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Endoprimal abelian groups of torsion-free rank 1


Academic year: 2022

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Endoprimal Abelian Groups of Torsion-Free Rank 1.

K. KAARLI(*) - L. MA´RKI(**)

ABSTRACT - This paper completely solves the endoprimality problem of (mixed) abelian groups of torsion-free rank 1.

1. Introduction.

In an abelian group A, the functions of the form f(x1,R,xn)4k1x11R1knxn

with integersk1,R,kn are called theterm functions. Clearly, term func- tions permute with all endomorphisms ofA, i.e., iff(x1,R,xn) is a term function and f is an endomorphism of A then

f(f(a1,R,an) )4f(f(a1),R,f(an) )

for anya1,R,anA. More generally, we call a functionfof finite arity in an abelian groupA anendofunction if it permutes with all endomor- phisms of A. An abelian group is called endoprimal if all its endofunc- tions are term functions, in other words, if the term functions are the

(*) Indirizzo dell’A.: Institute of Pure Mathematics, University of Tartu, 50090 Tartu, Estonia. E-mail: kaarliHmath.ut.ee

(**) Indirizzo dell’A.: A. Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Acade- my of Sciences, H-1364 Budapest, Pf. 127, Hungary. E-mail: markiHrenyi.hu

The first author thanks the Estonian Science Foundation grant no. 5368 for support.

The second author’s research was partially supported by Hungarian National Foundation for Scientific Research grants T34530 and T43034.

Both authors thank the Estonian and the Hungarian Academies of Sciences for making possible mutual visits through their exchange agreement.


only functions in the group which permute with all endomorphisms.

The notion of endoprimality comes from universal algebra, where it has emerged in two ways: as a generalisation of an important property (called primality) of the two-element Boolean algebra and in the course of investigations into a general duality theory. The investigation of abe- lian groups with respect to endoprimality was started by Davey and Pit- kethly [1] who, beside results for other kinds of algebraic structures, de- scribed those bounded abelian groups which are endoprimal.

As is well known, classification results for abelian groups, like for most algebraic structures, can only be obtained under severe restric- tions. Obviously, endoprimality is a strong condition also for abelian groups and thus it seems promising to find characterisations for these groups. In [5] the present authors pointed at the connections of endopri- mality with (direct) decomposition properties of abelian groups. Among others, they proved that a torsion group is endoprimal if and only if it is of finite exponent m containing Zm5Zm as a subgroup, and that any group of the formB5ZwithBunbounded is endoprimal, and also cha- racterised endoprimal rank-2 torsion-free groups by means of a decom- position property. Investigations of endoprimality in torsion-free groups have been continued in [4] and [6]. In [4], endoprimal torsion-free sepa- rable groups are characterised, but also arbitrarily large indecomposa- ble endoprimal groups are presented. In [6], endoprimal rank-3 torsion- free groups are described, and even among these there are indecompo- sable ones.

In the present paper we take up a further line from [5]. There the en- doprimality problem was solved for the mixed groups of torsion-free rank 1 with splitting torsion part. To formulate that result and for fur- ther use, let us fix some notations.

In what follows, all groups are abelian and T4T(A) always stands for the torsion part of a groupA. Moreover, for any primep,Tp4Tp(A) is thep-component ofTandTp* is the sum allTq,qcp. The fact thatBis a direct summand ofAis denoted byB±A. ByJpwe denote the ring of p-adic integers.

So we have:

THEOREM 1.1 ([5], Theorem 5.9). Let A be a group and P be the set of those primes p for which A/T is p-divisible. Assume that A has tor- sion-free rank1 and T±A. Then A is endoprimal if and only if T is unbounded and, for every pP, the subgroup Tp is not reduced.


Now we are going to settle the mixed torsion-free rank 1 case com- pletely and prove the following theorem as the main result of the paper.

Notice that we also get endoprimal groups in which none of the primary parts split off; in other words, they are as close to being indecomposable as a mixed group of torsion-free rank 1 can be.

THEOREM 1.2. Let A be a group and P be the set of those primes p for which A/T is p-divisible. Assume A has torsion-free rank 1. Then A is endoprimal if and only if T is unbounded and, for every pP,Tp is either not reduced or it is not a direct summand of A.

