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Belief Merging versus Judgment Aggregation


Academic year: 2022

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Belief Merging versus Judgment Aggregation

Patricia Everaere

CRIStAL-CNRS Université Lille 1, France patricia.everaere@univ-lille1.fr

Sébastien Konieczny

CRIL-CNRS Université d’Artois, France


Pierre Marquis

CRIL-CNRS Université d’Artois, France



The problem of aggregating pieces of propositional information coming from several agents has given rise to an intense research ac- tivity. Two distinct theories have emerged. On the one hand, belief merging has been considered in AI as an extension of belief revi- sion. On the other hand, judgment aggregation has been developed in political philosophy and social choice theory. Judgment aggre- gation focusses on some specific issues (represented as formulas and gathered into an agenda) on which each agent has a judgment, and aims at defining a collective judgment set (or a set of collective judgment sets). Belief merging considers each source of informa- tion (the belief base of each agent) as a whole, and aims at defining the beliefs of the group without considering an agenda. In this work the relationships between the two theories are investigated both in the general case and in the fully informed case when the agenda is complete (i.e. it contains all the possible interpretations). Though it cannot be ensured in the general case that the collective judgment computed using a rational belief merging operator is compatible with the collective judgment computed using a rational judgment aggregation operator, we show that some close correspondences between the rationality properties considered in the two theories exist when the agenda is complete.

Categories and Subject Descriptors

I.2 [Artificial Intelligence]: Multiagent systems


Belief Merging, Judgment Aggregation


Belief merging (BM) [7, 8] is a logical setting which rules the way jointly contradictory belief bases coming from a group ofn agents should be aggregated, in order to obtain a collective belief base. Belief merging operators have been defined and studied as an extension of AGM belief revision theory [4, 2, 5], and some rationality postulates for merging (the so-called IC postulates) have been pointed out.

Judgment aggregation (JA) has been developed in political phi- losophy and social choice theory [11, 10]. The aim of judgment aggregation is to make collective judgments on several (possibly

Appears in:Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2015), Bor- dini, Elkind, Weiss, Yolum (eds.), May, 4–8, 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

Copyrightc 2015, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (www.ifaamas.org). All rights reserved.

logically related) issues, from the judgments given on each issue by the members of a group ofnagents. Again, several operators (referred to as rules or correspondences) have been put forward and the rationality issue has been investigated as well.

Belief merging and judgment aggregation have similar, yet dis- tinct goals. Especially, a belief merging process and a judgment ag- gregation process do not consider the same inputs and outputs. In a belief merging process, the input is a profileE= (K1, . . . , Kn) of propositional belief bases (finite sets of propositional formulas), and a formulaµrepresenting some integrity constraints the result of the process must comply with; it outputs an (aggregated/collective) base which satisfies the integrity constraints. In a judgment aggre- gation process, the input is an agenda (i.e., a set of propositional formulasX = {ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}, considered as binary questions), and a profileΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)of individual judgment sets on these formulas. This profile consists of the judgment sets furnished by the agents, where each individual judgment set makes precise for each question whether it is supported, its negation is supported or none of them. Finally, the judgment aggregation process outputs a (set of) aggregated/collective judgment set(s) on these formulas.

A reasonable closed-world assumption is that each individual judgment on a formula of the agenda is fully determined by the be- liefs of the corresponding agent. Stated otherwise, we assume that each agent is equipped with a so-calledprojection functionpsuch that the judgment of the agent onϕis given byp(Ki, ϕ), where Kiis the belief base of agenti.1 Such a projection functionpcan be easily extended to agendasX ={ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}by stating that pX(Ki) = (p(Ki, ϕ1), . . . , p(Ki, ϕm)), and then to profilesE= (K1, . . . , Kn)by stating thatpX(E) = (pX(K1), . . . , pX(Kn)).

Furthermore, the standard JA setting does not take integrity con- straintsµinto account for characterizing the possible worlds (i.e., each world is possible). In order to make a fair comparison of BM and JA (i.e., based only on the inputE andX), we thus assume thatµis valid. Under those assumptions, belief merging and judg- ment aggregation can be embodied in the same global aggregation setting, enabling to compare them. In the resulting framework, one can view a judgment aggregation process as a partially informed aggregation process: it is not the case (in general) that every piece of beliefs of each agent is exploited in the aggregation (the focus is laid on the specific issues of the agenda). This contrasts with a belief merging process, which is fully informed in the sense that each belief base is entirely considered. The two processes and the way they are connected are depicted on Figure 1.

Given a profile of belief basesE = (K1, . . . , Kn)correspond- ing to a group ofnagents, an agendaX = {ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}, and a projection function p, there are two ways to define the collec-

1For the sake of simplicity, we also assume that all the agents share the same projection function.


E= (K1, . . . , Kn) -

∆ ∆(E)



? p1,...,ϕm}

Γ = (γ1, . . . , γn) -

Ag ϕAg

Figure 1: Belief Merging vs. Judgment Aggregation

tive judgment (interpreted as a proposition formula) of thenagents on the agenda. On the one hand, by following the judgment ag- gregation path: one first takes advantage ofpto compute a pro- fileΓgathering the individual judgments of thenagents on them questions of the agenda; then using a judgment aggregation oper- atorAg, one computes the collective judgment on the agenda. On the other hand, by following the merging path: the bases of the in- put profile are first merged using∆, which leads to a merged base

∆(E), and then one computes directly the collective judgment on the agenda usingp. The two paths correspond to two collective judgments:ϕ=pX(∆(E)), andϕAg=AgpX(E).

The contribution of the paper is as follows. First, we point out some natural requirements on the projection function and show that there exists a unique projection function satisfying them. Given this projection function, we first consider the general case when no con- straints are imposed on the agenda. In this case, we show that the two approaches for computing collective judgments given above are hardly compatible; especially, ensuring that∆is an IC merging operator and thatAgsatisfies an expected unanimity condition is not enough to guarantee thatϕandϕAg are jointly consistent.

Then we focus on the case of complete agendas, i.e., the ques- tions are the set of all interpretations over the underlying propo- sitional language. In this case, the projection function is invert- ible: one can recover the belief base of each agent (up to logical equivalence) starting from her judgments on all interpretations. As a consequence, given a profile of belief bases, every belief merging operator∆can be associated with a unique judgment aggregation methodAg, and vice-versa. We show thatϕ≡ϕAg. We also show how imposing IC conditions on the belief merging operator comes down to imposing quite standard rationality conditions on the associated judgment aggregation method.

