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Effective exponents of nematic liquid crystals


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1982

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Effective exponents of nematic liquid crystals

Lin Lei

To cite this version:

Lin Lei. Effective exponents of nematic liquid crystals. Journal de Physique, 1982, 43 (2), pp.251-253.

�10.1051/jphys:01982004302025100�. �jpa-00209392�



Effective exponents of nematic liquid crystals

Lin Lei

Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China (Rep le 23 juin 1980, révisé le 12 octobre 1981, accepté le 22 octobre 1981)



Les « exposants » effectifs 03B3’, 03BD’ et 0394’ sont calculés dans la phase nématique et des valeurs différentes sont trouvées dans la phase isotrope. Nous proposons des mesures de ces « exposants ».



Effective « exponents » 03B3’, v’ and 0394’ in the nematic phase are calculated and found to be different from their counterparts in the isotropic phase. Measurements of these exponents are proposed.

J. Physique 43 (1982) 251-253



Classification Physics Abstracts

61.30C - 64.70E

The nematic-isotropic liquid (N-I) phase transition

in liquid crystals is first order in nature [1, 2]. In the

I phase near transition point T,, the influence of the fluctuations of the order parameter is more apparent and the mean field approximation has to be improved [3, 4]. However, in the N phase near Tc, under certain circumstances the mean field approximation is still

useful. For example, this approximation predicts

that the critical exponents of the correlation length

are not equal to each other on the two sides of Tc [1, 5], which has been confirmed by the nuclear

magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments of Dong

and Tomchuk [6]. For PAA-d6, reference [5] predicted

that in the N phase of range 404 K-409.65 K ( = T)

the apparent exponent of correlation length, 7 (named v in Ref. [5]), should be 0.4 which was at odds with the experimental value of 0.66 available in reference [6] at that time. Subsequently, Dong [7]

reanalysed his experimental data and obtained



0.4, in agreement with our theoretical value [5].

In view of these developments and the fundamental difficulties in the analysis of NMR data of v , we

here use the Landau-de Gennes (LdG) theory [8] to

calculate other exponents y’ and L1’ in the N phase

and propose possible experiments to check the


1. Theory. - The free energy in the LdG theory

is given by

where S is the order parameter, A


a(T - T*),

h proportional to the square of the external field,

a, B, C, T* are positive material parameters, T* the




2, FEVRIER 1982

supercooling temperature. When h


0, by OFIOS = 0

we obtain S


0 (I phase) and the order parameter in the N phase

where T+ = T* + B2/4 aC. When h # 0, the equa- tion of state S


S(T, h) is given by

Differentiating (3) with respect to h we get

giving rise to the well-known critical exponents

(T - T*) y


1 and d


2 [2-4, 9]. In the N phase,



S in (4) and (5) and

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:01982004302025100



The result ~4 ~/i(r) above was first obtained in reference [5]. Since the correlation length in the N

phase A -’ ~2 ~ T v’,We obtain immediately y’


2 v’. Similarly, y


2 v.

When T approaches T+ from below, fl N T1 12

and f2 ~ :r3/2. Therefore, y’


1/2, v’


1/4, 4 ’ = 1.

Comparing with results in the I phase, one obtains

All these exponents are mean field values.

In real experimental situations (in the N phase),

since the N-I transition is first order, one generally

has T T, T + . In other words, the tempera-

ture T cannot be sufficiently close to T~ for the

above values of y’, v’ and L1’ to be measured. Yet,

in the experimental temperature range, through the slope of the linear fit to the log S’ - log s curve one

can still define an apparent exponent q (and simi-

larly 7 and T). The value of these apparent expo- nents will depend on the exact forms of f i and f2

and vary according to the temperature range under consideration and the materials involved. Fortuna-

tely, if the temperature is measured in terms of i ~

(rather than E --- (T+ - 7)/T’) then by (6) and (7),

both S’ and S" are functions of i. Consequently, for

different nematics, as long as the temperature range of 5 is the same, one will obtain the same apparent exponents (7"71 A’). In this sense, apparent expo- nents of first order transitions in liquid crystals are

universal. However, this universality may break down when higher order terms are included in (1).

Alternatively, one may define effective exponents

at each point of temperature by

etc. Then, by (6) and (7),

where x --- :ri/2. Therefore, when T approaches T~

from below, T’ff changes from 1 to 1/2, veff from 1/2

to 1/4 and J’ff from 3/2 to 1.

2. Calculations. - In figure la and figure 2a,

the calculated results of T’ff and d eff from (8) and (9)

are plotted, respectively. The point 5


1/8 is the

transition point Tc.

