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Orbital stability of standing waves for the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation coupled with


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Orbital stability of standing waves for the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation coupled with"


Texte intégral


Orbital stability of standing waves for the nonlinear Schr¨ odinger equation coupled with

the Maxwell equation

Mathieu Colin

and Tatsuya Watanabe


INRIA CARDAMOM, 200 Avenue de la Vieille Tour, 33405 Talence, Cedex-France

Bordeaux INP, UMR 5251, F-33400,Talence, France mcolin@math.u-bordeaux1.fr

∗∗ Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University, Motoyama, Kamigamo, Kita-ku, Kyoto-City, 603-8555, Japan

tatsuw@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp Abstract

In this paper, we study the orbital stability of standing waves for the nonlinear Schr¨odiger equation coupled with the Maxwell equation.

Firstly we describe conditions for the existence of minimizers with prescribed charge in terms of a coupling constant e. Secondly we study the existence of ground states for the stationary problem, the uniqueness of ground states for smalleand a link between minimizers and ground states. Finally we obtain the orbital stability for the quadratic nonlinearity.


Dans cet article, nous ´etudions la stabilit´e orbitale des ondes soli- taires pour un syst`eme couplant une ´equation de Schr¨odinger non- lin´eaire avec les ´equations de Maxwell. Nous montrons d’abord que le probl`eme consistant `a minimiser l’´energie associ´ee aux ´equations sous une contrainte L2 admet une solution pour des valeurs particuli`eres d’un param`etre de couplage e. Ensuite, nous prouvons l’existence et l’unicit´e pour des petites valeurs de e d’´etats fondamentaux pour le probl`eme stationnaire associ´e. Finalement, nous montrons la stabilit´e orbitale de ces ondes dans le cas o`u l’´equation de Schr¨odinger poss`ede une nonlin´earit´e quadratique.

Key words: Schr¨odinger-Maxwell system, constraint minimization problem, ground states, orbital stability of standing waves.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 35J20, 35B35, 35Q55


1 Introduction and main results

In this paper, we consider stability issues of solitary waves for the following nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation coupled with Maxwell equation:

t+ ∆ψ =eϕψ+e2|A|2ψ+ieψdivA+ 2ie∇ψ·A− |ψ|p1ψ. (1.1) Att∆A=eIm( ¯ψ∇ψ)−e2|ψ|2A− ∇ϕt− ∇divA. (1.2)

∆ϕ= e

2|ψ|2+ divAt. (1.3)

where ψ :R×R3 C, A:R×R3 R3,ϕ :R×R3 R, e∈R, 1< p <5 and i denotes the unit complex number, that is, i2 =1.

System (1.1)-(1.3) describes the interaction of the Schr¨odinger wave func- tion ψ with the gauge potential (A, ϕ). More precisely, a particle moves in an external electromagnetic field which is represented by the gauge potential (A, ϕ), and the wave function ψ produces a current which acts as a force for the electromagnetic field. For the derivation, see Section 2 below. The constant e describes the strength of the interaction and plays an important role in our analysis. When e= 0, the equation (1.1) reduces to the standard nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation:

t+ ∆ψ+|ψ|p1ψ = 0, (1.4) and there is several papers dealing with the orbital stability of standing waves for (1.4), see e.g. [13], [15].

It is known that System (1.1)-(1.3) has a so-called gauge ambiguity.

Namely if (ψ,A, ϕ) is a solution of (1.1)-(1.3), then (eieχψ,A+∇χ, ϕ+χt) is also a solution of (1.1)-(1.3) for any smooth function χ:R×R3 R. Thus in order to guarantee the uniqueness of solutions for the initial value prob- lem, we need to choose a suitable gauge condition. In this paper, we impose the Coulomb condition, that is, we look for a solution A which satisfies

divA= 0. (1.5)

In this setting, (1.3) is reduced to∆ϕ= e2|ψ|2 and henceϕcan be explicitly expressed by ϕ = e2(∆)1|ψ|2. Moreover one has |rotA|2 = |∇A|2, which is useful for the stability analysis of standing waves. It is known that if

divA(0,·) = divAt(0,·) = 0,

then (1.5) holds for allt >0. (See [18], [33].) Finally from (1.7), we see that (1.1) can be written as

t+LAψ−V(x)ψ+|ψ|p1ψ, (1.6)


where V is the non-local potential: V(x) = e22(∆)1|ψ|2 and LA is the magnetic Schr¨odinger operatorwhich is defined by A= (A1, A2, A3) and

LAψ :=

3 j=1


∂xj −ieAj(x) )2

ψ = ∆ψ2ie∇ψ ·A−e2|A|2ψ.

