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We consider the hybrids of empirical and partial-sum processes given byAn(t) =


1≤i≤nH(Xi)1{Xi≤t}i, −∞< t < under suitable conditions on the se- quence of random variables {Xi}i≥1 and {i}i≥1 given below. Under moment conditions on the sequence{i}i≥1, we establish an upper bound in a strong ap- proximation result for the processAn(a(n)t), wherea(n) is a sequence of positive constants such thata(n) =O(logn2γn), γ(0,1/4).

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 60F15, 60F17.

Key words: hybrids of empirical and partial-sum processes, tail empirical process.


Let U1, U2, . . . , be a sequence of independent random variables with a uniform distribution on (0,1). Denote by ˜Fn(s) =n1n

i=11{Ui≤s}, 0≤s≤1 the empirical distribution function based on the firstn of these random vari- ables, where 1{x≤y} denotes the indicator function. Letαn(s) =n1/2{F˜n(s) s}, 0 ≤s≤ 1 be the uniform empirical process. For each integer n≥ 1, the tail empirical process is defined to be a(n)1/2αn(a(ns)), 0 s 1, where a(n) is a sequence of positive constants such that a(n)→ 0 and na(n) → ∞ as n→ ∞. Tail empirical process has been considerated many times in the literature. In particular, Mason [14] established a strong invariance theorem for the tail empirical process, Cs¨org˝o and Mason [2] utilized tail empirical process results to study intermediate and extreme-sum processes (cf. for in- stance p. 62, 63), Einmahl [9] studied the almost sure behavior in the case of the weighted tail empirical process with application to the construction of asymptotic confidence bands for intermediate quantiles from an arbitrary continuous distribution function, Deheuvels [5] established the Chung type functionals laws of the iterated logarithm for tail empirical processes while in [4] he stated that the tail empirical process is almost sure relatively compact in an appropriate topological space for a suitable sequencea(n).

Our aim is to establish the upper bound in a strong approximation for the tail of hybrids of empirical and partial-sum processes defined below by (1).

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,52(2007),3, 305–313


In Section 2 we begin by recalling a strong approximation result given in [11]

and by Remark 2.1 we recall that it is equivalent to consider a version of An(a(n)t) for tin (0,1). In Section 3 we establish our main results. Finally, Section 4 is devoted to the proofs of the main results.

Denote by

(1) An(t) =


H(Xi)1{Xi≤t}i, −∞< t <∞

the hybrids of empirical and partial-sum processes, with the following regu- larity conditions on the sequence of random variables{Xi}i≥1 and {i}i≥1:

(A) The sequences of real random variables{Xi}i≥1 and {i}i≥1 are in- dependent.

(B) {Xi,1 i < ∞} are independent identically distributed random variables with common distribution functionF.

(C) {i,0 i < ∞} are independent identically distributed random variables with E[i] = µ, E[2] = 1. Without loss of generality, we consider thatµ= 1, when µ= 0.

(D) The functionHis positive and of bounded variation on the real line.

(E)1 has a finite moment generation function in a neighborhood of 0.

Diebolt [6] (see also [8]) and Diebolt and Laib [7] showed thatn1/2An(t) (withµ= 0 in condition (C)) converges weakly to a time transformed Wiener process (Brownian motion) and obtained upper bounds for the rate of conver- gence.

The time transformation for the limiting Wiener process given in [6] is

(2) Gn(t) =

0 U2(s)dFn(s), whereFn(t) =n1

1≤i≤n1{Xi≤t}, −∞< t <∞, i.e. the empirical distribu- tion function of X1, X2, . . .. Later on, Horv´ath [11], showed that the random time change Gn(t) can be replaced by a non-random time change G(t) de- fined as

(3) G(t) =

0 U2(s)dF(s),

whereF(x) is the common cumulated distribution function of theXi, without reducing the rates of the approximations given in [6]. The almost sure approx- imation of the two-time parameter process{An(t),−∞< t <∞, 1≤n <∞}

by a Gaussian process was also stated in [11].


Under some conditions on the sequence of random variables {Xi}i≥1

and {i}i≥1, Heusler and Mason [10] defined the “randomly weighted boot- strap empirical process” (see also [12] for approximations for weighted boot- strap processes and references therein) associated withAn(t) (withH= 1) by Xn(t) =

1≤i≤ni(1{Xi≤t}−t), 0≤t≤1. They showed that behind this pro- cess there is a martingale structure, and establishe by martingale arguments theOp( ) approximation of Xn(t) by a standard Brownian bridge.

We can and shall assume that without loss of generality that all the random variables and processes introduced so far and later on in this paper can be defined on the same probability space (cf. Appendix 2 in [1]).

In the following, we set log1u = log+u = log(u ∨e) and logpu = log+(logp−1u) for p≥2.


In this section we recall some useful results concerning the hybrids of empirical and partial-sum processes.

Replacing condition (E) by the weaker condition (F) the functionE[|1|P]<∞ forp≥5,

Horv´ath [11] (Theorem 2.2 ii) proved the following result.

