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On the reflected random walk on $\mathbb{R}_+$.


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Preprint submitted on 12 Apr 2016

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On the reflected random walk on R_+.

Jean-Baptiste Boyer

To cite this version:

Jean-Baptiste Boyer. On the reflected random walk onR_+.. 2016. �hal-01167918v2�



IMB, Universit´e de Bordeaux / MODAL’X, Universit´e Paris-Ouest Nanterre

Abstract. Letρbe a borelian probability measure onRhaving a moment of order 1 and a driftλ=R


Consider the random walk onR+ starting atxR+ and defined for anynNby X0 =x

Xn+1 =|Xn+Yn+1| where (Yn) is an iid sequence of lawρ.

We notePthe Markov operator associated to this random walk. This is the operator defined for any borelian and bounded functionf onR+ and anyxR+by

P f(x) = Z



For a borelian bounded functionf onR+, we call Poisson’s equation the equation f=gP gwith unknown functiong.

In this paper, we prove that under a regularity condition on ρ, for any directly Riemann-integrable function, there is a solution to Poisson’s equation and using the renewal theorem, we prove that this solution has a limit at infinity.

Then, we use this result to prove the law of large numbers, the large deviation principle, the central limit theorem and the law of the iterated logarithm.


Introduction 2

1. Induced Markov chains 3

1.1. Definitions 3

1.2. Application to the study of invariant measures 7

2. Induction and the renewal theorem 9

3. Application to the relfected random walk on R+ 14

References 21

E-mail address: jeaboyer@math.cnrs.fr. Date: April 12, 2016.

Key words and phrases. Markov Chains, Poisson’s equation, Gordin’s method, renewal theorem, random walk on the half line.




Letρbe a borelian probability measure onRhaving a moment of order 1 and a drift λ=R


Consider the random walk onR+ starting at xR+ and defined for anynNby X0 =x

Xn+1 =|Xn+Yn+1| where (Yn) is an iid sequence of law ρ.

We noteP the Markov operator associated to this random walk. This is the operator defined for any borelian and bounded functionf on R+ and any xR+ by

P f(x) = Z



The aim of this article is to study this Markov chain and to do so, we will use a standard technique (known as Gordin’s method) which consists in finding a solution g to the“Poisson equation” gP g=f forf in a certain Banach space.

Using results of Glynn and Meyn, we will prove that under a regularity assumption on the measureρ, there always is a solution to this equation iff is borelian and bounded but this solution will not be bounded in general and this prevents us from studying the large deviation principle and complicates the study of the central limit theorem and of the law of the iterated logarithm.

However, we will see in section1that the solution to Poisson’s equation satisfies some equations (see proposition1.3) and using a “stopped” renewal theorem that we will state in section 2(see corollary 2.6) we will prove the following

Corollary (3.7). Let ρ be an absolutely continuous probability measure on R having a moment of order 1, a negative drift λ = R

Rydρ(y) < 0 and such that ρ(R+) > 0. Let (Xn) be the reflected random walk on R+ defined by ρ.

Letνbe the unique stationary probability measure onR+(it exists according to[Leg89]

or [PW06]).

Then, for any directly Riemann-integrable function f on R+ such that R

f = 0, there is a bounded and a.e. continuous function g on R+ such that

f =gP g and lim

x→+∞g(x) = 0 This will allow us to prove the following

Proposition (3.8and3.11). Letρ be an absolutely continuous probability measure onR having a moment of order1, a negative driftλ=R

Rydρ(y)<0and such thatρ(R+)>0.

Let (Xn) be the reflected random walk on R+ defined byρ.

For any directly Riemann-integrable functionf on R+ such that R

f= 0, there are constants C1, C2 R+ such that for any ε]0,1], anyxR+ and any nN,

Px (

1 n





>ε )!



