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Part 2: From "But, outside, ..." to " ... hieroglyphic."


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Part 2: From "But, outside, ..." to " ... hieroglyphic.""


Texte intégral


Vocabulary n° 3

The Lady in the Looking-Glass : A Reflection/Virginia Woolf

Part 1: From the beginning to "... for two seconds together."

stretch: partie, bout banks: rangées slicing off: coupant net rim: cadre

badgers: blaireaux

otters: loutres

kingfishers: martins-pêcheurs rugs: carpettes

sunken: encastrées book-cases: bibliothèques

cranes: grues (oiseaux) flamingoes: flamants roses peacocks: paons

flushes: rougeoiements cuttlefish: seiche

Part 2: From "But, outside, ..." to " ... hieroglyphic."

stillness: immobillité starched: empesés troc: foulions

gilt: doré wreath: guirlande bows: noeuds

traveller's joy: clématite tendril: vrille sprinkled: parsemés

sprays: gerbes stings: piqûres upbraidings: réprimandes

convolvulus: volubilis cabinets: secrétaires spindly: fuselés

blossoms: fleurs

Part 3: From "Suddenly..." to "... to be known."

loomed: apparut (soudain) fold: (ici) cadre sigh: soupir

blotted out: masqua dripping: ruisselant bottom: profondeur

strewed: joncha drawn in: fondues tear: déchirer

out of focus: flou chisel: ciseau (sculpture) conceal: cacher

Part 4: From "The thought ..." to "... It made one start."

prize: ouvrir en forçant tool: outil

fasten: attacher put off: déconcerté narrow: étroites

hedge: haie waist: taille

strawberries: fraises obvious: évident lacy: en dentelle

snipped: coupa net moulder: se désagréger enmeshed: empêtrées pliable: délicats

The Shooting Party /Virginia Woolf

Part 1. From the beginning to " ... . Then she smiled"

brace: couple scarred: avec une cicatrice worm(ed) her wey- se glisser

gazed: regardait jaw: mâchoire bald: chauve

tawny: au teint mat hounds: chiens de meute click: gloussement part 2. From "'Chk; said Miss Antonia ..." to "... The light foded."

shivered: frissonnaient draught: courant d'air spears: javelots, lances sniffed: renifla shield: bouclier freebooter: flibustier flimsy: mince mermaid: sirène grinned: sourit béatement Part 3. From "Out in the King's Ride ..." to "...

the cart drove off."

spurted: jaillissaient stitched: cousait steeple :clocher

limp: flasques log: bûche frolicked: folâtra

claws: griffes nimbly: lestement swoon: évanouissement

stirring: bougeant hobbled: clopinait cobbles: pavés

shabby: élimées ploughed: labouré gamekeeper: garde-chasse

cursed: jura twig: petite branche smeared: maculé

Part 4. From "Luncheon is served ..." to "... 'She's our brother's'."

thimble: dé à coudre thighs: cuisses slices: tranches deftly: adroitement whipped: ôta brusquement feast: festin

decanter: carafon shudder: frisson helter-skelter: tohu-bohu sipped: sirotaient flounces: fanfreluches bramble: ronce

tripped: avait trébuché chuckled: gloussait mare: jument tassel: pompon

riding-breeches: culottes de cheval

Part 5. From "A shot barked ..." to "... and fell too."

rods: (ici) hallebardes shrivelled: se ratatinèrent croaked: coassa shuffle: traîner les pieds

panting: haletant neighing: hennissant whimper: gémissement was gnawing: rongeait

mauled: malmenaient knotted: noueux tawse: fouet lash: coup de fouet



staggered: chancela thud: bruit sourd toppled: bascula

The Duchess and the Jeweller /Virginia Woolf

Part 1: From the beginning to "... electric coals."

hide: cuir mahogany: acajou bulged: se renflait

allowance: mesure sideboard: buffet glossy:luisants

Part2: From “Behold Oliver...” to "... in his buttonhole."

spats: demi-guêtres scales: balance nudge: (ici) tape

wailed: se lamentait safe: coffre-fort purring: ronronnant

chuckle: glousser knots: groupes stalls: l'orchestre

Part 3: From "'So,' said Oliver Bacon ..." to ".., won his bet?"

quiver: vibration nostrils: narines hog: verrat

unearth: déterrer straightened: ajusta sighed: soupira

sharp: pointu seeks: cherche

won his bet: gagné son pari Part 4: From "He swayed ..." to "... as he said it."

swayed: oscillait waggling: agitant snorted: grogna

crumpled up: froissés grating: grille spring: ressort

strode: marchait à grands pas brewery: brasserie neighing: hennissant Part 5: From "The telephone buzzed ..." to " ... armchair."

