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Small almost free modules with prescribed topological endomorphism rings


Academic year: 2022

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Small Almost free Modules

with Prescribed Topological Endomorphism Rings (*).

A. L. S. CORNER(**) - RU¨DIGER GO¨BEL(***)

ABSTRACT- We will realize certain topological rings as endomorphism rings of]1- free abelian groups of cardinality]1where the isomorphism is also a homeo- morphism relating the topology on the given ring to the finite topology on the endomorphism ring. This way we also find]1-free abelian groups of cardinali- ty]1such that any non-trivial summand is a proper direct sum of an infinite number of summands. This answers a problem raised by the authors in [7, p.

447, (I)], (saying that]1vat (R) in the cotorsion-free case). The fact that the size of the continuum could and in particular universes of set theory will be much larger then ]1 causes difficulties in constructing pathological abelian groupsGof size]1in «ordinary» set theory using just ZFC: There are less possibilities to prevent potential, unwanted endomorphisms ofG not to be- come members of EndG.Thus additional combinatorial arguments are need- ed. They come from [15], were improved for this paper, and are now ready for applications for other algebraic aspects. The results are formulated for mod- ules over a large class of commutative rings.

1. Introduction.

First we would like to discuss the algebraic setting of this paper. Let Rbe a commutative ring (with 1) of cardinalGl, and letSbe a countable multiplicatively closed set of non-zero-divisors in R such thatR is S-re-

(*) AMS-subject classification 20K25, 20K30, 03E50, 16S60.

(**) Indirizzo dell’A.: Department of Mathematics, University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter, EX4 4QE, England. E-mail: TonyHmaths.ex.ac.uk

(***) Indirizzo dell’A.: Fachbereich 6, Mathematik und Informatik, Universi- tät Essen, 45117 Essen, Germany. E-mail: R.GoebelHUni-Essen.De


ducedin the sense thats


SsR40 . List the elements ofSin a sequencesn (nv), and write

q041 , and qn114snqn2 (nEv).


For a freeR-moduleF, the submodulesqnF(nEv) constitute a basis of neighborhoods of 0 in the (Hausdorff) S-topology onF; the correspond- ingS-completion F×containsFas anS-puresubmodule, in the sense that s F×

OF4sF for all sS.

The endomorphism algebra EndRM of an R-module M carries the natural finite topology fin, which is generated by the annihilators AnnEndME of all finite subsets E of M. (The finite subsets may be re- stricted to singletons, in which case the annihilators constitute a preba- sis for fin at 0 .) It follows that (EndRM, fin) is a Hausdorff, complete topological R-algebra, see [13, p. 221, Theorem 107.1] This suggest im- mediately to consider R-algebras A with 1 and endowed with a similar topology.

Let A be complete and Hausdorff in a topology admitting a basis of neighborhoods of 0 consisting of a set9 of right ideals N such that the quotientsA/N are free asR-modules. We impose the cardinality restric- tions that

N9N Gl and sup

N9NA/NNEl, (1.2)

and define








where the plus sign denotes the cardinal successor. Thenk is a regular cardinal, and

]1GkGlG2]0. (1.4)

The cardinal l can be arbitrary, if set theory permits! Our favored example however is l4]1. The other cardinal restrictions come from our aim to produce R-modules of size close to ]1 with the prescribed topological endomorphism ring. For larger cardinals, in particular for any cardinallof the forml4l]0this was established in [7, p. 465, Corol- lary 6.4]. Thus we can view our restriction to]1 as a particular way to avoid the cardinal restriction l4l]0, here for l4]1.


An obvious first attempt to find the cardinal ]1vat (A), the spec- trum of cardinalsl, for which a (suitable) algebra can be expressed as A4EndRM with NMN 4l (see [7, p. 447]), is replacing the arguments using the Black Box by a different combinatorial method, because the latter requires thatl4l]0. The Black Box prediction principle was used in [7] and relatives are discussed in Göbel [14].