In particular, for any xR+, 1 n




f(Xk)0Px-a.e. and in L1(Px)

Moreover, is ρ as a moment of order 2 +ε for some ε R+, then, for any directly Riemann-integrable function f on R+ with R

f= 0 and any xR+,

1 n




f(Xk)→ NL 0, σ2(f) Where we noted N(0,0) the Dirac mass at 0 and

σ2(f) = Z


g2(P g)2

with g the bounded function given by corollary 3.7and such that f =gP g.

Moreover, if σ2(f)6= 0, then lim sup

Pn−1 k=0f(Xk)

p2nσ2(f) ln ln(n) = 1a.e. and lim inf

Pn−1 k=0f(Xk)

p2nσ2(f) ln ln(n) =1a.e.

1. Induced Markov chains

The aim of this section is to study the process of induction of Markov chains by stopping times and to link the induced chain to the original one. We study it in a general case as it doesn’t use any particular property of the reflected random walk.

1.1. Definitions. Let (Xn) be a Markov chain on a standard Borel spaceX. We define a Markov operator onX setting, for a borelian functionf and xX,

P f(x) =E[f(X1)|X0=x]

Given a stopping timeτ, we can study the Markov chain (Xτn)n∈Nwhereτnis defined by

τ0((Xn)) = 0

τk+1((Xn)) =τk((Xn)) +ττk((Xn))(Xn)) whereθ stands for the shift on XN.

We noteQthe sub-Markov operator associated to (Xτn), that is, for a borelian func- tion g onX and xX,

Q(g)(x) = Z

{τ <+∞}

g(Xτ)dPx((Xn)) If, for any xX,Px({τ <+∞}) = 1, then Qis a Markov operator.


Finally, we define two other operator on Xsetting, for a borelian non negative func- tionf andxX,

Sf(x) = Z


f(X1)dPx((Xn)) (1.1)

Rf(x) = Z

{τ <+∞}

f(X0) +· · ·+f(Xτ−1)dPx((Xn)) (1.2)

Definition 1.1 compatible stopping times).

We say that a stopping time τ is θcompatible if for all x X, Px({τ = 0}) = 0 and forPxa.e. (Xn)XN,τ((Xn))>2 implies thatτ(θ(Xn)) =τ((Xn))1.

Example 1.2. Let Y be a borelian subset of Xand τY the time of first return inY:

τY((Xn)) = inf{nN; XnY} Then,τY isθcompatible.

Moreover,τYn as we defined it coresponds to the time ofn-th return toY.

Forx X, we setu(x) =ExτY and we call Y strongly Harris-recurrent if u is finite onX. This imply in particular that for anyx inX,τY isPxa.e. finite.

Indeed for any borelian non negative function f and anyxX, we have that

Qf(x) = Z

{τ <+∞}










Exf(Xn)1Yc(X1). . .1Yc(Xn−1)1Y(Xn)





(P1Yc)n−1P(f1Y) =





Rf(x) = Z

{τ <+∞}

f(X0) +· · ·+f(Xτ−1)dPx=





=f(x) +




Exf(Xn)1Yc(X1). . .1Yc(Xn)

= f(x) +











Sf(x) = Z


f(X1)dPx = Z

f(X1)1Y(X1)dPx =P(f1Y)

Thus, we have that (R+Q)f = (Id+RP)f, RSf =Qf, (P S)Qf = P(1YcQf) = QfSf and (PS)Rf =P(1YcRf) =Rff.

Note that P, Q, R, S, P S, Q S and R Id are positive operators and so the computations we made make sense for any non negative borelian functionf.

Next lemma generalizes those relations for any θcompatible stopping time.


Proposition 1.3. Let τ be a θcompatible stopping time such that for anyxX, τ is Pxa.e. finite.

For any non negative borelian function f on X, we have : (R+Q)f = (Id+RP)f (Id+P R)f = (Id+S)Rf (Id+S)Qf = (S+P Q)f

RSf =Qf

Proof. Letf be a borelian non negative function on Xand xX.

