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Complete determination of the number of Galois points for a smooth plane curve


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Complete determination of the number of Galois points for a smooth plane curve"


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Complete Determination of the Number of Galois Points for a Smooth Plane Curve


Dedicated to my son Atsumu and my wife Kaori

ABSTRACT- LetCbe a smooth plane curve. A pointPin the projective plane is said to be Galois with respect toCif the function field extension induced by the pro- jection fromPis Galois. We denote byd(C) (resp.d0(C)) the number of Galois points contained inC(resp. inP2nC). In this article, we determine the numbers d(C) andd0(C) in any remaining open cases. Summarizing results obtained by now, we will present a complete classification theorem of smooth plane curves by the numberd(C) ord0(C). In particular, we give new characterizations of Fermat curve and Klein quartic curve by the numberd0(C).


KEYWORDS. Galois point, plane curve, positive characteristic, Galois group.

1. Introduction

Let the base field K be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p0 and letCP2be a smooth plane curve of degreed4. In 1996, H.

Yoshihara introduced the notion of Galois point (see [14, 17] or survey paper [5]). If the function field extension K(C)=K(P1), induced by the projectionpP:C!P1from a pointP2P2, is Galois, then the pointPis said to be Galois with respect toC. When a Galois pointPis contained inC (resp.P2nC), we callPan inner (resp. outer) Galois point. We denote by d(C) (resp.d0(C)) the number of inner (resp. outer) Galois points forC. It is

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Yamagata University, Kojirakawa-machi 1-4-12, Yamagata 990-8560, Japan.

E-mail: s.fukasawa@sci.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp


remarkable that many classification results of algebraic varieties have been given in the theory of Galois point.

Yoshihara and K. Miura determined d(C) and d0(C) in characteristic pˆ0 ([14, 17]). In characteristicp>0, M. Homma [13] settledd(H) and d0(H) for the Fermat curveHof degreepe‡1. Recently, the present au- thor determinedd(C) whenp>2 ord 1 is not a power of 2 ([3, 4]), and d0(C) whendis not divisible byp,dˆp, ordˆ2einpˆ2 ([3, 4, 7]). The following problems remain open ([4, Part III, Problem], [5, Problem 2]).

PROBLEM. (1)Let pˆ2and let e2. Find and classify smooth plane curves of degree dˆ2e‡1withd(C)ˆd.

(2) Let p>0, e1and let dˆpel, where l is not divisible by p. As- sume that(pe;l)6ˆ(p;1);(2e;1). Then, determined0(C).

In this article, we give a complete answer to these problems.

THEOREM1. Let pˆ2, let e2and let C be a smooth plane curve of degree dˆ2e‡1. Then,d(C)ˆd if and only if C is projectively equivalent to the curve given by





where c2Kn f0;1g.

THEOREM2. Let the characteristic p>0, let e1, let l be not divisible by p, and let C be a smooth plane curve of degree dˆpel4. If (pe;l)6ˆ(2e;1), thend0(C)1.

Summarizing Theorems 1 and 2 and the results of Yoshihara, Miura, Homma and the present author, we obtain the following classification theorem of smooth plane curves by the numberd(C) ord0(C).

THEOREM3 (Yoshihara, Miura, Homma, Fukasawa). Let C be a smooth plane curve of degree d4in characteristic p0. Then:

(I) d(C)ˆ0;1;d or(d 1)3‡1. Furthermore, we have the following.

(i) d(C)ˆ(d 1)3‡1 if and only if p>0, dˆpe‡1 and C is projectively equivalent to the Fermat curve.

(ii) d(C)ˆd5if and only if pˆ2, dˆ2e‡1and C is projectively equivalent to the curve defined by Q


(x‡ay‡a2)‡cy2e‡1ˆ0, where c2Kn f0;1g.


(iii) d(C)ˆdˆ4 if and only if p6ˆ2;3 and C is projectively equivalent to the curve defined by x3‡y4‡1ˆ0.

(II) d0(C)ˆ0;1;3;7or(d 1)4 (d 1)3‡(d 1)2. Furthermore, we have the following.

(i) d0(C)ˆ(d 1)4 (d 1)3‡(d 1)2 if and only if p>0, d 1 is a power of p and C is projectively equivalent to the Fermat curve.

(ii) d0(C)ˆ7 if and only if pˆ2, dˆ4 and C is projectively equivalent to Klein quartic curve.

(iii) d0(C)ˆ3 and three Galois points are not contained in a com- mon line if and only if d is not divisible by p, d 1 is not a power of p, and C is projectively equivalent to the Fermat curve.

(iv) d0(C)ˆ3 and three Galois points are contained in a common line if and only if pˆ2, dˆ4and C is projectively equivalent to the curve defined by


where c2Kn f0;1g.

This is a modified and extended version of the paper [4, Part IV] (which will have been published only in arXiv).

2. Preliminaries

Let CP2 be a smooth plane curve of degreed4 in characteristic p>0. For a pointP2C, we denote byTPCP2the (projective) tangent line atP. For a projective linelP2 and a pointP2C\l, we denote by IP(C;l) the intersection multiplicity ofCandlatP. We denote byPRthe line passing through pointsPandRwhenP6ˆR, and bypP :C!P1;R7!PR the projection from a pointP2P2. IfR2C, we denote byeRthe ramifica- tion index ofpPatR. It is not difficult to check the following.

LEMMA1. Let P2P2and let R2C. Then forpPwe have the following.

(1) If RˆP, then eRˆIR(C;TRC) 1.

(2) If R6ˆP, then eRˆIR(C;PR).

LetPbe a Galois point. We denote byGPthe group of birational maps fromCto itself corresponding to the Galois group Gal(K(C)=pPK(P1)). We


find easily that the group GP is isomorphic to a subgroup of the auto- morphism group Aut(C) ofC. We identifyGPwith the subgroup. When we use the symbolgfor an automorphism of the curveC, we use the symbolg for the automorphism of the function fieldK(C) corresponding tog.

If a Galois coveringu:C!C0between smooth curves is given, then the Galois group G acts on C naturally. We denote by G(R) the stabilizer subgroup ofR. The following fact is useful to find Galois points (see [15, III.

7.1, 7.2 and 8.2]).

FACT1. Let u:C!C0 be a Galois covering of degree d with Galois group G and let R;R02C. Then we have the following.

(1) For anys2G, we haveu(s(R))ˆu(R).

(2) If u(R)ˆu(R0), then there exists an element s2G such that s(R)ˆR0.

(3) The order of G(R)is equal to eR at R for any point R2C.