sleeve links: boutons demanchettes wily: rusé dabbled: barbotait

dipped : plongeait dodged: se faufilait lissome: agile rustle: frou-frou

loomed up: apparut sparkling: étincelantes tightly girt: engoncée peacock: paon Part 6: From "'Good morning, Mr Bacon, ..." to the end

slit: fente

moaned: se plaignit sharper: filou, escroc gamble: jouer (argent) poker: tisonnier

cut ... off: couper les vivres leered: lorgna

ruts: ornières,

dimpling: qui clapotait waistcoats: gilets

blotting paper: buvard lens: loupe

routed out: dénichée rotten: pourrie



Lappin and Lapinova /Virginia Woolf

Section 1: From the beginning to "...; they were King and Queen."

bride: mariée nibbled: grignotait hare:lièvre

shy: timide suit: convenir wary: prudente

twitched: se fronçait was sewing: cousait undependable: capricieuse Section 2: From "Thus when they ..." to "... gorse-scented moor."

slyly: avec complicité winked: clignaient des yeux gamekeeper: garde-chasse poacher: braconnier dreaded: redoutait bitterly: amèrement orphan: orpheline goldsmith: orfèvre pinchbeck: de pacotille blotting paper: buvard

ramrod: piquet

mesh: résille - icicle: glaçon melt: fondre

faint: s'évanouir surge: houle din: vacarme breed: se multiplient giddiness: vertige moor: lande

gorse: ajonc lark: alouette

stealthily: à la dérobée dubbed: surnommaient coarse: vulgaire bully: brute decayed: délabrée

Section 3: From "Thus time passed ..." to the end.

saddler: sellier stream: ruisseau dismay: consternation load: poids

wring: tordre stiff: raide snored: ronflait whispered: murmura

whimpered: geigna lacy: de dentelle grove: bosquet

hounds: chiens de meute blinds: jalousies shrunk: rapetissé joints: articulations stuffed: empaillé

sham: factice dusk: crépuscule squatted: s'accroupit startled: affolés

frowned: fronca les sourcils grimly: d'un air inflexible tightening: se resserrant straightened: ajusta

The Searchlight/Virginia Woolf

Earl: Comte chandeliers: lustres chesnut trees: châtaigniers glare: lumière éblouissante relieve: soulager

rods (light): rais de lumière wheeled: tournoyaient prod: (ici) cibler blossoms: fleurs play: pièce de théâtre come down in the world:


farmhand: fille de ferme mouldy: moisis

dragged up: hissait

swinging open: battant panes: vitres

moors: landes resumed: reprit shifted: bougèrent dozing: sommeillant scouring: récurant pails: seaux

scullery: arrière-cuisine was leaning: se penchait propped: appuyé

swung ...into position: faisait osciller

as if she were twirling

something. ... elle faisait pivoter

focussed: mettait au point stem: petite colonne lowered: baissa tubs: bacs

hydrangeas: hortensias thrust: poussa brusquement lanes: sentiers

sweat: sueur

shaft (of light): rayon de ...

lens: lentille amazed: stupéfaite cloak: cape

stooping: se baissant fumble: chercher à tâtons vanished: disparut



The Legacy/ Virginia Woolf

Part 1: From the beginning ta "... said the maid."

litter: fatras token: témoignage taken for granted: considéré

gift: cadeau bound: reliés comme allant de soi

kerb: bord de trottoir tiffs: chamailleries pull up: s'arrêter

Part 2: From "She came..." to "...a very distinguished-looking man."

drab: terne typewriter: machine à écrire upset: bouleversée

trustworthy: digne de skirt: jupe was gazing: regardait

confiance in mourning: en deuil fixement

dabbing: tapotant , threshold: seuil

Part 3: From "'Poor Sissy Miller..." to "...had made up her life."

at random: au hasard glance: coup d'oeil oddly: étrangement

stand for Parliament: account: compte-rendu gamble: affaire de chance

représenter le Parlement eager: désireuse trifles: banalités

constituency: circonscription scrappy: décousues coward: lâche

électorale grief: chagrin

Part 4: From "He took up ..." to "...That was the end."

selfish: égoïste idle: oisive bantered: plaisanté

skipped on: sautait des pages slackened: diminua

air one's views: exposer son point de vue

stubby: trapu scratched out: raturé conceal: cacher char: faire des ménages

cursed: maudit scored over: biffé make out: distinguer scoundrel: scélérat threatened: menaçait

Part 5: From "Gilbert Clandon ..." to the end.

stared: regardaient fixement fists: poings

clenched: serrés

strode: marcha à grands pas thundered: tonna

cheap: bon marché

sigh: soupir



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