2. Unary endofunctions.

The proof of the first three lemmas is straightforward.

LEMMA 2.1. Every endofunction of a group A preserves the kernels and images of all endomorphisms of A. r

LEMMA 2.2 ([5], Proposition 2.5). Let A4A15A2and f be an n-ary endofunction of A.Then fi,the restriction of f to Ai,is an endofunction of Ai, i41 , 2 , and

f(x11y1,R,xn1yn)4f1(x1,R,xn)1f2(y1,R,yn) holds for arbitrary xiA1, yiA2, i41 ,R,n. r

LEMMA 2.3. Let A be a group and f a unary endofunction in A.If b and c are endomorphic images of the same element aA then f(b1c)4f(b)1f(c). r

LEMMA 2.4. If f is any unary endofunction on a group A then fNTis an endomorphism of T.Moreover, for every p-component Tpof T,there exists jJp such that f(x)4jx for every xTp.

PROOF. We first consider the action offon thep-componentTp. We start with the case when Tp is not reduced, that is, it has a quasicyclic subgroupD. Obviously,Dis a direct summand ofA; letA4B5D. Then by 2.2 there exist endofunctionsfBandfDof the groupsBandD, respec- tively, such that for everyxB,yDwe havef(x1y)4fB(x)1fD(y). It is an easy exercise to show that the unary endofunctions ofDare preci- sely its endomorphisms, that is, multiplications byp-adic integers. Letj


be the p-adic integer such that f(x)4jx for every xD. Now, if D1 is any other quasicyclic subgroup of Tp then there exists fEndA that maps D isomorphically onto D1. This yields that f(x)4jx holds for all xD1, but then also for any xE where E is the divisible part of Tp. Let A4B15E,B24B1OTp, thusB2is a reduced p-group. If B2is bounded then it has a cyclic direct summand C of A of highest order.

Now there existsfEndAthat embedsCintoD, implyingf(x)4jxfor everyxC. Also, every cyclic subgroup ofB2is an endomorphic image of C, hencef(x)4jxholds for everyxB2. Now, ifxB2andyEare ar- bitrary then the projections ofAtoB1andE takex1y tox andy, re- spectively, thus by Lemma 2.3 we obtain

f(x1y)4f(x)1f(y)4jx1jy4j(x1y) .

Now assume that B2 is unbounded. A reduced unbounded p-group has cyclic direct summands of arbitrarily high orders (see e.g. [3], Exer- cise 27.1). These direct summands, being pure subgroups ofTp, are pure subgroups of A. Then, as bounded pure subgroups, they all are direct summands of A. Thus, A has cyclic direct summands Ci of arbitrarily high orders pni. Since any of these subgroups can be embedded by means of an endomorphism into D, it follows that f(x)4jx holds for everyxin anyCi. Since any cyclic subgroup ofTpis an endomorphic ima- ge of some Ci, we have f(x)4jx for all xTp.

The case whenTpis reduced can be handled similarly. IfTpis bound- ed then it has a cyclic direct summandC of highest order andCis a di- rect summand ofAas well. This yields that the restriction offtoCis an endofunction ofC, thus there is an integernsuch thatf(x)4nxfor any xC. Also, for every cyclic subgroupC1ofTpthere existsfEndAthat maps C onto C1. This yields that f(x)4nx holds for any xTp.

To finish withTpwe need to handle the case whenTp is reduced but not bounded. As above, we find cyclic direct summandsCiofAcontained inTpof strictly increasing orders and on each of them the functionfcan be computed byf(x)4nixwhereniis an integer. Because for every i,j with iEj there is an endomorphism of A which embeds Ci into Cj, all theseni’s can be replaced by a single p-adic integer j. Thus, f(x)4jx holds for everyi and every xCi. Since any cyclic subgroup ofTp is an endomorphic image of some Ci, the same formula holds for any xTp. By this we have, in particular, that f acts as an endomorphism in every Tp.

Next we prove the equality f(x1y)4f(x)1f(y) for the case when


x,yT belong to different p-components. By the foregoing we have f(x)4mx and f(y)4ny for some integers m,n. We first find k,lZ such that

kx4x, ky404lx, ly4y.