(4) Ifu(R)ˆu(R0), then eRˆeR0. (5) The index eRdivides the degree d.

We recall a theorem on the structure of the Galois group at a Galois point (see [4, Part II]). Let d 1ˆpel(resp.dˆpel), wherelis not di- visible byp, letzbe a primitivel-th root of unity, and letkˆ[Fp(z):Fp].

Let Pˆ(1:0:0) be an inner (resp. outer) Galois point forC. The pro- jection pP:C!P1 is given by (x:y:1)7!(y:1). We have a field ex- tension K(x;y)=K(y) viapP. Let g2GP. Then, the automorphism g2GP

can be extended to a linear transformation ofP2 (see [1, Appendix A, 17 and 18] or [2]). Let Agˆ(aij) be a 33 matrix representing g. Since g2GP, g(y)ˆy. Then, (a21x‡a22y‡a23) (a31x‡a32y‡a33)yˆ0 in K(x;y). Sinced4, we havea21ˆa23ˆa31ˆa32ˆ0 anda22ˆa33. W e may assume thata22ˆa33 ˆ1. Sincegpelˆ1, we haveal11ˆ1. We take a group homomorphism GP!Kn0;g 7!a11(g), where a11(g) is the (1;1)- element ofAg. Then, we have the splitting exact sequence of groups

0!(Z=pZ)e!GP! hzi !1;

and the following theorem.

THEOREM4. Let CP2be a smooth curve and let P be an inner (resp.

outer) Galois point. Then, k divides e and GP(Z=pZ)ejhzi.

REMARK1. The condition thatkdivideseis equivalent to thatldivides pe 1. We give a proof here. Ifkdividese,Fp(z)ˆFpkis a subfield ofFpe.


Since z2Fpe,zpe 1ˆ1. Since the order of z in the multiplicative group Fpen0 isl,ldividespe 1. The converse also holds.

We denote the kernel (resp. quotient) byKP(resp. byQP). An element s2 KP(resp. a generatort2 QP) is represented by a matrix


1 a12(s) a13(s)

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 B@

1 CA


z a12(t) a13(t)

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 B@

1 CA

; where a12(s);a13(s);a12(t);a13(t)2K. For each non-identity element g2GP, there exist s2 KP and i such that gˆsti. Then, there exists a unique line Lg, which is defined by (zi 1)X‡(a12(s)‡a12(ti))Y‡ (a13(s)‡a13(ti))Zˆ0, such thatg(R)ˆRfor anyR2Lg. Note thatP2Lg

if and only ifg2 KP. Furthermore, fors2 KPandR6ˆP,LsˆRPif and only if s(R)ˆR. For a suitable system of coordinates, we can take a12(t)ˆa13(t)ˆ0.

Finally in this section, we note the following facts on automorphisms ofP1.

LEMMA2. We denote byAut(P1)the automorphism group ofP1. (1) Let P1;P2;P32P1be three distinct points and letg1;g22Aut(P1).

Ifg1(Pi)ˆg2(Pi)for iˆ1;2;3, theng1ˆg2.

(2) Let P1;P22P1 be distinct points and let GAut(P1)be a finite subgroup. Ifg(P1)ˆP1 andg(P2)ˆP2 for anyg2G, then G is a cyclic group whose order is not divisible by p if p>0.

(3) Let l be not divisible by p, let P2P1, and let GAut(P1) b e a subgroup of order l. Assume that G is cyclic andt(P)ˆP for any t2G. Then, there exists a unique point Q such that Q6ˆP and t(Q)ˆQ for anyt2G.

PROOF. The fact (1) is easily proved, if we use the classical fact that any automorphism ofP1is a linear transformation. We prove (2). We may as- sume that P1ˆ(1:0) and P2ˆ(0:1). Let g2G. Since g(P1)ˆP1 and g(P2)ˆP2,gis represented by a matrix

Agˆ a(g) 0

0 1



where a(g)2K. Then, the homomorphism c:G!Kn0:g7!a(g) is in- jective andc(G) is cyclic. Letmbe the order ofc(G). Then,c(G) is con-


tained in the set fx2Kn0jxm 1ˆ0g. If m is divisible by p, the set consists of at most m=pelements. Therefore,mis not divisible byp. W e have the conclusion.

We prove (3). We may assume thatPˆ(1:0). Lettbe a generator of G. Sincet(P)ˆPandtis an automorphism of orderlnot divisible byp,tis represented by a matrix

Atˆ z b 0 1



wherezis a primitivel-th root of unity andb2K. Then,tiis represented by the matrix

Atiˆ zi zi 1 z 1b

0 1

0 B@

1 CA:

Let Qˆ(x:1). Then, ti(Q)ˆQ if and only if (z 1)x‡bˆ0. We have

the conclusion. p

3. Only-if-part of the proof of Theorem 1

Letpˆ2, letqˆ2e4 and letCbe a plane curve of degreedˆq‡1.

Assume thatd(C)ˆd. LetP1;. . .;Pdbe inner Galois points forC. By the results of the previous paper [4, Part III, Lemma 1, Propositions 1, 3 and 4], we have the following.

PROPOSITION1. Assume thatd(C)ˆd. Then, we have the following.

(1) Galois points P1;. . .;Pdare contained in a common line.

(2) For any i and any elements2GPin f1g, the order ofsis two.

(3) For any i and any elementss;t2GPin f1gwiths6ˆt, Ls6ˆTPiC and Ls6ˆLt. In particular, the set fTP1C\TPiCj2idg con- sists of exactly d 1points.

By the condition(1)and Fact1(2), for each i with3id, there exists ti2GPi such that ti(P1)ˆP2. Let fQg ˆTP1C\TP2C. In addition, we have the following by the condition(2).

(4) For any i with3id,ti(P2)ˆP1andti(Q)ˆQ.

(5) For any i;j with 3i;jd, titj(P1)ˆP1, titj(P2)ˆP2 and titj(Q)ˆQ.


LEMMA 3. For a suitable system of coordinates, we may assume that P1ˆ(1:0:0), P2ˆ(0:0:1)and Qˆ(0:1:0).

By Lemma 3 and Proposition 1(2)(4),tiis given by a matrix

Ati ˆ

0 0 1

0 ai 0 a2i 0 0 0


1 CA;

for someai2K. Then,titjis given by the matrix

Atitj ˆ

a2j 0 0 0 aiaj 0 0 0 a2i 0



1 CC A:

Let H(C) be the subgroup of Aut(P2) consisting of any g2Aut(P2) satisfying

(h1) g(P1)ˆP1,g(P2)ˆP2 andg(Q)ˆQ, (h2) fg(Pi)j3idg ˆ fPij3idg, and (h3) g(C)ˆC.

