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Stability of a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations and stochastic homogenization


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Stability of a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations and stochastic homogenization

Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean Philippe Mandallena, Gérard Michaille

To cite this version:

Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean Philippe Mandallena, Gérard Michaille. Stability of a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations and stochastic homogenization. Asymptotic Analysis, IOS Press, 2019, 115 (3-4), pp.169-221. �10.3233/ASY-191531�. �hal-01928187�




Abstract. We establish a convergence theorem for a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations when the diffusion term is the subdifferential of a convex functional in a class of functionals of the calculus of variations equipped with the Mosco-convergence. The reaction term, which is not globally Lipschitz with respect to the state variable, gives rise to bounded solutions, and cover a wide variety of models. As a consequence we prove a homogenization theorem for this class under a stochastic homogenization framework.

1. Introduction

Let Ω be a bounded regular domain in RN, and T any positive real number. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the stability and the stochastic homogenization of the class of reaction-diffusion problems



 du

dt (t,·) +∂Φ (u(t,·))3F(t, u(t,·)) for a.e. t∈(0, T)

u(0,·) =u0, u0∈dom (∂Φ), u0suitably bounded according toF, defined inL2 0, T, L2(Ω)

, when Φ belongs to the class of integral functionals of the type

Φ (u) =



 ˆ

W(x,∇u(x))dx+1 2



a0u2dHN−1− ˆ


hu dHN−1 ifu∈H1(Ω)

+∞ otherwise.

The reaction functionalsF, calledCP-structured reaction functionals, have the following form:

∀v∈L2(Ω), F(t, v) (x) =f(t, x, v(x)), f(t, x, ζ) =r(t, x)·g(ζ) +q(t, x), whereg:R→Rlis a locally Lipschitz function,r∈W1,1 0, T, L2loc RN,Rl

∩L [0, T]×RN,Rl , and q∈W1,1 0, T, L2loc RN

∩L2 0, T, L2loc RN

. We assume furthermore thatfsatisfies a condition (CP) ((CP) for Comparison Principle, see Definition 3.1). Under this condition, (P) admits a unique bounded solution according tou0, with a right derivative at everyt∈(0, T) (Theorems 3.1, 3.2). Problems (P) cover a wide variety of applications in the fields of thermochemistry, combustion, biochemical systems, as well as those of population dynamics and evolution of ecosystems as illustrated in examples A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 of the Appendix A.

The main first result of the paper, Theorem 4.1, states the stability of the class (P) when the class of functionals Φ is equipped with the Γ-convergence associated both with strong and weak topology of L2(Ω), namely, the Mosco-convergence, and the class of functionals F with some “weak” convergence.

Stochastic homogenization of reaction-diffusion problems (P) is addressed in Section 5 w here we set up the basic concepts concerning ergodic dynamical systems. The main theorem, Theorem 5.1, based on Theorem 4.1, states the limit homogenized problem of (Pε(ω)) when ε→0. As an example, in the appendix B, the stochastic homogenization of the reaction-diffusion problem describing a food-limited population model is treated in two differents situations. The reaction functional is that of the Fisher

(Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean Philippe Mandallena, G´erard Michaille)UNIVERSITE DE NIMES, Laboratoire MIPA, Site des Carmes, Place Gabriel P´eri, 30021 Nˆımes, France.

E-mail addresses: (Omar Anza Hafsa, Jean Philippe Mandallena, G´erard Michaille) omar.anza-hafsa@unimes.fr, jean-philippe.mandallena@unimes.fr, gerard.michaille@gmail.com.

1991Mathematics Subject Classification. 35K57, 35B27, 49J45.

Key words and phrases. Convergence of reaction-diffusion equations, stochastic homogenization, separate variables reaction functionals.



model with Allee effect (see Example A.1, a)). In the first situation the small spatial heterogeneities of sizeεare distributed following a random patch model, i.e., a random checkerboard-like environment. In the second situation, the discrete dynamical system describes spatial heterogeneities distributed following a Poisson point process. For homogenization of convection-diffusion equations, and parabolic problems in perforated domains or in periodic or random environments, we refer the reader to [2, 3, 4, 5, 15] and references therein. For homogenization of a Fokker-Planck equation with space-time periodic potential, we refer to [22].

A similar analysis will be performed from this paper for time delays reaction-diffusion equations and coupled reaction-diffusion systems in forthcoming works. For these problems, the reaction functionals are of the form F(t, u, v) (x) = f(t, x, u(x), v(x)) for all u and v in L2(Ω), where f(t, x, ζ, ζ0) = r(t, x)g10)·g2(ζ) +q(t, x)1, under the condition that for fixed ζ0 ∈ R, ζ 7→ f(t, ζ, ζ0) is a CP- structured reaction function.

2. Existence and uniqueness for reaction-diffusion Cauchy problems in Hilbert spaces In this section, X denotes a Hilbert space equipped with its scalar product denoted byh·,·iand its associated normk · kX. In all along the paper we use the same notation| · | to denote the norms of the euclidean spacesRd,d≥1, and byξ·ξ0 the standard scalar product of two elementsξ,ξ0 inRd.

Let Φ :X→R∪ {+∞}be a convex proper lower semicontinuous (lsc in short) functional, minorized, i.e., satisfying infXΦ>−∞, that we assume to beGˆateaux differentiableso that its subdifferential∂Φ is single valued. We make this choice in order to simplify the notation but, in this section, we could use the subdifferential of Φ in place of its Gˆateaux derivative, denoted byDΦ, without additional difficulties.

We denote by dom (Φ) and dom (DΦ) the domain of Φ andDΦ respectively.

On the other hand, let F : [0,+∞)×X →X be a Borel measurable map fulfilling the two following conditions:

(C1) there existsL∈L2loc(0,+∞) such thatkF(t, u)−F(t, v)kX≤L(t)ku−vkX for all (u, v)∈X2 and allt >0;

(C2) the mapt7→ kF(t,0)kX belongs toL2loc(0,+∞).