The layout of the rest of the paper is as follows. In the next sec- tion the key definitions of the propositional belief merging frame- work are recalled. In Section 3 some basics of judgment aggrega- tion are provided. In Section 4 we study the projection functions enabling to obtain judgments from belief bases given an agenda. In Section 5 we show that imposing standard rationality conditions on

∆andAgis not enough to ensure that the corresponding collective judgments are jointly consistent. Section 6 is dedicated to the case of complete agendas. Section 7 discusses the compatibility of the two aggregation approaches. Finally Section 8 concludes the paper.


We consider a propositional languageLdefined from a finite set Pof propositional symbols and the usual connectives.

An interpretation (or state of the world) ωis a total function fromPto{0,1}.Ωis the set of all interpretations. An interpreta- tion is usually denoted by a bit vector whenever a strict total order onP is specified. It is also viewed as the formulaV




ωis a model of a formulaφ∈ Lif and only if it makes it true in the usual truth functional way.|=denotes logical entailment and

≡denotes logical equivalence. [φ]denotes the set of models of formulaφ, i.e.,[φ] ={ω∈Ω|ω|=φ}.

Abelief baseKis a finite set of propositional formulas, inter- preted conjunctively (i.e., viewed as the formula which is the con- junction of its elements). We suppose that each belief base is non- trivial, i.e., it is consistent but not valid.

AprofileE represents the beliefs of a group ofn agents in- volved in the merging process; formallyE is given by a vector (K1, . . . , Kn)of belief bases, whereKiis the belief base of agent i.V

E denotes the conjunction of all elements of E, andt de- notes the vector union. Two profilesE= (K1, . . . , Kn)andE= (K10, . . . , Kn0)are equivalent, notedE≡E0, iff there exists a per- mutationπover {1, . . . , n}s.t. for eachi ∈ 1, . . . , n, we have Ki≡Kπ(i)0 .

Anintegrity constraintµis a consistent formula restricting the possible results of the merging process.

Amerging operator4is a mapping which associates with a pro- fileEand an integrity constraintµa (merged) base4µ(E).∆(E) is a short for4>(E).

The logical properties given in [7] for characterizing IC belief merging operators are:

DEFINITION 1. A merging operator4is anIC merging oper- atoriff it satisfies the following properties:

(IC0) 4µ(E)|=µ

(IC1) Ifµis consistent, then4µ(E)is consistent (IC2) IfV

Eis consistent withµ, then4µ(E)≡V E∧µ (IC3) IfE1≡E2andµ1≡µ2, then4µ1(E1)≡ 4µ2(E2) (IC4) IfK1 |= µ andK2 |= µ, then4µ((K1, K2))∧K1 is

consistent if and only if4µ((K1, K2))∧K2is consistent (IC5) 4µ(E1)∧ 4µ(E2)|=4µ(E1tE2)

(IC6) If4µ(E1)∧ 4µ(E2)is consistent, then4µ(E1tE2)|=4µ(E1)∧ 4µ(E2) (IC7) 4µ1(E)∧µ2|=4µ1∧µ2(E)

(IC8) If4µ1(E)∧µ2is consistent, then4µ1∧µ2(E)|=4µ1(E)

See [7] for some explanations of these properties.

Let us now give some examples of IC merging operators from the family of distance-based merging operators [6]:

DEFINITION 2. A(pseudo-)distancebetween interpretations is a functiond: Ω×Ω→IR+such that for anyω12∈Ω:

• d(ω1, ω2) =d(ω2, ω1)

• d(ω1, ω2) = 0iffω12

Letdiff(ω, ω0)be the set of propositional variables on whichω andω0differ:

DEFINITION 3. A distancedisnormaliff∀ω1, ω2, ω3, ω4∈Ω, d(ω1, ω2)≤d(ω3, ω4)wheneverdiff(ω1, ω2)⊆diff(ω3, ω4).

This normality property expresses a very natural idea: ifω1and ω2differ on a given subsetDof variables andω3andω4differ on a superset ofD, thenω3should not be considered closer toω4than ω1is toω2. All usual distances are normal, in particular the Ham- ming distance and the Drastic distance [7] are normal distances.

DEFINITION 4. Anaggregation functionis a mapping2ffrom RmtoR, which satisfies:

2Strictly speaking, it is a family of mappings, one for eachm.


• ifxi≥x0i, thenf(x1, ..., xi, ..., xm)≥f(x1, ..., x0i, ..., xm) (non-decreasingness)

• f(x1, . . . , xm) = 0if∀i, xi= 0 (minimality)

• f(x) =x (identity)

• Ifσis a permutation over{1, . . . , m}, then

f(x1, . . . , xm) =f(xσ(1), . . . , xσ(m)) (symmetry) Some additional properties can also be considered forf, espe- cially:

• ifxi> x0i, thenf(x1, ..., xi, ..., xm)> f(x1, ..., x0i, ..., xm) (strict non-decreasingness)

• Iff(x1, . . . , xn, z)≤f(y1, . . . , yn, z),

thenf(x1, . . . , xn)≤f(y1, . . . , yn) (decomposition)

• If∀i, z > yi, thenf(z, x1, . . . , xn)> f(y1, . . . , yn+1) (strict preference) DEFINITION 5. Letdandfbe respectively a distance between interpretations and an aggregation function. Thedistance-based merging operator4d,fis defined by

[4d,fµ (E)] = min([µ],≤E)

where the total pre-order≤EonΩis defined in the following way (withE= (K1, . . . , Kn)):

• ω≤Eω0iffd(ω, E)≤d(ω0, E)

• d(ω, E) =f(d(ω, K1), . . . , d(ω, Kn))

• d(ω, K) = minω0|=Kd(ω, ω0)

For usual aggregation functions, and whatever the chosen dis- tance, the corresponding distance-based operators exhibit good log- ical properties:

PROPOSITION1 ([7]). For any distanced, iffis equal toΣ, leximax3,leximin, orΣn(sum of thenthpowers), then4d,fis an IC merging operator.


We briefly present some definitions and notations used in the following.4

AnagendaX = {ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}is a finite, non-empty and to- tally ordered set of non-trivial (i.e., consistent but not valid) propo- sitional formulas.

Ajudgmenton a formulaϕkofXis an element ofD={1,0, ?}, where1means thatϕkis supported,0that¬ϕkis supported,?that neitherϕknor¬ϕkare supported. Ajudgment setonXis a map- pingγfromXtoD, also viewed as am-vector overD, when the cardinality ofX ism. For eachϕkof X, γis supposed to sat- isfyγ(¬ϕk) = ¬γ(ϕk), where¬γis given by¬γ(ϕk) = ?iff γ(ϕk) = ?,¬γ(ϕk) = 1iffγ(ϕk) = 0, and¬γ(ϕk) = 0iff γ(ϕk) = 1.

