower Vagina Uterus

i.p. ++(18) +++(18) ++(18) ++(18) i.m. +(49) ++(34,41) s.c. ++(61) i.d. ++(73) +(73) ++(69) TC -(80) +++(82)

Levels were scored as none (-), slight (+), moderate (++), or strong (+++) based on the primary publication.

The numbers in the parenthesis refer to the citations in the References.



Figure 1. Potential mechanisms of systemic vaccination-induced mucosal antibody responses.

Intradermal (i.d.) or transcutaneous (TC) immunization activates Langerhans cells and dermal

dendritic cells in the epidermis and dermis of skin, which then migrate to the mucosa-associated

lymphoid tissue (MALT) where they present the antigen to CD4+ T cells and B cells. An antigen

delivered by i.m. or s.c. route mainly diffuses to the draining peripheral lymph nodes (DPLN)

where it activates APCs, such as B cells, dendritic cells and macrophages. Mucosal antibody

responses are triggered when they reach to the MALT and present the antigen to CD4+ T cells

and B cells. A free antigen may migrate to MALT directly.


Table 1. Levels of antigen-specific IgA antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites
Table 2. Le v els of antigen-specific IgG antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites
Table 3. Levels of antigen-specific IgM antibody responses at systemic and mucosal sites
Figure 1. Potential mechanisms of systemic vaccination-induced mucosal antibody responses


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