LEMMA 4. The group H(C) is a cyclic group whose order is at most d 2ˆq 1.

PROOF. By the condition (h1) of H(C), for any g2H(C), g is re- presented by a matrix


a 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 1 0


1 CA

for somea;b2K. We prove thatgdepends only on the image ofP3. Pre- cisely, we show that for g1;g22H(C), if g1(P3)ˆg2(P3), then g1ˆg2. To prove this, it suffices to show that gˆ1 if g(P3)ˆP3. Assume that g(P3)ˆP3. Sincegfixes three distinct pointsP1;P2;P3on the lineP1P2,g is identity on the line P1P2, by Lemma 2(1) in Section 2. We have aˆ1, since P1P2 is given by Yˆ0. On the other hand, by the condition (h3), g(TP3C)ˆTP3C. Then, the point Q0 given by TP1C\TP3C is fixed by g.

Note that Q06ˆQ;P1 by Proposition 1(3)(1) and Fact 1(3). Since g fixes


three distinct pointsP1;Q;Q0on the lineP1QandP1Qis given byZˆ0, we havebˆ1.

By the above discussion and the condition (h2), the order of H(C) is at most d 2ˆq 1. We consider the group homomorphism H(C)!P1P2P1 given by restrictions, which is well-defined by the condition (h1) of H(C). Then, this is injective by the above discussion.

It follows from Lemma 2(2) that H(C) is cyclic. p We consider the setSˆ ft3tij3idg. Then,SH(C) by Proposi- tion 1(5)(1). Since the cardinality ofSisq 1,SˆH(C) by Lemma 4. Since H(C) is cyclic, there existsisuch thatt3tiis a generator ofH(C). There- fore,t3tiis given by the matrix


z2 0 0

0 z 0

0 0 1 0


1 CA;

wherezis a primitive (q 1)-th root of unity. We denotet3tibyg.

By Proposition 1(3), there exists an elements2GP1n f1gsuch that the (1;2)-elementa12(s) and (1;3)-elementa13(s) of a matrixAsrepresentings are not zero (see also Section 2). If we take a linear transformationfwith Y7!(1=a12(s))Y and Z7!(1=a13(s))Z, then f(Pi)ˆPi for iˆ1;2, f(Q)ˆQ,fgf 1ˆgandfsf 1is represented by the matrix


1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0


1 CA:

Therefore, we may assume thatsis represented by the matrixAsˆA0. The automorphismgjsg jis represented by the matrix

1 zj z2j

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 B@

1 CA:

In particular, gjsg j2GP1 for any j with 1jq 1. Since the cardinality of the set fgjsg jj1jq 1g GP1 is q 1, GP1ˆ fgQjsg jj1jq 1g [ f1g. Then, the rational function g(x;y):ˆ


(x‡ay‡a2)2K(x;y) is fixed by any element of GP1. Therefore, g(x;y)2K(y). There exists h(y)2K(y) such that g(x;y)‡h(y)ˆ0 in K(x;y). Let h(y)ˆh1(y)=h2(y), where h1;h22K[y]. Then, g(x;y)h2(y)‡


h1(y)ˆ0 on C. Let f(x;y) be a defining polynomial. Then, there exists v(x;y)2K[x;y] such that f(x;y)v(x;y)ˆ g(x;y)h2(y)‡h1(y) as poly- nomials. Since P12C is smooth and the tangent line TP1CˆP1Q is given by Zˆ0, the coefficient of x2e for f(x;y) as in (K[y])[x] is a con- stant. Comparing the coefficient of degree 2e in variable x, we have v(x;y)2K[y] and v(x;y)ˆh2(y) up to a constant. Then, h2(y) divides h1(y) and we have h(y)2K[y]. Therefore, we may assume that f(x;y)ˆg(x;y)‡h(y), where h(y)2K[y]. By the condition that the tangent line TP2CˆP2Q is given by Xˆ0, g(x;y)‡cyq‡1ˆ0 for some c2Kn0. Therefore, we have a defining equation f(x;y)ˆ g(x;y)‡cyq‡1ˆ0.

Finally in this section, we investigate conditions for the smooth- ness of C. Let G(X;Y;Z):ˆZq‡1g(X=Z;Y=Z) and let F(X;Y;Z):ˆ

Zq‡1f(X=Z;Y=Z). Then, by direct computations, we have F(Z;Y;X)ˆ F(X;Y;Z). Since there exist exactly d points contained in C and the line defined by Y ˆ0, such points are smooth. Therefore, singular points should lie on Y 6ˆ0. Leth(x;z)ˆG(x;1;z). We consider has an element of K(z)[x]. Then, the set fa‡a2zja2Fqg K(z), which con- sists of all roots of h(x;z)ˆ0, forms an additive subgroup of K(z).

According to [8, Proposition 1.1.5 and Theorem 1.2.1], we have the following.

LEMMA 5. The polynomial h(x;z)2K(z)[x] has only terms of degree equal to some power of p. In particular, hx(x;z)ˆzq‡z, where hx is a partial derivative by x.

Assume that (x;z)2C is a singular point, i.e. hx(x;z)ˆhz(x;z)ˆ0.

Then, (x;z) isFq-rational by Lemma 5. We havec6ˆ1 by the following.

LEMMA6. The equalityfh(x;z)jx;z2Fqg ˆ f0;1gholds.

PROOF. If zˆ0, then h(x;z)ˆ0. We fix z02Fqn0. We consider h(x;z0)ˆz0 Q


(x‡a‡a2z0)2Fq[x]. For eacha2Fq, there exists a un- iqueb2Fq withb6ˆa such thata‡a2z0ˆb‡b2z0. Therefore, the car- dinality of the setS0:ˆ fa‡a2z0ja2Fqgisq=2ˆ2e 1. By direct compu- tations, we find that any element ofS0is a root of the separable polynomial h0(x)ˆeP1

iˆ0z20ix2i, which is of degreeq=2. Then,h(x;z0)ˆh0(x)2as elements ofFq[x]. Then, by direct computations, we haveh0(x)(h0(x)‡1)ˆz0(xq‡x)


as elements ofFq[x]. Assumex2Fq. Then,h0(x)(h0(x)‡1)ˆ0. Therefore, h(x;z0)ˆ0 or 1. If we take x2FqnS0, then h0(x)6ˆ0 and hence,

h(x;z0)ˆ1. p

4. If-part of the proof of Theorem 1

We use the same notation as in the previous section,g;f;F, and so on.