However, it is important to note that there are basic difficulties for lEl]0to become a member of vat (A), as shown recently in Göbel, She- lah [16, pp. 240-243, Section 3, The non existence of realization theo- rems]: For particular classes of modules, like for abelian p-groups, or separable torsion-free abelian groups, we have ]1vat (R) for any ring R. This motivated our aim to consider the class of]1-free modules of car- dinality ]1, which is still very close to separable, torsion-free abelian groups. Recall that modules are]1-free, if all countably generated sub- modules are free.

In [15] we derived a new combinatorial method, which allows to pre- dict endomorphisms of a module (under construction) of cardinality ]1

by a list of candidates which has only ]1 members. We may assume (w.l.o.g) that for each unwanted member of this list a new element is added to the module under construction which prevents that member to become an endomorphism of the final module. Thus the length of this list of prediction should not pass beyond ]1.

Also note that by an easy counting argument our prediction of endo- morphisms must be restricted to their action on only finite subsets or singletons; otherwise the list would have length at least 2]0 which often is larger then]1. Therefore it is not clear at the beginning if the given predictions, which provides only very little information about the actual endomorphism, are good enough to lead to our task, prescribingAas en- domorphism ring and to find out that ]1vat (A).

In [15] it was shown that any countable R-algebra with free R-module structure is the endomorphism algebra of a suitableR-module of size ]1 which is ]1-free. Thus the existence of various pathological modules of this kind, in particular the existence of indecomposable modules of cardinality ]1 which are ]1-free follows. Here we want to strengthen this result and realize any suitable topological ring as such an endomorphism ring algebraically and topologically. On the endomorphism ring EndM of an R-module M we take the finite topology fin introduced above. Moreover we want to simplify arguments


from [15], which will also shorten the proof in the discrete case.

Thus our main result reads as follows.

THEOREM 1.1. Let A be a topological R-algebra over a ring R as de- scribed above, then there exists an]1-free R-module M of cardinalityl withEndM`A where the isomorphism is an algebraic and topological isomorphism.

If the topology on A is discrete we obtain the main result in Göbel, Shelah [15] as a special case. Also other earlier results like the existence of an]1–free groupM of cardinality]1with Hom (M,Z)40 follow, see Eda [11] and Shelah [19], [10, 12].

The main difficulty here is to work exclusively in ZFC. The first example of an]1-free module which is not free is the Baer-Specker mod- ule Rv, which is the cartesian product of countably many copies of the ringR, known for sixty years; cf. Baer [1] or [13, p. 94]. Assuming CH, this module is an example of an R-module of cardinality ]142]0. How- ever, it is surely (assuming thatRis slender) a finite but not an infinite direct sum of summandsc0 . Under the same set-theoretic assumption of the continuum hypothesis it can be shown thatAabove can be realized as the endomorphism ring of an ]1-free R-module M of cardinality ]1, see Shelah [20] for the discrete case with EndM4Z and Dugas, Göbel [8] for the discrete case and A4EndM with extensions to larger cardinals. Using Shelah’s Black Box, the existence of]1-free modulesM with NMN 4l]0 and EndM`A also topologically follows from Corner, Göbel [7].

Endomorphism ring results as discussed have well-known applica- tions using the appropriate also well-known R-algebras A.

IfGis any abelian semigroup, then we use the R-algebraAG, implicit- ly discussed in Corner, Göbel [7], and constructed for particular G8s in [5] with special idempotents, with free R-module structure and NAGN 4 4max]NGN,]0(. IfNGN Gl, we may apply the discrete case of the main theorem and find a family of]1-freeR-modulesMa(aG) of cardinality ]1 such that for a,bG,

Ma5Mb`Ma1b and Ma`Mb if and only if a4b.

Observe that this induces all kinds of counterexamples to Kaplan- sky’s test problems for suitableG8s. If we consider the algebraAin Cor- ner [3] (see also [13, Vol. II, p. 145, Theorem 91.5]), then it is easy to see


that AR is free and NAN 4]0. The particular idempotents in A and our main theorem provide the existence of an]1-free super-decomposableR- module of cardinality ]1. Recall that a group is super-decomposable if any non-trivial summand decomposes into a proper direct sum. Super- decomposable abelian groups of cardinality 2]0 were also constructed (without considering endomorphism rings) in Birtz [2] and the existence of non-free but ]n-free groups of cardinality ]n (nv) (without any more specific algebraic properties) follows from Griffith [17].