Judgment sets are often asked to be consistent and resolute: A judgment set isresoluteiff∀ϕk ∈ X, γ(ϕk) = 0orγ(ϕk) = 1. A judgment setγonXisconsistentiff the associated formula (judgment)bγ =V



is consistent.

Aggregating judgments consists in associating a set of collective judgment sets with a profile of individual judgment sets: aprofile Γ = (γ1, . . . , γn)of judgment sets onX is a non-empty vector

3Also referred to asGmax.

4Most of these notations depart from (but are equivalent to) the ones usually used in judgment aggregation papers.

of judgments sets onX.Γisconsistent(resp.resolute) when each judgment set in it is consistent (resp. resolute).

For each agendaX, ajudgment aggregation methodAgasso- ciates with a consistent profile Γon X a non-empty setAgΓ of collective judgment setsγΓonX, also viewed as a formula (the collective judgment)AgdΓ=W

γΓ∈AgΓΓ. Forϕk ∈X, we note AgΓk) = 1(resp.AgΓk) = 0) if and only if∀γΓ ∈ AgΓ, γΓk) = 1(resp.∀γΓ∈AgΓΓk) = 0), andAgΓk) =∗ in the remaining case. When AgΓis a singleton for eachΓ, the judgment aggregation operator is called a (deterministic) judgment aggregation rule, and it is called a judgment aggregation correspon- dence otherwise [9]. In this paper, we mainly focus on the more general case of judgment aggregation correspondences.

Usual rationality properties pointed out so far for judgment ag- gregation (JA) operators are:

Universal domain.The domain ofAgis the set of all consistent profiles.

Collective rationality.For any profileΓin the domain ofAg,AgΓ

is a set of consistent collective judgment sets.

Collective resoluteness.For any profileΓin the domain ofAg, AgΓis a set of resolute collective judgment sets.

Anonymity.For any two profilesΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn) and Γ0 = (γ10, . . . , γn0)in the domain ofAgwhich are permutations one an- other, we haveAgΓ=AgΓ0.

Neutrality.For anyϕp, ϕq in the agendaX and profileΓin the domain ofAg, if∀i γip) =γiq), thenAgΓp) =AgΓq).

A more demanding property is independence:

Independence.For anyϕp, ϕqin the agendaXand profilesΓand Γ0in the domain ofAg, if∀i γip) =γi0q), thenAgΓp) = AgΓ0q).

The above properties are quite standard [10]. In previous works we criticize both neutrality and independence [3], but here we stick with the standard JA definitions.

Other properties are also very attractive for JA operators, such as unanimity [3] and majority preservation [9].

Unanimity.For anyϕk∈X, for any profileΓin the domain ofAg, if∃x∈ {0,1}s.t.∀γi∈Γ,γik) =x, then for everyγΓ∈AgΓ, we haveγΓk) = x. Note that unanimity is not required when x=?, since in this case it makes sense to let the acceptance ofϕk

depends on the acceptance of other (logically related) formulas.

Majority preservation.If the judgment set obtained using the ma- jority rule is consistent and resolute,5thenAgΓis a singleton which consists of this set.

Majority preservation6[9, 13] is a very natural property, stating that if the simple majority vote on each issue leads to a consistent judgment set, then the judgment aggregation correspondence must output precisely this set. Indeed, it is sensible to stick to the re- sult furnished by a simple majority vote when no doctrinal paradox occurs.

Let us now review some of the judgment aggregation opera- tors that have been put forward in the literature. Usual judgment aggregation operators are majority, supermajority, premise-based,

5Several definitions are possible for the majority rule when absten- tion is allowed. Here, one considers that the majority rule gives1 (resp.0) when the number of agents reporting1(resp.0) is strictly greater than the number of agents reporting0(resp.1), and it gives


6Called strong majority preservation in [13].


conclusion-based, sequential priority [10]. In [12] distance-based (merging-based) operators are pointed out. In [9] several families of judgment aggregation operators based on minimization, inspired from operators considered in voting theory and in AI, are defined.

Majority preservation is presented as a natural requirement for such operators. In [3] another family of operators, called ranked majority operators, based on the number of votes received by each formula, has been introduced.


As explained previously, belief merging and judgment aggrega- tion consider different inputs. In belief merging, an input profile consists of a profile of belief bases, representing the beliefs of a group of agents. In judgment aggregation, agents answer "yes" (1),

"no" (0) or "undetermined" (?) to a set of questions (the agenda), and the input profile is a vector of such answers (alias judgment sets). Of course agents might use their beliefs to answer the ques- tions, but it is out of the scope of judgment aggregation methods to specify how.

Imagine that the beliefs Ki of an agentiare known, given a questionϕk, what could be the opinion of the agent on the ques- tion? Suppose that an agent only believes thata∧bis true, and questions her abouta: she will probably answer "yes" to the ques- tion because she necessarily believes thatais true. If the question is

¬b, she will probably answer "no" becausebbeing false is incom- patible with her beliefs. Suppose now that the agent just believes thatais true, and that the question isa∧b. In this case the agent probably has no opinion on the question (the question is contingent given her beliefs), thus she will probably answer "undetermined".

What we need to define to make it formal is a notion of projec- tion function, which characterizes the answers (i.e., the judgment set) an agent can give to the questions of the agenda, depending on her current belief base. We call such projection functionsdecision policies, and our purpose is first to characterize axiomatically the rational ones:

DEFINITION 6. A decision policyp:L × L → {0,1, ?}is a mapping associating an element of{0,1, ?}with any pair of non- trivial formulas(K, ϕ)and satisfying:

1. ifK1≡K2, then∀ϕ,p(K1, ϕ) =p(K2, ϕ) 2. ifϕ1≡ϕ2, then∀K,p(K, ϕ1) =p(K, ϕ2) 3. p(ϕ, ϕ) = 1

Conditions 1 and 2 can be viewed as a formal counterpart, respec- tively, of a neutrality condition and of an anonymity condition for decision policies, but we will refrain from using such a terminol- ogy here because of a possible confusion with the corresponding rationality conditions on judgment aggregation methods (in partic- ular, the "neutrality" and "anonymity" conditions here do not entail respectively the neutrality property or the anonymity property of a judgment aggregation correspondence as defined previously).

Given an agendaX ={ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}and a belief baseK(re- spectively a profileE= (K1, . . . , Kn)of belief bases), every de- cision policypinduces a judgment setpX(K) = (p(K, ϕ1), . . . , p(K, ϕm))(resp. a profile of judgment setspX(E) = (pX(K1), . . . , pX(Kn)).