LetCbe the plane curve given by Equation (1c) withc2Kn f0;1g. As in the previous section, C is smooth. We prove d(C)ˆd. We consider the projection pP1 from P1 ˆ(1:0:0). Then, we have the field extension K(x;y)=K(y) with f(x;y)ˆg(x;y)‡cyq‡1ˆ0. Since (x‡ay‡a2

by‡b2ˆx‡(a‡b)y‡(a‡b)2, we have f(x‡ay‡a2;y)ˆf(x;y) for any a2Fq. Therefore, P1 is Galois. By the symmetric property of F(X;Y;Z) forX;Z, we find that a point (0:0:1) is also inner Galois forC.

We also find that there exist a tangent line Tsuch that IQ(C;T)ˆ2 for someQ2C\T. Therefore,Cis not projectively equivalent to the Fermat curve of degree q‡1 (see, for example, [13]). According to [4, Part III, Lemma 1 and Proposition 1], we haved(C)ˆd.

REMARK2. The projective equivalence class of the plane curve given by Equation (1c) is uniquely determined by a constant c2Kn0. There- fore, infinitely many classes exist. Precisely, we have Lemma 7 below.

LEMMA7. Let a;b2Kn0and let Ca(resp. Cb) be the plane curve given by Equation (1c) with cˆa (resp. cˆb). If there exists a projective transformationfsuch thatf(Ca)ˆCb, then aˆb.

PROOF. Let P1;. . .;Pd be inner Galois points for Ca, which are con- tained in the line defined byY ˆ0. Then, P1;. . .Pd are also inner Galois for Cb. Since the tangent lines TPCa and TPCb at Pˆ(a2:0:1) with a2Fq are given by the same equationX‡aY‡a2Zˆ0,TPiCaˆTPiCb

for iˆ1;. . .;d. We may assume that P1ˆ(1:0:0), P2ˆ(0:0:1) and P3ˆ(1:0:1). Let Q2ˆ(0:1:0) and let Q3ˆ(1:1:0). Then, TP1Ca\ TP2CaˆTP1Cb\TP2Cbˆ fQ2g and TP1Ca\TP3CaˆTP1Cb\TP3Cbˆ fQ3g.

Letfbe a linear transformation such thatf(Ca)ˆCb.

Iff(P1)ˆPifor somei6ˆ1, then we takes2GPj(Cb) for somejsuch thats(Pi)ˆP1, by Fact 1(2). Then,sf(P1)ˆP1. Therefore, there exists a linear transformation f such that f(Ca)ˆCb and f(P1)ˆP1. If f(P2)ˆPi for some 3id, then we take t2GP1(Cb) such that


t(P3)ˆP2, by Fact 1(2). Then, tf(P2)ˆP2. Therefore, there exists a linear transformationfsuch thatf(Ca)ˆCb,f(P1)ˆP1andf(P2)ˆP2. If f(P3)ˆPifor some 4id, then we takeg2H(Cb) such thatg(Pi)ˆP3, whereH(Cb) is the group forCbdiscussed in the previous section. Then, gf(P3)ˆP3. Therefore, there exists a linear transformationfsuch that f(Ca)ˆCb, f(Pi)ˆPi for iˆ1;2;3 and f(Qj)ˆQj for jˆ2;3. Since f(P1)ˆP1;f(P2)ˆP2andf(Q2)ˆQ2,fis represented a matrix


l1 0 0 0 l2 0 0 0 l3 0


1 CA

for some l1;l2;l32Kn0. Since f(P3)ˆP3 and f(Q3)ˆQ3, we have l1ˆl3andl1ˆl2. Then,fis identity. Therefore, by considering the de- fining equations ofCaandCb, we should haveaˆb. p REMARK3. Ifcˆ1, then the plane curveCdefined by Equation (1c) is parameterized asP1!P2:(s:1)7!(sq‡1:sq‡s:1):The distribution of Galois points for this curve has been settled in [6].

5. Proof of Theorem 2 (The case wherel3)

If we have two outer Galois points, then we note the following (see Section 2).

LEMMA 8. Let P;P2 be outer Galois points for C. Then, any element g2GP can be extended to a linear transformation of P2, and hence g(P2)2P2is also outer Galois for C.

Let dˆpel, where e1, l3 and l divides pe 1, and let Pˆ(1:0:0) be an outer Galois point. It follows from a generalization of Pardini's theorem by Hefez [9, (5.10) and (5.16)] and Homma [12] that the generic order of contact forCis equal to 2, i.e.IR(C;TRC)ˆ2 for a general pointR2C(see also [10, 11]).

Let MP2be a projective line withP2M. Note thatg(M)ˆMfor any g2GP, by the forms of the matricesAs andAt as in Section 2. The homomorphismrP[M]:GP!Aut(M), which is induced by the restriction, is well-defined. Then, the kernel KerrP[M] is a subgroup of KP and the cardinality of Ker rP[M] is a power ofp, sinceg2KerrP[M] if and only if


LgˆM. We denote it bypv[M]. Since the kernel KerrP[M] is a subspace of GPasFp-vector spaces, we have the following diagram.

Using lower splitting exact sequence as groups, we have the following.

LEMMA9. The integer l divides pe v[M] 1for any line M with P2M.

Hereafter in this section, we assume that P22P2n fPg is an outer Galois point forC.

PROPOSITION2. Assume thatl3. Then:

(1) v[PP2]ˆe, and there exists a unique point Q2P2with Q6ˆP such thatg(Q)ˆQ for anyg2GP.

Let Q be the point as in(1). Furthermore, we have the following.

(2) If l5, then P2ˆQ.

(3) If lˆ4 and P26ˆQ, then Q2C or there exist two outer Galois point P3;P4such thatg(P4)ˆP4 for anyg2GP3.

(4) If lˆ3and P26ˆQ, then Q2C.

PROOF. Letg2GPn KP and letLgbe the line, which is a fixed locus, defined as in Section 2. The set C\Lg consists of d points, because TRCˆPR6ˆLgifR2C\Lgby Fact 1(3) and Lemma 1(2). Lett2 QPbe a generator and letLtbe the line, defined as in Section 2. We denotev[PP2] byvand assume thatv5e.