The orders of f(x) and f(y) divide the orders of x and y, respectively, hence

k(f(x1y) )4f(k(x1y) )4f(x)4mx4k(mx1ny)4k(f(x)1f(y) ) and similarlyl(f(x1y) )4l(f(x)1f(y) ). Since obviously kandl can be chosen coprime, we have f(x1y)4f(x)1f(y).

Now, using an easy induction argument one can prove the formula f(x11R1xn)4f(x1)1R1f(xn)


for arbitraryx1,R,xnbelonging to pairwise different p-components ofT.

To conclude the proof, we prove the equality f(x1y)4f(x)1f(y) for arbitrary elements x,yT. Assume that x,yTp11R1Tpn and x4x11R1xn, y4y11R1yn where xi,yiTpi, i41 ,R,n. Then, using the formula (1) and the fact that finduces endomorphisms on all p-components, we have

f(x1y)4f( (x11R1xn)1(y11R1yn) ) 4f( (x11y1)1R1(xn1yn) ) 4f(x11y1)1Rf(xn1yn)

4(f(x1)1f(y1) )1R1(f(xn)1f(yn) ) 4f(x11R1xn)1f(y11R1yn) 4f(x)1f(y) . r

LEMMA 2.5. Let A be an abelian group with torsion part T,and as- sume that rank (A/T)41 . Then every unary endofunction of A is an endomorphism.

PROOF. Consider an arbitrary unary endofunctionfofA. By Lemma 2.4,fpreservesTand the restriction of ftoTis an endomorphism ofT. Next we show that, for anyaA0TandtT,f(a1t)4f(a)1f(t). First observe that the general case of this formula can be derived by an induc-


tion argument from the special one withtTp. Thus, assumetTp. Mo- reover, for the beginning assume thattis contained in a direct summand CofA. LetA4B5C,a4b1t1,bB,t1C. Then it follows from Lem- ma 2.2 thatf(a)4f(b)1f(t1) andf(a1t)4f(b)1f(t11t). Hence, using Lemma 2.4 we have

f(a1t)4f(b)1f(t11t)4f(b)1f(t1)1f(t)4f(a)1f(t) . Consequently, the formula f(a1t)4f(a)1f(t) holds whenever Tp is a direct summand of A.

It remains to consider the case whenTp±O A. In this caseTpcontains cyclic direct summands of A of arbitrarily high orders. We take one of order at least the order oft. Let it beC4acb. LetA4A15C,a4b1u wherebB,uC. Now both a andt are endomorphic images of b1c, and Lemma 2.3 gives f(a1t)4f(a)1f(t).

Finally, if a1,a2A0T then there exist aA0T, m1,m2Z, t1, t2T such that a14m1a1t1, a24m2a1t2. Hence

f(a11a2)4f( (m11m2)a1(t11t2) ) 4f( (m11m2)a)1f(t11t2) 4(m11m2)f(a)1f(t1)1f(t2) 4(m1f(a)1f(t1) )1(m2f(a)1f(t2) ) 4(f(m1a)1f(t1)1(f(m2a)1f(t2) ) 4f(m1a1t1)1f(m2a1t2)

4f(a1)1f(a2) . r

Call a group 1-endoprimal if those of its unary functions which per- mute with all endomorphisms are exactly the unary term functions, that is, the functions of the form kx with some integer k. Now we have:

COROLLARY 2.1. An abelian group of torsion-free rank 1 is1-endo- primal if and only if it is not p-divisible for any prime p and its endo- morphism ring has trivial centre. r

3. Proof of the Main Theorem.

The following statement is a direct consequence of [7], Proposition 2.2 or even of [2], Theorem 1.2.


LEMMA 3.1. Let A be a group of torsion-free rank 1. If T4Tp and A/T is not p-divisible then T±A. r

For easy reference, we state without proof the following simple fact.

LEMMA 3.2. For any group A and prime number p: T/Tp* ±A/Tp* ¨ Tp±A. r Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2 directly imply

LEMMA 3.3. Let A be a group of torsion-free rank 1. If A/T is not p-divisible then Tp ±A. r

The most unexpected conclusion from Theorem 1.2 is that a group of torsion-free rank 1 is endoprimal provided none of its nonzerop-compo- nents splits off and it has a non-zerop-component for every primepsuch that the torsion-free factor of the group isp-divisible. This fact is based on the next lemma.