Given T > 0 and u0 in dom (DΦ), the map F is referred to as the reaction part, and DΦ as the diffusion partof the following Cauchy problem:



 du

dt (t) +DΦ (u(t)) =F(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) u(0) =u0, u0∈dom (DΦ).

where dudt denotes the distributional time derivative of u. We say that u is a solution of (P) if u ∈ L2([0, T], X) is absolutely continuous in time and satisfies (P). In all the paper, the spaceC([0, T], X) is endowed with the sup-norm. The results stated in the theorem below are somewhat well known. The proof is based on [8, Theorems 17.2.5, 17.2.6], or on [13, Theorem 3.7]), together with a fixed point procedure.

Theorem 2.1 (local existence). Assume thatF satisfies conditions(C1),(C2). Then, there existT >0 small enough and a unique solutionu∈C([0, T], X) of(P)which satisfies

(L1) u(t)∈dom (DΦ)for a.e. t∈(0, T),

(L2) uis almost everywhere differentiable in (0, T)andu0(t) =dudt(t)for a.e. t∈(0, T).

Assume furthermore that G: [0, T]→X defined byG(t) =F(t, u(t))belongs toW1,1(0, T, X), then usatisfies:

(L3) u(t)∈dom (DΦ)for allt∈]0, T], uadmits a right derivative du+

dt (t)at everyt∈(0, T)and du+

dt (t) +DΦ (u(t)) =F(t, u(t)).

Denote byT>0 a small enough real number so that (P) admits a unique solution inC([0, T], X), whose existence is asserted in Theorem 2.1. Under the initial conditionu0∈dom (DΦ) we are not assured

1We denote byξξ0the Hadamard (or Schur) product of two elementsξandξ0 inRl.


that the derivative dudt of the solution belongs to L2(0, T, X). Nevertheless√

tdudt ∈L2(0, T, X) (see [8, Theorem 17.2.5] or [13, Theorem 3.6]). Hence, for 0< δ < T, dudt belongs toL2(δ, T, X). Set

E:={T > δ:∃u∈C([0, T], X) solution of (P)}.

SinceT∈E, we haveE6=∅. We define the maximal time inR+byTMax:= supEand denote byuthe maximal solution of (P) inC([0, TMax), X). We have the following alternative:

Theorem 2.2 (Global existence or blow-up in finite time). Assume thatF satisfies(C1),(C2), then we have the blow-up alternative

(G1) TMax= +∞(existence of a global solution);

(G2) TMax<+∞. In this case lim

T→+TMaxkukC([0,T],X)= +∞ (blow-up in finite time).

Moreover, for all T,0< T < TMax, the restriction of uto [0, T]satisfies assertions (L1) and(L2), and furthermore satisfies(L3)whenG: [0, TMax)→X defined byG(t) =F(t, u(t))belongs toW1,1(0, T, X) for allT,0< T < TMax.

Proof. We assume that TMax < +∞ and show that lim

T→+TMaxkukC([0,T],X) = +∞. We argue by con- tradiction. Assume that udoes not fulfill lim

T→+TMaxkukC([0,T],X) = +∞, then there exist G >0 and a sequence (Tn)n∈Nin Esuch that Tn →TMax andkukC([0,Tn],X)≤ G.

Step 1. We show that limt→TMaxu(t) exists inX.

Letn∈N. For a.e. t∈(0, Tn) we have du

dt (t),du dt (t)


DΦ (u(t)),du dt (t)


F(t, u(t)),du dt (t)

. By integration over (δ, Tn) we obtain

ˆ Tn δ

du dt (t)



dt+ Φ (u(Tn))−Φ (u(δ))≤ ˆ Tn


kF(t, u(t))k2Xdt

!12 ˆ Tn δ

du dt (t)




!12 . (1) On the other hand, from (C1) we infer that

kF(t, u(t))kX≤ kF(t,0)kX+L(t)ku(t)kX, so that for a.e. t∈(0, T)

kF(t, u(t))k2X ≤2kF(t,0)k2X+ 2L2(t)kuk2C([0,T],X). Hence we have

ˆ Tn


kF(t, u(t))k2Xdt≤2 ˆ TMax


kF(t,0)k2Xdt+ 2kuk2C([0,T


ˆ TMax 0


≤2 ˆ TMax


kF(t,0)k2Xdt+ 2G2 ˆ TMax


L2(t)dt. (2)

From (1), (2), and since inf Φ>−∞, we infer that there exists a constant C(Φ, δ, TMax,G) which does not depend onTn such that

ˆ Tn δ

du dt (t)



dt≤C(Φ, δ, TMax,G)

1 + ˆ Tn


du dt (t)





from which we deduce that



ˆ Tn δ

du dt (t)



dt <+∞. (3)


From (3), we deduce that u: [δ, TMax)→X is uniformly continuous. Indeed, lets < t in [δ, TMax) and choosenlarge enough (depending on (s, t)) so thatsandtbelong to [0, Tn]. We have

ku(t)−u(s)kX ≤ ˆ t


du dt (τ)


dτ ≤(t−s)12 ˆ Tn


du dt (t)





≤(t−s)12 sup


ˆ Tn δ

du dt (t)




!12 ,

so thatuis more precisely 12-Holder continuous. According to the continuous extension principle in the complete normed spaceX,upossesses a unique continuous extensionuin [δ, TMax], i.e., limt→TMaxu(t) = u(TMax).

Step 2. (Contradiction) Consider the Cauchy problem



 dv

dt (t) +DΦ (v(t)) =F(t, v(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) v(0) =u(TMax).

Note that u(TMax) ∈ dom (DΦ). Indeed, u(t) ∈ dom (DΦ) for a.e. t in (0, T) and u(TMax) = limt→TMaxu(t) (choose tn → TMax with tn outside the negligible set in which u(t) 6∈ dom (DΦ)).