Using the Markov property and τ being aθcompatible stopping time, we have that for any nN,

Exf(Xn)1{τ>n} =ExP f(Xn−1)1{τ>n}

And so,

(R+Q)f(x) =Exf(X0) +· · ·+f(Xτ)dPx=Ex





=f(x) +




ExP f(Xn−1)1{τ>n}=f(x) +RP f(x) Moreover, as τ is θcompatible,



Rf(X1)dPx((Xn)) = Z


f(X1) +· · ·+f(Xτ−1)dPx((Xn)) Thus,

f(x)+P Rf(x) =f(x) + Z


Rf(X1)dPx((Xn)) + Z



=f(x) +SRf(x) + Z


f(X1) +· · ·+f(Xτ−1)dPx((Xn))

=SRf(x) + Z

f(X0) +· · ·+f(Xτ−1)dPx((Xn)) =SRf(x) +Rf(x) Then, by definition of S,R

{τ=1}f(X1)dPx((Xn)) =R

{τ=1}f(Xτ)dPx((Xn)), so, Sf(x) +P Qf(x) =


1{τ=1}(f(X1) +Qf(X1)) +1{τ>2}f(Xτ)dPx((Xn))

=SQf(x) +Qf(x) Finally, for any nN,

ExSf(Xn−1)1{τ>n}= Z




therefore, RSf(x) =Ex













And this finishes the proof of this proposition.

Lemma 1.4. Let (Xn) be a Markov chain on a standard borelian space X.

Letν be a finite Pinvariant measure on Xandτ a θcompatible stopping time such that forν-a.e xX,limn→+∞Px >n) = 0.

Then, for any non negative borelian functionf on X, we have Z


f= Z



Proof. According to proposition 1.3,f +P Rf =Rf+SRf. So, ifRf L1(X, ν), as ν isPinvariant, we get the lemma.

Iff 6∈L1(X, ν), we will get the lemma by approximation.

First, we assume thatf is bounded. In general,Rf 6∈L1(X, ν) so, we approximate it with a sequence of integrable functions.

More precisely, for nN, we note Rn the operator defined like R but associated to the stopping time min(n, τ) (which is not θcompatible).

That is to say, for a borelian non negative functionf and any xX,

Rnf(x) =Ex





As{min(τ, n) = 1}={τ = 1} forn>2, the operator S associated to min(τ, n) does not depend onn forn>2.

As min(τ, n) is notθcompatible, we can’t use proposition1.3, but we have forn>2, that

P Rnf(x) =Ex





=SRnf(x) + Z






=SRnf(x) + Z







And, as f is bounded, for any x X, |Rnf(x)|6 nkfk and so Rnf is integrable sinceµ is a finite measure and,


SRnf f= Z

P Rnf Rn+1f = Z


= Z


= Z

P f(Xn−1)1{τ>n}dPx((Xn))dν(x) So,






Px({τ >n})dν(x)0 (by monotone convergence) and using the monotone convergence theorem, we get the expected result for borelian bounded functions.

Iff is not bounded and non-negative, we take an increasing sequence (fn) of bounded positive functions which converges to f and we get the expected result by monotone


Example 1.5. If τ is the return time to some strongly Harris-recurrent set Y, then Sf(x) =P(f1Y)(x). Moreover for everyPinvariant measureνand everyf L1(X, ν), such thatRf is νa.e. finite,R



In particular, with f = 1, we have that, R

YEτ =ν(X). This is Kac’s lemma for dynamical systems.

1.2. Application to the study of invariant measures. In this subsection, X is a complete separable metric space endowed with it’s Borel tribe and “measure” stands for

“borelian measure”. We assume that there exist (at least) a Pinvariant probability measure on X.

We also fix a θcompatible stopping timeτ such that for anyx inX,Exτ is finite.

Lemma 1.6. Let µ be a finite non-zero Pinvariant borelian measure on X. Then, Sµ is a finite non-zero Qinvariant measure onX.