LEMMA 3.4. Let A be a group of torsion-free rank 1 and let Tp be reduced. Assume that there exist jJp and fEndA such that 0cf(A)’Tp and f(x)4jx for every xTp. Then Tp±A.

PROOF. Lemma 3.2 reduces the proof of the present lemma to the ca- seT4Tp. If A/T is not p-divisible then T4Tp ±A follows by Lemma 3.1. Assume that A/T is p-divisible and consider first the case j40 . Clearly thenT’Kerfand we have a homomorphismf:A/TKT. Hence f(A/T)4f(A) is a divisible subgroup ofT. SinceAis reduced,f(A)40 , a contradiction.

Ifjc0 thenjcan be written in the formj4pkhwherehis an inver- tible p-adic integer and kF0 . The function xOh21x is a well-defined endomorphism of Tp, hence we have c4h21fEndA and obviously c(x)4pkx for every xT. Moreover, f(A)’T implies c(x)4pkx iff xT. Now, ifxEndAis defined byx(x)4c(x)2pkxthen Kerx4T, hencex(A)`A/T. Consequently, x(A) is a torsion-free subgroup of A, that is, x(A)OT40 .

We show thatx(A)1T4A, which proves T±A. LetA4A/Tandx be the endomorphism ofAinduced byxmoduloT. Thenx(A)4pkA4A becauseAisp-divisible. Hence,xis surjective, which is equivalent to the


statement thatx(A) intersects all cosets ofTin A. The latter is equiva- lent to the equality x(A)1T4A. r

We need one more lemma which helps to carry out the induction in the proof of the main theorem. Note that actually the same idea was used several times in [5].

LEMMA 3.5. Let A4B5C. Assume that every cC is contained in some subgroup f(B) where fEndA. Then, if the restriction of every unary endofunction of A to C is a term function, the same holds for endofunctions of A of arbitrary arity.

PROOF. Suppose that the restrictions of all endofunctions ofAof ari- ty less thannare term functions. Letfbe ann-ary endofunction ofAand c1,R,cnC. We takefEndAsuch thatf(C)40 andc14f(b) where bB. Also, letcEndA be the projection of A onto C composed with the natural embedding of C into A. Then

f(c1,R,cn)4f( (f1c)(b), (f1c)(c2),R, (f1c)(cn) ) 4(f1c) f(b,c2,R,cn)

4f(f(b,c2,R,cn) )1c(f(b,c2,R,cn)

4f(f(b),f(c2),R,f(cn) )1f(c(b),c(c2),R,c(cn) ) 4f(c1, 0 ,R, 0 )1f( 0 , c2,R,cn) .

Now our claim follows directly from the induction hypothe- sis. r

PROOF OF THEOREM 1.2. Neccessity. By [5], Corollary 5.2 the tor- sion part must be bounded. IfTp40 forpP, then xO1

pxis an endo- function which is not a term function, henceAis not endoprimal. Finally, assume that there existspP such that Tp is a nonzero, reduced direct summand of A and let A4B5Tp. Clearly Hom (Tp,B)40 . Let f Hom (B,Tp). Obviously, Tp* is the torsion part of B, Tp*’Kerf, and A/T`B/Tp* . Hence finduces a homomorphismc:A/TKTp. SinceA/T isp-divisible, c(A/T) is a divisible subgroup of Tp. SinceTp is reduced, we havec40 but then alsof40 . Thus, Hom (B,Tp)40 , and using [5], Corollary 2.6, we conclude that A is not endoprimal.


PROOF OFTHEOREM 1.2. Sufficiency.We first prove that Ais 1-en- doprimal. Letfbe a unary endofunction ofA. By Lemma 2.5fis an endo- morphism ofA. Hence fpreserves Tand induces an endomorphismf of A/T defined by f(a1T)4f(a)1T. Thus there is a rational number a such thatf(a)1T4a(a1T) for anyaA. Consider first the case when aZ. Define a new functionf1(x)4f(x)2ax. Clearly,f1is both an en- domorphism and an endofunction of A, and f1(A)’T. We are going to show that f140 , which implies that f is a term function.