Theorem1. Under conditions (A), (B), (C,with µ= 0), (D) and (F), we can define a two-time parameter Wiener process {Γ(x, y), 0≤x, y < ∞}

such that, with probability one,

−∞<t<∞sup |An(t)Γ(G(t), n)|=O

n1/2−δ(p)(logn)1/2 ,

where δ(p) = (p−2)/4(p+ 1).

Recall that the two-parameter Wiener process {Γ(x, y), 0 ≤x, y < ∞}

is a Gaussian process (also called Brownian sheet) with E[Γ(x, y)] = 0 and E[Γ(x, y)Γ(x, y)] = min(x, x) min(y, y) (see [3]).

Remark 2.1. By [11], p. 5, without any loss of generality, there are inde- pendent identically distributed random variables{Yi, 1≤i <∞}uniform on [0,1] such that Xi =Q(Yi), with Q(y) = inf{x:F(x)≥y}, i.e., the quantile function ofF. Then we can consider

(4) An(t) =


V(Yi)1{Yi≤t}i, 0≤t≤1,


in place ofAn(t), since we have (5) An(t) =


H(Q(Yi))1{Q(Yi)≤t}i =



where V(t) = H(Q(t)). By (D) we can assume without any loss of genera- lity that



Remark 2.2. By Remark 2.1, the times change G(t), t R, must be replaced byJ(t) =t



In this section our main aim is to give the upper bound of the strong approximation for the process An(a(n)t) and to establish the same kind of results for some associated processes. We now state our results.

Proposition1. Under the same conditions as in Theorem 1withp≥6 in condition (F), and for a sequence of real numbers a(n) such that a(n) = O(logn2γn), γ∈(0,1/4), we have

lim sup

n→∞ sup



2na(n) log2n− Γ(J(a(n)t), n) 2na(n) log2n

= 0, a.s., where J(t) =t

0 V2(s)ds, 0≤t≤1.

The next result concerns the case where H(x) = 1 for all x, and with µ= 1 in condition (C). Denote by

A1n(t) = n


εi1{Ui≤t}, 0< t≤1, the corresponding process.

Proposition 2. Under conditions (A), (B), (C,with µ = 1) and (F), we can define a Kiefer process {K(t, y), 0 ≤t 1, 0≤y ≤ ∞} and a two- parameter Wiener process {Γ(t, y), 0 t 1, 0 y ≤ ∞} such that for a sequence of real numbers a(n) satisfying a(n) = O(logn2γn), γ (0,1/4), we have, with probability one,

lim sup

n→∞ sup





a(n) Γ(a(n)t, n)+K(a(n)t, n) a(n)

= 0.


Recall that the Kiefer process {K(s, t), 0 s≤1, t 0} is a continu- ous two-parameter centered Gaussian process indexed by [0,1]×R+ whose covariance function E[K(s1, t1)K(s2, t2)] = (min(s1, s2) s1s2) min(t1, t2), 0≤s1, s2 1, t1, t20 (see, e.g., [3]).

As immediate consequence of Proposition 2 is the following result about the modified empirical process defined as

αn,c(t) =

n A1n(t) n −t


Corollary 1. Under conditions (A), (B), (C, with µ= 1) and (F), we can define a sequence of Wiener processes{Wn(t), 0≤t≤1} and a sequence of Brownian bridges {Bn(t), 0 t 1} such that for a sequence of real numbers a(n) such thata(n) =O(logn2γn), γ(0,1/4), we have

lim sup

n→∞ sup



2 log2n


a(n) −σWn(a(n)t, n)−Bn(a(n)t) a(n)

= 0, a.s.


The proof of Proposition 1 will be based on the lemmas below (see the proof of Lemma 4 in [14]).

Lemma 1. Under the conditions in Proposition 1, for any integer k≥1 and fortk=a(nk)t, 0≤t≤1, we have

k→∞lim sup



2nka(nk) lognk Γ(J(tk), nk) 2nka(nk) log2nk

= 0, a.s.


This lemma is a direct consequence of Theorem 1.

Lemma2. Under the conditions in Proposition1, for any integerk≥1, tk =a(nk)t, 0≤t≤1, and nk=λk, withλ >1, we have

(7) lim sup

k→∞ max




i=1 V (Ynk+i) 1{Ynk+i≤tk}εnk+i

2nka(nk) log2nk (λ−1)1/2, a.s.

Proof. Let us introduce the process T(t, i, j) =




Then, for 0 = n0 < n1 < n2· · ·, the processes {T(t, nk, nk−1), 0 t 1} are independent (see [11]). Next, T(t, nk,0) = Ank(t) = k

i=1T(t, ni, ni−1).

Remark thatAn(t) =Ank(t) +T(t, n, nk) for nk< n≤nk+1. Consider

T(tk, n, nk) =



V(Ynk+i)1{Ynk+i≤tk}εnk+i, fornk< n≤nk+1. Note that

E[T(t, n, nk)] = 0,

Var(T(t, n, nk)) = (n−nk)J(t),

E[|T(t, n, nk)|p] = (n−nk)E[i|p]t


Then by using the Fuck and Nagaev inequality (see [15], p. 78), for positive constantsCp and Cp depending on pwe have

P(T(tk, nk+1, nk)> x)≤Cp(n−nk)E[i|p] tk

0 Vp(s)dsx−p+ + exp

−Cpx2((n−nk)J(tk))1 .