Our main theorem allows us to strengthen these results and to estab- lish the existence ofk-super-decomposable groups. We say that M isk- super-decomposableif for any cardinalrEkany non-trivial summand of Mis a direct sum ofr non-trivial summands. The existence of]1-freek- super-decomposable modules G of cardinality k (e.g. for k4]1) follows by realizing the algebra given in Corner [6] as a topological endomor- phism algebra. In casek4]1we therefore findR-modules of size]1such that every non-trivial summand is a direct sum of aninfinitenumber of non-trivial summands, which is a property stronger then super-decom- posable and thus sometimes called very decomposable.

It is fairly straight to replace the moduleMin the theorem by a fami- ly of modules MX with Xl such that for all X,Yl


´ A 0

if X’Y’l otherwise . (1.5)

2. The construction of modules.

Once and for all fix an uncountable cardinallG2]0and adopt the al- gebraic assumptions explained in the introduction.

WriteT4vD2 for the binary tree. We will say that a subtreeT8 of

vF2 isperfectif for anynvthere is at most one finite branchfT8of length n of the form f4vOw for branches v,wT8.

Define the map

s:v2Kv2 (vKvs) where

(2.1) vs(m)4

. /


v(n) 0

if 2n11GmE2n12 and m42n111


i40 n

2n2iv(i) otherwise .


Clearly vs( 0 )4vs( 1 )40 . Consider v,wv2 and suppose that vs(m)4ws(m)41. ThusmF2 andv(n)4w(n)41, where 2n11GmE2n12, and alsom42n111


i40 n



i40 n

2n2iw(i). From


i40 n

2n2iv(i)4 4


i40 n

2n2iw(i) andv(i),w(i)]0 , 1(follows thatvN3n4wN3nandvN3n1 114wN3n11 from the above. It follows that the map s is injective. If

Ts4 ]vsN3m:vv2 ,mv(, then we want to show the following

PROPOSITION 2.1. If s is the map given by (2.1) then (a) s:v2Kv2 defines an injective tree embedding.

(b) Ts is a perfect subtree of T with Br (Ts)4Ims.

PROOF. Clearly Ts is a subtree of T with Br (Ts)4Ims, so it re- mains to show that it is perfect. Suppose

m4br (vs,ws)4br (v8s,w8s)

for pairsv,wandv8,w8fromv2 to branch at the same levelm. We may assume that vs(m)4v8s(m)41 [thus ws(m)4w8s(m)40]. From the preceding argument follows vN3n114v8 N3n11 where 2n11GmE E2n12. So alsovsN32n114v8sN32n11and the two branchesvsandv8smust coincide up to the branch point m, i.e.

vsN3m114v8sN3m11 .

SimilarlywsN3m114w8sN3m11 thusvsOws4v8sOw8sandTsmust be perfect. r

IfX’vF2 then we call [X]4 ]br (v,w) :vcwX(’vthesupport of X. Using a sequence of almost disjoint subsets of vand Proposition 2.1 we can fix for the remaining paper a sequenceTa(aEl) of perfect trees with Br (Ta) pair-wise disjoint and [Ta] pair-wise almost disjoint for all aEl. Moreover letVa’Br (Ta) be a subset of infinite branches of cardi- nality l for each aEl.

Identify the set

G4T393l, (2.2)


as a subset of a direct sum





of cyclic A-modules with annihilators given by AnnA(t,N,a)4N. (2.4)

Continuity of multiplication inAimplies that every element ofBQis an- nihilated by some element of 9. It is clear that as an R-module BQ is free of rankl. Each element of the S-completionB×Qis expressible as a countable sumg4



g(t,N,a)for suitableg(t,N,a)( (t,N,a)A)×; we define the support of g by

[g]4 ](t,N,a)GNg(t,N,a)c0(. (2.5)

The norm of g is the ordinal

VgV4sup]aN(t,N,a)[g] for some tT, N9(; (2.6)

and the norm of a subset ofB×Qis taken to be the supremum of the norms of its elements.