Then applying Theorem 2.1, there exists T∗∗ > 0 small enough such that (P0) admits a solution v∈C([0, T∗∗], X). Set

eu(t) =

(u(t) ift∈[0, TMax]

v(t−TMax) ift∈[TMax, TMax+T∗∗].

Thenue∈C([0, TMax+T∗∗], X) is a solution of (P). This leads to a contradiction with the maximality ofTMax.

Proposition 2.1 below provides a condition on DΦ which ensures that (P) satisfies (G1) . More precisely

Proposition 2.1. Assume that hDΦ (v), vi ≥ 0 for all v ∈ dom (DΦ). Then (P) admits a global solution.

Proof. According to Theorem 2.2, It suffices to prove that there is no blow-up in finite time. Assume thatTMax<+∞and letT < TMax. Takingu(t) as a test function, for a.e. t∈(0, T) we have


dt (t), u(t)

+hDΦ (u(t)), u(t)i=hF(t, u(t)), u(t)i.

Hence, using the fact that hDΦ (u(t)), u(t)i ≥0 (recall that u(t)∈dom (DΦ) for a.e. t∈ (0, T)), we infer that


dtku(t)k2X≤2hF(t, u(t)), u(t)i


≤2kF(t,0)k2X+ 2L2(t) + 1

ku(t)k2X. By integrating over (0, s) fors∈[0, T], we deduce

ku(s)k2X≤ ku0k2X+ 2 ˆ s


kF(t,0)k2Xdt+ ˆ s


2L2(t) + 1

ku(t)k2Xdt (note that from (C2), t 7→ kF(t,0)k2X belongs to L1(0, T), and t 7→ 2L2(t) + 1

ku(t)k2X belongs to L1(0, T) since ku(t)kX ≤ kukC([0,T],X) and L ∈ L2(0, T)). By using Gronwall’s lemma and the continuity in [0, T] of

s7→ ku0k2X+ 2 ˆ s


kF(t,0)k2Xdt+ ˆ s


2L2(t) + 1

ku(t)k2Xdt− ku(s)k2X,


we obatin for allt∈[0, T]:


ku0k2X+ 2 ˆ t


kF(s,0)k2X ds

exp ˆ t


2L2(s) + 1 ds

. Then, ifTMax<+∞, we have


T <TMax

kukC([0,T],X)≤ ku0k2X+ 2 ˆ TMax


kF(s,0)k2X ds

! exp

ˆ TMax 0

2L2(s) + 1 ds

! . This makes lim

T→+TMaxkukC([0,T],X)= +∞impossible. Thus TMax= +∞.

From Proposition 2.1, when Φ = 0,(G1) is automatically satisfied. Therefore we obtain the following global existence for non diffusive problems

Theorem 2.3(Global existence for non diffusive Cauchy problems). Assume thatF satisfies(C1),(C2).

Then, there exists a unique global solution u∈C([0,+∞), X)of the non diffusive Cauchy problem (P)


 du

dt (t) =F(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) u(0) =u0, u0∈X.

Moreover, for allT < TMaxthe restriction ofuto[0, T]satisfies assertions(L1)and(L2), and furthermore sitisfies(L3)whenG: [0, TMax)→X defined byG(t) =F(t, u(t))belongs toW1,1(0, T, X).

3. Existence and uniqueness of bounded solution for a class of reaction-diffusion problems

From now on Ω is a domain ofRN of class C1 and LN denotes the Lebesgue measure on RN. We denote by ∂Ω its boundary and by HN−1 the N−1-dimensional Hausdorff measure. To shorten the notation, we sometimes write X to denote the Hilbert space L2(Ω) equipped with its standard scalar product and its associated norm, denoted byh·,·iandk · kX respectively.

3.1. The class of diffusion terms associated with convex functionals of the calculus of vari- ations. In all the paper, we focus on the specific case of a standard convex functional Φ of the calculus of variations, i.e., a functional Φ :L2(Ω)→R∪ {+∞} defined by

Φ (u) =



 ˆ

W(x,∇u(x))dx+1 2



a0u2dHN−1− ˆ


hu dHN−1 ifu∈H1(Ω)

+∞ otherwise,


where2 h∈L2HN−1(∂Ω), a0 ∈ LHN−1(∂Ω) with a0 ≥0 HN−1-a.e. in∂Ω anda0 ≥σ on Γ⊂∂Ω with HN−1(Γ)>0 for someσ >0.

The densityW :RN×RN →Ris a Borel measurable function which satisfies the following conditions:

(D1) there existα >0 andβ >0 such that for a.e. x∈RN and everyξ∈RN α|ξ|2≤W(x, ξ)≤β 1 +|ξ|2


(D2) for a.e. x∈ RN, ξ 7→ W(x, ξ) is a Gˆateaux differentiable and convex function (we denote by DξW(x,·) its Gˆateaux derivative), and

DξW(x,0) = 0.

By using the subdifferential inequality together with the growth conditions (D1), it is easy to show that there exist nonnegative constantsL(β) andC(β) such that, for all (ξ, ξ0)∈RN×RN,

|W(x, ξ)−W(x, ξ0)| ≤L(β)|ξ−ξ0|(1 +|ξ|+|ξ0|),

|DξW(x, ξ)| ≤C(β) (1 +|ξ|).

From the second estimate, we infer that ifu∈H1(Ω), then the functionDξW(·,∇u) belongs toL2(Ω)N.

2In the integrals on∂Ω, we still denote byuthe trace ofu.


Remark 3.1. We do not loss of generality by consideringDξW(x,0) = 0 in (D2). Indeed, for any Borel measurable function W : RN ×RN →R satisfying (D1) with ξ7→W(x, ξ) Gˆateaux differentiable and convex, define the functionfW by

fW(x, ξ) =W(x, ξ)−DξW(x,0)·ξ+C(β)|ξ|2.

Then ξ 7→ Wf(x, ξ) is convex, Gˆateaux differentiable with DξWf(x,0) = 0. Moreover Wf satisfies the upper growth condition of (D1) and the lower growth condition up to an additive constant, with two other positive constantsα0 andβ0.