Given a prime numberp, letppbe the natural projection ofTontoTp

composed with the embedding ofTpintoT. Thenppis an idempotent en- domorphism of T with range Tp and also an endofunction of T. Since f1(A)’T and f1NTEndT, the composition fp4ppf1is an endofunction of A. We shall show, by checking three cases separately, that fp40 for any prime p. This will prove that f140 .

Case 1:pP. By Lemma 3.3 we haveA4B5Tp for a suitable sub- group B of A. Since fp(A)’Tp, Lemma 2.2 implies fpNB40 . Obviously B/T(B)`A/T, therefore B/T(B) is not p-divisible. Hence, given any t Tp, there existsfEndAsuch thatf(b)4t, for a suitable elementb B. Since fp is an endofunction ofA, we have 04f(fp(b) )4fp(f(b) )4 4fp(t). Thus, fpNTp40 . Now Lemma 2.2 gives fp40 .

Case 2:pP,Tp±AandTpis not reduced. NowTphas a nonzero di- visible partDand we have direct decompositions A4B5Tp,Tp4Tp85 5D. As in Case 1, we getfpNB40 . Due topPthe groupB/T(B) isp-divi- sible, hence, given anytD, there exist fEndA and bB such that f(b)4t. Now again as in Case 1 we concludefp(t)40 , hencefpND40 . It remains to show thatfpNTp840 . First, any cyclic direct summandCof Tp8 can be embedded by an endomorphism of A into D. Since fp permutes with that endomorphism, we get fpNC40 . Now there are two possibili- ties: 1)Tp8 is bounded; 2) Tp8is not bounded. In the first case we take a cyclic direct summandCofTp8of the highest order. ThenCcan be map- ped by an endomorphism of A onto any cyclic subgroup of Tp8. Hence fpNC40 impliesfpNTp840 . In the second case we know thatTp8has cyclic direct summands Ci, i41 , 2 ,R, of arbitrarily high orders and obviou- sly the collection of subgroupsf(Ci),fEndA,i41 , 2 ,R, includes all cyclic subgroups of Tp8. As above, we conclude that fpNTp840 .

Case 3:pPandTp±O A. LetDbe the divisible part ofTp,A4B5D and Tp8 4TpOB. Then Tp8±O B, hence Tp8 is unbounded and obviously Tp8 4Tp(B) is reduced. Assume that fpc0 . Then by Lemma 2.2 the re- striction offp either toBorDmust be nonzero. We show thatfpNBc0 .


Indeed, by Lemma 2.4 there existsjJp such that fp(x)4jx for every xTp. SinceTp8 is unbounded,fpNTp840 would implyj40 but then also fpND40 . Now Lemma 3.4 applies withBandfpNBin the roles ofAandf, respectively, to claim that TpB, a contradiction.

We have finished the proof of the claim thatfis a term function ofAif aZ. In general, a can be written as an irreducible fraction

a4 m p1k1Rpsks

where m,k1,R,ksZ, k1,R,ksF1 , and the pi are prime numbers.

SincexOaxis an endomorphism ofA/T, all thepimust belong toP. Ifpi is a prime factor of the denominator ofa, thenTpic0 by the assumptions of the theorem. Let tTpi be an element of order pi, then

p1k1Rpsksf(t)4f(p1k1Rpskst)4f( 0 )40 but, on the other hand,


formis prime to pi. HenceaZcannot take place, and this completes the proof of the claim that A is 1-endoprimal.

We continue by induction on the arity of the endofunctionf. We assu- me that all endofunctions ofAwhose arity is less thannare term func- tions of A. Let f be an n-ary endofunction of A, nF2 .

We start with showing thatfNTpis a term function ofTpfor every pri- mep. Again we have to handle several cases separately. Obviously, we may assume that Tpc0 .

Case 1.pP. Then Lemma 3.3 implies thatTpsplits off, say,A4B5 5Tp. Since B/Tp*`A/T is not p-divisible, for every cTp there exist bB and fEndA such that f(b)4c. Hence our claim follows by Lemma 3.5.