Moreover, RSµ=µ and Sµ is absolutely continuous with respect to µ.

Proof. First, for all non negativef ∈ B(X) and allxX,Sf(x)6P f(x).

So, R

Sf6 R

P fdµ =R

f since µ is Pinvariant and f is bounded. And this proves that Sµ is absolutely continuous with respect to µ. So, as Fubuni’s theorem proves that it is σadditive,Sµis a finite measure on X.

Moreover, we saw in lemma 1.4 that for all non negative borelian function f on X, R SRfdµ=R

fand this proves thatRSµ=µ.

Then, we need to prove thatSµ(X)>0. But, for all xX, PkS(1)(x) =ExS1(Xk)>Px({τ =k+ 1}) So, Pn−1

k=0PkS(1)>Px({τ 6n+ 1}). And, as µ is Pinvariant, taking the integral on both sides, we get that,




Px({τ 6n})dµ(x)


Finally, we use that forµ-a.e. xX, limnPx 6n) = 1 and the dominated convergence theorem, tells us that 0< µ(X)6limnSµ(X), so Sµ(X)>0.

Lemma 1.7. Let ν be a non-zero Qinvariant borelian measure on X. Then, Rν is a non zero Pinvariant measure on X.

Moreover, SRν =ν and ν is absolutely continuous with respect to Rν.

Finally, if QR(1) is bounded on X, then Rν is a finite measure if and only if ν is.

Remark 1.8. The technical assumption QR1 bounded onX is reasonable.

More specifically, using the same notations as in remark 1.2, we call Y linearily recurrent if supy∈YEyτY is finite.

In this case, R1(x) = ExτY and QR1(x) =ExR1(XτY) 6supy∈YEyτY since for any xX,Px(XτY Y) = 1 be definition of τY.

Proof. To prove that Rµis a measure, one just have to prove that it is σadditive.

Let (An) be a sequence of pairwise disjoint borelian subsets ofX andnN. As R is a linear operator, we have thatR

R(1nk=0Ak)dν =Pn k=0

R R1Akdν, thus,Rν is finitely additive. But, according to the monotone convergence theorem, the left side of this equation converges toR

R(1∪An)dν and this finishes the proof that Rν isσadditive.

Moreover, for all non negativef ∈ B(X),f 6Rf, soν(f)6ν(Rf) andνis absolutely continuous with respect toRν and Rν(X)>0.

Then, proposition 1.3 shows that for any positive borelian function f, Rf +Qf = f+RP f. Applying this tof =1Afor some borelian setA, and taking the integral over ν, we get thatR

R1A+Q1A =R

1A+RP1Adν. But,ν is Qinvariant so ifν(A) is finite, we get thatR

R1A =R

RP1A. Ifν(A) is infinite, the result still holds since in this case, R

R1A = ν(A) =Qν(A) = R

RP1A = +. Thus, for any borelian setA,Rν(A) =PRν(A) that is to say, Rν isPinvariant.

AsRS=Q andν isQinvariant, we directly have thatSRν =ν.

For the last point, assume thatQR(1) is a bounded function onX.

IfRν is finite, then so is ν sinceν(X)6Rν(X).

Assume that ν is finite. Then according to Chacon-Ornstein’s ergodic theorem (see chapter 3 theorem 3.4 in [Kre85]), there exist a Qinvariant non negative borelian functiong such thatR

g =R

R1dν and for νalmost every xX, 1






And, sinceQR is bounded onXandR1(x) =Exτ is finite, we get thatg(x)6kQRk

for νa.e x X. So, g L(X, ν) L1(X, ν) since ν(X) < + and R

R1dν 6


We saw in the previous lemmas that R ans S act on invariant measure. As they are linear operators and the set of invariant measures is convex, next proposition shows that they also preserve the ergodic measures (in some sense since they do not preserve probability measures).


Corollary 1.9. Let (Xn) be a Markov chain on a complete separable metric space X and τ a θcompatible stopping time such that for any x X, Exτ is finite. Define P, Q, R and S as previously and assume that QR1 is bounded on X.