T(tk, nk+1, nk)

2nka(nk) log2nk >(1 +ε) λ−1



0 Vp(s)ds (1 +ε)p1)p/2(2nk(a(nk) log2nk)p/2+ + exp

(1 +ε)2(λ−1)Cpnka(nk) log2nk



and note that for nk = λk withλ > 1, the order of the right hand side is O(1), β >1.

The same result holds when we replace T(tk, nk+1, nk) in (8) by

nk<n≤nsup k

T(tk, n, nk) (cf. p. 79 of [15]). By the Borel-Cantelli lemma, (7) now follows.

Lemma 3. Under the conditions in Proposition 1, for any integer k≥1 and for a Brownian sheet Γ(J(tk), n) defined as in Theorem 1 we have (9) lim sup

k→∞ max



|Γ(J(tk), n)Γ(J(tk), nk)|

2nka(nk) log2nk (λ−1)1/2, a.s.


Proof. By (2.1) of [11] and (1.11) of [3], fornk< n≤nk+1we can define Sn−nk(J(tk)) =



Wi+nk(J(tk)), t∈[0,1],

where theWm(t) are independent standard Brownian motions such that Γ(J(tk), n)Γ(J(tk), nk) =Sn−nk(J(tk)).

Formk+1 =nk+1−nk we have

P max


0sup≤t≤1|Γ(J(tk), n)Γ(J(tk), nk)|> x

≤P sup


Smk+1(J(tk))> x

. Replacingx by (2(1 +ε)(λ−1)nka(nk) log2nk)1/2, we obtain

P sup


Smk+1(J(tk)) > x

2P sup

0≤t≤1|W(J(tk)|>(2(1 +ε)(λ−1)nka(nk) log2nk/mk+1)1/2

, which for all large enoughkis less than


W(1)>(2(1 +ε/2) log2nk)1/2

<exp{−(1 +ε/2) log2nk}.

The preceding inequalities can be obtained as in the proof of Claim 2, p. 499 in [14]. The last inequality and the Borel-Cantelli lemma complete the proof of (9).

Proof of Proposition 1. Put

k= max


0sup≤t≤1T(tk, n, nk), and

k= max

nk<n≤nk+1 sup

0≤t≤1Γ(J(tk), n)Γ(J(tk), nk).

Chooseε >0 and 1< λ <∞such thatλ−1< ε. For any integers k≥1 and nk< n≤nk+1 we have



2na(n) log2n− Γ(J(a(n)t), n) 2na(n) log2n




2nka(nk) log2nk Γ(J(a(nk)t), nk) 2nka(nk) log2nk



+ max

nk<n≤nk+1 sup


k 2na(n) log2n

+ max

nk<n≤nk+1 sup



2nka(nk) log2nk . The result, stated follows from Lemmas 1, 2 and 3.

Proof of Proposition2. Remark that the existence of the two-parameter centered Gaussian process {K(s, t), 0 ≤s 1, t 0} (respectively, {Γ(s, t), 0 s 1, t 0}) is obtained by using Theorem 4.4.3 of [3] (respectively, Theorem 1, above). Moreover, see [13], p. 28, we have

A1n(t)−nt= n i=1

εi1{Ui≤t}−nt= (10)

= n i=1


n(t), 0≤t≤1. By (10), it is sufficient to evaluate



2na(n) log2nA1n(t)−K(t, n)Γ(t, n)


2na(n) log2n sup


n(t)−K(t, n)+ + sup




i1)1{Ui≤t}Γ(t, n)

= I + II.

The term I on the right hand side converges to 0, at ono

n(1−ν)/(2−ε) rate for all ε > 0 small enough. This rate is obtained by using Theorem 4.4.3 of [3], which gives the existence of a Kiefer process such that


n(t)−K(t, n)=O


, a.s.

The term II is a special case of Proposition 1 withJ(t) =t, i.e., V 1.

So, Proposition 2 follows from the asymptotic behaviours of I and II.

Proof of Corollary 1. By Proposition 2 we have to estimate 1

2 log2n


a(n)−σΓ(a(n)t, n)

na(n) −K(a(n)t, n) na(n)


It it not difficult to see that it is sufficient to use the following results:

(a) K(a(n)t,n)

na(n) = Bn(a(n)t)

a(n)) , where Bn is a sequence of Brownian bridges (see p. 80 of [3]).

(b) Γ(a(n)t,n)

na(n) = Wn(a(n)t)

a(n) , where Wn is a sequence of Brownian motions (see p. 58 of [3]).


Corollary 1 now follows by using (a) and (b), and the same arguments as in the proof of Proposition 2.


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Received 6 March 2006 Universit´e de Technologie de Compi`egne Laboratoire de Math´ematiques Appliqu´ees (L.M.A.C.)

BP 529, 60205 Compi`egne Cedex, France sergio.alvarez@utc.fr


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