Consider the space H(div) :={σ ∈L2(Ω)N : divσ ∈ L2(Ω)}. It is well known that when Ω is an open domain of classC1, with outer unit normaln, the normal trace

γn:H(div)∩C Ω


defined byγn(σ) = (σ·n)b∂Ω, has a continuous extension fromH(div) ontoH12(∂Ω), still denoted by γn. Moreover, the following Green’s formula holds: for everyϕ∈H1(Ω) whose trace denoted byγ0(ϕ) belongs toH12(∂Ω), we have


divσϕdx=− ˆ

σ· ∇ϕ dx+hγn(σ), γ0(ϕ)i


In all the paper, as usual, for simplicity of notation, for any σ ∈ H(div) and any ϕ ∈ H1(Ω), we (improperly) write,´

∂Ωσ·nϕ dHN−1the last termhγn(σ), γ0(ϕ)i

H12(∂Ω),H12(∂Ω), and, as for regular functions, we denote byσ·nand ϕ the normal trace and the trace of σand ϕ respectively. We start by expliciting the subdifferential of the functional Φ (actually its Gˆateaux derivative), whose domain contains mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions. For a detailed proof we refer the reader to [8, Theorem 17.2.10] where Φ is a more basic integral functional.

Lemma 3.1. The subdifferential of the functionalΦis the operator A=∂Φ (=DΦ)defined by



dom (A) =n

v∈H1(Ω) : divDξW(·,∇v)∈L2(Ω), a0v+DξW(·,∇v)·n=hon ∂Ωo A(v) =−divDξW(·,∇v) forv∈dom (A)

wherea0v+DξW(·,∇v)·nmust be taken in the trace sense.

Assume that h = 0. Let Γ be a subset of ∂Ω with HN−1(Γ) >0 and define a0 in [0,+∞] in the following way:

a0(x) =

(0 ifx∈∂Ω\Γ +∞ ifx∈Γ.

Then, the integral´

∂Ωa0u2dHN−1 may be considered as a penalization which forces the function uto belong toHΓ1(Ω) ={u∈H1(Ω) :u= 0 on Γ}. By convention the functional Φ becomes

Φ (u) =



 ˆ

W(x,∇u(x))dx ifu∈HΓ1(Ω)

+∞ otherwise.


The subdifferential of Φ contains now the homogeneous Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions as stated in the following lemma which can be proved by an easy adaptation of the proof of Lemma 3.1:

Lemma 3.2. The subdifferential of the functionalΦis the operator A=∂Φ (=DΦ)defined by



dom (A) =n

v∈HΓ1(Ω) : divDξW(·,∇v)∈L2(Ω), DξW(·,∇v)·n= 0 on∂Ω\Γo A(v) =−divDξW(·,∇v) forv∈dom (A).


3.2. The class of CP-structured reaction functionals. The reaction-diffusion problems modeling a wide variety of applications, and amenable to analytical manipulation in homogenization (periodic or stochastic), involve a special class of functionals that we define below.

Definition 3.1. A map F : [0,+∞)×L2(Ω) → R is called a CP-structured reaction functional, if there exists a Borel measurable functionf : [0,+∞)×RN×R→Rsuch that for allt∈[0,+∞) and all v∈L2(Ω),F(t, v) (x) =f(t, x, v(x)), and fulfills the following structure conditions:

f(t, x, ζ) =r(t, x)·g(ζ) +q(t, x) with

• g:R→Rlis a locally Lipschitz continuous function;

• for allT >0,rbelongs toL [0, T]×RN,Rl


• for allT >0,qbelongs toL2 0, T, L2loc RN . Furthermoref must satisfy the following condition:

(CP) there exist a pair f , f

of functions f , f: [0,+∞)×R→Rwithf ≤0≤f and a pair ρ, ρ in R2withρ≤ρ, such that each of the two following ordinary differential equations


y0(t) =f t, y(t)

for a.e. t∈[0,+∞)

y(0) =ρ ODE

y0(t) =f(t, y(t)) for a.e. t∈[0,+∞) y(0) =ρ

admits at least one solution denoted by y forODEand by y forODEsatisfying for a.e. (t, x)∈ (0,+∞)×R

f t, y(t)

≤f t, x, y(t)

and f(t, x, y(t))≤f(t, y(t)).

The mapF is referred to as a CP-structured reaction functional associated with (r, g, q), andf as aCP- structured reaction function associated with(r, g, q). The mapF is referred to as a regularCP-structured reaction functional and f as a regular CP-structured reaction function if furthermore, for all T > 0, r∈W1,1 0, T, L2loc RN,Rl

andq∈W1,1 0, T, L2loc RN .

Remark 3.2. 1) Sincey and y are nonincreasing and nondecreasing respectively, for anyT >0 we havey(T)≤y(0) =ρ≤ρ=y(0)≤y(T).

2) We introduce the spaces L2loc RN

and L2loc RN,Rl

because of the specific form of sequences ofCP-structured reaction functionalsFεin the framework of homogenization where the scaling x 7→ xε appears. Nevertheless, in Section 3, we can replace these two spaces by L2(Ω) and L2 Ω,Rl

respectively. Note that when X is a reflexive space, W1,1(0, T, X) is exactly the space of absolutely functions from [0, T] intoX (see [13, Corollary A4]).

3) The reason why we introduce condition (CP)may be summarized as follows: even ifCP-structured reaction functionals do not satisfy the Lipschitz condition (C1) invoked in Theorems 2.1, 2.2, according to the comparison principle (Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 3.2 below), we can prove that reaction-diffusion problems associated with a CP-structured reaction functional admits a unique solution which satisfies y(T) ≤ u ≤ y(T) whenever the initial condition satisfies ρ ≤ u0≤ρ(see Section 3.4).