We shall call an elementbofBQbasalif it has the two properties that bAis a direct summand of theA-module BQand AnnA(b)9. Fix a se- quenceba(aEl) runningltimes through the set of all basal elements in BQ, and set

Na4AnnA(ba) (aEl).


Next we construct a continuous increasing sequenceGa(aGl) of sub-A- modules of theS-completionB×Q. For a start, we takeG040 . Assume in- ductively that for some aEl, Ga has been so constructed that

VGaV4a. (2.8)



´ ba


if baGa otherwise (2.9)

and, for vVa, nEv, write yv,n4



qi qn




qi qn




We now define

Ga114Ga1Fa, (2.11)


Fa4aT3 ]Na( 3 ]a(bA1a]yv,nNvVa,nEvbA. (2.12)

Our choice ofyv,nandgaensures thatGa11is anS-pure submodule ofB×Q and thatVGa11V4a11 . Continuity takes care of the definition of Gaat a limit ordinal a. We define G to be equal to Gl, so that






Fa. (2.13)

We note

PROPOSITION 2.2. NGN 4land G/Gais an]1-free R-module for each aEl.

PROOF. We consider any non-empty finite set E’G/Gb. Choose aEl minimal with E’Ga/Gb. First note that aDb must be a successor be- causeEis a proper finite set, hence g4a21Fbexists. Also note that Ga/Gb is a quotient ofA-modules, hence an A-module. By induction it is enough to show that

(2.14) E’(U1Gb) /Gb5Gg/Gb


for a free A-module (U1Gb) /Gb. First we want to find inductively anA-submoduleU’Ga. LetTmbe the set of elements inTof lengthGmfor anymv. From (2.11) we find a finite setE8’Gg11 of representatives of the elements in E, a finite set FVg, and a number mEv such that

E8’U1Gg where U4aTmN]yvmgg:vF(bA.

Moreover we may assume that [vm]O[wm]4¯for allvcwF. A sup- port argument shows that the defining generators of U are A-indepen- dent modulo Gg, hence U1Gb/Gb must be A-free and Gg/GbO(U1 1Gb) /Gb40 .

Now it is easy to show thatU isR-pure in Gwhich also implies the purity in (2.14). If hG0Gg11, then an easy support argument shows thatGg11is pure inGthat is to say thatdhGg11for any 0cdRand in particulardhU. We may suppose thathGg11, and by the last con-


siderations we find a finitely generated A-submodule U8 4aTgm8N]yvm8gg:vF8 (bA

for some numberm8 Fmand finite setFF8’VgwithhU8. We may assume that m8 is chosen such that also

[vm8]O[wm8]4¯ for all vcwF8.

One more support argument now shows thatUis a summand ofU8, we leave it as an exercise to write down a complement ofUinU8. IfdhU for some 0cdR, thenhUfollows fromhU8, which shows that U is pure in G. r

Finally, we define

Ba4aT3 ]Na( 3 ]a(bA for any aEl and B4


aElBa. (2.15)

It is immediate from the construction that B’G’B×, (2.16)

and thatGisS-pure inB×. It is also clear that the annihilator of every ele- ment ofGis open inA. It follows that the natural mapAKEndR(G) is a topological embedding. To prove that it is a topological isomorphism we therefore only have to prove that it is surjective.

In fact it will be enough to prove that each endomorphismWEndRG has the property that bWbA for each basalbB. For suppose that W has this property.

bW4bab (bB), (2.17)

where each abA. For any xB we may choose b4(t,Na,a) G0( [x]N[xW] ) with the property that AnnA(x)*N4AnnA(b). Easy checks show that AnnA(b1x)4N and that the direct summand bA on the right-hand side of (2.3) may be replaced by (b1x)A. Therefore b1xis basal, and we have (b1x)ab1x4(b1x)W4bW1xW4bab1xW, whence

b(ab1x2ab)4xW2xab1x. (2.18)

Our choice of b implies that the supports of the two sides here are dis- joint, so both sides vanish. Thus ab1x2abAnnA(b)’AnnA(x), and xW4xab1x4xab4xax. It follows that if for the moment we convert B into a directed set (B,G) by writingyGzto mean AnnA(y)*AnnA(z) for


y,zB, then the net (ax)xB contains a cofinal Cauchy subnet, namely the subnet indexed by the basal elements. By the completeness ofA, the whole net converges to an elementaA, and we have proved thatxW4 4xa(xB). ThusWagrees with scalar multiplication bya onBand, by continuity, also on G.