Examples of decision policies are the following ones:

• pB(K, ϕ) =

1 ifK|=ϕ 0 ifK|=¬ϕ

? otherwise

• pC(K, ϕ) =

1 ifK∧ϕ6|=⊥ 0 otherwise

Thebelief decision policypBmakes sense when beliefs are con- sidered. According to it an agent answers "yes" (resp. "no") to a given question precisely when it (resp. its negation) is a logical consequence of her belief base; in the remaining case she answers


Observe that with theconsistency decision policypCit is pos- sible to have togetherpC(Ki, ϕk) = 1 andpC(Ki,¬ϕk) = 1 (for instance a belief base equivalent toais consistent withband with¬b). In order to avoid this problem, some additional conditions must be ensured:

DEFINITION 7. Letp:L × L → {0,1, ?}be a decision pol- icy. It is arationaldecision policy if it satisfies the two following conditions:

4. ifp(K, ϕ) = 1, thenp(K,¬ϕ) = 0

5. IfK1∧K2is consistent and ifp(K1, ϕ) = 1 thenp(K1∧K2, ϕ) = 1

It turns out that these two additional conditions fully characterize the belief decision policy:

PROPOSITION 2. pis a rational decision policy iffp=pB. PROOF. First, it is easy to check thatpBsatisfies the conditions 1 to 5. Second, letpbe any rational decision policy. We have to show thatp=pB. In this proof, we take advantage of the formulas ϕω ≡W

ω0∈Ω,ω06=ωω0ωis the formula ofLwhose models are all interpretations exceptω. Any formulaϕ can be written as a conjunction of formulasϕω, withω|=¬ϕ:ϕ≡V

ω|=¬ϕϕω. Suppose thatK |= ϕ. Then any modelωs.t.ω |= ¬ϕsatis- fiesω|=¬K. We can write:K ≡V


ω|=¬ϕϕω∧ V

ω|=¬K∧ϕϕω. ThenK≡ϕ∧V

ω|=¬K∧ϕϕω. From rules 3 and 5,p(ϕ∧V

ω|=¬K∧ϕϕω, ϕ) = 1. From rule 1, p(K, ϕ) = 1. As a consequence, ifK|=ϕ, thenp(K, ϕ) = 1.

Suppose thatK |=¬ϕ. From the previous point, we know that p(K,¬ϕ) = 1. From rule 4, we deduce thatp(K, ϕ) = 0.

Finally, suppose thatK6|=ϕandK6|=¬ϕ.

Assume thatp(K, ϕ) = 1. AsKis consistent with¬ϕ, from rule 5, we getp(K∧ ¬ϕ, ϕ) = 1. But asK∧ ¬ϕis consistent, from rule 3 and 5,p(K∧ ¬ϕ,¬ϕ) = 1and from rule 4 we get p(K∧ ¬ϕ, ϕ) = 0: contradiction.

Assume thatp(K, ϕ) = 0. Thenp(K,¬ϕ) = 1from rule 3, and a demonstration similar to the one above leads to a contradiction.

So ifK 6|=ϕandK 6|=¬ϕ,p(K, ϕ)6= 1andp(K, ϕ)6= 0, so p(K, ϕ) =?. We can thus conclude thatp=pB.

We also have the following expected property whenpBis used:

PROPOSITION 3. pBguarantees individual consistency: what- ever the belief baseKand the agendaX, ifγis the judgment set onX induced bypB givenK, then the associated judgmentbγis consistent.

The last two propositions justify to focus on thepB policy, and this is what we do in the following.


Our objective is first to determine whether some logical connec- tions between the formulasϕandϕAgexist whenever∆andAg are "rational". Especially, we focus on the unanimity condition and the majority preservation condition onAgwhich are natural ones.

One first needs to give a couple of notations:


DEFINITION 8. LetE = (K1, . . . , Kn)be a profile of belief bases and letpbe a decision policy. Let ∆be a belief merging operator andAgbe a judgment aggregation correspondence. Let X={ϕ1, . . . , ϕm}be an agenda. There are two ways to define a collective judgment onX(see Figure 1):

•if the project-then-aggregate pathAg◦pis followed, then the output isϕAg=Ag\pX(E),

•if the merge-then-project pathp◦∆is followed, then the output isϕ=pX\(∆(E)).

Each ofAg◦pandp◦∆can be viewed as an aggregation operator associating with a profileE of belief bases and an agendaX a (set of) collective judgment set(s), interpreted as a propositional formula (a collective judgment). The point is that the two resulting collective judgments are not necessarily compatible, even when∆ andAgare rational operators. More precisely:

PROPOSITION 4. There exist an IC merging operator∆, a judg- ment aggregation operatorAgsatisfying unanimity such that for a profileEof belief bases and a singleton agendaX,ϕAg∧ϕis inconsistent.

PROOF. Consider the profileE = (K1, K2, K3)whereK1

¬a∧ ¬b, andK2 = K3 ≡ a∧b. Consider also the singleton agendaX ={ϕ}withϕ=a⇔b. The merged base∆dH2(E) obtained using the IC distance-based operator induced by the Ham- ming distance andΣ2as aggregation function is equivalent toa⇔

¬b. Thus the projection of∆dH2(E)onXgives a judgment set leading toϕ=a⇔ ¬b. However, every belief baseKiis such thatKi |= ϕ, thus we haveϕAg ≡ a ⇔ bfor every judgment aggregation operator satisfying unanimity.7

PROPOSITION 5. Let4d,fbe a distance-based merging oper- ator withdany normal distance andfany strictly non-decreasing function, and letAgsatisfies majority preservation, one can find a profileEof belief bases and a (singleton) agendaXsuch that ϕAg∧ϕis inconsistent.

PROOF. A simple example is enough to prove that the results may be jointly inconsistent. Consider a profileE= (K1, K2, K3, K4, K5)whereK1 ≡ a∧b, K2 ≡ a∧ ¬b,K3 ≡ ¬a∧ ¬b, K4≡ ¬a∧b K5≡ ¬a∧b. The agendaXconsists of one question ϕ=¬a∧b. The corresponding judgment sets are given in Table 1.