3.3. The comparison principle. Let us set V := {v ∈ H1(Ω) : divDξW(·,∇v) ∈ L2(Ω)}, and consider two functionalsF1, F2: [0,+∞)×L2(Ω)→L2(Ω) defined by

F1(t, u) (x) =f1(t, x, u(x)), F2(t, u) (x) =f2(t, x, u(x))

where f1, f2 : [0,+∞)×RN ×R → R are two measurable functions, f2 being Lipschitz continuous uniformly with respect to (t, x), i.e., fulfills the condition|f2(t, x, ζ)−f2(t, x, ζ0)| ≤L|ζ−ζ0|. Moreover, we are given two functionsu0 and v0 inH1(Ω) and two functionsh1 andh2 inL2

0, T, L2H

N−1(∂Ω) . The following comparison result will be used for proving existence of bounded solutions of reaction- diffusion problems associated with special reaction functionals (see Subsection 3.2). For similar notion and applications of sub and supersolution related to elliptic boundary valued problems we refer the reader to [10, 11] and for parabolic problems, to [21].


Proposition 3.1. Let T > 0, u∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

and v ∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

be a subsolution and a supersolution of the reaction-diffusion problems with respect to the data(u0, h1, F1)and(v0, h2, F2), i.e.,

P(u0, h1, F1)













u(t)∈V, du

dt (t)∈L2(Ω) for a.e. t∈(0, T), du

dt (t)−divDξW(·,∇u(t))≤F1(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T), u(0) =u0∈L2(Ω),

a0u(t) +DξW(·,∇u(t))·n=h1(t) on∂Ωfor a.e. t∈(0, T),

P(v0, h2, F2)













v(t)∈V, dv

dt(t)∈L2(Ω) for a.e. t∈(0, T), dv

dt(t)−divDξW(·,∇v(t))≥F2(t, v(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T), v(0) =v0∈L2(Ω),

a0v(t) +DξW(·,∇v(t))·n=h2(t) on ∂Ωfor a.e. t∈(0, T). Then the following comparison principle holds:

u0≤v0 in L2(Ω),

h1(t)≤h2(t) on ∂Ω, for a.e. t∈(0, T), F1≤F2

=⇒u(t)≤v(t) for allt∈[0, T].

Proof. Set w = v−u. We are going to prove that w(t) = 0 for a.e. t ∈ (0, T). Indeed, for a.e.

t∈(0, T) we have dw

dt (t)−[divDξW(·,∇v(t))−divDξW(·,∇u(t))]≥F2(t, v(t))−F1(t, u(t)). Takew(t) as a test function. By integrating over Ω, and using Green’s formula we obtain



dt (t)w(t)dx+ ˆ

(DξW(x,∇v(t))−DξW(x,∇u(t)))· ∇w(t)dx

− ˆ



≥ ˆ

(f2(t, x, v(t))−f1(t, x, u(t)))w(t)dx.

Noticing thatDξW(x,∇u(t))·n=h1(t)−a0u(t), andDξW(x, v(t))·n=h2(t)−a0v(t) on∂Ω, we infer that ˆ


dt (t)w(t)dx+ ˆ

(DξW(x,∇v(t))−DξW(x, u(t)))· ∇w(t)dx +



(h1(t)−h2(t))w(t)dHN−1+ ˆ



≥ ˆ

(f2(t, x, v(t))−f1(t, x, u(t)))w(t)dx, from which we deduce

− ˆ


dt (t)w(t)dx− ˆ


(DξW(x,∇v(t))−DξW(x, u(t)))·(∇v(t)− ∇u(t))dx

− ˆ


(h2(t)−h1(t))w(t)dHN−1− ˆ



≥ ˆ

(f2(t, x, v(t))−f1(t, x, u(t)))w(t)dx,


where we have used the relations dw

dt (t) +

=dw+ dt (t),

dw dt (t)

= dw

dt (t), dw

dt (t) = dw+

dt (t)−dw

dt (t) and dw+

dt (t)w(t)= 0 in the distributional sense. Noticing that the three last integrands of the first member are nonnegative, andf1≤f2, we obtain

1 2

d dt


|w(t)|2dx≤ ˆ

(f2(t, x, u(t))−f2(t, x, v(t)))w(t)dx. (6) From (6) and the Lipschitz continuity of the functionf2, we deduce that

1 2

d dt


|w(t)|2dx≤L ˆ

|w(t)|w(t)dx=L ˆ


Integrating this inequality over (0, s) fors∈[0, T], we obtain ˆ

|w(s)|2 dx− ˆ

|w(0)|2dx≤2L ˆ s



|w(t)|2 dx


Note that sincew∈C [0, T], L2(Ω) ,s7→´

|w(s)|2dxis continuous. Then, according to Gronwall’s lemma we finally obtain that for alls∈[0, T]


|w(s)|2 dx≤ ˆ

|w(0)|2dxexp (2Ls),

from which we deduce, sincew(0) = (v0−u0) = 0, that w(s) = 0 inL2(Ω) for alls∈[0, T], i.e., u(s)≤v(s) for alls∈[0, T].

Let us consider the case

a0(x) =

(0 ifx∈∂Ω\Γ +∞ ifx∈Γ,

withh= 0, and setVe :={v∈H1(Ω) : divDξW(·,∇v)∈L2(Ω), DξW(·,∇v)·n= 0 on∂Ω\Γ}. Then an easy adaptation of the previous proof leads to the following comparison principle

Proposition 3.2. Let T > 0, u∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

and v ∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

be a subsolution and a supersolution of the reaction-diffusion problems with respect to the data(u0, F1)and(v0, F2), i.e.,

P(u0, h1, F1)









u(t)∈V ,e du

dt (t)∈L2(Ω) for a.e. t∈(0, T), du

dt (t)−divDξW(·,∇u(t))≤F1(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T), u(0) =u0∈L2(Ω),

P(v0, h2, F2)











v(t)∈V ,e dv

dt (t)∈L2(Ω) for a.e. t∈(0, T), dv

dt(t)−divDξW(·,∇v(t))≥F2(t, v(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T), v(0) =v0∈L2(Ω).