PIGEON-HOLELEMMA 2.3. LetaElandbGl,and assume that we have a family of elements tvGb (vW) indexed by a subset W’Va of cardinal NWN 4k and a finitely generated sub-A-module H of Gb with the property that

v,wW and br (v,w)4m ¨ tv2twH1qmGb. (2.19)

Then there exist a subset W8’W withNW8N 4kand a finite sequence of ordinals b1EREbsEb such that



i41 s

Fbi for all vW8. (2.20)

PROOF. We induct onb. The result is vacuous forb40 , so we sup- pose bD0 and assume the analogous result for smaller ordinals.

Take first the case of a limit ordinalb. If, for somegEb,Ggcontains a subfamilytv(vW8) of cardinal k, then since we may suppose thatgis large enough forGgto contain also the finitely generatedH, a simple ap- plication of the modular law implies that W8 satisfies the analogue of (2.19) withgin place ofb, and the result follows at once by our inductive hypothesis. Assume then, for a contradiction, that no such gEb exists.

Then one easily produces a continuous increasing sequence of ordinals bjGb (jGk) and branches vjW (jEk) such that

tvjGbj110Gbj (jEk),

and it is clear that we must in fact havebk4b; and there will be no loss if we assume also that H’Gb0. For each jEk, the coset tvj1Gbj is a non-zero element ofGbj11/Gbj. But by Proposition 2.2 this quotient is]1- free and therefore S-reduced. So for some mjEv we have tvj1Gbj qmjGbj11/Gbj or, in other words,

tvjGbj1qmjGbj11. (2.21)

A pigeon-hole argument shows that there is a subset C’k of cardinal NCN 4k on which mj is constant; say mj4m (jC). Now, if a set of


branchesvv2 admits a bound n0 on the levels of its branching points, sincevOvN3n0is visibly an injection into a finite set, it is clear that the set in question must be finite. Since the set]vnNnC(is infinite, we may certainly choose indices j and h such that br (vj,vh)4nDm and jEh. Then

tvh2tvjH1qnGbh11, and, since tvj and H both lie in Gbh, it follows that

tvhGbh1qmGbh114Gbh1qmhGbh11, contrary to (2.21).

We now assume b4g11 and that the lemma holds for all ordinals Gg. Using support arguments, (1.1) and (2.9)-(2.12) we will show first that

GgOFg4ggA. (2.22)

Choose anyvVgand apply (2.10) for somenvwithv(n)41 . Thus snqn4qn11/qn and

yv,n2snqnyv,n114yv,n2(qn11/qn)yv,n114 4(vN3n,Ng,g)1






(qi/qn)v(i) 2






(qi/qn)v(i)4(vN3n,Ng,g)1ggFg. However (vN3n,Ng,g)Fg and ggGg, thus


On the other hand hFg can be expressed as a sum h4



avyv,m1aggg1t, (av,agA)

for large enoughmv, a finite subsetEVgandtBg. We may assume for vcwE that


If also hGg, consider any t[yv,m] to see that av40 and similarly t40 . Hence h4aggg and GgOFgggA, so (2.22) follows.

Now the proof of the lemma when b4g11 will be easy.


Let H’Gg11,tvGg11(vW) satisfying the hypothesis of the lem- ma. Using (2.22), we can write

tv4tv01tv1 (tv0Gg,tv1Fg) for all vW, so that

tv2twH1qmGg11 whenever br (v,w)4m.