Case 2.pP,Tp±O A. NowTpcontains cyclic direct summands ofAof arbitrarily high orders. This implies that, for any positive integerk, the groupAhas an endomorphic imageSkisomorphic toZpnk. Being an endo- function, f preserves every endomorphic image of A, moreover, the re- striction of f to that image is an endofunction of the latter. Since all groupsZpnkare endoprimal, it follows that the restrictions offto all sub- groups Sk are term functions. Moreover, since for every k,l with kEl there exists an endomorphism ofAthat embedsSkintoSl, there existp-


adic integers j1,R,jn such that

f(x1,R,xn)4j1x11R1jnxn (2)

for everykand allx1,R,xnSk,k41 , 2 ,R. Finally, ifx1,R,xnTp are arbitrary then there are an integerk and an endomorphism f of A such that x1,R,xnf(Sk). From this we conclude that the formula (2) holds for all x1,R,xnTp. Since g1(x)4f(x, 0 ,R, 0 ) is a term func- tion by the induction hypothesis andg1(x)4j1xforxTp, we conclude that j1Z. Similarly, all other coefficients ji are integers.

Case 3.pP,Tp ±A. Now it follows from our assumptions thatTp cannot be reduced. LetDc0 be the divisible part ofTp. Hence we have direct decompositionsA4B5Tp andTp4C5D. We first consider the subgroup B5D. Since B/Tp*`A/Tp is p-divisible, the assumption of Lemma 3.5 is satisfied, that is, for everydDthere existbBand f EndAsuch thatd4f(b). Therefore we can conclude that the restriction of f to D is a term function; let

f(x1,R,xn)4a1x11R1anxn (3)

for all x1,R,xnD and for fixed a1,R,anZ.

Now, if x1,R,xnTp and f is any endomorphism of A such that f(Tp)’D, easy calculations show that


Thus the equality (3) will be verified for all x1,R,xnTp if we prove that the intersection of the kernels of all such endomorphisms and the subgroupTp is zero. But this follows easily from the injectivity ofD. In- deed, every cyclic subgroup ofTpcan be embedded intoD. SinceDis in- jective, this embedding can be extended to an endomorphism of Tp and since Tp±A, it can be further extended to an endomorphism of A.

Thus we have shown that the restrictions offto allp-components ofT are term functions. It is important to observe that there is a common term functiont which coincides with fon allp-components. Indeed, this follows from the fact that, by the induction hypothesis, all unary func- tions f( 0 ,R, 0 ,x, 0 ,R, 0 ) are term functions.

Our next step is to show that the restriction offtoTis a term func- tion. Since every element ofTbelongs to a sum of finitely manyp-compo- nents, we can use again an induction argument. Let



and assume that the formula (3) holds if x1,R,xnTp1 or x1,R,xn Tp25R5Tpm. Using the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we find integers k and l such that

(k1l)xi4xi, kxiTp1, lxiTp25R5Tpm, i41 ,R,n. It remains to calculate:

f(x1,R,xn)4f( (k1l)x1,R, (k1l)xn) 4(k1l)f(x1,R,xn)

4kf(x1,R,xn)1lf(x1,R,xn) 4f(kx1,R,kxn)1f(lx1,R,lxn)

4a1(kx1)1R1an(kxn)1a1(lx1)1R1an(lxn) 4a1(k1l)x11R1an(k1l)xn


For the rest we assume, without loss of generality, that the restric- tion of f to T is zero. The next step is to prove the equality

f(a1,R,an21,an1t)4f(a1,R,an21,an) (4)

for all a1,R,anA and tT. Obviously, it is enough to consider the case tTp, for an arbitrary prime p. We treat two cases separately.

Case 1. Tp±A. LetA4B5Tp andai4bi1ti wherebiB,tiTp, i41 ,R,n. Then, using Lemma 2.2, we have

f(a1,R,an21,an1t)4f(b11t1,R,bn211tn21,bn1tn1t) 4f(b1,R,bn)1f(t1,R,tn21,tn1t) 4f(b1,R,bn)1f(t1,R,tn)

4f(b11t1,R,bn1tn) 4f(a1,R,an) .