Then the following comparison principle holds:

u0≤v0 inL2(Ω),

u(t)≤v(t) on Γ, for a.e. t∈(0, T), F1≤F2

=⇒u(t)≤v(t) for allt∈[0, T].


3.4. Existence and uniqueness of a bounded solution. Combining Theorems 2.1, 2.2 with the com- parison principle we can establish the existence of a bounded solution of the Cauchy problem associated withCP-structured reaction functionals.

Theorem 3.1. Let F be a CP-structured reaction functional, withρ,ρand y,y given by(CP), and let Φ be a standard functional of the calculus of variations (4) of Section 3.1 Assume that a0ρ≤h≤a0ρ on∂Ω. Then for anyT >0, the Cauchy problem



 du

dt (t) +DΦ (u(t)) =F(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) u(0) =u0, ρ≤u0≤ρ, u0∈dom (DΦ)

admits a unique solutionu∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

satisfying assertions (L1),(L2) and the following bounds in [0, T]: y(T) ≤ y(t) ≤ u(t) ≤ y(t) ≤ y(T). If furthermore F is a regular CP-structured reaction functional, thenusatisfies(L3).

Proof. The proof of inf


Φ (v)>−∞is obtained from a standard calculation (see [?]).

Step 1. We prove existence of a solution u of (P) for T = T > 0 small enough, which satis- fies (L1), (L2) and the boundsy(T)≤y(t)≤u(t)≤y(t)≤y(T).

By definition of CP-structured reaction functionals, F : [0,+∞)×L2(Ω) → R is defined for all t∈[0,+∞), allv∈L2(Ω), and for a.e. x∈Ω byF(t, v) (x) =f(t, x, v(x)), where for allζ∈R

f(t, x, ζ) =r(t, x)·g(ζ) +q(t, x),

and where g : R → Rl is locally Lipschitz continuous. Fix arbitrary T0 > 0. The restriction of g to the interval [y(T0), y(T0)] is Lipschitz continuous with some lipschitz constantLg 3. Consequently ζ7→f(t, x, ζ) is Lipschitz continuous with respect toζ, uniformly with respect to (t, x) in [y(T0), y(T0)], with

|f(t, x, ζ)−f(t, x, ζ0)| ≤L|ζ−ζ0|,

where L = LgkrkL([0,T0RN,Rl). According to the Mac Shane extension lemma, g can be extended into a Lipschitz continuous functioneg in R. Hence the extension feoff defined by fe(t, x, ζ) =r(t, x)· eg(ζ) +q(t, x) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to ζ in R, uniformly with respect to (t, x), with the same Lipschitz constant L. Consequently, the functional Fe : [0,+∞)×L2(Ω) → L2(Ω) defined by Fe(t, v) (x) =fe(t, x, v(x)) satisfies (C1) and (C2) withL(t) =L.

Therefore, according to Theorem 2.1, forT>0 small enough, that we can choose such thatT≤T0, the problem



 deu

dt (t) +DΦ (eu(t)) =Fe(t,eu(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) ue(0) =u0

admits a unique solution inC([0, T], X) which satisfies (L1) and (L2).

By using Proposition 3.1, we are going to prove that for all t ∈ [0, T], ue(t) ∈ [y(t), y(t)] ⊂ [y(T), y(T)]. From condition (CP), the function y, which does not depend on x, is a subsolu- tion of the reaction-diffusion problem Pe

ρ, a0y(t),Fe

in the sense of Proposition 3.1. Indeed since y(t)∈[y(T0), y(T0)],DξW(x,0) = 0, and∇y= 0, we have for all t∈[0, T]





F t, ye (t)

=F t, y(t)

=f t,·, y(t)

≥f t, y(t)

=y0(t) =dydt(t)−divDξW ·,∇y(t) , initial conditiony(0) =ρ,

boundary conditiona0y(t) +DξW x,∇y(t)

·n=a0y(t) on∂Ω.

On the other handue is a solution of Pe

, thus a supersolution of Pe

u0, φ,Fe

. From the comparison principle, Proposition 3.1, since ρ ≤u0, and a0y(t) ≤ a0y(0) = a0ρ ≤h, we infer that y(t) ≤ eu(t)

3To simplify the notation, we do not indicate the dependance onT0.


for a.e. t ∈ (0, T). Actually, inequality y(t) ≤eu(t) holds for all t ∈[0, T] (invoke the continuity of t7→ k ue(t)−y(t)

kX). Reasoning similarly with y which is a supersolution of Pe

ρ, a0y(t),Fe , we obtain that y(t)≥ue(t) for all t∈[0, T]. To sum up we haveue(t)∈[y(t), y(t)]⊂[y(T), y(T)] for allt∈[0, T].

We claim thatue is actually solution of (P) in C([0, T], X). Indeed, from above, for allt ∈ [0, T] we have eu(t) ∈ [y(t), y(t)] ⊂ [y(T), y(T)] which in turn is include in [y(T0), y(T0)]. Therefore Fe(t,ue(t)) =F(t,ue(t)) so thatueis solution of (P). From now on we writeuforu.e

Step 2. We prove that there exists a global solution of (P). We use the notation of Theorem 2.2, and still denote byu∈C([0, TMax), X) the maximal solution of (P).

By applying Theorem 2.2 it suffices to establish that there is no blow-up in finite time. Assume that TMax < +∞. From Step 1 we infer that for all T < TMax, and all t ∈ [0, T] we have u(t) ∈ [y(TMax), y(TMax)]. Hence

kukC([0,T],X)≤ LN(Ω)12max |y(TMax)|,|y(TMax)| , which makes lim

T→TMaxkukC([0,T],X)= +∞impossible.

Step 3. We finally establish that if F is a regular CP-structured reaction functional, then G : [0,+∞)→L2(Ω), defined byG(t) =F(t, u(t)), belongs toW1,1 0, T, L2(Ω)

for allT >0. According to Theorem 2.1, we will infer thatusatisfies (L3).

