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Ionization equilibrium model for the multiply charged ion formation


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Ionization equilibrium model for the multiply charged ion formation

S. Bliman, N. Chan-Tung

To cite this version:

S. Bliman, N. Chan-Tung. Ionization equilibrium model for the multiply charged ion formation.

Journal de Physique, 1981, 42 (9), pp.1247-1252. �10.1051/jphys:019810042090124700�. �jpa-00209315�


Ionization equilibrium model for the multiply charged ion formation

S. Bliman and N. Chan-Tung

Département de Recherches


la Fusion Contrôlée, Service IGn, Centre d’Etudes Nucléaires, 85 X, 38041 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Reçu le 10


1981, révisé le 27 avril, accepté le 5 mai 1981)



Un modèle d’équilibre d’ionisation d’un plasma d’argon est proposé. La considération des collisions

élastiques entre électrons, ions et atomes neutres montre que les collisions ion-ion


sont les processus dominants.

A partir de l’évaluation du coefficient de diffusion,




temps de vie des ions 03C4Zi qui varie


Zi2 (Zi état de charge de l’ion). On résout les équations donnant l’équilibre de la densité des ions dans les différents états de charge Zi


fonction de la densité électronique, des températures électronique et ionique; les valeurs de

ces grandeurs sont celles qui sont observées dans les sources à résonance cyclotron des électrons. La distribution des états de charge des ions est calculée et comparée aux résultats de mesure publiés. L’accord est satisfaisant.

L’accroissement de la densité électronique et la diminution de la pression de gaz neutre, tous autres paramètres

maintenus constants, permettraient la création d’ions argon hydrogénoïde.



A model is proposed to study


argon plasma ionization equilibrium. Considering elastic collisions between electrons, ions and neutrals, it appears that ion-ion collisions


dominant among these processes. From


evaluation of the diffusion coefficient, it is then possible to express


ion life time 03C4zi which varies


Zi2 (Zi being the ionic charge state). Balance equations


then solved with values of electron number density, electron

and ion temperatures


observed in E.C.R. ion sources (Electron Cyclotron Resonance ion sources). The charge

state distribution calculated from the model is compared with published experimental results. The agreement is

good. It is suggested that increasing electron number density and decreasing neutral gas pressure, all other para- meters being kept constant, would allow creation of hydrogen like argon ions.

Classification Physics Abstracts

52.80H - 52.80P - 52.75D - 29.25

1. Introduction.


In many experiments performed

on highly charged ion sources, it is difficult to interpret

results considering the classical ionization equilibria

well described in the literature. Often in the source

plasmas, ions and electrons have different tempe- ratures ; to reach highly charged states, it is necessary to reduce the neutral gas pressure to avoid charge exchange processes. Even the coronal equilibrium is a

too restrictive approach because electron number

density and temperature are too low to fulfill the basic assumptions.

The use of models previously proposed to interpret charge state distribution in the case of PIG sources

(G. Fuchs [1]), EBIS sources (A. Muller [2]) having

failed to give agreement with E.C.R. source charge

state distributions, it appeared quite interesting to

propose a model where, as is shown below, equilibrium

is reached taking into account step by step ionization, charge exchange and diffusion losses. Radiative and

dielectronic recombinations have both been neglected.

These processes are associated with characteristic times too long compared with charge exchange and

diffusion times.

Elastic collisions between electrons, neutrals and

ions are reviewed, in order to assess which of them is associated to mean free paths comparable to source

characteristic dimensions. From this, it is then possible

to express a diffusion time which depends on Z 1 2 (Z; standing for the ion charge). Balance equations

are then written and solved introducing electron num-

ber density, electron and ion temperature values and neutral gas number density as measured in different electron cyclotron resonance ion source experiments.

For a steady state, the charge state distribution is obtained and compared to experimental ones. To conclude, it is shown that increasing ne and decreasing

neutral gas density allows hydrogenic argon ions to be


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019810042090124700



2. Elastic collisions mean free paths.


For any type of elastic collision, the mean free path may be expres- sed as the ratio of the mean velocity to collision fre- quency. Considering an ion source plasma, five types of collisions are recognized; taking into account

measured values of the physical parameters (N. Chan- Tung [3]) of the multiply charged E.C.R. ion source

(R. Geller [4] ; P. Briand et al. [5] ; P. Briand et al. [6]),

their associated mean free paths are estimated and

compared to source characteristic dimensions. It is

seen that for the values of characteristic parameters, the plasma may as a first approximation be considered

as completely ionized.



The elec- tron self-collision frequency (J. L. Delcroix [7]) is given by

where ne is the electron number density (cm- 3), Te their temperature (eV) and Aee


24 - Ln (ne Te-1).