We consider the case where g(P2)ˆP2 for some g2GPn KP. Let s2 KP2. Then,s(R)2Lg ands(R)6ˆR ifR2C\Lg, by Fact 1(1)(3) and that Lg consists of exactly d points. Furthermore, s(P)2Ts(R1)C\ Ts(R2)Cˆ fPg, ifR1;R22C\LgwithR16ˆR2. Therefore, we should have s(P)ˆP. This is a contradiction tov5e.

We consider the case where g(P2)6ˆP2 for anyg2GPn KP. Assume that g1(P2)ˆg2(P2) forg1;g22GP. Note that any element g2GP is re- presented as gˆsti for some s2 KP and some i (see Section 2). Let


g1 ˆs1tiandg2ˆs2tj, wheres1;s22 KP. Since (t js21s1tj)ti j(P2)ˆP2

and t js21s1tj 2 KP, we have iˆj and g21g12 KP by the assumption.

Furthermore, we have g21g12KerrP[PP2], since g21g1(P)ˆP and g21g1(P2)ˆP2. Therefore, we havepe vl‡1 outer Galois points on the line PP2, by Lemma 8 and that the group ImrP[PP2] is isomorphic to (Z=pZ)e vjhzi.

LetR2C\Lt. We consider points on the linePR. Let]GP(R)ˆpbl, whereGP(R) is the stabilizer subgroup atR. Then we havepe bflexes of order (]GP(R) 2) by Fact 1(3). We note that (pbl 2)pe bpe(l 2).

Furthermore, for each outer Galois points, we spent at least degree (d 1)(pe(l 2)) as the degree of the Wronskian divisor. Therefore, it follows from the degree of Wronskian divisor ([16, Theorem 1.5]) that

(pe vl‡1)(d 1)pe(l 2)3d(d 2):

Then, we have

(pe vl‡1)pe(l 2)53dˆ3pel:

Therefore, (pe vl‡1)(l 2) 3l50. Note thatpe v 1lby Lemma 9.

Then, (l2‡l‡1)(l 2) 3l50. This is a contradiction. Therefore,vˆe.

In particular, the group ImrP[PP2] is a cyclic group of order l. By Lemma 2(3) in Section 2, a fixed point by the group ImrP[PP2] which is different fromPis uniquely determined. We denote it byQ. Then,g(Q)ˆQ for anyg2GP, sincegˆstifor somes2 KPand somei. We have (1).

We prove (2). Assume that P26ˆQ. Since the group ImrP[PP2] is a cyclic group of orderl, we havel‡1 outer Galois points on the linePP2, by Lemma 8. Furthermore, for each outer Galois point, we spent at least degree (d 1)pe(l 2) as the degree of the Wronskian divisor, similarly to the proof of (1). Therefore, it follows from the degree of Wronskian divisor ([16, Theorem 1.5]) that

(l‡1)(d 1)pe(l 2)3d(d 2):

Then, we have

(l‡1)pe(l 2)53dˆ3pel:

Therefore, (l‡1)(l 2) 3l50. Then,l2 4l 250. We havel4.

We prove (3). Assume that P26ˆQandQ62C. Since ImrP[PP2] is a cyclic group of orderl, the cardinality of C\PP2 is equal toland there exists l‡1 outer Galois points on PP2, by Fact 1(3), Lemma 8 and the assumption. Let C\PP2ˆ fR1;. . .;Rlg and let P;P2;. . .;Pl‡1 be outer Galois points.


Letlˆ4. The restrictionrP[PP2](t) of the generatort2 QP is a gen- erator of ImrP[PP2]. We may assume thatt(Ri)ˆRi‡1 foriˆ1;2;3;4, where R5ˆR1. We can take hj2ImrPj[PP2] such thathj(R1)ˆR2 for jˆ2;3;4;5 by Fact 1(2). We consider the case where at least three ele- ments offhjgare of order 4. We may assume thath2,h3,h4are of order 4.

Assume that hj(R2)ˆR4 for any j with 2j4. Then, we have hj(R4)ˆR3. Since three points on the linePP2has the same images under h2;h3;h4, these are the same automorphism of the linePP2by Lemma 2(1).

Then,hjfixesP2;P3;P4forjˆ2;3;4, becausehj(Pj)ˆPj. This implies that hj is identity on PP2, by Lemma 2(1). This is a contradiction. Therefore, there existsjsuch thathj(R2)ˆR3. Then, we havehj(R3)ˆR4. Therefore, t coincides with hj on the line PP2. Then, t(Pj)ˆhj(Pj)ˆPj 6ˆQ. This implies thattfixesP1;PjandQ. This is a contradiction.

We consider the case where there exist distinctj;ksuch thathjandhkis of order 2. Then,hj(R2)ˆR1,hj(R3)ˆR4andhj(R4)ˆR3. This holds also for hk. Then hj ˆhk on the line PP2 by Lemma 2(1). Then, hj(Pk)ˆ hk(Pk)ˆPk. Since the group ImrPj[PP2] is cyclic, h(Pk)ˆPk for any h2ImrPj[PP2], by Lemma 2(3). If we takejˆ3 andkˆ4, then we have the conclusion, since any element ofGPjis a product of elements ofKPjand ofQPj.

We prove (4). Letlˆ3. Assume thatP26ˆQandQ62C. We may assume thatt2GPsatisfies thatt(Ri)ˆRi‡1foriˆ1;2;3, whereR4ˆR1. We can takeh2GP2such thath(R1)ˆR2, by Fact 1(2). Then, we haveh(R2)ˆR3

andh(R3)ˆR1. This implies thattcoincides withhonPP2, by Lemma 2(1).

Therefore,t(P2)ˆh(P2)ˆP26ˆQ. This is a contradiction. p LetQ2P2n fPgbe the point such thatg(Q)ˆQfor anyg2GP, as in Proposition 2. We may assume thatQˆ(0:1:0) for a suitable system of coordinates. Then, the linePQˆPP2 is defined byZˆ0. Using Propo- sition 2(1), we can determine the defining equation ofC, as follows.

PROPOSITION 3. The curve C is projectively equivalent to a plane curve whose defining equation is of the form f(x; y)ˆ P


‡ h(y)ˆ0;whereae;. . .;a02Kandh(y)2K[y]is a polynomial. Further- more,aea06ˆ0, the derivativeh0(y)is of degreed 2, and polynomialsh(y) andh0(y)do not have a common root.