We can also find finitely generated sub-A-modulesH0,H1of Gg andFg respectively such that HH01H1. Thus


for suitable elements hiHi and gGg,fFg. From (2.22) follows (tv02tw0)1h01qmg4(tw12tv1)2h12qmfggA.

Hence (tv02tw0)aH0,ggAb1qmGg, and by induction tv0


i41 s

Fgifor all vW8, a suitable W8’WwithNW8N 4 NWNandg1EREgsEg11 . If we add gs114g, then



i41 s11

Fgi for all vW8 completes the induction. r

3. Comparing branch point.

PROPOSITION 3.1. Let m0v, b1EREbs be a sequence of ordi- nals andbs,aEl.Assume that we have a family tv


i41 s

Fbifor all vW of elements indexed by a subset W’Vaof cardinalNWN 4k,then we can find natural numbers m,j*Fm0, a subsequence of ordinals, renamed b1EREbs and another family



i41 s

Fbi indexed by W, which is of the form tv4


i41 n

aiyvim in which the ais, n and m do not depend on v. The new family is ob- tained by passing to an equipotent subset of W which we rename W and adding to members of the old family a fixed element in


i41 s

Fbi.The new


family has additional properties for i,jGs,vW (a) j



(b) [vim]O[vjm]4¯ for all icj and the branches vi (vW) are pair-wise distinct.

(c) viVbj for some j4j(i)Gs which is independent of v. (d) Annyvi4Ni9 for all vW.

(e) The viN3j* are pair-wise distinct and independent of v. (f ) ai1NiA/Ni0qj*21(A/Ni)

(g) [Tbi]O[Tbj]’j* for all icj and [Tbi]O[Ta]’j* for all bica.

PROOF. We will apply several pigeon-hole arguments and after pass- ing to a subset ofW, we will silently name itW. As a first application we may assume that W in the hypothesis of the proposition satisfies

br (v,w)Dm0 for all distinct pairs v,wW. (3.1)

By (2.10) any sum


n anyv,n can be expressed as a summandamyv,m for a large enoughm, and anytv(vW) by (2.12) can be written as a sum of elements in Fbi, which are therefore of the form



41 t

aliyvlimi1bi1aigbi (3.2)

with biBbi, ai,aliA, t,miv depending on v. However NTbiN, NAN,NvN Ek4 NWN and another pigeon-hole argument shows that these elements no longer depend onv. Similarly, using (2.10), we may as- sume thatmi4min (3.2) does not depend oniGsand that the supports satisfy (a) and the first part of (b) of the proposition. We may assume thataliyvlic0 for all pairsli. Since Annvli4Nbi9as in (2.10) we have aliNbi and can choose m1Dm0 such that

ali1NbiA/Nbi0qm1(A/Nbi) for all pairs li. Thus (f) will follow if we choose j*Dm1.

We have













For any fixedv we can choosejvDm1such that all thevliN3jvare dis- tinct and by a pigeon-hole argument jv4j* does not depend on v and surelyj*Dm1, hence (f ) holds. Also (e) of the proposition is shown. En- largingj* further if needed, condition (g) is obvious. Now we identify all pairs li with natural numbers Gn4st. Subtracting the constant ele- ment


i41 s

(bi1aigbi) we get a family of new elementstv4


j41 n

ajyvjm. Apply theD-Lemma (see Jech [18, p. 225]) to the finite sets]vj:jGn((vW).

We can pass to a subsetWagain such that]vj: jGn(O]wj:jGn( 4D for all distinct v,wW. Again subtract the constant element d4 4



axyvxm from each tv. Hence all new vis are distinct and (b) of the proposition follows, which provides finally the new family in the proposition. r

PROPOSITION 3.2. Let tv4


i41 n



i41 s

Fbi (vWVa) be the family of elements given by Proposition 3.1 and let zG0szG for sz S,szNqm0 having the property

tv2tw6qbzqb11G for all v,wW with b4br (v,w).


Then there is a map p:]1 ,R,n( K ]1 ,R,s( such that for all iGn

(a) vi,wiVp(i)

(b) br (vi,wi)Fbr (v,w)Fj* , in particular all br (vi,wi) are distinct.