γ1 γ2 γ3 γ4 γ5 M ajority

ϕ 0 0 0 1 1 0

Table 1: Judgment sets

The distances one can obtain with any distance-based merging operator are reported in Table 2.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5

00 d(00,11) d(00,10) 0 d(00,01) d(00,01) 01 d(01,11) d(01,10) d(01,00) 0 0 10 d(10,11) 0 d(10,00) d(10,01) d(10,01) 11 0 d(11,10) d(11,00) d(11,01) d(11,01)

Table 2: Distances

Suppose that d is a normal distance, we noted{a}, d{b} and d{a,b} the distance between two interpretations which differ re- spectively only on the sets{a},{b}and{a, b}. The results given in Table 3 can be obtained.

7This proof uses a majority operator, but the same example holds for the arbitration operator∆dH,Gmax.

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5

00 d{a,b} d{a} 0 d{b} d{b}

01 d{a} d{a,b} d{b} 0 0

10 d{b} 0 d{a} d{a,b} d{a,b}

11 0 d{b} d{a,b} d{a} d{a}

Table 3: Results

We can observe in Table 3 that the interpretation01has a dis- tance to the profile strictly lower than the distance of the profile to any other interpretation. So, for any aggregation functionfwhich is strictly non-decreasing,∆d,f(E)≡ ¬a∧b. Then∆d,f(E)ac- ceptsϕwhereas any judgment aggregation function respecting ma- jority preservation rejectsϕ.

This result is quite important, because most reasonable distances between interpretations (Hamming distance, Drastic distance) are normal ones and most reasonable aggregation functions (Σ, lexi- max, leximin,Σn,. . .) satisfy strict non-decreasingness. Thus in the general case the results obtained by using rational IC merging methods can be inconsistent with the results obtained by using ra- tional JA methods.


Let us now investigate the connections between belief merging and judgment aggregation in the case when the two approaches are equally informed, i.e., when the agendaX gathers all interpreta- tions ofΩ.

In the following, in order to simplify the notations, sinceX is fixed, we writep(Ki)instead ofpX(Ki)andp(E)instead of pX(E).8For any belief baseKiofEand anyω ∈ X, we have p(Ki, ω) = 0iffKi |=¬ω, i.e.,p(Ki, ω) = 0iffω 6|= Ki. So p(Ki, ω) 6= 0iffω |= Ki. Observe that when questions are in- terpretations, a belief baseKithat is not complete (i.e., with more than one model) cannot lead to answer1, but only to?or to0.

Whatever the case,p(Ki)contains necessarily at most one1and at least one0(sinceKiis supposed to be non-trivial).

We assume in what follows that the judgment aggregation cor- respondence Agunder consideration satisfies both the collective resoluteness condition and the collective rationality condition. This is a harmless assumption whenX = Ωprovided thatAgoutputs at least one consistent judgment set (which is not a very demanding condition). Indeed, letAgΓ={γ1, . . . , γk}be the set of collective judgment sets given byAgon the profileΓof individual judgment sets onX. For eachγi ∈ AgΓsuch thatγi is consistent, letγiR

be the set of resolute and consistent collective judgment sets ob- tained by replacing inγi precisely one?by1whenγidoes not contain any1, and the other?by0(so thatγiRcontainseelements wheneverγi contains e ?but no1). Let AgRΓ = S

γi∈AgΓγRi . We haveAgdΓ ≡ AgdRΓ. So the collective judgments are the same ones forAgΓandAgΓRand this explains why one can safely sup- pose that collective resoluteness holds. We callabstention-freecor- respondence associated withAgthe judgment aggregation corre- spondence which associatesAgRΓ with the input profileΓ.

Interestingly, whenX = Ω, we can recover the belief base of any agent from her judgment setγ(and not just deduce her judgment set from her belief base, unlike what happens in the general case).

Thus the inverse mappingp−1ofpcan be defined as follows (up to logical equivalence):[p−1(γ)] ={ω∈Ω|γ(ω)6= 0}.[p−1(γ)]

is the set of models of the belief base of the agent reporting the judgment setγ.

8Remember thatpdenotes here the belief decision policy.


On this ground, one can define a judgment aggregation corre- spondenceAg = Ag from a merging operator∆and a merg- ing operator∆ = ∆Agfrom a judgment aggregation correspon- denceAg. Given an interpretationω(also viewed as a formula), let the induced judgment setγωbe equal top(ω). By construction, [cγω] ={ω}, thusγωis consistent.

DEFINITION 9. • Given a merging operator∆and a pro- fileE = (K1, . . . , Kn), we defineAgp(E) ={γω | ω |=

∆(E)}={γω|p(∆(E), ω)6= 0}.

• Given a judgment aggregation correspondenceAgand a pro- fileΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)of judgment sets, we notep−1(Γ) = (p−11), . . . , p−1n))and∆Ag(p−1(Γ)) ={ω ∈ Ω | γω∈AgΓ}.

It is easy to prove that in the caseX = Ωthe two aggregation paths corresponding respectively to∆and toAglead to equiva- lent results:

PROPOSITION 6. Let X be a complete agenda. Let ϕAg = Ag\p(E)andϕ=p(∆(E)). We have\ ϕAg≡ϕ.

Furthermore, whenX is the complete agenda Ω, every belief merging operator corresponds to one judgment aggregation corre- spondence, and vice-versa. More precisely, we have that:

PROPOSITION 7. ∆=∆(Ag)andAg=Ag(∆Ag)

Thus, Definition 9 induces a one-to-one mapping between the merging operator and the corresponding judgment aggregation cor- respondence. This bijection will be used in the following to show how IC postulates and judgment aggregation properties are related.

Let us now parse the IC postulates and determine their counter- parts in judgment aggregation (when they exist):

(IC0)By construction of∆Ag(IC0) is satisfied, so (IC0) does not correspond to any non-trivial condition onAg.

(IC1)Ifµis consistent, then4µ(E)is consistent

PROPOSITION 8. ∆Agsatisfies (IC1) iffAgsatisfies universal domain.

PROOF. Suppose that ∆Ag does not satisfy (IC1). There ex- ists a profileE = (K1, . . . , Kn), such that there is no model in

Ag(E). Thus∀ω∈Ω,γω6∈Agp(E). SoAgp(E)is empty. Hence Agdoes not satisfy universal domain.

Conversely, suppose thatAgdoes not satisfy universal domain.

Then there is a profile of judgment setsΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)onX = Ωs.t.AgΓis empty. Therefore there is a profileE= (K1, . . . , Kn) of belief bases such thatK1 =p−11), ...,Kn =p−1n)and

Ag(p−1(Γ))is inconsistent. So (IC1) is not satisfied.

(IC2) Let us define an additional property for JA methods:

DEFINITION 10. LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)be a profile of judgment sets on an agendaX.