PROOF. Lets2 KPand lett2 QPbe a generator, as in Section 2. We may assume thatt(x)ˆzxandtyˆyfort:K(C)!K(C), wherezis a


primitivel-th root of unity. LetAsbe a matrix representings2 KPas in Section 2. SinceLsis defined byZˆ0, the (1;2)-element ofAsis zero. Since the groupKPis aFp(z)-vector space, we have a system of basisb1;. . .;bm, where kmˆe. For any s2 KP, the (1;3)-element of As is given by a1bQ1‡ ‡ambm for some (a1;. . .;am)2 mFp(z). We define g0(x)ˆ

(a1;...;am)(x‡Siaibi), where the subscript (a1;. . .;am)2 mFp(z) is taken over all elements. Let gˆgl0. Then, we find easily thatgg(x)ˆg(x) for any element g2GP. Therefore, there exists an elementh(y)2K(y) such thatg(x)‡h(y)ˆ0 inK(C). Then,h(y) is a polynomial of degree at most d by considering the degree of C. On the other hand, the set n P

i aibijai2Fp(z)o

K, which consists of all roots ofg0(x)ˆ0, forms an additive subgroup of K. According to [8, Proposition 1.1.5 and Theorem 1.2.1], the polynomialg0has only terms of degree equal to some power of p, i.e. g0ˆaexpe‡ ‡a1xp‡a0x for some ae;. . .;a02K. Since g0 is separable and has peroots, we haveaea06ˆ0.

Finally, we prove that the degree ofh0(y) isd 2, andh(y) andh0(y) do not have a common root. Sinceh(y) is of degree at mostdˆpel,h0(y) is of degree at most d 2. Let F(X;Y;Z)ˆf(X=Z;Y=Z)Zd, G0(X;Z)ˆg0(X=Z)Zpe andH(Y;Z)ˆh(Y=Z)Zd. Then, FX ˆlGl0 1(a0Zpe 1),FY ˆHY andFZˆ lGl0 1(a0XZpe 2)‡HZ. We haveFX(X;Y;0)ˆ0. Sincedˆpel,FY(X;Y;0)ˆ HY(Y;0)ˆ0. Assume that h0(y) is of degree at most d 3. Then, FZ(X;Y;0)ˆ0‡HZ(Y;0)ˆ0. Therefore,Chas singular points on the line defined byZˆ0. This is a contradiction to the smoothness ofC. On the other hand, if there existb2K such thath(b)ˆh0(b)ˆ0, then a point (a:b:1)

withg0(a)ˆ0 is a singular point. p

LEMMA 10. Let C be the plane curve given by the equation as in Proposition 3.Then, Q2P2nC and Q6ˆP2.

PROOF. It follows from Lemma 2(1) and Fact 1(4) thatLsˆPP2 for anys2 KP2. Therefore, any ramified pointR2CofpP2withZ6ˆ0 is tame.

Let pQbe the projection from Q. Note that pQ(x:y:1)ˆ(x:1). By the form ofpQ, ifx x0is a local parameter at (x0;y0)2C, then (x0;y0) is not a ramification point. For a point (x0;y0) withfx(x0;y0)ˆlg0(x0)l 16ˆ0,y y0 is a local parameter. Therefore, ramification points of pQin Z6ˆ0 is con- tained in the locus dx

dyˆ h0(y)

fx ˆ0, which is equivalent to h0(y)ˆ0.

Therefore, there existd 2 linesl1;. . .;ld 2which containPanddrami-


fication points ofpQ, by Proposition 3. SinceP26ˆP, for any ramification pointRofpQ, the cardinality of the setP2R\ fR02CjQ2TR0Cg P2R\


d 2

iˆ1liis at mostd 2 .

Assume that Q2C. It follows from Fact 1(3) that IQ(C;PQ)ˆd. By Fact 1(3) again,g(Q)ˆQfor anyg2GP2. LetR2Cbe a ramification point ofpQinZ6ˆ0. It follows from Lemma 1(2) thatQ2TRC. Sinceg(Q)ˆQ for any g2GP2, Q2Tg(R)C for any g2GP2. Then, the cardinality of C\P2RisdandQ2TR0Cfor anyR02C\P2R. This is a contradiction to that the cardinality of P2R\ fR02CjQ2TR0Cgis at most d 2. There- fore,Q2P2nC.

Assume thatQ2P2nCandQˆP2. Then, the setC\PP2 containsl points, since the group ImrP[PP2] is cyclic of orderl. Lett22 QP2 be a generator and letLt2 be the line defined as in Section 2. Then, the locus Sˆ S


s(Lt2) consists of pelines. By considering the order of GP2, the ramification locus ofpQin the affine planeZ6ˆ0 is contained in the locusS.

Note that the set T


s(Lt2) consists of a unique point, which is not con- tained in C, by Fact 1(3) and that the setC\PP2 contains two or more distinct points. Since the setC\s(Lt2) consists of exactlydpoints for any s2 KP2, the number of ramification points inZ6ˆ0 is exactlyped. On the other hand, for eachb2K withh0(b)ˆ0, there exist exactlydpoints (a;b) such that f(a;b)ˆ0, sinceaea06ˆ0 and h(b)6ˆ0 by Proposition 3.

Therefore,h0(y) has exactlyperoots. LetRbe a ramification point ofpQ which is contained in Z6ˆ0. Since R is tame (stated above),eR is com- puted as the order of dx

dyˆ h0(y)

fx at R plus one. Since eRˆl for any ramification point R2C withZ6ˆ0, the polynomialh0(y) is divisible by (y b)l 1 if h0(b)ˆ0. Therefore, h0(y) should be of the form c(y b1)l 1 (y bpe)l 1, which is of degree pe(l 1). Since h0(y) is of degree pel 2, by Proposition 3, we have peˆ2. Since l3 divides

pe 1ˆ1, this is a contradiction. p

PROOF OF THEOREM 2 (when l3). It follows from Lemma 10 that P26ˆQandQ62C. Ifl5 orlˆ3, then this is a contradiction to Propo- sition 2(2)(4). Assume thatlˆ4. Then, by Proposition 2(3), there exists two distinct outer Galois points P3;P4 such that g(P4)ˆP4 for any g2GP3. Then, the pointP4satisfies the condition of ``Q'' as in Proposition 2(1) for P3. Then, this is a contradiction to Lemma 10. p


6. Proof of Theorem 2 (The case wherel2)

Letp3, lete1, letl2 and letCbe a smooth plane curve of de- gree dˆpel4. We denote by L1P2 the line defined byZˆ0. Let P2P2nC be Galois with respect to C. Assume that Pˆ(1:0:0). Let g2GPand letAgbe a 33 matrix representingg. Then,


a11(g) a12(g) a13(g)

0 1 0

0 0 1

0 B@

1 CA;

where a11(g)ˆ 1 and a12(g);a13(g)2K. Then, g(x)ˆa11(g)x‡ aQ12(g)y ‡a13(g). Note that KPˆ fg2GPja11(g)ˆ1g. Let g(x;y):ˆ


(x‡a12(s)y‡a13(s)). Note that the set of roots fa12(s)y‡ a13(s)js2 KPg K(y) forms an additive subgroup of K(y). Ac- cording to [8, Proposition 1.1.5 and Theorem 1.2.1], g(x;y)2 K[y][x] has only terms of degree equal to some power ofpin variablex.