In treating the experimental data, and knowing Tc

and T*, one may use T+ = Tc + (T, - T*)/8 to

determine T+. The determination of yeff f requires

more accurate data (since differentiation with respect to 5 is involved, see definition of yeff above). There- fore, many experimentalists are still interested in the

apparent exponents (ÿ’, etc.) in a certain temperature

Fig. 1.


a) Variation of yeff with reduced temperature T.

b) log 10/1


vs. log 1 o z. The dots are calculated results. The

slope of the linear fit gives the apparent exponent y’ for

a given temperature range.

Fig. 2.


a) Variation of d eff with reduced temperature i.

b) log 1 o fi vs. log 1 o i. The dots are calculated results.

The slope of the linear fit gives the apparent exponent d~’

for a given temperature range.



range. To this end, we plot respectively in figures 1 b

and 2b, loglo f 1(i) and log 10 f2(-T) as functions of 10glo T. For the sake of clarity, only selected calcu- lated points (and not the whole curve) represented by dots are presented in figures I b and 2b. The straight

line represents the best linear fit to the theoretical

values, the slopes of which give respectively the apparent exponents T’ and T. With MBBA in mind,

we take T,


47 °C and T, - T*


1 °C, the tem- perature range 37 °C T 47 °C corresponds to

0.125 5 10.125. From figures _1 b and 2b we

obtain approximately y


0.75 and d’ - 1.2. Conse-

quently, V


0.38. These theoretical results can be checked experimentally.

Comparing figures 1 a and 1 b it is obvious that yeff definitely gives much more information than y as

obtained from figure 1 b. From figure 1 b, one sees

that it is not always possible to obtain a good linear

fit if the temperature range is too wide. In addition a

perfectly straight line in log f i vs. log T will corres- pond to a constant yeff for the same temperature

range. In figure la where yeff does not approach a

constant in the range of ? shown, one may still obtain

an approximate constant Y for the same range Of T in figure 1 b. Therefore, one must be very careful in

discussing the meaning and accuracy of apparent exponents deduced in the way of figure 1 b. The same

is true for figure 2. These observations are also rele- vant and should be kept in mind in the discussion of

experimental data [2, 10] (y, d, etc.) in the I phase.

3. Discussion.


In the indirect measurement of V by NMR experiments [6, 7], the analysis of the

relaxation time data is known to be complicated and

difficult. The main reason is that there is usually

more than one relaxation mechanism in liquid crystals and the theoretical description is too compli-

cated to be of sufficient accuracy. In this regard,

measurements of y and T through the quantities S’

and S" may be more direct and much easier in compa- rison. Experimentally, one only has to determine the order parameter S in the nematic phase as functions

of T and h (similar to the case in the I phase [10]).

And there are quite a number of different ways that S

can be measured [11].

The kind of asymmetry of the exponents on the

two sides of Tc presented here are characteristic of the first order nature of the N-I transition and are not expected from the tricritical hypothesis [9, 12].

Therefore, experimental determination of these expo- nents y and d’ in the nematic phase will not only provide a check of the LdG model but will also give

further tests on the nontricritical nature of the N-I transition.



This work was carried out

during the author’s visit at the Laboratoire de Phy- sique des Solides, Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France Feb.-May, 1980. We thank Jacques Friedel and

Georges Durand for useful discussions, and Roland

Ribotta for hospitality.


[1] LIN LEI, Kexue Tongbao 23 (1978) 715.

[2] LIN LEI, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43 (1979) 1604.

[3] LIN LEI, WANG XINYI, Acta Physica Sinica 29 (1980) 1427 ;

LIN LEI, WANG XINYI, in Proc. Ann. Conf. Condensed

Matter Phys., European Phys. Soc., Antwerpen, April 1980.

[4] LIN LEI, in Liquid Crystals, S. Chandrasekhar (Heyden, London) 1980.

[5] LIN LEI, CAI JUNDAO, Scientia Sinica (Forgn. Lang. ed.)

22 (1979) 1258.

[6] DONG, R. Y., TOMCHUK, E., Phys. Rev. A 17 (1978)


[7] DONG, R. Y., Phys. Rev. A 21 (1980) 1064.

[8] DEGENNES, P. G., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 12 (1971) 193.

[9] KEYES, P. H., Phys. Lett. 67A (1978) 132.

[10] KEYES, P. H., SHANE, J. R., Phys. Rev. Lett. 42 (1979)


[11] DEGENNES, P. G., Physics of Liquid Crystals (Claren- don, Oxford) 1974 ; STEPHEN, M. J., STRALEY, J. P.,

Rev. Mod. Phys. 46 (1974) 617.

[12] LIN LEI, Kexue Tongbao (Forgn. Lang. ed.) 25 (1980)



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