• ϕ∈XisunanimousforΓiff∀i∈ {1, . . . , n},γi(ϕ)6= 0.

• Γisconsensualiff there existsϕ∈ X which is unanimous forΓ.

• A judgment aggregation correspondenceAg satisfiescon- sensualityiff for every consensual profileΓof judgment sets on an agendaX, for everyϕ ∈ X,AgΓ(ϕ) 6= 0iffϕis unanimous forΓ.

PROPOSITION 9. ∆Agsatisfies (IC2) iffAgsatisfies consensu- ality.

PROOF. Suppose that∆Ag satisfies (IC2). Consider a consen- sual profileΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)onΩand suppose thatωis one of the unanimous interpretations. Asωis unanimous,∀i ∈ {1, . . . , n}, γi(ω)6= 0. Then∀i∈ {1, . . . , n},ω |=p−1i), soV

p−1i) is consistent, and since∆Agsatisfies (IC2),∆Ag((p−11), . . . , p−1n)))≡V


Hence, the models of ∆Ag((p−11), . . . , p−1n))) are unani- mous interpretations. Then for each unanimous interpretationω, γω ∈ AgΓand for each non-unanimous interpretation ω,γω 6∈

AgΓ:Agis consensual.

Conversely, suppose thatAg is consensual. Consider a profile E= (K1, . . . , Kn)s.t.V

Eis consistent. Letω|=V

E. As∀i∈ {1, . . . , n},ω|=Ki, we have that∀i∈ {1, . . . , n},γ(Ki)(ω)6=

0. SinceAgis consensual, we haveAgΓ(ω)6= 0iffωis unanimous forΓiffω|=V

E. Hence,[∆Ag(E)] ={ω|ωis unanimous for Γ}= [V

E]: (IC2) is satisfied.

(IC3) IfE1≡E2, then∆(E1)≡∆(E2)

PROPOSITION 10. ∆Agsatisfies (IC3) iffAgsatisfies anony- mity.

PROOF. Suppose thatAgsatisfies anonymity. SupposeE1 ≡ E2. SinceE1 ≡ E2, the profiles of judgment setsΓ1 = p(E1) andΓ2 =p(E2)are permutations of each other. SinceAgsatis- fies anonymity,AgΓ1 =AgΓ2, hence∆Ag(E1)≡∆Ag(E2)and (IC3) is satisfied.

Conversely, suppose that∆Agsatisfies (IC3). LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)andΓ0= (γ10, . . . , γn0)be two profiles which are permutations of each other. ThenE1 =p−1(Γ)andE2 =p−10)are equiv- alent. Since∆Agsatisfies (IC3), we have∆Ag(E1)≡∆Ag(E2) andAgΓ=AgΓ0.

(IC4) The neutrality condition onAgis not sufficient to ensure that∆Agsatisfies (IC4).

(IC5)Let us now define two additional properties for JA opera- tors, based on the consistency condition for voting methods [14, 1].

These two properties correspond respectively to (IC5) and (IC6).

Weak consistency. LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)andΓ0= (γ10, . . . , γp0) be two profiles of judgment sets on an agendaXand in the domain ofAg. For anyϕ ∈ X, ifAgΓ(ϕ) = 1andAgΓ0(ϕ) = 1, then AgΓtΓ0(ϕ) = 1.

This property states that if a formula is not accepted by a profile Γ, and by a profileΓ0, then it must be accepted by the union of the profiles.

Consistency. LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn) andΓ0 = (γ10, . . . , γp0)be two profiles of judgment sets on an agendaX and in the domain ofAg. If there isϕ ∈ X s.t.AgΓ(ϕ) = 1andAgΓ0(ϕ) = 1, then for everyψ ∈X, ifAgΓtΓ0(ψ) = 1thenAgΓ(ψ) = 1and AgΓ0(ψ) = 1.

This property states that if there is at least a formula that is ac- cepted by two subprofilesΓandΓ0, then each formula that is ac- cepted by the whole profileΓtΓ0should be accepted by each of the two subprofilesΓandΓ0.

Quite surprisingly these conditions have not been considered as standard ones for judgment aggregation methods (we are only aware of [9, 13] which point out the consistency condition, under the name "separability").

PROPOSITION 11. ∆Agsatisfies (IC5) iffAgsatisfies weak con- sistency


PROOF. Suppose that∆satisfies (IC5). LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn) andΓ0 = (γ10, . . . , γp0)be any profiles of judgment sets, and let ω∈Ωbe any interpretation s.t.γω∈AgΓ andγω∈AgΓ0.

LetE1 = (p−11), . . . , p−1n))andE2 = (p−110), . . . , p−1p0)). Asγω ∈ AgΓ andγω ∈ AgΓ0, we haveω|= ∆(E1) andω |= ∆(E2). Soω |= ∆(E1)∧∆(E2). With (IC5),ω |=

∆(E1tE2), andγω∈AgΓtΓ0:Agsatisfies weak consistency.

Conversely, supposeAgthat satisfies weak consistency. LetE1= (K1, . . . , Kn)andE2 = (K10, . . . , Kp0)be two profiles of belief bases. If∆Ag(E1)∧∆Ag(E2)is not consistent, then (IC5) is satis- fied. Otherwise, letωbe any model of∆Ag(E1)∧∆Ag(E2). Then forΓ = (p(K1), . . . , p(Kn))andΓ0 = (p(K10), . . . , p(Kp0)),we getγω ∈AgΓ(as a consequence,AgΓ(ω) = 1) andγω ∈ AgΓ0

(soAgΓ0(ω) = 1). SinceAgsatisfies weak consistency, we have AgΓtΓ0(ω) = 1andγω ∈ AgΓtΓ0. Henceω |= ∆Ag(E1tE2) and (IC5) is satisfied.

(IC6)If4(E1)∧ 4(E2)is consistent, then4(E1 tE2) |= 4(E1)∧ 4(E2)

PROPOSITION 12. ∆Ag satisfies (IC6) iffAgsatisfies consis- tency

PROOF. Suppose that∆satisfies (IC6). LetΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn) and Γ0 = (γ10, . . . , γp0) be two profiles of judgment sets. Sup- pose that there isω ∈ Ωs.t.AgΓ(ω) = 1(i.e., γω ∈ AgΓ) andAgΓ0(ω) = 1(i.e.,γω ∈ AgΓ0). LetE1 = (p−11), . . . , p−1n))andE2 = (p−110), . . . , p−1p0)). Sinceγω ∈ AgΓ andγω ∈AgΓ0, we have that∆(E1)∧∆(E2)is consistent. Due to (IC6),∆(E1tE2) |= ∆(E1) ∧∆(E2). As a consequence, any interpretationω0s.t.AgΓtΓ 00) = 1(i.e.,γω0 ∈AgΓtΓ 0) is a model of∆(E1 tE2), so it is a model of∆(E1)∧∆(E2).

