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Article pp.199-202 du Vol.34 n°184 (2008)


Academic year: 2022

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7 Editorial – Jean-Claude Tarondeau 11 Contributors to this issue

13 The theory of social regulation of Jean-Daniel Reynaud Jean-Pierre Bréchet

Jean-Daniel Reynaud’s theory of social regulation appears to be particularly relevant to approach the subject of “Legitimacy, deviance and offense” and consider its various facets (a subject which was the topic of the last issue of RFG). Jean-Daniel Reynaud himself gives us the fundamental reason for this when he says that his work of theorization aims at elaborating a general model of social action which makes it possible for the various social sciences to collaborate in a more realistic and more effective way. Through its positionning open to interaction between disciplines (sociology, economy, management, law…), this model holds center stages when it comes to thinking both in terms of calculation and normativity and to offer a rich interpretation of economic and social phenomena in their diversity.

35 « Dysorganization », a sub-optimal working of organizations sought by its instigators

Robert Holcman

The term « Organization » defines both a structure and a process. The organization as a process may be ineffective due to the power relationships opposing some of its members. These conditions should be described as a situation of « dysorganization ». « Dysorganization » is a sub-optimal working of the organization as a process, sought by those who cause it, and which makes them satisfied with it.

51 Rewarding competences: can employers keep their promises?

Alexandre Léné

The article investigates competence-based pay plans and highlights the difficulties encountered in implementing them. The various interested parties in competence-based pay plans are involved in actions, the return to which is completely uncertain. In this situation, each of the parties may be induced to adopt a strategy that seeks to reduce their own risks. Under these circumstances, competence-based pay plans may bring about a shift from a long-term

issue 184 May 2008


12/Summary/184 4/06/08 10:24 Page 199

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“relational contract” based on employee involvement and loyalty to a short-term

“transactional contract” that can be maintained with minimal commitment on employees’ part.

71 Should we reject the principle of maximizing shareholder value?

Grégory Denglos

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that maximizing shareholder value as an objective or a measurement of strategic performance is often rejected for wrong reasons. Here we reexamine the issues with regard to points for discussion and show why it is incorrect to contrast stakeholder value with shareholder value.

File: Strategies, spaces and territories

Guest Editors: Jacques Lauriol, Véronique Perret, Franck Tannery

91 Strategies, spaces and territories. An introduction through a geographical point of view

Jacques Lauriol, Véronique Perret, Franck Tannery

105 Territory in the economic analysis. Geographical and organised proximities

Jean-Benoît Zimmermann

Space in the economic theory has first be considered from the sole question of transportation costs. The notion of territory only emerges from A.Marshall’s work that shows economic activities are strongly interacting, making the location decisions interdependent. So the place of space in the production of economic advantages has to be analysed following the way geographical proximity does or not combine with other forms of proximity between economic agents so as to improve their coordination.

119 Economics of clusters and management of innovative firms’ networks Raphael Suire, Jérôme Vicente

The paper deals with the aggregate efficiency of competitiveness poles based on the links between knowledge economics principles and clusters theories.

Clusters profit by their geographical charisma and the density of knowledge flows. Nevertheless geographical proximity is far to be the single condition of their performance and dynamical stability. Knowledge is a complex and systemic good. Firms have to manage a trade-off between appropriation of their internal knowledge and accessibility to external knowledge by choosing the efficient position in knowledge networks according to the phase of the 200 Revue française de gestion – N° 184/2008

12/Summary/184 4/06/08 10:24 Page 200

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knowledge value chain. Clusters will exhibit aggregate efficiency only under specific conditions.

137 The territorial dimension of management situations Nathalie Raulet-Croset

Space is rarely considered as a factor which is important to handle with a management problem. However, action on the territorial dimension can influence the actors strategic choices. Our analysis is founded on two case studies. We show that the delimitation of a reference space is a lever for managerial action: it leads to define participants, to provoke both their engagement into action and the emergence of the competences which are linked to their territorial proximity.

151 The location strategies of multinational corporations. An analysis of the automotive sector

Ana Colovic, Ulrike Mayrhofer

This article studies multinational firms’ location strategies. Through an analysis of the automotive industry, the authors try to understand whether the conceptual frameworks developed in the literature can explain multinational firms’ actual location choices. The analysis sheds light on the recent changes in the automobile industry, namely the growing importance of emerging markets in location strategies of multinational firms.

167 Space coordination in suppliers’ Parks Sonia Adam-Ledunois, Sophie Renault

The article aims at opening the debate on the modes of coordination in Suppliers’ Parks. This organizational model based on close proximity appeared at the end of the 1990s in the automotive industry. It is characterized by suppliers gathering on the same industrial site – these suppliers being located close to the order-giving firm. We show that the coordination of suppliers’ parks is complex and needs particular modes of governance. It is important to point out the stakes entailed by this close proximity as well as the related risks. This paper stresses that this system of coordination must take into account all these different aspects which are specific to the question of proximity.

181 Space and territory in a strategy research agenda Jacques Lauriol, Véronique Perret, Franck Tannery

Space and Territory are, today, the subject of a large amount of work in the Social Sciences and Humanities aimed at renewing theories. Strategy and, more generally, the management sciences, cannot afford to be absent from this movement. The purpose of this article is to take part in this dynamic renewal process, by looking, in the first part, at the spatial dimension of strategies and Summary 201 12/Summary/184 4/06/08 10:24 Page 201

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the question of the strategic management of space and then, in the second part, by considering the territory as a means of organizing space, through questions concerning the organization, coordination and governance of territorial action.

A research agenda is proposed as a conclusion.

199 Summary

203 Instruction for authors

202 Revue française de gestion – N° 184/2008 12/Summary/184 4/06/08 10:24 Page 202

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