The (in)stability of standing waves of (1.6) forgivendivergence-free magnetic potential A and given potential V has been studied in [14], [22].

Forω >0 and (u, ϕ)∈H1(R3,C)×D1,2(R3,R), we consider the standing wave for (1.1)-(1.3) of the form:

ψ(x, t) =u(x)eiωt, A(x, t) =0 and ϕ(x, t) =ϕ(x), (1.7) where D1,2(R3) denotes the completion ofC0(R3) with respect to the norm

∥u∥2D1,2 =∫

R3|∇u|2dx. Plugging (1.7) into (1.1)-(1.3), we obtain the follow- ing elliptic system:

{ ∆u+ωu+eϕu=|u|p1u.

∆ϕ = e2|u|2. (1.8)

One can see that (u, ϕ) satisfies (1.8) if it is a critical point of the functional E(u, ϕ) :H1(R3,C)×D1,2(R3,R)R which is defined by

Ee,ω(u, ϕ) = 1 2


(|∇u|2+ω|u|2+eϕ|u|2− |∇ϕ|2)

dx− 1 p+ 1


We also note that by the maximum principle, ϕ 0 for e 0 and ϕ 0 for e 0 respectively. Thus by replacing (e, ϕ) by (−e,−ϕ) when e≤0, we may assume that e≥0 and ϕ≥0.

Since the functional E is strongly indefinite, it is difficult to handle it directly. To overcome this difficulty, we adapt the reduction method as in [2], [35]. To this end, let S(u) := 12(∆)1|u|2 ∈D1,2(R3,R) and put

Ie,ω(u) :=Ee,ω

(u, eS(u))

= 1 2



dx+ e2 4


S(u)|u|2dx− 1 p+ 1


Then one can see that if u H1(R3,C) is a critical point of I(u), then (u, eS(u))

is a solution of (1.8). Moreover the Euler-Lagrange equation for I(u) is given by

∆u+ωu+e2S(u)u=|u|p1u. (1.9)


We also note that S(u) is explicitly given by S(u) = (−∆)1

(1 2|u|2


= 1

|x| (1

2|u|2 )

= 1 8π




For ω > 0 and e > 0, we denote by m(ω) =me(ω) the ground state energy level for (1.9), that is,

me(ω) = inf{

Ie,ω(u) ; Ie,ω (u) = 0, u∈H1(R3,C)\ {0}} . We also define the set of ground states Ge(ω) by

Ge(ω) ={

u∈H1(R3,C) ; Ie,ω (u) = 0, Ie,ω(u) =me(ω)} .

The existence of solutions or ground states for (1.9) has been obtained in [2], [10], [23], [25], [35]. However the uniqueness of ground states is not known yet, which is one of our main results in this paper.

Next in order to study the stability of the standing wave, for µ > 0, we consider the following minimization problem:

ce(µ) := inf

uB(µ)Je(u), (1.10)

where B(µ) ={u∈H1(R3,C), ∥u∥2L2(R3) =µ} and Je(u) := 1


R3|∇u|2dx+ e2 4


S(u)|u|2dx− 1 p+ 1


Note that the introduction of Problem (1.10) is motivated by the conserva- tions laws derived in Section 2 for the evolution equations (1.1)-(1.3). We also define the set of minimizers Me(µ) by

Me(µ) := {

u∈H1(R3,C) ; u∈B(µ), Je(u) = ce(µ)} .

In this setting, ω appears as a Lagrange multiplier associated with the L2constraint ∥u∥2L2(R3) = µ. Moreover it is known that the key of the stability of standing waves is to study a link between Ge(ω) andMe(µ), see [13], [15], [16].