For alls < tin [0, T], and from the fact that q,randuare absolutely continuous, we have kF(t, u(t))−F(s, u(s))kX≤ kF(t, u(t))−F(s, u(t))kX+kF(s, u(t))−F(s, u(s))kX

≤ kq(t)−q(s)kX+ sup




≤ ˆ t


ϕu(τ)dτ (7)

where4the functionϕu: [0, T]→R+, given by ϕu(τ) =

dq dt (τ)


+ sup



dr dt(τ)




du dt (τ)

(8) belongs to L1(0, T). From (7), we easily deduce that G is absolutely continuous, then belongs to W1,1(0, T, X). This completes the proof.

By an easy adaptation of the previous proof, applying this time Proposition 3.2, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 3.2. Let F be a CP-structured reaction functional, withρ,ρand y,y given by(CP), and let Φbe the functional of the calculus of variations (5). Assume thatρ≤0≤ρ. Then for any T >0, the Cauchy problem



 du

dt (t) +DΦ (u(t)) =F(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈(0, T) u(0) =u0, ρ≤u0≤ρ, u0∈dom (DΦ)

admits a unique solutionu∈C [0, T], L2(Ω)

satisfying assertions (L1),(L2) and the following bounds in [0, T]: y(T) ≤ y(t) ≤ u(t) ≤ y(t) ≤ y(T). If furthermore F is a regular CP-structured reaction functional, thenusatisfies(L3).

Remark 3.3. 1) The set of functions u0 ∈ dom (DΦ) satisfying ρ ≤ u0 ≤ ρ is non empty. For the functional (4) of Theorem 3.1, any constant in [ρ, ρ] is suitable sinceH1(Ω) = dom (Φ)⊂ dom (Φ) = dom (DΦ) (for the last equality we refer to [8, Lemma 17.4.1]). For the functional (5) of Theorem 3.2,u0= 0 is suitable.

4We still wroteLgthe Lipchitz constant of the restriction ofgto [y(T), y(T)].


2) In the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have established that if uis the solution of (P), then, for all t∈[0, T], the functionF(t, u(t)) belongs toL2(Ω) sinceF(t, u(t)) =Fe(t,ue(t)) for allt∈[0, T].

3) In Theorem 3.1, the mixed Dirichlet-Neumann boundary condition fulfilled by the solutionuat t∈]0, T], is expressed in condition (L3) by the fact thatu(t)∈dom (DΦ) for allt∈]0, T], and is given by:

a0u(t) +DξW(·,∇u(t))·n=hon∂Ω.

Therefore, whenF is a regularCP-structured reaction functional, (P) may be written as







 du

dt (t)−divDξW(·,∇u(t)) =F(t, u(t)) for allt∈]0, T] equality inL2(Ω) u(0) =u0, ρ≤u0≤ρ, u0∈dom (DΦ),

a0u(t) +DξW(·,∇u(t))·n=hon∂Ω for all t∈]0, T].

4) As regards Theorem 3.2, the same remark holds, i.e., problem (P) may be written as











 du

dt (t)−divDξW(·,∇u(t)) =F(t, u(t)) for allt∈]0, T] equality inL2(Ω) u(0) =u0, ρ≤u0≤ρ, u0∈dom (DΦ),

u(t) = 0 on Γ for allt∈]0, T],

DξW(·,∇u(t))·n= 0 on∂Ω\Γ for allt∈]0, T].

3.5. Estimate of theLLL222(Ω)(Ω)(Ω)-norm of the right derivative. From above we know that when theCP- structured reaction functional is regular, the solution of P admits a right derivative at eacht ∈(0, T].

The next estimate below is crucial in the proof of the compactness step (Step 2) of the convergence theorem, Theorem 4.1.

Proposition 3.3. Under hypotheses of Theorems 3.1, 3.2, whenF is a regularCP-structured reaction functional, for allt∈(0, T]we have

du+ dt (t)



C+1 t

ˆ t 0

du dt (τ)


dτ where

C= max LgkrkL([0,T]×RN,Rl), ˆ T


dq dt(τ)


dτ + sup


|g(ζ)| ˆ T


dr dt(τ)



! , (9) andLg denotes the Lipschitz constant of the restriction of g to[ρ, ρ].

Proof. Step 1. We establish the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3. Let X be a Hilbert space,T >0,G∈W1,1(0, T, X)andΦ :X →R∪ {+∞} be a convex proper lower semicontinuous functional. Letusatisfy


 du

dt (t) +∂Φ (u(t))3G(t) for a.e. t∈(0, T), u(0)∈dom (∂Φ).

(10) Then the right derivative of usatisfies for allt∈]0, T] the following estimate

du+ dt (t)


≤1 t

ˆ t 0

du dt (s)


ds+ ˆ t


dG dt (s)



Proof. Forh >0 intended to tend to 0, setH:=G(·+h) and let v be the solution of


 dv

dt(t) +∂Φ (v(t))3H(t) for a.e. t∈(0, T), v(0) =u(h).