Then,S andR are reciproqual linear bijections between thePinvariant finite mea- sures and the Qinvariant ones which preserve ergodicity.

Proof. We already saw in lemma1.6 and 1.7 that S (resp R) maps the Pinvariant (resp. Qinvariant) finite non zero measures onto theQinvariant (resp. Pinvariant) ones and that they are reciproqual to each-other.

Thus, it remains to prove that the image by S or R of an ergodic measure still is ergodic. To do so, we use the linearity of S and R and that ergodic probability measures are extreme points of the set of invariant probability measures for a Markov chain in a complete separable metric space.

Letµbe aPergodic finite non zero measure. We assume without any loss of gener- ality that µis a probability measure. We saw in lemma 1.6 that Sµis a Qinvariant non zero finite measure.

Assume that Sµ = Sµ(X)(tν1 + (1t)ν2) where ν1 and ν2 are two Qinvariant probability measures and t[0,1].

Then, we get that µ=RSµ=Sµ(X)(tRν1+ (1t)Rν2). But µ is ergodic, so


Rν1(X)Rν1 = Rν1

2(X)Rν2. And applyting S again, we obtain that ν1 = ν2, hence, Sµ isQergodic.

The same proof holds to show that ifν isQergodic, then Rν isPergodic.

2. Induction and the renewal theorem

In this section, we use the renewal theorem on Rto prove a “stopped renewal theorem” in corollary2.6.

Letρbe a borelian probability measure onRand define a random walk onRstarting at xR by


X0 = x Xn+1 = Xn+Yn+1 where (Yn) has lawρN.

We assume thatρ has a moment of order 1 and a negative driftλ=R


In particular, for ρNa.e (Yn)RN, Pn

k=0Yk converges to−∞.

We noteP the Markov operator associated to ρ. This is the operator defined for any bounded borelian functionf on R and anyxRby

P f(x) = Z


f(x+y)dρ(y) We note τ the time of first return to ]− ∞,0] :

τ((Xn)) = inf{nN, Xn]− ∞,0]}

This is aϑcompatible stopping time and our assumption onρimplies (see P1 in section 18 of [Spi64]) that for any xR,

Exτ <+


In this section, we are interested in the operatorRdefined as in section1 for any non negative borelian function f on Rand any xRby

Rf(x) :=Ex





The study of the operator is very close from renewal theory : indeed, if ρ(R+) = 0 and f is null onR, then for anyxR,

Rf(x) =





Therefore, we make the following definition that is usual in renewal theory :

Definition 2.1. Letf be a borelian function onR. We say thatf is directly Riemann- integrable if



x∈[nh,(n+1)h]inf |f(x)|= lim




x∈[nh,(n+1)h]|f(x)|<+ In the sequel, we will use the following characterisation

Lemma 2.2 (Lebesgue’s criterion for Riemann-integrability). Let f be a bounded func- tion on R.

Then, f is directly Riemann integrable if and only if it is a.e. continuous and for someh R+,





In the next three lemmas, we are going to prove that, notingR, Sthe operators defined as in section1and associated toτ, then for any directly Riemann-integrable functionf, SRf is also directly Riemann-integrable.

Lemma 2.3. Let ρ be a borelian probability measure on R having a moment of order 1 and a negative drift λ=R


Note τ the time of first return to]− ∞,0]and R the associated operator defined as in section1.

Then, for any directly Riemann-integrable functionf onR, the functionRfis bounded on R.

Proof. To prove this proposition, we are going to use the classical renewal theorem.

Indeed, for anyxRwe have that

|Rf(x)|6R|f|(x) =Ex













But, if the measure is non-lattice1, according to the renewal theorem (see [Fel71]), we have that





Pn|f|(x) = 0 and lim





Pn|f|(x) = 1 λ



1For anyαR,ρ(αZ)<1


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