Recently there has been a lot of works on the existence of minimizers of (1.10), see [4], [5], [6], [12], [24], [36]. Moreover the stability of standing waves for the Schr¨odinger Poisson Slater equation:

t+ ∆ψ−e2S(ψ)ψ+|ψ|p1ψ = 0

has been studied in [5], [26], [36]. We also refer to [7], [31] for the stability result of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation coupled with the Maxwell equation. However there are only few results on the stability issue for (1.1)- (1.3), and this is another motivation of our paper.

Our main results in this paper are the followings.


Theorem 1.1 (Existence of minimizers with prescribed charge).

Let µ >0 be given and suppose that 1< p < 73.

(i) If 2 p < 73, there exists e =e(µ, p) >0 such that for e < e, ce(µ) admits a minimizer ue,µ. On the other hand for e > e, ce(µ) has no minimizer. Moreover it follows thate(µ,2) = e(2) 23 for any µ >0.

(ii) If 1 < p < 2, there exists e˜= ˜e(µ, p) > 0 such that for e < ˜e, ce(µ) admits a minimizer ue,µ.

As we will see later, we can obtain quantitative and qualitative estimates of e, see (4.5) and (4.7). We also note that up to phase shift, the minimizer ue,µ can be chosen to be real-valued. In the previous papers on the existence of minimizers of (1.10), e was chosen to be 1 and the condition for the existence has been described by the size µ or Cs, where Cs is a positive constant obtained by replacing |u|p1u by Cs|u|p1u in (1.9) and is referred as the Slater constant. However from the physical point of view, it is rather natural to describe the condition in terms ofe, which is exactly what we did in Theorem 1.1. We also notice that the result e(2) 23 is consistent with the non-existence result in [24] for the case e= 1 and p= 2.

The next result states the existence of ground states of (1.9), their unique- ness for sufficiently small e and their characterization for p= 2.

Theorem 1.2 (Existence of ground states and asymptotic uniqueness).

Let ω >0 be given. Suppose that 2≤p <5 and e < e if p= 2.

(i) The problem (1.9) has a ground state ue,ω. Moreover if p = 2, there exists a unique µ(ω) >0 such that u is a ground state of (1.9) if and only if u is a minimizer of ce(

µ(ω)) .

(ii) There exists e0 = e0(ω) > 0 such that for e < e0, the ground state of (1.9) is unique up to phase shift and translation, that is, it holds

Ge(ω) ={

eue,ω(· −y) ; θ∈[0,2π), yR3} .

Moreover if p= 2, e0 is independent of ω.

(iii) If p = 2, for any µ > 0 and e < e0, the minimizer ue,µ of (1.10) is unique up to phase shift and translation, that is, it holds

Me(µ) :={

eue,ω(· −y) ; θ [0,2π), y R3} .


Although the existence of ground states for 2 < p < 5 has been shown in [2], the other parts in Theorem 1.2 are new. Especially the characteri- zation of the minimizer set Me(µ) enables us to obtain the orbital stability of standing waves of (1.8). We emphasize that our uniqueness result has another interesting consequence. Indeed as we will see below, we cannot say a priori that any ground state of (1.9) is radially symmetric. However thanks to the uniqueness, we are able to obtain a posteriori the radiality of the ground state, see Remark 5.10 below. Especially as a consequence of Theorem 1.2, one can see that the unique ground state ue,ω is positive, real- valued up to phase shift and radially symmetric with respect to the origin up to translation. If p = 2, the same conclusion holds true for the unique minimizer ue,µ.

Finally to obtain the orbital stability of standing waves, we impose the following initial conditions at t= 0:

ψ(0, x) = ψ(0)(x), A(0, x) = A(0)(x), At(0, x) = A(1)(x),

divA(0) = 0, divA(1)= 0. (1.11) Let us discuss briefly the Cauchy problem associated with System (1.1)-(1.3).

In a previous paper (see [18]), we have proved the local existence of solutions for a close set of equations (that is nonlinear Klein-Gordon-Maxwell system) in Sobolev spaces of high regularity. We believe that a similar result holds for System (1.1)-(1.3), assuming additional regularity conditions on the initial values (ψ(0),A(0),A(1)). We postpone this question to a future work. We also refer to [3], [33] for results on the linear Schr¨odinger-Maxwell equation.