Introducing the parameter values gives the associated

mean free path



In the elec-

tron temperature range, electron-neutral elastic col- lision cross-sections are considered as constant and of order (J. L. Delcroix [8]) 3 x10- 16 cm2. Then

In this case Âe-N - 3.1 x 105 cm.



The electron- argon ion collision frequency is to be written

where nz; represents the ionic density of ArZ t in cm- 3.

From the plasma neutrality condition, ne = 1 nz, Zj,

Zi we define a mean value for nz, Z; consistent with observed charge state spectrum (P. Briand et al. [5]),

this mean value being equal to 0.12 ne. Charge states greater than 8 give a negligible contribution to the

mean value nz; Z; since their abundance is small with respect to lower charge states.

Introducing it in Ve-Arz; allows the mean free

path to be expressed as :



For this process, the assumption is made that the cross-section is

independent of the ion charge and constant ; in the ionic temperature range (J N - Ar + is approximately (J. L. Delcroix [9]) 3 x 10-15 cm2. From this, the mean

free path is calculated :



The elastic collision

frequency between charged particles of same mass

and of unlike charge states Z; and Z; writes (L. Spitzer [lo])

In this expression, the Coulomb logarithm is equal to :

Considering temperature and density values, AArzt -ArZi+ simplifies and is equal to :

A varies between two extreme values : a maximum when Z;




1 (then A


12.6) ; for Zi




8 (then A


7.4). It is thus convenient to take a mean

value equal to 10.

The above-collision frequency is symmetric in Z;

and Z;’. Introducing the experimental mean ion charge

and the plasma neutrality condition results in a

collision frequency of ions of charge Zi and charge Z; :

A summation has to be performed on all charges Zi’;

Z; is limited to 10 since experimentally, the highest charged state of argon ions observed is Ar1o+ [5].

In these conditions, the mean free path for elastic collisions of Ar’ t on any other charged argon ion is :

2.6 REMARK. - From the preceding calculations,

it appears that among all possible elastic collisions,

the only one relevant to the considered situation is the ion-ion collision. To this process is attached the

only mean free path much smaller than any of the characteristic dimensions of the plasma in the ion


3. Plasma characteristic diffusion time.


In sources

designed to obtain highly charged ions, confining

configurations are of common use. Radial-diffusion

processes are thus inhibited (use is made of minimum B


magnetic configuration [6]). This leaves to be consi- dered diffusion losses in the direction of ion extraction

(axial direction).

In the transport equation for the ion density nzi in the Z;th ionization state, there need be introduced

a characteristic local diffusion time. For argon ions A?- t it may be written :

where L is the plasma length (the plasma length L

in the SUPERMAFIOS experiment was 120 cm) and

Da is taken to be the axial ambipolar diffusion

coefficient. As a function of the free ion diffusion coefficient DZi, it writes :

The diffusion rate and as such the overall loss are thus determined by ion inertia (slowest species) [11].

Considering the ion self-collision frequency, Dz¡ is

calculated and thus the diffusion characteristic time is

Introducing the parameter values as ascribed above this finally simplifies to :

This diffusion time has in fact a value intermediate between classical and Bohm’s diffusion time.

4. Ionization equilibrium model.


The basic assumptions are presented and the evolution equations




1) The ionization process taken into account is a step by step ionization ; multiple

ionizations are neglected.

2) Calculated ionization cross-sections have been taken from W. Lotz [12,13]. Ionization rate coefficients obtained by folding ionization cross-sections with a

Maxwellian electron distribution at a temperature Te are introduced as generating terms [13].

3) The electron number density is constant across

the plasma region.

4) The ion diffusion time ’t Zi is expressed as written


5) In the ionization balance equations, ion losses

are due to :




ionization to the next higher charge state,


charge exchange on neutrals to the two next

lower charge states : the probability that more than

two electrons be captured being one order of magni-

tude smaller than for one or two electrons capture.

6) The charge exchange cross-section values are

those measured experimentally by C. Salzborn [14]

for argon ions up to Ar6+ and by other authors [15]

in the energy range of 1.2 keV to 56 keV. For higher charges, the cross-sections are taken from [16] where

measured values are given for charges up to + 12, in the energy range 1 Z - 10 Z keV (where Z is the

incident ion charge). For two electron capture in the

argon ion charge exchange collision on argon, mea-

sured cross-section values are taken from S. Bliman

et al. [17]. It is assumed that the charge exchange cross-

sections at low energies are constant and equal those

measured in the keV range. This assumption seems to

be supported by recently published data obtained

with Ne1o+ colliding neutral gas targets (energy

5-50 eV) [21] and by theoretical estimates [22] sup-

ported by experimental values [23].

7) Collisional radiative and dielectronic recombi- nations have been neglected. The basis to this assump- tion stems from a comparison of the characteristic times for the different collisional processes. In case

of Ar8 +, the diffusion time is of order 1 ms (section 3)

to be compared with 14 ms for single electron capture in charge exchange [16]. The scaling properties of

dielectronic recombination rate for the Ne-sequence [24] allow an estimate of the characteristic time for Ar8 + : it is of order 500 ms. As to the collisional radiative recombination, its associated time is much

larger (of order 10-20 s).