Clearlyv(t) =u(t+h) (recall thatuwhich solves (10) is the restriction to [0, T] of a unique global solu- tionu∈C([0,+∞), X) of (10) in (0,+∞), and thatu(t)∈dom (Φ) for allt∈(0, T)). From (10), (11), and the monotonicity of∂Φ, we infer that for a.e. σ∈(0, T)


dt (σ)−du

dt (σ), v(σ)−u(σ)

≤ hH(σ)−G(σ), v(σ)−u(σ)i, hence

1 2


dtkv(σ)−u(σ)k2X≤ hH(σ)−G(σ), v(σ)−u(σ)i. Integrating over (s, t) where 0≤s≤t≤T, we obtain for allt∈[0, T]


2kv(t)−u(t)k2X ≤1

2kv(s)−u(s)k2X+ ˆ t


hH(σ)−G(σ), v(σ)−u(σ)idσ


2kv(s)−u(s)k2X+ ˆ t



Thus, according to the Gronvall type lemma, [13, Lemma A.5], it follows that for allt ∈[0, T] and all s∈[0, t]

kv(t)−u(t)kX ≤ kv(s)−u(s)kX+ ˆ t


|H(σ)−G(σ)kXdσ, that is

ku(t+h)−u(t)kX≤ ku(s+h)−u(s)kX+ ˆ t



Dividing byhand letting h→0, we infer that for all t∈[0, T] and alls∈[0, t]

du+ dt (t)


du+ dt (s)


+ ˆ t


dG dt (σ)


(for a justification in order to obtain the last integral, we refer the reader to [13, Proposition A2]). By integration over (0, t), we obtain for allt∈[0, T]


du+ dt (t)


≤ ˆ t


du+ dt (s)


+t ˆ t


dG dt (s)



= ˆ t


du dt (s)


+t ˆ t


dG dt (s)


ds which gives the result for allt∈]0, T]. This ends the proof of Lemma 3.3

Last step. The thesis of Proposition 3.3 follows by combining Lemma 3.3 and the expression of the total variation ofGgiven by (7) and (8) where G(t) =F(t, u(t)).

4. General convergence theorem for a class of nonlinear reaction-diffusion problems Consider a sequence (Φn)n∈

N of functionals of the calculus of variations Φn : L2(Ω) → R∪ {+∞}

defined by

Φn(u) =



 ˆ

Wn(x,∇u(x))dx+1 2 ˆ


a0,nu2dHN−1− ˆ


hnu dHN−1 ifu∈H1(Ω)

+∞ otherwise

where hn ∈ L2HN−1(∂Ω), a0,n ∈ LHN−1(∂Ω), a0,n ≥0 HN−1-a.e. in ∂Ω, a0,n ≥σn on Γ ⊂∂Ω with HN−1(Γ)>0 for someσn>0, andWn :RN×RN →Ris a measurable function satisfying the following conditions:

(D1,n) there exist{αn}n∈N ⊂R+ and {βn}n∈N ⊂R+ such that for a.e. x∈ RN, allξ ∈RN, and all n∈N

αn|ξ|2≤Wn(x, ξ)≤βn 1 +|ξ|2 ,

(D2,n) for a.e. x ∈ RN and every n ∈ N, the function Wn(x,·) is convex and differentiable with DξWn(x,0) = 0 a.e. inRN,


(D3,n) (Wn)n∈

N is uniformly strongly convex, i.e., for someγ >0 it holds for allξ∈RN,




DξWn(x, ξ)·ξ≥γ|ξ|2. .

In the following, we fixT >0 and we consider a sequence (Fn)n∈

N of regularCP-structured reaction functionals, each of them being associated with (rn, gn, qn), i.e., Fn(t, v) (x) = fn(t, x, v(x)) for all t∈[0, T], a.e. x∈Ω and allv∈L2(Ω), where

fn(t, x, ζ) =rn(t, x)·gn(ζ) +qn(t, x) for all (t, x, ζ)∈[0,+∞)×RN ×R. (12) We assume that for all n∈Nthe fonctiongn is locally Lipschitz continuous, uniformly with respect to n, i.e., for every intervalI⊂Rthere existsLI ≥0 such that for every (ζ, ζ0)∈R2



|gn(ζ)−gn0)| ≤LI|ζ−ζ0|. (13) This condition is fulfilled for example by gn = (gn,i)i=1,...,l where the scalar functions gn,i are convex and satisfy for all ζ ∈ R, 0 ≤gn,i(ζ)≤βi(1 +|ζ|pi) for someβi >0 and pi ≥1. This is the case of Example A.1b)whereγn>0 is substitute forγ >0.

We assume that the absolute continuity of the functionsrn andqn holds uniformly with respect ton, i.e.,



ˆ T 0


dt (t,·) L2(Ω,


dt <+∞, sup


ˆ T 0


dt (t,·) L2(Ω)

dt <+∞.


Finally, we assume that

ρ:= inf


yn(T)>−∞ and ρ:= sup


yn(T)<+∞, (15)

and, for alln∈N,


n ≤hn≤a0,nρn on∂Ω (16)

where y

n and yn are given by condition (CP) fulfilled by eachFn. Recall that these two functions are solution of suitable o.d.e. with initial conditionρ

n andρn respectively. When considering the case a0,n(x) =

(0 ifx∈∂Ω\Γ +∞ ifx∈Γ, andhn= 0, for alln∈N, then (16) has to be replaced by

ρn≤0≤ρn for alln∈N. (17)

In order to establish a convergence result for reaction-diffusion problems (Pn) with diffusion partDΦn and reaction part Fn, we take advantage of standard results involving Γ-convergence of the functionals Φn to Φ, and particularly in homogenization framework (see [8, Subsection 12.4]). More precisely, it is convenient to establish the convergence of the sequence of problems (Pn) under the hypothesis of the Mosco-convergence of the sequence (Φn)n∈

N, introduced in [18, 19], i.e., the Γ-convergence of the functionals Φn whenL2(Ω) is equipped both with its strong and its weak topology. For the definition and variational properties of this notion we refer the reader to [8, Section 17.4.2], and for the connection with Moreau-Yosida approximations we refer to [7, 16]. Note that even if Φn is Gˆateaux differentiable according to (D2,n), we are not ensured that its Mosco-limit Φ is Gˆateaux differentiable. We will denote by Φn

M Φ the Mosco-convergence of the sequence (Φn)n∈N to Φ. A first important lemma (which is proved in Appendix C) concerns the Mosco-convergence of functionals defined inL2(0, T, X).

Lemma 4.1. Let (X,k · kX) be a reflexive Banach space whose norm together with its dual norm is strictly convex, and such that weak convergence of sequences and convergence of their norms imply strong convergence. Let (ψn)n∈N, ψ be a sequence of convex uniformly proper lower semicontinuous functions


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