The stability result is the following one.

Theorem 1.3 (Stability of standing waves).

Let ω > 0 be given. Suppose p = 2, e < e0 and ue,ω is the unique real- valued ground state of (1.9). Then the standing wave

e,ω,Ae,ω, ϕe,ω) :=


ue,ωeiωt, 0, e


of (1.1)-(1.3) is stable in the following sense: For every ε > 0, there exists δ(ε)>0 such that if an initial value(0),A(0),A(1)) satisfies(1.11) and

∥ψ(0)−ue,ωH1 +∥∇A(0)L2 +A(1)L2 < δ, then the corresponding solution (ψ,A, ϕ) of (1.1)-(1.3) satisfies



{ inf


(∇|ψ(t,·)| − ∇ue,ω(·+y)

L2 +ϕ(t,·) e




+ inf

y∈R3 inf

θ[0,2π)∥ψ(t,·)−eue,ω(·+y)∥L2 +∥∇A(t,·)L2 +At(t,·)L2


< ε.


In the case 1 < p < 73, p ̸= 2 and e < min{e,e˜}, we are able to show the stability of the minimizer set Me(µ). For this result, we refer to Remark 6.2. A similar stability result for (1.1)-(1.3) has been already obtained in [8] by developing an abstract existence theory of solitons. Our approach is the standard variational one performed for example in [13], [15], [26], [34].

Our result shows that the standing wave is stable for small e > 0. But in physical point of view, it is also important to study the (non)existence of stable standing waves for large e. (See [27] for the nonlinear Klein-Gordon case.) Unfortunately our non-existence result of minimizers for large e does not imply the instability of standing waves. Thus the stability analysis for large e still remains open.

When e= 0, the problem (1.9) reduces to

∆u+ωu=|u|p1u in R3. (1.12) We denote byu0,ω a ground state of (1.12), and do the same forI0,ω(u),J0(u), m0(ω), G0(ω),c0(µ) and M0(µ). It is well-known that the ground stateu0,ω is real-valued up to phase shift, positive, radially symmetric, unique up to translation and non-degenerate, that is,

Ker(L0,ω) = span


∂x1 ,∂u0,ω

∂x2 ,∂u0,ω

∂x3 }

, (1.13)

L0,ω :=∆ +ω−pup0,ω1 : H2(R3,R)→L2(R3,R).

Moreover one has a precise equivalence between G0(ω) andM0(µ). (See [13, Corollary 8.3.8] and Lemma 5.3 below.) This equivalence, the uniqueness of u0,ω and a scaling property of (1.12) enable us to characterize M0(µ) as

M0(µ) = {

eu0,ω(· −y) ; θ∈[0,2π), y R3} ,

from which we derive the orbital stability of the standing wave. Our goal is to show that the same result holds for small e >0. We can also see that the unique ground state of (1.9) is non-degenerate for small e, see Remark 5.10.

Although this property is not used in the proof of Theorem 1.3, we believe that our non-degeneracy result will be useful in further stability analysis.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we briefly introduce the derivation of System (1.1)-(1.3). We prepare auxiliary results in Section 3.

In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.1. We consider the existence of ground states of (1.9) in Subsection 5.1 and show their uniqueness in Subsection 5.2.

Finally in Section 6, we prove Theorem 1.3.


2 Derivation and conservation laws

In this section, we briefly introduce the derivation of System (1.1)-(1.3). We also prepare some conservation laws which we will use later on. For a while, let us consider the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation:

t+ ∆ψ =|ψ|p1ψ and the corresponding Lagrangian:

L0 = 1 2

(Im(ψψ¯t)− |∇ψ|2)

+ 1

p+ 1|ψ|p+1. (2.1) If ψ is an electrically charged field, it must interacts with the Maxwell field.

LetEand Hbe the electric and the magnetic fields respectively, and assume that they are described by the Gauge potential (ϕ,A), A = (A1, A2, A3) as follows:

E =∇ϕ+At and H= rotA.