Thenγω0 ∈ AgΓ. Hence AgΓ(ω) = 1 and γω0 ∈ AgΓ0 so AgΓ0(ω) = 1:Agsatisfies consistency.

Conversely, suppose that Ag satisfies consistency. Let E1 = (K1, . . . , Kn)andE2 = (K10, . . . , Kp0)be two profiles of belief bases s.t.∆Ag(E1)∧∆Ag(E2)is consistent. IfΓ = (p(K1), . . . , p(Kn))andΓ0 = (p(K10), . . . , p(Kp0)), then there isω ∈ Ωs.t.

γω∈AgΓandγω∈AgΓ0. Letω0be any model of∆Ag(E1tE2).

We haveγω0 ∈ AgΓtΓ0. AsAg satisfies consistency, we have γω0 ∈ AgΓ and γω0 ∈ AgΓ0. So ω0 |= ∆Ag(E1) and ω0 |=

Ag(E2):ω0 |= ∆Ag(E1)∧∆Ag(E2). Hence∆Ag(E1tE2)

|= ∆Ag(E1)∧∆Ag(E2)and (IC6) is satisfied.

We do not consider (IC7) and (IC8) since they are obviously satisfied by any merging operator when the integrity constraintsµ1

andµ2are valid.

The following proposition sums up the results:

PROPOSITION 13. • IfAg satisfies collective rationality, consensuality, anonymity, neutrality, weak consistency, con- sistency, then∆Agsatisfies (IC0) to (IC3) and (IC5), (IC6).

• If∆is an IC merging operator, thenAgsatisfies collective rationality, consensuality, anonymity, weak consistency, and consistency.


In Proposition 13 we pointed out a list of properties required for a JA operator to correspond to an IC merging operator in the complete agenda case. A key question is whether these properties can be satisfied by some judgment aggregation operator.

We give a positive answer to this issue, considering some JA correspondencesδRMdefined in [3]. Roughly, eachδRMcorre- spondence consists in selecting in the set of all consistent and res- olute judgment sets the "best score" ones, where the score of each judgment set is defined as the⊕-aggregation of anm-vector of val- ues (one value per question in the agendaX, reflecting the number of agents supporting the question in the input profileΓ). Note that, by construction, the sets of collective judgment sets computed us- ingδRMcontain only consistent and resolute judgment sets (thus, δRM coincides with the abstention-free correspondence associ- ated with it). Finally, whenX = Ω, the set of all consistent and resolute judgment sets coincide with{γω|ω∈Ω}.

PROPOSITION 14. When the agenda is complete, for any⊕sat- isfying strict non-decreasingness, the ranked majority judgment ag- gregation correspondenceδRM satisfies universal domain, col- lective rationality, collective resoluteness, anonymity, neutrality, unanimity, consensuality, and majority preservation. It does not satisfy independence. For⊕ = Σ, weak consistency and consis- tency are also satisfied.

PROOF. Collective rationality and collective resoluteness are sat- isfied by construction by anyδRMcorrespondence. For universal domain, anonymity, neutrality, and majority preservation, the re- sults are given in [3].

For unanimity, consider a profileΓof individual judgment sets.

Suppose first that there exists ω ∈ X s.t. ∀γi ∈ Γ, we have γi(ω) = 1. This implies thatωis the unique model of each be- lief baseKi, and as a consequence, for anyω0∈Xs.t.ω06=ω, we haveγi0) = 0. Thus, all the input judgment setsγiofΓcoincide, and are equal to the judgment setγωwhere onlyωis supported.

The score of any otherγω0 is thus strictly lower than the score of γω, which is the unique judgment set which is selected byδRM. As expected, we haveγω(ω) = 1. Now, suppose that there is no ω ∈X s.t.∀γi ∈ Γ, we haveγi(ω) = 1but there exists at least oneω∈Xs.t.∀γi∈Γ, we haveγi(ω) = 0. Let{ωu1, . . . , ωuk} be the set of allωuj ∈ X s.t.∀γi ∈ Γ, we haveγiuj) = 0.

To get the result, we have to show that the score of anyγω, where ω6∈ {ωu1, . . . , ωuk}is strictly greater than the score of anyγωuj

(j ∈ {1, . . . , k}). Observe that such aγω necessarily exists, be- causeΓcontains consistent judgment setsγi: it cannot be the case thatγi(ω) = 0for everyω ∈ Ω. Now, by construction,γωand γωuj differ only onωandωuj. Since⊕is symmetric in each ar- gument and strictly non-decreasing, it is enough to compare the supports ofωandωuj inΓin order to compare the scores ofγω

andγωuj. The number of judgment setsγiinΓagreeing withγω

onωujisn. The number of judgment setsγiinΓagreeing withγω

onωisa, in the range0ton−1. The number of judgment setsγi

inΓagreeing withγωuj onωujis0. The number of judgment sets γiinΓagreeing withγωuj onωisb, in the range0ton−1. Thus the two vectors of scores associated withγωandγωuj contain the same values except that the one corresponding toγωcontainsn,a where the one corresponding toγωuj contains0, b. Now,ais at least equal to0andbis at most equal ton−1. Since⊕is sym- metric in each argument and strictly non-decreasing we get that the score ofγωis strictly greater than the score ofγωuj, so thatγωuj

cannot be selected. Since for everyγωwhereω6∈ {ωu1, . . . , ωuk} and for everyj∈ {1, . . . , k}we have thatγωuj) = 0, the result follows.