(c) There is some jGs with br (vj,wj)4br (v,w) and p(j)4a, gac0 .

PROOF. By Proposition 3.1 (c) for eachiGnthere is a uniquep(i)G Gssuch thatvi,wiVbp(i)come from the freeTbp(i), hence pand (a) are obvious.

First we claim that the ki4br (vi,wi) (iGn) are pair-wise distinct, which is part of (b). If there areicjwithki4kjthenp(i)4p(j) follows from ki4kjFj* and Proposition 3.1 (e) and (g). Hence vi,wi,vj,wj come from the same treeTbp(i). HoweverviOwicvjOwj are distinct by Proposition 3.1 (e) and of the same lengthki4kj which is impossible for the perfect tree Tbp(i). Hence it remains to show for (b) that

bGki for all iGn,


which we postpone until (c) is shown. For this we need the hypothesis (3.4) in the form


qm G. From (2.10) follows

yvim2ywim6 qki qmgbp(i)4


qm (yvim112ywim11) (3.5)

and ifb4br (v,w)Ek4min]ki,iGn(thenb11Gkfor alliGn. We derive yvim2ywimqb11

qm G, hence tv2tw4



ai(yvim2ywim) qb11 qm G andqbzqb11

qm Gfollows. Soz qb11



GszGfromszNqm0andm0E EmEb, which contradicts the choice of z.

HencekGband supposekEb. We note that there is a uniquejGn with k4kj and kjEki for all icj by our first claim in the proof. From k11Gb and (3.4) follows tv2twqk11Gqk11

qm G, moreover




ai(yvim2ywim) qk11 qm G, hence

aj(yvjm2ywjm) qk11



andaj qk




Gfrom (3.5). We getajgbp(j)qk11


G4skqkG. Recall kFj*21 and Anngbp(j)4Np(j), henceaj1Np(j)qj*21(A/Np(j)) contra- dicting Proposition 3.1 (f). Thus the first part of (c) follows, which imme- diately impliesp(j)4aby Proposition 3.1 (g) (the second part) and (b), (c) are shown. r


4. Proof of the Theorem.

The main theorem will follow from a corollary of the results in section 3.

COROLLARY 4.1. Let tv4


i41 n



i41 s

Fbi(vWGFa)be the fam- ily of elements given by Proposition 3.1 and let zG0szG be as in Proposition 3.2 with the property (3.4) [such that Annz*Annga], then zAga.

PROOF. If tv2tw4


i41 n

ai(yvim2ywim) and b4br (v,w), then by Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 3.2 we have


withp(j)4aas in Proposition 3.2 (c), where br (vjm,wjm)4br (v,w)4 4b. From (3.4) follows

qbz2aj(yvjm2ywjm)qb11Gqb11 qm G and similarly, using (3.5) we have

qbz2aj qb


ga qb11


G thus qmz2ajqaqb11

qb GsbqbG.

Choose a sequence (v,w) of pairs v,wW with br (v,w)4bw converging to infinity. Thus qmz2ajgab


wsbqbG40 and qmz4ajga. Note that ga in BQ is basal with AnnAba4Na, hence aj4a8qm and zAga. r

We finally prove the main theorem.

PROOF. By (2.17) it remains to show thatbWbAfor all basal 0cb B. We fix a basal elementbBand suppose thatz4bWbA. Choose anyaEl such that b4gaGaand Annga4Na9. In particularzc0 and there ism0wwith zszG for someszSand szNqm0. ConsiderFa as in (2.12) and take its family

tv4yvW (vVa) .


From (2.10) follows yv2yw6qbgaqb11G for b4br (v,w), hence tv2tw6qbzqb11G for any v,w,Va with b4br (v,w).

The tv8s constitute a family satisfying the hypothesis of Proposition 3.1 and Proposition 3.2. Passing to the subfamily in Proposition 3.1 we can apply Proposition 3.2 and getzgaAfrom Corollary 4.1, which is a contradiction. It follows bWbA as desired. r


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 23 settembre 2002 e in forma finale l’11 ottobre 2002.


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