By the gauge invariance of the combined theory, the interaction between ψ and (ϕ,A) is given by exchanging the usual derivatives α with the gauge covariant derivative:

Dα =α−ieAα, Aα = (−ϕ, A1, A2, A3), where α = ∂x

α, α = 0,1,2,3 and x0 = t. Thus, from (2.1), one can derive the following Lagrangian:

L0 = 1 2



+ 1

p+ 1|ψ|p+1. Moreover since the Lagrangian corresponding to E and H is described by

L1 = 1 2

(|E|2− |H|2)

= 1 2

(|∇ϕ+At|2− |rotA|2) ,

the total Lagrangian L =L0+L1 is given by L = 1

2 (


+ 1

p+ 1|ψ|p+1 + 1


2rotA2. (2.2)

In this context, Equations (1.1)-(1.3) are no more than the Euler-Lagrange equations for (ψ,A, ϕ) obtained fromL. For more details and physical back- grounds, see [20]. We also refer to [7], [18], [27] for related results on the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation coupled with the Maxwell equations.


Next we introduce some conservation laws associated with (1.1)-(1.3).

The first one corresponds to the conservation of charge. It is obtained by a straightforward computation on Equation (1.1) (multiply by ¯ψ, integrate over R3 and take the imaginary part)

d dt

R3|ψ|2dx= 0 (charge). (2.3) The second represents the conservation of energy. We multiply (1.1) by ¯ψt, integrate the resulting equation over R3 and take the real part. One obtains



∂t (1

2|∇ψ|2 1

p+ 1|ψ|p+1 )

+Re(ψψ¯t) +e2|A|2Re(ψψ¯t)

Im (

2eψ¯t∇ψ·A+eψψ¯tdivA )}

dx= 0. (2.4)

In the same spirit, we multiply At by (1.2) to get



∂t (1

2|At|2+ 1

2|rotA|2 )

−eIm( ¯ψ∇ψ)·At+e2|ψ|2A·At+∇ϕt·At }

dx= 0, (2.5) where we used the fact

rotA· rotAt = div(At× rotA) +At· ∇( divA)At·∆A.

Finally we multiply ϕt by (1.3) to derive



∂t (

1 2|∇ϕ|2

) + e

2ϕt|ψ|2+ϕtdivAt }

dx= 0. (2.6) Summing (2.4)-(2.6) up and using integration by parts, one has

d dt



2|∇ψ|2+ e

2ϕ|ψ|2 1

p+ 1|ψ|p+11

2|∇ϕ|2+ 1

2|rotA|2+1 2|At|2 +e2

2|A|2|ψ|2−eIm( ¯ψ∇ψ)·A+∇ϕ·At+ϕdivAt }

dx= 0.

Moreover, using the facts that

∇ϕ·At+ϕdivAt= div(ϕAt),

|rotA|2 = div(A× rotA) +A· ∇( divA)A·∆A, we get the identity:

0 = 1 2

d dt


{|∇ψ−ieAψ|2 2

p+ 1|ψ|p+1+eϕ|ψ|2− |∇ϕ|2 +|At|2+|∇A|2+A· ∇( divA)

} dx.


Furthermore, from (1.3) and by the Coulomb condition (1.5), it follows that

R3|∇ϕ|2dx= e 2



Thus from ϕ = e2(∆)1|ψ|2 = eS(ψ), we obtain the following energy con- servation law:


dtE(ψ,A)(t) = 0 (energy), where

E(ψ,A) := 1 2


(|∇ψ−ieAψ|2+|∇A|2+|At|2) dx

+e2 4


S(ψ)|ψ|2dx− 1 p+ 1

R3|ψ|p+1dx. (2.7) Note that the conservation laws (2.3) and (2.7) will play a crucial role in our stability result given in Theorem 1.3.

Remark 2.1. We can also derive (2.7) from the Noether theorem applied to the Lagrangian L of (2.2). See [8] for this topics.

3 Preparatory results

The aim of this section is to prepare several lemmas which we will use later on.

Lemma 3.1. Let ω R, e≥ 0 and 1< p <5. Suppose that u∈ H1(R3,C) is a weak solution of (1.9). Then u satisfies the following identities:

0 = Ne,ω(u) :=


(|∇u|2+ω|u|2+e2S(u)|u|2− |u|p+1) dx,

0 =Pe,ω(u) :=



2|∇u|2 +3ω

2 |u|2+ 5e2

4 S(u)|u|2 3

p+ 1|u|p+1 )


Proof. We notice that the relationNe,ω(u) = 0 is the Nehari identity whereas Pe,ω(u) = 0 is the Pohozaev identity. For the proof, we refer to [19].