For consensuality, consider a consensual profileΓ = (γ1, . . . , γn)of judgment sets onX = Ωand a unanimous interpretation ωu ∈ X forΓ. For eachγi ∈ Γ, ifγiu) = 1then for every ω∈Xs.t.ω6=ωu, we haveγi(ω) = 0, and ifγiu) =?then


for everyω∈X s.t.ω6=ωu, we haveγi(ω) 6= 1; indeed, if we hadγi(ω) = 1for someω∈Xs.t.ω6=ωu, then we would have [Ki] ={ω}, and as a consequence we would haveγiu) = 0. If the set of unanimous interpretations{ωu1, . . . , ωuk}is not a sin- gleton, then for eachγi∈Γand for each unanimous interpretation ωui (i ∈ {1, . . . , k}) we haveγiui) = ?. Consider now two judgment setsγωandγω0 forω, ω0 ∈ Ω, withω 6=ω0. By con- struction,γωandγω0differ only onωandω0. Since⊕is symmetric in each argument and strictly non-decreasing, it is enough to com- pare the supports ofωandω0inΓin order to compare the scores ofγω andγω0. Suppose first thatωis a unanimous interpretation and thatω0is not. The number of judgment setsγiinΓagreeing withγωonωis in the range0ton. The number of judgment sets γiinΓagreeing withγωonω0is in the range1ton. The number of judgment setsγiinΓagreeing withγω0 onωis0. The num- ber of judgment setsγiinΓagreeing withγω0 onω0is0. Since

⊕is strictly non-decreasing we get that the score ofγωis strictly greater than the score ofγω0, so thatγω0 cannot be selected. Sup- pose now thatωandω0are two unanimous interpretations. We have γω(ω) = γω0) =γω0(ω) =γω00) =?. As a consequence, the score ofγωis equal to the score ofγω0, and both judgment sets are selected. To sum up, the resulting setδRMΓ of collective judg- ment sets is equal to{γω |ωis a unanimous interpretation forΓ}, showing thatδRMΓ satisfies consensuality.

For independence, consider the following profilesΓ = (γ1, γ2, γ3) and Γ0 = (γ10, γ20, γ30) on the same complete agendaX = {¬a∧ ¬b,¬a∧b, a∧ ¬b, a∧b}.

γ1 γ2 γ3

¬a∧ ¬b 0 0 ∗

¬a∧b ∗ 0 ∗ a∧ ¬b ∗ ∗ 0

a∧b 0 ∗ 0

γ10 γ20 γ30

¬a∧ ¬b 0 0 ∗

¬a∧b ∗ 0 ∗ a∧ ¬b ∗ ∗ 0

a∧b ∗ ∗ ∗

For each i ∈ {1,2,3}, we haveγi(a∧ ¬b) = γ0i(a∧ ¬b).

However, we haveδRMΓ (a∧ ¬b)6=δRMΓ0 (a∧ ¬b).

Let us now step back to the general case, when the agendaXis not complete. First, let us observe that in this case, no JA correspon- dence can satisfy both consensuality and majority preservation.

PROPOSITION 15. The consensuality property and the majority preservation property cannot be satisfied together in the general case.

PROOF. Consider two propositional variablesaandbinP, and a profileΓ = (γ1, γ2, γ3)consisting of three individual judgment sets.ais unanimous forΓ, butbreceives also a majority of votes.

LetAgbe a JA correspondence. The consensuality property γ1 γ2 γ3

a 1 1 1

b 1 1 0

requires thatAgΓ(b) = 0, whereas the majority preservation property requires thatAgΓ(b) = 1.

Unsurprisingly, unanimity and consensuality are connected:

PROPOSITION 16. Consensuality implies unanimity.

Unfortunately, the quite good behaviour ofδRM in the com- plete agenda case does not lift to the general case:

PROPOSITION 17. In the general case,δRMsatisfies univer- sal domain, collective rationality, collective resoluteness, anonymity, neutrality. For any⊕satisfying strict non-decreasingness,δRM satisfies majority preservation, but does not satisfy weak consis- tency, consistency, or consensuality. If⊕satisfies strict preference and decomposition, thenδRMsatisfies unanimity. Finally,δRM does not satisfy independence.


We investigated the relationships between propositional merging operators and judgment aggregation ones. This required the def- inition of a projection function. We pointed out some natural re- quirements on it and showed that there exists a unique projection function satisfying them. Starting with a profile of belief bases and an agenda, we showed that the beliefs generated from the merged base projected onto the agenda are in general hardly compatible with the beliefs obtained by aggregating the judgments obtained by projecting each base first. The majority preservation property, which is natural and advocated as an important property for judg- ment aggregation, is at the core of such an incompatibility when incomplete agendas are considered. Focussing on the fully informa- tive case (when the agenda consists of all possible interpretations) we showed that a close correspondence between some IC merging postulates and some judgment aggregation properties is reached.

We did not focus on the merging postulates (IC7) and (IC8) in the paper in order to obtain a fair comparison of belief merg- ing and judgment aggregation (indeed, judgment aggregation does not take account for such integrity constraints). However we be- lieve that one fundamental distinction between belief merging and judgment aggregation lies in these two postulates. Especially, these two postulates mainly formalize that the notion of closeness to the given profile of belief bases considered in belief merging is inde- pendent from the chosen integrity constraint. Accordingly, merging can be viewed as a two step process: one first measures the close- ness ofeachinterpretation to the profile, and then the integrity con- straints are exploited to retain the closest interpretationsamongst the models of the constraints. Contrastingly, for judgment aggre- gation methods, the agenda (whose role is somehow related to in- tegrity constraints in belief merging, in the sense that it reduces the scope of investigation of the aggregation) defines what “close to the profile” of individual judgment sets means. This is inherent to the fact that judgment aggregation is based on a partially informed set- ting (in the general case), where the only information provided by the agents are the individual judgment sets on the questions of the agenda. To make it more formal, let us give a translation of (IC7) and (IC8) in terms of judgment aggregation (in the case of complete agendas):

Sen’s propertyα.LetΓbe a profile of judgment sets on an agenda Xand letX0⊆X. Letϕ∈Xs.t.AgΓ(ϕ) = 1. Ifϕ∈X0, then AgΓX0(ϕ) = 1.

This property states that if a formula is accepted given a agenda Xthen it should remain accepted in any subagendaX0⊆X. Sen’s propertyβ.LetΓbe a profile of judgment sets on an agenda X and letX0 ⊆ X. Letϕ1, ϕ2 ∈ X0 s.t.AgΓX01) = 1and AgΓX02) = 1. ThenAgΓ1) = 1iffAgΓ2) = 1.

This property states that if two formulas are accepted when a subagendaX0is considered, and that one of these two formulas is also accepted whenXis considered, then the other formula should be also accepted in this case.

Basically, in the complete agenda case, Sen’s propertyαcor- responds to (IC7), and Sen’s propertyβcorresponds to (IC8) (in the presence of (IC7)). However, none of these properties can be considered as reasonable for judgment aggregation, because they do not take into account the interactions between formulas of the agenda. For instance Sen’s propertyβdoes not take account for the fact thatϕ1, ϕ2 may interact differently with the formulas of the agendaXwhich are not inX0, which justifies the fact thatϕ1, ϕ2

are not necessarily expected to be treated in the same way. Thus, Sen’s propertyαand Sen’s propertyβproperties lead to similar problems as systematicity [3] and should not be required.



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