Therefore, g(x;y)ˆae(y)xpe ‡ae 1(y)xpe 1‡ ‡a1(y)xp‡a0(y)x for someae(y);. . .;a0(y)2K[y] with degai(y)pe piforiˆ0;. . .;e. Then, ae(y)ˆ1 anda0(y)ˆ Q


Assume thatlˆ1. Then,KPˆGP andg2K(y), sincesgˆgfor any s2GP. There existsh(y)2K(y) such thatg(x;y)‡h(y)ˆ0 inK(x;y). Let h(y)ˆh1(y)=h2(y), where h1;h22K[y]. Then,g(x;y)h2(y)‡h1(y)ˆ0 on C. Letf(x;y) be a defining polynomial. Then, there existsv(x;y)2K[x;y]

such that f(x;y)v(x;y)ˆg(x;y)h2(y)‡h1(y) as polynomials. Since (1:0:0)62C,f(x;y) has the term of degreepein variablex. Comparing the coefficient of degreepein variablex, we havev(x;y)2K[y] andv(x;y)ˆ h2(y) up to a constant. Then,h2(y) dividesh1(y) and we haveh(y)2K[y].

Therefore,g(x;y)‡h(y) is a defining polynomial.

LEMMA11. Assume that lˆ1. Then, the defining equation of C is of the form g(x;y)‡h(y)ˆ0, where g(x;y)2K[y][x] has only terms of degree equal to some power of p in variable x.

Assume thatd0(C)2. LetP22P2n(C[ fPg) be Galois with respect to C. By taking a suitable system of coordinates, we may assume that P2ˆ(0:1:0). Then, PP2ˆL1. Similar to the previous section, we con- sider the group homomorphismrP:GP !Aut(PP2), which is induced by the restriction. The cardinality of the kernel Ker rPis a power ofp. We denote


it bypv. Obviously, 0ve. Then, KerrPˆ fs2GPjs(P2)ˆP2g, since P22Lsif and only ifs(P2)ˆP2fors2 KP. Sincea12(s)ˆ0 if and only if s2 KP,a0(y) is of degreepe pv in variabley.

LEMMA12. If lˆ1, then vˆe.

PROOF. W e assume that v5e. Then, the defining polynomial g(x;y)‡h(y) has the term a0(y)x, which is of degree pe pv>0 in variable y. Since P2ˆ(0:1:0) is Galois, the defining polynomial g(x;y)‡h(y) has only terms of degree equal to some power of p in variabley, by Lemma 11. Therefore,pe pvˆpv(pe v 1) is a power of p. Then, pe v 1ˆpb for some integerb. This impliesbˆ0 and pˆ2.

This is a contradiction. p

By Lemmas 11 and 12, we have a defining equation g(x)‡h(y)ˆ0, whereg;hhave only terms of degree equal to some power ofp. It is not difficult to check thatCis singular. This is a contradiction.

Assume that lˆ2. Let t2GPn KP. Then, t(x;y)ˆ( x‡a12(t)y‡ a13(t);y) for some a12(t);a13(t)2K. Then, GPˆ fstijs2 KP;iˆ0;1g.

Note thatst(x;y)ˆ( x‡(a12(s)‡a12(t))y‡(a13(s)‡a13(t));y). There- fore,^g(x;y):ˆ Q


g(x)ˆg(x;y)g( x‡a12(t)y‡a13(t);y)ˆ g2(x;y) g(x;y)g( a12(t)y a13(t);y), since g(x;y) is linear in variable x. Since g^g(x;y)ˆ^g(x;y) for any g2GP, there exists h(y)2K(y) such that f(x;y):ˆ^g(x;y)‡h(y)ˆ0 inK(x;y). Then,h(y) is a polynomial andf(x;y) is a defining polynomial (similarly to the caselˆ1).

LEMMA13. Assume that lˆ2. Then, the defining equation of C is of the form g2(x;y)‡g(x;y)g(ay‡b;y)‡h(y)ˆ0, where a;b2K and g2K[y][x] has only terms of degree equal to some power of p in variable x.

We considerP2ˆ(0:1:0). It follows from Lemma 13 that there exist polynomials g1(x;y)2K[x][y] and h1(x)2K[x] such that g1(x;y) has only terms of degree equal to some power of p in variable y and f1(x;y):ˆg21(x;y)‡g1(x;y)g1(x;cx‡d)‡h1(x) is a defining polynomial of C for some c;d2K. Let g1(x;y)ˆbe(x)ype‡be 1(x)ype 1‡ ‡b0(x)y, wherebe(x)ˆ1 andbe 1(x);. . .;b0(x)2K[x]. Sincef(x;y) andf1(x;y) are defining polynomials ofC, we havecf(x;y)ˆf1(x;y) for somec2K.


LEMMA14. If lˆ2, then vˆe.

PROOF. Assume thatv5e. Firstly we prove thatpˆ3 andvˆe 1.

Now,a0(y) is of degreepe pv>0. Considering the polynomialsg2(x;y), g(x;y)g(ay‡b;y) andh(y),f(x;y) has the terma20(y)x2, which is of degree 2(pe pv) in variable y. We consider this term for f1(x;y). Since g1(x;y)g1(x;cx‡d)ˆP

i bi(x)g1(x;cx‡d)ypi has only terms of degree equal to some power ofpin variableyand 2(pe pv) is not a power ofpin p>2, the term of the highest degree of a20(y)x2 does not appear here.

Therefore, this term should appear ing21(x;y) (up to a constant). Since the polynomialg21(x;y)ˆP

i;jbi(x)bj(x)ypi‡pjhas only terms of degreepi‡pj ˆ pi(1‡pj i) withijand 0i;jein variabley, we have 2pv(pe v 1)ˆ pi(1‡pj i) for some i;j with ij. Then, we should have iˆv and 2(pe v 1)ˆ1‡pj i. This implies that 2pe v pj iˆ3. If jˆi, then pˆ2. This is a contradiction. If j6ˆi, then pj i(2pe v j‡i 1)ˆ3. We should havepˆ3,j iˆ1 andpe v 1ˆ1. Sinceiˆvandi5jas above, iˆvˆe 1 and jˆe.