A straightforward consequence of Lemma 3.1 is given in the Lemma 3.2 below. It gives new identities which will be used to study the sign of the Lagrange multiplier associated with Problem (1.10), to determine a link be- tween Ge(ω) and Me(µ) in the case p = 2 and to provide several uniform estimates for the ground states.


Lemma 3.2. Let ω R, e 0 and 1 < p < 5. Suppose that u is a weak solution of (1.9). Then it holds

(5p7)Je(u) = 2(p2)

R3|∇u|2dx− (3p5)ω 2

R3|u|2dx, (3.1) (5p7)Ie,ω(u) = 2(p2)

R3|∇u|2dx+ (p1)ω

R3|u|2dx, (3.2) Ie,ω(u) = 1


R3|∇u|2dx− e2 6


S(u)|u|2dx. (3.3) Proof. Combine the definition ofJeandIe,ω with the two identitiesNe,ω(u) = 0, Pe,ω(u) = 0.

Next we prepare basic properties ofS(u). To this aim, we put A(u) =


S(u)|u|2dx= 1 8π




|x−y| dx dy.

Lemma 3.3. For u∈H1(R3,C), S(u) satisfies the following properties.

(i) S(u)(x)≥0 for all x∈R3.

(ii) Let λ >0, a∈R, b∈R and put uλ(x) =λau(λbx). Then it holds S(uλ)(x) = λ2a2bS(u)(λbx), A(uλ) =λ4a5bA(u).

(iii) There exists C >0 such that for all u, φ∈H1(R3,C),

∥S(u)∥L6 ≤C∥∇S(u)∥L2 ≤C∥u∥2

L125 ≤C∥u∥2H1, A(u)≤C∥u∥4

L125 ≤C∥∇u∥L2∥u∥3L2 ≤C∥u∥4H1,


S(u)uφ dx≤C∥u∥3H1∥φ∥H1.

(iv) If un→u in L125 (R3,C), then A(un)→A(u).

Proof. See e.g. [35].

To end this section, we present a Gagliardo-Nirenberg type inequality.

Lemma 3.4. Suppose2≤p≤ 73. Then it holds (i) There exists C=C(p)>0 such that

∥u∥p+1Lp+1 ≤CA(u)723p∥∇u∥3pL25∥u∥4(p−2)L2 for all u∈H1(R3,C).


(ii) Denote by C =C(p)>0 the quantity C = sup

uH1(R3,C), u̸=0




Then C is well-defined, that is C <+∞. Moreover, for any C < C˜ and µ >0, there exists u˜∈H1(R3,C) such that ∥u˜2L2 =µ and

∥u˜p+1Lp+1 >Cµ˜ 2(p2)A(˜u)723p∥∇u˜3p−5L2 . (iii) If p= 2, then it follows that C ≤√


Proof. The proof of (i) can be done by applying the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality, see e.g. [12]. Moreover from (i), C is well-defined. Next by the definition of C, for any ˜C < C, there exists u0 ∈H1(R3,C) such that

∥u0p+1Lp+1 >CA(u˜ 0)723p∥∇u03pL25∥u04(p−2)L2 .

By the definition of A(u), it follows that A(λu) =λ4A(u) for λ > 0. Then putting ˜u= ∥uµ

0L2u0, we can see that (ii) holds. Finally by the definition of S(u), one has

∆S = 1

2|u|2. (3.4)

Multiplying (3.4) by |u| and integrating over R3, we get 1

2∥u∥3L3 ≤ ∥∇S∥L2∥∇u∥L2. (3.5) Next we multiply (3.4) by S(u) to derive

∥∇S∥2L2 = 1 2


S(u)|u|2dx= 1

2A(u). (3.6)

Thus from (3.5) and (3.6), we obtain

∥u∥3L3 ≤√

2A(u)12∥∇u∥L2, which provides C(2)≤√

2. This completes the proof of (iii).


4 Existence of minimizers with prescribed charge

In this section, we study the minimization problem (1.10) and prove Theorem 1.1.