Case 2.Tp±O A. Now we can find inTpa cyclic direct summandCofA whose order is not less than the order oft. LetA4B5C,C4acb,ai4 4bi1ciwherebiB,ciC. Also, lett4u1vwhereuB,vC, and take the endomorphismfofAsuch thatfNB41Bandf(c)4u. Then calcula-


te, using again Lemma 2.2:

f(a1,R,an21,an1t)4f(b11c1,R,bn211cn21,bn1u1cn1v) 4f(b1,R,bn21,bn1u)1f(c1,R,cn21,cn1v) 4f(f(b1),R,f(bn21),f(bn1c) )

4f(f(b1,R,bn21,bn1c) ) 4f(f(b1,R,bn)1f( 0 ,R, 0 ,c) ) 4f(f(b1,R,bn) )

4f(f(b1),R,f(bn) )

4f(b1,R,bn)1f(c1,R,cn) 4f(a1,R,an) .

So we have proved (4), from which it follows thatf(a1,R,an21,t)4 40 for arbitrary a1,R,anA and tT. Indeed, (4) implies

f(a1,R,an21,t)4f(a1,R,an21, 0 ) .

Since by the induction hypothesis f(x1,R,xn21, 0 ) is a term function and its restriction to the unbounded group T is zero, we must have f(a1,R,an21, 0 )40 .

It remains to show that f(a1,R,an)40 holds also in the case when none of theai is a torsion element. Since rank (A/T)41 , there are inte- gersk,land elementsaA,u,vTsuch thatan214ka1u,an4la1 1v. Then

f(a1,R,an)4f(a1,R,an22,ka1u,la1v)4f(a1,R,an22,ka,la) . Again by the induction hypothesis, f(x1,R,xn22,kxn21,lxn21) is a term function and its restriction to T is zero, so we conclude that f(a1,R,an22,ka,la)40 . This completes the proof. r

REMARK. In some cases it may be useful to consider an abelian groupAas a module not overZbut over the largest subringNofQover which it is a module – this ringNis called thenucleusofA. For example, the nucleus of every divisible torsion-free group isQ. Clearly, ifNis the nucleus of a groupA andqN0Zthen the function xOqx is an endo- function but not a term function ofA. ThusAcannot be endoprimal as an abelian group. On the other hand, this function is a term function of the


N-moduleA, soAcan be endoprimal overN. Therefore, when investigat- ing endoprimality of abelian groups, it may be convenient to consider them as modules over their nuclei, that is, to regard the functions (1) withkiNas term functions. It is easy to understand that the nucleus of a mixed groupAis the subring ofQgenerated by the inverses of all pri- mes p such that A/T is p-divisible and Tp40 .

For this case, as is easy to see, our main theorem takes the following form.

THEOREM 1.28. Let A be a group and P be the set of those primes p for which A/T is p-divisible. Assume A has torsion-free rank 1. Then A is endoprimal over its nucleus if and only if T is unbounded and, for every pP, at least one of the following three possibilities occurs: 1) Tp40; 2) Tp is not reduced; 3) Tp is not a direct summand of A. r


[1] B. A. DAVEY- J. G. PITKETHLY,Endoprimal algebras, Algebra Universalis,38 (1997), pp. 266-288.

[2] P. C. EKLOF - M. HUBER, Abelian group extensions and the axiom of con- structibility, Comment. Math. Helv., 54 (1979), pp. 440-457.

[3] L. FUCHS, Infinite Abelian Groups, I-II, Academic Press, New York, 1970, 1973.

[4] R. GO¨BEL- K. KAARLI- L. MA´RKI- S. WALLUTIS,Endoprimal torsion-free se- parable abelian groups, J. Algebra Appl., to appear.

[5] K. KAARLI - L. MA´RKI, Endoprimal abelian groups, J. Austral. Math. Soc.

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[6] K. KAARLI- K. METSALU,On endoprimality of torsion-free abelian groups of rank 3, Acta Math. Hungar., to appear.

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In: Abelian Groups, Rings and Modules (Proc. Conf. Perth, 2000), Contempo- rary Mathematics,273 (2001), pp. 269-283. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 5 dicembre 2003.


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