Different models have been proposed and solved (Chan-Tung [3] ; Fuchs [1] ;

Müller et al. [2]). Taking into account the above men-

tioned basic assumptions, a set of differential equa- tions is written, each of them describing the evolution

of one argon ion type.

4. 2.1 Set of equations.


The full set of equations

is written for charge Z; between 1 and 15 for argon.

For charge 1 :



For charge 2 :

For any charge state ranging from 3 to 15

From inspection of these equations, three types of contributions are recognized in the right-hand side :


an ionization generating term for the charge

under consideration. In the multistage E.C.R. source (for Ar1+ ions), this term jo is in fact a flux of plasma injected from the first stage to the second where step by step ionization takes place;


a loss term where ionization to the next higher

state, charge exchange to the next two lower states

and diffusion are met;


a creation term where charge exchange processes feed the considered charge.

4.2.2 Solution.


The solution to this set of 15 equations is obtained assuming stationary state

and writing, to close the system, the plasma neutrality

condition. The system of algebraic equations is then easily solved.



On figure 1 are represented a calculated charge distribution for argon

ions, corresponding to the above mentioned plasma parameter values and the experimental charge distri-

bution (Chan-Tung [3]). Good agreement is observed between the theoretical and the experimental C.S.D.

Figure 2 represents a comparative sketch of experi-

Fig. 1.


Comparison of calculated to measured charge state distri-

bution of argon ions (Te=1keV, Ti = 5 eV, no=1.06x 1010 cm-3,

ne = 5.5




cm- 3) : 0 experimental points, A calculated points.

Fig. 2.


Charge state distribution variation

as a

function of neutral

gas pressure for argon ions of charge + 7, + 8, + 9, +10 (Te = 1 keV,



5 eV, ne = 5.5


10’ cm - 3).


mental and theoretical percentage values for Ar 7 + , Ar8 +, Ar9 +, Ar10 + as a function of neutral gas pres- sure ; experimental values being taken as above from (P. Briand et al. [5]). The overall behaviour shows a

good agreement between the experimental and the

theoretical C.S.D. as to neutral gas pressure effect.

This may be interpreted as follows : even though the

neutral gas number density decreases, the term representing the charge exchange contribution is still

important because of the increase of the cross-section which varies as azz - 1 aZ [16]. This counterbalances the ionization rapidly since the ionization cross-

section (J’ z,z + 1 is rapidly decreasing when Z increases [12].

It may be underlined that a reconsideration of ioni- zation equilibrium models has been recently under-

taken in fusion plasma [18] and in astrophysics [19,20] :

it is shown that charge exchange collisions of ions on

neutrals are a factor influencing ionization equilibria

very seriously.

5. Conclusion.


The comparison that has been

made concerning the calculated and measured values of the charge state of argon ions in the E.C.R. source

has shown good agreement and gives support to the diffusion assumption according to which the ion diffusion time is mostly dependent on Z 2.

To improve the experimental results, from this

model’s approach, two possibilities are obvious to

reach higher charge states.

The first is to allow for a lower neutral gas pressure : this causes, all other parameters being kept constant,

a decrease in charge exchange collisions.

The second is, in addition to the pressure decrease,

an increase in electron number density.

To pinpoint the effect of these variations, figure 3 gives the result of numerical calculations showing

evolution of charge state distributions. The curve with open circles corresponds to an argon background

pressure of 10-10 torr (ne


5.5 x 1011 cm- 3 ; Te


1 keV, T;


5 eV as figure 1). The curve with triangles corresponds to an argon pressure of 10-10 torr and ne


2.2 x 1012 cm-3 ( Te


1 keV

and Ti


5 eV as in figure 1). The mean ion charge

is slightly sensitive to plasma conditions; lowering pressure displaces the barycentre of the charge state

Fig. 3.


Calculated charge state distribution of argon ions for two different electron number densities. Argon pressure : 10-10 torr.



1 keV, Ti


5 eV. Open circles ne




1011 cm-3 ; triangles ne




1012 cm- 3.

distribution : charge exchange is reduced allowing for higher charges and depopulating low charge states (their relative percentages thus becoming negligible).

It is seen in the last case where the set of 18 equations

has been solved (triangles in figure 3) that even at an

electron temperature as low as 1 keV, Ar17 + is reached

with an abundance of 0.1 %, the sharp decrease from Ar16 + being due to the ionization of a K shell electron.

Even though the assumptions of this model are

simple (excitation collisions and radiative recombi- nation have been neglected), they allow however a

reasonable description of the charge state evolution

as a function of the dominant experimental para- meters.


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