Lemma 4.1. Suppose1< p < 73, e >0 and µ >0. Then it holds (i) Je(u) is bounded from below on{u∈H1(R3,C) ; ∥u∥2L2 =µ}.

(ii) ce(µ)0, non-increasing with respect to µ and satisfies the weak sub- additive condition:

ce(µ)≤ce) +ce−µ) for all µ >0 and µ (0, µ], (4.1) Proof. By the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality and Lemma 3.3 (i), one has

Je(u) 1

2∥∇u∥2L2 −C∥∇u∥L322(p1)∥u∥L522p. Since 32(p1)<2, the Young inequality gives

Je(u) 1

4∥∇u∥2L2 −Cµ75−p3p ≥ −Cµ75−p3p, (4.2) which provides (i).

Next, we fix u H1(R3,C) with ∥u∥2L2 = µ and for λ > 0, we define ˆ

u(x) := λ32u(λx). Then it follows that ∥uˆ2L2 = µ for any λ > 0. Moreover applying Lemma 3.3 (ii) with a= 32 and b= 1, one has

Jeu) = λ2

2 ∥∇u∥2L2 + λe2

4 A(u)−λ3(p−1)2

p+ 1 ∥u∥p+1Lp+1. (4.3) Thus we get

ce(µ)lim sup


Ju) = 0 for all µ > 0.

Finally sincece(µ) is invariant by translation, one can show thatce(µ) satisfies the weak sub-additivity condition. (For the proof, we refer to [29], P. 113 or [12].) Thus from (4.1) and ce−µ)0, one gets ce(µ)≤ce) for µ < µ.

This completes the proof of (ii).

Lemma 4.2. Let µ >0 be given.

(i) If 2≤p < 73, then there exists e =e(µ, p)>0such that ce(µ)<0for 0< e < e. Moreover if p= 2, e is independent of µ and e(2) 23.


(ii) If 1< p <2, then ce(µ)<0 for all e >0.

Proof. First we show (i). To this end, let us consider u H1(R3,C) with

∥u∥2L2 =µ and use the same scaled function ˆu as in the proof of Lemma 4.1.

Following (4.3), we define f(λ) by f(λ) := 1

λJu) = λ

2∥∇u∥2L2 + e2


p+ 1∥u∥p+1Lp+1 for λ≥0.

By a direct calculation, it is easy to see that f(λ) achieves its maximum at λ¯=

( 3p5

p+ 1


∥∇u∥2L2 )7−3p2


and takes its maximum value max

λ0 f(λ) =fλ) which is given by maxλ0 f(λ) =−73p

2 (

(3p5)3p25 p+ 1


∥∇u∥L10723p6p∥u∥L2(p+1)7p+13p + e2 4A(u).

It is clear that if max

λ0 f(λ) < 0, then ce(µ) < 0, that is one has to find a function u∈H1(R3,C) with∥u∥2L2 =µsuch that

∥u∥p+1Lp+1 > (p+ 1)e73p (2(73p))73p

2 (3p5)3p25µ2(p2)

µ2(p2)A(u)7−3p2 ∥∇u∥5L23p. (4.4) Now let C =C(p) be the constant defined in Lemma 3.4 (ii) and put

e =e(µ, p) =

2(73p)12(3p5)2(73p3p)5 (p+ 1)713p

µ2(p73p2)(C)713p. (4.5) Then for e < e, one can see that the coefficient of µ2(p2)A(u)723p∥∇u∥5L23p in (4.4) is less than C. Thus by Lemma 3.4 (ii), there exists ˜u∈H1(R3,C) with ∥u˜2L2 =µsuch that (4.4) holds, proving the first part of (i). Moreover, when p= 2, it follows that

e(µ,2) =


3 C(2) for any µ >0.

By Lemma 3.4 (iii), we obtaine(2) 23 and hence the proof of (i) is complete.