Secondly we prove thatpˆ3, eˆ1 andvˆ0. Note thatpe pe 1 ˆ 2pe 1 in pˆ3. Since the polynomialg2(x;y)ˆP

i;jai(y)aj(y)xpi‡pj has the term 2a0(y)xpe‡1, which is of degree 2pe 1in variabley, and the polynomial g1(x;y)g1(x;cx‡d) has only terms of degree equal to some power ofpin variable y, the term of the highest degree 2pe 1‡pe‡1 of 2a0(y)xpe‡1 appears in g21(x;y) (up to a constant). Since g21(x;y)ˆP

i;jbi(x)bj(x)ypi‡pj, and pi‡pjˆ2pe 1 implies that iˆjˆe 1,b2e 1(x)y2pe 1 has the term of the highest degree 2pe 1‡pe‡1 of 2a0(y)xpe‡1. Letkbe the degree of be 1(x). Sincebe 1(x) has the term of degree at least (pe‡1)=2, we have (pe‡1)=2kpe pe 1ˆ2pe 1. Then, be 1(x)b0(x)ype 1‡1 is of degree k‡(pe pe 1)ˆk‡2pe 1 in variable x. Since (pe‡1)=2‡(pe pe 1)ˆ pe‡(pe 2pe 1‡1)=2ˆpe‡(pe 1‡1)=2, the term of the highest degree ofbe 1(x)b0(x)ype 1‡1appears ing2(x;y). Sinceg2(x;y)ˆP

i;jai(y)aj(y)xpi‡pj, k‡(pe pe 1)ˆpi1‡pj1 for some i1j1. Since pe‡(pe 1‡1)=2 k‡(pe pe 1)ˆpi1‡pj1, we have j1ˆe and i1ˆe 1. Therefore, kˆ2pe 1ˆpe pe 1ˆpe pv. W e have e 1ˆ0, since degbi(x)ˆ pe pvif and only ifiˆ0.

Finally, we consider the remaining case where pˆ3, eˆ1 and vˆ0. Then, g(x;y)ˆx3 (ay‡b)2x and g1(x;y)ˆy3 (a1x‡b1)2y for some a;b;a1;b12K with a;a16ˆ0. Note that g(ay‡b)ˆ (ay‡b)((a‡a)y‡(b‡b))((a a)y‡(b b)). Since f(x;y)ˆg2(x;y)‡


g(ay‡b;x)g(x;y)‡h(y), the coefficient ofxy5off(x;y) is equal to the one of g(ay‡b;y), which is equal toa2a(a‡a)(a a). Ifa(a‡a)(a a)6ˆ0, then the coefficient of xy5 of f1(x;y) is not zero. However, by considering g21(x;y)‡g1(x;cx‡d)g1(x;y), that is zero. Therefore, we should have a(a‡a)(a a)ˆ0. Then,g(ay‡b) is of degree at most two. Ifg(ay‡b;y) is of degree at most one, then two of the three conditionsaˆ0,a‡aˆ0 and a aˆ0 hold. Then, we haveaˆaˆ0. This is a contradiction toa6ˆ0.

Thereforeg(ay‡b) is of degree two. Then the coefficient ofx3y2off(x;y) is not zero. Sincey2appears only ing21(x;y) orh1(y) forf1(x;y) andg21(x;y)ˆ y6 2(a1x‡b1)y4‡(a1x‡b1)2y2, the coefficient ofx3y2off1(x;y) is zero.

This is a contradiction. p

By Lemma 14, we have pvˆpe. Then, g(x;y)2K[x] and g1(x;y)2 K[y]. We denote g(x;y) by g(x) and g1(x;y) by g1(y). We have f(x;y)ˆg2(x)‡ g(x)(g(ay)‡g(b))‡l1g21(y)‡l2 for somel1;l22K. Let G(X;Z)ˆ Zpeg(X=Z) and let G1(Y;Z)ˆZpeg1(Y=Z). Then, F(X;Y;Z)ˆ Z2pef(X=Z;Y=Z) ˆG2(X;Z)‡G(X;Z)(G(aY;Z)‡g(b)Zpe)‡l1G21(Y;Z)‡ l2Z2pe. Let a (resp. b) be the coefficient of XZpe 1 (resp. YZpe 1) for G(X;Z) (resp. G1(Y;Z)). Then, FXˆ2G(X;Z)aZpe 1‡aZpe 1(G(aY;Z)‡

g(b)Zpe), FYˆaaZpe 1G(X;Z)‡2l1G1(Y;Z)bZpe 1 and FZˆ 2G(X;Z) aXZpe 2 aXZpe 2(G(aY;Z)‡g(b)Zpe)‡G(X;Z)( abYZpe 2) 2l1G1(Y;Z) bYZpe 2. Therefore, FX(X;Y;0)ˆFY(X;Y;0)ˆFZ(X;Y;0)ˆ0 and we have singular points on the lineL1.

We have the assertion of Theorem 2.

Acknowledgements. The author is grateful to Professor Masaaki Homma for helpful discussions. The parameterization as in Remark 3 appeared during discussions with Homma. The author thanks Professor Hisao Yoshihara for helpful comments. The author also thanks the referee for helpful comments, by which the author could improve several proofs.

The author was partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (22740001), MEXT and JSPS, Japan.


[1] E. ARBARELLO- M. CORNALBA- P. A. GRIFFITHS- J. HARRIS,Geometry of algebraic curves, Vol. I. Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 267, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1985.

[2] H. C. CHANG,On plane algebraic curves, Chinese J. Math.6(1978), pp. 185- 189.


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In the rest of the section, we will expand on the first question, namely, on conditions on sym- plectic compatible systems that allow some control on the images of the

In this section we determine under some mild conditions the smallest field over which a member of the equivalence class of a (projective, symplectic) representation is defined..

But, in this case, in the institutionalization phase the teacher could have used the students’ explanation of their strategy and the fact that students mention that

Finally, the last section gives an overview of the results in [3] and [4] (see also [2]), where tame Galois realizations of the groups in the family GSp 4 ( F ` ) are obtained for

“polar”, “extent” or “intent” on the other side), such that the resulting two closure systems of polars are dually isomorphic; more surprising is the fact that, conversely,

Un générateur du groupe µ n ⊂ C des racines n-èmes de l’unité est appelée une racine primitive n-ème