Finally, we prove (ii). To this aim, letu∈H1(R3,C) be fixed and consider uλ(x) := λ2u(λx) for λ >0. Using Lemma 3.3 (ii) with a= 2 and b= 1, one has ∥uλ2L2 =λ∥u∥2L2 and

Je(uλ) = λ3

2 ∥∇u∥2L2 +λ3e2

4 A(u)−λ2p1

p+ 1∥u∥p+1Lp+1. (4.6) Since 2p1<3, it follows that Je(uλ)<0 for sufficiently small λ >0. This implies that there exists µ0 > 0 such that ce(µ) < 0 for 0 < µ µ0. Take µ∈0,0] and apply Lemma 4.1 (ii) to get

ce(µ)≤ce0) +ce−µ0)≤ce0)<0,

since µ−µ0 ≤µ0. This means that ce(µ) <0 for µ∈0,0]. Continuing this procedure, we obtain ce(µ)<0 for all µ >0.

Remark 4.3. By the proof of Lemma 4.2 (i) and by the definition of e, one can see that e is characterized as

e(µ, p) = sup{e >0 ; ce(µ)<0} for 2≤p < 7

3. (4.7)

Lemma 4.4. Let µ >0 be given. Assume that ce(µ)<0, or ce(µ) = 0 and that there exists u∈H1(R3,C) such that ce(µ) =Je(u).

(i) If 2≤p < 73, then it holds

ce(λµ)< λce(µ) for any λ >1. (4.8) In particular, ce(µ) satisfies the sub-additivity condition:

ce(µ)< ce) +ce−µ) for all µ (0, µ). (4.9) (ii) If 1 < p < 2, then there exists e˜= ˜e(µ) > 0 such that (4.9) holds for

0< e <e.˜

Proof. For the proof of (i), we use again the scaled functionuλ(x) =λ2u(λx).

From (4.6), since ∥uλ2L2 =λ∥u∥2L2, one has Je(uλ) =λ3Je(u) + λ3 −λ2p1

p+ 1 ∥u∥p+1Lp+1.

Since λ3−λ2p1 <0 for 2 ≤p < 73 and λ >1, we get Je(uλ) < λ3Je(u). In the case ce(µ) < 0, choosing u H1(R3,C) so that ∥u∥2L2 = µ and taking infimums in both sides, we have

c(λµ)≤λ3c(µ)< λc(µ).


In the case ce(µ) = 0, we choose u as a minimizer of ce(µ). Then the same statement holds. Moreover the second assertion follows from (4.8). (See [29], Lemma II.1, p. 120.)

To prove (ii), we argue as in [12]. (See also [6] for another proof.) First for each µ >0, we observe that ce(µ)→c0(µ)<0 as e→0 and

c0(µ)< c0) +c0−µ) for all µ (0, µ). (4.10) (See [30], Section I.1 for the proof of (4.10).) We suppose by contradiction that (4.9) does not hold for any small e > 0. Then from (4.1), there exists µ0 >0 such that for any e >0,

ce00) =ce00) +ce00−µ0)

holds for some e0 (0, e) and µ0 (0, µ0). Taking e= 1n, there exist en0 and µn(0, µ0) such that

cn0) =cnn) +cn0−µn), (4.11) where we write cn0) = cen0) for simplicity. Moreover replacing µn by µ0−µn if necessary, we may assume that µ20 ≤µn< µ0. Next we claim that µn µ0 as n → ∞. If this is not the case, one has µn µ [µ0

2 , µ0) . Then passing to the limit in (4.11), we get

c00) = c0) +c00−µ),

which contradicts (4.10). Thus it follows that µn →µ0 as claimed. Moreover choosing µn smaller, we may assume that

µn= inf {

µ∈[µ0 2 , µ0


; cn0) = cn(µ) +cn0−µ) }

. (4.12)

From (4.11), it follows that


µ0−µn = cn0−µn)

µ0−µn . (4.13)

We next claim that



µ0−µn = 0. (4.14)

To this end, we fix u∈H1(R3,C) with ∥u∥2L2 =µ0. Putting ˜λn= µ0µµn

0 <1 and ˜un(x) = ˜λ2nu(˜λnx), one has from (4.6) that ∥u˜n2L2 =µ0−µn and

cn0−µn)≤Jnun) = ˜λ3nJn(u) +


p+ 1 ∥u∥p+1Lp+1,


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